#between the new pokémon games & making holiday cookies
mx-bird · 2 years
5 songs I'm currently listening to on repeat
tagged by @viiperfang
in no particular order :
1. up by ganja white night & boogie t
2. loser by neoni
3. insane by black gryph0n & baasik
4. godhunter by aviators
5. magnum bullets by night runner & dan avidan
i'm tagging... whoever wants to do this !!
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PostwickShipping and/or SoulSilverShipping for the ask meme pls
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
PostwickShipping (will just note here that in this verse, Victor becomes the Champion while Gloria becomes a researcher under Sonia alongside Hop)
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Endgame
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Once they both started working for Sonia after the events of the SwSh plot, they began developing feelings (though there might have been some even beforehand). They start dating about a year and a half later, both in their mid-teens.
How was their first kiss? - A bit awkward, but very sweet and earnest.
Who proposed? - Hop
Who are {Hop's} groom's party? - Leon, Sonia & Bede (who claims he only did this because Victor asked him but really he and Hop have become friends by the wedding even if neither will admit it)
Who are {Gloria's} bride's party? - Victor, Marnie & Bianca (who she'd become close friends with during an study-abroad she did in Unova under Prof. Juniper)
Who did the most planning? - They did their best to split the load evenly!
Who stressed the most? - Hop
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Rose, though it was a given at that point
Who is on top? - It's a tossup, but Gloria a little more often
Who is the one to instigate things? - It's pretty mutual
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Maybe a little shorter than average, but they usually have a longer foreplay
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Mutual satisfaction is the main goal, but if they can they will
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - 4, a son named Neil, then three daughters named Caelia, Tania & Annie
How many children will they adopt? - 0
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Hop
Who is the stricter parent? - Gloria
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Both. It's usually Neil who's doing something ill-advised and they've both had to deal with the aftermath before so prevention is key.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Hop
Who is the more loved parent? - They're equally loved!
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - They usually go together, but Gloria's more likely to forget or end up accidentally scheduling an important meeting at the same time.
Who cried the most at graduation? - They both were in FLOODS.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Gloria
Who does the most cooking? - Gloria
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Both will eat most things, so they mainly have to deal with the kids (especially Tania) being picky eaters.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Gloria, she's the queen of getting the best deals, finding everything she needs in record time, and knowing all the best quality ingredients.
How often do they bake desserts? - Pretty frequently! Hop especially likes to bake with the kids. There's usually home-baked cookies or brownies in the kitchen at any given time.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat eaters! They both love hearty comfort food.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Hop, since Gloria usually monopolizes the kitchen. He'd like to show off that he can cook, too.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Hop
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Gloria, while trying out something complicated she saw on the Food Network or experimenting with some new fancy cooking appliance.
Who cleans the room? - Hop. Gloria handles almost all the cooking, so Hop does most of the cleaning.
Who is really against chores? - Gloria is not the biggest fan of cleaning.
Who cleans up after the pokémon? - Both look after their own pokémon, but Hop is usually the one who looks after the lab pokémon (while Gloria focuses more on field work.)
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Gloria
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Both of them, unless it's just family visiting.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Hop
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Gloria
Who takes the dog legendary wolves out for a walk? - Both of them like to visit Zacian and Zamazenta frequently and go on walks in the forest with them (as the wolves went back to the Slumbering Weald after the game plots). Sometimes the wolves will come visit the lab though which always causes a stir in Postwick and Wedgehurst!
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - They always decorate as much as possible! Seasonal festive garlands and wreathes, figurines in the windows and garden, the works.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Encourage each other's goals, discover new things together and always be a team, build a warm and happy family and home together.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Hop
Who plays the most pranks? - Gloria (she's teamed up with Neil and Caelia to prank other family members on more than one occasion.)
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paladin-lynx · 4 years
Prompt: “What’s so funny?” with your Human SQUIP AU
I’m sorry this took me for-freaking-ever to get to. Life has gotten in the way lately and my motivation has been low, but I’ve been thinking a lot about BMC lately so here’s the piece! I decided to go with this prompt instead of “Can you forgive me?” since I used that one for another piece. Hope you enjoy! I feel like I’m a bit out of practice at the moment with writing, heh.
Send me a character/ship/fandom and a prompt and I’ll write something!
Fandom: Be More Chill (musical)
Ships: None
Setting: Post-musical AU where the SQUIP somehow returned as a human and was redeemed/rehabilitated by Jeremy (with the help of the rest of the squad), and lives with him having had nowhere else to go. He looks pretty similar to how he looked in Jeremy’s head, and physically he looks to be around college age.
