#billy guerin
missingpucks · 5 months
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me giggling when my crush tells a joke
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sidsthekid · 5 months
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this moment in pens history will stay rent free in my mind forever but
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mostly for this…for them…
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draft day fit 🐶
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alshaverpressbox · 1 year
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she's here <3
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girlfriendline · 10 months
"and in the break we'll be hearing from billy guerin"
i'll stop you right there anthony. i don't ever want to hear from that man again <3
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lcveliess · 8 months
plot & starter call for the valentines ball mini event!
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beneath there'll be some information about what my muses are up to and who they'll be attending with or if they're going solo. you'll find what the girls are wearing here.
do like if you're interested in plotting and i'll shoot you a dm. as with starters, please comment which muse of yours you'd like a starter for and which muse of mine you'd like it to be with. as of the moment i'm limiting it for 2 each, but might increase.
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rebecca barnes | aware | marvel (2/2) steve rogers, michael guerin having not had much luck with the minimal amount dating she'd done the past few years, rebecca decided to sign herself up for a blind date and will be attending with pei ming. she hopes attending the ball will help her socialize more with other and that she'd at the least gain some new acquaintances.
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jenny loomis | aware | scream oc (2/2) rhaena targaryen, billy loomis jenny has decided to attend the event on her own, not wanting to risk a blind date in case she would have to spend the night with someone she'd potentially end up being irritated by. she'd decided to attend the ball out of curiosity as to how it might end, given the recent holidays and that she would hopefully find something entertaining happening.
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helaena targaryen | aware | house of the dragon (2/2) rhaena targaryen, harwin strong helaena has decided to attend the ball out of curiosity and in the hopes that this will be a happier event, in which she might socialize and learn more about the holiday as well as look around the museum. she'll be attending the ball alone.
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alyssa brown | aware | until dawn oc (2/2) jessica riley, apple alyssa decided to sign herself up for a blind date and will thus be attending the ball with jenna sommers. and though it was not something she would usually do, she decided that it was a good way to possibly get to know someone. she chose to attend the ball in hopes that it will be a joyful event, given the recent times.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Letters in Your Last Name - Chapter 22
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A/N: This was so self indulgent at the time... ahahaha I wrote this on that day and was literally panicking all day. He wasn't traded, but we still knew it would come. Then when I was getting close to posting this chapter, he actually was traded, and then I couldn't post it cause I was so fucking divested. Man. We have come a long way since last summer.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Content, Swearing, Angst
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Trade Deadline day of 2022 may be the death of me.
Kevin is currently at practice while I’m drowning in every trade rumor that spreads across the ticker bar on NHL Network. Highly reliable reporters are spilling their sources’ secrets all over Twitter. Each breaking news announcement makes a lump push against my esophagus, threatening to consume me with its pressure. At least this will all be over in about 6 hours.
Before he left this morning, Kevin reiterated to me to stay off social media. I agreed that I would, but made no commitment to keeping the TV off. He also reminded me that him and General Manger Billy Guerin have a handshake agreement to discuss his next contract after the season is over. This agreement was made after Kevin’s rough stretch of games in November. Billy called him to his office and told Kevin to relax. The pieces would shake out the way they would, he just needed to focus on hockey. Whether this understanding is good or bad for Kevin remains to be seen.
The reality of it all is that the money will have to be at the exact right price if Kevin is to stay with the Wild. Considering how negotiations went last summer, and an even bigger cap crunch, I am incredibly uncertain as to where we will be next year. The high possibility remains that this is our last season in Minnesota. The reality of that creates a deep ache in the threads of my soul. The fact that we are even having these worries while Kevin is having another career year feels incredibly unfair.
The door to our apartment opens and Kevin strolls in casually. He’s on the phone and panic begins to bubble up in my chest. He wiggles two fingers at me in acknowledgement around the keys in his other hand.
