#binky sunny
i-like-omori · 1 year
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i hate babies and infants with a burning passion, they make me so fucking mad. but THIS.
you don't get to argue with me because i am correct. i don't give a SHHHIITTT about other babies, i don't care if one of you people are like 30 and have a baby and you go "but my baby is specia-"
this one is the only good one. i rest my case.
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binky-snuuy-sunday · 3 months
he is the only good baby in the world
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coldmori · 5 months
Request Coldmori Mari and Sunny being happy siblings
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ask-bad-end-sunny · 4 months
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"Wait...how did you get one of my baby pictures?"
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"Binky Snuuy Sunday!!"
"Dawww...look how small and cute! I remember when he was that small. Oh, did you know, when he was that age, I always thought it was funny that he had the most intense stare!"
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"I think he would have been able to stare at someone for hours, he was still so observant even when he was that young!"
"And he was just the cutest little baby!"
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xxl1ghtxx · 1 year
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Hewo!!! Who aw uuu??
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Wana be fwends??? Am Mawi!!
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 3 months
Would you perhaps gift upon me some Age Regression facts about the SK boys?
Fictional Agere serial killers give me serotonin, and i need some serotonin this week (and any facts about your other AUs :D i love them all)
wanted to wait to answer this so i was on my laptop-
HI YES ABSOLUTELY!!! I'll share some facts both old and new as kinda like a refresher, and I'll talk about them individually.
is mostly nonverbal, but will make noises to indicate what he wants
likes to play games, do arts and crafts, will watch cartoons
comfort items are an old plush of himself from the Pizzaplex and a blanket with circus elephants on it
has a binky, but doesn't use it as often as Moon
mostly regresses due to stress or it happens because of a traumatic trigger
calls Moon "bubba" (and Moon calls him the same thing)
responds to "Sunny" rather than just "Sun"
he walks on his knees or will crawl to move around
does not like being by himself, he will freak out and panic
responds better to softer and kinder voices (kinda like how pets respond better to baby talk)
getting angry around him makes him think you're upset with him and he'll cry
needs a lot of reassurance
likes to be read stories (a favorite is "Very Hungry Caterpillar")
was actually the first to show signs of regression pre-fire
also goes nonverbal, hardly making any noises unless he's crying
he needs to hold part of you, whether it be your hand or your sleeve. He needs constant physical contact. Anywhere you go, he will want to follow
has a binky he likes to use
comfort item is a blanket of his own, which has sleeping forest animals on it
also watches cartoons, but prefers watching things like videos of aquariums with calming music. Less stimulating
likes to nestle in a pillow fort and read stories
like Sun, regresses due to stress or traumatic triggers
prefers to be in comfy loose clothing when regressed
behaves very timidly, and won't do anything unless you say it's okay to
responds to "Moony"
responds to kind and patient voices, similar to Sun
will want to hear his brother's voice and will "ask" you to give his bubba a call (Sunny will do the same when their roles are switched)
wheeeee fun facts!
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little-pup-pip · 6 months
Hey, I really love all the moodboards you've made! I was wondering if you could make a moodboard about cats and playing outside? I especially love tabby cats, treehouses, lazying around in sunny tall grass, cool shiny rocks and mushrooms and such. (Gender neutral / masc / no binkie). The moodboard doesn't need to be exact, of course!
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Here you go!!
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ alice. alyss. ambrosia. anastasia. andy. angel. ania. arledge. arley. azalea. bella. belle. ben. bennet. benny. blue. bluebelle. bonbon. bonnabelle. bonnie. bonny. brady. brax. buck. buffy. bugsy. bun. bunear. bunella. bunette. bunne. bunnette. bunnie. bunniette. bunny. bunty. buttercup. caleb. carrot. carrots. chang'e. cherie. cherry. chibiusa. chrissy. cici. cinnabun. clover. coco. coella. coello. cotton. cubun. daffodil. dahlia. daisy. dalary. dawn. doe. dotty. eden. elissa. eliza. ella. eloise. elsa. emilia. enid. erin. esmerelda. ezra. fern. fifi. flora. flower. fluffy. flulop. francine. gigi. gracie. halrey. hare. harette. harlan. harriet. heather. hera. honey. hop. hopkins. hopper. hoppy. hunny. ivy. jelly. jody. johnna. judy. julie. kanni. kit. konijn. lacey. lacie. lapin. lapine. lapinette. lapinne. lavender. leona. leveret. leverette. liam. lily. lina. lola. lopear. lopette. lopiette. loppie. loppy. lopsie. lottie. louise. lucky. lulu. luna. lupin. marcie. marigold. melle. mimi. ortensia. pawette. peach. penelope. peri. periscope. peter. petunia. poppy. posey. posie. primrose. rabbette. rabbit. rascal. reese. rini. rose. rosemary. rue. sawyer. shaphan. snuffy. sunny. tawny. thumper. toby. tumble. usagi. vivi. willow. wisteria.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ :3/:3. >.</>.<. adorable/adorable. binky/binky. bop/bop. bow/bow. box/boxing. buck/buck. bun/bun. bun/bunny. bunny/bunny. burr/burrow. burrow/burrow. car/carrot. carrot/carrot. chew/chew. clo/clover. clover/clover. cot/cotton. cotton/cotton. cu/cute. cute/cute. cute/cutesy. cute/cutie. daisy/daisy. dig/dig. doe/doe. ear/ear. ege/ege. fem/fem. flick/flick. floof/floof. flop/flop. flower/flower. fluff/fluff. forage/forage. frill/frill. fur/fur. fuz/fuzzy. fuzz/fuzz. gentle/gentle. ha/hare. hare/hare. heart/heart. hop/hop. hop/hoppy. joy/joy. jump/jump. ki/kir. kit/kit. kitten/kitten. lae/lace. lap/lapin. leap/leap. lep/lep. lil/lil. lil/little. little/little. loaf/loaf. lop/lop. luck/luck. luck/lucky. lunge/lunge. nib/nibble. nibble/nibble. nip/nip. nom/nom. nudge/nudge. paw/paw. periscope/periscope. pink/pink. pip/pip. play/play. pom/pom. pop/pop. qui/quick. rab/rabbit. rabbit/rabbit. run/runner. shrill/shrill. sil/silly. small/small. sniff/sniff. sof/soft. soft/soft. spring/spring. sun/sun. sweet/sweet. tail/tail. thump/thump. zoom/zoom. ✨ . 🌷 . 🐇 . 🐰 . 🤍 . 🥕 .
