#bill smith/robert leckie
lupines-slash-recs · 4 years
Rec: All Stripped Down by romancandles
Rec: All Stripped Down by romancandles
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Title: All Stripped Down Author: romancandles Canon: The Pacific Pairing: Robert Leckie/Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith Rating: Mature [R] Word Count: 2,452 Summary: “We did miss you though. Sometimes I’d catch myself feeling a spark of hope and I’d think, god if only Lucky were here to bring me down.” (more…)
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Shirt Incident
William Hoosier Smith x GN!Reader
Requested by: @alienoresimagines - Could you write 105. Is that my shirt? with the love of my life Hoosier Smith and a gender neutral reader if that isn't too much of a bother please? ❤ As always, completely okay not to write it! 💛
Warnings: smoking, war, some f words
Prompt: Is that my shirt?
Summary: It is said among the Marines that Hoosier has a crush on you. You decide to test the theory.
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @order-of-river-phoenix @whoahersheybars
The weather was slowly beginning to be absolutely unbearable. There probably wasn’t an inch of your body that wasn’t covered in sweat. Your mind was clouded by the thought of the cooling ocean that could provide at least a temporary relief from the never-ending heat. You most probably would be in the water already if you were actually back home in the States but the heavy Thompson on your shoulder was constantly reminding you otherwise, that you were still very much in the middle of the Pacific killing for peace.
Well, that and the constantly annoyed voice of Chuckler who complained about the weather three times minimum every five minutes. At least you suffered in silence.
“No need to point out our miserable conditions anymore, Chuckler,” you finally snapped but your voice had a bit of a playful tone into it, so your friend knew it’s nothing personal. You all were in a crappy mood, feeling horrible.
“Hoosier looked way too comfortable over there,” Chucker grinned at you, “simply had to remind him what a wonderful situation we find ourselves in.”
Hoosier shot him a fake smile in response and then got back to his cigarette. Even he was too tired to actually think of some sarcastic remark to retort with.
You shook your head, laughing. “Maybe you need to remind him some more.”
Runner next to you leaned back in laughter, always enjoying when you teased the poor man from Indiana, Loogootee. Which you did quite often. You couldn’t lie to yourself, you enjoyed teasing Hoosier more than you probably should and from a whole lot different reason than Runner.
Chuckler nodded in anticipation. “Maybe we should take our shirts off, what do you say, Y/N?”
His words took you by surprise – you almost choked on your own cigarette – as he took it to a completely new level.
“God, Juergens,” Leckie joined, his typical smirk lightening up his tired face, “no one wants to see that. Unless Y/N really joins in so then I’ll have something to focus on.”
Your cheeks blushed at Bob’s comment as you just rolled your eyes to appear not so flattered by his words. You knew perfectly well why the boys were being so flirtatious all of a sudden. Leckie about a week ago pointed out to you so convincingly that Hoosier has this enormous crush on you. At first, you began to laugh hysterically, thinking it was one of Bob’s classic jokes but when his face remained serious, you gave him a funny look.
“Hoosier? The Hoosier? On me? Bob, the heat is making you imagine things.”
But he simply just shook his head, his voice perfectly calm and quite convincing. “Y/N, I might be a bit stupid sometimes but I’m not blind. And given the fact that we’re in the middle of this fucking war, I think it’d just be nice to have someone by your side.”
You never heard Robert Leckie sound so serious and sincere before.
“I have you guys,” you tried to discourage him once more from his theory, which was actually more of a fact, but you hadn’t known that yet. He patted your shoulder and with a quick ‘think about it’ he disappeared from your sight, his words still echoing in your head.
That was seven days ago.
Leckie must had made a pact with Runner, or so you thought, because he approached you three days ago at lunch and the conversation was pretty much the same one like you had with Bob. Apparently, there was even a bet in the company on what’s going to happen first: Hooser finally making a move or you actually realizing the real deal.
“The whole fucking company?” you exclaimed once Runner finished justifying his and Bob’s theory.
“Yep!” he grinned, “even the officers.”
“Oh God,” you groaned, your head falling into your hands.