“Jaký byl tvůj víkendový výlet?” He speaks into the phone. I recognize the Czech language, but none of the words, and that confirms he is talking to a family member. I stare intently at him, getting on my knees on the couch. Kevin tosses his keys into the bowl and kicks off his Adidas before moving into the kitchen. He sets his container of food on the counter and leans against it, listening to the person on the other end. His top teeth nibble distractedly on his bottom lip. As he does so, his brown eyes connect with mine and he raises his eyebrows in question.
“Who is that?” I mouth to him.
“Mom.” He responds.
Their conversation continues in Czech as I wait and stare. Kevin’s eyes dance in amusement at me, distracted by my persistence. He licks his lips, walking over to the couch and dropping a kiss on my mouth. He mutes his phone to speak to me while his mom’s voice continues to come through the speaker.
“I haven’t been traded.” He assures me, picking up on my interest in the conversation. “Just talking about their ski trip to the alps.” He walks back to the counter, unmuting the phone to respond to his mom. “Sněhová nadílka musí být letos dobrá?”
With Kevin’s certainty, I back off and slump into a sitting position on the couch. Kevin begins to eat his pre-game chicken, rice, and broccoli while conversing with his mom. The sound of his light laughter connects with my ears and I frown. How is he so nonchalant about this day while I feel like my insides are aggressively being torn apart? What is his secret to not giving a crap? I need it desperately.
"Sbohem, mami.” I know this means goodbye, so I throw a look at Kevin over my shoulder. “Damn, Maggie nailed this today.” Kevin insists, shoving another big bite into his mouth. Maggie is the team’s chef who caters to all the boys' culinary needs. Kevin prefers for her to make his pre-game meals so he can focus on important things like napping. “Come taste this.” He ushers me over to where he is standing. I get up, walking over to him. He pulls me closer by my hip and hands me the fork. While I stab a bite together, he studies me. His tongue runs along the inside of his lip while he does so. “How ya doing?”
“Horrible. Thanks for asking.” He chuckles at me, watching as I put the fork in my mouth and chew. “It’s great as usual. She is so good with flavor.”
“Yeah. So why are you all worked up? I told you that Billy and I talked.”
“Yeah I know. But I’ve been thinking. What if a team comes in with this insane offer he can’t refuse?”
“Then I guess maybe I would be. It would have to be a pretty significant offer though.” He shrugs his shoulders, again looking unfazed. I roll my eyes, instantly frustrated that he is so dismissive of the anxieties I'm having.
“Oops I forget, we are Team No Worries today.” I step away from his arm around my waist and turn to walk out of the kitchen. My annoyance flares more at the sound of his light laughter again.
“Baby.” He calls, “look at me.” I resist at first, crossing my arms tightly over my chest. “Samantha.” He sing-songs to me, trying to keep the tension from absorbing us. Finally, I slide my gaze to him. “It’s going to be okay.” I stare at his brown eyes. I know he believes this, but I can’t jump onto that feeling with him today. Not until after the deadline. So I nod, knowing Kevin doesn’t believe it as he releases a heavy sigh. He stabs his fork into his food and mutters in Swiss German under his breath.
My gaze goes back to the TV, watching the analysts discuss a new pending trade call between the Rangers and the Panthers. It’s someone I’m not familiar with. I can hear Kevin moving around in the kitchen behind me. Eventually, he comes to sit with me on the couch with a glass of water.
“Can we not watch this?” He asks me, scrolling on his phone.
“I want to.” Kevin purses his lips in annoyance at me. “We have other rooms in this apartment you can go to.” I snip at him.
“Why are you so upset with me?” He snaps, holding his arms out in frustration. “I haven’t done anything to deserve this attitude from you.”
“You’re gaslighting me into thinking I’m overreacting.”
“You are overreacting.” He insists, getting a touch louder. “I’ve told you: Billy and I talked. My agent and I also talked. There is no concern today. You’re feeding into the rumor mill and not trusting me.” He places his hand on my thigh. The anger directed towards him dissipates at his touch. I push out a calming breath.
