#bio | sybill
sybill--trelawney · 3 months
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constellations drawn in notebooks. smell before the rain. handwritten letters. fuzzy socks in winter. wishing on every star. always offering a helping hand. reading horoscopes. writing in dream journals. gel pens. twirling around until dizzy. messy flat.
name: sybill cassandra trelawney. meaning: prophetess and oracle. will help tap into their inner magic. nickname: sybbie. syb. birthday: february 23rd. pisces. age: twenty-two.  pronouns: she + her. sexuality: romantic asexual. bisexual. siblings: none. parents: benjamin trelawney (father, deceased). iris trelawney nèe fox (mother). other family: anne fox (maternal grandmother). cassandra trelawney (great-great-grandmother, deceased). languages: english.  current residence: london. occupation: flourish & blott's. born: cornwall, england.
affiliation: neutral.  blood status: half-blood. house: gryffindor. animagus? none. pet: bengal cat, eeyore. species: witch. patronus: dapple gray mare. boggart: her father’s car crash. amortentia scent: sea salt air, stardust, animal hair, grass. wand type: willow, unicorn hair, 10 ⅛ inches.
height: 5'2" hair color: dark brown. eye color: brown. hair style: thick, straight and has character. fashion style: prep school + nerdy chic.
positive traits: + whimsical + open-minded + hopeful negative traits: - too trustful - flighty - frazzled
theme song: wildflowers by tom petty.
the stars aligned in cornwall, england when magical father, benjamin and muggle mother, iris, welcomed sybill, forming the three musketeers. the family was tight knit and supportive of one another. she and her father were particularly close, a glorified daddy’s girl. iris loved seeing the two of them grow close as she had never had a father figure of her own.
sybill was strongly encouraged her to explore her abilities. it wasn't since her great-great-grandmother, cassandra, that anyone had shown signs of having visions and being a seer. they had always told her that the truth laid within her and facts are what the world saw, both of which she needed to believe in. it was a hard concept for her to grasp due to the fact that she lived in her own head, but sybill listened. she would go to work with benjamin at the cornwall library and read books on books learning all she could about the muggle world. there she was, teaching herself before ever going to school. she longed to learn and her parents nurtured her desire. but the one day she didn’t go to the library, tragedy hit.
sybill was nine years old. sybill had her first vision. benjamin died. sybill stood still, her voice dropped octaves, and she said her benjamin wasn’t coming home. she didn’t remember saying anything but she could recall an empty feeling. a blank feeling came over her and like something had been ripped from her chest. once she came to, she was ice cold and shivering. her vision didn’t show her what exactly happened. all she knew is he was there and then BAM. no more. his earthly presence was gone. this vision, her first, terrified her. she didn’t want this gift if it was going to show her things like that. for a brief moment, sybill actually had the thought that if he died, she should have died with him. he was her rock and she, his. her only way to understand death was through her first vision. iris stood up to the plate, not to replace her father but to be a strong parent. she didn’t know how to help foster her daughter’s gift, but told sybill that her father would be proud of her for continuing the line in their family. he wouldn’t want her to give up. -- this stuck with sybill because she knew her mother was right. she fought to never give it up in her father’s name: trelawney.
when sybill’s letter from hogwarts came it was bittersweet. it was something she had been waiting for since she could breathe but her father wasn’t there to hug in celebration and to see her off. at king’s cross iris held her still tiny sybill just a little more and sniffled, slipping something into the young girl’s bag. “you almost forgot this.” it was the copy of winnie the pooh benjamin had given to sybill as a gift, one of her prized possessions. she reached out and hugged iris a little tighter with tears in her eyes. the time had come to get on the train for the first time, get on the boats and enter the dining hall for the first time. and, finally, to be sorted.
it was no surprise that the self-educating sybill was sorted into ravenclaw, where the mind was most valued -- and benjamin’s old stomping grounds. she sat at the table with her back straight, head held high, smile on her face and with pride. she was where she was supposed to be. the sorting felt like it was a sign that she could, indeed, live in both the worlds her parents described and she did so to the best of her abilities. later that night she wrote an owl home to her mother to tell her how she felt that things were going to be fantastic, that it felt right and that she loved her. this would become a routine each night before bed.
sybill loved being at hogwarts though she did have trouble fitting in. she wasn’t entirely shocked by that. she always knew she was different, but not that different. It wasn’t easy to make friends, but she saw the best in people, always spoke up and never let a sad face be alone. she knew sadness and didn’t want that for another soul, no matter the circumstance. however, because of her desire to fit in, she did something questionable her fifth year. the biggest thing she was ashamed of. 
the other students knew she was highly adept in divination and was a seer; it was something she was proud of and didn’t see a reason to hide it. there was this first person to come to her and asked what she saw in their future. sybill to seize up and had to make a quick decision. yes or no. she chose yes. after that one person, word got around and people came to sybill as though they’d been friends for years. after some time, she had to begin lying. she couldn’t read everyone’s cards or tea leaves and she certainly wasn’t having visions for anyone. over that summer she made the decision that she wasn’t going to do it anymore. it was against her moral code. she was livid with herself that she did it in the first place, all to get attention. after telling people no it was no surprise that those people drifted away as quickly as they came. it broke sybill’s heart but deep down she knew why they’d been there in the first place -- and it wasn’t for her. from then on out, sybill’s compass was where she followed.
the years passed and sybill began growing into a young woman, she looked around her and saw that fellow students were seriously dating and some were even getting betrothed -- already. she couldn’t believe it. all sybill wanted was to continue learning, cultivate her arts of divination, astronomy and herbology. she wanted to discover where she would go with her talents. she wanted to keep learning, to know everything about everything. one field of study wouldn’t be enough for her, leaving her no time for romance -- if anyone even wanted something romantic with her. either way, she was preoccupied. also either way, friendships were the relationships she yearned to see thrive. that’s what she told herself anyway.
as the war comes closer to home, she tries to maintain a neutral stance but it’s hard because she’s sybill. she always sticks out because of how she carries herself; head in the clouds and without a care in the world with only one life to live. if her father’s death taught her anything, it was to live each day as though it was the last. he wouldn’t want her wasting it on the chance that something could happen because someday it will, so why fear living? she wasn’t going to live in fear. and she wasn’t going to live in anger or bitterness. her heart was pure. too pure to pick a side in a war that shouldn’t exist. so she wakes up, puts on her dresses, brushes her hair and teeth then sets off for a day full of what? she doesn’t know but is excited to find out.
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fallenclan · 6 months
who are the unknown residence cats?
mostly the parents of kits that were abandoned into the clan, but some were outsiders that died. i'll add a screenshot of them all.
down below we have Rush (Otterslip's bio dad), Sybil (rogue, no relation to Fallenclan), Brindle (Spiderclaw, Beefreckle, and Mothspots's bio mom), Spore (Ivybounce, Grassroot, and Yewberry's bio dad), Bounce (kittypet, no relation to Fallenclan), Shining (Antbite's bio dad), Hare (Feathersight's bio dad) and Twix (kittypet, no relation to Fallenclan)
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juicesnatcher · 2 months
Hmm, I wonder..
