#binary trading strategy
sharpy-tech · 2 years
QUOTEX STRATEGY | MAKE MONEY ONLINE 2022 My main channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj9XGWJjDHbatWl2cpwU37Q Hi! I’m Dasha and today I’ll show you my binary options trading strategy on pocket option platform. More my binary options tutorials and binary options reviews you can see in playlists. Also you can find others binary options strategy, in particular pocket option strategy and learn…
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ultimatefxtools · 3 months
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anakeb · 1 year
Tropical Storm Ophelia makes landfall in North Carolina and will now trek up the East Coast
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Binary Option Ultimate Backtester-V.1
The Binary Option strategy backtester gives the user extensive power to test any kind of strategy with advance trade management rules. The strategy tester accepts external scripts as strategy sources. You can add your strategy and test it for historical stats. Few assumption regarding strategy tester:
We are opening position at next candle after signal come
We are taking the position at opening price
Our call will be profitable if we get a green candle and put will be profitable if we get a red candle
We can open only one trade at a time. So if we are in trade, subsequent signals will be ignored.
How to make your strategy code compatible for strategy backtesting? In your strategy code file add following lines: Signal = is_call ? 1 : is_put ? -1 : 0 plot(Signal, title="🔌Connector🔌", display = display.none) Is_call and is_put is your buy and sell signal. Plot the signal without displaying it in the chart. The new TradingView feature display = display.none, will not display the plot.
All Input options Group: STRATEGY Add Your Binary Strategy: External strategy to back test. Trade Call/Put: Select CALL, to trade Call, PUT, to trade Put. Default is BOTH, Trading Call and Put both. Number of Candles to Hold: How many candles to hold per trade. Default 1. If you want to hold the option for 30 minutes and you are testing your strategy in 15m intervals, use 2 candle holding periods.
GROUP: MARTINGALE Martingale Level: Select up to 15 Martingale. Select 1 for no Martingale. Use Martingale At Strategy Level: Instead of using Martingale per trade basis, using Martingale per signal basis. Like if we make a loss in the first signal, instead of starting martingale immediately we’ll wait for the next signal to put the martingale amount. For example if you start with $1 and you lose, at the next signal you will invest $2 to recover your losses. Strategy Martingale Level: Select up to 15 Martingale at strategy signal level. Only workable if Use Martingale At Strategy Level is selected. Type of Trade: Martingale trade type. Only workable if we are using Martingale Level more than 1. It can be: “SAME”:If you are trading CALL and incur a loss, you are taking CALL in subsequent Martingale levels. “OPSITE”: if you are trading CALL and incur a loss, you are taking PUT in subsequent Martingale levels. “FOLLOW CANDLE COLOR”: You are following candle color in Martingale levels, i.e if the loss candle is RED, you are taking PUT in subsequent candles. “OPPOSITE CANDLE COLOR”: You are taking opposite candle color trade, i.e if the loss candle is RED, you are taking CALL in subsequent candle.
GROUP: TRADE MANAGEMENT Initial Investment Per Option: Initial investment amount per trade Payout: Per trade payout in percentage Use Specific Session: Select to test trade on specific session. Trading Session: Select trading session. Only workable if Use Specific Session is selected. Use Date Range: Select to use test trades between dates. Start Time: Select Start Time. Only workable if Use Date Range is selected. End Time: Select end Time. Only workable if Use Date Range is selected. Early Quit: Select to quit trade for the day after consecutive win or loss Quit Trading after Consecutive Win: Number of consecutive wins. Only workable if early Early Quit is selected. Quit Trading after Consecutive Loss: Number of consecutive losses. Only workable if early Early Quit is selected. Buy/Sell Flip: Use buy signal for sell and sell signal for buy.
GROUP:STATS Show Recent Stats: Show win trades in last 3,5,10,15,25 and 30 trades. Show Daily Stats: Day wise win trades and total trades. Show Monthly Stats: Month wise win trades and total trades.
Result and stat output:
Back tester without any strategy.
Strategy added with default option.
Stats with 7 Martingales. You can test up to 15.
