#linn writes
wastingawayinmyroom · 21 days
NO THATS SO REAL THOOOOO!!!! like barty is smart, right? like he's a literal freaking genius, and everyone thinks the only reason his grades start going down in high school is because he just needs time to adjust to having "so much more work" but no. the pattern keeps on going, and his dad's been getting worse and his mom keeps drifting farther away and suddenly he just throws all of himself into studying and being a good kid and it just. isn't enough.
he's always distracted and nothing is getting done and it feels like everything, the future and life outside of this wretched house that he dreams about every night, it's slipping right through his fingers. and no matter how hard he tries he can't catch it because his stupid brain just won't cooperate and he's so angry at himself for not being able to cope with the (unrealistic) workload that he shoves on himself, due to others expectations and his too. bc let's be real, the only reason most of us have high expectations for ourselves is because of others having them in the first place.
anyways, bcj with major gifted kid burnout, and not recognizing it at all and thinking he's lazy and dumb. thank you for listening to my ted talk.
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kanobarlowe · 2 years
OCkiss23 Day 1 - Dance
This is an excerpt from my fantasy WIP Psalms from the Mountaintop - in which Linn joins Shandril in an ancient elven ruin to witness the god's old memories from long ago, leading to a dance and more.
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Shandril’s smile warmed. He pressed his forehead against Linn’s — Linn blushed, but he closed his eyes. Shandril’s breath steamed against his face. He swallowed.
“Would you like to dance?” Shandril whispered.
Linn’s eyes opened; he looked into the dark pools of Shandril’s eyes, watching the ethereal shapes and colors mixing and swirling within the blackness — the closest he’d ever been. He opened his mouth but found no words. He nodded instead.
Shandril took his hand, then moved away so their arms outstretched. “We will do a simple dance,” he said, “follow my lead.”
Linn watched Shandril’s movements and attempted to match his pace. They stepped around each other in a wide circle; their fingers no longer interlocked, but palms pressed together as they turned. Each step echoed the dance of flame — heat burned in his chest as he moved with light, lithe steps around Shandril. They slid in broad sweeps faster as the whoop and thrum of the music picked up speed.
Shandril broke away suddenly, their palms sliding apart. The god spun, and his braid encircled him. It floated through the air, ribboning upward in its wide spiral. Linn awed the god’s grace, bronze skin glowing in the dimming sunlight — his muscles, taut with life, sent waves of heat through Linn. He mimicked Shandril’s twirls, spinning to the melodious fifes.
The pair reconnected, palms pressed tightly together. Swirling in synchronicity, they leaped, legs kicking. Sweat trickled down Linn’s brow as he pushed to keep pace with his ancient elven dance partner. The beat of the drums, the whistling flutes, and the singing of ghostly elves from centuries past flooded his ears. Amidst the mystic sea of faceless history and ancestral memory, Linn and Shandril danced. Braids flew, and robes swished. As the music kicked into a near-frantic pace, Linn found himself laughing and crying — he wasn’t sure what to make of the emotions permeating his chest.
Even across the ages, the songs of his people stirred his soul.
Shandril’s smile was a fiery sun. His ears perked, long and slender, to Linn’s laugh. He laughed his deep, rumbling bellow that echoed across the mountain peaks. Sweat beaded across his golden muscles and looked incandescent as the most sacred of spirits. His braid soared, a flying serpent mid-dance.
The two embraced as the song ended with the resounding beats of the drum. The phantom elves clapped and cheered around them, yelling praise in a language Linn couldn’t understand. Pressed together, Linn panted as he looked up into Shandril’s face. Shandril looked back.
Their lips collided in fiery sparks. Shandril’s arms tangled around Linn’s waist, picking him up off his feet as they kissed. Linn’s heart hammered in his chest as his hands explored Shandril’s chest and arms. The thick, heavy muscle and smooth, tattooed skin sent shivers down his spine. He kissed Shandril passionately as he admired Shandril’s firm pectorals.
The pair fell back onto the plaza’s stone floor. Ghostly figures danced around them, flashing pictures of Shandril’s memory as their minds connected. Shandril’s hands pushed Linn’s robes up his legs. They kissed fiercely, desperately, to the trilling flutes.
Two became one. Linn’s legs locked around Shandril’s waist. A pleasure so magical, so serene spread through him. Lulled into the rocking waves, he fell into himself, embracing the intoxicating sensations in his body and Shandril’s heavy, hot breaths in his ear.
And then it bloomed. Somewhere in the air around them and deep within him, his magic called out to Shandril. He opened his eyes and found himself staring at his own face, lying back against the stone, mouth agape, eyelids heavy — from Shandril’s eyes. When he blinked, his vision changed. A vast universe rose before him, filled with colors and impossible shapes. Fire, water, earth, and air flowed around him. A thundering storm embraced him. His mind cleared, and a heavy weight lifted off his chest. Words and sensations rushed through him — a heat that began in his hips, then ran toward his mind: ancient words, whispering spirits. Overhead, the moon and sun collided, entangled in an embrace of their own. In their love-making, the sky burst forth. Spirits in all shapes and sizes erupted in waves. He turned and saw Patience, a pinkish glowing reflection of himself, in the lap of another spirit. Hips rocking, mouths pressed together, Patience consummated with an ancient spirit carved with markings across its body in supernal radiance.
Two bodies, two magics, now one. Linn understood the world and his role in it all at once, even if only for a moment.
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name-centrum · 1 year
Name of the day...
Lynn ˎˊ˗
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⁺₊. ⁺₊. ⁺₊.