After buying that Sybil plush, I am now kinda tight on spending money. It hurt my pockets pretty bad, and I don't want to take funds from my savings to use on other things. So what if..
I open commissions for a bit(?)
Would anyone buy something from me? It definitely won't be much, just lineart and flat color on a basic background.
And I'm thinkiiiiing...maybe $15 for a drawing? Probably 2 slots only, I can't handle a work load any bigger than that or I'll definitely crash myself immediately, like the last time I tried comms. It's gonna be a "first come, first served" kind of system too, so if you want something, tell me sooner rather than later.
I'm not gonna make a comm sheet for this or anything, you can just look at my art to see what you're getting yourself into. Just reblog this around maybe, or dm me here or on discord if you want something (my user is in my bio). Thanks.
(Only accepting payment through kofi btw!! it's the safest and easiest option for me!!)
I will not do complex design stuff, that's a no-go for me. I will also not draw anything to do with gore, suggestive, or straight-up nsfw topics, you freaks.
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myautumnrose · 7 months
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Honestly, making these two brother and sister was the cutest thing ever and I’ll explain because I have nothing else important to do!!!
TH:M-Yarrow Vine
HSS-Erica Vine
So you remember towards the end of High School Story Book 1 the characters plan a heist to get the spirit stick from Hearst? Like just imagine Erica telling Yarrow and the crew about this and him being so proud!!
Another would be Yarrow and the crew handling Brian after the bullshit he puts her through! Yarrow doesn’t play about his family, especially his sister!
Also, since Erica is a cheerleader and I chose Sybil for my crew, imagine Sybil teaching her some advanced acrobatics!!
All in all, while I do plan to update their bios, these two are a cute pair of siblings!!
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resplendentoutfit · 5 months
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Boston Museum of Fine Arts Installation view of Fashioned by Sargent Singer Sargent exhibition, 2023 •▪︎(American-British, 1866-1925) • Portrait of Sybil Sassoon • 1922 • Dress: House of Worth
The painting of socialite Lady Sassoon hangs near a display showcasing the exact dress she wore for the portrait. Sargent captures not only the dress but more importantly, the manner and bearing of his subject. Whether she actually wore those grand pearls and large pendant, I don't know. Sargent was known to embellish his portraits to include details and the draping of dress fabrics to suit the aesthetic he aimed for. Moreover, his draping and repositioning of dress fabrics was done to showcase his talent for painting shadows and light, particularly white. In the Sassoon portrait Sargent puts this talent to good effect in his treatment of the off-white cape that is part of her elaborate dress.
I scoured the internet for information about the House of Worth dress Sybil Sassoon wore for this sitting. I wanted to know specifics about the materials of the dress, as I was unable to photograph the gallery card near the display case. I came up short.
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After looking at this excellent photo taken by Lilie Marshall (Around the World with Lilie, Travel and Life Blog) I'm certain that the fabric is black velvet. The bright magenta lining of the high collar and the trim around the peplum waist and cuffs could be either velvet or satin. The wide bands down the front of the dress are, obviously, richly embroidered; perhaps with gold metallic thread or appliqué.
Sources: my own retelling of what I learned about Sargent's portraits attending the exhibition Fashioned by Sargent at the MFA and reading my art books. The photos are not mine. Though I took photos at the exhibition, the ones relevant to this portrait and dress didn't turn out well enough to publish. Credit is given for Lilie Marshall's photo and a link provided above to her blog post. Check it out – Lilie strikes a great pose in front of Madame X!
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John Singer Sargent (American-British, 1866-1925) • Portrait of Sybil Sassoon, Countess of Rocksavage (later Sybil Cholmondeley, Marchioness of Cholmondeley) • 1922
Sybil Sassoon bio on Wikipedia
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okayyy!!! i haveeeee soooooo many OCs, i'm going to talk about the ones from the fairy realm part in my story!!
right, so one of my deuteragonists from the previous part of the story, Hana Kaetsu, in the fantasy arc, accidentally gets sent to the fairy realm by reading a letter from a mysterious group mistakenly delivered to her, that was actually meant for her classmate Sybil Villin who's secretly a witch (she's pretty open about her interest in making potions and researching the supernatural and all that but ofc everyone just thinks she's interested in it cause. people don't generally believe in that anymore). anywayyyyy cause of Hana's little misadventure there, she because one of four people in her class who are now able to see ghosts and other supernatural creatures due to now having a connection with the supernatural. the other three are Sybil, ofc, cause she's a witch, her friend Naoki Himura because he managed to free and summon the ghost of their murdered classmate Ashley Atwell, and Ash herself cause. ghost
butttt before being able to return to the human world after Sybil, Naoki and Ash figured out what was going on when she suddenly disappeared (only they noticed that Hana had gone missing due to her disappearance being of supernatural causes, and them being the only ones around who have that experience- for everyone else, it's as if Hana never existed but they remember her again as if nothing happened after she returns), Hana met Sybil's "coven" (which is a gathering of witches, but they're not all witches, half of them are fae), the coven being the one who tried to address that letter to Sybil, wanting her back as she'd suddenly lost contact with them for a few years. where Hana ends up after being transported there is a village in the fairy realm called "Glacialisville" and the forests surrounding it, a slightly cold area that gets very snowy winters and not very warm summers, only about 25 degrees Celsius max. also quite windy and prone to storms
the coven consists of:
Lady Esmerelda- a forty-six year old witch who is basically the leader, currently the lady of the mansion they are based in, "Glacies Manor" though she doesn't own it, just looking after it until Rowan feels prepared enough to take on the responsibility. adoptive mother of Rowan and Dahlia
Rowan Leblanc- a nineteen year old witch. his bio mother was executed for being caught practicing witchcraft- her and her ancestors were the true owners of Glacies Manor and are a long line of very powerful witches (though are known for having slightly unstable magic compared to others), including a particularly infamous one...