Optional Stats:
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filmycorener · 2 years
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secretly-of-course · 8 months
Hi I'm an account manager at binary option trading. I'm working with a binary platform and my good given strategy that helps me auto trade and I make profit of $500-$850 daily using Luno trading platform. I will be willing to help you, if you want to know more about my strategy.
wow what an incredibly legitimate sounding offer from a blog that has been around for 6 entire days!!!!! Actually though your daily profit is weak as hell. I make $69,420 profit daily on yaoi trading platform. You should be the one asking me for help if you want to make any real money
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moxpunk · 1 year
So, my tabletop group just wrapped up our multi-year Zelda: Reclaim the Wild campaign, and I just wanted to write about it for y'all. This is going to be long and rambling.
To start things off, I made my gal Forota a Gerudo princess (who was also a twin) that transed her gender and abdicated the throne so their non-binary sibling could rule because she just didn't ruling over people. Were they originally named after Kotake and Koume? Absolutely. Were they both destined to be the new-age Ganondorfs because they're both AMAB? Also yes. It's the other reason my gal left her position: she was terrified that because she had a penchant for fighting and strategy and commanding groups meant that she would take on Ganondorf's brutalistic traits.
Because she had a history of being royalty, it was very easy for Forota to find an adventuring position with Queen Zelda (Zelda was finally a queen in our game). The task was to help settle Old Hyrule, which Forota didn't really agree with, but figured she could do a better job than the entire Hylian Army in helping rediscover things. Along the way, she met with a whole party of other adventurers who explored Old Hyrule by her side.
Through all the adventures, a big theme our game took was defying the powers that be and unique relationships with destiny. Personal destiny, the ordained destiny of a culture, the destiny of The Princess, The Warrior, and The Demon.
Turns out, the whole adventuring party had been deigned by Hylia to all collectively take on the soul of the Courage part of the Triforce. We, uh... found a dead Link in the Spirit Temple, where we grabbed the Master Sword and had a fun mechanic where each party-member could only make a single strike with it before it had to be passed to someone else until the whole party got a swing. The Spirit Temple was a huge turning point for a lot of our characters. Cerra, Forota's girlfriend, a Sheikah gravetender, denied her destiny to die in the Spirit Temple. Forota found a new destiny to help raise the Gerudo (who have been splintered into three separate kingdoms in Old Hyrule) from their scorned position of living in the desert. It was... really cool, all said.
Along the way, we met with a whole bunch of different cultures and fun characters. The Deku scrubs were all hyper-capitalists because an evil fairy was demanding all of their rupees. The Zora were all fed into a demon-machine, leaving only children on a single island. The Tokay were absolute trade-gremlins that raised hell with both the Zora and the Deku. The Sheikah knew the dark secrets of the kingdom, and were happy to murder anyone that stumbled on those secrets (that "anyone" also included the party!). The Gerudo were split into a warring kingdom, a political-usurping kingdom, and a fucked-up mushroom-fairy kingdom and they were the coolest motherfuckers. The Rito wished for flight and sought to do so through warfare. The Gorons were subjugated by the Rito, and we helped break their chains.
As we ventured more and more, we began to run into Hylia herself on occasion, and she was the biggest bitch. She demanded perfect subjugation beneath her, and nearly killed Forota when she spoke out against her. As time went on, we realized that maybe Ganondorf had the right idea trying to defy Hylia and the Hyrulean Kingdom.
It all culminated when Ganondorf showed up when we obtained the final shard of the Triforce, and Forota just finally walked up to him and went "I disagree in how you've done your work, but I'll fight by your side to take down Hylia." She had accepted both parts of her destiny, realizing that fighting alongside Ganondorf and using his forces of monsters for good against an unjust Hylia would be how she could redeem the Gerudo's past. He helped repair an ancient crown gifted to her in the Shadow Temple, and allowed her to command 1/10th of his monster army in the final assault against the Sky Islands (an idea our DM came up with long before the first Tears of the Kingdom was ever shown, he took it from Skyward Sword).
