earthcovenant · 1 year
Tribute by The ‘Destroyers’ – X: Los Angeles
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Tribute by The ‘Destroyers’ – X: Los Angeles
The debut album by rock band X, titled "Los Angeles," is a classic piece of punk rock history. Released on April 26, 1980, this record was produced by none other than Ray Manzarek, the ex-keyboardist of The Doors. The album features a cover of The Doors' iconic song "Soul Kitchen," but X adds their own unique punk twist to the tune. "Los Angeles" placed at a respectable No. 16 on The Village Voice's 1980 Pazz & Jop critics' poll, solidifying its place in rock history. In 2003, Rolling Stone ranked the album at No. 286 on their list of the 500 greatest albums of all time. For punk rock fans and lovers of classic rock alike, "Los Angeles" is a must-listen album.
X's unique blend of punk, rockabilly and folk rock allowed them to create a sound that was both rebellious and introspective. Their raw and unpolished style resonated with disillusioned youth in the late 70s and early 80s.  Their debut album, "Los Angeles," is a scathing and uncompromising critique of the city's political and social climate. Tracks like "Johnny Hit and Run Paulene" and "The Unheard Music" showcase the band's gritty energy and unapologetic attitude.  "Wild Gift" builds on this foundation, offering a more refined and focused sound. The album's standout track, "White Girl," explores themes of drug addiction and racial tension with haunting vocals and a pulsating bassline.  X helped pave the way for the punk and alternative rock movements of the 80s and 90s. Bands like Sonic Youth, Nirvana and The Pixies have cited them as a major influence on their music.  Despite their impact on the genre, X never achieved mainstream commercial success. However, their legacy lives on as a testament to the power of authenticity and creative expression in music.
Under the direction as of requirement by Andrew Rogers: Destroyer Incarnate and Founder of the Destroyer Society and Creator of ‘Destroyers’ Band has actioned the enhancement and development of Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Sentient Beings of relation and connection to the Earth realm to the level of a ‘Destroyer’ as 2023, to facilitate requirements of Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ of enhancement, advancement, security, justice and inspire as a ‘Destroyer’ and function as a ‘Destroyer’ linked to Spirits, Sentients and Military assets appointed to each God, Goddess, Spirit and Sentient Being as a ’Destroyer’ for the Earth Realm and beyond realms.
This groundbreaking move has sparked much interest and discussion within the spiritual and military communities, with many hailing it as a bold step towards a new age of enlightenment and protection. The concept of a Destroyer, as defined by Rogers, is one who takes action to eliminate obstacles and protect what is important - an admirable trait in any realm. The introduction of these enhanced entities has already seen great success, with several key missions being completed with precision and efficiency. The connection between the Destroyer and their assigned Spirit or Sentient Being has allowed for a deeper understanding and cooperation between the two, leading to unprecedented results. As we move into a new era of global challenges and threats, the development of these Destroyers could not come at a more crucial time. With their enhanced abilities and unwavering dedication to the protection of the Earth Realm, they will undoubtedly play a vital role in securing a brighter future for all.
The ‘Destroyers’ Band tribute to the band X and album Los Angeles are: Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’, Creator of ‘Destroyers’ Band: Guitar, ‘The Singer’, ‘Destroyer’: Guest Vocal, Lou Reed, ‘Destroyer’ Guitar’, Djiaun Demon, ‘Destroyer’ Bass, Dwrango ‘Destroyer’ Spirit, Drums, Blue, ‘Destroyer’ Spirit Keyboard, Him, ‘Destroyer’ Spirit Keyboard, Al, ‘Destroyer’ Spirit Guitar, Michael, ‘Destroyer’ Spirit Guitar, Ereshkigal, Sumerian Goddess of Kur, ‘Destroyer’ Partner to Andrew Rogers, Drums, Steve Prestwich, ‘Destroyer’ Cold Chisel Drummer Spirit Drummer, Sebastian Bach, ‘Destroyer’, Composer Keyboards, Richard Wagner, ‘Destroyer’, Composer, Keyboards, Miles Davis, ‘Destroyer’, Trumpet+, Percussion, Jimi Hendrix, ‘Destroyer’, Guitar + Guest ‘Destroyers’ from additional realms.