“I hate this. I hate all the uncertainty on what’s going to happen. It’s making me crazy. I just want to know what this is going to look like. Where are we going to be at this time next year? Is it here? Is it somewhere else?” I close my eyes and shake my head at him. “I don’t want to feel like this anymore. Even after today, it won’t disappear. How much longer do we have to live like this?”
“At least a couple more months.” His tone is soft and understanding.
“I just want to know. That’s it. I just want a decision.” Kevin nods his head empathetically.
“I get that, but you know I can't join you there. Not during the season. If you need to watch this, then that’s your choice. But I can’t when I have to play tonight.” He stands then comes to drop a quick kiss on my lips. He silently leaves the room, heading to our bedroom. The soft click of the door announces our separation. For some reason, that makes me feel worse.
I continue to watch the trade coverage for the next few hours. Excitedly enough, the Wild are involved in several trades, but every time I see the announcement and their logo, my throat constricts painfully tight. Kevin stays in our room, tucked away for safe keeping until It’s time to leave for the game tonight. The last, big news of the day for the Wild seemingly revolves around Marc-Andre Fleury. The analysts begin speculating that Kevin may be involved in the trade. Panic swells in my veins. Chicago was not in the forefront of my brain. The idea makes a sour scrunch come to my face. I wouldn’t touch Chicago with a ten foot pole right now.
I feel out of control as I drink in every word of their speculation. But they don’t know. We won’t know until the final paperwork has been submitted. I close my eyes, leaning my head back on the couch cushion and feel the anxiety consume my body. The blood pounds through my veins, making my body feel as though it is vibrating with each heart beat.
I am not in control. We will be okay.
I feel air moving close to my face, then Kevin’s lips press to my forehead. Next, they go to my temple, then to my cheek, skirting along my jaw bone. His shirt tickles my hair as he leans further forward, pressing our lips together tightly. He’s here now. Does this mean the speculation is true? Did Billy call him?
“You are too beautiful to be this stressed.” He murmurs.
“I don’t know how you are so calm about this.”
“Last time I was traded, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m not afraid. I wish you weren’t.” I shake my head, unable to put into words all that I’m feeling. I wish I wasn’t too. I wish I felt a sense of security and peace that whatever is next is what’s best for us. I don’t. Instead, fear of the unknown is choking me until I can barely pull in shallow breaths. "You’re making it worse by watching this.” He insists to me. A moment later, I hear the TV click off.
“Hey. Put it back on.” I snap at him, reaching for the remote.
“You’re done for today.”
“There is still a half hour until the deadline.” He shrugs, then brings both his hands up, skimming across my arms until they rest on my chest. He gives my breasts a tight squeeze. I bite back the moan that pushes into my throat. His thumbs brush against my now hardened nipples. Involuntarily, my eyes close and I lick my lips, letting on just how good it feels. “I’m going to help you relax.” His hands come to the edge of my shirt, lifting it to exposure my bra to him. Luckily for us both, the clasp is in the front. The cups fall away, exposing perfectly, rosy nipples. Kevin sighs behind me, getting closer so our lips can connect easier. His fingers swipe across the sensitive peaks and the moan becomes too forceful to keep in.
“Kev…” It’s meant to be firm but instead comes out soaking in desire.
“Shh.” He whispers against my lips, fingers moving again. His tongue dashes into my mouth at the same time his movements increase. Wetness is pooling between my legs, so I open them to showcase my need. My hand goes to the back of his neck, holding his mouth to mine. My tongue dances with his in perfect sync. His thumbs and pointer fingers tighten against my nipples, squeezing them into submission. My back arches further into his hands and he spreads his fingers, taking my full breasts completely into them. His thumbs dance over the tips again. I shiver in pleasure as his mouth pulls away from mine.
“Come here.” He opens his arms to me. I stand on the couch, shedding my shirt and bra, leaving them long forgotten on the floor. I throw my arms over his shoulders. He pauses, grabbing my right breast and pulling me to his mouth with a firm grip on my ass.
