#bigby fic
elaboratedbee · 2 years
Love at first fight? Just a funny and cute thought for a Bigby x S/O 🥺
hi! this is probably going to be short instead of a fully fledged x reader but i have a lil muse left tonight and this idea is so cute :)
Imprinting was a funny thing.
Bigby's mother had described it to him when he was just a cub, but the concept was always vague. A bedtime story. A fantasy. Some would even call it a fairytale. He would curl up next to her, fidgeting and kicking until he wasn't being crushed by his brothers and sisters, listening to her sweet voice as she lulled him to sleep. Imprinting, when a wolf found their perfect mate. When your eyes locked together, and the world stopped turning, when your heart rearranged itself to make room for somebody else. One singular moment, that changed your entire life's trajectory.
Bigby wasn't a cub anymore, and he had bigger things to worry about than finding a mate. Unlike certain delusional individuals, Bigby was able to accept reality, and accept the shittiness of that reality. He didn't need to coddle himself with religion, or bedtime stories, or some fantasy of true love that didn't exist. Nobody who had seen the things that he had would believe in any of that.
He shoved his free hand into his pocket, taking a long drag of the cigarette perched in the other. He felt the smoke crawl into his lungs, fill up the hole in his chest for the briefest of moments. He held it there for a second, clinging to the feeling before he blew the smoke out. It rolled over his lip, spilling into the night air as he leaned against a lamp post. Even as he took the moment to relax, his eyes were roving the street, searching up and down.
The scream that cut through the air didn't surprise him, but he straightened up immediately. The cigarette fell from his hand, the end glowing orange as he abandoned it on the tarmac below, sprinting toward one of the numerous dark alleyways. He knew something was off -- or maybe something was just always off in Fabletown. He rounded the corner and screeched to a halt, immediately taking in the scene.
"Hey!" He growled, drawing the attention of the mugger who was trying to wrench the bag from your hands. Bigby ran forward and drew his arm back, but before he could even make contact, you beat him to the punch, literally. Your knuckles crashed into the petty criminal's nose with a satisfying crunch, which turned into a fountain of blood.
"Ugh!" You grunted, following it up by grabbing both of his shoulders and driving your knee upward with all your strength, straight into his groin. The man collapsed like oragami in the rain, crumpling to the ground with a choked off noise. He curled in on himself, his eyes practically rolling into the back of his head. You readjusted your bag onto your back, scowling down at the figure.
Bigby stared, looking remarkably awkward. He had charged forward, adrenaline pumping, prepared for a fight, and now the energy had nowhere to go. It thrummed in his veins, his blood hot, his eyes a little wild. Sometimes, he felt like an addict. "You alri--?" He began to ask gruffly, but he was quickly cut off by you.
"I had that," you snapped at him, brushing yourself off and glaring in his general direction, "I had it handled, I didn't need you to get involved."
Bigby's face soured, and he clenched his fist. He was no stranger to ingratitude for his work around Fabletown though. "Looked like it," he muttered sarcastically, bending down to drag the whimpering criminal's hands together behind his back and cuff them tightly.
"Excuse me?" You stepped closer, putting your hands on your hips and staring down at him.
"Nothing," Bigby said. And then, after a beat, "just that if I hadn't have distracted him, he would have snapped your damn neck. But sure, you had it."
"Oh, and you charging in here like that was smart? It was a robbery! If he hurt me, it would've been because you stormed in here and spooked him," you accused huffily, "do you even fucking think?"
"I'll tell you what I fuckin' think--" Bigby growled, his eyes flashing yellow at being provoked and he stood, dropping the perpetrator flat on his face and standing up straight. He glared at you, this time looking directly into your eyes.
It hit him like a punch, at first. It was nothing like his mother had described, so much so that he didn't recognise what was happening to him. For a second, he wondered if he had taken a silver bullet to the heart. There was a dull pain in his chest that spread outward, as if his heart was cramping, or twisting. He clutched his chest, almost tearing the buttons of his shirt. The feeling spread, becoming nausea in his stomach, like hundreds of butterflies were trying to escape. His legs felt weak, his arms felt shaky, and before he knew it, he was leaning forward. Like a magnet, unable to resist the pull, he found himself drawn in and in and...
