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Binance Script
Initiate your crypto exchange platform like Binance.
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reveationlabs · 2 years
Difference Between BSC and BNB
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The blockchain niche is becoming increasingly popular over time. Keeping up with the industry's new developments and releases can be difficult. Binance has long been a leading cryptocurrency exchange, and it recently introduced two new blockchains: Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain. What are the distinctions between them, and what can you do with them? Learn more about: Difference Between BSC and BNB
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stoccoin · 2 years
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BNB Chain, a blockchain closely linked to the crypto exchange Binance, is partnering with Google Cloud, aiming to support the growth of early-stage Web3 and blockchain startups. Projects based on BNB Chain can now access Google Cloud infrastructure including the ability to analyze on-chain data and encrypt information through Google Cloud, a press release said. About 150 projects under a BNB-focused accelerator program will also get “accelerated access” to Google Cloud’s startup support program. “Google Cloud is a very good Web2 player and has really done a lot of Web3 stuff. It’s important for us to just work with big players who have big visions, and we share the same DNA and same visions,” said Gwendolyn Regina, investment director of BNB Chain. Mentioning BNB Chain as one of the Web3 ecosystems that Google Cloud started to work with earlier, James Tromans, Director of Web3 of Google Cloud, said that the new partnership is really important to the firm. “Our mission is to make Google Cloud Platform a great place for Web3 developers to build more broadly,” Tromans said, “We have a strategy that sits behind that [the collaboration], so that we can bring a lot of the engineering capabilities that Google Cloud already has to offer, but make them relevant for Web3 organizations in particular.” . . Follow @stoccoin for daily posts about cryptocurrencies and stocks. NOTE: This post is not financial advice for you to buy the crypto(s) or stock(s) mentioned. Do your own research and invest at your own will if you want. This also applies to stock(s) or crypto(s), which you see in our stories. Thanks for reading folks! IGNORE THE HASHTAGS: #stoccoin #googlecloud #bnb #binance #blockchain #gcloud #gke #google #binancechain #crypto #stocks #stockmarket #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #btc #metaverse #nft #sensex #nifty50 #bse #nse #banknifty #usd https://www.instagram.com/p/CiwwJAGPU3X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ivan39 · 11 months
ARTYFACT🔥PlayandEarn игра , Web3 Metaverse Обзор .
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binancesworld · 1 year
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cointahmin · 1 year
cointahmin.com - Blockchain ağları ortasında bir likidite köprüsü olarak çalışan THORChain, ağında bir güvenlik açığı tespit etmesinin arından süreçleri durdurdu. Merkezsiz Finans (DeFi) kesiminde berbat niyetli şahıslar bilhassa köprü protokollerindeki güvenlik açıklarını bulmak için daima tarama yaparlar. THORChain geliştiricileri ise bu sefer hackerlardan evvel davranarak güvenlik açığını tespit edip yanılgıyı düzeltmek ismine ağdaki süreçleri askıya aldı. Lakin 2023 yılın en büyük hack saldırısı olarak kayda geçen Euler Finance, bu kadar şanslı değildi.  THORChain'in likidite platformu Nine Realms ve THORSec'in güvenlik açığı hakkında kimi raporlara sahip olduğu bilinirken süreçlerin durdurulmasına münasebet olarak raporun doğruluğunun araştırılması olarak gösterildi. THORChain önümüzdeki günlerde araştırmaların devam edip etmemesine nazaran kullanıcılar için güncellemeler yayımlayabilir. THORChain 8 büyük Blockchain ağını destekliyor  THORChain, 2018 yılında Blockchain ağları ortasında varlık takasına imkan tanıyan bir likidite protokolü olarak geliştirildi. Protokol şu an Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Cosmos Hub, BinanceChain, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin ve Avalanche üzere 8 kıymetli Blockchain ağını destekliyor.  THORChain ağı değerli Blockchain apları ortasında bir köprü hizmeti gördüğü için hackerlar tarafından yakından takip edilen bir protokol. O denli ki 2021 yılında bir güvenlik istismarına uğrayana THORChain ağı, siber taarruz sonucu 7,6 milyon dolarlık kripto varlığı çaldırdı. Geçen sene Ekim ayında ise bir yazılım yanılgısı sonucu ferdî node’lar ilgili bir sorun meydana geldi ve ağdaki süreçler bir sefer daha askıya alındı. Ağın muhtemel bir risk durumunda süratlice durdurulması kimileri tarafından olumlu karşılanırken mevzu hakkında fikirlerini sunan kimi kullanıcılar, ağın merkezsiz olup olmadığını sorgulamaya başladı. Akılları karıştıran soru ise takımın faaliyetleri süratle durdurmak için node’lar ile nasıl fikir birliğine ulaştığı konusuydu.  THORChain ağında süreçlerinin durdurulmasının akabinde ağın mahallî varlığı RUNE, dün %5 geriledikten sonra bugün de düşüşe devam ederek 1,3 dolar düzeyine kadar geriledi.