Dahlia Leblanc- a seventeen year old vampire who was banished from the vampire realm, in which she was princess of one of the royal families. disowned due to not being considered a "real" vampire as she was born with an incredibly rare and tricky condition that made her highly allergic to blood
Marceline- a seventeen year old witch, old friends with Sybil and the one who set out to find her again. Marcy is incredibly skilled with a sword and plans to enrol into the uni below
Belle, Olivier and Ciel Krieger- twenty year old fairy triplets who attend an university that specifies in training future members of the fairy army with sword fighting, archery etc
Nixie- a seventeen year old unique type of fairy that can shape shift- however he can only turn into creatures that humans consider fictional, such as a unicorn, pegasus, phoenix, dragon, mermaid
Ghost- twelve years old, a type of fairy known as changeling who was switched into an awful family in the human world. Lady Esme found her and immediately saved and took her in after seeing how she was treated due to being fae. cannot speak due to having a damaged throat from that "family" trying to kill her by stabbing, prefers to mainly communicate through drawings and miming. is able to communicate with these jelly-like floating creatures around the forest who she often holds tea parties with
Lillie- a twelve year old witch who looks up to the older witches in the coven (Lady Esme, Marcy and especially Rowan due to him being very older brotherly) who is incredibly excited about becoming able to use controlled magic at thirteen (spoiler- doesn't happen, she's murdered four days before her thirteenth birthday)
need two more characters to make a whole "thirteen" for the coven feel, haven't thought of them yet
other major characters!! Dahlia and Marcy's college classmates, all also seventeen (well. probably not cause birthdays and all that but i haven't figured it out yet. they attend Glacialisville College of Arts, where they have compulsory English (mixed Lang and Lit), Maths and History + three or occassionally four creative subjects:
Vie von Vogelblut- a vampire who suffered similar trauma to Dahlia, being thrown out of the vampire realm due to disownment. he lives with his equally disowned aunt and her daughter, Rouge, who while technically his cousin, is more like his older sister. Rouge is four years older than him, twenty-one, and also goes to that army uni thing that the Krieger triplets go to. Vie is somewhat childhood friends with Dahlia, he's basically her second brother, she's his second sister. he takes Hair and Makeup, German, Creative Writing and Theatre
Raphael- a fairy who was immediately adopted into the group by the extroverted Dahlia and ends up being very good friends with Vie. Raffi takes Drawing and Painting, Photography and Arabic
Clarissa- a fiery fairy who's besties with Dahlia, frenemies with Vie. idk what she takes yet
Alexandrite- a witch who's particularly gifted with elemental magic. takes Drawing and Painting, Sculpture and Photography
Nora- a fairy who's rather wary of flying due to being visually impaired and there being less to feel in the air. she has a Golden Retriever called Leo as a service animal and she takes Violin, Creative Writing and Song Writing
Natalie and Amaryllis- a pair of fairy sisters who've been through some crap (father lured to death by a demon). they both get along well with Vie. apart from her sister and Vie, Amy's only friends with Dahlia and Alexandrite due to severe social anxiety and Nat's much more outgoing and on very good terms with most in college. Amy and Nora also wanted to be friends due to having similar fashion sense, however, there was a communication barrier due to Nora's visual impairment and Amy being selectively mute (so Nora wouldn't be able to read what Amy writes but at the same time, Amy's unable to speak to her) but!! they both decide to learn Morse code (Amy taps her messages onto Nora's hand) so they eventually get to get along. idk all the subjects the sisters take yet, but Nat does Photography as one of them and Amy takes Hair and Beauty (same class as Vie)
oh yeah i forgot about Dion- Clarissa's cousin, just kind of a bitch really
there's more but aaaaaaa i think. i've gone insane enough
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ysolt · 4 months
sybil is trans "which way?" yeah :)
okay see. sybil is a trans woman which is very important to her character. but i always think about the one time somebody tagged her as 'how i look with he/him in bio' so honestly yeah whatever. how i look with he/him in my bio and its tanlines mini bikini sybil
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merrock · 11 months
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Good morning, Merrockites! We are conducting an interest check for the end of the month to coincide with our activity check, so that we can take stock of activity and figure out where we are at with cap, and how many spaces we want to open (if any!) to new writers.
If you would like to keep your roles as they are, without making any changes, please simply like this post. It will be updated to reflect that we have heard from you.
However, if there are any changes that you would like to make to your characters at this point, please contact us so we can help you! This can include, but is not limited to:
a face claim change.
swapping one character for another.
making significant changes to a character (backstory, bio, etc.)
dropping the character.
Because we are not accepting new writers at the time, we are very strongly encouraging all existing writers who are considering picking up new characters to fill wanted connections. Help each other out! We do ask that rules be followed for pick-ups, as usual. (Diversity, regularly replying to starters, active within the last 48 hours, etc.) During this interest check, I will accept any day of the week.
The deadline for this is July 31st, with unfollows for every character/writer that has not interacted with the post on August 1st. We will also be conducting an activity check on August 1st, however, so even if you have liked the post, if you haven't posted within 2 weeks, you will still lose your role, and if you haven't posted within 1 week or haven't followed activity rules (starters, inconsistency, etc.), you will receive a warning. Please interact and post as usual during this time.
Thanks, guys! xx
ALEX (garrick)
AMELIA (victoria) -- on hiatus, will check in with!
ANA (valentina)
ANNA (sylvia, reyna, jayla, alec, wesley, corrine, espie)
BEE (aisha)
BREE (aurora)
BRI (cordelia, fallon, spencer, emmy)
CHAYYA (marlow)
ELLE (chandler)
ERIN (lara, mandy, bryan, jamie, vince, mekelah, joella, alice)
FRANKIE (tavi, deacon)
JANESSA (chloe, elizabeth)
JEN (tommy)
KAM (beck)
KATIE (ryder, rafal, jace, stelly, nari, livvy, josh, cage, dare)
LAURA (eleanor)
LINDSEY (aleja, che, greyson, kellan,elise, arturo, trey, iris, amina)
MARIA (vitus)
MARIE (sophia)
BIRD (sybil)
LOU (willa)
MAY (gianna)
REY (julian, travis)
LAST UPDATED: Tuesday, July 30th @ 9:40PM.
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Don't remember if asked before. ROs thoughts about babies? Do they like them? Good with them? Do they want them? Biological? Adopted?
Guinevere- Guinevere loves children and is great with them. She really does not like pregnancy though so definitely prefers to adopt. Part of the reason she took on Galahad as a ward was so she could raise a child since she and Arthur didn’t want to have them with each other.
Gawain- He’s generally pretty neutral on babies and children. He wouldn’t be remiss in having them but his siblings are enough for him. He can be bad awkward around them though since his ideas for entertaining kids is apparently “too violent and/or dangerous”.
Galehaut- Galehaut absolutely adores babies and children. He is always excited to meet them and would love to have children of his own someday, biological or adopted. He adores the way they often don’t fear him or find his size fun. He is definitely great with taking care of them.
Morgan- Morgan likes children enough, but she tends to feel awkward in their company. She’s also definitely better with older kids. She loves her son and wouldn’t be against having other children, but since he was born in circumstances she had no choice in, she’s become a bit wary about having kids.
Agravaine- Agravaine doesn’t hate kids or anything, but they definitely prefer to be out of their presence. They just aren’t sure how to act around children and don’t have a lot of patience. They are surprisingly good with them on the rare occasion they are around kids though. They’re fine theoretically with the idea of having kids, bio or adopted, but will definitely freak out over fear of doing something wrong if they do have them.
Sybil- Sybil loves babies and kids. They were always happy to babysit or to help parents in the lake and so are great with taking care of and entertaining children. They would love to have children with their partner but are also happy with adoption if their partner would prefer that.
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Sam and Max Telltale Retrospective: Save the World: Reality 2.0 (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Cyber-Hello to all you happy cyber-people! We're almost at the end of Sam and Max Save The World! It's been a long strange journey and it's only getting stranger as we jack in and execute the penultimate chapter of this fantastic game.
