jolys-cane · 2 years
he’s MY favourite character so he gets MY mental illness
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euphraisette · 15 days
Valjean is autistic but he thinks he’s broken
Fauchelevent is autistic and he hasn’t the slightest clue
Fantine’s only exposure to autism was when her friends would call her slurs
Cosette doesn’t know what autism is but she knows she has something to hide
Marius doesn’t think he’s autistic because he’s never been vaccinated
Javert doesn’t know what autism is and would arrest you for trying to explain that he has it
Èponine just thinks she’s ugly and evil and people secretly hate her by default
Grantaire jokes that he’s autistic and has no idea he’s right
Prouvaire researches his own autism obsessively and will infodump about it to anyone who will listen
Combeferre was diagnosed when he was two
Bahorel is basically just riding out gifted kid burnout with his parents’ money
Joly is afraid to get diagnosed because what if it’s actually ADHD or bipolar or NPD or schizophrenia or a tumor or something like how many tests does he have to pay for
Bossuet got misdiagnosed as neurotypical when he got evaluated because he answered some of the questions wrong
holy shit this is actually actually perfect wtf
the girls are so sad and true esp cosette and eponine
and also marius... im fucking cackling
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butchboromir · 5 months
grantaire is like. worlds most bipolar ami
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I want talk to be about bipolar!Grantaire for a minute or two?
Okay so this is mostly based on my own experiences and I'm far from an expert so bare with me
As a child Grantaire was always either hyperactive or really low  
Some day he would run around, talk a mile a minute, draw on the walls, on the floor, on *everything* he was just so *happy* those days that his mother overlooked all the bad sides of it. On those days he couldn't shut up in class but he did his homework ever time
On the other days, on the bad days, he was slow and sad, barely talked and didn't touch a paintbrush or crayon. he didn't interrupt his classes but skipped homework when he got home. His mother tried her best to cheer him up but he was just... low
Of course he had normal days too when he was just like any other kid
He continued like this into his teenage years but the year after he started collage he fell into a deep depressive state
Luckily he had Joly ad Bossuet that tried their best to get him out of bed, if not to his classes then to the park, or even just the supermarket
This depressive period lasted about three months and Joly were starting to think about dragging Grantaire to the doctors office when suddenly one day they come into the apartment to find R painting
He had been out for a walk where he'd seen these beautiful flowers, in just the right light and he just had to go home and paint them, and for once that energy had stayed,
He was happy and produced so many paintings, he even followed them to the meetings at the Musain
Where he happily took part in tearing apart the beautiful marble mans speeches
After a few weeks though that the energy fades and he gets low again, Joly is worried he might get sick again. he stops painting, he stops leaving the house he stops coming to the meetings and if they drag him with them he sits in the back staring into the wall behind Enjoras
This goes on back and forth for a few months while his "up" periods becomes more intense and his "down" periods becomes longer
it isn't until Joly finds him still painting where he left him three days ago, he has barley eaten and not slept at all that someone realises something might be wrong
still it's written off as "artistic behaviour"
He gets more fired up in his speeches - almost competes with Enjolras – but he is also more and more incoherent.
In the end it's Enjolras who realises something is wrong. He comes over to Grantaire, sees the place in a mess - he almost thinks someone broke in - he can't find Grantaire anywhere but he sees a door to the roof open and goes up there. On the roof Grantaire stands with his arms stretched out, Enjolras stands next to him and R turn to him has says "Look Enjy I'm flying" an points to a bird. He is there, but at the same time he is not - he is looking at something only he can see.  
