valkyriesryde · 4 years
Guardian Angel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Athena!Reader
Summary: PART TWO OF CALM She won’t commit to him. He doesn’t understand why. But he doesn’t know who she is.
Word Count: 2,130
Warnings: maybe some angst, maybe some fluff, some hinting towards NSFW content but its not explicit. And swearing
A/N: this is a part two but I think it can be read by itself maybe. Its also @mybesttobobcratchit Bex’s 500 Writing challenge! Thank you so much for letting me take part hun! love you <3
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Midgard. That’s what Thor always called it. In the years since the blip and moving forward Thor had come back to earth a handful of times. He’d met Bucky, reconnected with his old friends, those that were still around at least. 
On one of his more recent visits, when Bucky found Thor alone in the common room of their offices he couldn’t help but think of her. Thor was a god and so was she. Thor had power and nobility just like she did. She was still as much a mystery to Bucky has she had ever been and he thought, perhaps Thor had some answers.
“Humans believe in many kinds of gods, do you think it’s possible they’re all out there like you were?” Bucky picks his words carefully, he and Thor don’t exactly know each other well and he doesn’t want to give her away just yet.
“Of course it’s possible, myths always start as facts. Why do you ask? Have you met one? Who is it?” Thor fires questions at Bucky and a smirk spreads over him when Bucky falters at them. “You HAVE!” Thor’s voice booms with laughter as Bucky tries to hush him and looks over his shoulder.
“Maybe! Just be quiet. They can’t know!” His heart beats quickly as he looks towards the door but there’s no sound of someone coming and Bucky can relax. He wonders if she knows he’s told someone about her? If maybe speaking her name would bring her here. 
“But why not? This is fantastic? Who are they? Have I met them?” Thor whispers into the air and the words settle around Bucky for a minute. 
“I don’t know.” He doesn’t know. He has his theories, he’s got the clues. But he doesn’t want to make any assumptions. “She’s like a guardian angel, my guardian angel.” He feels almost breathless talking about her. He’s confused though, he doesn’t know, he’s not 100% sure of anything. She’s cryptic when she talks to him, refuses to tell him anything about herself that digs any deeper than what’s on the surface. 
“She? Do you have her name?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell,” Thor shrugs his shoulders, he sips his coffee and peers over the mug at Bucky. Bucky who slumps in his seat and is lost in his thoughts until his phone rings and he’s out the door.
She comes and goes. Like the sun, she passes by and without realizing how long it’s been the sun sets and she has to leave again. She tried explaining it once, “if I’m here for too long people get suspicious James,” she said when he asked her to stay a little longer. “I’ve duties elsewhere you know that. I’ll always come back.” come back those were the words that hurt him. She had come back so far but what if she didn’t? 
The sun was setting again. Bucky watched her tidy her small apartment, the one she kept for whenever she was here. Five months this time he’d had her. It was the longest he’d had her in the same world as him, the longest she had stayed in New York. 
“Do you know when you’ll be coming back?” he picked at the thread of his jumper not wanting to look at the way her face dropped at his comment.
“When the time is right,” she muttered into the room, her focus on the cups she was putting away instead of the frowning man on her couch.
“And when will that be?” 
“James…” she moved to sit next to him, she hated these moments; the goodbye. When he asked her to stay with him for a bit longer and she had to fight herself and tell him no, she couldn’t. 
“How hard is it to give even an estimate? You never tell me, I don’t know if you just don’t know when you’ll be back or if you don’t want to tell me but either way it’s incredibly hard on me just waiting for you to return?” Bucky was angry. Everything came bubbling over at once, he couldn’t stop himself from feeling frustrated and annoyed with her. He thought they were happy, he thought he was enough but why does she keep leaving him. 
“I always come back,” her voice was calm and that just fueled his anger. She shouldn’t be calm at a moment like this, she should be feeling some sort of emotion, at least give him something!