As usual let's take a look at Reality 2.0+as a game first. Internet 2.0 is the best chapter yet which like Morning Mark, you can probably hear me say that a lot. It combines the writing quality of the last two chapters with the far more managable but still open overworld of "The Mob, The Mole and the Meatball". The difficulty's still harder than Mob, but more in line with the second one: you might get stuck but a quick nudge from a guide or some poking around will usually fix it. The world is also just fun to explore despite being intentionally both sparse and a reskin of the main street hub. In short it's good stuff and we'll see if it holds for the finale and the next two games.
For now let's look at the bold new future of the internet in 2006 under the cut and how our heroes have to kill it before it spreads. As you do.
So we open with Max flexing his power as president. As expected most of his policy is giant fighting robot based, sending them to all three dakota's to see who surivives, and he's being impeached every day this week except wendsday.. he's on trial for war crimes. But Max has more important things to deal with than plotting his future escape from a federal maximum security prison, for once. The Chief has a job: A new game, Reality 2.0 is sweeping the nation and brainwashing it too so our heroes and max have to stop it. Our heroes first have to save Sybil, whose beta testing the game via headset, and lost in the zone. So to get info we're going ot have to wreck Sybil's life for the second episode. Meanwhile Bosco has paranoidly moved all his money into the internet. As you can probably notice unlike a lot of the satire in these games, where there more funny knowing the time, the satire for internet 2.0 has actually aged better. While at the time it was clearly parodying the boom of things like second life and mmorpg's like world of warcraft, nowadays it comes off as parodies of laughable attempts at the future like the metaverse, vr googles, and crypto. I mean the money isn't in boscocoin but like Crypto the service he's using bancolavedero.com is just as sketchy as crypto and just as likely to give you all your money back! As such despite having all the money now to launder via the us goverment, we can't buy his real world item, a bio weapon, yet.
We can however do him a solid and get rid of the compettition: part of why Bosco's gone from small arms to full on biological warefare is because Jimmy Two Teeth has set up shop in his shop. Being the rat he is, Jimmy refuses to actually sell you the mini canon he has because he's afraid you'll just turn around and use it on him
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Though in this case it's a self fufilling prophecy as while he succesfully gets a hit off on Sam, he gets shoved into the canon and used as ammo oddworld styles. I just love this solution and it provides some cathariss after multiple chapters of Jimmy either being obnoxious to our heroes or actively hindering them. I mean he fell down a manwhole but ther'es probably a whole rat city down there. He can play rat blackjack and visit some rat hookers. He'll be fine. This is more fitting.. being shot at some vr googles.
Turns out though Sybil wasn't hypnotized.. or at least thinks she wasn't so she's mad, but allows our heroes to take the broken googles and decides to move on. I've really started to feel sorry for sybil. In the first two chapters she was just running a random scheme and just having a good time… in the last few she's been targeted by the mob, had her heart broken, been swindled out of millions of dollars and now had her legit buisness ruined by our heroes.. for good reasons yes but it's still awful. I'm really hoping the next chapter works out better for her. I do applaud the team for making me care about this goofy side character though. So our team has to take the googles to the best part of this episode, the C.O.P.S. The Computer Obsolescence Prevention Society are a bunch of old machines who are hilaroius: We have their leader and mouthpiece curt, an old voice synthizer similar to steven hawkings, chippy, an old pong set, and bob, a talking phone who talks like the moviephone guy. And last and most of all we have Bluster Blaster an old arcade machine who constantly screams every sentence and wants to conquer all. Their working for the internet for the oldest reasons imaginable…
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But gladly suply a lot of great comedy.. and our heroes with the chip to fix the googles. There's not much else to say other than their fantastic and I was delighted to find out they return in the next two games, and have a larger role in 3.
THe cops gladly give our heroes the chip. Problem is there's two heroes but luckily max's really big head qualities him for a special headset, so our heroes are off to the digtial world! Jack in, Sam and Max, Execute! Reality 2.0 is a fun setting being really sparse and seeming like a jab at games that come out mostly unfinished. Having played sonic 06 recently, the irony is not lost on me. While it is a BETA, so ti's a bit more forgivable, it's a very desolate place with Sybil stood in with a digtial copy of her, and no real detail. The only real features are bosco's itself, and Auntie Biotic, virus protection based on moira stump. Who was asking for her to come back I do not know, but she's passable.
We 'll deal with her later though first it's time to deal with bosco whose totally not brainwashed you guys honest. So in order to save him, we have to bop him in the head, but since for some reason we can't just.. use the boxing glove on him or reload the canon, we have to play the game his way and get 5 gold coins. Granted equipment usually isn't this cheap but sam and max isn't going to make you grind for several hours. or maybe ten minutes with 4x gil on, to do that. Point is you need to gather the coins.
This is where I got stuck entirely through every fault of my own. See I assumed since the goggles have an assigned button to take you out of reality 2.0, you coudln't use your inventory
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Every item you have in the real world is avaliable to you. And neatly some transform, so the bug becomes a computer bug. It wasn't till reading the guide I realized I could do this.
As for who your glitching up that'd be the COPS who are gods, angry gods, of the new world and each control something. So you have to jack with them to get rid of width, popups, make your characters small, and with blaster because uh oh there goes gravity. The ways you use them are also clever and most you can figure out just from exploring: Jimmy is hoarding a coin in your office, so you have to get that from him by shirnking, and that itself requries you to figure out another mechanic: when you enter the digital world you enter from the location your at. So while the curb is too big for tiny sam and max to climb, you can simply jack out, go into the office, jack in and boom, Jimmy is violently mugged for a coin! Sybils is easy to miss, it's just behind her bookcase which you can get by going flat and finally we get the fun one of gravity, with sam deciding to become a feature film italian sterotype and max decides to call him a sell out. it's the best joke of a very funny chapter… the best one not involving an arcade cabinet screaming at you anyway. So with that we buy the long sord and get a decent enough send up of rpg combat as we fight a slime in boscos, handily despensed from a monster spawn point. This is where I got lost for a second. See I went back to the real world, as Bosco revealed his password is SO secure, he dosen't even know it, having it tattooed on him then having his memory erased. So naturally I grabbed the binoculars on his desk. problem is fitting the game's nonlinear nature you can get them AFTER you wake him up too, and my guide used this method. Thankfully I found another one, and found out I simply had to conk him out in the digtial world.
Since I can't just have a small monster do it, I used the sword, tricked bosco with the timeless "look over there" technique and found his tatoo which thankfully was nowhere near as low as feared. It's naturally bosco. He's smart at many things, survelince, knowing the goverment's after him, scamming our heroes, but this is a reminder he can be very, very dumb and we love him for it. So it's off to banco lavedero. To get in here you'll need some digitial paint from a digtial wizard whose TOTALLY not hugh bliss… though unlike moira I feel this seeming model IS the real thing given what we learn at the end of the chapter. This puzzle is clever as your liscene plate has the right color. Match em and you get past the banco lavedero fire wall. Inside we get a fun if somewhat long mini game: unsuprisingly this scam is laundering money from everywhere: the toy mafia, who sam rightly points out even if we knocked out one branch isn't exzactly gone, the goverment, bosco's mom. You simply have to get the arrows to point all the money to bosco. It's hilarious enough to work and even if you get stuck, it shoudln't take too long till bosco has the money and is forking over his bio weapon. This one I actually called: he just sneezes into a napkin. But hey it's enough to give yo ua computer virus.
