transsextual · 2 years
considering.... another url change.
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bionerds-co-za · 7 years
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Look at that nose!!! 😍 To get a photograph of these mammals is not easy at all... Round-eared Elephant Shrews inhabit the more arid regions of the South, Western and Northern Cape. They forage on insects as well as roots and tubers - and they have been documented feeding on fallen berries as well. They are solitary animals, believed to be monogamous. They live in burrows that they expropriate from other rodents, reuse or dig themselves. Macroscelides proboscideus, somewhere dry, Western Cape, South Africa. #canon #canonmacro #macro #ishootwithorms #bionerds #biodiversity #planning #surveys #support #ecoexploration #mammal #mammals #mammalsofinstagram #shrew #shrews #shrewsofinstagram #elephantshrew #Macroscelidesproboscideus #nature #wildlife #arid #cute #longnose (at South Africa)
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semistellar · 5 years
An analysis on Mermaids: An Incomplete Study  pt.1
by Carter Dixon
First things first, we all know that sea is far too vast and deep, and hasn’t been researched enough for us to simply say that mermaids aren’t something that’s been living with us for ages. And whoever tries to entangle this sort of thought into someone else, is probably the kind of selfish and self absorbed person that also believes we are the only intelligent species on the universe.
As the author provides us, mermaids inhabit the deep sea, having make it harder for us to encounter them, or even acknowledged them. This being mixed up with the fact that us, as humans are naturally on a constant need of feeling like the most superior species, makes it harder to conduct a serious research upon this fascinating, yet terrifying species.
Allow me to leave the formalities aside for just a second as we analyze this:
“ A mermaid can average in size from anywhere between 6 && 20 feet at full length depending on what sea level they reside at most often. “
This. This is ridiculous, and clearly something highly threatening for us tiny, small and fragile humans. Then again, it also answers a lot of questions regarding why some scientists have decided to approach sightings with the idea that people have seen nothing more than regular animals showing up into the surface, and even providing animals who COULD have been the ones seen. Now, I don’t discard the possibility, that perhaps some of the sightings have been nothing more than animals, but we can’t accept that they have been ONLY animals.
In our next step, the author gives a very vivid description of how the skin of mermaids work, it is told to us that they posses the same type of skin as an octopus, they are able to change color, pattern and textures of their skin. This once again, provides us with yet another reason as to why it has been harder for human kind to establish a more proper in sea connection with this creatures. An octopus will seek for cover once threaten, or if he’s hunting for prey, it is obvious that mermaids would be able to notice human presence and hide, they are after all, incredibly intelligent creatures.
I would like to proceed to pin point exhibit A, as to why we should stay away from this creatures, and the sea itself.
“ Mermaids are carnivores. While not all of them eat humans, some may even find our lot disgusting, they still eat meat. Their teeth are similar to a sharks; triangular, serrated && in large quantities/replaceable. They are often tougher than shark teeth, however, to make up for the fact they are quite small so as to fit within the confines of the mermaids jaw. Despite their sharpness, they’re actually quite pretty. They tend to suit her face which will also often have quite sharp features. “
I rest my case. Pretty my ass.
It is also told to us, by the author, that just like humans, mermaids have a muscular iris, allowing the pupil diameter to adjust. Now this is a very important note, as it is mentioned that on the surface, the mermaid’s pupils appear extremely thin against their iris, giving us a great start on how we can recognize one that is walking among us. Lastly we have two very important points, mermaids hands and their gills/lungs. 
Mermaid’s hands are said to posses the same bone structure as human hands, but with larger fingers and nails similar to claws, clearly an anatomical modification to help them hunt, seeing as they are carnivorous (and we should really stay the hell away). We are instructed by the author that mermaids gills are set down their ribs, and they DO posses lungs, but rarely use them. Now this could mean that it is, indeed, harder for them to walk on earth, or they could do this as a practice to use their lungs more.
As we can see, this are crucial details that we have to pay attention to, while on the ocean and on land. Keep your eyes and minds open and feel free to send in your sightings! 
Blocks 2 & 3; behaviour and abilities, will be uploaded next week.