Origin: Gaelic, Welsh, Celtic, French
Meaning: Lake; Waterfall, or a cascade of water; Pond, pool; Living near a lake; Idol; Snake; Free; Pretty or lovely
Notes: A androgynous name that "before the start of the 20th century was primarily used for boys, but it has since come to be more common for girls." (Source)
"The origin of the name Lynn varies based on the spelling and language used. In Welsh, it is believed to have derived from the word “llyn,” which means “lake.”" (source)
"Additionally, the name joins well as a suffix to other names to create a longer one, such as Aislynn, Evelyn, and Brooklyn. It is also very adaptable and goes well with many other names, making it a frequent choice for use as a middle name." (Source)
Alternative spellings of this name include Lyn, Lin, Linn and Lynne.
Nick-names: Ly, Elle, Linnie
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Frostburned – A Pokémon AU!ROND short story
Author: OmegaZHero Characters: Tailon the Lopunny, Linne Noir the Zoroark, Grandfather ???, Grandson ??? Rating: G Fandom: Pokémon Genre: Drama and adventure. Warnings: May contain certain triggers about anxiety in some related scenes. Synopsis: Tailon and Linne got caught unprepared for the blizzard.
Route 217, Sinnoh. The ceaseless strong blizzard blows through the region, punishing the most unprepared for the cold and the relentless storm, freezing and burying them to their demise.
 On the horizon, two pokemon walking and fighting against the wind and snow, a Zoroark with the name of Linne Noir and a dressed Lopunny named Tailon, both are on the way to Snowpoint City, a point of interest for both of them. But they don't know that this route could not only slow them down but also cause harm to them.
– "H-h-how much do we need to keep walking until Snowpoint?" – Asked Tailon, the yellow and light brown Lopunny while using his ears to protect his body from the blizzard.
 – "A-at this point I don't know anymore… I can't see anything else on the h-horizon… O-Oh non…!" – After responding with uncertainty, Linne accidentally dropped the Sinnoh region map, after that, the strong winds dragged away fastly from the pair of pokemon. Now they are completely lost, with almost no direction, only a compass and their wits.
– …G-great… – Frowned Tailon, trembling in the cold.
–" I-I knew I shouldn't have trusted your talk about "Don't worry about it, we have long fur! We can handle the blizzard just fine! We don't need to pay to ride shotgun!" Ah, you foolish rahbbit…" –
 – "H-hey! You had the idea of spending our transport money on those incenses!" – Said Tailon, thus, beginning an argument with Linne.
 – "I needed it because it calms me down and is part of my aromatherapy!" – Responds Linne with utter annoyance.
 – "You could have bought this when we went back to Snowpoint, for Arceus sake!" – Tailon raised his voice tone to a more rude tone.
– "They were the last ones before they sold out, you dummy!" – Linne also raised her voice too.
– "O-O-Oh yeah? Now, thanks to your impulsive shopping we are gonna freeze to death! You lame fox!" – Through impulsive thoughts of survival, Tailon yelled at Linne, while also insulting her.
– "It was your fault in believing that we could handle the blizzard you stupid rabbit!" – Done the same with Tailon.
Their argument kept going for ten minutes until they finished without any kind of solution, the only way they could do, is to keep going, walking through the relentless snowstorm, only following their compass. 
 The wind was getting colder, Tailon and Linne were underdressed for this travel, while Linne could handle the cold a little longer, Tailon couldn't handle much of the cold at all, even with his long fluffy ears, being used as an snow and cold insulant.
 Until one moment, Tailon kneeled and suddenly laid down on the snow.
 – …the snow… it's… so… fluffy… it makes me sleep… – Said Tailon while slowly closing his eyes.
 – "Tailon…?"
 Tailon fainted.
 – …Oh my Arceus…! No! Tailon! Don't faint now, please! It's too dangerous to faint here!
 – "Ungh… The snow… flu… ffy…" –
 – No! No! Tailon! Wake up! – Linne tried to carry along while barely enduring the wind, but after minutes she gave up. Exhausted and suffering from hypothermia, sat down on the snow, putting his head on her lap, as she started to cry, as she tried to mourn for her loss…
 – “I'm sorry… I'm really sorry… I didn't mean to call you those names… I'm so sorry… If I could hear your hearty voice again…” –
 During her last tears, Linne started to faint by hypothermia too, her vision slowly faded until the last thing she saw was a large shadow reaching really near her, until everything blacked out for her.
 What felt like mere seconds, in reality, much, but much time has passed since Linne’s black out.
 What felt like a strong, roaring and freezing blizzard from outside, now became a calm, warm and relaxing interior of a house, with its fireplace lit.
 From there, three pokemon were chatting with each other.
 – “...it has been three days since these two were found on the snow, correct?” – Said a nursing, feminine voice.
 – “Yes, ma’am… If we didn’t leave home that day to buy groceries in Snowpoint, they would certainly be buried under the snow without any sign of life… – A deep, old male voice spoke through the room.
 – “We don’t get many cases of pokemon outside this route who get caught by the blizzard, but when it happens, it’s really hard to find them because the wind and the snow can easily bury them if not careful enough…” – Said a more young, juvenile voice.
 – “Well, are their frostburn wounds healing as well? Are you administering their feeding carefully?” – Said the nursing feminine voice.
 – “Yes. Me and my grandson were doing the soup carefully for them to swallow down in really small quantities, about the wounds, the Zoroark is healing quite well, but I believe the Lopunny one, including the major part of his ears, are taking a little bit longer because, of course, his wounds and his health situation were a little bit more… severe. I believe this boy might not be from Sinnoh.” – Responded the old voice.
 – “Unnghhh…” –
– “Hey! Grampa! Nurse! Look, she’s waking up!” – Said the young.