“But I want you to stay! You never do. There’s so much you don’t do. So much you don’t tell me. Do you even care about me? You tell me you favor me, that you love me but do you really?” That angered her. Finally, that was the thing that pushed her over the edge. How dare he question her love for him. 
“Are you really going to look me in the eye and tell me you think I don’t love you?” She stood from her seat and looked down at him with grey eyes that made him feel as though he was in the eye of the storm but Bucky’s emotions got the better of him. 
“You won’t even kiss me. What am I supposed to think?” Bucky’s voice was quiet, he was hurt, every time he would go to kiss her she turned away. She wouldn’t tell him why just that the time wasn’t right. There was never enough time, never the right time. 
“Love isn’t just shown through physical affections, James.” Her voice low as anger fueled it. 
“Sometimes I feel like I barely know anything about you! You just talk about me and everything else but yourself. I want to know who you are!”  
“Who I am?” She held her hands in fists by her side, her jaw tightened. 
“Yes.” He hit back. She straightens her posture in front of him and Bucky sits up.
“I was born when my father developed an unbearable headache. His skull was split open and out I came ready for battle. I had no childhood. I’m always on the winning side of the war. They named a city after me you know? A whole city.” She shakes her head and lets out a small laugh. The simple jeans and t-shirt she wore morphed and a toga, white as snow, formed over her. A familiar golden shield appeared in her hand. The face of a woman with snakes for hair, he knew that story, was on its front, she held a spear in her other as she stood over him. “Gods get forgotten, the new gods are merely the old with different names. That doesn’t change our history. I’m not remembered, I’m no longer worshipped but that does not change who I am. I don’t kiss you because I took an oath. If I kiss you I don’t know if I’d be able to stop myself. It’s bad enough that I favor you and I spend my time in the mortal realm but if I broke that oath? I would be disowned, I would be punished worse than you can ever imagine.”
Bucky stood from the couch and her shield and spear disappeared from her side. He wasn’t quite sure what he was feeling. In awe, enamored, slightly terrified, a little honored. 
“You want to know who I am? I am wisdom. I am the helper of heroes, Odysseus and his son, Heracles, Perseus, Jason...you. I am the protector of the city, Pallas, grey eyes. Minerva. Athena.”
“Y/N.” Her breath caught in her throat when he spoke her name. The only one she’d chosen for herself. Bucky reached up and traced his fingers over her jaw, her chest heaved as he held her in his hands as if she were made of glass. 
“I love you.” He brushed away her tears, she hadn’t even realized she was crying until she felt his fingers brush across her cheeks, “you have to know that.” Bucky nods his head, he feels the salt from his own tears when he licks his lips. Her fingers grip his shirt as he presses his forehead to hers and he lets out a shaky breath.
“I love you,” Bucky breathed out and his lips brushed against hers.
“Bucky-“ his lips pressed against hers and her knees went weak, his arms circling her waist and holding her close.
It was hesitant, gentle and filled with love. But when her fingers tangled in the ends of his hair and he pulled her flush against him it changed. Hesitant turned to confident, gentle turned to rough and the love evolved into passion. Hands pulled and gripped at clothes until they were piles on the floor. Hair was pulled, moans and whimpers filled the room and moved through the hall, they pressed against the wall, were tangled in the sheets, deep sighs and murmurs of love and adoration only reserved for one another floated around them. Somewhere in the distance lightning cracked and thunder boomed, rain poured outside but it only added to the ambiance of it all.
“You can’t love him.” They stood at the mouth of the cave, her bag slung over her shoulder as he leaned against the stone.
“That’s a bit hypocritical of you to say isn’t it?” She narrowed her eyes at the god of thunder. How did he know, how did he always know when she was up to no good.
“If anything my warning should be the one you do listen to. Nothing but pain can come from loving a mortal.” They were good friends, had been for a long time. It’s what happens when you're around for so long, your lives tend to cross every now and then. 