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little baby sunny in pony au!
in honor of @binky-snuuy-sunday a very good holiday
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binky-snuuy-sunday · 2 months
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bunnysmooch · 7 months
it started raining right after this video, so we had to go inside. and Smooch was so sad he couldnt play outside more on that day! ☹️
luckily the next day was sunny and he got more playtime! (i have a few cute binkies from then too, will post those later)
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pixelchills · 1 year
Dolldrops ~ a year after (short fic/drabble)
So it has been a bit over a year since Chill adopted the celestial dolls to be their little roommates. Sun and Moon were excited, nervous, and kind of confused about what their future with a completely new human might be.
Many things have changed since they moved in, and it is mostly due to Chill's nature of making others feel safe and appreciated the way they are.
Which, in Sunny and Moony's case - was letting their doll coding that had been hidden behind all the fear and trauma of needing to stay hidden and unnoticed in Mrs Flora's house finally surface.
What does this mean, you may ask?
Let's go back to the very beginning.
The Dolldrops were designed to become little playmates for the children in the new jungle gym area in the Megaplex. They were also going to be rentable birthday guests. Despite their original coding to take care of others, especially children, being very permanent in their AI, there was another coded change that was purposeful for the smaller bodies: to be taken care of.
So, while Dolldrop Sun and Moon were still loving to do the original things they were designed to do, they also had a code which made them love things like being carried like babies; being pampered and looked after; it was supposed to be their new purpose when playing with children. Sun and Moon were not only meant to look after them, but let the children learn to look after and take care of those smaller in size; like younger siblings for example. The dolls' purpose was educational in a safe way.
But of course, they never got to fill in that purpose, and the trauma from losing their home, being separated from the same body and mind, trying to adjust into smaller, much clumsier babydoll bodies... it made their lives harder to an extent their new coding did not have resources to surface.
And then they were made to stay hidden, in the hands of someone who didn't quite understand how advanced they were, the loneliness of sitting in the closet until the sun went down for years and years. Until Moon saw the fire in the distance. And the events that followed to make them meet Chill.
So, what has changed when their doll code has been able to surface? After they'd had room to heal, a place to be themselves and enjoy things they never even thought of before?
First of all, Sun and Moon have been finding themselves a bit more... childish.
They knew their original coding was designed to enjoy child-like activities, they worked with children after all. But the way they'd sometimes react to things, enjoy something, get upset or overly confused like kids do, was new. It wasn't as extreme, and it wasn't as unbearably annoying and hard to fix like some children were sometimes, but it was new.
Sunny learned the love of being cradled close to Chill's chest and falling asleep during his charge comforting. It wasn't only after nightmares or just from the fear of being lonely anymore. It was the comfort he found in the position, like a baby sleeping in its mother's arms. He just loved it.
Moony found a new side of himself too, after getting more comfortable showing his vulnerabilities to the human. He needed stimuli. And to everyone's surprise, he found it with his own thumb. He became a thumb sucker.
Chill tried to offer him a binky, but Moon didn't like it and gave it to Sunny instead. That's fine, Chill used to be a thumb sucker too until they were 6 years old.
Moon's favourite place to nap became Chill's lap. When they were working on the computer, watching something, or just sitting down, a flash of something blue could be seen and then there was a doll curled up on their lap like a cat. Chill became very used to having a lap warmer on their thighs as soon as they were about to lower their butt somewhere.
Crying was allowed. Sometimes things got a bit harsh with the confusing new feelings and traumatising memories for such small bodies. Hugs and cuddles were given, tears were wiped away; Chill was more than ok providing a safe place for the dolls to let all their feelings out and helped through. The human might have not been very sure about their own emotions all the time, but robot feelings were a bit clearer than their own human feelings sometimes. Funnily enough.
Despite Sunny and Moony finding new types of emotions and needs after living with Chill, their original caretaker code did not vanish. No, they were still parenting Chill like they were one of the kids in the Daycare sometimes, and offering comfort to the human when they were in desperate need of it. Chill loved their little dolls like their own children or pets, and the dolls loved Chill like their guardian or best friend.
And then, one day, Chill brought another small robot to their house...
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xxl1ghtxx · 1 month
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its baby snuuy sunday
show the baby snuuy
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baby snuy sunda..???
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didnt kno u were dat popular, sani.. hehe..
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deadlydoofus · 2 years
Could you draw a baby Sunny?
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binky snuuy
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