#bill rdr2
lazypapers · 10 months
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RDR 2 doodles and studies Lol Bill having an awkward soft spot for Kieran. Angrily stares at Kieran for giving him the crush for him. Kieran absolutely just frightened of this man for threatening to geld his balls twice.
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omgwhatchloe · 13 days
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he looks absolutely heartbroken this is when bill was ranting about how dutch found him😭😭bro is feeling absolutely sympathetic
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Where all my Bill likers at?
Alt caption: where all my Bill lickers at?
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izaacs-notdeadyet · 2 months
modern au Bill would have social media, and post truck stuff, but every so often he posts about his dog Brown Jack and half the gang follows him simply for his dog
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dutch-ismyhusband · 1 month
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I’m feeling things 😘😍
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voidcomett · 2 years
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rdr cowboys as their horses
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mossytines · 9 months
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jovialminstrel · 3 days
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theashpocalypse · 7 months
Bill Williamson has clearly been keeping hydrated. I've been following him around camp a tad, he pees like every minute.
Sean, on the other hand, only pees 2-3 times a day. Give this poor man some water!
(What am I doing with my life)
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hogzzlactosing · 10 months
So we all know that Bill is really insecure and weak mentally, like, he needs validation so bad just to exist and because he doesn’t get it he drinks himself stupid just like his father.
A good demonstration of how he’s unsure of himself is in their interaction with Javier when he mocks him by how “dumb” he is
“why you look so confused Bill, like someone asked you where the sun goes at night”
something along those lines, and he defends himself only when Javier already turns around to leave, but when something actually starts and Javier comes back into Bills face he tenses like he’s about to jump if Javier raises his hand, and when he can’t lean back anymore he sits back looking down. Bill tries to pose as a though masculine and strong man but as soon as he gets the response his body language gives him away, and he tries to control it by not “actually” stepping back, but it still shows how afraid he is.
and it’s highlighted even more by the fact that he’s literally twice as big as Javier, and the only conclusion is that he’s a coward, scared of any confrontation, and he knows it, that’s why he tries to hide it, like a dog that barks only when the fence is closed.
edit: Also just wanted to add that when he jumps right in to the fight in the saloon with Arthur Charles and Javier is because he KNOWS that boys will back him up. He’s so loyal to the gang (later it’s just Dutch) because it’s the only thing that he can be sure in when he can’t be sure even in himself. So in what i described above he doesn’t have that sense of security which leads him to act the way he did.
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enapyen · 1 year
Bill? I’d love to see Bill Williamson haha
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Billy boy!!!!!
he was actually fun to draw thank you ‼️‼️
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omgwhatchloe · 1 month
if yall have not seen this then please seen it thanks
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i am intrigued in micah x bill (belliamson? bicah??) but does vigorous fucking accidentally result of both finding a reason to live and becoming better people or do they make each other worse?? is it a fling or do they catch feels?? i want the tea on your take
Haha well my take depends on what media is present. The ship is so under appreciated that I just agree with whatever media I can find. I do love the existence of multiple takes on a ship! diversify in a fandom breeds innovation and community. I will tell you my take on what you outlined.
- one interpretation I have seen is the idea that they started some sort of gay sex truce and accidentally became closer because of it. I constantly think back to Micah openly telling Bill he looks nice and doubling down that he is being honest when Bill says he doesn’t believe what he says. ^.^ this was my catalyst for the ship.
Micah (semi-closeted bisexual?) and Bill (closeted gay) agreeing to have sex together also makes sense because although Micah and Bill snap teeth at each other often, I feel like Bill is the closest person (who isn’t Dutch) Micah has. Micah is not exactly Bill’s friend, but Micah and Bill could bond if they were drunk. Maybe they bond over being bootlickers to Dutch, who knows!
- as for if their friend with benefits situation makes them better or worse people is up to the person shipping them. I like both takes!
I don’t think either of them would inherently fix the other magically, but I can see having someone in your corner for Micah and Bill would be ground breaking because both of them have been pretty lonely whether they admit it or not. I can see both of them making small, slow efforts to not piss off the other as much. Micah stops kicking Cain because Bill REALLY hated that. Now Micah just jealously stink eyes the dog whenever he’s getting all of Bill’s attention. Bill is an asshole in his own way but he isn’t as openly antagonizing as Micah is (seriously, he is a whole other level of stirring the plot). Bill is maybe more honest and believing of Micah when Micah gives him crumbs of kindness, like compliments. The both of them need to open up and make a modicum of effort to maintain a friendship.
I haven’t seen a lot of media around Bill x Micah resulting in them improving into better people. I would be interested to see some if people find it.
- the interpretation I enjoy a lot is them being two guys who revel in their cruddy behavior because the entire gang tolerated them at best. Instead of improving as people, they accept that having this asshole as a fuck-buddy buddy is better than being alone. They aren’t better as people, their asshole behavior is just consolidated on other people as opposed to each other.
Bill and Micah being buddies came to me during the coach robbery in chapter 4. I really liked their dynamic with Arthur and how Micah + Bill could team up and make fun of Arthur because they both dislike him, but at the same time Bill could agree with Arthur to call Micah out on his gross behavior, vise versa, Micah and Arthur can agree and poke fun at Bill to get the hothead to take the bait and make a fool of himself. Perhaps Mr. Black and Mr. White is a comparison that isn’t too far off; Micah and Bill will argue and squabble but in the end they like the other person’s guts.
- as for fling vs serious, I think Micah would firmly be opposed to a serious relationship. If he were to soften to the idea of it, it would have to be after a lot of time and many small catalysts to initiate changes in him. Little domino trails that eventually lead to Micah opening himself to real connection. It definitely was a fling initially. I mean… look at Bill. He is a walking rainbow flag saying “please. I need to be bedded.” Micah is no fool and he knows if he plays his cards right, he could get a sweet deal out of the situation. Even if their situationship turned out to be mediocre, it beats lonely masturbation and Micah making a fool of himself trying to flirt with Sadie, Abigail, Susan, and Mary.
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hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
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Excuse the FUCK OUT OF ME
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dutch-ismyhusband · 1 month
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