Our Zora caster, Hretha, was stolen by Hylia and kidnapped to the sky, and tonight in our final session we helped save her and finally take down Hylia. We gathered the Triforce and the Reversed Triforce that Ganondorf had gathered, and wished upon the Resversed Triforce to strip her of her goddesshood and upon the Triforce to break the cycle of Link, Zelda, and Ganon reincarnation. Now, Hylia gets to sit-in on diplomatic meetings while people essentially child-glove speak to her like "You don't imprison someone in the Golden Realm forever if you disagree, you talk it out like a normal person."
Forota got a lovely send-off. She got married to Cerra with a big wedding officiated by both Zelda and Ganondorf in a huge show of peace. Then, when celebrations had subsided, Ganondorf pulled Forota aside and told her that his tie to the cycle may have been broken, but his immortality remains intact. To find his humanity, he needs a general by his side to travel to the Underworld to kill six-billion demons. Forota, overjoyed that she gets to fight alongside the man she dreaded she might have become, happily accepted. She comes to the surface on occasion to hang out with her wife who is now Zelda's right-hand woman.
I plan on doing a follow-up campaign set about 10 or 20 years after this one, where all of our characters can make cute little cameo appearances. Also, it'll be a fun way to bring in some of the Zonai stuff and other mechanics the Reclaim the Wild devs are cooking up in their Discord.
I know this was long, but it was a long adventure! Thank you guys for reading my fun little ramblings, feel free to send me some asks if you have questions you'd like me to write about!
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tuttle-did-it · 3 months
A few months ago, I had a very intense dream set way in the future where everything is essentially a wasteland with a very, very small human population that is carefully controlled.
Giant dinosaur-like creatures are the overlords of the planet-- whether aliens or some animal that has evolved, I have no idea. But what is left of the humans were the slaves of the giant creatures, and held the children in camps. None of them know where the adults are sent-- there are no adults anywhere, and when the kids hit 16, they disappear-- whether they're killed or moved, no one knows. None of them have ever even seen anyone over 16.
There is a myth in the camp that there is an adult camp ~150km away from them, and that’s where the giant dinosaur like creatures keep their parents.
The main character is a 14 year old non-binary kid, Peb. Peb manages to escape with one of the other slaves, a 12 year old deaf kid called B.B. They manage to escape, and they keep running. Eventually, they are saved by some attacks from the giant dinosaur like creatures by someone called Perry. Perry is the oldest person they’ve ever met—he’s 71. He tells them that he was at that camp and escaped years ago.
B.B. asks if Perry knew their parents, Perry sadly tells him that his father Barney was killed trying to escape several years ago.
Perry tells Peb that he knew their father, Fred. Perry tells Peb not to go looking for Fred-- Fred is 64, and they won't get to the quarry camp in time for his 65th birthday.
Perry tells them they can both stay with him, he'll help keep them safe as best he can, and teach them how to survive. B.B. chooses to stay, but Peb wants to try to save their father before he is killed, and promises to try to return to Perry and B.B. with Fred.
Peb starts off on their own with supplies and a map given to them by Perry. They dodge the creatures, meet one or two feral adult human clans who viciously attack anyone and everyone they see, human or the dinosaur creatures, doesn't matter.
Peb finds the adult camp at the quarry. They quietly approach one of the adult humans who is working, Perry. They tell Joe they're there to try to find Fred, and ask for Joe’s help to try to liberate the camp.
Joe sadly tells Peb that Fred is really poorly-- his health is so bad that the overseers have threatened to kill Fred because he cannot keep up with the work load. Joe argued with the overseers and promised to look after Fred and keep him on task, but it's getting worse and worse-- he'll probably be killed within the week because he just can't physically keep up with all the work.
Joe and Peb come up with a strategy to try to get Fred out. Peb wants to save the whole camp, but Joe tells them this is impossible-- they will both absolutely get killed, and so will all of the people in the camp.
Joe tells Peb there's one of the creatures with whom he thinks he can reason with (he calls this creature Deano) -- but he's going to have to have something to offer Deano in exchange. Joe tells Peb that Deano often asks Joe about the ancient human civilisation. Deano will let Joe trade stories (true, myth or completely made up, doesn't matter) for favours-- extra helpings of food, more comfortable cots, and letting Joe's friend Fred live when he really should have been disposed of.
