#beyond judgement
johnwickcaretaker · 5 months
Mini John Carries Mini Vinnie
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Live blogging chapter ten of beyond judgement by @thewhumpcaretaker ^_^
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thewhumpcaretaker · 3 months
Beyond Judgement by the Numbers: A Post-Fanfic Statistical Analysis
Number of Times Vincent Cries: 13
Number of Times Vincent Has a Panic Attack: 20
Number of Times John Carries Vincent: 4
John's Bodycount (as in, number of people killed): 13, if we assume 5 from the car chase and 5 at the gas station
John's Bodycount (as in, number of times he fucked Vincent): 2
Vincent's Bodycount (as in, number of people killed): 13, if we assume 10 from the car chase with grenades
Fellas, we gotta get these numbers up by the end of next quarter. Especially item 5.
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marquisedegramont · 5 months
I just realized I can download ao3 fics into pdfs and share them to my books app
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im having so much fun annotating
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shaxza · 11 months
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hoarding-stories · 28 days
Tefmet: "If I help you, which I think I should, who am I helping?"
What a desperate question
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neutrallyobsessed · 11 months
Clone High as Tarot Cards
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Today: Frida Kahlo as Judgement & Death
"I wasn't able to choose which one to do and then I realized I could do both ;)"
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detectiveneve · 11 months
pondering on a meta diving into Gale's abstract brand of selflessness (willingness to go away to a corner of the world to die so that none of the faceless masses will be harmed by his mistake) vs his personal selfishness (willingness to stick by tav despite being repulsed by tiefling camp murder + general vocal approval or interest in accumulating more power) and Gale's status as someone who is good aligned but generally ineffectual at enforcing actual good (the way that wyll or karlach will actually leave the party) which is fascinating for a fairly good-aligned person. just love when the Good Guy is actually kind of fucking weird. edit: tumblr cut off my tags Okay. and how all of this ties back in an interesting way to his relationship and power imbalance with mystra. he was wronged, deeply, but he also desires still that ... status / closeness to divinity in some way, by her influence. Gale thinks that he would be a better god simply by virtue of his mortality but he cannot escape the appeal of holding himself apart from others and being more than, greater than, something closer to godliness and thus inherently removed from mortal values and standards of right and wrong, which the gods themselves don't adhere to in the same way.
#it's just one of those things that's really compelling about his character to me in terms of ...#Gale hesitates with the shadow lantern not really because he's put off by the magic#in fact if a sorcerer Tav condemns dark magic he rebukes it and argues that all magic is inherently neutral; some simply more#frowned upon than others#He appreciates good acts. he'll say We Should Do The Good Act. but he's not going to really fight FOR doing the right thing the way#others might; and when you get beyond the act itself he can very quickly rationalize#necessity. or mistake. or the value of power + strength behind it.#the dichotomy between his fearful willingness to die at Mystra's behest while not really tamping down his interest in power and survival#that peers out and I think (?) feels almost obfuscated behind his eloquence and his manners and charm and general clockability as a#guy who approves of good things.#and there are things he says & does that are further beyond the expectations of what you might expect from someone who is 'good'#the initial interest in a deal with Raphael; the approval of taking tadpoles despite the uncertainty and possible cost; the acknowledgment#that powerful forms (slayer form or ascending astarion) will be useful onward#His Fucking Speech to Tav after the grove slaughter where he's outraged and disgusted but can be swayed to stay#he's so... sunk cost fallacy too I think. at some point the ends must surely justify the means right#and his God of Ambition thing is sooo compelling because it really drives to the max the part of gale's personality that is always there#but obfuscated by his immediate insistence that he's a moral person right. you know him to be of sound judgement. trust him.#He likes seeing good happen and he's happy to go along with doing good things and he'll#state his opinion when he thinks something EVIL is happening. but he's not necessarily#going out of his way here either if tav isn't -- and to be fair game mechanics technically mean#no one is - but we can read from Wyll/Karlach removing themselves from the situation#(need to double check but can't Wyll also leave a slayer dark urge?)#that they CAN go out of their way#Wizard Apathy Baby! you feel benevolent toward others but you crave what is beyond humanity and#deeply rooted in the arcane; which you see as beyond too basic concepts of 'good' vs 'bad' magic; neutrality that sways with intent#you trust good actions but you didn't ACTUALLY use your power at the time For Others either; you probably could have but#you craved MORE. something BETTER.#and there's a lot there in how that interacts with his relationship to mystra too#his desire to achieve something closer to godliness and both thinking that he can do better because he's mortal but at the same time#has proven that he can separate himself or his technical moralities from a situation if it means exploration of power/knowledge Beyond
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stilgar · 9 months
half a year without succession and i'm still seeing takes about how gerri is reprehensible for not hugging roman when logan dies. first of all, she owes him nothing. second of all, it's so frustrating because, no matter the fandom, it always always seems to come down to this: people being fundamentally incapable of granting nuance to a female character who dares to do something that hurts their male fave's feelings.
