ffxivtribehydrae · 7 months
Q   :   QUESTION.would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to? - For Khu!
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If the Big Question is marriage, it is a bit of a complicated topic. Overall Khu has no issues with bringing up questions regarding his and Adelle's relationship and technically the topic of marriage wouldn't be difficult to speak about. But since they have different cultures regarding marriage, actually asking for her hand would mean very different things to them both.
While in Eorzea it simply is a bond of devotion, for Khu it would mean he asks her not only for devotion, but to have a family, to be a member of his tribe (who is not super keen on her presence in general) and potentially to settle down far from her home. All while meeting likely objection from his tribe.
Thankfully, Adelle is aware of, at least in part, of how big of a deal such arrangements are within Hydrae, so he doesn't really expect her to ask, nor intend to ask himself any time soon.
And even if it never happens, he is perfectly content with just being together, no titles attached, with just to pure feelings as proof of their bond.
- Valentine's Day Alphabet -
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elegant-etienne · 2 years
15: A song that is a cover by another artist
Music Meme!
Rose McDowall - Don't Fear the Reaper
Rose McDowall singing "Baby, I'm your man" is like 99% of Eti's gender.
Bonus McDowall / new wave goodness: Strawberry Switchblade - Jolene
Thanks for the ask, @bexyooc!
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nailsonmelaningirls · 4 years
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All clear nails 🤤
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meandering-mind · 4 years
Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
Maril is the little spoon. She likes to feel safe like that. N’idawa is sometimes the little spoon, but she’s also just as likely to be treating her target of affection as a pillow she can use anywhichway she wants.   Akhutai has never been able to be the little spoon because of his height. He also wouldn’t like it very much. Real big risk of being punched in the face for trying.
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khojin-arulaq · 4 years
Khojin is most notiorious for... Absolutely nailing that goth look!
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You know what? We’ll gladly take that~!
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hithren · 5 years
send 💩 for a ridiculous headcanon - For Ihzu'to!
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I have always had the headcanon that Ihzu’to has a nose for sweets, literally. The normally quiet, reserved and neutral-faced Keeper instantly perks at the smell/sight of candies, treats, and most especially chocolate. If you have some on your person, he’s likely to invade your personal space (with or without permission really) to find it. 
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chameleon-cryptid · 5 years
☼ - DAYSTAR - a secret they don’t want coming to light
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“I can be -very- persuasive when I want to be.”
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varae-ver-you-are · 5 years
acacia: how much does it take for your muse to hate someone?
It takes a LOT for Suna or Arae to hate someone. Their tolerance is very high! Now for Van? It takes very little. He’s already fairly bitter and angry. 
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bloodstarved · 5 years
♡ (Pick anyone towards anyone, if you like! - @umbralsound-xiv)
bexy & ash ♡
FRIENDS. childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  /  pen - pals  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE. childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muse’s side  /  unrequited from your muse’s side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND. sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to my muse  /  guardian figure  /  other .
ENEMIES. dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  / passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based off circumstance  /  based off professional matters  /  based off misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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ex-atomos · 5 years
16. Favorite movie?
I’m a sucker for Strictly Ballroom and the Princess Bride and the LOTR Extended Editions
There’s a bunch more movies I adore, such as Labyrinth, the Muppet Movie, and the Dark Crystal...
Okay, I can go on and on. xD
Thanks for the ask!
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vexredain · 5 years
😘 - Bexy, if you'd like to!
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Them as a person : “Now, I don’t know th’lass, though I’m certain I’ve seen ‘er ‘fore, but ye know, I’d like t’take a moment t’preciate ‘er taste in fashion. Nothin’ suits a Keeper more’n a nice bleedin’ jacket, an’ Navigator’s briny prow, does she look good in it.” 
Level of attractiveness : “Now, I could talk ‘bout th’jacket an’ what’s ‘eld in it all sun, but ye know, I’ve a reputation t’up’old an’ on that note, she’s well attractive. I’d say a real beauty o’ th’Shroud. An’ along with that, just like anythin’ in that green bleedin’ ‘ell, th’beauty comes with danger, an’ I ain’t blind t’th’look that she’s got, she’s confident, an’ with that comes that look  o’ bein’ absolutely ready t’fight whene’er.... Which ye know, is real good. Keepers need t’be, after all. She’d be a stunner in war paint... In fact, a lass with such a beautiful face like that’s in my memory from somewhere, but i can’t just place it...”
What annoys them most : “Can’t say there’s a thing that I could say that I find annoyin’ ‘bout ‘er, may’aps only that ye know, Keepers that still cling t’th’Shroud ain’t exactly livin’ large. I s’pose though, roots an’ all that...”