Joe explains to Peb that the only hope they have of getting Deano on their side and helping Fred escape is to find an artefact from the former human civilisation that once existed. They are about 20KM away from what used to be known as a city. If Peb can get there, fill their bag with as many artefacts from the ancient human race as possible, there is a chance-- a tiny chance-- that Peb can buy Fred's freedom.
Peb asks what they can bring back to buy Joe's freedom as well, but Joe tells them he cannot leave-- he's the only one there who has managed to make this bond with one of the overlords-- he uses this relationship to try to protect his fellow prisoners as best he can. If he leaves, no one will be there to protect them all. What matters is getting someone else to safety.
Joe warns them that Deano has told him that where they are going is very dangerous—the former buildings have crumbled, there are wild animals that have taken over the spaces.
To make it worse, there are several of the overlord creatures who wander all the rubble, and they’re far more vicious and cruel than any of the creatures Peb has ever come across.
Joe tells them it would be best for Peb to go find a safe, quiet place to live as long and safe as they can because Fred is pretty much dead already. Determined, Peb refuses, and tells them they will try.
Peb now has a plan-- fill their rucksack with as many artefacts as possible, get back to the quarry camp as soon as possible, and Joe will use those artefacts to buy Fred’s freedom. Joe tells Peb that Fred might only have a week max, and encourages Peb to go as quickly as possible.
As they dodge the collapsing buildings and the wild creatures, as well as the rogue overlord dinosaur creatures, Peb finally manages to they pick up as many surviving objects as they can find that haven't completely wasted away.
They find an old vinyl record, a book that's nearly turned to dust, a tin can of some food that obviously expired centuries before they were ever born, Glass bottles, a car tyre hub, metal pens-- anything and everything that they can fit into their bag (that would generally be considered useless rubbish by the ancient humans who have left it all behind) and get back to the quarry camp as quickly as possible.
Peb returns to the quarry camp and gets Joe’s attention. They pass the treasures over to Joe through the fences, who looks through the bag and tells them this will help enormously—there’s so much here!
Peb asks where Fred is being kept, and whether Joe can get them over to see Fred, now that they have enough to buy his freedom.
Joe calls Deano over, and hands over the artefacts, asks Deano if it is enough. Deano is excited—this is certainly enough to buy Joe’s freedom. Peb argues—no, no, this is to buy Fred’s freedom. Deano opens the gate and lets Joe walk out—Joe is free.
Deano takes Peb into the camp in Joe’s place. Peb begs—please, tell them where Fred is, can they meet him? Deano explains that Fred died two years ago in an accident, he was crushed in the rubble.
Joe waves away happily, free. He calls out as he leaves the compound to Peb, saying, ‘Your father had always wanted to meet you, Pebbles!’
And then Deano takes Pebbles to processing to get their new assignment to work in the camp.
...And then I woke up.
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the-crimson · 1 year
Ok update on my theory about what happened today after reading up more on Jaiden’s pov.
I still think it was the federation that assassinated Pomme. It makes no sense with the previously established binary entities behavior for it to change so drastically.
Yes, it got its ass beat the other day but it did when it was targeting Dapper as well. Bbh 100% out played the binary entity’s attack against Dapper and it learned/adapted. During its second and successful attack against dapper, it adapted via breaking the waystone, ambushing the players while they were building/distracted and on a precarious terrain, and placing lava to both cut down everyone’s health as well as making it even more difficult to run away. These adaptions make 100% sense after the first failed attack. These are logical leaps adaptions based on direct experience from previous failed attacks.
The jump in ability and drastic change in strategy the entity showed today is insane and makes no sense from a storytelling pov. But it makes a whole lot of sense if the entity was NOT the binary entity but was trying to frame the binary entity.
Now to Jaiden, Roier, and Cucorucho. The apple thing was one hell of a coincidence XD like it’s such a coincidence that I almost think irl Jaiden knew her character was going to be framed by Pomme’s death and intentionally tossed it out for good measure - but that’s just a crack conspiracy theory and is like 99% not true lol
Jaiden told cucorucho that she wants Bobby back and to protect all of the eggs. It is VERY possible cucorucho only listened to the first part, wanting Bobby back, and traded one of Pomme’s lives for it without telling Jaiden. Only time will tell.