Ever since those two encounters, there was almost nothing else on your mind than Hoosier. You were seeing his stupid face everywhere. What had happened to you? A week ago, you were okay, and Hoosier was just a fellow soldier. Now he was Hoosier.
Damn Bob and Runner, you were sure that this change in thinking was their intention all along.
This went on for a couple of days until you just couldn’t bare it anymore, so you decided to give the men what they wanted and finally test the ridiculous theory yourself. You tried to not make it a big deal, you really did, you were trying to convince yourself that it was a mere distraction from the war but none of it slowed down your racing heart or stopped your trembling hands.
When the company was finally granted some very much needed relax time and was taken back from the front lines for a couple of days, you decided to take action. It was a ridiculous plan, stupid really, but if there was something you learned from your friends’ relationships before the war, it was wearing the clothes of your other half. It usually worked in 9 cases out of 10.
You stole one of Hoosier’s army shirts that was for whatever reasons his favourite, so you knew he’d be able to recognize it. Sneaking your way around the camp, you reached the destination where the provisional showers were built.
William Hoosier Smith, the game is on.
The company was watching a movie outside that night – a perfect opportunity. You walked out of the showers, finally feeling fresh and clean in weeks. Plus, the comfort of new clothes on your skin, Hoosier’s clothes, was quite something you weren’t able to describe. It almost felt like being born again.
But only this time it was better, your body shook with anticipation, a grin on your face and a slight blush on your cheeks. This was it, no going back now. You thanked the God that your friends chose their seating place far right, so you didn’t have to make your way through the whole goddamn Company, grabbing everyone’s attention.
Sitting down next to Hoosier and casually lighting your cigarette proved like one of the hardest things to do when wearing this man’s clothes. You were both scared and excited at once, dreading the outcome of your little game as well as welcoming it with open arms.
At first, nothing happened, the boys seemed to be too pulled into the movie to pay attention to anything else, your cigarette for nervousness long gone.
Until Hoosier turned his head to you, you felt his eyes looking you up and down, sending you shivers down your spine.
You didn’t know where the sudden courage was coming from, but you leaned dangerously close to him, whispering, “Is there a problem?”
Hoosier swallowed, taking a drag from his cigarette. He didn’t answer right away, instead a smirk slowly appeared on his face.
“Is that my shirt?”
You knew the question was coming, hell you even prepared possible answers, but it was as if all of them vaporized in the air and your mind was left blank.
You turned your whole body to Hoosier, finally realizing the tense atmosphere between you two.
“Is it?” you tried your best to sound as innocent as possible, “sorry, my bad. Do you want it back?”
Hoosier seemed taken back by your words but only for a fraction of a second, his confident and a bit cocky self was back. “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble.”
Your cheeks heating up, you moved closer even more and reached for his cigarette that was hanging from his lips. You slowly took it into your fingers, taking a drag and blowing a puff of smoke into the air. Hoosier’s eyes were fixated on your every move, and you knew you succeeded.
“You might want to follow me, Private Smith.”
“Count on it, Ma’am.”
Maybe Leckie was right, maybe having someone by your side was all you needed to make it through the war. You hadn’t known it back then, when Hoosier was following you in the night, you hadn’t known it the day after, or in a week or a month, but ever since the shirt incident Hoosier had always been there, always by your side, and it was only after the war ended, on the ship home, when you finally realized that the someone Leckie was talking about two years ago was William Smith.
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lucky-bastards · 3 years
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I met Hoosier the second day at New River. […] I disliked him at first. [...] He seemed surly, too, with his square strong figure, tow hair and blue eyes— […] But I was too inexperienced to see that the surliness was but a front for his being scared, like all of us. The immobile face was a façade; the forced downward curve of the mouth a hastily erected defense against the unknown. With time and friendship, that mouth would curve in a different direction, upward in a grin that was pure joy.
- Robert Leckie: Helmet For My Pillow
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snafus-peckuh · 3 years
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Band of Brothers and The Pacific + texts post (part 4)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
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hbowardaily · 3 years
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Hoosier: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed, and he’s really ugly.