  There were a lot of characteristics that Squip still had that carried over from his supercomputer self, but the most noticeable one was his constant need for order.
Jeremy had a feeling it was because of how perfectionist the SQUIP had been, wanting to convert everyone’s emotions into neat little lines of code. That, and now that Squip had his own emotions to deal with, he desperately needed to feel in control of something as he adjusted to being a plain old human. Now that he was actually out in the real world instead of tucked away in Jeremy’s head just seeing everything through the boy’s eyes, it was no doubt everything seemed so much louder and more intimidating. And it was obvious that Squip didn’t like the fact that he could no longer just glance into the future and see the most plausible outcomes, even if he was starting to accept it as his new reality.
After all these months, Jeremy had learned that Squip would be doing one of a handful of things when he got back to the house after school: 1) sleeping, 2) hiding away in his room on his computer, or 3) cleaning. The Heere household hadn’t been this clean since Jeremy’s mother had left, and even then she had never been this much of a neat freak. Jeremy was half-convinced that one day Squip would run out of things to clean and he’d end up on a ladder just scrubbing the ceiling or something ridiculous like that. Jeremy had on many occasions wanted to joke to Squip about how absurd such an action would be, but he was worried Squip would do that thing where he would chuckle and then suddenly stop, get a thoughtful look in his eyes, rub his chin, and then wonder aloud if that was perhaps a good idea. Jeremy’s father had a habit of doing it, and Jeremy knew that he’d inherited it from him, and unfortunately it seemed Squip had fallen victim to the trend, as well.
Squip often got into a ‘zone’ when he was cleaning. Jeremy knew that it had a calming effect for him, and in a way he understood. It was something that allowed Squip to not have to acknowledge anything else happening around him and even the physical aspect of forcing the dirt off of something could act as stress relief. Jeremy likened it to how he and Michael used video games to escape reality for a little while, and when something was on their minds, maybe sometimes they pressed the buttons on their controllers a bit harder than usual or jerked this way and that more sporadically as they moved their characters across the screen. Actually, as of late, Jeremy also had that experience of going into the ‘zone’ when he coded. It was definitely a weird aftereffect of having had a supercomputer wedged into his brain, since he had never in his life even touched any coding language – except for maybe when he and Michael played around with the HTML on their Tumblr blog themes, but even then it had just been messing around and they’d joked that they had absolutely no idea what they were doing. But on a whim a little while after the SQUIPcident, Jeremy had installed an IDE and just messed around and somehow just knew what to do. He wasn’t an expert by any means, but he definitely knew more than anyone who’d never touched a programming textbook or even a simple tutorial online had any right to know.
Much like how Jeremy sometimes had to nudge Squip’s shoulder and tell him that hours had passed since he’d started cleaning, Squip often had to poke his head into Jeremy’s room and tell him that he’d been hunched over his computer – “even if I’m not shocking you anymore, I’d still recommend fixing your posture” – for God only knew how long.
When one was in the ‘zone’, though, it was easy to not really be aware of what people were saying to you. Jeremy and Michael found it hilarious that for someone who had once had the entire Internet at his figurative fingertips, Squip could be adorably oblivious sometimes. He fell for jokes, got confused at metaphors that he took literally, and oftentimes references flew right over his head until he took a moment. But when he was in the ‘zone’, it took even longer for him to realize he hadn’t caught on to something.
Michael, of course, was oft the one to take advantage of this and would nearly piss himself laughing as a result.
It was spring break, so Michael was over at Jeremy’s house more than normal. It was also the week of Passover, so the Heeres were doing their best to keep kosher for the holiday. Michael every year always incredulously asked how anyone could go a full seven days without bread, and every year Jeremy always just snickered at him. Squip had also been doing his best to uphold the restrictions for the holiday, but considering he was picky enough as it was when it came to food, Jeremy and his father were giving him a pass if he decided to ‘cheat’ – which Jeremy usually ended up doing a couple of times during the week each year anyway. But Jeremy wouldn’t forget how excited Squip had been to participate in the seders.
But because of the holiday and the rules about food, Mr. Heere had rearranged where they had everything in the kitchen, including Squip’s precious cleaning supplies. In hindsight, he and Jeremy probably should’ve realized that this would cause Squip to throw something of a fit, but they were so used to their routine every year that they hadn’t really thought of it.
In the midst of one of their hours-long video gaming sessions, Jeremy and Michael finally emerged from Jeremy’s room to pad downstairs and grab a snack. As much as Michael liked to tease Jeremy about not being able to eat a decent amount of his go-tos during Passover, Jeremy knew that Michael was a complete sucker for his father’s homemade desserts, just like on all the other holidays.
