anthonybrxdgerton · 2 years
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Kate + Bridgerton Blue
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coreymbrasil · 11 months
Corey Mylchrrest concede entrevista a Numéro Netherlands.
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‘Em Conversa com Corey Mylchreest’
Entrevista NNMag pela Jana Letonja
[Tradução de Corey Mylchreest Brasil]
Corey Mylchreest é um dos atores mais promissores do Reino Unido, que pode ser visto como o jovem Rei George em 'Rainha Charlotte: Uma História Bridgerton' – a prequela da série de sucesso da Netflix, 'Bridgerton', que foi lançada em maio. Em 2023, também veremos Corey em 'Fantastic Friends', o programa de viagens apresentado por James e Oliver Phelps.
NN: Corey, pudemos te ver como o jovem Rei George em ‘Rainha Charlotte: Uma História Bridgerton’, a prequela da série de sucesso da Netflix, ‘Bridgerton’. Como foi ser escalado para uma série que segue o sucesso de 'Bridgerton'?
CM: A experiência no total foi uma alegria absoluta. Eu conheci pessoas e continuarei amigo delas, espero que por toda a vida. Em termos de ser de 'Bridgerton', foi ótimo saber que as pessoas provavelmente assistiriam e então veio um estresse imediato que imagino que muitas pessoas têm com seus projetos nos quais colocam seu coração e alma; Não sabíamos o quanto seria assistido, mas sabíamos que iriam assistir. Mas, para ser honesto, eu pessoalmente não senti tanta pressão porque realmente parece que é algo próprio, é um pouco mais sombrio e passa mais tempo com menos personagens, então há mais tempo para estudar o personagem em si, o que como ator é sempre muito emocionante. E George não parece realmente seguir esse tipo de arquétipo de liderança romântica masculina; Então, como ator, é um personagem brilhante de se interpretar. Ao todo, foram alguns dos melhores meses da minha vida na verdade.
NN: A série conta a história da ascensão da Rainha Charlotte e sua história de amor com o Rei George. Como você descreveria a história de amor deles que nós vimos se desenvolver de episódio a episódio?
CM: Eu acho que um dos grandes presentes da série é que tem aquele lindo encontro e então eles se casam instantaneamente. Não há perda de tempo, eles ficam imediatamente juntos, então toda a série é uma exploração desse relacionamento; E ainda assim você também consegue vê-los se conhecendo, o que é uma coisa bem rara. Acho que em geral a história de amor, a história romântica é uma história de nascimento de amor incondicional, é tudo uma questão de aceitação tanto de si mesmo quanto do outro e eu acho que George e Charlotte estão tão desesperados por esse tipo de amor porque não é algo necessariamente que eles tenham experimentado, ambos são vítimas de diferentes tipos de opressão: Charlotte vive na opressão social muito mais sistêmica e George está definitivamente expereciando a opressão de sua família e da Coroa e os dois estão desesperados tentando se livrar de ambas as coisas.
George conhece a Charlotte e ele é esse homem que insiste em não ser a majestade dela, ele é apenas o George e o George conhece a Charlotte como essa pessoa que está tão desesperada em ser livre — tudo o que ela está pensando é "estou com este vestido de noiva, estou em um país ao qual não pertenço e vou pular este muro" e eu sempre acho isso muito engraçado, é indicativo de como ela está desesperada, o que diabos ela vai fazer depois de pular aquele muro?! Ela só vai estar em um campo onde não iria conseguir comida ou não iria conseguir voltar, então há algo muito bonito em como os dois estão tentando se livrar da opressão e de seus deveres. Eles se encontram naquele mesmo momento; Acho que isso é algo que, mesmo inconscientemente, ambos veem um no outro, é a primeira vez que eles são vistos como pessoas e estão vendo alguém que quer fazer o mesmo. Eles não estão jogando nenhum jogo naquele momento e embora eles tenham dificuldades ao longo do caminho, acho que essa é a centelha inicial e essa é a alma dos dois juntos. Eles têm seus obstáculos ao longo do caminho, mas trata-se de aceitar suas próprias falhas ou nem mesmo vê-las como falhas. Nada é perfeito, mas há tanta beleza naquela imperfeição que no final das contas, se você baixar a guarda, e se for a pessoa certa, ela vai te amar por inteiro.
NN: O Rei George está lidando com uma doença mental e podemos vê-lo passar por alguns tratamentos extenuantes. Quão desafiador foi filmar essas cenas?
CM: É mais difícil se você não fizer sua preparação como ator. Não me lembro quem foi, mas acho que um professor de teatro me disse que é como um navio zarpando e se você estiver cinco graus fora, serão 300 quilômetros pelos quais você perderá seu objetivo. Falei com um especialista, li o roteiro e fiz minha própria pesquisa, tive uma ideia do que queria e então me senti livre no momento em que estávamos filmando para me comprometer totalmente. Às vezes você se sente presente como ator e às vezes é uma luta tentar e você tem que dar as boas-vindas a tudo. Foi difícil mas achei que a música muito útil; Eu tenho o livro do personagem inteiro que ainda está lá por algum motivo que mais se parece com rabiscos de um homem louco.
Tom Verica foi fundamental nisso tudo porque eu acho que como ator, se você tem que estar naquele lugar, você está sacrificando um pouco de controle para chegar a esse lugar, pois é muito emocionante, muito frenético e também fisicamente desafiador. Você tem que se jogar e o que isso requer é uma visão objetiva e alguém que possa moldar aquele momento em coisas diferentes. É muito difícil para um ator estar naquele espaço específico, se comprometer 100% e também ter uma visão objetiva de como tudo está e é aí que entra o Tom; Eu simplesmente me entregava e então ele me guiava para fazer algo maior ou menor ou diferente ou menos doloroso ou mais revigorado, mais obsessivo ou elétrico. Esta é a coisa mais brilhante sobre o Tom, e ele é um ator excepcional por si só. Ele me dava conselhos brilhantes e então eu era capaz de mergulhar completamente e confiar que ele me apoiava como ator e por trás da história, ele tinha tudo certinho no lugar.; Eu diria que a doença de George é um amálgama de toda aquela pesquisa e fala com esse especialista e compromisso com seu diploma.
NN: ‘Rainha Charlotte’ se passa no século XVII (17). Pelo o que você filmou no set, o que você diria que é a sua coisa favorita daquela época?
CM: Sendo bem chato, eu diria que é a falta de celular. Ninguém tinha essas coisas e as pessoas podiam ser bem presentes. Embora seja o George, eu diria que ele não queria estar tão presente na maior parte do tempo.
