#bg3 darylia
alpaca-clouds · 3 months
Cazador's Spawn Headcanons - Pt. 2
Okay, based on what I posted yesterday, let me go a bit into how I think Astarion's relations with his siblings were.
As I said, my headcanon is that Yousen was created just three years after Astarion, because Cazador intended for them to be rivals. And he was quite successful with that. They were. And Yousen was also quite willing to partake in "punishing" Astarion, whenever he got the chance to do so. But again, Yousen was also punished not that rarely basically because he so willingly killed his victims - rather than bringing them back.
Violet was a bit more hesitant about partaking in everything, especially in the punishment of her siblings. She quickly fell in line though, when it came to doing her job. There was not a lot of trust between her and Astarion, but at least the relationship was not as bad as with Yousen.
Pale Petras meanwhile just completely drank the coolaid. He thought that actually Cazador did want good for them and to make them more powerful. Also he was... well, he is an idiot, but he also knew that it was wise to just do what was expected from him. He also considered Astarion an idiot for still managing to piss off Cazador all the time. (And he totally did not get that Astarion could literally not do right by Cazador.)
With Darylia we actually know a bit more about her motivation. She saw all of this very much as a scientific excercise. And in my headcanon one of her favorite quote was "for the greater good".
Now, Aurelia was the "weak one". She went into total shock mode after she had been turned. She was not responsive and absolutely not willing to do Cazador's bidding, which is why Astarion very much identified with her and became protective of her, going so far as to take some of her punishment. However, this ended up biting him in the ass, as after a while she went on to blame him for her mistake to evade Cazador's punishment.
Leon... Well, I have a bit of a story for Leon. But... I think I will save that one for later.
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