#craft cider
beeradventurer · 1 year
Dry Cider | Austin Eastciders | Beer Review
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nmsc-market-pulse · 29 days
Unveiling the Health Benefits of Hard Cider: Debunking Myths and Embracing Nutritional Value in the Cider Market
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Hard cider, once relegated to the realm of indulgence, is now gaining recognition for its potential health benefits and nutritional value. As consumers become more health-conscious, there is growing interest in understanding the positive attributes of hard cider beyond its refreshing taste.
In this article, we'll delve into the health benefits of hard cider, dispel common myths surrounding its consumption, and shed light on its nutritional value.
According to Next Move Strategy Consulting, the global Cider Market is predicted to reach is predicted to reach USD 8.79 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 5.2% from 2024 to 2030.
Download FREE Sample: https://www.nextmsc.com/cider-market/request-sample
Debunking Myths: Before delving into the health benefits of hard cider, let's address some common myths and misconceptions:
Myth: Hard cider is high in sugar and calories, making it unhealthy. Reality: While some hard ciders may contain added sugars and higher calorie content, many craft and artisanal ciders are made from pure apple juice with minimal additives. These ciders often have lower sugar and calorie levels compared to other alcoholic beverages like beer or wine. Additionally, the fermentation process converts much of the natural sugars in apples into alcohol, resulting in a beverage with a lower glycemic index.
Inquire before buying: https://www.nextmsc.com/cider-market/inquire-before-buying
2. Myth: Hard cider is not as nutritious as fresh fruit or juice. Reality: Hard cider retains many of the nutrients found in apples, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Apples are rich in vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber, which contribute to overall health and well-being. While the fermentation process may reduce the vitamin C content slightly, the antioxidants and phytonutrients present in apples are still preserved in hard cider.
3. Myth: Hard cider is not suitable for individuals following a gluten-free or vegan diet. Reality: Hard cider is naturally gluten-free and vegan, making it an excellent alternative for individuals with gluten intolerance or dietary restrictions. Unlike beer, which is made from grains like barley or wheat, hard cider is made from fermented apple juice, making it inherently free from gluten and animal products.
Geographical Analysis
Asia-Pacific is expected to show a steady rise in the cider market during the forecast period, as there is an upsurge in demand for apple-flavored wine due to the rising awareness of the nutritional benefits of cider beverages among consumers.
For instance, in February 2023, the Lao Brewing Company launched two new premium beverages Somersby cider and Kronenbourg beer in Laos. The launch of these two new beverages is a significant move for the Lao Brewing Company, as it reflects the growing demand for premium beverages in the country.
Also, the increase in disposable income of consumers coupled with the rising number of bars, pubs, and restaurants that serve cider beverages fuels the growth of the cider market in this region.
Health Benefits of Hard Cider:
Now that we've dispelled some myths surrounding hard cider, let's explore its potential health benefits:
Antioxidant Properties: Hard cider contains polyphenols and flavonoids, potent antioxidants found in apples and other fruits. These antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, and lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Heart Health: Moderate consumption of hard cider has been associated with improved heart health due to its beneficial effects on cholesterol levels and blood pressure. The polyphenols in apples may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and improve blood vessel function, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Gut Health: The natural probiotics present in hard cider, derived from the fermentation process, can promote a healthy gut microbiome. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support digestion, improve nutrient absorption, and strengthen the immune system. Consuming hard cider in moderation may help maintain a balanced gut microbiota and alleviate digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and constipation.
Bone Health: Hard cider contains trace amounts of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which are essential for bone health and density. While hard cider should not be considered a primary source of these nutrients, moderate consumption may contribute to overall bone health when combined with a balanced diet rich in calcium-rich foods.
Stress Reduction: Enjoying a glass of hard cider in moderation can have relaxing effects on the body and mind, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. The act of savoring a well-crafted cider can be a sensory experience that helps alleviate tension and unwind after a long day.
Competitive Landscape
Various prominent players operate in the cider market including Original Sin Cider, Boston Beer Company, Heineken UK Ltd., Bryant’s Dry Cider LLC, CUB Premium Beverages (Asahi), Aston Manor, C&C Group PLC., Carlsberg Breweries A/S, Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (AB InBev), and Westons Cider among others.
These market players are adopting various product launches and partnership strategies across various regions to maintain their dominance in the cider market.