Eu tenho uma irmãzinha e quando as crianças têm cerca de cinco a sete anos, sua compreensão do mundo está se desenvolvendo, mas a magia ainda existe, ainda há um pouco de mistério. Eu sinto que nesse tipo de período, ou talvez voltando até algumas décadas, a ciência começou a se inclinar para frente, mas em alguns lugares a magia ainda existia. Nós não entendemos tudo; Não que entendamos tudo agora, mas estamos mais perto (de entender), há um mistério romântico nesse período de tempo que eu gosto bastante.
NN: Antes de conseguir o papel de Rei George, você desempenhou um papel fundamental em 'The Sandman' da Netflix. A série segue Dream, que escapa da prisão de um mago mortal e parte em uma jornada para recuperar seus pertences perdidos. No conte mais sobre sua experiência neste programa, que foi um de seus primeiros papéis na TV.
CM: Essa foi minha primeira série! Eu não diria que minha função foi integral, mas foi muito útil e sou muito grato a todos que me deram essa oportunidade. Pode não parecer na tela, mas foi um grande dia, foi uma grande filmagem! Fiquei lá apenas um dia, mas estávamos filmando na mansão de Ian Fleming, o cara que escreveu os romances de James Bond. É um lugar enorme, havia cerca de cem figurantes, todos estavam vestidos com trajes de baile e smokings dos anos 20 e tínhamos esses carros antigos que foram restaurados apenas para aquele episódio.
Tinha guindastes enormes que faziam a ação da câmera, tinham luzes enormes que meio que ecoavam a luz do luar e acho que para mim, saindo da escola de teatro onde eu estava acostumado a atuar quase como em uma cela sem nada onde você tem que imaginar tudo, em que o par de fones de ouvido é uma arma e seu celular poderia ser um bebê, de repente tudo era real e você poderia reagir ao mundo de forma brilhante e foi uma sobrecarga incrivelmente desesperadora. Eu estava muito nervoso no meu primeiro dia de 'Rainha Charlotte', mas teria ficado ainda mais nervoso se não tivesse feito o que fiz naquele dia. Foi um verdadeiro batismo de fogo, tanto meu primeiro dia em 'Rainha Charlotte' e aquele dia em 'The Sandman'. Sou muito grato porque me deu uma pequena janela de como é a vida no set, especialmente em um grande dia.
NN: Você se formou como Bacharel em Artes em Atuação pela Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. O que fez você se apaixonar por atuar em primeiro lugar?
CM: Quando eu comecei, eu realmente não sabia. Houve um dia em que havia algo no meu coração que me dizia que precisava fazer isso. Tive um professor brilhante na escola de teatro e ele era uma das pessoas mais apaixonadas por arte que eu já conheci, foi realmente transformador em termos de trabalho, mas também mudou minha vida, ele me ensinou a meditar quando percebeu que eu estava lutando com algumas coisas pessoais.
Me lembro de um dia, havia uns nove de nós na classe e ele disse: “Vou dar uma volta e quero perguntar a cada um de vocês por que você faz isso (curso de atuação)? Por que você quer atuar?” as pessoas, inclusive eu, diziam “eu quero contar histórias, eu quero ver o efeito do que fazemos no rosto de alguém, em uma audiência ao vivo” e ele simplesmente dizia: “Não é por isso que você quer fazer isso. Próximo, próximo, próximo!” e então respondi algo sobre amar (atuação) desde cedo e que era a única vez que me sentia confiante fazendo e ele disse “Não. O que mais?” e eu lembro que (aquela pergunta) ficou na minha cabeça durante toda a aula e eu chorei porque simplesmente não sabia o que me faz querer ser ator, mas (a atuação) é a única coisa que me faz sentir como se estivesse respirando, é a única coisa que me faz querer acordar, é a única coisa que me faz sentir como se meu coração batesse. Eu não consigo explicar o sentimento para você, eu só sinto que é o que eu preciso fazer e ele me disse que estava certo, bastava apenas isso (esse sentimento). Acho que é o brilho de ensinar e revigorar apenas o suficiente dentro de você para que você descubra algo dentro de si. E mesmo naquele momento, tudo o que descobri foi que não precisava saber o por que que queria atuar, só precisava fazer.
NN: Qual foi a experiência mais memorável do seu tempo na RADA?
CM: Eu diria que há esse outro professor brilhante que também é um ator brilhante por mérito próprio [...] No meu primeiro ano na escola de teatro, na RADA, ele estava apenas começando, foi a primeira vez que ele deu uma lição e nós tínhamos essas coisa chamada de exercício de objetos, acho que muitos atores que treinaram saberão o que é isso; Basicamente, você finge que está em uma sala e precisa fazer três coisas (parecerem ações genuínas) seja arrumar sua cama, fazer você parecer que vale um milhão de dólares, limpar o quarto, tanto faz, basta apenas três coisas práticas, e é tudo uma questão de entrar na mentalidade de atuar em ação, não é fingimento, não é sentimento, não é emoção, não é pensamento, é apenas uma ação; E o que eu fiz foi atuar que eu estava voltando de uma noitada, tinha me envolvido em uma briga e estava fazendo feijão para mim; Eu abri a lata de feijão e acho que estava escovando os dentes ao mesmo tempo, desci para pegar o feijão cozido e ouvi todos na sala ofegar e eu pensei “nossa, não pensei que tinha feito isso tão bem” e então eu olhei para baixo, tinha uma poça de sangue enorme no chão e tinha sangue escorrendo pela minha mão... Tinha tanto sangue que eu não sabia o que tinha acontecido, mas não conseguia ver nada; Usei a garrafa de água que eu estava usando para escovar os dentes, para jogar a água (na mão) e vi o osso do meu dedo que imediamente formou outra poça de sangue.
No meu primeiro ano como ator, eu estava tão obcecado que eu queria ser o melhor ator do mundo. Eu queria ser um ator intenso, queria fazer tudo então eu pensei “vou continuar” e o professor dizia “não cara, você tem que parar e ir para o hospital” e então fui e levei alguns pontos, quando voltei encontrei todo mundo no bar e essa foi a minha grande lição; O professor me chamou de lado uma semana depois e disse que eu preciso parar de tentar ser um ator que precisa sentir dor, ‘isso é para ser divertido, você deve amar (o que faz), você deve ser apaixonado pelo o que faz; Não precisa se colocar em agonia todas as vezes.’