“Rich told me we should try a Nuzlocke one day,” Jeremy was saying as they made their way towards the kitchen.
Michael winced at the suggestion. “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t be able to handle the stress of it. And I damn-well know I’d cry if we lost any of our Pokémon.”
Jeremy smiled. “Then we’d just have to work extra carefully to make sure that doesn’t happen. And then we can rub it in Rich’s face.”
“You act as if he wouldn’t cry if one of his team died. Or you, for that matter!”
They snickered to themselves before halting as they got into the kitchen and saw Squip already in there, rummaging through the cabinets and muttering rapidly under his breath, switching between English and Japanese. Jeremy could only understand bits and pieces between how quickly Squip was speaking and also because he only knew so much anyway – another really weird side effect of having the SQUIP in his mind, and Jeremy had been told on multiple occasions that he himself sometimes randomly switched to Japanese when he was upset – but he definitely picked up on a few swears.
“Uh, hey, S,” Jeremy greeted carefully. He blinked when Squip didn’t even acknowledge him, closing the cabinet he was riffling through to open and scrounge through another.
Michael rolled his eyes, leaning on the kitchen island. “Yo, Squip-ster. What are you doing?”
Still no response. Michael thought for a moment. “What’s 24 times 83?”
“1,992,” Squip replied without missing a beat. That seemed to drag him back to reality and he paused, blinking, before he raised an eyebrow over his shoulder at the two boys. “Do you need something?”
“We were getting something to eat, but now we’re wondering what you’re up to,” Jeremy told him, tilting his head. “Are you okay? Are you…looking for something?”
“I can’t find my cleaners and sponges.” Squip turned away from them to continue looking through the cabinet. Jeremy had to smile a little as Squip referred to the supplies as his, considering Jeremy and Mr. Heere weren’t exactly known for keeping the house squeaky-clean. Jeremy’s room had never been cleaner than when he’d had his SQUIP, since it made him clean up the mess pretty much on day one. “I know your father moved some things around to hide all your chametz”—Jeremy couldn’t believe how natural Hebrew sounded coming from Squip when Jeremy had been learning it for years and still only sounded half-decent, but then again he supposed SQUIPs were programmed to be able to speak any language—“but I didn’t think he’d rearranged them to the point I wouldn’t be able to find anything…”
Jeremy would’ve loved to help, but truth be told, he only knew where the Passover foods were. In previous years, he’d just open a random cabinet if he needed to sneak a cookie or the like and hope he found something good. His father had some sort of system for hiding all the unkosher stuff and presumably for moving everything else to make room, but Jeremy had no idea what it was. He hardly knew where the cleaning supplies other than the dish soap were, and the dish soap was out in the open next to the sink.
Jeremy opened his mouth to apologize or maybe offer to help, but Michael suddenly tapped his arm and looked at him with a grin, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Jeremy immediately knew this wasn’t going to end well – you learned a thing or two when you knew someone for over twelve years – but he also knew just as well he was powerless to stop it from happening.
“Did you check under there?” Michael asked, biting back snickers. Jeremy rolled his eyes as he leaned on the island beside his friend and watched Squip rummage. As easy to trick as he could be, there was absolutely no way Squip would fall for that, especially not after Rich and Jake had gotten him with ‘updog’ just a few weeks earlier.
Squip peeked over at them again, brow furrowed when he didn’t see Michael gesturing to anything, and he quickly turned back to his task. “Under where?”
Jeremy’s jaw nearly dropped and his gaze snapped to Michael, who had pressed his hands over his own mouth to try and muffle his cackling. It was just a stupid and admittedly childish joke, but somehow the fact that Squip – witty, clever, intelligent Squip – hadn’t caught himself made it so much better. Jeremy quickly ducked his head to try and stifle his own giggling.
Squip, however, somehow still not realizing what had happened, just looked over at them again. Even if they weren’t laughing out loud, it was painfully obvious they were nearly choking in their attempts to keep quiet. “What’s so funny?”
They both just looked at him, grinning, Michael nearly with tears in his eyes, before realization seemed to dawn on Squip and he rolled his eyes, huffing. “Oh. Are you proud of yourselves?”
That seemed to break both boys and they burst out laughing, having to brace themselves on the island to keep themselves from falling over. Jeremy peeked over to find Squip leaning against the counter across from them, arms crossed loosely against his chest in that ‘chill’ way of his, a little smile on his face despite Jeremy and Michael laughing at his expense. Squip had always been good-humored about these kinds of things. Maybe a little embarrassed, but never upset. Just teasing in return with a promise he wouldn’t fall for it again. Seeing the people he cared about so happy seemed to be worth the slight humiliation.