"What the fuck are you doing?"
The question snapped him out of it, and he jerked back. He could feel prickly heat from shame and embarrassment crawl down his neck, and he felt vaguely dizzy. How could he even explain himself? How could he tell you that he wanted to pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and take you somewhere safe for the rest of your life? To wrap you up in his arms and breathe in your scent. To experience the press of your lips on his. To consume you whole, until you were one.
He had never experienced something like this, and he felt terrified. Vulnerable. With one look, you had ripped him open and examined him, had rearranged his anatomy and made room for yourself. Not just in his heart, but in every part of his body. In every cell, in every atom, you were part of him. You were his mate.
Bigby cleared his throat, "nothing. Do you want to come by the Sheriff's Office tomorrow and make a statement?" He asked flatly, "uh...?" He raised an eyebrow questioningly and gestured vaguely, searching for your name.
"(Y/N)," you supplied with a nod.
Bigby felt like if he didn't know he would see you again, his body might spontaneously combust. "So?" He asked, sounding impatient and bored of the interchange.
"I'll stop by in the morning," you agreed, "and I'll give you a statement telling you exactly how I had it handled..." You winked at him and turned, walking off. Bigby watched you go until you were out of sight.
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fortune-fool02 · 11 months
Masterlist - Bigby Wolf
A Safe Place
A Close Call
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aesolerin · 2 months
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i'm working on the next chapter of Beast, which reminded me that I had to post Bigby's Beast form! the most obvious one to make, but i tried to give it unique attributes!
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dejwrldarchived · 1 year
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off work & honestly so excited for you guys to read my kinktober fics
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bi-naesala · 2 years
Dismas and lovers
1. Abomination
There have been rumors about hidden rooms full of treasure in the ruins, and of course the heir can’t pass up on such an opportunity, not when the town renovations are depleting all their money, which means that they’ll send a group to search for it.
Said party will be made of Dismas and Aubrey, the obvious choices, then Paracelsus and Bigby, in case they might end up battling.
At least, Bigby can’t help but to think, he’s lucky to be in a party that doesn’t outright hate his guts, which isn’t always the case – though maybe he’s being unfair to the others, as the relationship between them has been improving.
 As the ragtag group sets out for the ruins, he hopes that everything goes smoothly – he’s been feeling quite weird lately, and he fears that having to turn into the thing will only worsen it.
 What a fool he is.
He should’ve known hoping is useless.
  Everything was going quite well – they’ve found gems and enough supplies to last at least for a couple of weeks – when they get ambushed by some cultists as they’re making their way out of the ruins.
At first, Bigby’s tried his help to help without transforming, which is something he’s gotten pretty good at; the less he transforms, he’s found out, the friendlier the others are to him, and the better their expedition goes.
He swings his chains at the cultists, trying to give Dismas and Aubrey a chance to finish them off by stunning them; it’s a tactic that they’ve used already, but that day something’s off… something…
 It’s the madman.
It’s his words.
He… knows them.
 It’s… It’s what he’s been hearing these past few days!
 It’s what has kept him up at night!
 He can’t--! He won’t--!
 A howl erupts from his mouth, uncontrolled, shaking him – and the others – to his very core.
Despite his willpower, he can’t hold back the beast within.
 As rage takes over his entire being, everything becomes black.
 In the midst of all the darkness and fury, he feels something.
Two hands, cupping his snout.
A voice, calling his name…
 He recognizes him.
  By the time he arrived to the Hamlet, Bigby had gotten used to isolation, whether it was self-imposed or not. He expected things to remain pretty much the same, but no, he was surprised: by sheer luck – because that’s the only explanation he can give, still now – he’s found companions willing to be in his presence, and even… friends. Yes, the notion seems absurd, but it’s true: the people here accept him for what he is – more or less, but it’s still more than he could’ve imagined.