NN: Quando você se formou, você foi escalado para produções ao ar livre com as peças de Shakespeare: 'Romeu e Julieta' e 'Sonho de uma noite de verão'; Como foi estar em um palco ao ar livre e experimentar as reações do público ao vivo?
CM: Foi realmente adorável, há algo realmente especial no teatro e isso (a peça) foi no meio do Covid, então estávamos desesperados por qualquer trabalho. Lembro que estávamos fazendo 'Sonho de uma noite de verão' que se passa em uma floresta, é muito raro no teatro você conseguir fazer algo tão envolvente quanto fazer uma peça que se passa em uma floresta, em uma floresta, esso é algo que normalmente aconteceria na tela então foi ótimo de fazer.
Eu estava interpretando Demétrio, que é um dos quatro amantes, todos os quatro amantes foram enfeitiçados por Puck e adormeceram e era assim durante todo o intervalo, o intervalo de meia hora, dormimos no palco. Na primeira vez, eu estava muito nervoso para realmente adormecer, mas quando começamos a correr e estávamos fazendo dois shows por dia, comecei a adormecer de verdade. O segundo ato começou com trombetas, então eu sempre acordava. Nos primeiros dias, me lembro de ouvir algumas crianças na primeira fila discutindo se achavam se eu estava dormindo ou não; Não me lembro exatamente o que elas disseram, mas discutiram por meia hora sobre diferentes movimentos no meu rosto e nos meus dedos; Eu simplesmente amo pensar que elas estejam tão engajados durante o intervalo... Você sabe que elas provavelmente estavam se divertindo durante a peça, pequenos detalhes como esse fazem você perceber o que está realmente fazendo; Existem coisas brilhantes sobre atuar, dar a alguém algum escapismo ou algum entretenimento ou uma visão diferente de algo é sempre muito bom.
NN: O que você mais espera para o futuro da sua carreira de ator?
CM: Tem sido uma das melhores coisas até agora e eu realmente espero que continue, trabalhando e conhecendo pessoas realmente incríveis, brilhantes e lindas. Existem muitos cineastas e atores que eu amo e que não conheço e estou mais perto de trabalhar com eles do que nunca ou talvez do que jamais estarei, é algo realmente empolgante.
NN: Este ano também veremos você em 'Fantastic Friends', que é uma série de viagens de aventura, um show de desafios com infusão de magia e uma celebração da amizade. O que você pode compartilhar conosco sobre isso neste momento?
CM: Sem revelar muito, eu diria que haverá muita competição. Haverá alguns escorregões e deslizamentos e algumas quedas de algumas pessoas que não aconteceram de propósito. Pode haver ou não pinguins; Há algumas limpezas realmente ruins! Também acho que insultamos toda a comunidade do surfe... Foi incrível e divertido de filmar. James e Oliver Phelps são maravilhosos como pessoas, mas toda a equipe foi adorável; Nós nos divertimos muito e eu realmente espero que as pessoas se divirtam assistindo.
Corey Mylchreest x Numèro Netherlands
fotógrafo: KOSMAS PAVLOS
maquiagem: LIZ DAXAUER
digital imaging: ALEXANDRA HENDL
assistente/foto: LUKE JOHNSON
assistente do estilista: REZA ZHIANI
designer da capa: ARTHUR ROELOFFZEN
agradecimento especial ao Tapestry London
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bl00dst41ned · 25 days
anthony is such a whore for that woman i swear, can't go five minutes without undressing himself
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actualswanprincess · 1 year
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sea-owl · 7 months
hi so not really a prompt I think but would you ever consider doing a an avatar au for the bridgerton spouses like what element they would bend and would their bridgerton be benders
Oh I love atla! Yes let's do element bendings for the spouses!
Simon: Earth bender. Simon is very grounded person or at least tries to keep himself that way. He can be stubborn to a fault as shown with the dual he got into with Anthony but with enough shaking to his foundation he has shown he can change. I also would like to think he would get his earth bending from his mother and the Hastings line was orginally fire benders to add onto Simon's daddy issues.
Kate: Might be cliche but Kate comes off as a fire bender to me. With how passionate Kate is it reminds me a little bit of Zuko. And let's be honest Kate's temper might be a factor too, at times it's what's driving the plot forward in the book. But fire is also the element of energy which describes Kate and her constant drive to what she says she's gonna do.
Sophie: Water bender. Water is known the element of change, it is also associated as one of the elements of emotional wisdom. Sophie has been through it in her life but she has always been able to go with the changes she's been dealt with in her life. She may not always like those changes but she's able to keep her head above up and stick to her morals as she goes through these changes. Plus the healing aspect of water could come in handy with her story when Benedict gets sick.
Penelope: Air bender. I was orginally gonna say water bending for Penelope but then I thought about it some more and air fits her so much better. Air is the only element that can't be seen when it's bended, we can feel it with our other senses, but it is an invisible bending. (we as the audience saw it but that was because the animators made it visible to us.) Penelope would probably feel a connection with her element due to both of them being invisible to others. Air is also associated with not only freedom but also wisdom/intelligence and curiosity traits commonly associated with Penelope too. Plus we've seen what tricksters the air nomads could be, an air nomad would 100% come up with the idea of Lady Whistledown and use their air bending to hear all the good gossip.
Phillip: Earth or water, or possibly fire bender. I can honestly see him being any of these three. Phillip can be a rather grounding or maybe static is the word I'm looking for. But he also does have this secret passionate side to him we see peak out from time to time. Earth would be the obvious choice for him, but I can also see water working especially if we take the approach of the swamp benders who water bend the water in the plants. I can see Phillip doing that for his botany research. Fire I think would be ironic but can see working especially if it's connected to his father and Phillip has to learn to accept that part of himself as a bender.
Michael: Fire. I can see an argument for Michael being water too, and I want to say he got his bending from Helen's side. John was an earth bender and the Earls of Kilmartin were typically earth benders. Michael is one of the few who is not which adds to his imposter syndrome. A part of me wants to say fire just because I think it would be interesting to play with especially with his time in the military. It would also be interesting to play with since Michael has malaria with spiking fevers and fire benders could potentially tend to run warmer in body heat. Plus it has to be cold up on the family estate, he's gonna need that fire to keep Francesca warm at night.
Gareth: This one is hard. All I know for a fact is that it came from Grandma Danbury's side. I could be lazy and say water because backstory wise Gareth is the male version of Sophie some people so desperately want. Earth maybe? I can see Gareth being either water or earth. I kinda do want to lean towards water because water is a purifying element. So I could lean into the purifying aspect for Gareth and when I say that I mean lean into the part of the story of Gareth becoming more honest and upfront with Hyacinth.