Also, bbh clarified that he doesn’t suspect Jaiden of making a deal to sacrifice Pomme or anything, he thinks she is being used/framed by the federation.
Why the Federation would assassinate Pomme is a big question mark tho. The only reason I could think of would be to revive Bobby for Jaiden some how or perhaps to push the players to look to the federation for protection against the binary entities.
In that case - the binary entities have been attacking for weeks but the players have remained independent from the federation, seeking to protect the eggs themselves. However, Pomme’s assassination shows that there is literally nothing the players can do to save their children. The binary entities are trying to threaten the players so they leave and until now have been fallible. They can be outsmarted and killed via outside forces (fall damage and iron golems/mobs bbh mvp XD) Pomme’s assassination showed a completely different tune. What ever attacked Pomme was invis and one shoted all of them. This isn’t a threat to leave. This is a destroyer of hope.
The entity blindsided Philza and Pomme while Cucorucho is being so helpful to Jaiden and helping to protect the eggs somehow. Cucorucho is reach out trying to “help” the exact same time this invincible being kills Pomme.
The thing that gets me is why was the being invisible. It didn’t need to be. It could have teleported behind Phil and one shot him before moving onto the helpless Pomme to kill her and being visibile would have changed nothing. The only reason would be to hide the beings appearance. Why would they hide its appearance? Because it wasn’t the binary entity. It was able to disguise its “name” to frame the binary entity hoping no one would think too hard about all the differences in the attack patterns.
I suppose only time will tell but for now I refuse to believe this was the binary entity lol there is too much evidence pointing otherwise.
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starswallowingsea · 8 months
Hi I'm an account manager at binary option trading. I'm working with a binary platform and my good given strategy that helps me auto trade and I make profit of $500-$850 daily using Luno trading platform. I will be willing to help you, if you want to know more about my strategy.
Dear scam artist,
What about my blog makes you think I would like to join your crypto pyramid scheme? There are no posts that should lead you to believe I think crypto currency or pyramid schemes are good ideas. I hope you enjoy getting reported for phishing.
Shay Starswallowingsea
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bramblewolfbooks · 2 years
Status Effect Designs and You
So there is this sentiment I see a lot online when people talk about RPG. A thread goes on for long enough and this line comes up in some form
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There are a few lessons about game design and communication to be found here.
But the one that I always like to take is "players like feeling like their actions have value and impact." Which, simple, but is still important to think about. People like to feel like what they are doing has value. And while value and impact can be measured in many different ways, both narrative and mechanical, it should feel both consistent and readable to players most of the time.
When a tool consistently does not work in a situation that feels like the most important like a boss battle, players are discouraged from trying or experimenting with those things in other circumstances. This often goes double for something like a status effect which is often an investment to better circumstances on a later time such as throwing off the tempo of a monster, damage over time, or an increased vulnerability. It's a powerful tool which needs a control valve, but constancy is often part of value for a player, as is, again, communication.
So what are some solutions?
Readability won't solve a lack of consistency, but will prevent unneeded frustration from players trying strategies that won't work.
Good ui or visual design will help here. Both maybe having a reminder screen or an impact animation.
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Something you could do is offer abilities where the status effect is additive. Making the option still feel attractive even if the status doesn't go off, because there is a mitigation of risk, a lack of feeling like the thing doesn't have impact still!
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Etrian Odyssey as a series offers two different sets of status effects, both of which can be used to mitigate or deny certain enemy behaviors, forcing players to plan around the things they don't want to deal with.
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Status effects are super impactful in this series (maybe too impactful) And both monster and your party can trade bind and ailments, often making boss battles a measure of when as much as what as you try to target certain targets or parts of enemies. Despite some skeezy art choices it's a good example where your status effects are built in and considered in every part of the game.
It might not be the best solution for your game but it's an example of that consistency and conditioning a player to explore all their tools.
A third solution: Build and design encounters that communicate certain strategies. Readable weaknesses. You know in most game that plant based monsters usually don't do well again fire spells. It's just extending that thought to be a bit broader.
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Maybe monsters weak to charm have big eyes? Maybe monsters weak to sleep look sleepy? Go wild!