What they like the most : “’Er ‘air. It’s got a real nice flowin’ look t’it, soft, silken, an’ sleek, ye know? Stunnin’ comes t’mind, but more importantly, ‘sone o’ those things where ye can’t think o’ anythin’ nicer’n layin’ in th’sun, runnin’ yer fingers through someone’s ‘air who’s taken far better care o’ it, an’ also ain’t cursed with a lil’ bit o’ an unruly bleedin’ mop? ‘Sa wonderful thought. An’ not t’mention that th’blue ‘ighlights seemin’ly add t’th’whole... Roguish look she’s got. She’s a ‘venturer or a merc o’ some kind, that’s fer sure.”
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours: “Always find it interestin’ t’talk t’other Keepers ‘bout th’Shroud, an’ ye know, find out more ‘bout their clan an’ that sort o’ borin’ e’erysun Keeper shite... So that’d be good fer th’first few bells, an’ after that, well, I s’pose ye can’t blame a lass fer layin’ it on, aye? Charisma’s a skill ye gotta work on all th’time, ye know?”
Overall opinion : “Plenty attractive, plenty capable, an’ plenty amazin’, I’d say that she’s a lass that’s made ‘er fair share o’ lads swoon, an’ I’d also wager she looks th’type t’be modest an’ say she ain’t. Dangerous sort, that, Navigator protect th’one she gets those fangs int’.”
Rating : “Nine. An’ no, just bein’ a Keeper ain’t a, ye know, instant nine... But it certainly does ‘elp, as does th’jacket, an’ no, I weren’t lookin’... Much.”
[ Thank you for the ask! It’s greatly appreciated! ]
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ffxivtribehydrae · 6 months
M   :   MOONLIGHT.what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc? - For Zo'ogai!
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He is so lucky he gets to have his ideal date, or close to it at least, every now and then! Going down to the river to sit under the trees, alone and away from prying eyes chancing upon them. Enjoy one another's company and the peaceful life as the seasons change. Listening to his love play the flute and hearing his voice.
He really doesn't ask for much, a cuddle and a few sweet exchanges at most in addition to already mentioned. There is only one thing really that is missing completely which is him serenading his love in turn. Zo'ogai got a guqin and practices regularly, but he is too shy to ever bring it and play for an audience.
- Valentine's Day Alphabet -
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elegant-etienne · 4 years
Munday questions.
Brown - What is a headcannon you are particularly proud of?
Etienne not knowing much about their parentage was something I came up on the fly when someone asked them if they were a duskwight and I wasn’t familiar enough with the lore to realize an Ishgardian could be a duskwight. It wound up being a really important and interesting part of their character, so I’m glad I thought of that! I realized giving them an open-ended family backstory meant I could add relatives later as I thought of them, which is exactly what I’ve done.
Thank you for the ask, @bexyooc!
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cadrenebula · 5 years
Do they try and justify their actions? How?-Alex
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“What is there to justify? Someone attacks me first then I’m fight back. They get hurt or die then it’s their own damned fault. If I’m hunting someone then obviously it’s a job. I’m a mercenary. People are always going to get hurt. I ain’t going to sit there an try to justify my actions every time I have to be violent. It’s what I know and what I do.”
(Alex does avoid hurting women and especially children. Also is fairly picky anymore on what sort of assassination jobs he takes. But otherwise he doesn’t care if he has to hurt people.)
( @bexyooc )
Sin Wrath Asks
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meandering-mind · 4 years
DIRECT HIT : Which trait in others does your character value the most?
Akhutai values confidence and well-managed bravery. To him, anything that might put you in a weak light is also not something to be valued, rather in his tribal mind it’s something to be concerned about. Assemble enough weak traits in a person and that person could end up being a greater risk to the rest of the group.
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highfireiistarter · 5 years
🌈 - If you want to, no pressure!
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I know I kind of vanished there for a bit when my health got the better of me, but I have so much fun RPing with you! It started with the Lan battles and then continued with Ilan meeting Bexy in the Shroud. You’re just a joy to do stuff with because you’re such a great writer, and I am forever in awe of you for writing a character that doesn’t speak but is still so engaging and expressive. I also adore reading her after thoughts where you’re like “Tell us how you really feel, Ulan.” I always admire people who are talented enough to write characters who are mute for whatever reason.
And OOCly you’ve always been super understanding of my health and my inability to sometimes make things. You’re every bit as awesome to talk to OOC as your characters are IC, and I hope, now that I’m getting back into things, we can continue to do more stuffs!
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