It took a few minutes, but the two boys finally collected themselves, gasping for breath. Michael even had to pull off his glasses to rub his eyes and flashed Squip a smirk as he pushed them back on. “Sorry, dude,” he said, not sounding even a tiny bit sorry. “It was just too good an opportunity to pass up.”
Squip shook his head, chuckling softly. “I should’ve known better with you.” He let out a sigh, peeling himself away from the counter and putting one hand on his hip. “Well, if you’re feeling so sorry, you two can help me search.”
Jeremy sighed in turn, glancing at Michael. “I guess we owe him that, at least.”
Michael whined, lolling his head back. “Do we?”
“You do,” Squip insisted, waving them over. “Come on, enough with the drama. I’m not asking you to solve world hunger.”
Michael groaned once more but ultimately gave in as Squip cooed at them again in that ever-persuasive way of his. Even as a human, Squip had retained his ability to be rather convincing. It didn’t take more than a few minutes between the three of them to locate the cabinet that Mr. Heere had stuffed the cleaning supplies into, hiding behind a few boxes of forbidden candies that Jeremy had to keep himself from digging into.
“There, done and done!” Michael declared, wiping his hands clean of nonexistent dirt. “Come on, Jere, let’s grab something to eat and get back to our gaming sesh.”
Jeremy nodded, but before he could go anywhere, Squip draped his arms around the boys’ shoulders, pulling them over. He smirked at them. “Not so fast, sluggers,” he nearly purred. “I think you still owe me, so now you can help me clean.”
“What?!” Michael protested. “S, come on!”
“There’s probably nothing left to clean anyway,” Jeremy added. “If you clean the house any more than you already have, you’re gonna end up scrubbing away the paint or whatever.”
“Then there won’t be much you have to do before I let you run back to your games.” Squip gave them a little squeeze before releasing them. He handed Michael a sponge and Jeremy a bottle of spray. “Come on, then. Consider it a life lesson, courtesy of me.”
Jeremy scoffed. “How generous.”
Squip smiled, grabbing a rag for himself. “It’ll do you good. And it’ll be nice to spend time with me instead of in front of a TV screen, won’t it?”
(Author’s Note: I got the idea for the stupid “under where” joke from this comic)
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Lusamun, do you have any advice for someone who really wants to write something, but can't get the motivation or courage to write it? You're a really good writer, so I was wondering if you had advice.
{Ahhh! I don’t think I’m that good but thank you very much :D 
Okay, so this one took me a while, because I really wanted to make sure I responded properly. Behind a Read More because of length}
{Go ahead and skip to the last two paragraphs for the answer to your question, unless you want a huge story about my life in fandoms and other random shit. Which you probably don’t. 
So as you may or may not know, I haven’t been an active member of the Pokémon fandom for that long. I’ve always been a fan of the series, having played my first game at about 6 or 7. I just haven’t ever been involved in the fandom, per say. I may have read a couple of fics, but I never really got involved.
Now let’s talk about writing. Creative writing is fun, but it’s really, really hard. I wrote a lot of random stuff a few years ago - Just during Study Hall I would write little books (when I probably should have been doing homework so I wasn’t quite as screwed some nights), but I could never find the motivation to continue them. I had no idea where things were going, the characters and settings were unrealistic (Even by the standards of fantasy and sci-fi novels), and after a few chapters I just started to hate the setting, story, and characters I had created - This is unrelated, but I also wrote things that were very heteronormative and centered on relationships... Which was a super bad idea, because when I started to realize I mayyyybbeeee wasn’t interested in girls I grew to hate my protagonists even more. They seemed to taunt me, and at the time I was still very confused, so that didn’t help at all.
Then, I found fanfiction. Fanfiction is something I previously had a very skewed image of - Only what I’d heard people say about it: It was all shippy and all porn, it was all terribly written with awful grammar and stories that realistically make no sense (Why would a mom leave a fourteen-year-old at home alone for  a month!), by twelve to fourteen-year-old girls, stuff like “Naruto and One Direction are all married and all adopted me now they kiss and touch each others’ butts every night and then touch MY butts!!!” (If you get that reference because you’ve seen the parody video “Welcome to Fanfiction (And Wattpad!!)” good for you. It’s a brilliant satire. Have a cookie.)
But I was so, so wrong. I just kind of, I don’t know, stumbled into fanfiction. At first I just read shippy fluff (And sometimes smut to be honest) because I thought it was all that was available. This isn’t related, but through this fanficiton is kind of how I realized that a certain type of paring happened to appeal to me a little more - I always knew I was fine with that, and would ship it if the ship was good, but I didn’t ever consider, you know, empathizing with it in a weird sort of way. Without fanficiton I’d probably still be very confused.