 After so long, Linne finally regained enough part of her strength to regain her consciousness and finally wake up, as she opens her eyes, her vision appears to be blurry. The nurse hasten for Linne’s bed and check up for her well-being.
– “You just woke up after a long sleep… And please remain on the bed for now.” – Said the nurse.
– “W… Where am I…?” – Her vision finally cleared up, she could see everyone.
– “You and your partner were unconscious for three days… I believe you fainted in the blizzard? Well, if it wasn't both of these pokemon, I believe you two wouldn't be alive at all.” – Said the nursing voice, revealing to be a nurse Audino.
 Linne then with much effort she tries to get up and slowly looks to her right side, and looks to what could be a young Snover, and a large elderly Abomasnow. As she tries to get up´she feels pain on her skin and a certain difficulty in moving herself.
– “Please ma’am, take it easy, you suffered second degree frostburns, followed by hypothermia-”
– Where’s… Where’s Tailon..? Where’s the Lopunny…? Is… Is he okay…? Where is he!? – Linne interrupts the nurse Audino in search of Tailon as she looks more around.
– “Whoa there missie! If you’re talking about your partner, he’s okay, but don’t expect he’s awake yet.” – The nurse for one moment held Linne’s chest to avoid overexerting herself.
– “I need to see him… Please let me see him… I need to…” –
– “Umm… Grandpa? Nurse? Can you help her to see him? I don’t think she will calm down…” – Said the Snover.
– “Fine… I think the Abomasnow needs to hold you by his arms, are you okay with that? –
– “Okay…” –
Linne got up from bed, her movements were still slow because of her hypothermia, by getting the help of the three pokemon nearby, they took Linne to Tailon’s bed, his clothes were placed in a small drawer, but he’s still deep asleep and unconscious. When the nurse revealed his body under the blanket sheets, a major part of his long ears, forehead, half of the right and left arms and forearms, and paws were all covered in bandages. While his light brown short fur was more pallid than usual. Tailon wasn't the best of the shapes.
– Oh no… How… How could this happen…? – After seeing Tailon’s situation, Linne felt emotionally shocked, after that she started to cry.
– His situation is way more serious than yours, I believe he will remain still asleep for some days… –
– It’s all my fault… I… – She tried to continue but she lost her line of speech and started to cry.
– What do you mean is your fault..? – Asked the elderly Abomasnow.
– “It was my fault spending our money on useless wares instead of paying for safe travel…” – Said Linne, while she was still deeply in tears…
– “Hey, Calm down girl…” – The elder started to hold her more tightly, to give a little bit more emotional comfort.
– “I don’t know if he really will forgive me for placing him in this situation… Of making him almost lose his life in particular…” – Linne still laments about Tailon’s situation, but also feeling highly anxious about losing his trust and friendship they built for years.
– “Missie, relax.” – Said the Snover. 
– “I know he handled pretty much his emotional life and how much we spoke and had so much trust about it but I…” – Linne was getting overly anxious, she slowly placed her hands on her face and started to panic.
– “OI! Lassie! Calm down!” – Said loudly while he shakes Linne for a brief moment, to distract and calm her senses. – “You’re suffering in advance for a situation you haven't gone through yet!” –  For one moment, Linne went silent, and lowered her head. – “I know absolutely nothin’ about your boyfriend, but I can believe he will forgive you!” – Continued the Abomasnow.
– H-he’s not my b-boyfriend! He’s just my best friend, who stuck with me because he’s just… –
– Just…? –
– “Someone important to me… Who risked his mental health to give a new meaning for my life, and now I’m eternally grateful for it… Now I’m in risk of losing that friendship forever…” – Justified Linne.
– “Lass, if there is one thing that you need to admit, it is your mistake, so then, your friend can be your friend again, right?” –
– …Y…Yes… –
– “So, for now, let’s wait for his recovery. Also you need to stay in bed too if you want to be able to take care of him.” –
 And so, two days have passed, the sound of the muffed blizzard is way lower than usual, and the insides of the house were some degrees warmer. 
 The following day, Linne got up with most of her strength recovered, while Tailon was still in bed, but he didn't wake up yet… Still bummed, she went to the kitchen, finding out that Abomasnow and his grandson Snover were having breakfast. After their eyes met, all of them gave their good morning to each other.
 – "So miss, how are you feeling today?" – Asked the Snover.
– "Almost better… I feel I just need one more day to feel better." –
 – "Very good. But now you need to eat, here, I made it specially for yerself." – The Abomasnow gave her breakfast.
 – "Merci." – 
 Linne sat down and joined in on their breakfast, the breakfast made specially for her was a a soup made of apples and healing berries, Orans and Sitrus, specially.
 Twenty minutes after they finished their breakfast Linne helped the duo in some chores, until she had the idea of checking Tailon's bed.
– "Um, so, I'm gonna check if Tailon is already awake okay?" – 
– "Alright lass, just don't take so long, because I'm gonna ask for your help later with my grandson's teaching okay?" –
– “Okay!” –
 Linne walked to Tailon's bed to check if is already awake. After reaching his bed, Tailon was still asleep, after seeing him still not awake, Linne threw a long sigh…
 Until I noticed that Tailon was slightly moving his arms and legs and started to mumble while he slept.
 – "Huh…?" –
 – "F… Father… Mo…ther…" –
– "Wait, is he…?" –
– "Ple…a…se… Don't go away… I miss you… all… Grandfather… –
 He was having a nightmare. A short moment after, he was calling Linne's name.
– Li… –
– Tailon…? –
– Lin… ne… Linne… Don't leave… me… –
 Nobody knows what's happening inside of his dreams… But whatever he's dreaming, Tailon needs to wake up from its nightmare.