“Oh.” I cry out, head tilting back, chest rising and falling rapidly. His tongue circles my nipple and then he pulls it completely into his mouth. He sucks and laps at me until my knees feel weak. My mouth rests on the top of his head, pressing kisses to his scalp, encouraging him to continue. When he moves away, the afternoon light glistens across my wet nipple, shining a beacon on his work.
“Ready?” He murmurs, before wrapping his arms around my waist, lifting me over the cushions and into his chest. My bare breasts dance against his shirt as he walks. His straining erection teases me; the barriers of our pants too much for the state of arousal I’m in. “Hold onto me, baby.” He reminds me as he enters our bedroom. I’m not sure if he’s reminding me about now or the contract situation. The shades are open to accept the light, so when he sets me down, the sunlight highlights my naked features to him.
“Take this off.” I insist, shoving his Wild shirt up his abdomen. He does so, exposing the rigid muscles of his torso. “Fuck.” I murmur running my nails along the divots, salivating at getting to have him like this. My fingers move to the waistband of his pants, shoving them down. His erection thrusts out at me. I run my fingers along the thick, hard shaft, causing him to sigh in pleasure. His hands practically rip my pants from my legs after that. I laugh at him, but it doesn’t last long. His lips are on my inner thigh, instantly trailing towards our favorite place. My fingers thread through his hair as he pauses, taking in the view.
“Your pussy is incredible.” I bite my bottom lip as he places a kiss on my pubic bone. His lips press delicate kisses all along my lips, teasing me, making me ache and cry out until his mouth finally encloses over my clit. My head snaps back and my fingers curls into his brown locks. One of his hands comes to grab my free one and I squeeze his fingers tightly. I can’t help but move my hips into his face, which makes him moan in response. “So hot, baby.” He insists, tugging my hips tighter to his face. His tongue dashes deeper into my clit, making the pressure build unbearably tight. Every muscle in my body clenches. I squeeze the parts of Kevin touching me and then release all at once.
“Ohmygod!” I yell then moan deep in my chest. Kevin licks me through my orgasm, causing me to jerk then shove him deeper. I’ve barely caught my breath before he is flipping me to my stomach, pulling my hips up high into the air. His first plunge is quick and deep. He gives me no time to adjust to his thickness. His thrusts are rough and demanding, requiring me to take him quietly and without protest.
“Good job, baby.” He whispers in my ear as he connects his chest with my back, driving deeper still until my cervix tingles in slight protest. “Tell me if it’s too much.” I immediately shake my head fiercely.
“Don’t stop.” I force out through gritted teeth.
“That’s my girl.” He grins and lets out a confident laugh. He knows how good he is in bed.
He stands back to his full height, slapping my ass gently and then gripping my hips tighter to drive faster. The bed squeaks in dissent. Our heavy breathing fills the room just as my second orgasm descends over me. I fall into the comforter, letting it catch my scream. Kevin fucks me through this wave and well into the next one already building. When that one is complete, he pulls out of me, kissing up my spine to the base of my neck. He nibbles at my skin there then taps my thigh for me to flip over again. His mouth comes to my pulsing clit and licks. I whimper at how sensitive it is and he softens his laps. When I’m back to the wetness he wants, he pulls back, grabbing my legs and putting my heels on his shoulders. His strong hands come under my butt, lifting my hips as he slides into me.
“Ahhh fuck. You are perfect. So damn perfect.” He hisses out through gritted teeth as he slowly moves in and out of me. My arms go to the side, allowing my breasts to bounce the way he likes them to. He grins, then gnaws on his bottom lip. His teeth snap tighter together and his mouth practically snarls as he takes in the view.
My cheeks and chest are flushed; I’m withering desperately beneath his hands. Despite the trade deadline, Kevin Fiala is having a great day.
“Touch yourself.” He insists to me, watching my hand come between my legs, lightly rubbing myself to my fourth orgasm.