To beat her though we need a chekovs gun.. but since tha't snot in the inventory we instead need some slime goop, gotten whenyou first get your sword as his sludgey machine is now an enemy spawn point and the results are just as dangerous. You take it out with some turn based rpg parody, though the shouting out of dexerity is just.. weird. This isn't dungeons and dragons, it's a computer rpg. It's hilarious enough though I dont' care enitirely.
WIth the goop you simply have to defy gravity again and go to a nearbye billboard and you get the unicorn sword. +2 baby! You can unstick it with the goop and then fight moira using the sword and another chekovs gun: early on you'll see a jack in the box surrounded by pop ups. Disable those, grab it, then enable them before the fights and you've got a shiled. It's a wonderful brick joke and with that you can mail the virus ot break the internet.
Problem is the interent.. plans to take everyone in it with her, so to save the world you have to brave the depths of gaming history, a TEXT ADVENTURE!
The Text Adventure bit.. is a lot of fun. You put all of boscos into your inventory, deal with a giant drippy pool of cute kittens , use their slime to dip boscos and then feed it to a shambling corprate presence, the greatest monster in all of rpg history. Yes over stabby mc mommy issues or Garnland, who will knock you all down. You feed him, get him tobarf up the internet's faith in humanity an save her from herself… and then she dies because our heroes knida gave her a virus. Yes our heroes killed the ineternet and I for one…
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Sorry about that had to kick in the backup internet. Hard being a blogger these days. Anyways the internmet is dead and the most she can give our heroes is the mysterious mastermind behind all this is Roy. G. Biv… our heroes dont' take the obvious hint and go to dinner… as hugh bliss shows up as the face int he moon
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Next Time: We go to the MOOONNNNN to wrap this game up and confront the true mastermind behind it all! But where is hugh? What is hugh? and why is Hugh? All to be colorfully answered next time!
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debtsunpaid · 9 months
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DEBTSUNPAID: low activity, iconless, selective multi-muse sideblog, featuring canon characters + oc's based in nbc's c.onstantine show & vertigo's h.ellblazer comics. ( + some additional fandoms. ) all muses & mun are 18+, triggering content & adult themes will be present. everything will be blanket tagged as trigger /. multi-verse, multi-ship, crossover & oc-friendly.
studying themes such as: the sidekick's story, the villain's intentions, the ones left behind; escaping your fate, what was i made for, personal hells, how to hold a grudge, the misguided righteous, the evil by necessity, so you survived: now what?
written by oxly, 25, they/them. follows back from talentforlying but is not directly associated with / does not share canon with interactions on that blog unless plotted beforehand.
mobile roster + temp bios under the cut! TESTING: clarice sackville (hellblazer), tali (hellblazer), nat (hellblazer 2019), tommy willowtree (hellblazer 2019)
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THE DEMON CONSTANTINE (hellblazer comics) — pre-#250 canon only. it/he/they, british, former golem/current demon. created from the worst parts of constantine's personality, even more spiteful and annoying than the regular one, and bloodthirsty as hell to boot. fc: comics + matt ryan.
tags. vibe: us, possessor potential triggers: alcoholism, mentions/descriptions of body horror
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MANNY THE ANGEL (nbc constantine + heavy hc influence) — he/him, angelic, supposed guardian angel with secret ties to dark magic and the brujeria. manipulative shithead with a love of mind games and genuine, if sinister, interest in humanity. high tolerance/invulnerability to most weapons, painful to punch, reality manipulation & other angelic powers. fc: harold perrineau.
tags. vibe: constantine (2005), dogma potential triggers: critical discussion of religion, familial trauma, manipulation
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CLARICE SACKVILLE / THE CUMAEAN SYBIL (hellblazer + dead in america) — she/her, far older than she ought to be, a horribly wronged ancient greek oracle turned socialite, sorceress, and expert in the mystic arts. a snobby opportunist and shrewd strategist who has her pet revenant, gwendolyn, hunt tourists in order to steal their spiritual essence, de-age herself, and further extend her already-much-extended life. fc: joan collins. / youthful fc: young judi dench.
tags. vibe: breakfast at tiffany's, the silmarillion (galadriel), antigone rewritten potential triggers: sexual assault-centric backstory (not described graphically), classism
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KLAVIER LUZ FURCHTBAR / JALLAKUNTILLIOKAN (hellblazer-based oc + hellblazer comics) — over 40 (isn't sure), they/he, spanish-german, ex-astrophysicist, current engine of the fear machine, accidental vessel for the revival of jallakuntilliokan, the animus & fear-domain half of a twin god. a drifting maths tutor who lives their life half-in and half-out of the Dreaming after becoming psychically entangled with the fear god during its banishing, fighting a losing battle to separate their consciousness from its looming eldritch presence before it takes full possession, rips open reality, and assumes its god-form on earth. fc: daniel bruhl.
tags. / appendicular blog. vibe: solaris, the thing (1982), venom, disco elysium (the inner voices), southern reach trilogy: annihilation (the biologist + the crawler) potential triggers: unreality, hallucinations, possession/body manipulation + related body horror, psychological manipulation, backstory references to freezing to death & unwanted experimentation
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ANIMA / ONDINE NASIRIAN (both hellblazer-based oc's) — simultaneously 34 and as old as creation, she/they, spanish-iranian, former artist, currently the collaborative consciousness of mortal ondine and atalakuntilliokan, the anima & hope-domain half of a twin god. a wandering wonderer at all that humanity has to offer, searching the earth for her missing half (jallakuntilliokan) in an attempt to return them to the fold and restore the fragmented balance of humanity's collective subconscious before either of them can unravel themselves or the world beyond the point of saving. fc: sarah shahi.
tags. / appendicular blog. vibe: southern reach trilogy: acceptance (ghost bird + the leviathan biologist), venom, bridge to terabithia (jesse + leslie), the skeleton twins, legion (michael) potential triggers: references to suicidal ideation (primarily backstory), possession/body manipulation + related body horror
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CHAS CHANDLER (hellblazer comics) — canon-critical. early-50s, he/him, british, taxi driver, closeted bisexual, married but separated, dad. pissy dickhead who likes to pick fights and is secretly in love with his best friend. just a guy. fc: comics + owain yeoman.
tags. vibe: the world's end (andy knightly), peaky blinders potential triggers: past maternal abuse, toxic masculinity, internalized homophobia
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CHAS CHANDLER (nbc constantine) — 42, he/him, american, taxi driver, repressed bisexual, divorced dad. 6'6". soft sweater guy and good cook, functionally immortal with 47 extra souls shoved in him like a walking cannoli. limited powers of self-resurrection & speed-healing. fc: charles halford.
tags. vibe: insidious (josh), the world's end (andy knightly) potential triggers: divorce, absent fathers, internalized homophobia
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ELLIE (hellblazer comics) — she/her, british, disgraced succubus, ex-denizen of hell, widow of the angel tali. as treacherous as she is pretty, and still kinder than most. bummed about not being allowed home to hell, but has plenty of fun conning people here on earth. fc: comics + maggie q.
tags. vibe: it follows, hotel artemis (nice) potential triggers: backstory references to pregnancy, traumatic birth, loss of a child, stalking/being stalked, mistreatment of a sex worker
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FRANK NORTH (hellblazer comics w/ nbc verse) — 43, he/him, american, former/current biker gang guy depending on whether you meet him alive or as a ghost. laid-back veteran who's just here to have a good time. fc: comics + michael trucco with a ponytail.
tags. vibe: the lost boys, ferris bueller's day off potential triggers: references to the vietnam war (?)
