starboyshoyo · 1 year
Hello! I hope I'm not too late to request a TWST matchup. If I am, feel free to ignore this.
Name: Goldie or Ryker (I use both but since you write fem reader Goldie is fine)
Personality: quiet, introverted, very anxious, kind, organized, creative, hard working, honest, loyal, considerate, shy, logical, a bit nerdy
Hobbies: writing, lots of video games, and reading
Likes: strawberries, night time and staying up late, cats, cool temperatures, snow, flowers, succulents, puzzles, horror
Dislikes: bugs, heat, sports, seafood, crowds
Song: Until I found her by Stephen Sanchez. It's a mix of the lyrics and the vibes that I love. It's such a sweet song about finding that special someone and it just feels like the kind of song I would want to dance with my partner to.
Qualities I look for: understanding, someone who can understand and help when the anxiety gets too much, someone who doesn't mind physical affection, loyal
What I expect out of a relationship: I'm looking for someone that I could see a future with, I want to be able to talk to them about anything and everything on my mind, they should be open to help if I'm having a rough day and need someone either to talk or to distract me from the problem
Preference: Leona, Sebek, or Silver
I hope I gave enough information for you to work with. This is my first time requesting something so I'm a little nervous.
Congrats on 500 followers! <3
A/N: @ryker-writes Hello fellow TWST writer!! I've seen some of your works in the tags, they're always superb! <3
I match you with...
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Sebek Zigvolt!
Sebek seems like the polar opposite of you, being loud and bold. But I believe that would serve you two well in your relationship! Being with Sebek might boost your confidence, while your presence reminds him to be more considerate of others and their eardrums...
Sebek would be a very protective boyfriend. He'll happily take walks with you on chilly nights to enjoy the stars or new-fallen snow. He's surprisingly quiet during these times, and likes the feeling of being alone with the one he loves. Watching over you is his job!
Sebek is a little shy when it comes to public displays of affection, as he tries to maintain a 'tough' persona as Malleus' guard. But in private, he melts under your hands and gets very cuddly, albeit pouty about it.
He's not the best at video games, seeing as he grew up in Briar Valley where there's not much modern technology. He'll try to learn for you, though, and Lilia will help him practice while back at Diasomnia.
Strawberry picking date with Sebek! When the snow melts and spring comes around, he'll surprise you with a basket and with a massive blush, say he's found a good berry-picking spot on Sage's Island. Unfortunately, the rest of Diasomnia overhears and crashes the date. Diasomnia Family road trip shenanigeans ensue.
Other possibilities: Rook Hunt, Riddle Rosehearts, Vil Schoenheit
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Name: Yuli (hi!)
Personality: quiet, booksmart, introverted, sweet, thoughtful, anxious, overthinker, ambitious, a bit moody, night owl, artistic
Hobbies: MUSIC!! Listening and playing my instruments (mainly violin and flute/piccolo, but I also play three others), reading, drawing/painting, sleeping, daydreaming, voice acting, singing
Likes: anything sweet, music/artsy things, Studio Ghibli, Pokémon, plushies, wolves
Dislikes: bugs, spiders, loud noises, tomatoes, walking up early
Song: UWU-Chevy and Valentine-Laufey
lyrics and vibes: soft and gentle, wholesome and a little shy and awkward but sweet. I really love the calming acoustic sound ❤️
Qualities in partner: open, loyal, funny, warm, reliable, caring, likes to cuddle, someone to really support and accept all of me, especially at my lowest points (why am I here for the TWST boys lol)
Expect out of relationship: Something a little more permanent and looking towards someone who I can spend my future with, however can still be a little casual
Preferences in dorms/characters: Riddle, Jade, Vil, and Malleus are my faves; also prefer their respective dorms
Thank you for this opportunity, and congrats on 500!! Here’s to your future growth! ❤️
500 Followers Special: Matchups
A/N: @kittywukong (for some reason it won’t let me tag you 😭 I hope you see it)
Fun fact, my TWST MC is named Yuli!
I match you with…
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Deuce Spade!