As my fingers stroke, my eyes don’t leave his face. His jaw tightens, cheeks sucking in slightly; I can tell he is holding back. He wants to come, but he’s waiting for one more from me. I can feel it building, a little softer, less intense than the others, but just as exquisite. I surrender to it, arching my back as much as he will let me with his vise-like grip on my hips. When he’s confident I’m through, he finally allows himself to release, shooting deep into me with a long, profound moan. His chest heaves as he lets go of my legs. I spread them wide so he can fall towards me beneath him. He gently sets himself over me, connecting our lips immediately. His kisses are soft, nothing like the franticness of before. Both my hands run through his brown hair while my legs rest loosely against his butt.
“I love you.” I tell him in between our soft smooches.
“Mmm, I love you too, baby.” I trace the outline of his swollen lips with the tip of my pointer finger. They tilt into a smile under my touch. “It’s after 2:00pm.”
“And you’re still a Wild player.” I murmur, cocking my head to the side. He feigns shock then snickers at me.
“Technically, I might not be. My phone is in the other room. That would be quite the phone call.” He brings his hand up to his ear like he’s taking a call. “Hey Billy, sorry I missed your 18 phone calls. I was fucking my hot fiancé. What’s up?” I roll my eyes at him, cheeks turning a little pink.
“Stop.” I mumble, running my hands up to his shoulders, resting them against his firm muscles.
“Sex that good should be talked about.” He insists, kissing the corners of my mouth.
“Yeah? So you talk about me in the locker room?” I ask him. He sits back on his knees, looking down at me spread before him to accommodate his body.
“No. I know better.” He shakes his head, eyes serious.
“But…” He trails off as one of his fingers slides against my still sensitive folds. I chomp on my lip and wiggle against his finger. He removes it then dances his other hand up my body, briefly skimming my right nipple, then resting close to my mouth. His thumb comes to my bottom lip, pulling it slightly down with heavy eyes. “If I were to say something, it would be praising your mouth.” I slide my tongue out, licking his thumb then sucking it into my mouth. My teeth lightly scrape against his skin and he breathes out an angsty “Fuck.”
“What’s so good about my mouth?” I ask him while knowing exactly what he means. I can feel his erection building against me again. It teases my thigh making my inner muscles clench again.
“Where to start…?” He trails off, pausing for a moment, again taking in the sight of me splayed before him. I shimmy further down the bed so his erection is within reach. My fingers grip his shaft and tug at him as he thinks. His eyes are dilating again, his core muscles straining as he tries to remain composed. “You do this thing with your tongue that I swear pulls my soul straight out of my body. And you’re never shy about how deep you can take me. In fact, I think the deeper I am the better you like it.”
“That’s true. I love the taste of you.” I insist, shifting to get on my knees. He immediately backs off so he is standing next to the bed. I set my face right in front of his dick. It twitches at my proximity. I gently flick the tip of my tongue against the slit in his head. “Keep going.” I encourage, wrapping my hand strongly around the base, tugging upwards. His balls tighten against my hand and I grin. He’s already close and I haven’t even started.
“Um… Ah…” He begins but trails off when my lips press against his head. His hand goes to the back of my head and he eases me down. I take him fully and stay there until his pressure on the back of my head releases, then I slowly rise, dragging my tongue the entire length of him. “That. Definitely that.” He moans as I swirl my tongue against his head, dipping into the crease at the top. My tongue traces the curves of him, then I take him most of the way in my mouth, sucking and licking and squeezing him into submission. “Baby.” Kevin cries to me. I know I have him exactly where I want him.
“What else.” I ask during a brief moment where my mouth is empty.
“Fucking everything. Keep going, baby.” His voice is frantic, so I move again.
As I do, noises and begging comes from his lips in several of his languages. Most prominently is Czech. I have to hold back the smile forming on my lips because I want him to finish. I give him one final tug, then suck his head tight and swirl my tongue along the pulsing skin. He comes fiercely into my mouth. His hands grip my head tight as he sways into the bed at the power of his orgasm. I take every last drop of him in my mouth. When he opens his eyes to take me in, I release him. I sit up on my knees then show him every ounce of him on my tongue. I curl my tongue back in and swallow, falling back onto the bed like the damn queen I am.
