frimleyblogger · 8 years
Exercise Trends Of The Week
Exercise Trends Of The Week
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January is the month when we start the year off full of good intentions – exercise more, drink and eat less, you know the type of thing. My January is spent fighting off these urges, usually successfully. I’ve never understood the allure of yoga. Quite why anyone would want to bend their body into completely unnatural poses is beyond me. Still, if ever in a moment of weakness I considered taking…
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williamli-dev · 7 years
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This is how they do happy hours over at Kerry Hotel’s @basecampkhhk... #basecampkhhk #yoga #beer #bieryoga #beeryoga #exercise #hotel #hkig #hongkong #lifestylephotography #lifestyle #health #yogaclass (at Kerry Hotel Hong Kong)
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benjaminbcairns · 7 years
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@lucilletregear that time beeryoga-ing... #downwardswig #omoments #beeryoga #bieryoga
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retecool · 7 years
Ontspannen: Bier drinken + yoga = bieryoga
Ontspannen: Bier drinken + yoga = bieryoga
Yoga en bier drinken. Dat klinkt nogal als twee uitersten, maar het blijkt op de een of andere manier prima samen te gaan. Het is allebei ontspannend, is het idee. Bij bieryoga wordt het drinken van bier toegevoegd aan de yogabewegingen van bijvoorbeeld Viniyasa yoga. Duitsland is met deze relaxende hybrid gekomen, en het lijkt best aan te slaan. Bieryoga! Wat Viniyasa yoga precies is, weten we…
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davidtytopuente · 8 years
Il 29 gennaio 2017 il solito “Fatto QuotiDAINO” pubblica un articolo dal titolo “Beer Yoga. Arriva a Roma Lo Yoga che si fa con la Birra” ottenendo oltre 4 mila condivisioni Facebook:
Si chiama Beer Yoga ed è una pratica molto usata e diffusa in tutto il mondo. L’idea, nata a Berlino, a breve approderà anche in Italia, a Roma, presso la palestra “Bodyalcol”. L’istruttrice Maria Picarre dice: “Abbiamo importato un nuovo modo di divertirci e di fare sport al contempo. L’attività fisica non deve mai essere noiosa, altrimenti rischia di essere abbandonata in poco tempo. Abbiamo, invece, cercato di coinvolgere quanta più gente possibile, con il beer yoga. Molti gli uomini che ci hanno chiesto chiarimenti in merito. La novità attrae sempre molti clienti”.
Ma in cosa consiste questa nuova pratica che sta facendo impazzire le palestre di mezzo mondo? “Beh, è molto semplice. Si tratta di praticare yoga alla vecchia maniera ma senza l’ausilio di attrezzi classici, bensì con una birra posizionata nei luoghi più differenti. Qualcosa di veramente importante, perché è studiato che la birra dà soddisfazione per chi la tiene nelle mani. Ci si allena in allegria per circa un’ora e alla fine la birra viene consumata da chi ha praticato l’attività in quel lasso di tempo. Bella idea no?” Unire birra, appagamento e quindi sport è qualcosa di fondamentale, importante perché l’esercizio venga svolto nel migliore dei modi. Finora sono 50 le persone che hanno fatto richiesta di iscrizione al corso e pare che la cifra sia ancora in crescita. Nei prossimi giorni potremo saperne di più. La palestra della Picarre, si trova a Roma, in zona Nomentana, nella traversa “Del fisico duro” n. 44. La pubblicità ad un luogo del genere era d’obbligo.
Perché la definisco una mezza bufala? Il falso riguarda l’apertura a Roma della palestra, in zona Nomentana nella traversa “Del fisico duro” n.44 (non esiste questo indirizzo), ma la cosa comica è che il 22 gennaio 2017 il sito Dissapore.it parlava di questa strana pratica nell’articolo “Tra lo yoga e il beer yoga noi preferiamo il secondo” (la foto usata dal sito bufalaro è la stessa di Dissapore), articolo che a sua volta riprende quello di Mashable.com:
Qui non si vuole discutere che la pratica dello yoga rechi giovamento al corpo e all’anima. Che distenda i muscoli, aiuti la meditazione e ci consenta, per sovrappiù, di fare pace con noi stessi.
Ma perdonate l’ardire, noi crediamo che fare yoga bevendo birra sia molto meglio.