Lucy: Air bender. So part of the reason I chose this is because Lucy reminds me of a caged bird. She's the bird wanting her freedom but her uncle has her trapped in a cage demanding her to follow his orders. Lucy wishes to be free and spread her wings. She wants to soar up in the clouds, which eventually does come true.
For the Bridgertons I'm gonna rapid fire them off vibes and let's just pretend for funnies that Violet had two different elements in her DNA and Edmund had the other two so I don't have pick and stay with two elements. That or we can be lazy and say they're all non benders.
Anthony: Earth
Benedict: Air
Colin: FIre
Daphne: Water
Eloise: Fire
Francesca: Earth
Gregory: Water
Hyacinth: Air
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asoulunbound · 3 months
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#ASOULUNBOUND independent, private multi-muse featuring muses from greek mythology, kinnporsche, a song of ice and fire, marvel/x-men, bridgerton, james bond, the wheel of time, dune, criminal minds
loved by krys (she/they, gmt+1)
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lolascrackships · 11 months
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phoebe dynevor layouts
obligatory credits if u use them on twitter ohwcman (automatic)
like if you save them it
don’t redistribute or claim as your own
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igotanidea · 9 days
Let there be closure. I am literally crying.
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whispersoftheton · 1 year
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Dearest gentle reader...
Although I am fairly new here and I do not have anything posted as of late, I am very excited to begin writing for this fandom.
I plan to write for Anthony Bridgerton x Reader on this blog and my inbox is currently open for any and all small requests/hc's/or just to talk! Anything from smut to fluff is welcome and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to message me.
I look forward to talking to everyone <3
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
Benedict: I turned out perfectly fine!
Eloise: Benedict, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
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lineismade · 2 years
Twin Flames
Wilbur Soot x Reader
Bridgerton AU Ch 2/?
This is Wilbur's Pov of what happened during the first chapter. So it makes more sense if you have read Ch 1.
1.9k Words
Wilbur's Pov
The spring season was a seemingly insignificant time for me. I enjoyed the summer heat on my skin, the chill of fall, and the winter hunt always seemed to bring me a particular excitement.
But the spring.... It felt like there was an indescribable dread that lingered in the air any time the flowers bloomed. Maybe it was the pollen, and that was a viable option. Like I said, I can't really describe it.
I just don't like it.
My brothers always seemed more apt to enjoy the parading of eligible young ladies of society through the ballrooms than I did. I'm the eldest of the three of us, at twenty-five years old. My younger brothers, Tommy (freshly eighteen), and Techno (twenty-two) both seemed to fit into the social scene perfectly.
I had my worries about Techno, but he seemed in his element whenever it came to charming young women.
Some would call it luck, some charm, and some would call it good looks. Whatever you call it, he managed to score the best with little sweat from his own brow. He's currently courting a beautiful young woman he met last social season. They opted for a longer buffer period before their inevitable engagement in order to get to know each other better. My father, Phillip, applauded his judgment on this call since he enjoyed a long engagement with my mother. He claims that it was the beginning of a wonderful life he would share with his soulmate.
 On the topic of soulmates, I fully believe that they exist. I watched my mother and father be there for each other and love each other to their fullest capacities my entire life.
Surely if they were made for each other, someone was made for me. I sound like an optimist, but realistically it seems like this expectation has ruined my prospects at giving someone a chance.
My first season as an eligible bachelor was the spring after I turned eighteen. I was young, and wide eyed. I danced, I drank, and I enjoyed the luxury of being able to have choices for the first time in my life.
However, I realized very quickly that it was all a game of strategy. There was no such thing as love in this game, for every dance was a transaction.
A bargaining chip.
An advertisement.
If I wanted love, true love, how was I going to find it if all that a woman would want from me was my title. My fortune. My place in society.
It was all futile.
All pointless.
I didn't attend another ball as a potential suitor for years. I didn't utter my true title to another woman ever again.
My name was none other than the honorable Phillip William L'manshire IV. The eldest son of the viscount Phillip William L'manshire III. Heir to the L'manshire name and fortune.
I ditched Phillip as my name, and William was only used if I wanted to impress someone. I thought of myself as Wilbur. Wilbur was a simple name for a man who wanted nothing but the simple things in life.
William was the young boy who attended the first ball when I was eighteen, but now I was Wilbur. A man who was too afraid to allow people into his life. I enjoyed the life of a hermit, but whenever my youngest brother needed supervision for his debut as a bachelor, I was more than happy to supervise. I wanted to make sure he didn't have to endure what I did.
The thing about Thomas, more affectionately known as Tommy, was that he didn't really have to worry about marrying for anything other than his own desires.
He didn't have to blindly pick through the garden for snakes, because the real snakes wouldn't chase the Viscount's youngest son.
He had room for error.
I didn't hold these grievances against him, but I did feel grateful he had more time to be an optimist than I did. The night of his debut, we dressed him in the finest dress clothes we could find and the two of us alongside our mother and father piled into an ornate carriage. 
"Well, dear, I believe it's time," My mother said, giving Tommy one last kiss on the cheek before letting him fly free, "I'm so proud of the both of you, both so grown up. Now, go make us proud, I believe in both of you. Love my boys."
Tommy was buzzing with excitement as we walked into the grand hall. I instantly remembered every aspect of this engagement I hated. The faint hum of the violin tuning in the background, the stale champagne, and the overwhelming stench of flowers. The flowers made me sniffle, which I found quite distasteful.
I ushered Tommy to a group of boys around his age, and the girls already seemed fascinated with the strikingly blonde boy who seemed to be unable to sit still.
I knew it already, he was going to be just fine.
I found myself a balcony to perch myself on above the ballroom so I could view the happenings of the evening while keeping an eye on Tommy and being able to intervene if something happened.
But then, I saw her.
 I didn't see her face, but I watched as her delicate frame floated across the ballroom in a blood red dress. She contrasted against the pastel hues of the evening, but she stood out in the best way possible. The only way I could describe her entrance was like the falling of snow on a bitter winter's evening. She was beautiful, she was graceful, and she was like a knife cutting through the silence.
I felt this longing to know more, but I knew better than to scare the canary. I held my perch as my attention drifted to her. As she stood alone, I wanted nothing more than to walk up to her and ask her what secrets she was hiding from me. She knew something. I just didn't know what.
