#sex implied
junespriince · 22 days
Flowers floating in the dark void au
Dick, at his desk overwhelmed:
Wally, walking in: ah, found him Jay, thanks for the help.
Jason (Thanos): yeah, yeah, happy to help, just get him out of there.
Wally, smile: of course. *Shuts the door, walks over to Dick leaning on the desk* hey my love, it's spring time, ya know.
Dick, still doing paperwork, not listening: I'll get to it later, put it in the pile Jay.
Wally, sighs and grabs Dick's face: I don't like being ignored, my love.
Dick, blushing again (and he'll do it again!!): o-oh, sweetheart, I didn't know you were coming to visit, it's spring isn't it?
Wally, smiles again: yes, that's why I came down here. Now put this paperwork up and be with me instead.
Dick: I would, but I can't go on a date right now, I have to get these all sorted out and —
Wally, let's go of his face: I don't need you for a date, I need you to be my little bee and pollinate me, honey.
Dick, confused:
Dick, still confused:
Dick, got it: OH! I uh... *Throws paper work to the floor not caring and got up* of course, why didn't you lead with that.
Wally: thought I was being obvious.
Next meeting with the gods, minus Wally working hard that day
Dick, looking at the floor, very disheveled, bite marks and hickeys on show: I uh, I didn't get to finish my work.
Bruce, glaring at him, thinking some human has distracted him: I can see.
Jason, trying hard not to laugh:
Tim (Ares), looking away because he can't hide his grin:
Damian (Hermes), sighs in disappointment:
Steph (Artemis): oh we're so gonna have to meet this, wildflower, of yours.
Duke (Ouranos): damn,,, and I thought Hal (Dionysus) was bad.
Hal: rude!
Cass (psyche): well, at least you're not stressed anymore.
Kori (Aphrodite), smirking: I'll say.
Dick, blushing even harder: sh-shut up....
Iris (Demeter), glaring: so that's where he went.
Bruce, confused: you know which human did this to him?
Iris: he's not human.
Bruce: oh.
Bruce: OH! Iris, please, don't kill my son we don't have a replacement for his work, and I love my kid.
Dick, glares at Bruce: why my work at front? Why is it important, dad?
Iris, glaring at Bruce: yeah, Bruce, why ain't your love for your child not first?
Bruce, scared: I-I... I'm keeping my mouth shut.
Dick and Iris: good.
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theangel-aziraphale · 10 days
Hard and fast, or slow and sensual?
Oh, Lord, help me...
It depends on the day! Sometimes, one becomes another. There's no real preference!
Also, that doesn't even consider hard and sensual, nor hard and slow, nor sensual and slow, then hard and sensual, then fast and hard!
Ah. I seem to have gone on a bit there. Anyway, I have no favourites when it comes to this!
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queerforscience · 9 months
[Vid description: Oli "TheOrionSound", a young white man, talking to the camera and saying "Hope you had a good stream, hope you enjoyed watching Eloise, um, give us a big strong fisting to death."]
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charsawdeath · 2 years
Title sucks, much like anything I write so-
Blitzo hopes to get some help with his LOVE issues from a friend from his past-
Question is, will he be willing to help, or WILL he punch him?
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acarillustrated · 7 months
something that i really like about blue eye samurai, now that im thinking about it, is that it discusses violence against women without becoming torture porn. like, in a lot of media that portrays women's issues, they show you that scene. like they give you this extended visual of a woman experiencing something traumatic and then laud themselves as feminist for doing so.
blue eye samurai doesn't do that. the whole show is set in a world that is extremely antagonistic toward women, and it makes a point to tell you that being a woman right now sucks, because they are property and are used sexually. but even though it doesn't shy away from this, it doesn't show you the violence itself, which you would almost expect it to because of how graphic the rest of the show is.
im thinking specifically of kinuyo. they very well could have shown us a scene of her being abused, but they didn't. they didn't show the abuse itself, but they did show how it affected her. they showed her seeing a doctor for her sores. they could have made this incredibly traumatic and grotesque scene a spectacle, showing us exactly how powerless she is and how powerful he is. they could have shown us this incredibly triggering event in full detail for our entertainment, but they didn't. they chose not to. and i think that's how it should be.
it is not necessary to have an extended visual and auditory reenactment of violence against women. we the audience understood the gravity of the situation and were able to empathize without needing that scene. having that scene would have completely detracted from the point they are trying to make. it would have turned something completely reprehensible that women everywhere fear because it's a very real issue into entertainment.
