connorwhumpaddict · 1 year
Sooo.. I've been very much offline lately and I apologize for the radio silence. But I'm back and I'm going to do my best to be more active once again.
I thought this 'ask' game would be a fun and good way for me to 'reintroduce' myself to you all!
About myself ask game
🍀- what’s your definition of luck?
Having good people (family, colleagues, friends) around you and staying healthy
👄 - which languages do you speak?
Danish is my mother language, English fluently and a little bit of German
💎 - silver or gold jewellery?
Gold mostly, occasionally silver
💵 - what’s your job? Are you happy?
I work in healthcare and I love my job
💿 - favourite children’s/ childhood movie?
Beauty and the beast
👠 - favourite kind of shoes?
Sneakers or low pumps (depending on the situation)
🐶 - do you have any pets?
Sadly no, I dream of getting a dog when I have the time it deserves devoted to it
🌸 - favourite flower?
Pink peonies
☀️ - spring of fall and why?
Fall is my all time favourite time of year! I love the crispness in the air, the colours of the trees and sitting inside when it rains with a good book and warm drink
🍕- favourite comfort food?
Ice cream, no doubt
🧳 - best place you’ve visited so far?
Ghana in Africa offering healthcare through my profession made the biggest impact on me
My favourite vacation has been a trip to New York with my best friend
🎲 - what are your hobbies?
I love painting (acrylic, watercolour, digitally) and write of course
👾 - a random game you play?
I play a board game called Bezzerwizzer a lot with my family
🏓 - do you play any sports?
I play division volleyball
🌈 -your weirdest obsession?
Writing whump fics about a fictional video game android character
🍼 - dream job as a child
I wanted to be a paramedic
🎥 - your top thee movies? As of right now I'm prette obsessed with the Planet of The Apes trilogy! (Srsly, if you haven't watched these movies, do it, they're soo amazing!)
Rise of the planet of the apes
Dawn of the planet of the apes
War of the planet of the apes
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makotoscoffee · 1 year
we used up our bezzerwizzer chips and then my grandma got a question about angry birds😭😭 a game i am more obsessed with than any 12 year old boy from 2009😭
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funsize626 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SEALED NIB! Bezzerwizzer 20 Category Trivia Board Game!.
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1fast3furious · 5 years
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Tag 20, Abendessen: Leckerer Feldsalat* mit Tomaten, Möhre und Mozarella. Dazu "Urkorn"-Brot (klingt bodenständig und gesund) mit Schweizer Bergkäse und Brie.
Und auch der Nachwuchs weiß mittlerweile: Das Auge isst mit. Und weiß sein Essen gekonnt in Szene zu setzen 😉
*Schlaubergerinfo: Von den Kollegen, die aus allen Teilen der Republik kommen, habe ich gelernt, dass der Feldsalat auch als Nüsslisalat, Mausohr und Rapunzel bekannt ist. Eat this!
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starina · 3 years
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Spila jól 🎄❤️🎄 BEZZERWIZZER ❄️🎁❄️ #Starína #starina #dragqueen #christmas #jól #yule #icelandicdragqueen #dragstund #jóladragstund #christmaspresents #christmasgifts #jólapakki #jólagjöf #boardgames #bezzerwizzer https://www.instagram.com/p/CJV3tM6g9Uy/?igshid=o0585c86clcw
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annsan72 · 4 years
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Kvällsnöje #spel #bezzerwizzer #lördagsnöje #jullov (på/i Rindö, Stockholms Län, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6oGMPPHcYp/?igshid=1ipjwwbdc3q0p
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charleskeatington · 5 years
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StaDschefen? Really? #bezzerwizzer (at The Keatington Suite) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BXhhIAQMw/?igshid=1nos1p9ia73zc
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pandaacid · 5 years
Top 10 Best Trivia Board Games Loved By Millions Worldwide!
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andresmerizalde · 7 years
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THE GAME 🙌 Gracias @albacmm @tonitrape #bezzerwizzer aka bizwiz #game #tablegame
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plaidbooks · 2 years
34 and 77 for the ultimate ask list 🙃
34. What’s your favorite board game?
Why can I only think of card games omg. I guess any kind of trivia game--I like bezzerwizzer a lot, which is trivia, but you also move pieces iirc.
77. Who has had the biggest impact on your career choice?
I had a teacher in high school named Mr. Dobbins. He was a good teacher as in I liked his class, but he was more than that. I'm sure you all know by now that I love baseball, like a lot. Well, growing up, my "friends" didn't like sports and usually ignored me or cut me out of the conversation if I brought it up, so I generally stopped talking about it.
Mr. Dobbins loved baseball, and we shared a team. He'd take time during lunch or after school (his class was my last class) to talk to me about the season, the players, the stats. He was the only person outside of my immediate family who showed literally any interest in one of my interests, and that made such an impact on me.
If I can be that teacher--that person--for another teen who has to hide a part of themselves, then I know all this struggle with school would be worth it.
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tangredont · 3 years
ollie and wicks and tater and jack?
Ollie & Wicks: What’s something everyone seems to associate you with?
Oh lord hopefully a jolly god time, but I’m not too sure anymore
Tater & Jack: What’s your favourite board game?
Munchkin! It’s the only thing close to rp I can handle. With my family I do like bezzerwizzer though, which is a trivia game (everyone in my family is a know it all, especially in a not sober state)
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antisocialsocialite · 4 years
spencer: anybody want to play scrabble?
everyone: ...
spencer: scattergories? boggle? trivial pursuit? clue? bezzerwizzer?
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1fast3furious · 3 years
Bitter Sweet Symphonie
Abendessen, Tag 9: Frisches Brot mit Ziegenkäse, Brie, Vorarlberger Bergkäse und selbstgemachtem Eiersalat. Dazu Chicorée-Salat, die klassische Variante: Orangenfilets, Chicoréestreifen, Wallnussstückchen, alles in einer Balsamico-Senf-Honig-Vinaigrette - fruchtig-frisch.
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Mal über den Tellerrand geschaut (oder auch Bezzerwizzer-Wissen): Habt ihr gewusst, dass das Lied "Bitter Sweet Symphonie" von The Verve aus dem Jahre 1997 auf einem Sample des Rolling-Stones-Liedes "The Last Time" basiert (in orchestraler Form) und nach einem Rechtsstreit The Verve von ihrem größten Erfolg keinen Penny gesehen haben? Erst 2019 haben die Herren Jagger und Richards auf ihre Rechte verzichtet und seit dem gehen sämtliche Tantiemen erst an The Verve (bzw. Richard Ashcroft). Das Leben kann schon manchmal hart sein.
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dracosollicitus · 4 years
Do you have any favorite games? (Card, board, video, computer etc?)
Some of my favorite board (and not quite board) games:
Machi Koro
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mariesen · 4 years
Christmas presents anno 2019
Christmas presents anno 2019
Det er slut december og det betyder jeg, som traditionen tro, viser årets julegaver frem. Denne type indlæg minder mig om hvor heldig og taknemmelig jeg er for min familie og venner!
Julen 2019 var en super tid. Den var bedre end jeg havde turde håbe på. Tingene har været lidt svære, men fik alligevel hygget en del og juleaften var en hyggelig aften fyldt med latter, god mad, godt selskab og fine…
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urxatree · 7 years
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