Linne didn't want to see Tailon suffer with this nightmare alone, so she laid down on the bed, stood on his side and began to cuddle and muzzle him, as she wanted to comfort the poor nightmare ridden Lopunny.
 – “I am here with you… Please wake up…” –
 Linne started to whisper on Tailon’s ears, to see if Tailon could respond to her voice.
– “Linne… don't leave me…” –
 It worked. Tailon is still dreaming but is responding to her voice.
– “I am not leaving you behind… We are friends…” –
 Tailon arms and legs kept twitching lightly, as he kept dreaming.
– “I am here… Follow my voice… And follow whatever way it fills you with life…” –
– “I am almost there…” –
Linne kept muzzling Tailon’s face to help him to wake from his nightmare.
 So, finally his head moved, his eyes started to open slowly while his breathing was heavy, Tailon finally regained his consciousness and fully woke up.
– T-Tailon…! – 
Tailon finally got up from his sleep and laid up from the bed, in a rush of happy emotions and tears, Linne hugged him, grateful for being alive. As she couldn’t unwrap her arms from her friend and crying out loud, Linne finally had the opportunity to spit it out what it was stuck on her throat all this time:
– “I’m sorry… I am sorry for wasting our money-”
– “Hey, Linne calm d-”
– I’m so sorry for screaming at you, I’m sorry for calling you stupid rabbit!” –
– …Yes. –
– You… forgive me…? –
– Yes. I forgive you. I know what you did was wrong, but also I want to say… I’m sorry for being rude with you too. –
– Hehehe… I forgive you too… –
With Linne and Tailon finally reunited, both spent some time together, she explained how they came right there, how much they were asleep and the pokemon who they were rescued from. The days passed, Linne helped Tailon to recover, in one of the nights they were together, Tailon was almost asleep with Linne, until one moment, she whispered something on Kalosian language:
– “Tu es la meilleure chose qui me soit arrivée, mon petit lapin.” –
– “What?” – 
– “Nothing.” –
 Tailon heard the whispering. But he couldn't understand her speech.
 And so they fell asleep together… Linne needs to remember that Lopunnies have exceptional listening…
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linnheidi · 2 years
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It's nearly 4 weeks since they cut me open for a ilieus surgery! My colon was strangling other parts of my colon and I was experiencing excruciating pain! I am feeling better but I am finding it hard to face my new scar. The last time I had surgery it was laprascopic but they needed to cut my whole belly up this time. I find it hard to get used to feeling it. It is this hard thick skin crossing my abdomen. It feels wrong to stretch. As if something will pop or burst out of my wound! I have put my hands on the scar. In order to prepare myself for the visual encounter. My hands are cringing as the hands are touching it. Like on fear factor when people have to put their hands inside a mystery box, fearing what their hands will feel. My scar is a part of me now. I just need some time to become friends with it! I find some much needed comfort in this quote by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross:
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.
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rejaytionships · 2 years
Hey Crasher! What are some things Austins accomplished/done that you’re super proud of! - @sphealfarts :]
My little sport has become a beast on the battlefield! I remember the first time they won a Pokemon battle like it was yesterday. All they had was their Piplup and the will of a thousand men, and their little friend Roark fought well, but it was no match for the big wave! One day I hope Frankie takes over my gym, it's something they've earned in my eyes! They already finished the gym challenge, and although they couldn't conquer the elite four I am still more than proud of them! They've also defeated the eight gym of Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto. The kid's more decorated than I am!
Speaking of the beast, I had entered Frankie into wrestling when they were only a little shrimp, and they were also amazing battling in that way too! I have trophies in my house for all of their wins, but the one that will always be closest to my heart is the first ever tournament win. They were in little leagues for preteens, and it wasn't even a competition! Everyone performed well, but it was no match for the Sapphire Storm (epic name, right!?) who blew everyone away! I even made them a theme song, you'll have to visit Sinnoh some time. I made my own theme as well, so I have my experience to give them the theme they deserve!
On the flip side, Frankie's an intelligent young woman with such a drive to do research! Seeing that blue Psyduck of theirs blew me out of the water, and hearing they wanted to figure out the science behind that phenomena seemed such a big feat, but they're doing it! My sport's the jack of all trades after all!!!
Overall, even without my help sometimes, my daughter grew up to be one of the kindest souls I've ever met in my many years, and an incredibly well-rounded person. The League is more than just being a leader in battle, it's also being a leader in society and protecting the region. My Frankie shows potential in both of these, I know they'd be a perfect fit for the League! They've always done their best to help who they can no matter what. Truly, I couldn't have asked for a better kid!
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lonely-linn · 3 months
Friendly reminder that you aren't allowed to be a lil shit to people who prefer fanon over canon and vice versa
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nerice · 4 months
ik ive made a similar post before but i truly deserve multiple awards for writing a black swan screenplay wherein linnea's touch is just. normal touch. no ctc no easily exploitable addiction metaphor AND YET THEY STILL WORK THE SAME. their dynamic is the exact same as in canon perhaps minus some aimless whimsy due to the. moon calamity threat but yk. it's wild 2 me bc there's not a single canon black swan drabble that does not feature ctc as prominent force or at the very least dominant undercurrent that cld sweep focus at any second if the scene called for it
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alintalzin · 7 months
excerpt from my Endonaa wip.
Rith and Kian's first meeting.
"Where is the queen?" A young man's voice could be heard amidst the clamor that echoed around the room. "Where is Queen Rith? I wish to speak to her!"
Rith stood up from her seat. She thought to lift a hand, or call out, but thought better of it.
"My Queen." Linn Kallis interjected. "Perhaps he is a madman come to kill you."
Rith moved forward, navigating her way through the crowd, her ladies following.