“He’s not just a mortal though. He doesn’t age like them, he doesn’t heal like them. He’s not just a mortal.” She kept telling her it was okay. Everything would be okay. He wasn’t a normal mortal. He loved her. She loved him.
“He’s not immortal either, he’s not like either of us.” Thor always ruined her fun. She can love him for now though can’t she? Does she not deserve this, she’d lived a thousand lives, she deserved to choose one for herself.
“Thor I thought you would understand,” Y/N rolled her eyes at her old friend, she mirrored his stance and crossed her arms as if to challenge him.
“I do. That’s the problem grey eyes, I understand too well. I do not want you to get hurt.” Thor looked at her with sympathy, he knew the hurt, he carried it with him. The pain that came with rejection. Thor loved midgardians but he knew how dangerous they were when it came to their feelings. He didn’t wish heartbreak to anyone, especially someone he cared about.
“You’re not my father,” her father, god of the sky, king of the gods. She wasn’t afraid of him, not as afraid as she should be as she prepares to go home.
“You are lucky it’s me and not him you’re talking to.”
“By now he already knows, if anything being here with you is just me procrastinating the inevitable.” She shrugged her shoulders at Thor who couldn’t help but roll his eyes in return.
“You can’t run away from this, you took an oath.”
“And what does that oath say about love? I’ve kept that oath for thousands of years. I’m sick of it.”
“And what if it’s not love, what if this blows up in your face?” Thor’s warnings came from his own experience and his own fears. He’d been left behind, he’d lost his family and all of those that were closest to him. She was an enigma, she didn’t see the risk of it all, the risk that came with loving someone who could be taken from you so easily.
“I’ve never wanted to break it before him, Thor. If that isn’t love...if wanting to go against what I’ve promised and what I’ve been told to believe because of him isn’t love...then I do not care for it.”
“He loves you.” It’s a fact that Thor states without even thinking about it. He saw the look in Bucky’s eyes when they talked to each other earlier in the week. He saw the way his body completely changed, his posture straightened, his shoulders relaxed, his eyes lit up. Bucky was in love. 
“He sees me, Thor, he always saw me. He was never supposed to see me but he always did...does.” She smiles softly and looks deep into the cave, Thor can see it clear as day, so was she. 
Permanent Taglist (open): @witch-of-letters @tonystankschild @morsmordrethings @buckysdumbmetalarm @marvelsangels @momobaby227 @weirdlyokaywithit @disgustangg @bucky-blogs @sebbbystaaan @geeksareunique @stuckonjbbarnes @ellieslifefails @mushyjellybeans @lovesmesomehiddles @nat-alia-novna
Bucky Taglist (open): @bxrnsfeyson​ @brilliantbellesoares @supraveng @chubby-dumplin @meganlikesfandoms @mood-pancakes
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ladybugsfanfics · 4 years
Kissing Santa | Bucky Barnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader | One Shot
WC: 829
Warnings: alludes to sex otherwise none, really this is just very cute, or yk if you don’t wanna imagine Bucky in only santa pants and suspenders...
Summary: writen for @mybesttobobcratchit​‘s 500 followers writing challenge (congratulations!). Prompt was: “That’s the nice thing about telling the truth; you don’t have nearly as much to keep track of.”
A/N: It’s christmas, i don’t know where this came from. Honestly, but i like it and I hope you enjoy ^_^ MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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You lean against the doorway as the red-suited man pulls the last gift from his bag. A smile colors your face, and you look around you to check that none of your kids had woken up to try and get a glimpse of Santa. After all, you had told them he would come sometime tonight, you wouldn’t hold it past at least the five-year old, to check to see if he was real. 
Seeing that the coast is clear, you take the few steps leading to the man. He’s turning around as you stop behind him. When he sees you, you press your lips together, because who would’ve thought you’d ever find Santa hot. 
“Ho, ho, ho,” he says, a little mockingly. You roll your eyes. “Shouldn’t you be in bed as the rest of the family?”