For instance, in February 2022, Heineken UK launched a new low-calorie cider called Strongbow Ultra Dark Fruit. The cider has a fruity flavor and is available in a sleek can. It is aimed at younger drinkers who are looking for a refreshing and flavorful drink.
Hard cider offers more than just a refreshing beverage option—it also provides potential health benefits and nutritional value when consumed in moderation. By dispelling myths and embracing the natural goodness of apples, we can appreciate hard cider as a flavorful and wholesome addition to a balanced lifestyle. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with a meal, hard cider can be a delightful indulgence that nourishes the body and delights the senses.
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magicmalcolm · 4 months
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Started the day with a Coffee Drink, ended the afternoon with a Cider Drink.
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universalinfo · 6 months
The Dance of Flavors in Craft Cider
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The crisp crunch of an apple, the effervescent burst of bubbles, and the rich history that flows with every pour – all these make up the essence of a tantalizing beverage that many have come to adore. Welcome to our enchanting cider garden, a place where the fusion of nature, tradition, and innovation brings you the delightful world of craft cider, one delectable sip at a time.
From Orchard to Glass: The Roots of Craft Cider
Deep within our enchanting cider garden, the orchard stands tall and proud. This is where our story begins. Picture this: vast stretches of apple trees, laden with gleaming fruit in shades of red, green, and golden yellow. As the seasons change, so do the apples, each bringing a unique flavor to our craft cider We pride ourselves on choosing the finest of these fruits. 
Handpicked and sorted with care, they’re the foundation of our drink. But it’s not just the apples; it’s the soil enriched with nutrients, the sunlight that dapples through the leaves, and the gentle rains that nurture them. Our orchard is more than a grove; it’s a living testament to the craft cider legacy.
The Secrets Behind Fermentation
After harvesting, the apples embark on their next phase of transformation. Fermentation is where the true essence of craft cider comes alive. Crushed to release their juices, the apples then meet the yeasts. These tiny agents, both wild and introduced, set off a series of reactions turning sugars into alcohol. But our methods don’t rush this delicate process. 
With time as our ally, we allow the flavors to blend and mature gracefully. The result? A craft cider that balances tradition with a modern touch, offering a taste that’s both timeless and contemporary.
Pairing Delights: Food and Craft Cider
To truly appreciate craft cider, one must delve into the world of culinary pairings. Picture this: a sunlit afternoon in our garden, a chilled glass of cider in hand, accompanied by plates of delightful dishes. Whether it’s a rich and savory meat platter or a light and crisp salad, our craft cider complements them perfectly, creating a dance of flavors on the palate. 
Our chefs and cider experts collaborate to craft menus that elevate both the food and the drink. It’s not just about quenching thirst, but about creating an entire sensory experience, where every bite and sip harmonizes in perfect unison.
The Community: Sharing the Love of Craft Cider
Our cider garden, while home to the enthralling beverage, is also a hub for enthusiasts and novices alike. It’s not just about the drink, but the stories that flow with it. We’ve seen friendships blossom and families reunite, all over shared glasses of craft cider. Our events, ranging from cider tastings to informative sessions, have become a beacon for those looking to deepen their appreciation or simply enjoy a day out. Each gathering is a celebration – of the drink, of the people, and of the shared moments that become cherished memories.
Eco-Friendly Practices: Commitment to Mother Earth
In today’s rapidly changing world, responsibility towards the environment is paramount. Our cider garden stands as a testament to that commitment. Every craft cider you enjoy is a product of practices that prioritize the earth. From conserving water in the orchard to using renewable energy sources in the production process, every step is taken with Mother Earth in mind. 
We’ve also adopted organic farming techniques, ensuring that the apples you taste are as nature intended – pure, unadulterated, and free from harmful chemicals. With each sip, you’re not only savoring craft cider but also supporting a vision for a sustainable future with Champlain Orchards.
Conclusion: The Enchanting Experience Awaits
As twilight blankets our garden, and stars begin to peek through the evening sky, one can’t help but reflect on the wonder that is our cider garden. A place where apples transform, where stories intertwine, and where every individual, from the farmer to the consumer, plays a pivotal role in the craft cider tapestry. 
As you depart, bottle in hand, know that you’re taking a piece of our heart with you – a heart that beats passionately for craft cider, tradition, and the simple joys of life. So here’s to the moments yet to come, to the tales yet to be told, and to the many returns we hope you’ll make to our enchanting corner of the world.