"He doesn't sound like a madman." she replied, glancing over her shoulder at her ladies.
The young man repeated himself, and Rith went towards the sound of the voice.
"I repeat, where is -"
"You may cease to repeat yourself. I am here." Rith said sharply, and threw back her veil.
The man was fair-haired as Rith herself, and he was dressed in a warrior's clothes.
He took one look at her face, dropped to a knee, and bowed his head.
"Kian Starkiller, Your Majesty."
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kaneda18 · 10 months
The Fighting Game Diaries: (Not) A lot of time
Last week (at least it feels like last week – some weeks ago, that should work) was the Under Night in Birth 2 Beta. I got roughly an hour with it. I’d already missed the Granblue Beta, so I figured I’d work with what I had. Under Night is a system heavy fighting game. I own and have played the first Under Night, but only in the context of playing with my friend. We didn’t concern ourselves with…
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medicus-felini · 11 months
Weather in the new world was a mystery, even with all their talented meteorologists on that island, nothing could have warned them about a tropical storm in the middle of a peaceful evening. One which Mr 3 so dearly invited Linn to finally paint these little figures made of wax of her crew. Over the grass with a view to the sea, it sounded perfect. They had barely started it when the wind hit— thunder and rain following after in a heartbeat. A wax umbrella wasn’t enough to protect from the rain, but it did get them back at the protection of the artist’s atelier. There, upon noticing the switch didn’t work as no light turned on. Galdino used his power to light on the chandelier in a golden hue of lights that made the main room visible again. “Probably a tent that hit the main powerline. Well~ there’s no other more useful than me in these situations, ga ne. Candles are my thing after all. Saa~ let’s get you some clothes, shall we? Mr Eustass won’t like it if the doctor on his ship comes back with a cold—Also there's no better opportunity to partake on Mink's culture than that, isn't that right? Fu ha ha ha ha!” After searching through his wardrobe, Mr 3 offers her a towel, a blue wool jacket with his moniker’s number engraved three times as amusing as it can be together with proper pants that would fit her. 
After leaving her, Galdino went to dry himself and change as well. Stopping by the large window frame of the main room, sat in a relaxed way as a towel hang from his shoulders in a simple more casual clothes. It was impossible to keep his silly hairstyle without the proper help of a hair dryer so he chose to just leave it loose with a few upkeep strands over the shoulder and face. Upon seeing her, a prideful smile took his expression. "Page 4, chapter 3 of my notes. Exchanging clothes is a sign of friendship and affection in mink culture! Missy Linn has been such a marvelous company in the past months—Consider it a vote of trust from yours truly, ga ne.”  He fixed his hair, putting a bang over the ear.
He reached for another towel, holding it open in hands with an open invitation. “I barely could dry my hair off. Did you have trouble with your fur? Shall I help, ga ne?” ((things that could easily be a starter buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut cough cough hope its alright im new here))
@waxgentleman `♡´ Only Candlelight (Semi-Plotted???)
Linn is usually quite fond of water, if it is not coming from above and is anything colder than room temperature. Despite them planning their meet-up on a day that was foreseeing no storms, on the opposite, it should be a warm day with barely any wind and rays of sunshine all the way, not a cloud in the sky. She learns yet again that the weather can be unpredictable.
With a nod in gratitude, the feline takes both the towel and the outfit that Galdino offered her. Ivory fur drenched in the cold and quite salty rain from being close to the sea quickly dries with a few hearty rubs, which led to her looking all nicely fluffed up for a moment. What a coincidence; they nearly wear the same size.
Some minutes pass. The mink doctor now all dressed up in her friend's warm and, more importantly, dry outfit, the jacket hugging her body, fur and the inside of the fabric in a comfortable embrace that leaves the woman humming in approval. The soft candlelight distracts her slightly; her eyelids lower gently with a purr. ❝ Hm? Oh, you did your homework yet again. It is indeed a sign of great friendship and trusssssttt-...❞
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Oh? He got rid of the hair ties. That must be the first time she spots him with anything other than his certainly special hairstyle. Yes, letting his hair fall loose would make sense; it wouldn't dry at all if Galdino kept it up all day after being caught up in the rain. But this reveal comes so casually and unsuspected! Linn's lips tugged up in a nervous smile, an unsure chuckle, while not able to gaze away from this new revelation.
❝ Ah, y-you know, I might be a little soaky here and there. Thick fur... you wouldn't understand, tehe...❞ A blatant lie. The cat was dry, fluffy, looking like she was actually freshly blow-dried. What a cheeky little attempt to get a closer look at Mr. 3 without being obvious. ❝ I would not say no if you suggested helping me dry up a bit more? Just if it is not inconvenient, of course. ❞
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windfighter · 2 years
Det är tydligen International Poetry Day så tänker dela en dikt jag skrev när jag var typ 13 som varken jag eller min kompis kunnat glömma:
Carl von Linné! Nej, han är ju inget linne Tänk att ha ett sådant minne Glömma bort vad linne är
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mtr-amg · 2 years
Back in 1980, two French philosophers named Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari came up with a notion they called rhizomatic thinking, or rhizomatic learning.
A rhizome is a root system. Unlike a tree that grows from a central trunk by branching into smaller and smaller divisions, a rhizome expands laterally, equally. There’s no primary source, no hierarchy; you can enter the rhizome at any point and go from there to any and all other points through an interconnected, nonlinear network.
What does this have to do with writing?
A lot.
A rhizomatic perspective helps us find our way through forced-choice questions like:
Are you a plotter or a pants-er?  Is it better to write your story from beginning to end, or to write the core scenes first? Should you start from stakes, motive, goal, or arc-of-change?