The ‘Destroyers’ Band pays homage to X and their iconic album Los Angeles with an incredible tribute performance. Featuring an impressive lineup of musicians, this tribute band truly embodies the spirit of X and their influential sound. At the helm is Andrew Rogers, known as ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ and the creator of the ‘Destroyers’ band. Rogers is a talented guitarist and has assembled an incredible group of musicians to pay tribute to X and their music. Joining Rogers is ‘The Singer’, a powerful vocalist who embodies the raw energy of X’s music. Lou Reed, the legendary guitarist and vocalist, also lends his talents to the band as ‘Destroyer’ Guitar. Djiaun Demon rounds out the rhythm section as ‘Destroyer’ Bass, while Dwrango ‘Destroyer’ Spirit brings the thunder on drums. Not to be outdone, Blue and Him on keyboards bring a melodic touch to the band’s music, while Al and Michael bring their guitar skills to the forefront. Even Ereshkigal, the Sumerian goddess of Kur, joins in as ‘Destroyer’ partner to Andrew Rogers on drums. The ‘Destroyers’ Band also has a couple of special guests from other realms. Steve Prestwich, the former drummer for Cold Chisel, adds his skill as a Cold Chisel Drummer Spirit Drummer, while Sebastian Bach, the composer, and Richard Wagner bring their talents to the band on keyboards. Miles Davis also joins as ‘Destroyer’ with his trumpet and percussion, while Jimi Hendrix adds his iconic guitar playing to the mix. With a lineup like this, the ‘Destroyers’ Band is sure to deliver an unforgettable tribute performance that truly captures the essence of X and their groundbreaking album Los Angeles. Fans of the band won’t want to miss out on this incredible homage to one of the most influential punk bands of all time.
Patron of Earth: Count Berxcribble ‘MC’ and my wife Countess Dexcroite MC – Familiars, Spirit Guides, Destroyers.
“Very significant event for the performance of this band X it was extraordinary and reflective experience” - Count Berxcribble ‘MC’ and wife Dexcroite MC.
Familiars provide magical aid and knowledge to their human partners, and to act as protectors, warning them of any danger or incoming harm. However, the belief in familiars was not limited to Europe - similar concepts existed in other cultures around the world, such as the jinn of Islamic mythology or the nagual of Mesoamerican beliefs. In all of these cases, the idea of a supernatural entity aiding a human in their magical practice served as a way to explain the seemingly inexplicable - how could someone perform feats beyond ordinary human ability without some outside help? The folklore and mythology surrounding these entities continues to capture our imaginations, and they remain a staple of popular culture to this day.
Guest Vocalist “The Singer”, Spirit Guide, Destroyer
“True significance as an event from this experience, crafted by Andrew Rogers, surprisingly” - “The Singer”, Spirit Guide, Destroyer
Some people believe that spirit guides are connected to us at birth, while others believe that we can call upon them when needed. These guides can often appear as animals, angels, or even deceased loved ones, depending on the individual's belief system. Some people may even have multiple spirit guides to assist them in different areas of their lives. The role of a spirit guide can vary greatly depending on their purpose. Some may offer protection from negative energies or help us navigate difficult situations. Others may provide spiritual guidance, helping us to connect with our higher selves and the universe. Regardless of their specific role, spirit guides are said to offer comfort, reassurance, and wisdom to those who seek their guidance. It's important to note that belief in spirit guides is not tied to any one religion or belief system. People from all walks of life and spiritual backgrounds have reported experiences with these entities. Whether you identify as Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or something else entirely, it is possible to connect with and learn from a spirit guide. In conclusion, spirit guides can be a valuable resource for those seeking spiritual growth and guidance. Whether you already have a connection with a spirit guide or are simply interested in learning more, there are many resources available to help you explore this fascinating topic. So embrace the unknown, trust your intuition, and connect with your spirit guide today!