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impartofthesolution · 4 years
           The landscaped was a blackened mess of death and decay, with the very earth itself dying, sinking in on itself.  What should have been healthy and alive was pulped into a mush that attempted to suck me down with my every step.  I couldn’t imagine how anything could have necrotized the entire horizon so quickly.  It got past our defenses, not through subtlety, but through force.  The fallen lay charred, defaced, or utterly eviscerated and blended in with the mushy bog underfoot.            “All of you, on me, we move as one,” I called, rallying the troops.  There would be a fight ahead, and it would be bloody.  We needed to find the source of the problem and contain it.  We’d eradicate if we could, but we needed to at least hold out until reinforcements came.  Careful to avoid being sucked into the ground, we made our way to the source of the desolation.  It had been brutally hot when I arrived, but the temperature was dropping alarmingly fast. To be honest, I didn’t know if we could even save our forward position before the reinforcements arrived.            “Men, halt!  To arms!” I shouted, throwing my hand up into the air.  Hundreds of soldiers assembled around me, bringing up an assortment of weapons and appendages outfitted for killing.  What I saw sent shivers through my body.  In front of me stood the biggest brute of a virus I had ever seen.  It towered over me, easily ten or so times my height.  For each of my men, it seemed it had two tentacles whipping around, dragging deep scores through the earth and leaving black death and atrophy in their wakes. For better or worse, it seemed rooted into the ground, churning out its defilement.  Even the ground was writhing, and small creatures covered in spikes emerged and took to the air.            “Central has informed me that bodies everywhere are reporting the same infection.  We must be careful.  This will be a battle of attrition.  Dart in, and retreat.  For every tentacle you slash off while staying alive is one step closer to making this an even fight.  For Jackie!”            “FOR JACKIE!” cried my men.  They quickly broke apart into smaller groups to flank the beast from all sides.  The heavily armored foot soldiers bore a path down the middle.  Their muscular legs tearing their boots right out of the mushy group.  It was strange to hear on the field of battle not the clomp of boots but these sinister slurping noises as the ground reacted.            The spike ball beasts flew towards the foot soldiers from above as they busied themselves slashing through the first few tentacles. The beasts rammed into the lines and embedded themselves in whatever they hit.  Cries of wounded and surprised men reached my ears along with more slurping sounds of the beasts that missed my men.  Then, unexpectedly, the beasts exploded in black clouds, pulverizing the men into which they were embedded and knocking all of the others around.  In the middle of what used to be Jackie’s most fearless contingent of soldiers there was a hole that extended so deep, I couldn’t see the bottom, even from my elevated vantage point.  The invader didn’t waste the advantage and began whipping its tentacles, driving them straight through my men.            This is not a great start.  “Aerial unit, I need you to deal with the spiky beasts.  Get them out of the air.  The rest of you, strike from all angles.  We need to distract this thing and take the pressure off our men. Stay strong, Anthony and his men are coming.”  After giving my last set of order, I steeled myself and jumped into the fray.  I made my way to a pocket of soldiers surrounded by limp tentacles trying to fend off the onslaught of more.  Snarling, I leaped into the fray, using my sharp claws to hack through two tentacles coming from behind the soldiers.  The other tentacles quivered in rage and plunged at us.  I launched my rope and lassoed three of the, sequestering them.  My lasso was covered in a cytotoxic substance, and before my eyes, the writing tentacles evaporated.  One attacking tentacle pierced a man, but the soldiers dealt with the rest of the tentacles in our area.            I looked at my man, leaking fluids over the severed tentacle.  The wound had already started to fester and turn black.  “For Jackie,” I said solemnly.            “For Jackie,” he struggled in reply.  I slashed his head off, graciously giving him a quick death.  There was no time to morn in battle.  My soldiers had already moved on to rescue another group that was pinned down.  It was time to deal with the behemoth personally.            I barreled down the center, lacerating any tentacle that tried to strike at me.  I certainly had its attention.  Minions of the beast coalesced out of the tarlike surface on the ground.  They were fiends of all types of nightmares, none of which I had seen before.  Pincers, barbed tails, spiked carapaces, and caustic saliva.  Mortal all the same.  I grabbed a striking tentacle and leapt off it, over the obscene welcoming party. I rained volley after volley of spines down upon them.  As I landed at the foot of the infestation, I sank knee deep into the muck.  Behind me, the spines splinted into a million pieces of shrapnel, shredding the fiends.            A tentacle knocked me sideways and almost snapped off my leg at the knee as it was still stuck in the muck.  I dug my claws into the virus and started pulling myself up it and out of the ground.  Every slash oozed a putrid pus.  About halfway up the vertical portion of this beast, one of those spiked beasts embedded itself next to me.  I hurriedly scrambled laterally and made it to safety right as it exploded, blowing a breach into the exoskeleton.  There was a flood of fluid and what looked like worms rushing out of the virus.  As soon as they reached the ground, the worms buried into the black mush.            I kept climbing until I crested the top and I was staring at a bulbous sphere. This had to be the killshot.  On the other side, I noticed some of the aerial unit had landed and were battling their way to the center, too.  Good, we could push from both sides.  More of the amalgamations of dead tissue stood in front of me.  I shook myself, refreshed the epinephrine coursing through me, and charged.  I batted away front line before they even had time to reach me with their claws.            UGH.  