If you think of a novel as a rhizome, you can say yes to all these options. You can enter the world of the novel wherever you like, and make your way through the network. You can leap-frog, follow side-paths, retrace your steps and begin again, move up and down and across.
In other words: You can begin in the middle of the story. With a description of the environment. With a conversation between two characters. With an image that has special meaning for your protagonist.
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bbieangel · 18 days
Love the Joel fic!!! plsssss do an Arthur cramps one!!!
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Moon Cycle — Arthur Morgan x F!Reader
A/N: I loved writing this! It's my first time writing anything that's not set in the present world so please bare with me <3 And yes, the title is a reference to Melanie Martinez's song :) As always, thank you for your requests and I hope you love it!
Summary: Even when you try to act tough, Arthur Morgan always sees right through you. And, the day you finally allow yourself to feel weak, he's there to help you with your cramps.
Tags: Fluff! A LOT OF FLUFF. High honor Arthur. Self-deprecating Arthur, we all know how he talks to himself. Mentions of his past (Eliza and Mary Linn), reader has a uterus and is menstruating, she doesn't wear the typical clothes that women used in the 1800's (think of it more like Sadie, she dresses like her). This is set before Arthur even knows he's sick.
Word count: 7.8k
Divider by @/peony chance on Pinterest!
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Since day one, you had never failed to amaze the whole Van Der Linde gang with your dirty mouth and ways of pissing off Miss Grimshaw. To say the least, they had grown fond of you. And even if you could look after yourself just fine, you laid awake in your cot endless nights just wishing someone was there for you in times where you felt the most vulnerable, needing attention like the dog the gang had adopted. He always ran around, sniffing everyone and looking for any hand that would give him back scratches.
One particular day you had gone out to rob a stagecoach that a guy in Rhodes had told you about. Dutch assigned you to go along with Arthur, the gruff looking, almost giant man. But you knew he hid something else behind his blue-green eyes that often held a hint of tenderness whenever he looked your way.
"Now, stay right behind me, princess."
He muttered as he covered his face behind the rock you were prompted at, making sure the drivers didn't see you.
You groaned. Of course that, out of all of the women in camp, he would call you princess. But he didn't do it for the reasons you thought.
"Call me by my name, Morgan."
You muttered and he let out a deep chuckle, rumbling through his chest and sending butterflies to your stomach. But you wouldn't let your face show that, after all, you kinda liked being called princess by him.
The stagecoach robbery was a success, feeling like a breath of fresh air after what seemed like the gang had been cursed or just ran out of good luck.
Arthur counted the money effortlessly, the flicking of his fingers looking elegant. It was ridiculous, you thought as he you waited for your part.
"Don't forget to give some to camp, princess."
He said, pointing a finger at you. But he knew not to worry about you contributing to the little box Dutch had beside his tent, he had seen you do it more times than anyone else in the gang.
"You don't need to worry about me contributing, Arthur."
You said with a soft smile as you both rode back to camp, side by side, enjoying the nice weather and the views.
Later that day, you were sitting up against a log in front of the campfire. A bead of sweat fell down the side of your face and into your shirt. Arthur was going to tease you about it, but he held himself back when he saw the slight frown on your face and your knees being held against your chest.
He sighed, knowing that caring about you wasn't the best decision. He couldn't bring himself to like anyone else, not after Eliza and Mary. But that soft, empathetic part of him was stronger than any of his insecurities, and it needed to know if you were okay. Which you clearly weren't.
He slowly sat down beside you with a look of concern on his face, and placed his calloused hand on your shoulder.
"You alright, princess? Did you get hurt? You should've told me—"
"I didn't get hurt."
You interrupted him. You were about to snap at him for teasing you, but when you looked into his eyes, glowing by the fire crackling in front of you, you noticed he was being genuine. So your expression softened, and he saw it, making his heart flutter and long to open up to you more.
"I'm.. I have cramps. It's that time of the month.."
You spoke quietly. You had grown to know it wasn't okay to talk about it, let alone tell a man about it. They found it disgusting, a woman bleeding monthly was seen almost as a sin, something you couldn't talk about.
But Arthur couldn't care less. He had killed people and had seen countless bodies, massacred by some fool. Hell, he'd seen his son be born. He could handle speaking about a monthly small amount of blood coming out of a woman's body naturally.
"I understand. Is there anything I can do for you?"
He asked, and your eyebrows shot up in surprise. Why wasn't he acting disgusted by what you just said? Why didn't he tell you to just suck it up?
It took you a few seconds to answer.
"I—Uhm.. I don't know, actually. Can you help me get to my tent? I think I might've stained my clothes and I don't wanna get teased about it."
You spoke, your eyes darted towards the fire once again. It was fine if he declined, you would understand. But, once again, he surprised you.
"Yeah, let's go."
He said and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, helping you up. He looked behind his shoulder to make sure no one was paying attention to see the small stain in your pants, and led you to your tent.
"I've heard.."
He cleared his throat before speaking, the slight pink tint on his cheeks gave away the soft embarrassment he felt.
"I've heard that peppermint or chamomile tea helps, the ladies were talking about it the other day."
He said and you couldn't help but smile softly.
"Yeah, it does. I just ran out of both herbes."
At that, he raised an eyebrow. Why didn't you tell him? He would've gone looking for some if it brought you comfort. And, against his better judgement, he chose to speak.
"You should've told me. I'll make sure to bring you some."
He spoke gruffly, but unable to hide his growing softness and tenderness for you.
When he helped you into your cot, he made sure to cover you with a blanket before turning on his heels to go away. He figured you might want to be left alone.
You called out to him. You knew better than to call over a man who wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet between anyone's eyes, but a part of you knew he only did it when absolutely necessary. And that he would never, ever touch a hair on your body.