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tinybed · 15 days
my arms and whole body are so sore :{ cuz not to TMI but my neighbor who is 78 had an accident yesterday and it was like this whole thing ya know. he went to the hospital today finally, cuz he didn’t want2 go yesterday.. he is in better condition today but still went to get checked out thank goodness… anyway i am just like rly sore and my back hurts a lot. gonna try to chill out and take care of myself too >_< i’d been very non-stop watching him and helping him since this happened cuz he called me first to help him, plus he’s like the only person i rly know after living here for 2 years. of course i care about the guy… anyway at least i can relax mentally knowing that he’s getting the help he needs now
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johnwickcaretaker · 5 months
🩵 𝓥𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽'𝓼 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 🩵
⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚ OOC Post ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚
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Here's my best attempt at the drawing Vincent made while trying to sleep during Chapter III of Beyond Judgement! The image that I added it into comes from here.
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yayayayay liveblogging again *dies* beyond judgment :3
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thewhumpcaretaker · 5 months
WIP Whenever
Thanks for the tag, @treedaddymcpuffpuff! WIP excerpt from Beyond Judgement. Vincent’s self esteem is through the floor again and John is helping him regulate 🖤
“You know, you’re the most wanted person in the world right now. More than even me. You’re special.”
Vincent shifted out of his slump on the boulder and turned to look at John. “What are you doing?”
“Saying true things.” 
A rush of confidence went through Vincent for perhaps the first time in days. “…Don’t stop.”
“You’re breathtakingly pretty. Your charisma is off the charts. I can barely look at you.”
“We both knew that already.” But he stood, taking full advantage of his figure in a sweeping contraposto, a hand on his hip.
John took a slow step forward. “You’re a genius. I’ve never met someone who draws like you do. I’ve never met someone as cunning or as ruthless as you, and I’ve met some very cunning and ruthless people. You’re genuinely intelligent.”
John Wick thinks I’m pretty. John Wick thinks I’m smart. I’m pretty. I’m smart. Vincent had to force himself to breathe in order to answer. “And?”
“You’re brave. When we met, I didn’t realize that, but I was wrong. You haven’t given up, despite infuriating circumstances. It’s as tough a situation as any night I’ve spent crawling through the underbelly of New York, and you’re still going. I’m proud of you.”
Liquid euphoria inside his veins, strong enough to tighten his throat.
“You know how to flatter, John.” His voice came out more gravelly than he’d intended. “Do I deserve my High Table seat?” he challenged.
A long pause, their eyes locked together as John considered his answer. “You deserve better.”
“This again.” He was already hyped up to the point of recklessness. “I told you not to speak of retirement. Make it up to me. Tell me more. What is this ‘better’ that I deserve?”
“You deserve to have someone supporting you when you feel low.” Another step forward. Their faces were inches apart, and his voice had gone so quiet that it mingled with the distant sounds of birdsong. “And right now, you deserve a distraction.”