I felt a sharp piercing pain in my leg.  I looked down to see one of the tails embed in me.  The tail quivered and started to melt, but the damage was done.  Rot had already set into my leg.  My seconds were numbered.  I picked up one of the spiked carapace minions and launched it down the center, clearing the way.  Another exploding beast embedded instead behind me.  I hurried away from it.  It went off, and I used the blast to launch me forward.            I landed with claws out, taking down more minions. Every step I took, I made sure to leave oozing gashes behind me.  At the center, I smashed my fish though the crystalized sphere.  It shattered, and the whole beast started shaking.  I charged through the opening, swiping at and slashing everything and anything I could.  Total destruction and nothing else.  I was differentiated from the very beginning for this and nothing else. Walls and internal structures crashed around me as everything heaved uncontrollably.  I knew the job was done and the battle was won when the surface beneath me started rolling in waves.            I was losing my balance on two shaky black legs when the entire thing erupted, sending me backflipping through the air. Through the world rushing by, I could see the virus collapsing.  All of its innards were seeping into the ground.  We won the battle, but I knew this was far from over.  It had a foothold that we might never be able to eradicate.  I did also notice the black was slowly being replaced with healthier reds and whites. There were still some very black pits, however.  I wasn’t sure if the cleaning crews would ever be able to restore those, but they’d move on.  They were battle scars that would never heal, but Jackie would live.            As for me, the excruciating pain had risen through my chest.  Everything beneath it had grown completely numb.  Looking down, I could see it was entirely black.  “FOR JACKIE!” I cried one last time and burst into dust. Back to Table of Contents (x)
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elbiotipo · 2 years
probando rutas random en el courbuano por google maps para analizar si es factible que Marcos se cruce todo Buenos Aires en moto para ir al club con los bionerds y el delfín ese
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hannahcrazyhawk · 7 years
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Night-blooming cereus ~ Selenicereus grandiflorus She blooms only once a year, for a single night. What a beauty. #cactus #nightbloom #flower #botany #rareplants #horticulture #biology #nightbloomingcereus #hawaii #bohemian #rosegold #home #alien #strange #selfie #poisonivy #botanist #bionerd #greeneyes (at Bend, Oregon)
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casstoon · 3 years
Digo loves toxin
Caffeine, as many know it, is a natural nervous system stimulant. It is found in coffees, teas, energy drinks, chocolates, and other foods and drinks. In a moderate daily consumption of around 400 mg, caffeine increases alertness, reaction time, improves energy levels, and burns fat.
However, with any good thing, excess of it can cause negative effects. Recent studies suggest that caffeine, when taken in excess, has shown signs of various human health issues. There were no ranges of caffeine excess, however it assumed that all were above the moderate range of 400 mg of caffeine.
Various health issues that can be caused by too much caffeine include: acute toxicity, cardiovascular disease, poor dietary behavior, bone density and calcium deficiency, developmental and reproductive problems, headaches, spells of terror or panic, feeling trapped or caught, increased sense of worry, and senses of worthlessness.
Should you be worried? Most likely not. One cup of coffee has around 95 mg of caffeine in it, and it would take 4 cups of coffee to reach the average daily consumption, and a little over 6 cups to reach what the FDA considers to be too much caffeine. For energy drinkers, there are 86 mg in a standard monster energy drink can, and 350 mg in a Spike hardcore energy drink can, the current energy drink with the most caffeine.
Additionally, it is very hard for someone to overdose on caffeine by caffeinated beverages. When too much caffeine is ingested at once, the acute caffeine toxicity would cause the body to become nauseous and induce vomiting to get rid of the excess.
How much caffeine does Digo drink daily?
Digo’s coffee pot (not drawn correctly to scale because the artist did not draw it right), holds about 10 cups of coffee. A standard 10 cup coffee pot holds around 56 fl/oz. The coffee pot is filled with espresso, and 64 mg per fl to a 56 fl/oz container means that there is roughly 3,584 mg of caffeine in Digo’s coffee pot, compared to the 10,000 mg of caffeine that is considered to be the lethal dose. Even more concerning is the fact that Digo stated that he “goes by pots instead of cups”, however Digo is not a normal human. His body is able to flush out toxins and get rid of antigens incredibly quickly. This super power ensures that he never gets “truly sick”, and can never be poisoned. Digo would need to consume vast quantities of substances to feel their effect, which is why he drinks that much espresso. He doesn’t recommend anyone else ingesting over 400 mg of caffeine, and neither does the author.
Stay safe bionerds.
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ravenclawobscurus · 7 years
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Ikea knows how to get into our stacionary lover heart ♥ (yes these are from Ikea!!! I bought three a5 blank notebooks in black and those three cute ones with blank paper as well! I wanna test the paper quality) I'll actually use this post to say that I'll try to improve my tumblr page (yes know that the school year is over and I have almost nothing to show you guys smh but I'm still using my bujo so prepare for many pics) I changed the theme and I think I finnaly love it! The studyblr community has been a safe space full of amazing and motivated people so I hope to join it again and make some original content! Well I won't bore you more! Have a great weekend cute people xx
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joyeuseful · 4 years
💜🌱💙 get-to-know-you tag 💜🌱💙
Rules: When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know! They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. When you’re done and if  you want to, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!