Leckie, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
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gwadelkennel · 3 years
The Pacific fandom is so fucking weird. Y’all could see a fucking bowl of Cheerios and be like “Robert Leckie energy” like bitch that is a war veteran
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floralfloyd · 3 years
One-shots and Imagines Requests
Below is a list of all the people I write for but I’m always willing to give anything a try if you don’t see your favorite person on there. As for plots, I’m open to anything and will write any kind of plot idea minus smut. 
Band of Brothers
Floyd Talbert
George Luz
Dick Winters
Joe Liebgott
Babe Heffron
Lewis Nixon
Chuck Grant
Harry Welsh
Bill Guarnere
Ronald Spiers
Donald Malarkey
Carwood Lipton
 The Pacific
Robert Leckie
Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith – willing to do Jacob Pitts too
Eugene Sledge
Sidney Philips
Andrew ‘Ack  Ack’ Haldane
Bohemian Rhapsody Cast 
Gwilym Lee - all characters including Brian May
Brian May 
John Deacon
Pink Floyd
David Gilmour 
Rick Wright
Nick Mason
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auroralightsthesky · 2 years
Buy this shit!!! (A second Fix This Shit interlude)
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Summary: What happens when a bunch idiots go into a Home Depot for supplies?? A glorious shitshow worthy of an Academy Award
Sid, Tatum, Leckie, Hoosier and Ray were relieved to be out of the heat and into the air conditioning of the local Home Depot, the cool air knocking away the sweaty, filmy grime that stuck to them like flypaper. Garza, Runner and Sledge weren’t far behind them, pushing one of the hand carts as best they could as Ray stood on top of it, his arms outspread as though he were the king of the world. 
“Ray shut up, this is embarrassing,” Sid hissed. 
“Aw c’mon homes, have a little fun and cut loose,” Ray insisted. “We’ve been working on a house that clearly has a disease and the only days off we’re gonna get are Memorial Day and Fourth of July. I dunno about the rest of you guys, but I’m gonna squeeze as much fun out of this as I can.” 
“Oh God help us all,” Sledge groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
Down each aisle they went, looking for what they needed and grabbing extras just in case. “Yo do we need screws?” Ray asked. 
“We’re lookin for the deck screws,” Sid told him. 
“I thought we weren’t supposed to do the deck for another week?” Hoosier thought out loud. 
“Better get’em now while we can,” Sid replied. 
They went through each of the aisles, one by one, picking up whatever they could find and crossing it off the list, but when all had been gathered, there was no sight of Ray. 
“Any idea where he went?” Sid asked. 
“Not a clue.” 
“Don’t ask.” 
“Don’t wanna know.” 
Now Sid was a bit anxious. God only knew what sort of trouble their friendly neighborhood miscreant was getting into. 
He came back a moment later with a large box in his arms and an excited look plastered all over his face. “Guys,” he said excitedly. “You’re never gonna guess what I found in the garden section.” 
“Ray, if it has anything to do with weed......” 
Sure enough, Ray turned the box over and there it was, a box with the image of a large growing kit and lights. “I gotta get it,” he said. “A friend of mine’s got some seeds and we could have some good hooch for Memorial Day.” 
Sid looked at the others, giving it some thought. They had been working their asses off since school had let out in April in the sweltering heat, transforming a house that nobody wanted in the hopes that their bills would be paid. “You know what?” Sid finally said. “Fuck it, let’s grow some hooch!” 
The others cheered and headed for the front, hoping that one little purchase would help them keep their sanity.
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rcbertleckie · 4 years
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H Company · The Pacific Part One: Guadalcanal/Leckie
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jackwaltenkin · 3 years
I made a quiz!! Enjoy!!
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crappy meme that has most likely been done before but YOU CANT TELL ME THAT HONOUR (FOR OBOE AND STRINGS) DOES NOT SLAP
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lucky-bastards · 3 years
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Shit, I can get you guys some coffee. 
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snafus-peckuh · 3 years
every friend group has:
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panevanbuckley · 4 years
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purely to appreciate smol runner bean
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Tattoos (Bill "Hoosier" Smith)
Requested by: @alienoresimagines
Summary: Birthday in Australia.
Author's Note: I'm so bloody late for Al's birthday and I hate myself for it so apologies my lovely friend, I'm the worst, the writer's block is a bitch. Anyway, happy birthday!