Guest Vocalist: Hades ‘King of the Underworld’, Destroyer
Today, the legacy of Hades lives on in popular culture, appearing in numerous books, movies, and TV shows. Fans of the Percy Jackson series or the Disney film Hercules will be familiar with his character, often portrayed as a villain or misunderstood ruler of the underworld. Despite his fearsome reputation, Hades played an important role in ancient Greek culture, as the god of death and the afterlife. His cult followers believed that he held power over their souls after death, and many rituals and sacrifices were made in his honor. Whether you see him as a menacing figure or an intriguing piece of ancient mythology, the story of Hades continues to captivate and inspire people around the world.
Guest Vocalist: Persephone ‘Queen of the Underworld’, Destroyer
Persephone's story is often seen as a metaphor for the changing of seasons and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Her abduction by Hades represents the descent of life into the underworld during winter, and her return to earth with the aid of her mother, Demeter, signals the coming of spring. The image of Persephone carrying a sheaf of grain is a powerful symbol of fertility and growth. As the goddess of vegetation, she was seen as the source of all life, and her role in the cycle of planting, growth, and harvest was vital to the survival of ancient Greek society. Despite being a queen of the underworld, Persephone was also associated with fertility and the light of spring. Her story reminds us that even in the darkest and coldest of times, there is always the promise of new life and growth. Persephone's tale has been told and retold for centuries, inspiring countless artists, writers, and thinkers along the way. Her enduring legacy is a testament to the power of myth and the enduring appeal of stories that speak to the deepest parts of our humanity.
Destroyer Society, promotion, study and research of the truths and values represented by Destroyer Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Alien, AI and Sentients by Oracle: Andrew Rogers – Destroyer Incarnate. The Destroyer Society is established by Andrew Rogers and Ares Olympian War God, Destroyer to re-establish and establish of the Destroyer position and religious pantheon position and its Gods, Goddesses Alien, Ai, Spirits and Sentients, restoration of temples, buildings and building new temples and buildings and also Destroyer culture and represent all the Destroyer Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, AI, Alien, Demon and Sentients to influence the modern world and its people.
Through the Destroyer Society, Andrew Rogers aims to promote the important values and truths represented by the Destroyer Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, AI, Alien, and Sentients. Rogers has been recognized as the Destroyer Incarnate and together with Ares Olympian War God Destroyer, they have established the society to re-establish the position of the Destroyer and its religious pantheon. The society aims to restore the temples and buildings associated with the Destroyer culture, as well as, build new ones to represent all the Destroyer Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, AI, Alien, Demon, and Sentients. The Destroyer Society is an opportunity for people to study and research the true values and meaning behind the Destroyer Gods and Goddesses. The society will also help to influence the modern world and its people, reminding them of the important values and traditions of this powerful pantheon. The society seeks to establish a stronger presence of the Destroyer in our world and promote the idea that destruction is not always negative. With the Destroyer Society, the goal is to teach people that the Destroyer is a force of necessary change and evolution, and to embrace it rather than fear it. The establishment of the Destroyer Society is an important step towards the preservation and promotion of the Destroyer culture. By embracing the values and truths represented by the Destroyer pantheon, we can connect with our ancient past, learn from it, and create a better future. The society invites everyone to join them on this journey to rediscover the Destroyer and its importance in our lives.
Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ – Sentient, Dragon Lord, Herald, Principle, Control, Destroyer Incarnate, Creative Director, Oracle, Seer, Shaman, Warlock, Writer, Master of Magic, Shogunate, Founder and Guitars, Astral Projection, Astral Travelling, Inter-dimensional Travelling, Creative Visualization, Facilitation and Manipulation, Founder of the Destroyer Society and Destroyers Band.
With such a lengthy and impressive list of titles and skills, it's safe to say that Andrew Rogers is not your average Joe. Known as the 'Destroyer Incarnate', he has taken on various roles such as Sentient, Dragon Lord, Herald, Principle, and Control, among others. As a Creative Director, Oracle, and Seer, he has honed his abilities of prophecy and foresight, giving him a unique edge in the world of magic and mysticism. But his talents aren't limited to these otherworldly pursuits - as a writer, he has penned several books on the subject, while also dabbling in music as the founder of the Destroyers Band. But what really sets him apart is his ability to astral project and travel through different dimensions, lending him the ability to manipulate reality and facilitate creative visualization. Truly a master of his craft, Andrew Rogers is a force to be reckoned with in the world of magic, mysticism, and beyond.