Enjolras's who've suspected for sometime now, done his reading on the subject manages to get R to the hospital
There, after taking one look at him, hearing Enjolras story, they give him some pills and Enj manages to convince a nurse that Enjolras is enough to keep an eye on Grantaire and that, yes, he will call for help if something happens
After a few hours R starts to "come down" and Enj explains what they are doing there, R who himself realises something might be up accepts Enjolras offer to stay and figure it out together
He begs him not to call the other amis until they know for sure though
So a doctor come in and after a long line of questions that both R and Enjolras gets to answer they are left alone again but by then R is going "up" again
The night at the hospital ends with Enj listening to r rambling about different subjects
In the morning the doctors come back with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder 1 and prescribe R a starting dose of medicine that he is supposed to take every morning and afternoon
Enjolras follows him home, holds his pills in one hand, E's shaking hand in the other on the way home
When they come back to Enj's apartment (he didn't want to subject R to the mess R had made at his own) he holds him as he cries and cries and cries
Enjolras holds his hand as they call first Joly and Bossuet (who first are furious at E for not calling them earlier until R explains that E probably saved his life and that he wanted to do his on his own - well as much as it counts when E was there  
Enjolras holds his hand when they come over
Enjolras holds his hand when he explains it all
Enjolras follows him to his first check up and is there for him during the process
Slowly R becomes more stable his dark days are fewer and lighter, his manic days disappear
That's when he skips his meds
He misses the high highs when he could *paint*
Enjolras is out of town, so Jehan is the one to notice and sooths R into taking his pills again
When R starts tp cry and says that he misses the beauty and the *colour* of the worlds, the energy ,the euphoria
He misses to having his  sanity in a pill bottle
Jehan promises to help him find it anyway shows him the beauty in poems in paintings, in flowers, in humans and shows R that you don't need to be high to be happy
And that taking the pills might be worth it if I means R and his friends doesn't have to worry about him going insane
When Enjolras comes back from his trip and his first thing to do is to scold R for skipping his meds and then hug him and say that he is proud of him for getting back on him R realises what Jehan meant because he is happy when he is with his friends, when he go for walks, when he paints but when Enj hugs him the world explodes
the two hardest parts of starting on meds were 1. giving up the highest high, and making the decision to give that up every day, 2 to stop drinking, as meds and alcohol don't mix
when R is six months stable Enj asks him out for dinner to celebrate - when the night is over and E drops R off E asks if he can kiss him
of course he can
He still have days when he is happier then others, he still have days when he has more energy, he still have days when the worlds seem bleak he still have days when he misses the by natural high.  
There are some disadvantages , like the fact that he is not allowed to drive a car but all in all he wouldn't trade it for the world - he experiences everything so much stronger then everyone else and with the love an support from his friends the struggles are easier to fight.  
and every time Enjolras holds his hand, or he makes his friends laugh or creates a new painting he feels like maybe he doesn't need to be manic to feel like he's walking on the clouds
and that's what I have for now
TL;DR: Bipolar!Grantaire is very important to me
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leonor-h-art · 3 years
“i relate wayyy to much with Grantaire goddammit.” I say while taking my anxiety meds and mood stabilizers for my bipolar.
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kinnsporsche · 7 years
Hey, you got me into watching Will and Spartacus during Malec hiatus. Do you have any other show recommendation that portrays a healthy LGBTQ+ ship?
In the Flesh
People start coming back from the dead as the Undead and this show centers around reentering them into society. Has a queer protagonist and his sexuality isn’t treated like a big deal. Deals with depression, suicide, and PTSD as well as society’s prejudice towards difference. Honestly I’d highly recommend this show.
A show about two boys who witness a triple-homicide. Their relationship is one of the main points of the show, like I’m upset this show didn’t get more attention. Deals with internalized homophobia and fears of coming out especially in a small town, PTSD, drug addiction, the foster system and pedophilia, to name a few. 10/10 would recommend this show.
You might have already watched this but I definitely had to include it on the list. Has a transgender woman called Nomi in a wlw relationship with Amanita, Hernando and Lito a mlm couple in the main cast, also deals heavily with homophobia and transphobia. If you watch one thing on this list I’d recommend sense8 most!
Please Like Me
i haven’t caught up on this show in so long but it’s basically about this guy called Josh who breaks up with his girlfriend after realizing he’s gay. Deals with mental illnesses like bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety in an extremely real way. Basically obliterates toxic masculinity. Has this iconic scene which deals with religious prejudice against homosexuality. Deals with the topic of abortion and has amazing female characters.