@bionerd2point0 Ahhhhh ty for tagging me! (ily)
Ummmm things i want people to know.... uhhh.... hmmm... you’re getting random facts. 
Graphic designer by trade? I hate it though. Graphic design is not my passion. (it was one of those jobs i fell into) 
I have almost 2300 hours in Destiny 2. It’s funny because I will constantly say I am not a gamer and it’s true to an extent. I play one game and that’s it. I can’t do multiple games (aka everyone who is trying to get me to play ff14 can stop now)
My favourite/most watched movies are The Shining and Death Race 2000. (The Shining book is also good but c’mon you gotta treat them as two separate entities) 
I grew up in the middle of nowhere and that’s how i got into writing/drawing/painting. It was either that or drugs and teen pregnancy
I love the Count of Monte Cristo and I like the anime Gankutsuou too. I am forever on a quest to find a Count of Monte Cristo movie that lives up to my standards and the only one I’ve come across that I consider decent enough (albeit so much cut out of it, but hey it’s a huge book) is the 1975 one with Richard Chamberlain as the Count. 
Bonus fact: the only reason UF is readable it’s because of @feriswheel. She does so much to make sure that grammar exists. She is a saint. 
Imma not tag anyone cause I’m bad at tagging. ILY ERI ILY BIONERD
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Hey bub! I already have an ask pending from you but here I am anyway.
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out?
78. Favorite icecream flavour?
And my most important question
107. Have you ever been on a horse?😂😂😂
Ok love ya😘😘😘 please don't kill me!
12. Okay so in no particular order, I am gonna list songs that are in my brain right now because it has been so long since I have been able to listen to songs.
1. Gasoline by Halsey
2. Nain na jodee by Ayushmann Khurrana
3. Dancing on my own by Callum Scott (in fact all songs by Callum Scott, but this one reminds me of johnlock so here we are 😂)
4. Not in the same way by 5SOS
5. High hopes by P!ATD
44. Bottom of the ocean. Unless the space trip is to find extraterrestrial life, in which case I'm all game. The bionerd in me just loves going to places with weird ecosystems. It could be the ocean, could be the outer space.
49. Umm. Not really? I know I'm boring lol. ^~^
78. Belgian Chocolate . Or even Choco Brownie. Just gimme any ice cream with a chocolate overdose and I'll follow you to hell and back 😂
107. I. Will. Yeet. You. Into. A. Hay. Sack. I can and i will!
Though to answer your question, I have ridden a horse but i was really small. Lately I've been on a horse in those fair type thingies but they are so tame it is barely an authentic experience. I have recently ridden a camel, that was so much fun!
Thank you for the asks! Love ya bb ♥️
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transsextual · 4 years
should i url change....
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bionerds-co-za · 7 years
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Puff Adder ! ! ! It is always awesome to see these heavily built, bulky snakes in their natural habitat. They always look so menacing... This species is very common throughout South Africa. They are slow moving, well camouflaged ambush hunters... and they are very seldomly seen in their natural habitat. This species is of medical significance. Bites should be considered as life threatening and immediate medical attention is advisable. Bitis arietans, Overberg, South Africa. #canon #canonmacro #macro #ishootwithorms #bionerds #biodiversity #planning #surveys #support #snake #snakes #snakesofinstagram #reptile #reptiles #reptilesofinstagram #adder #puffadder #bitis #bitisarietans #venomous #southafrica #wildlife #nature (at Overberg)
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loveamongthesailors · 4 years
bionerd reacts reasonably to a potentially rabid fox and gets made fun ov for it 
(good video if u want to see fox behavior that you should Go Away From) 
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revretch · 4 years
karltface replied to your post: Done right, sci-fi really is my favorite genre, by...
If it makes you feel better, we’re very supportive of you, and more than happy to share the bionerd love.
It makes me feel much better :3
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dailymagyar · 5 years
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higany [ˈhiɡɑɲ] – mercury (chemical element) híg anyag –> higany híg anyag [ˈhiːɡ ɑɲɑg] – thin matter híg [ˈhiːɡ] – thin (liquid) anyag [ˈɑɲɑg] 1) material; matter; substance 2) (school) a unit of knowledge to be taught and learnt 3) (slang) drugs Photo by Bionerd (wikipedia)
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worstsorcererever · 7 years
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Got inspired to post a picture of when we were looking at a saltwater hydroid in lab a couple of weeks ago :) To my precious poor few followers, I'm sorry you'll probably see more pictures from my bio labs in the future. It's not fair that just the group chat I'm in have to suffer my overexcited babble ;P
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