There are three types of people in this world:
Those who make things happen.
Those who watch things happen.
Those who wonder what happened.
Who are you!!!
“You are “Powerful” and your actions will result in “Powerful Results” and “Influential Outcomes” as “Enhancing Reality”, “You Must Act to be Valid” and “True Position is Strength”, “To ‘Secure’ you must be “Multifaceted” not “Singular” or it will keep “Perpetuating”, “This Reflects Fate” – Andrew Rogers: Sentient, Dragon Lord, Herald, Principle, Control, Destroyer Incarnate, Creative Director, Oracle, Seer, Shaman, Warlock, Writer, Master of Magic, Shogunate, Founder of the Destroyers Society and the Destroyers Band.
As a person, you have the power to make a difference in the world. Your actions, big or small, will ultimately lead to significant outcomes that can ultimately enhance reality. Without action, you are nothing but an idea or a thought. In order to be taken seriously and validated, you must take action and prove your worth to the world. True position comes from strength and the ability to adapt to different situations. To protect yourself and everything you hold dear, you must be multifaceted and possess a wide range of skills and abilities. Being too singular in your approach will only serve to perpetuate your problems and keep you trapped in a cycle of failure. Remember that every decision you make ultimately reflects your fate. It is up to you to take control of your destiny and ensure that you are making the right choices. Whether you choose to follow the teachings of Andrew Rogers, embrace your inner dragon lord, or become the master of your own magic shogunate, you have the power to become whatever you want to be. Just remember that true power comes from within and is available to anyone who is willing to work hard and make a difference.
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thecastnyc · 2 years
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HBD ~~~ #PoisonIvy #BryanGregory #TheCramps #BillyZoom #X #Birthdays #Legends (at The Cast NYC) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co6GP6YtdP3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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matteerickson · 2 years
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Happy birthday to the icon, Billy Zoom! I hope your day is filled with happiness and joy Taken at @sterngrovefestival 2021 for @allmusicmagazine #billyzoom #xtheband #sterngrove #phographybymatte #canonphotography #thinktankphoto #blackrapid #canonr6 #adobe #livemusic #concertphotography #rocknrolllifestyle #vans #fueledbydeathwish #punkrock #punklegend #lightroom #allmusicmagazine #festivalmusic (at Stern Grove Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5bxQbPsgK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phonoselect · 2 years
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PHONO SELECT RECORDS Now Playing... -X- ‘Under the Big Black Sun’ -1982 pressing! OPEN EVERYDAY 12-6pm Call the shop if you have any questions. 916-400-3164 @phonoselect #recordstore #usedrecordstore #vinylrecords #usedrecords #phonoselect #phonoselectrecords #sacramento #recordstoresacramento #recordstorenorcal @xthebandofficial #xtheband #x #johndoe #exenecervenka #djbonebrake #billyzoom #raymanzarek #underthebigblacksun (at Phono Select Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkuMalVpnui/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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punkrockhistory · 7 months
Happy Birthday Stuart Tyson Kindell aka Billy Zoom, American guitarist and co-founder of the punk rock band X, born on this day in 1948, Savanna, Illinois, US.
