#beverage industry
pdpumps · 8 months
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danortizdigital · 1 year
Ozempic Queen or Buccal Fat Removal? Regardless of how you identify, Liquid Death is clearly playing into the beauty trends of the moment by focusing their latest campaign on plastic recycling, or rather, Plastic Surgery Recycling in a new spot starring Whitney Cummings. Most recycling facilities send our plastic to landfills or oceans because it’s not actually profitable to recycle. So what should we do with all of this plastic trash? Introducing the Liquid Death Recycled Plastic Surgery Center. A revolutionary new approach to useless plastic garbage.
Learn more at: http://liquiddeath.com/plasticsurgery
(copy via Brand)
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foodresearchlab · 1 year
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Food Research Lab help you with an innovative beverage product (new to the world) which is entirely unique and different to pre-existing products. Example new technologies include genetically modified foods, extrusion, 3D printing, new ingredients etc.
The food industry is witnessing a new form of consumption. Keeping that in mind, we can formulate the products in the form of ready-to-drink, ready-to-mix, and ready-to-serve beverage products. We use ingredients that offer an added value to the development and improve its indulgence and sustainability in terms of its functional ingredients, plant-based food dyes, and natural preservatives with a clean label.
Reach us: https://www.foodresearchlab.com/what-we-do/new-product-development-service/beverage-formulation/
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Great case study on the challenge of mission-driven branding...
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Beverage Photography: Where Every Drink Tells a Story
Step into the world of Beverage Photography 🍸. Each photo in our gallery tells a unique story, capturing the soul of every beverage. As your beverage photographer, I promise images that not only showcase your drinks but also evoke emotions!
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nmsc-market-pulse · 28 days
Unveiling the Health Benefits of Hard Cider: Debunking Myths and Embracing Nutritional Value in the Cider Market
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Hard cider, once relegated to the realm of indulgence, is now gaining recognition for its potential health benefits and nutritional value. As consumers become more health-conscious, there is growing interest in understanding the positive attributes of hard cider beyond its refreshing taste.
In this article, we'll delve into the health benefits of hard cider, dispel common myths surrounding its consumption, and shed light on its nutritional value.
According to Next Move Strategy Consulting, the global Cider Market is predicted to reach is predicted to reach USD 8.79 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 5.2% from 2024 to 2030.
Download FREE Sample: https://www.nextmsc.com/cider-market/request-sample
Debunking Myths: Before delving into the health benefits of hard cider, let's address some common myths and misconceptions:
Myth: Hard cider is high in sugar and calories, making it unhealthy. Reality: While some hard ciders may contain added sugars and higher calorie content, many craft and artisanal ciders are made from pure apple juice with minimal additives. These ciders often have lower sugar and calorie levels compared to other alcoholic beverages like beer or wine. Additionally, the fermentation process converts much of the natural sugars in apples into alcohol, resulting in a beverage with a lower glycemic index.
Inquire before buying: https://www.nextmsc.com/cider-market/inquire-before-buying
2. Myth: Hard cider is not as nutritious as fresh fruit or juice. Reality: Hard cider retains many of the nutrients found in apples, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Apples are rich in vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber, which contribute to overall health and well-being. While the fermentation process may reduce the vitamin C content slightly, the antioxidants and phytonutrients present in apples are still preserved in hard cider.
3. Myth: Hard cider is not suitable for individuals following a gluten-free or vegan diet. Reality: Hard cider is naturally gluten-free and vegan, making it an excellent alternative for individuals with gluten intolerance or dietary restrictions. Unlike beer, which is made from grains like barley or wheat, hard cider is made from fermented apple juice, making it inherently free from gluten and animal products.
Geographical Analysis
Asia-Pacific is expected to show a steady rise in the cider market during the forecast period, as there is an upsurge in demand for apple-flavored wine due to the rising awareness of the nutritional benefits of cider beverages among consumers.
For instance, in February 2023, the Lao Brewing Company launched two new premium beverages Somersby cider and Kronenbourg beer in Laos. The launch of these two new beverages is a significant move for the Lao Brewing Company, as it reflects the growing demand for premium beverages in the country.
Also, the increase in disposable income of consumers coupled with the rising number of bars, pubs, and restaurants that serve cider beverages fuels the growth of the cider market in this region.
Health Benefits of Hard Cider:
Now that we've dispelled some myths surrounding hard cider, let's explore its potential health benefits:
Antioxidant Properties: Hard cider contains polyphenols and flavonoids, potent antioxidants found in apples and other fruits. These antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, and lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Heart Health: Moderate consumption of hard cider has been associated with improved heart health due to its beneficial effects on cholesterol levels and blood pressure. The polyphenols in apples may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and improve blood vessel function, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Gut Health: The natural probiotics present in hard cider, derived from the fermentation process, can promote a healthy gut microbiome. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support digestion, improve nutrient absorption, and strengthen the immune system. Consuming hard cider in moderation may help maintain a balanced gut microbiota and alleviate digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and constipation.