I carefully watched her as she hurried across the ballroom to the exit, and somehow my legs had a mind of their own. I found myself floating across the ballroom, her gravitational pull drawing me in.
Then she was in front of me.
I watched as she stood in front of me facing the beauty of the night. It figured that such a beautiful creature would have a beautiful view in front of her.
I spoke first, and it was almost involuntary. My boldness was met with resistance. But she did turn to see me. The moment she looked at me for the first time, was the moment time stopped. My confidence had faded away and it felt like I was naked in front of her.
Then I looked her in the eyes.
The color was indescribably beautiful, but her features were more surprising to me. The lines of her face were soft and rounded, almost like she had been carefully molded by clay. The soft hands of God shaped her features like a careful ceramist, with time and passion in pure intentions. Not a scar, not a blemish. Some would call that unmemorable, but realistically it was just soft.
I could have written a book on how her subtle gaze made me feel. It wasn't like I had never seen a beautiful woman. In my eyes, the grand majority of the women I've met were beautiful.
But she was the most divine creation I had ever seen.
She was calculated and thoughtful rather than cunning and scheming. She was analyzing with every blink of an eye.
I was over-analyzing, per usual. However, it was fun to indulge myself every once and awhile. While I was spaced out, I noticed she had welcomed me into her company. I did my best to accept her embrace, but my conscience was screaming at me. I was slapping myself for being so forward, but maybe the chance was worth it
You aren't gonna fly the nest if you don't fall first.
Our first dance was fluid to say the least. We stumbled into the ballroom with about as much grace as a baby duckling, but we stumbled into each other.
After a rather awkward dance full of nerves from both of us, we decided to give it a rest for a while.
We remained on the outskirts of the ballroom for a while, poking fun at my brother from my balcony of choice that I found earlier that evening. His taste seemed interesting, but this season was really just practice for when it actually counted for him.
She seemed fascinated with the social mishaps of the evening. Every step on the toe, and every awkward first meeting was like watching a play. However, watching her face twist in amusement was the highlight of my night.
The people-watching was a small aspect of what really made the night worthwhile. As the evening was coming to a close, we heard the final tune of the night play. It was a beautiful piece played by a string quartet, but it felt more sentimental than the others that had played.
It was something like an out of body experience, but something in me led me to divide my attention towards getting her to give me one last dance.
I took her hand, and we walked- no- floated down the staircase towards the floor. Her hand in mine was warm, and I felt like even though I was the one leading, she had the power to lead me where she wanted me to go.
To say she had the upper hand was an understatement.
We arrived in the middle of the room while the energy was dying and the crowd was thinning. However, it felt like we were the only ones left, spinning in the starlight.
My hand rested above her waist, holding her as close as I could manage to be. If I had it my way, I would melt into her gentle touch on my shoulder blade. I kept my composure the best I could but I could, however, inch towards her.
 Twin flames was the best way to describe the way that we were drawn together as we danced. Like magnets, we couldn't be torn apart by the strongest forces of nature.
Her feather light touch danced across the expanse of my back as her grip on my soul tightened.
 I looked down from my view parallel from her, and as her eye met mine, there was fire ignited in my veins.
It was just the two of us at that very moment. Two.... people. We weren't anything special, we were just people.
Lovely, Humans.
The night ended as fast as it started, but like fine wine it aged in both of our memories as time carried on. I had to bid her goodnight and hope I would have the privilege of seeing her again. I had time to savor it all.
"L'manshire. I never gave you my full name. My name is William L'manshire. Wilbur, if you please," I blurted out as I watched her walk away. She turned back, and our eyes met once more.
Our eyes met and it was like an unspoken agreement was made. We both understood. 
I took her hand in mine.
 As I went down into a bow, the silence was deafening between us.
I never broke my gaze on her.
"Well, you know where to find me, Wilbur."
I knew.
Oh, I knew.
Hey! I am actually in love with writing Wilbur's Pov. I honestly wish I could just write his Pov for the rest of this, but I won't do that (bc character development). I hope you all enjoyed reading!! Chapter three will be posted soon.
Have an amazing day lovelies!!
(P.S. Find me on Wattpad too! lineismade)
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anthonybrxdgerton · 2 years
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Kate rejecting Anthony’s help in 2.04 Victory | Kate accepting Anthony’s help in 2.05 An Unthinkable Fate
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bosbas · 5 months
Chapter 7: you search in every maiden's bed for something greater
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x best friend!fem!reader WC: 3.2k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, misogyny (not by anyone relevant dw), idiots in love being idiots in love, angst, mentions of sex and drinking
Summary: You and Benedict have been best friends since childhood, but things change dramatically once you come out in society. You’re struggling to find someone you’re as compatible with and who knows you as well as Benedict, all while trying to quell your ever-growing feelings for him. Shenanigans ensue.
A/N: errr.... it's going to get worse before it gets better. sorry in advance
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June 19, 1814 - Perhaps word of this author's disappointment by the ton's lack of happenings has reached Bridgerton ears. Whispers around the ton indicate that Mr. Benedict Bridgerton has been packing his belongings for an extended duration, leading one to speculate if this departure is more than a fleeting journey. The observant eyes of society are left to wonder about the purpose behind such preparations and whether, in the midst of packing, the second Bidgerton son is inadvertently leaving behind not only his material possessions but also a potential union with a certain Miss Beaumont.
Benedict was just about done packing, disappointed that his upcoming trip had been pointed out in the ton's gossip column. He was hoping to slip out relatively quietly, not needing further speculation on why he was leaving you, an undoubted topic of conversation for Lady Whistledown. The very reason he was leaving was for your sake, and he didn't want anyone making his own absence harder for you. 
The past days had been nothing short of agonizing for more than a few reasons. Ben knew his mother was disappointed in him for leaving, not immune to her sad stares and soft sighs, but he just couldn't go on like this. If he ignored his feelings, he knew he wanted you to find a husband, just as you had asked him to let you do. But he couldn't ignore his feelings. Not entirely, at least. Benedict was going half insane watching you dance with eager suitors and hearing you talk about the exotic and beautiful bouquets you had later received from them. He could barely sleep, plagued by thoughts of someone else making you laugh, and the dull ache in his chest had become a permanent fixture. 
His art studio felt cold and empty now, rarely graced by your warm and lively presence. Ben couldn't find it in himself to spend the hours he used to in there, missing your animated commentary as you read whichever book you had taken from the Bridgerton library that day. He had barely been able to paint at all recently, inside or outside his studio, frustrated that every single sketch or painting he started was in some manner related to you. Worse, he found he had little to no inspiration for new works without you by his side. Every single aspect of his life was completely turned upside down by your absence. Even the moon looked different. He could not look at the stars at night without remembering how your eyes looked at night, reflecting the soft starlight in the sky. 