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CHERYL MASTERS (hellblazer comics w/ nbc verse) — 56, she/her, british, human or ghost (timeline dependent), housewife and stay-at-home mum who is always about five minutes from divorce. john constantine's big sister, fiercely independent, doting mother figure, and always substituting everyone else's problems for her own. fc: comics + andrea riseborough.
tags. vibe: the haunting of hill house (olivia crain), little shop of horrors (audrey) potential triggers: mention of religious cults, unhappy marriage, backstory references to intimate partner violence ending in uxoricide
TALI (hellblazer comics + canon divergent) — he/him, fallen angel, a former guardian at the gate destroyed for falling in love with the demon chantinelle, and later resurrected by the first of the fallen to punish her. running a halfway house for supernatural strays out of the back of a laundromat while he tries to locate his wife & child and recover the powers he still retains. fc: rahul kohli.
tags tba. vibe: legion 2010 (michael), potential triggers: familial trauma, critical discussions of religion, loss of a child
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NAT (2019 hellblazer comics) — testing. 27, she/her, glaswegian scottish, bouncer/former bouncer (verse dependent) at the long lugs artisanal microbrewery while doing her literature degree. hot temper and a mean golf swing, and just fucking fine until constantine showed up. fc: comics + evan rachel wood.
tags. vibe: the green room, the magnus archives (melanie king) potential triggers: N/A
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TOMMY WILLOWTREE (2019 hellblazer comics) — testing. 32, he/him, southern english, hipster wizard, pun magician, and guardian of the merlintrove for the last 5 years (so he thinks, anyway). an idealist with more enthusiasm than sense, who lives above and works at the grokk & roll occult bookstore + cafe with his partners. fc: comics + matt biedel.
tags. vibe: legends of tomorrow (ray palmer) potential triggers: N/A
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BENEDICK OF PADUA ( much ado about nothing ) — 36, any pronouns (introduces themself as he/him), scottish-italian, a lord, loyal soldier, class clown, perennial bachelor, and truly loyal friend who wants nothing more than to party his way through high society for the rest of her life. scoffs at the idea of love, but loves to be loved; enjoys flexing their wit, but hates to be outdone. moonlights as a drag queen named nonny nonny. formerly mustnotbeproud. fc: david tennant.
tags. vibe: romeo + juliet (mercutio) potential triggers: incessant drinking, references to recreational drug use, immaturity
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RITCHIE SIMPSON (hellblazer comics) — he/it, british, quantum magic pioneer, techno-demon-slash-very-unhappy-siri-substitute. pissy little gremlin who burns sim cards like cigarettes, will correct you on everything and ruin your search algorithms for fun. electronic manipulation & digital astral travel. fc: comics + santiago cabrera.
tags. vibe: videodrome, the x-files (the lone gunmen) potential triggers: unreality, body-snatching
RITCHIE SIMPSON (nbc constantine) — 43, he/him, american, computer genius, quantum magic pioneer, and occultism professor. the georgia equivalent of a shaking chihuahua but lord if he won't bitch you out given the opportunity. fc: jeremy davies.
tags tba vibe: the x-files (the lone gunmen), mission impossible (benji dunn) potential triggers: n/a
JACK VINCENNES (adapted from la confidential + vertigo-based oc) — 48, he/him, american, closeted vice detective and professional tabloid informant. a disillusioned glory hound seeking redemption, a purpose in life, and dirt on one john constantine. fc: simon baker.
tags tba vibe: la confidential, se7en potential triggers: cop/ex-cop (verse dependent)
REVEREND RICK "THE VIC" NILSEN (hellblazer comics) — 46, he/him, british, un-priestly priest with the church of england, collector & dealer of occult paraphernalia. sardonic, sacrilegious, with a shitty little mustache and a happy poly relationship with his girlfriend and his best friend. fc: comics + con o'neill.
tags tba vibe: monty python & the holy grail, the devil all the time potential triggers: religious themes, disrespect for religion
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FIONA NANTES (vertigo-based oc) — 200+, she/her, irish, ancestrally cursed to live out the lives of everyone her family has ever killed. serial killer trying to buy her and her son more time while she searches for how to break the curse by any means necessary. fc: carla gugino.
tags. vibe: doctor sleep (rose the hat) potential triggers: murder, generational trauma, references to filicide
DAMIEN WHITE A.K.A "THE PROFESSOR" (hellblazer comics + oc) — 58, he/him, british, former archaeologist and professor of anthropology bouncing between johannesburg and the british museum. paranoid occult specialist who took one look at constantine and noped out of the country. fc: jeffrey wright.
tags tba vibe: it (adult mike), the mummy (1999, dr. chamberlain) potential triggers: the british museum
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EMMA KNIGHT (vertigo-based oc) — 34, she/her, scouse, divorced, formerly-possessed seamstress with lingering psychic abilities and, recently, fashion designer to hell. vain, proud, deep-in-denial wannabe-girlboss blaming everyone else in the world for her problems. fc: jodie comer.
tags. vibe: black swan, censor potential triggers: possession, past-body horror, parental abandonment
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sybillctrelawney · 9 months
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had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high i touched the clouds. i stretched my hands out to the sky. i howled at the moon with friends and then the sun came crashing in. but all the possibilities; no limits, just epiphanies. don't wake me now.
name: sybill cassandra trelawney. meaning: prophetess and oracle. will help tap into their inner magic. nickname: sybbie. syb. birthday: february 23rd. pisces. age: twenty-two.  pronouns: she + her. sexuality: romantic asexual. bisexual. siblings: none. parents: benjamin trelawney (father, deceased). iris trelawney nèe fox (mother). other family: anne fox (maternal grandmother). cassandra trelawney (great-great-grandmother, deceased). languages: english.  current residence: hogwarts. born: cornwall, england.
wizard fun. 
hogwarts house: ravenclaw. hogwarts year: eleven. area of study: divination / universal certificate. extracurriculars: astrology (president). herbology club. affiliation: neutral. pet: bengal cat, eeyore. blood status: half-blood. species: witch. patronus: dapple gray mare. boggart: her father's car crash. amortentia scent: sea salt air, stardust, animal hair, grass. wand type: willow, unicorn hair, 10 ⅛ inches.
height: 5'2" hair color: dark brown. eye color: brown. hair style: thick, straight and has character. fashion style: prep school + nerdy chic.
positive traits: + whimsical + open-minded + hopeful negative traits: - too trustful - flighty - frazzled
theme song: wildflowers by tom petty.
quick facts.
father died at nine. where she gets her moral compass from. shaped her life completely. they were best friends. his death was her first vision.
didn't have a tight knit group of friends. but very friendly and never turning anyone away, no matter who they are or what they stand for.
very academic yet head in the clouds all at once.
during fifth year she did fortune telling for people just to get people's attention. she began to lie about what she saw. she angered herself so much and during that summer vowed to never do it again and hasn't since.
stays neutral and doesn't care about the war.
updated frequently.