Bone Health: Hard cider contains trace amounts of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which are essential for bone health and density. While hard cider should not be considered a primary source of these nutrients, moderate consumption may contribute to overall bone health when combined with a balanced diet rich in calcium-rich foods.
Stress Reduction: Enjoying a glass of hard cider in moderation can have relaxing effects on the body and mind, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. The act of savoring a well-crafted cider can be a sensory experience that helps alleviate tension and unwind after a long day.
Competitive Landscape
Various prominent players operate in the cider market including Original Sin Cider, Boston Beer Company, Heineken UK Ltd., Bryant’s Dry Cider LLC, CUB Premium Beverages (Asahi), Aston Manor, C&C Group PLC., Carlsberg Breweries A/S, Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (AB InBev), and Westons Cider among others.
These market players are adopting various product launches and partnership strategies across various regions to maintain their dominance in the cider market.
For instance, in February 2022, Heineken UK launched a new low-calorie cider called Strongbow Ultra Dark Fruit. The cider has a fruity flavor and is available in a sleek can. It is aimed at younger drinkers who are looking for a refreshing and flavorful drink.
Hard cider offers more than just a refreshing beverage option—it also provides potential health benefits and nutritional value when consumed in moderation. By dispelling myths and embracing the natural goodness of apples, we can appreciate hard cider as a flavorful and wholesome addition to a balanced lifestyle. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with a meal, hard cider can be a delightful indulgence that nourishes the body and delights the senses.
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celebblogspot · 1 month
The Craft Behind Captivating Beverage Advertising
Beverage advertising is a testament to the delicate craft of marrying product appeal with emotional narrative. It's an arena where brands don't just compete on flavor but on the richness of the stories they can tell. This type of advertising digs into the core of human experience, tapping into our universal desires for belonging, celebration, and indulgence.
Visual storytelling is paramount in beverage advertising. The imagery used transcends simple product photography, instead conjuring scenes that pull the viewer into a vivid experience. The right image can transport us, making us feel the breeze of a beach or the buzz of a bustling city night, all while holding the advertised beverage.
Authenticity plays a crucial role in connecting with audiences. Today's consumers seek genuine experiences and can quickly discern when a brand's message feels contrived. Beverage advertising succeeds when it aligns its narrative with real human emotions and experiences, making the brand relatable and its products a natural extension of our lives.
Sustainability and social responsibility have also become integral narratives within beverage advertising. Consumers today are more conscious of their choices and the impact they have on the environment. Brands that highlight eco-friendly practices or contribute to social causes are not just selling a drink; they're offering a chance to be part of something bigger, cementing their place in the hearts of their audience.
In conclusion, beverage advertising transcends the mere act of selling a product. It is an intricate dance of narratives, emotions, and experiences, inviting consumers to not just taste but to feel, share, and create memories. In this dynamic field, the most successful brands are those that understand their audience deeply, crafting messages that not only capture attention but also engage the heart and soul.
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Knowing About Sports Drinks Before Consuming Them
Sports drinks can help you a great deal in keeping yourself hydrated when working out. sports drink was introduced in 1965. Gatorade was developed and tested it on a football team. Since then, sports drinks have become a commonality among athletes all over the world.  What Exactly are Sports Drinks? They are a beverage which can replenish some nutrients lost during exercise. They do not contain…
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meadowslark · 8 months
Um, 27% of Gen Z say they never imbibe? Just as the micro distilling industry is finding its footing? Dang.
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mirrorreview · 8 months
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Have you ever wondered what makes your favorite snacks so irresistible? We’ll peel back the wrapper and explore the world of snack brands, those delectable titans of the American snack business, a market valued at an astonishing $110.3 billion. In this flavorful journey, we’ll uncover their intriguing market strategies, noteworthy products, and net sales figures. From crispy chips to sweet confections, snack brands have an enticing story to tell, and we’re about to savor every last bite of it.
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pfionline · 1 year
Sudan conflict threatens supply of gum arabic
About 70 percent of the world’s supply of gum arabic comes from the Sahel region
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Sudan’s eruption into conflict has left international consumer goods makers racing to shore up supplies of gum arabic, one of the country’s most sought-after products and a key ingredient in everything from fizzy drinks to candy and cosmetics.