“That noteworthy, Kev?” I tease him. He still looks lost as his chest rises and falls rapidly with his eyes locked on my bouncing breasts. When he looks back at my face, his grin is infectious.
“So… Ah… What are you doing for the rest of your life?” He wonders, eyes still molten with desire.
“Fuck. Lucky me.”
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coffee-at-annies · 2 years
For anyone looking for the congrats videos for Geno, have a link spam
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Some love from current and former teammates
Sid 😭🥰🐧
Flower 🌺
Horny ☀️
Pavel Datsyuk
Ruslan Fedotenko
Ilya Kovalchuk
Brooksy (Brooks Orpik)
Billy Guerin
(Big) Jeff Carter
Instagram (Tanger, Jake, Dumo, Rusty, Dragon, BJC, Kappy, Heino, Zucker)
Bonus, Geno’s Family: Nikita, Dad, Mom, Denis (brother)
I’ll update the links as they release more videos to twitter since Instagram won’t let me view anything more without creating an account
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alkaysani · 2 years
thank you alie @diazreyes for tagging me! i was thinking of doing this with alkaysani, but it’s only fair to do it with my spooky url
rules: make a new post and spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url. 
fallen leaves by billy talent
u.r.a.q.t by m.i.a
lithium by nirvana
la paura del buio by maneskin
mobb2it by clipping
olympus by greenpan
orion by 2wei
not a game by e-40, daveed diggs, rafael casal
dna by kendrick lamar
i feel it coming by the weeknd, daft punk
arsonist’s lullabye by hozier
zeus by ilselena
tagging 12 folks - no pressure though:
@nilefreemans @obsidiana @strangehighs @quiquimora @niccolos @bookersebastien @cherubinas @lesbiandiaz @guerin-michael @eddieshimbo @madsbuckley @carsonnshaw
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splendidmoments · 10 months
Ten books I've read and loved
Here's ten books I've read and loved:
Drawn Together by Aline Kominsky Crumb and Robert Crumb
Love That Bunch by Aline Kominsky-Crumb
Hot Comb by Ebony Flowers
Sister Gumbo: Spicy Vignettes From Black Women on Life, Sex, and Relationships by Ursula Inga Kindred and Mirranda Guerin-Williams
Mister Gumbo: Down and Dirty with Black Men on Life, Sex, and Relationships by Ursula Inga Kindred and Mirranda Guerin-Williams
Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival, & Hope in an American City by Andrea Elliott
The Sex Lives of African Woman: Self-Discovery, Freedom, and Healing by Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah
Jerry Dantzic: Billie Holiday at Sugar Hill: with a reflection by Zadie Smith by Jerry Dantzic and Grayson Dantzic
Longing to Tell: Black Women's Stories of Sexuality and Intimacy by Tricia Rose
I'll Never Write My Memoirs by Grace Jones
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himbeaux-on-ice · 3 years
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malexlover · 3 years
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I have so many W.I.P’s but I want requests!!!
My darlings, my lovies. I am taking songfic requests!
If you have a song that you cant get out of your head, or one that you want to scream at the top of your lungs, or one that you just think is neat, send in a request with a character and my bony fingers will get to work!
Here is a very fancy, and organized (it isn't but let me pretend) list of the people/characters I write for! badabing
If you have any other requests then send them in and we can chat!!
and here is my masterlist: badaboom
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idealuk · 4 years
From the fact that Vlamburn would look enough like them respectively (more so if they allow Tyler to grow out his hair), ...
... to Michael’s teenage dream of marrying Alex and starting a dad band, Bill and Ted really is the perfect couple’s costume for Malex.
You: But they weren’t a couple.
Me: What movies were you watching? Did you see that couple’s therapy scene with their wives?
Michael (doesn’t matter whether Vlamis or Guerin): We’re the fan fiction version.
Me: Excuse me while I cry over the fact that Maribel could have also gone as Billie and Thea. They definitely have the wardrobe for it.
William Sadler made this post sink in to a wormhole between two Roswells.
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krissywendell · 4 years
wtf are the wild doing. can they stop.
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