Del resto la tendenza sta diventando planetaria, da Berlino, dov’è stata inventata da un gruppo di stravaganti geek (ossessionati) della birra e sostenitori dei benefici arrecati dallo yoga, è arrivata perfino in Australia, dove il numero di praticanti è ormai cospicuo.
Il gruppo si chiama BierYoga e dichiara di avere alle spalle un centinaio di anni di pratica e tradizione.
E noi ci crediamo senza nemmeno discutere.
Esistono anche un sito, Bieryoga.de, e una pagina Facebook:
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Per una volta il sito bufalaro ci fa scoprire qualcosa di simpaticamente bizzarro.
MEZZA BUFALA Beer Yoga. Arriva a Roma Lo Yoga che si fa con la Birra Il 29 gennaio 2017 il solito "Fatto QuotiDAINO" pubblica un articolo dal titolo "Beer Yoga. Arriva a Roma Lo Yoga che si fa con la Birra…
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bllacksn-blog · 8 years
Пивная йога: новая мода захватывает мир (видео)
Пивная йога: новая мода захватывает мир (видео)
Последователи BierYoga выпивают, а также используют при выполнении упражнений бутылки с пивом
Берлинские тренеры по йоге Эмили и Джула открыли необычные курсы BierYoga, в рамках которых совмещают “два своих любимых увлечения” – алкоголь и йогу. Судя по опубликованным в сети фото, ученики пары выпивают перед тем, как приступить к…
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behungryforever · 8 years
You Can Now Relax Completely By Drinking Beer While Doing Yoga
You Can Now Relax Completely By Drinking Beer While Doing Yoga
Some people like to relax with a mug of cold beer. Some people like to relax by meditating. Now, you can combine the two together with the ultimate creation. BierYoga.
Say Thanks To Germany
As you may have guessed by the word ‘bier’, BierYoga is from Germany. According to the BierYoga website, BierYoga is for beer lovers who like yoga, yogis who like beer and “for everybody else who is curious…
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worldtrendings · 8 years
'Beer yoga' is a thing, now, and it's going international because, well, 'Beer Yoga'
‘Beer yoga’ is a thing, now, and it’s going international because, well, ‘Beer Yoga’
Hmm, beer. Nothing like putting down an icy cold beer. Except, of course, achieving a higher state of being and eventual transcendence of the Self through the practice of yoga. But what if you could do both, at the same time? Yes: Beer yoga is here. After being enjoyed by Berlin hipsters, it’s now found its way to Australian shores—a land where beer’s most definitely a religious practice, at…
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mennozandee-blog · 7 years
nieuwe woorden Van Dale 2017
Geachte redactie van Van Dale woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal: Ga ander werk zoeken, mijn advies zou zijn iets in de creatieve branche. Verziek het Nederlands niet met woorden als:
- klimaatpauper
- warmtezombie
- blowvis
- framilie
- spijtseks
- bieryoga
- zooikoorts
- breinblubber
- terreurschwalbe
- instaslet
Volgens mij is het de redactie een beetje naar het hoofd gestegen, zitten de warmtezombies met hoge zooikoorts met z’n allen samen met hun framilie te blowvissen en te bieryoga-en, wat resulteert in breinblubber en spijtseks met een intraslet en wie is het kind van de rekening? Ja hoor: de klimaatpauper. Geachte redactie, met dit soort onzin vraagt u om een terreurschwalbe!
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ownerzero · 5 years
‘Beer Yoga’ Is A Real Thing That Exists, Namaste
Courtesy of Bieryoga Wow does anyone else feel so zen now Although it’s impossible to predict exactly what the future holds, there are a couple things that are pretty much guaranteed to happen with each new year. First, we’re all going to make resolutions. Second, we’re all going to abandon those resolutions. One of the […]
The post ‘Beer Yoga’ Is A Real Thing That Exists, Namaste appeared first on AWorkstation.com.
source https://aworkstation.com/beer-yoga-is-a-real-thing-that-exists-namaste/
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promedya · 5 years
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What is BierYoga - Jenny tested it! Wellness & more - ...