"Can you.. stay a little while?"
You asked, your cheeks turning a cute rosey shade. At that, he gave you a light chuckle.
"Yeah, 'course."
He sat down on the edge of your cot. You could see the sympathetic look in his eyes when your face would scrunch up every time a cramp hit harder.
"I'm not usually like this, I can take the pain—"
"No need to explain to me. I know it hurts and I don't need you to act tough all the time."
He cut you off, easing some of the embarrassment you felt. Maybe it was stress, maybe your hormones were fighting against you, but this cycle felt different. It hurt a lot more, making you sweat as you tried to deal with the pain.
The tension between the both of you only continued to grow, hidden desires behind your eyelids that none of you could speak about. Heartbreaks and loss were two things you were too familiar with, and couldn't bring yourself to experience once again.
So he didn't speak as he laid beside you, carefully, treating you as if you were made out of porcelain and he didn't want to hurt you. His hand went to your lower stomach and began moving it gently, massaging the zone.
You let out a sigh of relief—how did he know exactly what to do? As if reading your thoughts, he spoke:
"Mary told me this works. I didn't figure it out on my own."
He spoke quietly, and you felt kinda bad. How could she be such a fool to break up with such a kind man?
"Even if you didn't figure it out on your own, I'm grateful you know about it."
You spoke softly.
"Can I tell you something, Arthur?"
You asked, you heart pounding in your chest as if it wanted out just to be gifted to Arthur.
"'Course, princess."
He responded, his hand never stopped moving as he saw the look of relief in your face. A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he noticed it was working.
"You're a good man. And anyone who doesn't see that, is a fool. A damn, blind fool."
You spoke and his eyes widened at that, letting you take in more of the particular color they had. You were so close to him yet none of you could move.
"I ain't much of a good person, princess. I've done things I'm not proud of, killed folks just because.. There's a price on my head."
He said, looking at you with that self-deprecating look he gave anyone who even dared to call him good. He wasn't good, he was a fool who didn't know how to be kind, how to be good. Or at least, that was what he thought of himself.
But on the contrary, you didn't see him that way, and he knew. So you doubled down, going along with your stubborn nature.
"Well, to me you are good. And nothing will change my mind about that."
You spoke in a firmer tone, placing a hand on top of his shoulder and rubbing it softly. He swore you could feel the way his heart jumped at your small gesture.
After a few minutes of just contemplating each other's faces, trying to read each other's minds, he spoke.
"You deserve someone better than me."
At that, you frowned. He couldn't tell you what you deserved and what you didn't, who you could or couldn't like.
"No one has ever cared about my cramps before. No one... No man has taken the time to try and make me feel better."
His expression softened. How could anyone treat you badly about something that wasn't your fault? But again, he reminded himself, it was 1899. You didn't live in a fair world.
"I couldn't just let you be in pain."
You said. Everything he did or said was just another reason as to why you considered him a good man. After fighting against your fears, your mind, your insecurities, you leaned slightly closer. What were you doing? You didn't know. But the sight of his lips covered by his always perfectly trimmed moustache was something almost magnetic that pulled at your heartstrings right when you were the most vulnerable and needy.
He tried to protest. His breathing hitched as he felt you slightly closer, his eyes kept darting towards your plush lips without even thinking. His heart thumped against his chest in a way that almost hurt.
"Do you trust me?"
His eyes shot up at yours. Of course he trusted you, even if a part of his brain begged him not to, he wasn't doing what his brain wanted. He was following his heart at this point, and his heart wanted you. Only you.
"I do."
He responded, his deep voice was now soft.
"Then.. Let me."
You whispered and pressed your lips against his, without giving your brain the possibility to make you think about it twice. You stayed still as you waited for him to pull away, to shut you down and never talk to you again.
But he kissed you back. He kissed you back, and his hand tangled on your hair as he did. Every move, every action was so gentle, so careful. And you couldn't be more grateful for that.
His other hand never left your lower stomach. He was determined to end with your cramps, even if his own hand ended up cramping after massaging your skin for so long.
He didn't leave your side that night. If anything, the whole situation only brought the two of you closer, to the point where he would look for excuses to sleep with you all curled up against him. His arm wrapped around your waist, holding your frame up against his chest. All while keeping a soft smile on his face even when he slept.
Because what started with the two of you being scared of letting anyone else in, ended up with Arthur going out of his way to look for anything that would relieve your pain. He would even ride his horse for hours until he found peppermint.
But in the end: all you wanted was the warmth his body provided you with and his hand pressed against your skin.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
37 just playing the part — karma is my bf !
scaramouche x g!n reader
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concert headcanons
✰ there’s a photo booth near the venue with props and you drag him into it and force him to wear the cat ears. he gets two copies and keeps a photo of you two in his clear phone case
✰ during the song lover he holds your waist from behind you and sways you through the song with his chin on your shoulder, kissing your neck
✰ someone records it and you guys go viral on tiktok as that one hot couple
✰ ten ppl try hitting on him and he gives them the cold shoulder everytime, even drags you to run away one of the times
✰ security guard got flustered by him and let you guys cut in line
✰ he carried your shit for the entire concert so you could be hands free and enjoy yourself
✰ records the entire show so you can cry over it later and so you can live in the moment
✰ you guys are one of the people to get randomly chosen to meet taylor after the concert and you tell her you’ll leave scara for her
✰ ends up renting a hotel room you guys can crash in afterwards, and there’s one bed
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just playing the part !
masterlist — prev | next
new yn wallpaper me n who
btw this is the last filler fluff before the time skip so i hope it was enough to feed you lmao it’s time for the finale!!