Of course, you could take a note from Hades and tune a boss to have statuses have more limited effectiveness compared to normal encounters instead of a binary yes/no.  This might take a bit more tuning but can still make your investment feel good.
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Of course the best solution is always going to be to work it in to your games bones. The more a player gets to use, or is encouraged to play with a tool, the more likely they are to think of it. If you find players aren't using a tool, it's often that the tool feels underwhelming. Is it underscaled for the threats you face? Is it too powerful so it almost never connects? Is your tool balanced and fair? Or at least fun?
-What role are your statuses even playing in your systems?
-Are combat encounters built in a way where status effects feel efficient?
-Does it /feel/ fun? What sort of fun? For who?
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Exploring EX4 and MQ4 Decompiler Tool 2024:
Understanding EX4 Files:
EX4 files are compiled binaries utilized within the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform. They encapsulate trading strategies, expert advisors, and indicators in a format that the platform can efficiently execute. These files are not designed for human readability, as they are in a machine code format, optimized for rapid and efficient execution within the MT4 environment.
Defining MQ4 Files:
MQ4 files represent the editable source code written in the MQL4 programming language. These files are human-readable and provide the blueprint for trading algorithms and indicators. They allow traders and developers to modify, enhance, and customize trading strategies to meet specific requirements or preferences, offering flexibility and control over the trading process.
Advantages of Converting EX4 to MQ4
Converting EX4 files back into the MQ4 format offers several practical benefits:
Customization and Personalization: Enables users to tailor and modify trading strategies or indicators to better fit their unique trading styles and needs. Customizations might include tweaking parameters, adding new features, or integrating with other systems.
Performance Optimization: Provides an opportunity to refine and enhance the code for improved efficiency and performance. By optimizing the MQ4 code, traders can achieve faster execution times and potentially better trading results.
Educational Insights: Allows for a deeper understanding of the underlying logic and mechanics of trading algorithms. By examining and studying the MQ4 code, users can gain valuable knowledge and insights into how specific trading strategies operate.
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grison-in-space · 2 years
awesome Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology talk titles I am excited to peer through, now that I'm here:
Beetlejuice: Anal secretions as a competitive strategy in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis
A snap to the left, a swing to the right - head and body shape affect biting kinematics in fishes
How to make a cephalopod: insights from the genome
Multimodal models of animal sex: breaking binaries to better understand reproductive behaviors
Linnaean libertines: the queer possibilities of plants
War and Sex in the Tropics: Performance trade-offs in the world’s largest semelparous mammal
literally all of this is tomorrow morning. hot damn I missed this
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ultimatefxtools · 6 months
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jeffhirsch · 1 year
Don’t Fear the Seasons – Sell in May
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But don’t go away. We actually sold some positions in April when we issued our MACD Best 6 Months Seasonal Sell Signal to Almanac Investor subscribers. Reposition in May is a better strategy. Best & Worst Months stats plus a compounding onetime $10K investment tell the story. Can’t argue with success.
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Worst Six Months May-October is not a binary selloff. Risk is elevated historically, stocks tend to be volatile, moving sideways with choppy trading – illustrated in the chart. Anyone who tries to refute this by going back past WWII is making a moot point as the seasonal pattern was inverted when our economy was agrarian driven in yesteryear.
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We sold $DIA & $SPY, plus other seasonal sector trades, underperforming stocks and rotated into some bond ETFs. This is the time of year we shift to a neutral stance – between our Dow/S&P Best Six Months MACD Sell Signal and our NASDAQ Best 8 Months MACD Seasonal Sell on or after June 1.
Everyone gets hyper focused on whether you should Sell in May or not. But forget as I like to say: “Buy in October and get yourself sober.” From my October 4 Buy Signal to my April 25 Sell DIA and SPY trades were up 10.8% and 8.2% respectively. QQQ is up 15.5% from the October 4 Buy as of midafternoon trading today.
If there is any year it’s time to get defensive in May, it’s this year. With the debt ceiling showdown, the banking crisis, inflation, interest rates and the slowing economy, it is a perfect time to move to the sidelines and enjoy the healthy yields in bonds.
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