So he was leaving. Perhaps it was a cowardly thing to do, but Benedict was desperate to regain some sense of normalcy in his life. He knew he couldn't have you, but he couldn't watch someone else have you, either. The only viable choice he saw was to go away, back to the countryside. Of course, his family saw right through his weak excuse of "needing time away to work on his art," but at least no one had the sense to confront him about it. Yet still, the truth lingered in the look of pity he received from Anthony and Colin and the quietly exasperated "Are you joking?" he heard Francesca whisper to Hyacinth. 
Ben had come to see you a few days ago and broken the news, and you had barely been able to concentrate since. Even though you had established some distance from your best friend, you still relished in the comfort of his nearby presence. You knew that even if you had a dreadful dance at a ball, one quick smile from Ben could immediately heal your stepped-on feet and put you in a better mood. 
But you supposed him leaving was for the best. At the moment, you weren't seriously considering any suitors yet. No longer having Benedict by your side might end up being more beneficial to you, even if your eyes were constantly filled with unshed tears and your lower lip was raw from nervous biting at the thought of him away in the country for months on end. You supposed you would have to move on from him, laying your feelings to rest. That was the whole point, was it not? Benedict would leave, and you would stop wishing every man you talked to was him. 
You were in your garden now, hiding in your usual spot behind the rose bushes with your nose stuck in a book in an attempt to evade your mother's call to practice your needlepoint. With Benedict leaving tomorrow, you reasoned that you should be excused from mind-numbing activities such as sewing due to your emotional distress. Unfortunately, your mother did not share this opinion, and you were forced into hiding to escape her demands. 
Hearing footsteps coming your way, you shrunk further behind the bushes, hoping you hadn't been caught and could spare another five minutes of peace. 
"Y/N Beaumont, come out of there this instant. You cannot simply avoid me when you don't want to play the pianoforte," came Benedict's voice from above you, taking on a high-pitched voice as he attempted to imitate your mother when she was frustrated with her children. You instantly relaxed, bursting into laughter.
"You are so evil! I thought I had actually been caught out. Although my mother wants me to practice needlepoint instead of pianoforte this time," you said as you rolled your eyes, playfully hitting his arm as he sat beside you. 
Ben laughed, shaking his head and snatching your book from your hands, leafing through it absentmindedly. "Hmmm, I figured it was something like that. I came into your house and saw the Countess quite exasperated, asking me if I knew where you were hiding," he said. Seeing your widening eyes, he quickly continued, "Oh, but don't worry. I would never betray you like that. The rose bush stays between us."
"Well, since you're leaving tomorrow, you very well could have revealed the hiding spot and escaped an untimely death," you retorted. Although you meant it as a joke, you couldn't help the break in your voice as you took in the reality of Benedict leaving for the countryside. You wrapped your arms around one of his, resting your head on his shoulder. You were breaking every rule you had established for your friendship, but you didn't care anymore.
Sighing deeply, Benedict placed his hand on top of yours. He could easily sense the pain behind your playful dig and couldn't help feeling the same way. Not finding the strength to continue the faux-playful exchange, Ben simply placed a soft kiss on the top of your head. "Either way, I could never. You're still my best friend. Always have been, always will be, Y/N Beaumont." 
You could feel a wave of tears welling in your eyes, starting to flow as you softly said your next words. "I know. I'm going to miss you, Benedict Bridgerton."
He looked down at you, feeling a fondness so fierce he felt the prickling of tears in his eyes. He cleared his throat, wanting desperately to end this chapter of your lives on a good note. He grabbed your hands and stood you up so you were facing him. He could barely stand the sight of your tear-stained face, beautiful as ever despite your reddened eyes. A few quiet moments passed between you, both of you attempting to regain composure, but the pain of losing the other made it entirely impossible. 
He was still holding on to your hands, thumbs rubbing softly up and down in the way he had always done. But this time, they did not bring you comfort. Instead, you burst into tears, closing the short distance between you and sobbing into his chest, not caring that your tears might ruin his clothes. To be loved was to be changed, after all, and God did you love him.
Wrapping his arms tightly around you as you sobbed, Benedict was at a loss. He couldn't fathom what life would be like after you, barely remembering what it had been before you. To willingly walk away from this, from you in his arms, from your shared intimacy, from the unbreakable bond the two of you had formed over two decades... he had to be insane. Yet he had no choice, as the past few weeks had shown. All Ben could do was rub a comforting hand on your back as you cried, murmuring sweet nothings in an effort to alleviate the excruciating pain he knew you were feeling as well. 
Finally, he spoke. "I'm going to miss you more, Y/N. And I'm so sorry. I never wanted it to end like this. I never wanted it to end at all, actually." 
Feeling another kiss at the top of your head, you lifted your head to look him in the eyes. You were no longer sobbing, just sniffling as tears ran down your face. "Me neither," you choked out, eyes still on him. You wanted to take in as much of him as you could before he left. You wanted his face burned into your mind forever, leaving a permanent mark you could never get rid of. 
As you sniffled again, you felt him pull you into his chest, hearing him say softly, "It's going to be alright, darling." He placed a tender kiss on your forehead, pulling you back again to look you in the eyes. He then followed a delicate trail, pressing soft kisses between your furrowed brows, on the tip of your nose, and along the tear-streaked canvas of your cheeks. Then, hesitantly, he reached your lips. 
His eyes were intense, heavy with emotion, as you felt his lips hovering above yours. You had never been kissed before, but you would so easily forgo social norms if he just closed the distance between you. You were inches apart, breath intermingling, eyes boring into each other. You could feel the palpable electricity between you, a mix of fear and familiarity. In that suspended moment, your heart beating with his, anticipation hung thick in the air. You were about to cross a precipice of intimacy you never had before, finally acting on the pressure that had been building for years. You wanted him so badly, and you could tell he wanted you, too. At least right now. Desire was running through you in a way it never had before, and you wondered whether the sort of itch you were feeling right now was the same one Ben talked about when he explained the night of the marriage. Is this the itch that would be scratched? You understood what he meant now, needing him so desperately to touch his lips to yours, to bring you the relief you sought in him. Benedict moved a fraction of an inch closer to you, and you drew your breath in anticipation, lips forming into a smile. 