Learn More: 
Versatility of Cider Syrup
Classic Aged Cider
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goodlifevancouver · 10 months
Farmhouse Fest Ales and Cider
Celebrate Farmhouse Ales and Cider at Farmhouse Fest August 12 marks the 7th annual Farmhouse Fest! A celebration of Saison, Sour, Lambic, Wild Ale, & Cider, find 50+ breweries and cider makers pouring a wide variety of funky wonders all at the beautiful setting of UBC Farm. Check out FarmhouseFest.com for full event information including Breweries, Cider, Satellite Events, Natural Wine Fair, and…
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cricketpress · 2 years
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This is the first new can design in a NEW cider series for our pals at West Sixth Brewing!
West Sixth House Cider -- a dry hard apple cider in 6-pack cans and on draft!
This project has been in the makings for a few years -- from in-market research, to testing Cider styles on our 3bbl system in Louisville, to listening to our customers requesting and hoping for a cider to come out of the tanks here at West Sixth -- it's now ready to hit your fridge at home!
Look for our softer-colored, stain-glass inspired can on shelves across the state throughout the next couple weeks!
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
INSANE tonight girlies and idk WHY
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imakeallthethings · 3 months
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It is quickly getting colder, so today was a inside day including hot chocolate, spinning and dealing with the plum wine and apple cider I have been putting off for a few weeks now.
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It turns out adding blackberries to cider that has mostly finished fermentation has much more of an explosive effect than I anticipated
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shoku-and-awe · 2 years
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My quest to try every drink in America while maxing out at 1.5 beers a night.
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summer-fire · 8 months
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beeradventurer · 8 months
Imperial Gold | Austin Eastciders | Beer Review
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sanguinifex · 1 year
Is it a thing to make something like beer except instead of boiling grain you boil dried fruit? I feel like that must be a thing and the resulting beverage has a name that can deal psychic damage
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tahdashi · 2 years
had a fun night w my besties i love them so much we had yummy food and played games AND we’re going to the farmers market tomorrow!!!!!
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universalinfo · 1 year
A look at the success of apple-based products at the Good Food Awards
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As the old saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but what if we told you that apples could also bring home the bacon? Well, that’s precisely what happened at the Good Food Awards, where Apple-based products dominated the competition. 
From crisp hard cider to savory apple butter, these products showcase the best that this beloved fruit has to offer. Let’s take a closer look at how Apple-based products shone at the Good Food Awards.
What are the Good Food Awards?
The Good Food Awards are, for many people, the ultimate celebration of deliciousness. This yearly event brings together food and drink producers from all over the country. These amazing makers create products that are not only delicious but also sustainable and socially responsible.
But, how do they choose the winners? Well, the Good Food Awards judges take their jobs seriously. They taste their way through hundreds of entries to find the products that stand out from the rest. While doing that, they look for items that are not only delicious but also meet strict environmental and social standards.
And the best part? The Good Food Awards winners get to wear a fancy badge that says “Winner” on their products. That lets you know you’re about to indulge in something truly amazing. 
However, the Good Food Awards aren’t just about recognizing the best of the best: they’re also about inspiring change in the food industry. By highlighting sustainable and socially responsible products, the Awards encourage producers to think about the impact their products have on the environment and their communities.
Apple-based products that have succeeded at the Good Food Awards
Ready to explore the apple-based products that have been crowned champions at the Good Food Awards? These delicious treats are sure to make your taste buds do a happy dance, and with so many varieties to choose from, there’s something for everyone. Let’s take a look at them, shall we?
1. Hard Cider
The Good Food Awards have been recognizing exceptional hard cider products since 2014. And every year, the competition gets tougher as more and more cider makers step up their game. Some of the top hard cider products that have won these awards over the years include:
Tieton Cider Works Sparkling Perry (2014)
Finnriver Farm & Cidery Black Currant (2015)
Cider Creek Hard Cider Farmhouse Cider (2016)
EZ Orchards Hawk Haus Cider (2017)
Far West Cider Proper Dry (2018)
Slyboro Cider House Old Sin (2019)
Embark Craft Ciderworks The Pippin (2020)
WildCraft Cider Works Raspberry Empress (2021)
But enough about past winners. If you want to find some hard cider nearby, there are plenty of award-winning options out there. Just do a quick search for “hard cider near me” and you’re bound to find some delicious choices.