Deuce would be the most loving, devoted boyfriend you could have, right off the bat. This is his first relationship, so he’s quite awkward and shy about it sometimes. However, at the same time, he’s excited to try something new with someone he likes so much.
He probably fell for you not long after you became friends. Deuce definitely admires how thoughtful and intelligent you are. Your skill with music and orchestra instruments impresses him as well- as he says, an honors student excels in both academics and club activities. You’re the kind of person he wants to be!
As the two of you spent more time together, Deuce would slowly realize his feelings are more than just platonic. With encouragement from his mom and the senior Heartslabyul students, he’ll confess to you in person with a sweet, awkward speech about how much he likes and admires you.
Even when your relationship is quite new, Deuce is dedicated to making it work. He knows he’s not the most reliable person yet, but he’s working hard to be someone you can lean on. He’ll go to Trey for advice on how to be more responsible and memorize your preferences so he can surprise you with things you like.
Dates with Deuce would include study sessions in the library (please help tutor him he’s failing alchemy…), taking you to tourist spots on Sage’s Island on his blastcycle, and just lounging in his dorm room together doing your own things.
Congrats on getting our Heartslabyul sweetie! Take care of his him <3
Other Possibilities: Trey Clover, Riddle Rosehearts, Kalim Al-Asim
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Hello, I would like to request a twisted wonderland match up please.
you can call me Sora by the way
personality I am pretty blunt, smart, and streetsmart, I get tired, pretty easily people mess with me, but I like messing with people. i’m a physically affectionate person, so I love cuddles, platonic or romantic. It doesn’t matter to me. i’m not afraid to Yell at someone if they’re doing something wrong. I can be pretty forward about things. I am also pretty strong and a bit crazy. for hobbies I like to sew, back, cook, I play the electric guitar. I enjoy making jewelry,gardening walking around in the woods, doing archery, and playing video games. I hate doing the dishes or laundry also bugs and silence. I love jewelry, reading, playing solitaire listening to music, playing, chess, or any boardgame And incense. For songs, I’m torn between two decide to Paradise by coyote theory, and till forever Falls apart by Ashe FINNEAS. I just want someone who will be there for me when I’m sad. Someone to hold and to be held by. Someone who won’t judge me for my personality or looks. And someone who will just love me and never leave me. I would also want a partner who would make me laugh. And just except how I’m feeling in the moment, spend time with me and just love me as much as I would love them. With relationships im pretty serious. I have really bad abandonment issues so I assume we might have a future together. I do not have a preference for characters. I just don’t like sebek. I hate him so much nothing personal it’s just. And I could not see myself dating Kalim personally.
thank you and congrats on 500 followers 🥳🎉 have a nice day
@simping-myjob I match you with...
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Ace Trappola!
You two are a chaos duo. You’re both blunt and street-smart, so Ace would love hanging out and causing mischief with you. He knows he can be honest with you and vice-versa, so communication in your relationship works out quite nicely.
He’s an affectionate person as well. Both before and after you start dating Ace, he'll hang off of you, cuddle you, and have his hands in your personal space generally all the time. He just loves you so much!
He thinks you playing the electric guitar is the coolest thing ever. The two of you can listen to music together in his dorm room, or he can watch you play. He wouldn’t mind if you taught him a few chord progressions as well.
Besides the clowning around, Ace is loyal to the ones he loves. He would never leave you alone, and he'll be one of your biggest supporters in life if you'll let him. You’re his precious best friend and significant other, after all.