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quotex-trading · 1 year
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😮⬇️ #binancenftmarketplace #binanceview #binanceitalia #traderforex #binancespanish #arttrade #traderbrasil #binancepay #binancesignals #binanceisglobal #tradescantia #tradesofhope #binancesmartchain #forextrader #traderlife #tradesignals #daytrader #worldtradecenter #somostraders #tradeshowbooth #traderindonesia #binancenft #binancepump #traderjoesrecipes #binancenews #tradeshows #traderjoesfinds #criptomoedasbrasil #binancechain https://www.instagram.com/p/CoE9z8MAoNn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cryptoxicate · 4 years
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Binance DeFi Ecosystem expands with Project Canal and B Token ---- https://bit.ly/2UvvXmu ---- Binance DeFi Ecosystem expands with Project Canal and Btokens I have always had this love and hate towards Binance, first when Binance Card to Panama?? , but really every year Binance impress me more and not necessary because of the power that they have over the space but how they adapt to competitors and come up with new products when on 2017 everyone saw exchanges just as a platform to buy and sell then came Bitmex with futures contracts and after that Binance start expanding with more and ... https://cryptoxicate.com
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binansaleng · 2 years
Binance Exchange and Detailed User Guide Binance, the world's largest and most used crypto exchange, continues to gain hundreds of thousands of users every day by keeping its place at the top. In addition, there are users who want to open a Binance account as much as the number of users they have won, but do not know how to open and use them. In this content, we will try to convey all the information and details about Binance and Binance Exchange, especially what Binance is, how it is used and how transaction...
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fieldsprojct · 2 years
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Bistroo’s mission is to give power back to food merchants. How? By cutting out transaction middle-men and building the right tools for food merchants to grow sustainably. Doing so, means our platform allows for more valuable connections between food businesses and their most loyal customers. So why use cryptocurrency? Blockchain technology allows us to more easily facilitate direct relationships between merchants and consumers and give more control to the merchant. Everything we build aims at more transparency, fairness and loyalty. We first launched the Bistroo platform for food merchants in 2019 and held a successful token sale in 2020 wherein we sold all the BIST Tokens available for purchase. Since then, our community and team have grown rapidly. With backgrounds in areas like software engineering, finance, and sales, our team is taking on every challenge that comes its way. To perfect the platform further and allow for more community growth, we’re also working closely with experienced advisors in the field. Last news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ix4ZB3VGng Follow us on: ✅ twitter.com/fieldsprojct 👈 ✅ Insta @fieldsprojct. 👈 ✅ Facebook facebook.com/profile.php?id=100072979789837 👈 ✅ Tumbir tumblr.com/blog/view/fieldsprojct 👈 https://bistroo.io/ #fooddelivery #foodonline #food #bist #bistroo #onlinerestaurant #crypto #bitcoin #btc #ethereum #xrp #cardano #binancechain #chainlink #dogecoin #altcoins #defi #coinbase #binance #altcoins #startup #funds #accelerator #venturecapitalist #meta #metaverse #axieInfinity #gamefi #token #web3.0 (at Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXduaKDNq5s/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kenzokavinpratama · 3 years
Unityfund — Building the World’s Largest Decentralized Charity Network
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Cryptocurrencies are gaining much more popularity faster than expected. Decentralized finance, also known as DeFi, is a fast-growing sector of the cryptocurrency industry. DeFi creates decentralized financial instruments separate from traditional centralized institutions and in the more recent explosion in the popularity of art tokenization as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
The transformation of the current charity system to incorporate decentralization and algorithmic incentivization mechanisms is a less all explored area of the market, yet one which we accept has a high potential for the making of huge cooperative positive results and of a self-governing, commonly gainful framework that sustains the formation of significant worth and its viable reallocation to all individuals from the framework.
What is Unifund?
Unifund is bringing charity on blockchain by tokenization design and implement a system that will simultaneously create value for token holders, incentivizing them to continually support the community and interact for personal gain, but also in doing so to create an automatic mechanism for taking a significant amount of the value being created by UnityFund and to redirect that to global charitable causes.
While there are many benefits of charity being working on decentralization, one of the most significant is the ability to combine the will of large numbers of geographically disconnected individuals to affect change in global charity causes.
The Unifund Ecosystem
The UnityFund ecosystem will become a collection of smart contracts that work together to do more than just creating and managing a token but will allow for the democratization of our donation process, the ability for UNITY to be staked in order to earn secondary token and for a truly decentralized large scale system of perpetual charity to be created and grown.
Initially, our project begins with a system of taking a tax from transactions to benefit token holders and charities however UNITY can already see many different ways that they can build upon this foundation to create something unique in the cryptocurrency space.
What is the UNITY Token?