You shrug. “Just waiting for my husband to join me.” 
“That’s why you forgot the milk and cookies?” He raises a brow and cocks his head slightly to the side. 
“No, forgot those on purpose.” You tug at the fake beard covering the lower half of Bucky’s face. “Now, what do you say to joining me in the bedroom?” 
He blinks a little, but smirks. “Really now?”
You pull the beard fully down, showing of his five o’clock shadow, and lean up to press your lips against his. Barely brushing over his lips, you whisper against them, “really.”
Only, Bucky doesn’t get to reply before a little figure comes into your peripheral vision. It runs at a fast speed before it crashes into your leg and wraps its arms around it. “No, mommy, don’t do it!” 
Both you and Bucky look down at your son. His face is contorted into an anxious expression, big blue eyes taking after his father looking up at you. A hint of sadness and betrayal colors them. 
“Oh, sweetie,” you say and crouch down to his level. “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt your daddy, okay?”
He nods, but the look still rests on his face.
“But you’re a big boy, right?” you ask him, and he nods again. “So, you’re old enough to get in on a secret?” 
Your son nods frantically, expression changed to something more akin to excited. “I wanna hear the secret. Is it some special club?”
You can’t help, but smile at that. Yet, you shake your head. “No, it’s not. The secret is that Santa doesn’t exist.”
He only frowns at that. Nose scrunched up and eyes regarding you with skepticism. 
“See up on his face.” You point up at Bucky. “Does it look like Santa?”
“No, it looks like daddy!” And the boy’s eyes grow wide as a smile covers his face and he turns to hug his dad. “Are you one of Santa’s helpers?”
Bucky shakes his head. “No, as your mom said, Santa doesn’t exist. But if you’re extra nice, you might still get presents from him, or someone saying they’re him.”
“But this is a secret,” you say, as serious as you can, “so you can’t tell your brother and sister, alright?”
He nods, pulls two fingers across his lips as if sealing them shut, and then puts his hand on his heart and says, “I swear on the life of my mommy and daddy.”
It does squeeze at your heart how adorable he is. 
“Okay, now, back to bed.” 
Despite your son’s usually annoyed behaviour at going to bed, he does so now without complaining. And after you’ve tucked him in and turned off the light in his room, you go back to your own.
And in there you find a stripped Santa. You have to bite your lip to keep from making a sound.
Tangled in the sheets (something he has to have done on purpose), lies Bucky. Shirtless, with only santa pants and suspenders. As he hears your steps, he looks up. A smile on his face and a gaze that beckons you over. You comply without making a sound, lightly stumbling your way onto the bed.
“Why’d you tell him Santa isn’t real?” Bucky asks as he drags you close to him.. 
“What’s the point in lying to your kids?” you counter. 
Bucky rolls his eyes. “Keeping up the magic of Christmas? It’s not like you’ve said the Easter Bunny isn’t real.”
You pat his chest and trace a finger down one of the suspenders. “That’s the nice thing about telling the truth; you don’t have nearly as much to keep track of.” Your hand stops by the lining of his pants. 
“You’re unbelievable,” he breathes.
“And you’re very much believable.” You look up at him innocently, though a smirk colors your lips. “You’re keeping these pants on, right? Suspenders, too.” 
Bucky chuckles and lets his lips brush against yours. “You really are something, huh?” And when you nod, he captures your lips in his  and you let your hands slips further down his pants.  
Christmas just got a whole lot more exciting.
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permanent tags:  @devilbat​ @adefectivedetective​ @gamillian​ @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic​ @heartislubbingdubbing​ @wiczer​ @chillcan​ @geeksareunique​ @fandom-imagines1​
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love-pyramus · 4 years
Dating a Civilian -Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
A/N: I mention quite a lot of fandoms in this, but there are no spoilers for any of them. For the plot point, The Death Cure hasn’t come out yet, even though it came out in 2018. Also, this is for @mybesttobobcratchit​ writing challenge
Warnings: N/A
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Wanda knew it was dangerous dating a civilian. But she couldn’t help but fall for the nerdy librarian who worked nearby. She often visited the library and browsed just to see her. There were a few times she had to do some interviews on cast members from movies based off books as well. Wanda began reading books that (Y/n), the librarian, had said she loves just so she could have a common point of interest. What worried Wanda was when she had to go on missions. Her and (Y/n)’s relationship was kept off the radar, but she still worried. 