this is me projecting i need taylor tickets
if you aren’t a taylor fan…fix that!
headcanon scara always gets the best seats for any concert you want and will learn the set list better than you and correct you if you miss a lyric 😒
scara liking the catboy text…do you think he’d be down to have seggs wearing it 👁️👁️ i would def write that one day
also mistake the time in scarayns text is supposed to say 7:29 AM mb 😔
synopsis: you and scaramouche are both drama majors and have been at each other’s throats vying for the same lead roles since high school. but when you’re both cast as each other’s love interest in your second year you’re forced to be civil with your academic rival and see him in a new light. are his feelings for you true or is he just playing the part?
author’s notes: double update i’m sick and procrastinating 😇 guyz what’s your favorite song on midnights 🎤
end of act three 🎬
taglist—CLOSED: @monochromaticelliot @kaedear @stxrgxzxr @shirmxie @elakari @lacy-lady @linn-a-a @one-offmind @kithewanderingme @quepasoash @leathernourishingshoepolish @mangobee @lxry-chxn @dameofthorns @scarasaver @kythe1a @elysiasbae @hikaru-exe @tokkishouse @raiihoshii @cherrybeomgyu @kunikuzushiit @thenightsflower @lilneps @goodthingimsam @lovelyiez @euhla @beriiov @abvolat @kittycasie @b0bafl0wer @bubblyclouds @atlatcaheart @artssleepy @baelloraa @tartagli-yuh @satowaluverr @hangesextra @scaranaris-lil-niko @caffinatedcoma @wheneverthesunrise @hajimeseyo @itsyourgirlria @hyunrei @redactedhimbo @caliginous-skies @vinskyspuff @miissfortune @criminalinthemaking @scaramouches-girlfriend @scrmgf [1/3]
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csuitebitches · 1 year
Rebranding Yourself Online using ChatGPT
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Summary from “Brand Aid: Taking control of your reputation before everyone else does” by Larry G Linne and Patrick Sitkins. This book is from the early 2010s so some things are outdated and not exactly applicable. It’s also a more corporate/ business focused book. I took away what i felt were the major lessons and were more applicable to young adults/ teens/ people on social media today (because social media in 2013 vs today is very different).
I also wanted to add my own input to the summary. I’ve added prompts for ChatGPT that you can use to help figure your personal brand out better.
When rebranding yourself online, I would highly recommend:
1. Archive all your personal Instagram account’s posts (if you have an online business, create a separate page and show very little of yourself). Remove all your stories and highlights. Deactivate your account for at least 8 months.
2. Spend the next 8 months building your social media strategy, your personal brand and reinventing yourself in any way and form you want to (mental, physical, spiritual, etc).
3. Use Pinterest and figure out a theme that defines you the best. Take a look at @mafeanzures
* A brand is what people think of you.
Questions to ask yourself:
1. What do you think other people think of you?
2. What personal attributes would you benefit from the most if those items were well known to everyone?
Question 1 and 2 in the next few prompts refers to these 2 questions.
ChatGPT prompts after you finish writing down the above answers:
“I want to develop my personal brand on instagram (or any one social media site at a time). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What should I do to be seen as that?”
This will give you a STRATEGY that you can further modify.
Now, ask the same question again but with one change:
“I want to develop my personal brand on instagram (or any one social media site at a time). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What should I post online to be seen as that?”
This will give you CONTENT that you should consider posting.
* It is very likely that if you are to meet someone new and you’re aware you’re going to meet them, you’ll check their social media out. Whether its LinkedIn, facebook, twitter, instagram… keep your online presence clean.
* Before you post ANYTHING online, ask yourself: “how will this affect my brand?” If you post a story about a nasty break up/ a friendship falling apart/ a negative restaurant review… how do you think other people will see you? Be extremely mindful of your brand and what you post online.
* Rather than the age old advice “just be yourself”, look at “just be your best self.”
7 steps to a great brand:
1. Write down what you think people think of you: both positive and negative
2. Determine your goals in life (career, family, etc). What brand items do you need to get there? For example, the brand item “intelligent” to move up the corporate ladder. What will you need in order to be perceived as intelligent?
3. Gap analysis: the difference between point 1 (current situation) and point 2 (desired situation).
4. Develop action items. For example, if you want to be seen as innovative at work, start bringing ideas to meetings.
5. Influences on your brand: your dress, style, voice tone and quality, health, recreation, the car you drive, social environments, where you live, the language you speak, the subjects of your conversations, social media postings all impact your brand.
6. List what you must do to protect your brand. For example: not drinking in public; dressing a certain way; etc.
7. Review every 6 months.
Ask ChatGPT: “I am (ethnicity) (gender), (age) years old based in (City, country). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). My viewers would mostly be people from (conservative/liberal/ rural/ urban/ define audience. In case there are two audience types, ask one at a time) backgrounds. I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What behaviours should I not engage in?”
Using the power of “always”: 5 specific things you pride on yourself for doing regularly.
“I always take the time to be updated in my field of work.”
“I always volunteer every Sunday.”
Things to keep in mind:
A. Are you easy to find online?
B. Is your content consistent?
C. Do your pictures, videos convey your personal brand?
D. What will enhance your brand?
E. What will damage your brand?
Ask ChatGPT: “I want to develop my personal brand on instagram (or any one social media site at a time). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What can potentially damage my brand if I’m not careful?”
If you are willing to see what you are doing and saying on the front page of a newspaper tomorrow, proceed with it. If you wouldn’t want it on the front page of the newspaper, STOP immediately.
More things to keep in mind:
1. The internet amplifies everything
2. Context matters
3. Consistency is everything
4. Your “at home” brand is as important as “outside of home” brand
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