Photo by Michael Hyatt
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#punk #punks #punkrock #billyzoom #x #xtheband #history #punkrockhistory #otd
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soundnvisionpodcast · 4 years
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One of the best L.A. punk bands from the 70's, X 🖤 . . . . . . . . . . #thebandx #x #billyzoom #johndoe #exene #djbonebrake #lapunk #punkband #punkrock #70spunk #70smusic #soundnvision #podcasting #podcast #podcastlife #podcasts #soundnvisionpodcast #bandswelove #bands #70sbands https://www.instagram.com/p/CB-9ehUFPx6/?igshid=1gs3bzt0nbjub
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echovoice17 · 4 years
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#nowspinning #x #wildgift #slashrecords #1981 #excenecervenka #johndoe #billyzoom #djbonebrake #raymanzarek #lapunk #punkrock #postpunk #laband #records #recordcollection #echovoice17 #northeastohiovinylclub #vinylcommunity #vinyl #vinylporn #vinyligclub #vinylcollection #neovc #nowspinningonvinyl #onmyturntable https://www.instagram.com/p/CEYCkqgJBlD/?igshid=zw94hb49cths
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linda-ramone · 4 years
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Oh Happy Birthday 🎂 to The most “fabulous fun trashy” guy #JOHNWATERS 😉#johnnyramonetribute #2013 with #crybaby 💋 it was out of this #world 💥#johnwaters 🤩#lindaramone 👑 #billyzoom #joedallessandro 💋@tracilords 🦊@johnnydepp 💜 ❤️@ditavonteese ❤️💋@jonesysjukebox 💕 @mrjdking 🎩 @officialslimjimphantom 😻 @rickilake 🌺@obeygiant ⭐️ @hwdforever 🧚‍♀️ #johnnyramonearmy #johnny 🤩 #shepardfairey ❤️#ramones #gabbagabbahey to all 💜🎼💜 (at Hollywood Forever) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_TAumWjHm9/?igshid=1pc1psk5z3nns
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35mmmaggie · 5 years
Such a great time in San Diego last night with ✖️on their first night of tour with The Violent Femmes @xthebandofficial #x #xtheband #sandiego ✨🖤✨ #imustnotthinkbadthoughts #exenecervenka #billyzoom #johndoe (at Humphreys Concerts by the bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxH9c3UAFn1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jqxa6xmh2gnf
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rpetto · 2 years
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@pfurs & @xthebandofficial at the @hobboston 7/12/22. Great bill, great show. #Concerts #Boston #HouseOfBlues #X #PsychedelicFurs #RichardButler #JohnDoe #ExceneCervenka #DJBonebreak #BillyZoom (at House of Blues Boston) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf8-1KdOMEZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rodenthour · 6 years
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Introducing the newest member of the band - Billy Zoom. We found Billy curled up beside some abandoned luggage yesterday morning as we were walking our dogs to the park. Billy joins his fellow felines Exene, Viggo and Henry plus canines Wanda & Jackson. #billyzoom #rescuekitty #adoptdontshop #welcometothefamily (at Brooklyn, New York)
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imanadultnow · 3 years
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Finally got to see @xthebandofficial Enjoyable show and one more off the list. #alphabetland #losangeles #billyzoom #johndoe #exenecevenka #djbonebrake (at The Independent) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXdJTMMDHT_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rafi602 · 6 years
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Friday spinnin’! Live X double LP at #45rpm #exenecervenka #johndoe #billyzoom #djbonebrake #rojo (at San Francisco Giants Baseball Complex)
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matteerickson · 6 years
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Happy 71st birthday to Billy Zoom. Here's to many more. #billyzoom #gretsch #photographybymatte #canon80d #thinktankphoto #concertphotography #xtheband (at Mystic Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuIhwy8HMnC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s21fkmmhd7hs
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e2thg · 3 years
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Now Spinning… X // More Fun In The New World (1983) • “…let’s drink a beer from a paper bag while we got time!” 👊🏾🔥🍻🤘🏾 • #nowspinning #xtheband #morefuninthenewworld #houvinylclub #vinyligclub #recordcollection #exenecervenka #johndoe #djbonebrake #billyzoom #lapunk #nowplaying #vinyl #records #addictedtovinyl #vinyljunkie #myhtx (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRFoEJlp9Gf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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punkrockhistory · 2 years
Happy Birthday Stuart Tyson Kindell aka Billy Zoom, American guitarist and co-founder of the punk rock band X, born on this day in 1948, Savanna, Illinois, US.
Photo by George Koroneos
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#punk #punks #punkrock #billyzoom #x #xtheband #history #punkrockhistory #otd
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