Sorry. I’m rambling. Point is, I found stuff that wasn’t just that! I actually found a Yogscast fanficiton with good plot to it. MindfulWrath’s “The Rise and Fall.” (She is on Archive of Our Own for those interested! If you say Lusamine sent you she will probably be very confused XD) I CRIED. Literally! Over someone else’s take on fictional characters! Anyways, I tried my own hand at writing Yogscast fanfiction.
What I did wasn’t very well written, but it got better over time. I knew what I wanted, though. I knew how it would end, and I knew the story along the way (Except for a tinnny gap at the beginning), and I had an idol to encourage me. I thought it would work great! Annnnd.... I lost motivation. I tried to come back, but the gaps between chapters became larger, and larger, and larger.
Eventually, it all stopped. I tried another one, which also kind of copied MindfulWrath. But I didn’t really care. I just wanted to write. I had foreseen such cool scenes, but I could just never get trough the exposition, never could actually write them, and that sucked. My second Yogscast fic turned out pretty much the same. So I stopped writing.
Fast-forward to the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon. I knew a few things instantly: I HAD A MASSIVE CRUSH ON GLADION. I also knew that it was one of my favorite Pokémon games of all time. I loved the characters, the darker, more personal story, the dynamic between Gladion, Lillie, and Lusamine, the complexity of Lusamine, Guzma, Gladion, and Lillie, the music, Lillie’s desire to be braver and be just like her trainer friend, which I related to a lot. The music was also phenomenal. Oh, and shirtless Kukui/Masked Royale. That was pretty nice, too.
So somehow I just found these RP blogs for Guzma and Plumeria. Don’t really remember. They led me to one of Gladion, which I of course followed. I did that on my personal account, I think. I also fell in love with branch-chief--faba’s blog. I knew I wanted to make one, to interact and write stories with others, and to understand a character in a new way.
Lusamine. I knew instantly, it had to be Lusamine. She was abusive, she was regretful, she was determined, ambitious, and obsessive; she was possessive, she was brutal, she was tender, she was awful, she was redeemed by the end, and oh my goodness, just such a deep villain. Her facial expressions in-game (Especially that manic smile one) made me certain that she was the character I wanted to RP. Definitely.
At first, things were a little shaky. I didn’t have that many people who wanted to RP with me, and since I didn’t get many Asks due to my low follower count, I didn’t really have anything to do.
But, the numbers climbed steadily, if slowly, and then I went on vacation for the holidays. While there, I started a thread with branch-chief--faba for the first time (Who was super nice and didn’t get bothered by the fact that I had literally no idea what I was doing!!), and posted a couple of Ask memes.
Within a week, I went from like 40 followers? Or maybe 30-50? TO 100. It just happened so quickly, it was crazy. People were being nice, and following, and encouraging me to keep going. I loved it. So I started actually writing things for the blog - Things that were actually pretty long, many, many paragraphs. It was a lot of work, but I didn’t feel exhausted at all - Because people always said nice things when I did! It replenished my energy easily! It became a privilege when someone sent an Ask that allowed me to write something long.
I’ve never thought about stopping the writings I do for this blog.
So what’s the moral of the story here? What does this have to do with your question, you ask?
Well, here’s the thing: Writing is really, really tough. And if you write things that no one sees or compliments - It’s hard to keep going. Really hard, in fact. But here on this blog, it’s easy for me. What I’m trying to say is... Umm...
Don’t do what I did. Don’t just get confused and angry when the words stop coming out for a particular thing you’re writing. No, the story isn’t bad, you’re not a bad writer, it’s just not happening anymore. And if it happens again someday, that’s great, but sometimes it doesn’t. That’s okay too. People grow. Writers grow and , just like all people, and sometimes you realize you don’t want to write that something anymore. Ideas are fluid, and sometimes things change - Your opinions may change, your thought process may grow and you won’t be able to write things anymore, but it’s okay. Don’t force it. And, I can’t stress this enough, get your writing out there. Because if it weren’t for people complementing me, I wouldn’t be writing for this blog. That’s why I do. You’ve all been so amazing and supportive, and if you hadn’t, I would have stopped doing this a long time ago. Don’t worry about getting motivated - Just think about all of the coolest things you plan to write, and then start. Let people see it, put it up online, take constructive criticism. And if at some point you lose motivation? That’s okay! It’s okay! You’re not an awful writer, it might just be time to reconsider things, or take a break, or maybe give up on the story - which isn’t a bad thing at all.
Try your best and you’ll accomplish it!!!    
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