Yet suddenly, Benedict groaned and abruptly withdrew as if an unseen force compelled him to sever the burgeoning connection. Pushing you away in more senses than one, he roughly rubbed his face with his hands. You could tell he was in a state of complete panic. Hurt and confused, you watched him rub his eyes frustratedly, refusing to meet your gaze.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry," he stammered, a haunted look in his eyes betraying the fear of losing all the meticulously constructed defenses he had placed between you. "I don't know what came over me. That was so not right. I just—" His words stumbled, a confession hanging unspoken in the charged air between you.
You couldn't stop yourself from flinching, understanding the implications of his words. You supposed it should never have been like this. The two of you were best friends, after all. But you were desperate for him to look at you and give away some of what he was thinking, needing any sort of reassurance, so you reached out, softly gripping his bicep. "It's alright, Ben. I know you didn't—"
But he cut you off, his head shaking in fervent denial, avoiding your pleading eyes. "No, it's not. I'm sorry. Look, I should go; I still need to finish packing. But I'll come by early tomorrow morning to say goodbye if you're awake."
Without granting you a lingering look, he turned away, leaving you alone in the garden where you had played together as children, where your friendship had once blossomed. Tears ran unobstructed down your cheeks, and your heart broke cleanly in two. 
You found yourself promenading alongside Mr Henri Deschamps in Hyde Park once again, politely nodding every time he looked to you for reassurance that his talk about hunting was not, in fact, the most boring thing you had ever heard in your life. And it wasn't, but you were inclined to think that it was pretty close. Nevertheless, you liked Mr Deschamps more than most other suitors, enjoying the philosophical debates the two of you would sometimes engage in. 
Henri was from France but had come to England with his younger sister to see her married off last season. Although he was successful in this endeavor, he liked England so much that he chose to stay and find a wife for himself. Still, you were a tad fearful that Henri would want to return to France when, and if, the two of you were married. He had been courting you for a short time, only a couple of weeks. Still, you were careful in expressing your desire and taking it slow, despite thinking that you would probably end up marrying him if all kept going the same way it was now. 
All things considered, Mr Deschamps was an adequate match for you. He was intellectually stimulating at times, came from a good background to be able to provide for you, and he wasn't bad-looking either. Besides, his accent was fun to listen to even when his words were not. It had been nearly three weeks since Benedict had left for the country, and though you missed him terribly, you were having a much easier time actually thinking of your suitors as potential husbands instead of fun ways to pass time before you spoke to Ben next. 
Hearing Henri mention something related to a book you were currently reading, you perked up, excited. "Actually, I read that—" you started, only to be interrupted by the man at your side. 
"Ah, of course, you read this, you read that. When does it stop, Miss Beaumont? You are always reading something. Men do not want this. We want an obedient wife who will not cause us any more stress than we have in life. We want a wife who will give us heirs quickly and who will listen to what we say," came Mr Beaumont's interjection. You were stunned, frozen in your spot, but he grabbed your arm and continued speaking as he dragged you with him. 
"Men do not want a woman who is smarter than them, Miss Beaumont. How about you stick to your good qualities, oui? You are very beautiful, but no one will ever marry you if you keep discussing books. No one wants to hear about books," he finished, sending you a pointed look.
You could barely believe what you were hearing. "But—," you tried, only to be interrupted by Mr Deschamps once again. 
"But— But— But—," he mocked cruelly. "But nothing, Miss Beaumont. This is the truth, yet you still argue with me. It is the same in France as it is here: women should not argue with men. You would do well to remember that." 
You wrenched your arm out of his grasp, appalled by his egregious behavior. He rolled his eyes at your reaction, turning around and throwing his hands up in the air, clearly exasperated. You angrily stared after him as your mother, who had been walking a few paces behind the two of you, caught up. 
"What in the world was that? I cannot believe he spoke to you in such a disrespectful manner and in front of everyone, at that," she exclaimed, fuming. Clearly, she had heard at least some of your conversation. You could only shake your head in disbelief, still reeling from Henri's sudden outburst. He had effectively squashed your hopes of ever finding an appropriate husband in under three minutes. It would have been impressive if it didn't leave you so hopeless.
Far from the hubbub of the city, Benedict lay in his messy bed, staring at the now-empty spot beside him, illuminated by the moonlight filtering through his half-open curtains. With ever-deepening bags under his eyes and a dwindling excitement about life, he grappled with a reality he never thought he would confront. The echoes of your shared dreams from your youthful days mocked him, a poignant reminder of a time when marriage felt like a distant concept.
This had become somewhat of a routine by now. Benedict had taken to finding solace in the arms of various women, seeking momentary distraction from the ache in his heart. With each encounter, it became glaringly evident that physical intimacy offered no relief from the unending yearning he felt for you and your friendship, forever changed by his choices. 
Loneliness enveloped him each time the women left, a feeling he had become all too familiar with in the past few weeks. He barely slept, opting instead to imagine your life back in the city, full of exciting balls and surrounded by the warmth of your family. And his, he supposed. But most of all, he couldn't help the painful thoughts of you with another man, discussing your favorite books, or forming inside jokes with one another. 
He was comforted only by the fact that he had not yet received a wedding invitation. Surely Benedict would have been invited to the momentous occasion had you finally found someone to spend forever with. However, the comfort he felt from this was significantly overshadowed by the implications of your inevitable wedding. One last goodbye. A proper goodbye, this time. Here, in the countryside, he could theoretically return to you anytime. But once you were married, you would be gone forever, and the wanting he felt now would only multiply, consuming him entirely. 
In the quiet hours before dawn, he often wondered if the past could be revisited, a past where the two of you made plans to get married. The idea of a marriage where he was free to pursue his artistic endeavors and you continued your literary pursuits lingered in his thoughts every single night. It seemed that he was only interested in marriage if it was an arrangement similar to the one you had dreamt up as children, and the chances of attaining that were slim to none. Benedict found himself yearning for a simplicity that had been lost in the complexities of adulthood. With you married off, he would have to find a wife eventually. But perhaps he did not want to marry at all. Maybe he would stay a bachelor, making vows to his art rather than a woman he knew could never compare to you. 
For now, he continued his escapades. In the long run, he was not confident that this would help him forget you or forget the fierce love you inspired in him, but he was desperate for any way to stop thinking about you, if only for a few hours. So he indulged, going to raucous gatherings, mainly populated by artists. People used their canvases at these parties as a means of liberation, but he only used them to mask his true feelings. He could momentarily quiet his mind, painting and dancing and drinking before he eventually came crashing down to reality. 