Tagging @evren-sadwrn and @bluelolblue to share WIPs! (Not sure if you’ve been tagged already, I’m kinda confused lol but it seems fun.)
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altair214 · 11 months
If Dream of the Endless had access to the Am I The Asshole subreddit "Am I the Asshole for condemning my lover to Hell?"
"I was informed quite recently by a friend that this is a good place to receive unbiased judgement on past actions of mine that were not well received by people. As there are few beings I trust to ask for unbiased, well-meaning judgement from, I turn to the internet.
After a recent excursion to Hell, my raven saw fit to inform me that condemning a past lover to Hell might be seen, in my raven's words "as a dick move." My sibling, who has seen fit to give a mortal the tools to imprison me for a century and has made an attempt on my life, has criticized me before for the decision I made to condemn my lover to Hell.
Our story took place 10,000 years ago. She was a mortal queen and very beautiful. She was desired by many, but she refused them. One day she laid eyes on me, not knowing who or what I am, and decided that I would be her lover. She pursued me, and eventually found me in my realm. We began to get to know each other. She truly loved me at first. And I loved her. No one had ever loved me enough to go to the lengths she had to find me. I offered to make her the queen of my realm. But when she truly began to understand what it is that I am, and that I would not abandon my realm to be her lover, she became fearful. I did not want her to leave me, so when she ran, I ran after her. She hurt herself in the hopes that it would make me disgusted with her and leave. When she saw that she did not scare me away, she allowed me to heal her. We made love all through the night.
In the morning, her city was destroyed, for the First Circle had decreed that one of the Endless cannot love a mortal. We had both known that. She had tried to put an end to our relationship before it was too late, but in the end our desire for each other had overcome all else.
In her despair, she killed herself. I was distraught, I would have made her my queen. But she chose death over me. She chose to abandon me, she chose to abandon hope, for death. Still, I would have forgiven her for that transgression. I would still have her as my queen. I would still love her.
But she rejected me. Even though she loved me, she would rather die than be with me. So I told her that I would offer my love a final time, but if she once again would choose death over me, that I would condemn her soul to Hell.
She did not answer at first. She said that we were never meant to be together and that darker things would come to be if we tried to be together. I asked her once again as she was making the journey to the Sunless Lands. She told me to leave her. I asked her for the last time. She refused me and I condemned her to Hell.
She sought me out, only to reject me. To reject dreams by killing herself. She loved me and yet would choose to die rather than be with me. She would choose Hell rather than be with me even though she sought me first. I felt that my actions were justified. She was not moved by the pain that her actions caused me. What could I have done except punish her for her callousness?
I felt I was completely justified in my actions until very recently when I saw her in Hell. I had not thought of her in a long time, though I still loved her. But my recent experience of being imprisoned for a century had changed me in ways that I have only recently admitted to myself. For the first time I wondered if perhaps my original judgement to condemn her to Hell was made in error. So I am turning to here at the recommendation of a friend. Am I the Asshole?"
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donutdrawsthings · 9 months
*grabs you by the arms, and by you I also mean me*
Listen to me. You have to allow yourself to indulge in things that are currently popular. You have to allow yourself to make and wear things that are going to age with time and mark a certain point in your life. You are not losing your individuality by watching a popular movie or show. There will never be anyone quite like you, and all you're doing is allowing yourself to live in the moment and have some fun.
Never stop questioning things, though. Never JUST go with the flow because that's what others like and you can tolerate it at best. You know what you like better than anyone else, and you should never let external factors pressure you into doing anything! Just don't lose yourself in the isolating corners of "uniqueness". It can be such a lonely place to be in... Even long term as you look back on memories. Having something be dated is fun and something to laugh about.
You're not just another grain of sand for enjoying yourself
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nofacednerd · 3 months
I'm still watching Starstruck Odyssey but ACOFAF is next and. What do you mean the roleplay-heavy romance campaign uses fucking Dungeons and Dragons
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