 That’s not all, however, because in the Hamlet, Bigby has also found… well, it’s hard to describe.
He’s not really sure what to make of his and Dismas’ relationship: sure, they know each other pretty well by now – intimately, one would say – but they haven’t really talked about it.
Maybe it’s because they don’t want to add something else to the pile of all the things they already have to deal with, maybe it’s because… if they give a name to it, it’ll only hurt more when they lose it.
Being this pessimist isn’t a great idea in the Hamlet: without at least a bit of hope, you don’t get far. Unfortunately, both Bigby and Dismas are quite the pragmatists, who don’t like to lose themselves to useless idealism, so cross that idea.
 They keep each other company at night, they help each other stay sane, they warm each other’s bed.
It’s a good arrangement, something that neither of them ever thought they were going to experience, not with the turn their lives have taken.
It’s unexpected, but also nice, maybe nicer than both of them deserve, but who are they to complain?
 He can hear Dismas speaking to him.
His voice sounds so soft, so sweet.
He doesn’t think he’s ever heard him like this.
 “That’s it… That’s a good boy,” his voice echoes in Bigby’s mind, and finally, he can see him. They’re so close, with Bigby hunched over the thief, towering over him in what must be a frightening spectacle, but Dismas doesn’t look afraid.
He’s holding his snarling snout between his hands, touch softer than it should be, just like his gaze.
 With such a sight in front of him, Bigby’s rage begins to melt, and he manages to gain more and more control over himself, as demonstrated by the way his body gradually changes shape, until he looks more like a man again, than the beast.
 The first thing he does, after coming to his senses, is to anxiously look around, taking in the damage he must’ve caused… except everyone seems more or less fine, definitely shaken, but unharmed.
Well, Dismas sports a cut on his arm that he likely got while approaching him, which makes Bigby feel incredible guilty; hurting his companions is the last thing he wants to do, Dismas least of them all: after all the love he’s given him, this is how he repays him? By hurting him?
He truly is a monster…
 “Dismas,” he starts, then, voice rough and broken, “I’m so…”
Dismas must’ve noticed his distress, because he quickly – but also gently – shushes him.
“Ssssh, relax, Bigby. If you hadn’t transformed, we would all be dead.”
Dismas nods, smiling with a warmth that Bigby feels he doesn’t deserve. He knows he’s trying to reassure him, but all he can think about is that he’s lost control once again.
 … Though he’s also so relieved that everybody’s fine, he can’t deny that.
 “You arm…” he mutters, then, a trembling hand slowly creeping to Dismas’ shoulder. “… Did I do that?”
The coat’s sleeve is ripped, and blood has flown plenty from the wound. Even just looking at it makes Bigby sick to his stomach.
“It’s worse than it looks. Nothing the good doctor can’t fix, right?” Dismas reassures him, turning then to Paracelsus, who simply nods, motioning for him to come closer so she can dress the wound with some bandages.
It isn’t much, but it’s the best they can afford in these circumstances. Once they get back to the Hamlet, he’ll get some proper care.
Speaking of which…
Dismas signals for them to move on.
“C’mon, the faster we leave this place, the better.”
  They fall in sequence, making their way out of the ruins in complete silence, not wanting to get caught in an ambush again.
Bigby wants to speak to Dismas so bad, but he knows that now it’s not the right time to do so. He’ll have to wait until they’re safe.
In the meantime, he keeps telling himself that what matters is that they’re all safe, and that he didn’t gravely injure anybody that wasn’t their enemy, but that doesn’t make him feel less guilty.
 At least they’re almost at the Hamlet… Huh?
 He almost screams – he’s way too tense now – when somebody grabs his hand, relaxing only when he notices that it’s Dismas.
“You scared me…” Bigby mutters, averting his gaze, though he can’t stop a small smile from creeping up on his face.