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans  @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @stressedinadress @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @order-of-river-phoenix
[link to my taglist is in my bio, requests are opened ♡]
No, it wasn’t definitely something Y/N expected or wanted but his warm hand in hers was telling her that this was exactly what she needed. The way he squeezed it sent goose bumps all over her body even though the weather was sunny, no cloud could be seen on the sky that day. Y/N felt safe, like she had never felt in her entire life, and she knew it was all because of him.
Bill pulled her closer to his body like he was afraid the summer breeze might take her away from him.
“We’re almost there, lucky we haven’t met anybody.” he whispered into her ear, his lips slightly brushed against her skin, and she shivered under his touch for the second time in two minutes.
“No one can know, okay?” Y/N laughed as she looked around closely to make sure that there is indeed no familiar face watching them walk right into a tattoo parlour. “We’re still in the army, Hoos.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that, darling. No one cares about that shit any more, they just want to go home.” Bill responded quickly, a hint of irony behind his voice. Y/N couldn’t take his statement the wrong way, she wasn’t able to get mad at him for his slightly bitter note, not after what they’d been through.
“Now, the real question is,” he silenced himself for drama, “what should we get?”
Y/N made it look like she’s thinking real hard about the current problem, she could feel his hot stare, but she had decided already. “Promise me you won’t laugh.”
“I promise,” Hoosier chuckled taking his hand in hers, “unless it’s some cheesy mainstream crap. Like a wing, or heart, or a damn quote.”
The young female Marine immediately burst out laughing after those words left his mouth - typical Bill. “I can assure you it’s none of that crap.”
“So what is it?” his voice suddenly soft and tender. Hoosier looked at Y/N with so much admiration he thought it’s impossible to love someone that much, the short moment of laughter made him realize just how desperately he wants to run away with her and never come back.
“A Marine symbol. The anchor with the eagle, the globe and the rope.” she mumbled as she was somehow ashamed of what she just said. The truth was, Y/N was a proud Marine, no one could take that away from her, but admitting how important her duty was to her to Bill, that was another level of intimacy. They never talked about the war, why they enlisted or why they chose the Marines. They just did and that was all there was to it, nothing more, nothing less. They took the presence as it was threw at them, no thinking why now, here and them.
Hoosier wasn’t sure how to react at first, whether to marry the woman now and there or take her away, make passionate love to her and then marry her right away. Never in a million years did he thought that something like this his lovely Y/N would imprint into her skin forever. To remind her of all the horrors, the inhumanity and never-ending suffering?
“Why that?” Bill managed to get out of himself. He surely was surprised.
“Well,” Y/N smiled softly looking at the ground, “because it means a great deal to me. It will show me just what I’ve been through, that I shall never give up on life despite all of these things happening, that those scars that will accompany me for the rest of my being are a proof that I was there. It will show me just how much we’ve suffered so I should never ever take anything for granted. Sleep, silence, water. But most importantly,” she looked him right in the eye, her right hand caressing his cheeks gently, “Marines gave me you.”
It was as simple as that, nothing more. Y/N considered herself the luckiest person on this planet, after all they’d been through she was still standing in the dim light of an Australian tattoo parlour with the man that made her believe and hope again.
“And because it’s my birthday and I wanna do something silly and fun.” she giggled and Hoosier thought he had never loved her more like he did in that moment.
They silenced themselves for awhile, just enjoying the presence of the other. Bill’s look dropped on the little simple gold ring shining on her left ring finger that he gave her earlier that day.
“Just shut up, I’m trying to be the romantic boyfriend I’m.” Hoosier frowned, pouting his lips. He looked rather cute than mad to her and another sweet giggles left her mouth. “Alright.”
“Okay, this isn’t some sort of proposal, okay, but I want you to know that…” he cleared his voice, glancing from her eyes to her lips and back. She could say this was pretty hard for him, expressing his feeling out loud, Hoosier was always more of touchy guy, and it made her to fall in love with him even more.
“I want you to know that you keep me sane in this mad world, the reason I’m alive is you and only you, Y/N. Happy birthday, darling.” he slipped a simple ring onto her finger, looking at the jewelry for some time as he soft smile appeared on his face.
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