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Tag List (lmk if you want to be added!): @bellahadidnt16 @like-gabriel-and-castiel @riverraingrayworld
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redheadspark · 1 year
Hi! May i request cherry blossoms 🌸 with our favorite bridgerton boy benedict
A/N - I love this for Benedict! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - An outing in the park gives Bendict inspiration for his new masterpiece
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Warnings - Just some fluff
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"How's it coming along, darling?"
"Quite well, dear. I take it you're enjoying the view?"
You hummed as you placed your book down on your lap to look over at your husband, seeing him work away at a sketch with a pencil in hand and a few pieces of paper he brought along for the outing.
"Of course, you picked a lovely park to relax in," You replied to him as some of the trees above you swayed in the warm wind. The warm aroma was invading your nose, and you grinning at the sweet scent that was lovely beyond words.
"Daphne did mention this park not too long ago, and I figured a day at the park was much needed for us both," he explained.
"I agree. I must thank my sister-in-law for the suggestion," You said as you opened your book again to find the page where you left off.
"And I need to thank dear Eloise for indulging her sister-in-law in some of her books," Benedict comment from his spot with his sketch on his lap. You giggled, thumbing the page over to read the next page with ease.
Benedict took you here to this specific park for multiple reasons. For one, when Dphens mentioned the cherry blossoms, he knew you would like it since you were a massive fan of flowers. You loved getting fresh flowers in your little home, even in your bedroom you had a bouquet of flowers on the nightstand. Because of that, Benedict would bring you fresh flowers whenever he could, knowing it would brighten your day.
Another reason was to give you some peace. You and Benedict had an unusual road to your wedding day, even before that when he was courting you. You had a different upbringing than Benedict, though that never phased him. He loved you with all his heart, sweeping you off your feet with his kind words and his sweet gestures. Of course, you fell in love with him, even if he was a well-known Bridgerton. But with rumors and gossip going around about you only being with Benedict for his money, it broke your heart and your soul in some places.
No matter how much Benedict and his family reassured you that you were good enough for him, the gossip still hurt you. It made you lose some friends and even some family members along the way, but in the end, you were healing thanks to your new family and your new title as a Bidgerton. Your husband's family was nothing but supportive to you and stood next to you, rebuking all the rumors about you, and was grounded at your side.
You were grateful for them, but especially for your husband.
Lastly, Benedict brought you to the park to draw a picture of you.
He would try to draw you, thinking of you as the perfect image for him to sketch down and keep for himself. You didn't wish to have a picture of yourself, maybe thinking of yourself as too modest to be placed on paper or imaged in paint. On the contrary, Benedict saw you as the pure image of love and beauty. He would watch you sleep early in the morning with the sun rays on your skin, or when you would eat an apple in the sitting room while drinking some tea, and lastly late in the night when you were stitching a piece that you were going to give your mother-in-law.
In all of those times, you were beautiful to him,
And now he was sketching you under the cherry blossoms, the light pink petals dancing in the air and around you almost like a halo as you were reading page after page. Benedict thought you looked perfect along the trimmed grass and with the sweet floral scent in the air. This piece of art was going to be your anniversary present, Benedict wanted to do something personal and more intimate than get you anything mundane or stereotypical.
But it was his best-kept secret.
"Almost done with your art?" You asked nonchalantly as you were reading away, "Maybe we can meet with Anthony and Kate for dinner. I know we've been wanting to catch up with them"
Benedict paused at his work, seeing that he drew you under a massive cherry blossom tree with a book perched in your lap and your hair flowing in the wind. He grinned, seeing that it was his greatest work yet.
"I think that is a marvelous idea," He only replied.
The End
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Spring Pormpt Session
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theromanticartist · 9 months
While we wait for Bridgerton Season 3, would you like to enjoy some sexy illustrations depicting our favorite book scenes?
- Pen & Colin 'mirror scene', from the seduction to everything that happens in the bedroom.
- Francesca & Michael wicked seduction at the table of the drawing room.
- Eloise & Phillip Crane furtive encounter on the sofa of the Sophie Bidgerton's office when he proves to her that they will get along very well if they marry.
- The 'lake scene' between Benedict and Sophie. And much more
- Pen & Colin 'carriage scene' and much more!
These are just a few examples of what I’m creating at my Patreon page Patreon.com/TheRomanticArtist
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sea-owl · 1 year
I love Stepdad Benedict Au! but how do you think Helena transition from being a maids daughter to being a Bridgerton would go? i mean not only getting along with the rest of the Bidgerton but also being a gentlemen daughter where if she see something that she remotely like Benedict buys her the best quality of stuff and just being the best papa who spoils his daughter rotten along with the rest of the family.
I think there's gonna be a few factors for Helena's transition into a gentleman's daughter. I think because she's so young once she starts the transition it will be easier for her to fully transition. I also think she's gonna be looking to Sophie for a lot of cues and permissions in the beginning.
Gifts and Benedict wanting to spoil Helena I think is gonna be the biggest challenge for them. Sophie more than likely taught Helena already that there is no free gifts from noblemen, they all want something from you. Helena probably also saw this as well with lords paying their mistresses in gifts.
So the first time Benedict or Violet tries to openly spoil Helena with gifts and sweets she politely tells them no thank you. Despite it being clear Helena would like these things very much. Now Helena very much likes her new family and loves spending quality time with them so the Bridgertons are very much confused on why she still rejects gifts.
They find a work around by having Sophie give the gifts to Helena who then cheerfully accepts it. Or things like sweets they'll leave out for Helena to "sneak" off with them. It isn't until Sophie and Benedict try to give Helena a gift at the same time does Sophie realize what might be going on.
Sophie gives Helena her gift first and she happily accepts and then Benedict tries but now Helena looks scared. She's essentially backed into a corner, ready to cry, and she's looking to Sophie for help.
Sophie and Benedict immediately go to comfort their daughter, and that's when Helena reminds Sophie about her warning to never let a nobleman give her a gift. Sophie has her oh shit moment and then goes to explain that Benedict and the Bridgertons giving her gifts doesn't mean they want something from her. They are trying to include her in the family in a way they knew how to. Benedict then explains how he never wants her to want for anything again, so that's why he's been a little overzealous with the gifts.
They work out an agreement that they'll work their way up to big, expensive gifts. They'll start small like Benedict gifting Helena a drawing he made for her.
Years later, this works in Benedict's favor because Helena would be so unimpressed by the expensive gifts her suitors would bring her. Helena's future husband would win Helena over by a gift of hand-made dolls.
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