The UNITY token is the native cryptographic mechanism that is used to store value within the UnityFund ecosystem, and to distribute it to members of the network in a seamless and optimal way.
UNITY token represents a combination of the energy of our community, the potential incentives they have to join with us, the ways in which the features of the ecosystem open up new and unique benefits for users, and the byproduct of the incentivization of being a part of UnityFund, which is the generation of a significant amount of funds that is autonomously distributed to global charities.
Features of UNITY Token
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Progressive Algorithmic Scarcity — As a part of a 10% transaction tax that will be applied to the UNITY token, 4.5% of that will be added to our Pancakeswap pool as additional liquidity that will allow for lower slippage trading and the ability for better trading to be possible. This has also been put in place in order to manage the scarcity of the UNITY token in a way that will reward users that support our community long term
Yield Generation — A portion of the 10% transaction tax being dedicated to a process of ongoing donations of 1% to Binance.Charity, 4% of all transactions will be redistributed to UNITY token holders as a way of directly rewarding their participation in and support of the project.
Value Generation and Distribution — Value is created when early adopters enter our community and UNITY begins to be traded — from that point onwards every transaction will in part go towards supporting global charities, while all UNITY token holders will benefit from both distribution of the 4% provided as yield, as well as the increasing scarcity created by that transaction where 4.5% of its value will be automatically locked as liquidity.
Unity Fund DAO — The UnityFund DAO will be the first of its kind and will allow for the entire process of donation taxation from transactions, proposals of charities to for the community to consider, voting and donation allocation, conversion of donation, and ultimately the transfer to selected charities to happen completely autonomously from the control or input of the team and in a way to perpetuates and grows our decentralized ecosystem over time.
Voting — Voting will become a central part of UnityFund, both as a mechanism for fair and effective governance and as a mechanism for further rewarding our community and ensuring high levels of participation with the core workings of the donation allocation system.
UnityFund Token Symbol: UNITY
Contract Address: 0xbBd1FbcCBA8038bB2F3AE15a5ed301BB89A64291
UNITY Token Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
UNITY Token Decimals: 9
Total UNITY Supply: 1,000,000,000
UNITY Token Circ. Supply After Launch: 420,000,000
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UnityFund is, at its core, a system designed to symbiotically link our community’s interests with the interests of millions of people that need assistance around the world. While there are many organizations and people already working to relieve the vast multitude of sufferings that continue to plague humanity, new and innovative ways to assist these efforts will only ever be a good thing for us as a global community.
Useful links to the project:
• Website: https://unityfund.finance/
• Whitepaper: https://unityfund.finance/whitepaper-v1/
• Contract: https://bscscan.com/token/0xbBd1FbcCBA8038bB2F3AE15a5ed301BB89A64291
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnityFundHQ
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unityfundhq/
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unityfundhq
• Quora: https://unityfundhq.quora.com/
• Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnityFund/
• Telegram: https://t.me/UnityFundHQ
• Bitcointalk Unsername: KenzoKen
• Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2961513;sa=summary
• Telegram Unsername: @Kenzokenzooo
• BEP-20 Address: 0x42bf3b13486f392c24ce814c5B5b131d7247a6ec
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kriptokritik · 3 years
BNB, coin yakımına birkaç gün kala 500 doları geçti
BNB, coin yakımına birkaç gün kala 500 doları geçti
Binance Coin (BNB), bugün önemli bir eşiği geride bıraktı. Kripto para, akşam saatlerinde 509 dolara kadar ulaştı. BNB, Mart ayı sonlarından beri ciddi bir yükseliş eğilimi içinde. Kripto para, 26 Mart’tan bu yana 230 dolardan yüzde 120 artış kaydetti. BNB’deki bu fiyat artışı, coin yakımı tarihinin yaklaşmasıyla beraber geldi. Bilindiği üzere kripto para borsası Binance, her çeyrek dönem sonunda…
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spybason · 3 years
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🎄 Mình cũng có quà Noel từ sàn Binance các bạn ạ. ❤ Love Binance, thank you so much! 👉 Link đăng ký tài khoản sàn Binance (Link to register Binance account): http://bit.ly/2WUg5Lt #Binance #BNB #BinanceChain #BinanceSmartChain #BaSon (tại Kiếm Tiền Online - BaSon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJa86HhBc8p/?igshid=qby80lcknplp
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10xbittrader · 4 years
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economyfather-blog · 5 years
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Zhao revealed the company plans to launch a futures trading platform with initial support for BTC/USDT contracts at a #leverage of up to 20x. ۰🔖۰ @eco_father Follow to new news #binancedex #BinanceChain #binance #bitcoin #btc #btcusd https://www.instagram.com/p/B1so-_JAJbX/?igshid=tjdnqp9sucz7
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captaindavidwilliam · 5 years
On  17th May, 2019 , Chiliz, the digital currency for sports and entertainment platforms, has announced a strategic partnership with Binance Chain.
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