2. Apple Butter
Have you tried apple butter? This delicious spread is like finding buried treasure in your pantry. The Good Food Awards have crowned several apple butter champions over the years, including Rigoni di Asiago’s 2016 Nocciolata Bianca Organic Hazelnut & Cocoa Spread, which features organic apples from Italy and a touch of hazelnut and cocoa. For a sweet and decadent treat, you can spread it on toast, muffins, or even pancakes.
3. Apple Sauce
Do you remember the days of enjoying apple sauce cups as a kid? Well, now you can enjoy apple sauce like a grown-up with the Good Food Awards’ top picks. Those include Big Spoon Roasters’ 2019 Uncommon Apple Spread, which features North Carolina-grown apples, toasted pecans, and spices. This spreadable sauce is perfect for adding to oatmeal, yogurt, or even grilled meats for a sweet and savory twist.
4. Apple Vinegar
Have you been seduced before by the tangy, delicious flavor of apple vinegar? This versatile ingredient is the secret weapon in many a salad dressing or marinade. Well, the Good Food Awards have recognized several apple vinegar makers over the years. Some of them include Katz Farm’s 2018 Sparkling Apple Cider Vinegar, which is made from organic Gravenstein apples and has a crisp, refreshing flavor. 
5. Apple Pie
Nothing says comfort food like a warm apple pie, and the Good Food Awards have recognized some of the best apple pies around. In 2016, the award went to Blackbird Bakery for their classic apple pie, made with Washington-grown Granny Smith apples and a buttery crust. Is your mouth watering yet?
6. Apple Chips
If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to potato chips, apple chips are the way to go. These crispy and crunchy snacks are the perfect thing to munch on anytime. 
Over the years, the Good Food Awards have awarded several apple chip makers. One of the winners is Bare Snacks’ 2017 Cinnamon Apple Chips, which are made from real apples and sprinkled with cinnamon. They’re so good, you’ll be tempted to hoard them all for yourself.
7. Apple Brandy
Last but not least, we have apple brandy, the boozy delight that’s perfect for sipping by the fire on a chilly night. One brandy crowned at the Good Food Awards recently is Clear Creek Distillery’s 2019 Apple Brandy, made from estate-grown Hood River Valley apples and aged for 8 years in French oak barrels. With its smooth, complex flavor and notes of vanilla and spice, this apple brandy is sure to warm you up from the inside out.
It’s clear that apple-based products are more than just a healthy food option: they’re a force to be reckoned with in the food world. From savory sauces to sweet confections, apples offer a wide range of flavor profiles that can be used in various dishes. 
As you could see, the success of these products at the Good Food Awards is a testament to the hard work and creativity of the producers who continue to push the envelope and create new and exciting apple-based products. So the next time you’re searching for “hard cider near me” on Google or looking for a unique condiment to spice up your meal, consider reaching for an apple-based product. You never know what delicious surprises await. Content source: https://www.champlainorchards.com/sb/success-apple-based-products-at-good-food-awards/
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pritchardautobody · 1 month
Brewers Direct Inc – The Wine Specialist |Winemaking |Beer Making | Distillation | Distillers Winnipeg, Manitoba
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summerfoxcrafts · 3 months
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🍁 Spent Saturday at the Highland County Maple Festival! 🍁
I absolutely adore being up in the mountains, and even though it was rainy, the family and I had an absolute blast! For two weekends every year, Highland County in Virginia transforms into a maple wonderland, and let me tell you, it's something special! Events are centered in Monterey, with the main street bustling with vendor tents. Oh, and let me tell you about the pastries at one of the tents near the entrance to town – they are out of this world!
And if you're craving a break from the outdoors, Big Fish Cider Co. is just around the corner, offering some of the most delicious local ciders. I'm a sucker for sweets, so I indulged in their blackberry cider – it was divine! I couldn't resist bringing a bottle home with me.
Just a short stroll away is the Highland County Public School, where we found something to eat (we opted for BBQ sandwiches and homemade cupcakes for lunch!) and a bustling craft fair – my kind of place! From candles to soaps, jewelry to knitted items, and even paintings, there was something for everyone. And of course, I couldn't leave without snagging some of that beautiful hand-dyed yarn!
To cap off our day, we made our way to one of the sugar camps to stock up on maple-infused treats – maple-dipped peanuts, maple walnuts, maple donuts, maple BBQ, maple kettle corn, and, of course, some good old-fashioned pure maple syrup! It was so much fun seeing the maple taps on the trees along the way!
If you're in the area and looking for something to do next weekend, I highly recommend checking out the Highland County Maple Festival – there's one weekend left, and it's an experience you won't want to miss!
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