[ tw: parental death. ]
the stars aligned in cornwall, england when magical father, benjamin and muggle mother, iris, welcomed sybill, forming the three musketeers. the family was tight knit and supportive of one another. she and her father were particularly close, a glorified daddy’s girl. iris loved seeing the two of them grow close as she had never had a father figure of her own.
sybill was strongly encouraged her to explore her abilities. it wasn't since her great-great-grandmother, cassandra, that anyone had shown signs of having visions and being a seer. they had always told her that the truth laid within her and facts are what the world saw, both of which she needed to believe in. it was a hard concept for her to grasp due to the fact that she lived in her own head, but sybill listened. she would go to work with benjamin at the cornwall library and read books on books learning all she could about the muggle world. there she was, teaching herself before ever going to school. she longed to learn and her parents nurtured her desire. but the one day she didn’t go to the library, tragedy hit.
sybill was nine years old. sybill had her first vision. benjamin died. sybill stood still, her voice dropped octaves, and she said her benjamin wasn’t coming home. she didn’t remember saying anything but she could recall an empty feeling. a blank feeling came over her and like something had been ripped from her chest. once she came to, she was ice cold and shivering. her vision didn’t show her what exactly happened. all she knew is he was there and then BAM. no more. his earthly presence was gone. this vision, her first, terrified her. she didn’t want this gift if it was going to show her things like that. for a brief moment, sybill actually had the thought that if he died, she should have died with him. he was her rock and she, his. her only way to understand death was through her first vision. iris stood up to the plate, not to replace her father but to be a strong parent. she didn’t know how to help foster her daughter’s gift, but told sybill that her father would be proud of her for continuing the line in their family. he wouldn’t want her to give up. -- this stuck with sybill because she knew her mother was right. she fought to never give it up in her father’s name: trelawney.
when sybill’s letter from hogwarts came it was bittersweet. it was something she had been waiting for since she could breathe but her father wasn’t there to hug in celebration and to see her off. at king’s cross iris held her still tiny sybill just a little more and sniffled, slipping something into the young girl’s bag. “you almost forgot this.” it was the copy of winnie the pooh benjamin had given to sybill as a gift, one of her prized possessions. she reached out and hugged iris a little tighter with tears in her eyes. the time had come to get on the train for the first time, get on the boats and enter the dining hall for the first time. and, finally, to be sorted.
it was no surprise that the self-educating sybill was sorted into ravenclaw, where the mind was most valued -- and benjamin’s old stomping grounds. she sat at the table with her back straight, head held high, smile on her face and with pride. she was where she was supposed to be. the sorting felt like it was a sign that she could, indeed, live in both the worlds her parents described and she did so to the best of her abilities. later that night she wrote an owl home to her mother to tell her how she felt that things were going to be fantastic, that it felt right and that she loved her. this would become a routine each night before bed.
sybill loved being at hogwarts though she did have trouble fitting in. she wasn’t entirely shocked by that. she always knew she was different, but not that different. It wasn’t easy to make friends, but she saw the best in people, always spoke up and never let a sad face be alone. she knew sadness and didn’t want that for another soul, no matter the circumstance. however, because of her desire to fit in, she did something questionable her fifth year. the biggest thing she was ashamed of. 
the other students knew she was highly adept in divination and was a seer; it was something she was proud of and didn’t see a reason to hide it. there was this first person to come to her and asked what she saw in their future. sybill to seize up and had to make a quick decision. yes or no. she chose yes. after that one person, word got around and people came to sybill as though they’d been friends for years. after some time, she had to begin lying. she couldn’t read everyone’s cards or tea leaves and she certainly wasn’t having visions for anyone. over that summer she made the decision that she wasn’t going to do it anymore. it was against her moral code. she was livid with herself that she did it in the first place, all to get attention. after telling people no it was no surprise that those people drifted away as quickly as they came. it broke sybill’s heart but deep down she knew why they’d been there in the first place -- and it wasn’t for her. from then on out, sybill’s compass was where she followed.
the years passed and sybill began growing into a young woman, she looked around her and saw that fellow students were seriously dating and some were even getting betrothed -- already. she couldn’t believe it. all sybill wanted was to continue learning, cultivate her arts of divination, astronomy and herbology. she wanted to discover where she would go with her talents. she wanted to keep learning, to know everything about everything. one field of study wouldn’t be enough for her, leaving her no time for romance -- if anyone even wanted something romantic with her. either way, she was preoccupied. also either way, friendships were the relationships she yearned to see thrive. that’s what she reminded herself anyway.
as the war comes closer to home, she tries to maintain a neutral stance but it’s hard because she’s sybill. she always sticks out because of how she carries herself; head in the clouds and without a care in the world with only one life to live. if her father’s death taught her anything, it was to live each day as though it was the last. he wouldn’t want her wasting it on the chance that something could happen because someday it will, so why fear living? she wasn’t going to live in fear. and she wasn’t going to live in anger or bitterness. her heart was pure. too pure to pick a side in a war that shouldn’t exist. so she wakes up, puts on her dresses, brushes her hair and teeth then sets off for a day full of what? she doesn’t know but is excited to find out.
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juicesnatcher · 2 months
The curse follows me once more of people just not reading bios of others before interacting
Am I glad my sybil art is doing good now? Yes. But it's going to the one audience I didn't want, that being a ton of horny gooners with "minors dni" in their bios.
Go awaaaay, I don't want you hereeee.
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madebycoffee · 2 years
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Sybil Jones for @slothseasims Love Is Blind
Submission 1/2 :3
All her deets are under the cut because lol it's long.
Age: Just turned 30 Gender: One of the Gorls Location: San Myshuno babeeey Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Assistant to the Curator @ the SMAM (San Myshuno Art Museum) Traits: Creative, Art Lover, Neat
Basic Bio: Sybil was born in Mt. Komorebi, she has 2 older sisters although life was pretty quiet growing up. As soon as she finished college she moved to San Myshuno for the excitement of the big city! She calls her parents every weekend, (who are still happily married and now retired) She truly strives for a relationship like theirs.