Lip Service
There are so little shows about wlw that don’t already have large fanbases (e.g. Carmilla, Wyonna Earp, Orange is the New Black, etc.) but I remember watching this a few years ago. Follows the love lives of three gay women living in Glasgow, I can’t remember much about it because it aired 5 years ago when I was 15 but it’s a great show that I should rewatch tbh.
Doctor Who spin off but for a more “mature” audience, (not so) secret organization called Torchwood that protects from extraterrestrial threats. Unapologetically bi/pan lead, honestly nobody on this show is straight. Every main character is shown to have at least some sort of same sex interaction. Trust me, just pretend like seasons three and four don’t exist and everything will be fine. 
Les Miserables
How could I NOT include this one when it’s part of my largest fandoms. In the book Grantaire is written in a way that makes it seem like he has strong feelings for Enjolras, obviously homosexuality was a big thing back then so he couldn’t explicitly write it but there is a lot of comparison to queer gods and all that. But yeah in the fandom literally no member of the amis is ever viewed as straight except Marius (e.g. JBM is in a committed poly relationship, Jehan is non-binary etc.) honestly Les Mis just has a special piece of my heart and it needs a bigger audience.
I don’t think this show can really be classed as a healthy LGBT+ ship, but it’s a running theme throughout the entirety of the show. No relationship on this show can be considered the paragon of healthiness. Focuses on Louis XIV and the construction of Versailles. His brother Philippe is married to a woman for appearances of the state but it’s common knowledge that he has a male lover called Chevalier that even his wives know about. Historically accurate and doesn’t try to erase his real sexuality. Has strong female characters and deals with instances of PTSD, poisonings and abuse. 
Other shows that might be of interest (*I haven’t watched yet)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt*
Rupauls Drag Race
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Orphan Black*
How to Get Away With Murder
The Get Down*
The Bold Type*
side note // i’m so glad more people are watching Will it’s such an amazing show and deserved better than it got tbh
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kaleran · 7 years
I defiantly project way too much on fictional characters and it's fine
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revolution-or-riot · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
anon asked for some Grantaire headcanons. here they are, anon.
- originally from Brazil
- can memorize anything easily
- could survive off of milk and cookies
- collects coffee mugs
- wants to get married but wont admit it. he wants a fairytale wedding, but is too afraid he’ll screw it up. has only admitted it to Courfeyrac while drunk
- idolizes Carrie Fisher. she was bipolar like him and encouraged him to take his meds. she’s also the reason he likes glitter so much
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littlerubio-blog · 7 years
Les Mis Tumblr Blogs
Enjolras is obviously an SJW blog. (I disagree with the common perception that he’d have a feeder/fat fetishizing blog I think that Grantaire would have to be pretty chubby, but uh, the chubby!Grantaire fandom is weird AF about it)
Grantaire is an anti-SJW and foodie blog
Feuilly is an art blog who goes inactive for long periods of time because of his busy work schedule
Montparnasse steals Feuilly’s art and takes credit for it. He is actually more popular than Feuilly because he’s more consistent in activity
Jehan Prouvaire is weeb trash
Joly self-diagnoses himself with a minimum of ten mental illnesses and calls everyone else ableist
Cosette is a positivity blog for plus-size WOC like herself, lots of fashion, beauty, liberal feminism
Éponine is a man-hating feminist blog who is also obsessed with Marius’s blog. She also has Bipolar Disorder, and vents about it a lot. And debates with Joly about it
Marius is basically one of those proudmixedraceconservative or whatever blogs. He is Autistic, but he doesn’t understand the problem with calling people “libt*rds”, and he thinks that Marco Rubio is perfect (I’m actually a big RuBAEo fan, but no one is perfect – let alone a politician!). Marius also reblogs a lot of langblrs/studyblrs, obviously
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1001paperboxes · 7 years
Party Trio, for the meme?:D
Oooh. Joly, Bossuet, and Grantaire it is. =D
Their first name: I, admittedly, don’t have one for him. So let’s go with Jean. ;)Their sexual orientation: Definitely somewhere on the bi/pan spectrum. Also poly. Definitely poly.Where they come from: That depends. What land is best for bird people? (He does have four wings, after all. And while that is more of an insect trait, he finds himself more drawn to the more feathered varieties. Though according to Bossuet, the answer is “Those are angel wings. You are from heaven.”)What do they study or what’s their job.Their family: He’s a middle child and gets along relatively well with his family.Their hobby: Making puns with Bossuet. Also, lately, trying to figure out how precisely leather pants work.The running joke about them among les Amis: Let’s just say they hid all shiny objects once to see what Joly would do if he couldn’t see his tongue.A random fact about them: He loves medical humour, but doesn’t use it often because only Combeferre would get most of it, and it’s no fun working with an audience of one.Bonus : Any fancast ?: I actually love both Hugh Skinner and Jamie Muscato’s look for him. Just… on the thin, spindly side works for him, I think.