“Wanda, I have to go set up the Glade and Hogwarts!” (Y/n) says. Wanda groans. “Glade is for the Maze Runner nerds and Hogwarts is for Harry Potter right?” Wanda asks. “Yeah, and there are a bunch of nerds coming in. I have to stay and help at the Glade because they have enough help at Hogwarts. I just have to set it up.” (Y/n) says. “I have a mission today. I’m gonna be gone for about a week.” Wanda says. “Dammit, I was hoping you could come to the interview with me.” (Y/n) groaned. Wanda sighs, knowing that the upcoming interview with the Maze Runner cast was something (Y/n) had been looking forward to. “I’m sorry babe,” Wanda says. “I know, and it’s fine. Now I have to go or the nerds will be after me. Nerd wars are not fun.” (Y/n) says. The outfit (Y/n) puts on is simple, a white hoodie and brown leggings. Wanda knows the interview is all she’ll talk about when she gets back. Wanda gets out of bed and begins packing for her mission. “I’ll see you in a week,” Wanda says. “See you then,” Sopha replies before she walks to the library. 
Wanda sighs in relief as the quinjet lands. All she wants to do is get back to her apartment and girlfriend. “Maximoff! Need a ride home?” Steve asks. “If you don’t mind,” Wanda says. The two get into Steve’s car. “Any idea what (Y/n) will be doing?” Steve asks. “Probably sleeping. She’s had to deal with nerds all week. It was the week for the Maze Runner and Harry Potter. She also had to interview the three main boys from the Maze Runner. Tomorrow she has Maze Runner and Hunger Games. She’ll be exhausted.” Wanda says. Steve laughs. “Didn’t Stark get you two reservations at the Skyview restaurant for tomorrow?” Steve asks. Wanda nods. “Yeah.” Steve drops her off at her apartment building. Wanda walks up the stairs and unlocks the door. “(Y/n)?” She asks. There is no response, but the TV is humming. Wanda walks into the living room and laughs. (Y/n) was asleep, and a movie was playing. Wanda picks her up and walks to the bedroom. “Wanda?” (Y/n) asks. “I’m here princezná,” Wanda says. She puts (Y/n) into the bed and cleans herself up. “We have the Skyview tomorrow,” (Y/n) mumbles as Wanda lies down. Wanda smiles. “Gladers and Tributes tomorrow?” Wanda asks. “There was a war last time that happened.” (Y/n) says before falling asleep. Wanda smiles. She snuggles into (Y/n) and falls asleep. 
Wanda wakes up alone to a note on the pillow. ‘Had to go take care of the nerds. See you soon. XOXO -your nerd’ Wanda smiles at the note and gets ready for the day. Tony had booked the reservation months ago, and the two had been looking forward to it for quite a while. Wanda waited for (Y/n) to get home and the two got in their dresses. Wanda put on a nice red dress, and (Y/n) put on a nice blue one. It was about 5:30 when (Y/n)’s phone went off. (Y/n) looked at the notification. ‘The Gladers and Tributes started fighting. Please come and stop them, please.’ (Y/n) sighed. “Wanda, I have to go stop a nerd war!” (Y/n) yells. “Don’t get blood on your dress. We have reservations at 7.” Wanda says. “I’ll try!” 
Wanda is outside the restaurant at 6:50. (Y/n) appears stepping out of an Uber. “That was insane. I’ll tell you about it later.” (Y/n) says. Wanda smiles. She was happy she was dating this civilian.
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