About 70 percent of the world’s supply of gum arabic, for which there are few substitutes, comes from the Sahel region’s acacia trees that run through Africa’s third-largest country, which is being torn apart by fighting between the army and a paramilitary forces. READ MORE...
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danortizdigital · 1 year
Coors Banquet celebrates legacy by helping entrepreneurs start their own
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-In celebration of its 150th anniversary, Coors Banquet is launching a global campaign featuring new ads, packaging, merchandise, and retail tools, according to a company blog post.
- The “Start Your Legacy” campaign is supported by a new ad featuring “Yellowstone” star Cole Hauser and will culminate with a party in the beer’s hometown of Golden, Colorado, this fall.
- Additionally, the brand will help foster future legacies by giving away $150,000 and free beer to budding entrepreneurs.
Full story via Marketing Dive: https://bit.ly/3WcrAfi
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gwmac · 1 year
From Europe to Asia: Unraveling the Global Tastes and Perceptions of High Fructose Corn Syrup
Welcome to a fascinating exploration of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other sweeteners, as we navigate through diverse culinary landscapes across the globe. Delving into the rich food traditions of Europe, the vibrant flavors of Asia, and the colorful culinary tapestry of Latin America and the Caribbean, we’ll examine the preferences, perceptions, and cultural nuances surrounding the use of…
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What Are the Significant Steps in Beverage Product Development? 
Growth is an essential part of any beverage product development strategy. While it’s necessary to expand into new sales channels and scale your operations, you must also develop your product lines to achieve sustainable growth. That being said, a multitude of factors can actually influence the decision to expand all your product offerings. Timing, customer demand, competitive landscape, and manufacturing costs are some things to consider when you’re thinking about developing new products. However, with the right processes, food and beverage product development is a highly impactful way to scale your business. 
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Navigating the Beverage Product Development Cycle:
Numerous elements should be considered when choosing it’s the ideal chance to grow your business through beverage advancement. Here are a few suggestions for effectively exploring the beverage advancement cycle in beverage development companies. 
The best spot to begin the new beverage improvement measure is by mining client needs. Before you invest energy, examining the moment subtleties of a beverage, have a strong comprehension of your clients’ main thing. There’s no compelling reason to invest energy and cash on other catches or zippers if clients are delighted with the first plan. When you have a suitable bearing that depends on interest, recognize whether there are suitable market openings for your beverage product development company. You can do this by following industry drifts and surveying the serious scene for comparative drinks that now exist. 
·Research and development 
When you choose to push ahead with your thought for another beverage, it’s an ideal opportunity to consider the co-ordinations that go into making it. 
·Sourcing Material and Choosing Vendors: 
It’s enticing to base choices concerning materials and merchants on cost, yet you get what you pay. Even though you need to think about serious estimating and your ROI, ensure you altogether survey your alternatives before settling on a choice exclusively dependent on cost. Tradeshows and industry suggestions are incredible spots to begin your exploration. 
·Degree of profitability (ROI) Analysis: 
When you consider your profitability rate in beverage product development, ensure you’re considering estimating comprehensively, including overhead expenses. Consider everything from transportation to representative wages to the payment of distribution centre stockpiling and even showcasing the beverage. When you have essentials to investigate what the drink will cost you to make, store and convey, would you be able to get a precise image of your ROI? 
Before you put resources into assembling, bundling and showcasing hundreds or thousands of things, think about testing a few cycles on an example of your intended interest group. 
·Positioning your beverage 
When pondering situating your beverage, it’s critical to know your client. Do they care more about brand or cost? On the off chance that it’s more imperative to you to build up a brand than sell a massive load of beverages rapidly, you’ll need to begin by making fewer things and put all the more intensely in your promoting methodology. Likewise, consider where you need to sell your beverage and how it finds a way into the commercial centre. Where do your clients shop? If the appropriate response is a channel or store that is different to you, research what goes into selling there and ensure it bodes well for your business. 
·Pricing strategies 
While evaluating contenders’ estimating is a great spot to begin, there is much more to the financial matters behind picking the best cost for your beverage. You can generally emphasize estimating, evaluate a couple of systems and choose what turns out best for your drinks and business. 
Packaging can be a beneficial estimating procedure when you’re dispatching another beverage. Make an extraordinary arrangement wherein you pair your new beverage with a smash hit. It acquaints clients with your new beverage while giving them the health of something they know and love. 
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rickkonkoskia · 1 year
Rick Konkoskia - Opportunities To Grow His Business and Investments
Rick Konkoskia is a man of faith who values his family and his fitness. He has been in the food and beverage industry for over 35 years and is skilled in operations, improving profit and loss statements, making operations more efficient, improving marketing, improving employee support and morale, and using these skills to grow overall business and his overall investment portfolio.
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