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thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
thing is - and hear me out - if s3 does by any minute chance incorporate any suggestion of a sex scene, it is imperative for me that they commit to the bit. i need crowley to nearly topple over trying to get out of his jeans, i need aziraphale to complain that they cant do anything downstairs because that would be scandalous, and i need them to trip over going up the stairs because they keep getting distracted. i need one of them to accidentally get an elbow to the face, i need them to have a long forgotten book digging into one of their backs, and aziraphale is horrified when crowley launches it across the room, and i need there to be hard cut to whickber street having a huge power surge, lines sparking, all the power going out, and every car alarm in a 2-mile radius start screaming, i don't need it to be explicit or overly romantic but i do need it to be fucking funny
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luniise-kel · 4 months
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personal hc that minato passes out in his school uniform the moment he gets to the dorms for a nap, wakes up at like 2am to do his nightly routine
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bumbleboa · 4 months
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of all the good reasons to have an ace headcanon for him, why would you land on this
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2kiran · 25 days
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࿐.𖥔 ݁ ˖ caught by spider-man noir, the man who has mercilessly aimed for your throat for beyond a decade. it was decisively humiliating for your ego, uncomfortable ropes binding your frame. “say... i was expecting for you to put up a bigger fight.”
he comically raises both of his gloved hands, forming them into fists to throw a punch to the air as if to draw out a pained reaction from you. “this is goin’ta’ go down history. that is, if anyone tries to remember ya.” you aren’t amused. he drops his arms to his sides, awkwardly coughing into his hand to try and ease the tension.
“right. let’s work something out.” check tags for warnings.
your hands grasp spider-man noir’s thick thighs, his walls dragging up and down your wet cock. “mnngh, this, ah, this is not what i had in mind.” he barely manages to let the words out, a ragged gasp pulling the fabric of his mask backwards.
“i’m not the one who started it.” you grunt, and he squeezes around you to keep you in, the rhythmic pulse practically hypnotizing you to continue fucking his tight hole. “ya should feel lucky, you - you—” he strains, cut off by his own breathy moan, your tip grazing against his sweet spot. the grip spider-man noir had on your shoulders tightened, a futile attempt to ground himself to reality.
the years, the pining, the lingering touches, the lasting glances, all coming to crash down onto this moment that encapsulated both of your beings. the mere sensation of him and promise for release practically possessed you, repeatedly guiding him up and down to take in the entirety of your aching dick. the skin of his thighs delicate beneath your touch, jolting with every thrust. the warmth radiating from him unfamiliar - a stark contrast to the coldness of your heart - yet so fucking good.
you’ve stretched the longing unnecessarily more than you should’ve, tension burrowing into your shoulders with his secure hold. “we should’ve done this - hnghh, sooner.” he lets out a groan that’s more of a whimper, pressing his masked forehead against yours. spider-man noir takes charge, gratefully so, rolling his hips forward to rightfully chase after what he’s been so deprived of.
“you were trying to, mmf, kill me.” it was a reminder that bubbles a chuckle from his chest. you were able to faintly tell that his goggles were fogging up from how harsh he was panting, his fedora noticeably tipping towards you.
if anyone were to enter this room, they would initially think that you two had a romantic bond. “so were you.” he gasps out, abruptly constricting when a particular harsh bounce causes you to slide all the way into him. your climax hits you like a train, being ripped from you unexpectedly, his ears catching onto a low groan of yours. fuck, did that make him clench on you harder.
“fair.” you huff, your clothing unbearably sticking to your sweaty skin. trying to lift him off, he tuts. spider-man noir forces himself back down. “who said we were done, pretty boy?”
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2kiran © 2023. don’t steal. ── masterlist
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theangel-aziraphale · 10 days
weirdest turn off? And on the flip side, weirdest turn on?
Turn - turn off? Hmmm... Oh. Right. Well uh...
Heaven, or being in or around it, is rather uncomfortable. SO much so I think I could accurately describe that as my weirdest turn off.
My weirdest turn on? Probably... well. I might as well say Crowley, but specifically heresy. You know when people challenge any of the bible's lessons... well. I think that's all I'll share about that.
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strangersteddierthings · 10 months
The thing is, Steve has learned, that becoming untouchable isn't all he wants it to be.
People were too quick to try and reach out for him, ask for more than he was willing to give. He hadn't wanted to give up his first kiss to some random girl at some random boy's twelfth birthday party because of spin the bottle. He hadn't wanted to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with Jenny Jackson or Linda Simons at Tommy's birthday party the following year. He did want to take Mary Linscott to Snow Ball, but she just wanted to make out behind the bleachers instead of dance with him. He didn't want to do that but then Brian called him stupid for not wanting to, and asked if he was queer. So, Steve had turned right back around and dragged Mary back under the bleachers, kissing her until it was time to go to prove Brian wrong.
(Even though Steve knows Brian isn't wrong. That Steve had wanted to ask Brian to the dance as much as he'd wanted to ask Mary but knew better than to do that. He saw how they treated Eddie Munson last year for the suspicion of liking other boys and Steve wasn't going to let that happen to himself.)