Their first name: Again, not something I’ve really thought about. So, again, Jean will have to do.Their sexual orientation: Both the most steadfast part of the pan/poly triad because he’s very much the one not with mental health issues and also not one of the ones often spatting, and the most precarious because he’s never fully made a conscious inventory of where his preferences lie. (That said, he’s with two people who he has the best time with, and it’s absolutely wonderful.)Where they come from: Meaux, of course. The name wouldn’t work otherwise.What do they study or what’s their job: Law, officially. Anything else, unofficially. (The way Joly laughs is a wonderful minor and he’d recommend it to anyone who can afford the tuition.)Their family: Father (dead), mother (dead). He has a couple sisters somewhere.Their hobby: Making puns with Joly. Seeing how much a good head can balance out with horrible luck. Occasionally seeing if betting against himself makes for a lucrative investment.The running joke about them among les Amis: Anything to do with his bad luck.A random fact about them: Okay though. In a modern AU, he and Joly would totally go to scifi conventions as Kirk and Picard on one day, and different incarnations of The Doctor on another. …maybe Austin Powers and Doctor Evil on the third, because it’d be ridiculous and Bossuet does have the hair for it.Bonus : Any fancast ?: Nehal Joshi. Appropriately bald? Being able to make puns out of “don’t let the wine go to your brains” without being Grantaire? HE IS THE PERFECT BOSSUET.
Their first name: Ah, now R I do have one for, and it’s @malachibi​‘s fault. Nicholas.Their sexual orientation: Gay. Closeted, possibly in denial. Tries very hard not to be, in fact. But there it is.Where they come from: The Corinthe, most recently. ;)What do they study or what’s their job: I’ve written a university AU where he majors in undecided. But, probably art or classics if he can get away with it, and then takes electives in EVERYTHING. Because yeah. (He and Bahorel would both be the type to try very hard to do everything and switch majors every year or three and see how long they can last before they graduate. Or something.)Their family: A father and mother who perhaps love him but do not quite understand his choices. And really he doesn’t have the mental health to spare to live under their roof anymore.Their hobby: Drinking, rambling, and heckling mainly. Also dancing and a bit of martial arts, but you know.The running joke about them among les Amis: Surprisingly few; he’s the one usually making them up about everyone else. (Go home, Grantaire, you’re drunk.)A random fact about them: He’s got either depression or bipolar disorder. There are better times and worse times, either way. The alcohol… probably doesn’t help all that much in the long-term. (but in the short term? Who’s up for a party? =D)Bonus : Any fancast ?: Ahhhhh not specifically actually! (Joe Spieldenner and George Blagden both make enough nerdish contributions to the overall characterization and fandom to make me very very very happy, but that’s not a faceclaim at all.)
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butchboromir · 7 months
i could be such a good grantaire if only i could sing or do any of the other things related to musical theater. my qualifications include: had personal instagram account mistaken for grantaire rp account. also a miserable bipolar bastard
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if i made a bipolar!grantaire headcanon post based on my own experiences would anyone be interested in that?