She spends her weekdays as the ~best~ assistant that you could conjure up, and lets loose on the weekends. Hosting parties at her apartment for her gaggle of friends, and always going to nightclubs hoping to find the one.
Reason For Going on Love Is Blind: Sybil has up until now always gone for the same "type." Dickhead business guys. Generally her relationships (that aren't just a casual hookup) only last for a couple of months at most. She always wants to take things fast, and they have other ideas. So getting engaged after a week? Sounds great! Where does she sign!? Plus her parents got married after knowing each other only for a short amount of time (about a month) But as they like to say "when you know, you know"
Dealbreakers: If they are too messy. She's not ur mom she aint gonna clean up after yo ass. She also can't stand people who are entitled- in life and in love. Snoring. She needs her sleep.
Things People Consider Dealbreakers about her: The aforementioned moving too fast. And her "type" Think Gigi from He's Just Not That Into You. Big hopeless romantic, and wants those big romantic gestures.
Private DL if chosen~
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ghostcaterwaul · 1 year
Overview of My OCs
Putting this under a read more thing because it’s… pretty long even though it’s not even their full bios.
Btw, I'm aware that some of the faceclaims are problematic people, I chose those faceclaims without knowing they were problematic but that's just... How those characters permanently look in my head now so I'm really sorry if some of my faceclaim choices bother people but I'm not likely to change them.
A Chaotic Love (Working Title)
Mallory Blythe A sheltered 18-year-old with a strict religious upbringing. Jeremy’s love interest.
Jeremy Wolfe Typical damaged bad boy with a dark past from the wrong side of town. Mallory’s love interest.
Suburban Secrets (Working Title)
Lieselotte “Lottie” Moon Impulsive and arrogant teenager. “Not like other girls”.
Heloise Moon Lottie’s younger sister. Super smart. In all AP courses.
Devyn and the Roses (Working Title)
Devyn Valentyne Electro-glam punk vocalist and guitarist. Levi’s love interest.
Levi Rose Glam goth Bassist. Devyn’s love interest.
Natalie Rose Goth girl. Keyboards/synths/drum machine. Levi’s sister. Is super possessive of him.
Untitled Occult Detective Series
Elliot Alexander Non-binary punk sci-fi nerd. Saw a UFO when he was 12. Wesley’s significant other.
Wesley Williams Indie emo hipster hacker. Sees dead things. Caffeine addict. Elliot’s boyfriend.
The 100 OCs
Misty Sawyer One of the 100. Arrested for attacking her abusive father. Sweet soft fragile bean. Has Classical-Like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Katie Jane Garside [in the 90s])
Liam Thorne Misty’s best friend. One of the 100. Arrested for helping her hide after she attacked her father. The therapist friend. Has a Z Nation AU and a Stranger Things AU. (Faceclaim: Landon Liboiron)
Elijah Stone One of the 100. Arrested for vandalism. Rebellious, hyper, a bit chaotic. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Dominic Harrison AKA Yungblud)
Nimue kom Floukru Born Storm kom Azgeda. Was too soft and precious for the Ice Nation. led to join Floukru and changed her name to Nimue as a way of running from her past. Became a healer after joining Floukru. (Faceclaim: Lily Rabe)
Z Nation OCs
Vixen Ran away as a teen before the apocalypse. Did some illegal stuff to survive like selling drugs and firearms with an abusive boyfriend. Also has done survival sex work. She was working as a stripper when the apocalypse hit. (Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario)
Riot O’Reilly Grew up with an artist for a mom and a biker for a dad. Dad died in a motorcycle accident when they were 5 years old. was the singer in a touring DIY queerpunk band called Rotten Rainbow Warhead Dolls From Planet 420 and was playing a show when the apocalypse hit. Dyes their hair as often as they can with whatever they can find (even if it’s not exactly hair safe, has even used sharpie ink) to maintain a sense of normalcy. (Faceclaim: Bex Taylor-Klaus)
Izzy Strange A Malkavian glitter punk vocalist with BPD and substance addiction.
Sybil Kross A Malkavian artist with PTSD and abandonment issues. (Faceclaim: Kimberly Freeman)
Multifandom OCs
Jet Gray Goth boy. Videographer. (Faceclaim: Kett Turton [as Clive Webb in Gypsy 83])
Olivia “Olly” Gray Jet’s younger sister. Goth girl. Plays guitar. (Faceclaim: Heather Baron-Gracie)
Leo Anderson A survivor of institutional abuse. drug dealer. Sings and plays guitar. Lives out of his car and often couch surfs. (Faceclaim: Colson Baker AKA Machine Gun Kelly [as Wes in Roadies. If you can find me a faceclaim with that exact hair and MGK's jawline, I might change this faceclaim tbh because I cannot stand MGK now. I've learned too much.])
Emily Walsh Musician. Had to play marriage counselor for her parents from a very young age. (Faceclaim: Tessa Violet [specifically with pink hair])
Other Fandom OCs
Ophelia Power Rangers in Space OC. Purple ranger. Space sorceress born on planet Xoia. Has an otherworldly feline creature from her home planet as a pet named Indigo. (Faceclaim: Sóley Sigurþórs)
Deirdre Doyle The Originals OC. Witch. Lots of trauma. (Faceclaim: Kat Dennings)
Other OCs
Adelaide St. Claire Louisiana Creole trans woman living in New Orleans. Voodoo practitioner. (I’m currently researching everything to do with Voodoo and plan on hiring a sensitivity reader for whichever work I include her in. I promise I won’t fuck it up!)
Astrid Shelley Old lonely widowed witch that lives in the woods on the edge of town. Agoraphobic. Has a familiar, a black vulture named Edgar. (Faceclaim: Anna-Varney Cantodea)
Luca Giger 400 year old vampire. Was sex trafficked at the age of 12, is now voluntarily a full-service sex worker. Was bitten at 20 years old by a client. (Faceclaim: Bartek Borowiec)
Arthur Julius “AJ” Montgomery III Dark academia OC. Artist, writer, musician, stoner. (Faceclaim: Timothee Chalamet)
Stitches the Carnie Ghoul (CW: Horror OC. Proceed with caution) Murderous people-devouring necrophiliac. Keeps some of her victims’ corpses as dolls that she has tea parties with inside her circus tent. (Faceclaim: Peggy Giggles)
Jezebel Bathory A succubus. (Faceclaim: Rose McGowan)
Gwendolyn Lightweaver An angel turned human as a punishment. (Faceclaim: Katherine Shepard AKA Sylvaine)
Ozraphaeus “Ozzy” Embershroud A demon with a pet hellhound named Mordred. (Faceclaim: Ville Valo)
Willa Meadowsong Faerie OC. Seelie court (Faceclaim: Tori Amos)
Gossamer Greywood Faerie OC. Unseelie court. (Faceclaim: Xilmordas)
Alice Hansen An artist, writer and multi-instrumentalist who struggles with undiagnosed mental illnesses and substance abuse. (Faceclaim: Holly Henry)
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ysolt · 11 months
i often think about the person who tagged sybil with "how i look with he/him in my bio" like hell yeah! thats awesome
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