Dismas chuckles, gently squeezing Bigby’s hand. “Sorry, sorry…”
If he was in pain, he would be showing it, but with the way he acts, he seems fine, so maybe when he said that it wasn’t that bad, he wasn’t lying. Even with all the guilt he carries, he can’t argue with this logic.
Bigby gives him a squeeze back, finally able to glance at him again.
 There’s a lot he wants to say, but what he settles on is:
“I’m glad you’re safe.”
“I have you to thank for that, you know that, right?” Dismas replies. “You did well.”
Bigby sighs. It’s a hard reality to accept, both of them know it: you don’t arrive to the Hamlet if you’re not familiar with failure, vice, guilty, or all three of them. This is not to say that things aren’t slowly getting better, and although Bigby still hasn’t recovered entirely from this episode – both physically and mentally – he still smirks.
“Buy me something at the tavern and we’ll be square,” he says. Usually, that’s Dismas’ line, but today he felt like stealing it, which comes as a surprise, but Dismas laughs nonetheless.
“You’re learning!” he exclaims. “Alright, I’ll get you something nice as thanks.”
  They will mess up again, Bigby will mess up again. It’s part of humans’ nature, after all, something they can’t run from, something they can’t change.
In that moment, however, he realizes something: as banal as it may sound, it’s not so bad, making mistakes, not when there’s somebody that will catch him if he falls – and don’t think not even for a moment that he wouldn’t do the same if their positions were switched.
 Dismas’ gaze is set to the road in front of them, but Bigby can still feel the warmth he radiates towards him.
During moments like this, he can’t help but to feel extremely lucky.
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bylertruther · 2 years
i fucking . LOVE byIer AUs so much every time i see a new one in the ao3 tag i go running n sprinting to gobble it all up i want to read every headcanon for every AU ever no matter how niche it may be i want to read every AU ficlet i want to consume every AU moodboard ever I Want Each And Every AU Please Put Those Boys In A Situation And Give It To Me Right NOWWWWWWWWW 🥺🤲
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velnica · 1 year
Wind Up, Wind Down - Chapter 7 (FFXIV Write 2023: #5 Barbarous)
Vampire Sanson/Werewolf Guydelot AU | Explicit | 921 words
As the night wound down Sanson leisurely fed from Guydelot's neck, and learned a few surprising things about how their relationship started.
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tftctwofficial · 1 year
Chapters: 38/58 Fandom: Fables: The Wolf Among Us (Video Game)
Fox and Bigby don’t see eye-to-eye, but when the Fable turns up missing, Bigby agrees to help find his old friend. In doing so, however, the sheriff of Fabletown finds himself caught in a tangled web of lies, mystery, gang violence, and budding emotions he’d rather not think about.
TFTCTW is one year old! <3 (missed it by two days but oh well I’ve been sick)
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decendingfromgrace · 2 years
I truly do not understand when ppl say there isn’t any this or that written. Or there is a lack of this thing that they want. I’ve done it before so don’t get me wrong but there’s a much easier solution than complaining: writing it yourself. And with that ability comes a chance to write the most cathartic, specifically tailored fic for you. You what this character to do this thing but it’s never written? Write it yourself. Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad cause it will fulfill what you wanted from others, but so meant for you that it doesn’t matter. Just try it out, maybe you’ll develop a new passion or a fun hobby, but don’t complain to the high heavens about a problem so easily fixable.
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rosieaurora · 2 months
done with work and now i get to act a fool on the internet all weekend >:3
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elaboratedbee · 2 years
As a fellow Bigby lover, I must share my latest thought: I’ve been unable to shake the thought of Bigby being super reluctant to discipline his kids as youngsters. It HURTS to be the one to say no or have to send them to time out, especially when they cry about it. 🫠
idk how i didn't see this but you are sO INCREDIBLY CORRECT
everyone expects bigby to keep his kids on a tight leash and be pretty harsh with them (because does he have another setting?) but they're all very very wrong
bigby literally is obsessed with his kids, but he has a lot of insecurities and anxiety about being a father, which he hates talking about because he's repressed as fuck. he sees himself as a monster, and he's terrified the whole time before becoming a dad that he's going to struggle with staying in control around them, or that he's not going to be around for them like his father wasn't. he doesn't want his kids to turn out like him, he wants them to be better
this basically manifests itself in bigby... being a gigantic softie for his babies
he cannot say no to them for the life of him, especially when they get upset or beg or cry, he gives in 9/10 times which is absolutely awful and just causes more problems because they're used to getting their way lmao.