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i should say tho that while i’m glad to see it gone from the dsm i personally like the descriptor “hypochondriac” a lot? in part bc of its historical association w/ depression. 4 me it’s about feeling existentially implicated by poor health and by the nonexistence of objectivity (...TNEO) which impedes communication about same? Consulting The Oracle &c. “hypochondria” suggests a particular kind of magical thinking and tendency to read omens into everyday phenomena, which suggestion gets totally lost if u instead have to call it “bipolar depression plus post-complex-traumatic hypervigilance but in, like, an ocdish kind of way.” and that’s the thing i see in joly! which... is probably why i ship him w/ grantaire. bbbbut i digress
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I know why, and so do you
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WW9uAJ
by xiamer
Enjolras hadn’t slept in five days.
Of course, no one knew that. He couldn’t let the world see that something was wrong. And it wasn’t as though he were falling apart; he was just simply riding the high of a destructive cycle. It was normal; this was obviously no sort of problem.
 Title from Glenn Miller’s “I know why and so do you”
Words: 5020, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (2012)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Enjolras (Les Misérables), Cosette Fauchelevent, Les Amis de l'ABC
Relationships: Enjolras & Cosette Fauchelevent, Enjolras & Les Amis de l'ABC, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Misérables), bc im apparently physically unable to write without them
Additional Tags: Mental Health Issues, Bipolar Disorder, enj is bipolar bc that’s what i always hc him as tbh, guys i did it !, grantaire speaks !, this is just a whole big thing talking about bipolar, bc the author is bipolar
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WW9uAJ
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ao3feed-courferre · 4 years
Face Me For Real
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UoXt5N
by permets_tu_means_i_love_you
A modern world with modern technology, but an ancient source of power. Magic creatures roam free, not only roaming but working and owning businesses. Enjolras is an Elf with strong magic and high expectations. Grantaire is a changeling who never keeps the same form longer than a day. When they meet under strange circumstances, chaos and argument ensues, but perhaps there's more to their feelings than what meets the eye.
Words: 789, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Les Misérables (2012), Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Enjolras (Les Misérables), Grantaire (Les Misérables), Courfeyrac (Les Misérables), Combeferre (Les Misérables), Jean "Jehan" Prouvaire, Montparnasse (Les Misérables), Javert (Les Misérables), Feuilly (Les Misérables)
Relationships: Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Misérables), Enjolras & Grantaire (Les Misérables), Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Les Misérables), Combeferre & Courfeyrac (Les Misérables), Feuilly/Jean Prouvaire, Feuilly & Jean Prouvaire
Additional Tags: Enjolras/Grantaire-centric, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Falling In Love, Body Dysphoria, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Hatred, Self-Doubt, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Mystery, Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar Grantaire, elf enjolras, Changeling Grantaire, Artist Grantaire, Musician Grantaire, Magic, Enjolras Is Bad At Feelings, Manic Enjolras, Pining Grantaire, Montparnasse Being an Asshole, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, not really enemies, more like, Annoyances to Friends to Lovers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UoXt5N Note: this is just an ao3feed post. The author of this story will get no notifications of likes, reblogs, or comments left on this post. So, please, if you're considering liking or commenting on this post, I appreciate it... but I'd appreciate it more if you do it on the actual fic, too. Signal boosting by reblogging is always welcome, but again... if you like the story enough to reblog this post, please consider letting the author know you liked it, too. Thank you for your consideration! ^_^
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I just had a thought, while tagging something on my main blog with my usual “I am Grantaire, Grantaire is me” tag And that thought was “ha lol what if I’m kin with Grantaire” And now I’m seriously considering it and oh god what if tho??? Oh no. Ohhh no… I’ve always been picky about his portrayal and that’s why 95% of all eR fic pisses me off, and also I am as stubborn as quartz and cannot be moved in my lithromantic and bipolar headcanons for him, also the fandoms way of pretty-ifying his looks angers me as well…. oh Jesus no. I’m just gonna stick a damn tag of “Grantaire-hearted” on this and put it away for a later day because Jesus Christ I don’t…. I don’t need this. I am gryphonkin and Void-hearted if not Voidkin (I’m having an internal debate with myself if one can ID with a concept or not, but either way I feel very connected with the Void) and damn it I don’t need this. I do not want it and I do not need it. Nope. Get it out. Goodbye.
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