Brian had congratulated him after and asked what base he got to. Steve didn't want to get to any bases, but he couldn't say that, so he just punched Brian in the arm and said 'more bases than you' which was true because Brian's date didn't kiss him even once.
Then Carol Perkins approached him at lunch, shortly after Snow Ball, and asked if Steve would be her first kiss. Not because she wanted to kiss Steve, but because she wanted to kiss Tommy H, but didn't want to be bad at kissing. Steve agreed because he liked Carol. Not in the way she liked Tommy, but mostly because she'd asked.
No one had done that yet.
She came over to his house on a Saturday because she didn't want Tommy to catch them and think she didn't like him. They made out in his room because, despite his parents being home, they didn't really care who was in his room with him or if the door was open or shut. Probably didn't even notice he had someone over. She leaves an hour later.
By Tuesday Tommy and Carol are an item and by Friday they were Steve's best friends.
However, for reasons Steve doesn't understand, more girls keep asking him to be their first kiss. And maybe it's because he's already got a reputation, or maybe Carol let slip he'd said yes when she asked, but Steve finds himself kissing a lot of girls he doesn't want to. He doesn't know how to say no. Can't find a reason too. Brian's words play in the back of his mind every time he thinks about saying no.
(Are you stupid? Are you queer? He doesn't want to be either of those things, and given his grade in biology and pre-algebra, he's really only got a hope of avoiding the queer label. His father would tolerate a stupid son. He doesn't think he'd survive if his father had a queer one.)
There are a few girls he's been crushing on that ask him and that was nice. One, Alice Baker, even becomes his girlfriend for a month. His first relationship.
Soon eighth grade gives way to being a freshman and Steve, who has always been handsome and cute, catches the eye of upperclassmen now.
And Steve's not sure how it happens, but he ends up moving past first base with another girl whose name he can't remember, or possibly never knew. He doesn't remember asking her for hers when she led him into one of the bedrooms at the house this party was at while he was way too tipsy.
And then it just grows. The reputation and what people expect from him, and he doesn't want it, but he's never said no before so can he start now? Doesn't he need a reason to say no? If he doesn't have a reason, does that make him queer? He should be wanting this. What boy doesn't want this?
And maybe he does want it. But not like this.
He doesn't want to be slightly drunk at yet another party, following the first girl that grabs his wrist and pulls him after her into whatever secluded area they can find. He doesn't want to keep saying yes when he wants to say no.
The summer between freshman and sophomore year he confides in Carol. It's a risk. Carol can be cruel, quick with her words to tear you down, to spread the rumor that will ruin your life. But she's also fiercely loyal.
He tells her he's tired of kissing people he doesn't want to.
Carol is quiet for a long time, and Steve almost thinks he's made a mistake. But then she speaks.
"Okay. Let's make a plan."
And they do. Then suddenly Steve is untouchable. Carol teaches him how to see the weakness in people and call it out. How to wield his facial expressions as a weapon and a shield. How to put on the air of being the most important person everywhere you go so well that everyone else begins to believe it. How to fall back on the fact his parents are rich, gone often, and, almost most importantly, well known in the community. It gives Steve's name a weight to throw around.
More importantly, all of that culminates in people no longer asking things of him. Instead, they look to him to take the lead, they wait to be asked. It makes Steve feel in charge of his life for once.
But now.
Now, years later, having survived a spring break from Hell and averted the apocalypse, Steve watches Eddie hang off Argyle with ease, fling an arm over Jonathan's shoulder while laughing at a joke, easily pull Dustin into a headlock or wrestling match.
Easy touches that Steve should be able to do, too. A jealousy wells inside him almost as much as the unease he feels in his stomach at the mere thought of letting them know they're allowed to reach out and touch him, too. That Eddie's allowed to reach out and touch.
But then he remembers what happened when he let people have that power over him and he can't bring himself to do it.
It settles in Steve, then, the realization. When you become untouchable, you're unable to touch.
@nburkhardt @i-less-than-three-you adding my own lil bit of angst into the mix now (:
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puppydoggraham · 5 months
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Unironically me about nbc Hannibal
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charsawdeath · 2 years
Fizzy is having a hard 'morning' since he and Ozzie have off, his mind idled and returning to events one would rather forget!
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jarate-pissman · 5 months
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Spy is not homophobic. He's just disgusted that the first thing he saw when he is free from the fridge is two sweaty old guys punching that tuna.
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mosslingg-sideblog · 5 months
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crown being able to speak is a game changer
the crowns are talking about narinder btw
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twistedappletree · 11 months
Lan Xichen: and what should you do when you’re feeling sad?
Lan Wangji: Wei Ying
Lan Xichen: *sprays him with a squirt bottle* NO
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