he is very very soft with them, he's the kind of dad who cannot handle his children growing up whatsoever, he literally carries them everywhere and he hates when he has to step in and discipline them, but he does reluctantly do so when they're fighting with one another. even though he knows logically he is in the right, and would be actively letting them down if he didn't parent them, his insecurities play on their mind when they're upset and he feels like a monster. he feels super guilty whenever they're sad or unhappy with him. it’s pretty funny, because he’s the sheriff, so he should be good at handing out punishments, he’s just not when it comes to his little ones
if anyone comments on his parenting or even WORSE?? his kids behaviour, he literally picks them up and puts them on his hip and becomes that 'don't talk to me or my son ever again' meme because his kid did NOTHING wrong you fuckin prick
bonus: bigby has an extra soft spot for the runt of the litter like his mother did for him (darien calls winter the runt a lot), and would be extra extra soft and always pay them special attention, just giving them a little bit of extra love and protection to make sure they know how loved and cared for they are, maybe taking their side a little more often than is justified :')
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vampireloverz · 2 years
i should head to sleep i have too much energy at 2am ,,,,, imma go burn this off with ur kratos fic because its chefs kiss oml
— gow anon
go to sleep !! i’m only up this early bc of work OTL AND THANK YOU TvT i love that u love it so much <3
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vankaywie · 24 days
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pairings : bigby wolf x gn!reader
tags : fluff , stinky bigby , uh I don't know
summary : helping bigby groom himself !!
an : SOMEONE REQUESTED I SHOULD MAKE A FLUFF OR A SMUT FIC OF BIGBY BUT I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT !!! also hiii, i am so sorry if I haven't been posting for so long, i had a writers block and basically lost motivation to do anything. i sincerely apologise😭 sorry if this is inaccurate bigby, i haven't played twau in a while and my memory sucks. also sorry if this isnt smut, i kinda wanted to do fluff... (theres an unfinished bigby smut in my notes) ANOTHER APOLOGY!! sorry if this sucks because i just wrote this and it's currently 4am..
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you've noticed bigby has been itching his chin alot, he was probably getting uncomfortable on how long his messy stubble is. bigby has been incredibly busy these past few weeks so his hygiene was... a mess. so you took it upon yourself and decided to help him.
bigby comes home exhausted, immediately sitting on the couch to relax... he didn't even realise you were sitting next to him. "oh fuck—" he flinches slightly. "I didn't see you there, bub.."
a frown forms on your face. "bigby... you stink."
he raises a brow. "i am?" he sniffs himself.. good god that stench. "fuck—"
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you forced bigby to take a bath, helping him wash his hair and his back, using your cherry blossom shampoo on him and your lovely soap so for once he'd smell nice. after that, you let bigby dry himself with a towel as you look for the razor.
"you're not going to shave all my stubble off, are you?" bigby chuckles, towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still soaking wet.
"oh, i will if you don't dry your hair and then get your ass on this chair." you threaten him.
he grumbles, drying his hair with a towel and sitting down on the chair infront of you. grabbing the cheap electric razor on the sink, turning it on. you gently hold bigby's chin, turning his head on an angle so you can start trimming his stubble. as you trim him, he looks at your face, admiring you.
your cheeks flushes as you feel his gaze. "don't stare..." you whisper, making him grin.
"and why shouldn't i?"
"it's distracting.."
finally, you were done. he checks himself on the mirror, satisfied at the results. "nice one, doll."
you smiled softly, putting the chair and the razor away. "thanks, bub. I've also washed some of your clothes, they're probably dry by now so you can wear 'em."
he placed a hand at the back of your head, slowly pulling you closer to place a kiss on your forehead. "you're the best."