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craftsoul-blog1 · 7 years
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#vatertagsparty nur mit #supercraftbeer unsere Craftbeer-Hütte ist wieder voll bepackt mit #leckerli, Prost 🍻 #bier #bieryoga #bierporn #bierfest #bière #biergarten #biershop #craftbeer #craftbeers #craftbeerporn #craftbeershop #craftbeerlove #craftbeerstagram #craftbeerlover #craftstore #duisburg #duisburgmarxloh #sierranevadabrewing #fullersbrewery #innisandgunn #BREWDOG #broy #schoppebräu #hopfmeister #crewrepublic #craftbierszene #bierschwemme (hier: Brauhaus Mattlerhof)
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uberfacts · 8 years
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Reposted to appropriately credit @bieryoga!! Read a great Mashable article about what you guys are doing! #uberfacts
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bangkokjacknews · 4 years
Beer yoga - what could possibly go wrong?
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While it may seem that every type of yoga has been explored, two beer-guzzling yoga teachers have pioneered a groundbreaking - and distinctly bizarre - new trend.
Emily and Jhula are the masterminds behind 'beer yoga', a German craze that allows fitness fanatics to carry out traditional yoga poses while taking sips of booze. Astounding photos show nimble yogis in Bangkok, Thailand, deftly balancing a beer bottle on their heads, clutching it as they hold the plank position and holding it high above them during a sun salutation.  Perhaps predicting the temptation to overindulge, enthusiasts are advised to drink just one or two bottles during the one-hour session. The movement, called 'Bieryoga', started in Berlin in 2015 and has spread to cities like Melbourne and Sydney. Despite gushing that they are 'passionate about beer', Emily and Jhula insisted the craze was not all fun and games.  'Beer Yoga is fun but it's no joke - we take the philosophies of yoga and pair it with the pleasure of beer-drinking to reach your highest level of consciousness,' the Bieryoga official site reads.  -
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Astounding photos show nimble yogis deftly balancing a beer bottle on their heads as they practice 'beer yoga' in Bangkok, Thailand
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Practitioners take a sip of booze while holding a pose that involves bending their knees and holdig hands with a partner. Enthusiasts are advised to drink just one or two bottles during the one-hour session
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Flexible attendees expertly hold the plank position, while clutching their beer bottles in front of them in one hand
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Two Thai yoga instructors indulge in a sip of beer while connecting their hands and feet in a mind-bending pose
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Yogi stop mid-pose to take a sip of beer. The movement, called 'Bieryoga' started in Berlin in 2015 and has spread to cities like Melbourne and Sydney
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Emily and Jhula are the masterminds behind 'beer yoga', a German craze that allows practitioners to carry out traditional yoga poses while taking sips of booze. Pictured, yogis grinning as they drink while bending forwards
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One class sees a group of women holding their beer bottles above their heads during a sun salutation
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But the booze didn't always play an active role in the yoga - this photo shows attendees placing their beer bottles on the ground as they stretch out on their mats
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Despite gushing that they are 'passionate about beer', Emily and Jhula, the masterminds behind the craze, insisted it was not all fun and games
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One fitness fanatic holds a Thai drink in her hands as she pulls off a perfect butterfly pose
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Beer yoga 'takes the philosophies of yoga' and combines it with the 'pleasure of beer-drinking' so yogis can reach the 'highest level of consciousness,' the Bieryoga official site reads   – Stay up to date with BangkokJack on Twitter, Instagram, & Reddit. Or join the free mailing list (top right) Please help us continue to bring the REAL NEWS - PayPal Read the full article
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hypeoftheday · 5 years
De nieuwste trend: bieryoga
Of naar Riga in Letland, ook daar krijgt de hype voet aan grond. Door agg. from Google-melding - Hype https://ift.tt/2VJ4cIQ via IFTTT
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iddilove-blog-blog · 6 years
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Die erste Bieryoga class 🍺 meines Lebens! 😂 Es war nicht meine Idee, aber ich tu ja fast alles, was sich meine Yogis wünschen... 😊🤣🕺🏻Ihr habt das echt toll gemacht! Vor allem das mit der Flasche auf dem Kopf balancieren... 😅🧘🏻‍♂️ #boga #augustiner #bieryoga #gehtauchalkoholfrei #biergarten #bierernsteangelegenheit #relax😍 #bewegungistdasziel #funisbetterthanperfect #happyplace #happylife #friendshipgoals #judas #findhishome — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2GBDC9x
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