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bigby decided to have a drink at holly's bar, the trip trap bar. he was extremely stressed. but then grendell's ass started bitching at bigby, ranting about how much of an asshole bigby is... but then... "and that bitch [name] looking right pass me, then ushering me out the fuckin' door. who do they think they are to fuckin' kick me out?!" grendell groans.
the unbothered bigby suddenly whips his head to glare at the man, quickly standing up and walking towards grendell. "i wouldn't call them that." he growls, his hazel eyes turning bright yellow, hinting his transformation. "it's happened before and it doesn't end well."
a fight begun, both grendell and bigby transforming, beating the hell out of each others. bigby was clawing at grendell's back, and grendell was trying to shake him off. eventually, grendell threw bigby across the room, the wolf crashing down at the tables and chairs at the corner. "fuckin' pause!" grendell yells, panting.
bigby growls, sitting up from the floor and glared at the monster infront of him. "what?"
"why the fuck do you smell like flowers and shits?!—"
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The Wolf Among Us - Fic Masterlist:
Bigby Wolf x Reader
Get Some (NSFW, Fem!Reader)
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 /Chapter 5
Just Like You (SFW, Werewolf!Reader)
Let Me Reward You (NSFW, Fem!Reader)
Metal Moths (SFW)
Police Dog (NSFW, Fem!Cop!Reader)
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15
Right At Your Doorstep (SFW)
Struggles (SFW, Deputy!Reader)
To See Red (NSFW, Fem!Reader)
Warmth in the Sheets (Semi-NSFW, GN!Reader)
What is Deserved (SFW)
Who's The Dog Now? (NSFW, Fem!Reader)
Main Masterlist
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I NEED an opinion, or options really. But I have been obsessed with this TellTale Game called "The Wolf Among Us" for the past WEEK, and have been especially obsessed with Bigby Wolf. I've been reading a fic on him on Wattpad and it's made me want to write on there again. The thing is, the Author of that Fic has the Reader as Red Riding Hood, WHICH TOTALLY FITS. I'm just struggling on what other Fable the Reader would be if I were to write an X Reader or X Male Reader, cause I feel like if I were to also go with Red Riding Hood I'd be plagiarizing them AND THATS THE LAST THING I WANT!!
(Bigby X Reader fic by OneArtsyGamer03 on Wattpad, I'd check it out, it's SOO GOOD!!)
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buryustogether · 1 year
buryustogether’s kinktober 2023
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trying my hand at participating in kinktober this year! i’ll begin writing requests this month.
to request a spot, simply send me an ask with the day/kink + a character you’d like to see. all fics will be x readers. i have the right to refuse any character.
happy kinktober!
day 1: aphrodisiacs - ineffable husbands
day 2: dirty talk - crowley
day 3: breeding kink - miguel o’hara
day 4: size kink - miguel o’hara
day 5: breath play - crowley
day 6: car sex - johnny silverhand
day 7: threesome / moresome - ineffable husbands
day 8: lingerie - lemon
day 9: uniform kink - hunter
day 10: mirror sex - miguel o’hara
day 11: overstimulation - saul bright
day 12: role play - tangerine
day 13: phone sex - aziraphale
day 14: marking kink - jonathan reid
day 15: thigh riding - aziraphale
day 16: oral sex - tangerine
day 17: praise kink - crowley
day 18: blindfold - sam drake
day 19: loss of virginity - aziraphale
day 20: orgasm denial - crowley
day 21: begging - loki
day 22: predator / prey - bigby wolf
day 23: semi public sex - tangerine
day 24: bondage - miguel o’hara
day 25: scent kink - karl heisenberg
day 26: somnophilia - miguel o’hara
day 27: dacryphilia - loki
day 28: cockwarming - tech
day 29: mutual masturbation - bigby wolf
day 30: collar - crowley
day 31: body worship - viktor vektor
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