Other Possibilities: Jade Leech, Ruggie Bucchi, Rook Hunt
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
I'm so sorry, I've read it, but it seems I didn't pay close enough attention. I'm so sorry 😭🫶🏻
Then I'll like a match-up for TWST, thanks 🥲✌🏻
Name: Ash (Åska-Larammee Jeevak Di Sei Sideris)
Personality: ENTP, chaotic evil, very energetic, smiling almost all the time, very sporty, loyal, protective, funny, loud, I'm very social, I love making friends, I like colors (lots of them, and it's overwhelming for most people), I'm dramatic, maximalist, i love clothes that's basically make people ask wth am I wearing, I kidnap introverts, love going out, music, learning about history and culture, clingy, love animals, lots of friends too, love kids
Hobbies: sports (a LOT of them but mainly basketball, running and working out), music, reading & writing
Likings: food, sports, music (gorillaz, Lana del Rey, TV girl), traveling, dancing, walking barefoot, annoying my twin brother (Akira)
Dislike: bugs/spiders/moth, fireworks, pepper (especially bell pepper), liars and unloyal ppl
Song: Love like you (feat. Rebecca Sugar) - End credit- Steven Universe
Why: The vibe reminds me of being alone with your favorite ppl which I like and the lyrics hits home
What I look for in a partner: ready to deal with me, tell me things (like what I did wrong, how I can better myself, communicating), loyal, extroverted, love kids, hold family at a high standard, funny
What I expect: balanced shared and privacy life, something serious, take the relationship seriously (to better the relationship, things like that)
Preference: kalim, malleus, idia
Thank youuuuu have a great day (*^3^)/~☆
Again, I'm really sorry 🥲🫶🏻
A/N: @l1ttleclouds no worries! If I open JJK matchups then feel free to send the same thing again. Here it is <3
I match you with…
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Lilia Vanrouge!
Lilia is a balance between fun and serious. His student persona might not seem very reliable, but the real Lilia knows when to be responsible. He's lived a long time so you must be very special for him to love you so much!
Lilia is a bit chaotic, just like you. He has enough energy to match yours as well as a mischevious streak, so be ready to have some harmless pranks pulled on you from time to time. He's got no problem with hanging upside down above your bed so he can be the first thing you see when you wake up in the mornings.
He's not the most sporty person, but Lilia has taken part in more than his fair share of Spelldrive bouts and even ordinary human sports like basketball and football. He doesn't mind cheering for you on the sidelines as well. He'll be your personal hypeman!
As a father, Lilia is great with children. There may be a few cultural differences in the way Fae children are raised and the way human children are, but Lilia is learning the differences. After all, he raised Silver and he turned out great! Lilia prioritizes family above all else. Once you are his significant other, you are part of that family. You are number one in his eyes, forever and always.
Other Possibilities: Cater Diamond, Leona Kingscholar, Kalim Al-Asim
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
500 Followers Special
Matchups OPEN
10/10 spots CLOSED
Hello! To celebrate my blog reaching 500 followers, I’m opening a matchup event for Twisted Wonderland!
A matchup is a short set of headcanons detailing your relationship with a character that I think you’d get along well with!
To receive a matchup, please read my blog rules as well as the rules stated below. If a matchup doesn’t follow the rules or is too vague I may not answer it.
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Matchups are written in 2nd person POV, with the pronouns you/yours. I will try to make this as gender-neutral as possible to include more people ^^
Be specific with your matchup forms! Give me some material to work with so I can give you the best match possible <3
When sending your matchup form, please do not send it on anon! I tag the matchup requester on their post so if I can’t tag you you won’t get a spot!
There are 10 open spots. As long as the necessary information is there, it’s first come first serve.
Necessary information includes:
Name or alias, AKA whatever you want to be called!
Personality traits
Hobbies and likes/dislikes
A song that represents your ideal relationship. Is it the lyrics or the instrumental or the overall vibes that resonate with what you want?
What qualities you look for in a partner?
Is there anything you expect out of a relationship? (i.e. Is it casual, or do you see a future with them?)
Do you have any preferences for certain characters or dorms?
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I won’t be considering physical appearance or things like astrology in this, so it’s not necessary to send it. As long as you have the information above I can work with it!
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
(I hope I did this right)
Name or alias:
Misumi, Sumi, Misu
Isfp, Ambivert leaning towards introvert, air head, witty, shy, creative, insecure, emotional, empathic, passive aggressive, anxious, naive, geek, pet lover, almost nocturnal, daydreamer, stubborn, and silly.
Anime, video games, harmless pranks, the night, cheese, music, pants, helping people, manga, webtoon, strawberry flavored things, plushies, hanging out with friends, and sleeping.
Misunderstandings, whatever could be lurking in the dark, wearing dresses, loud noises, talking to strangers, wasting time, sugary things, being overwhelmed, bright lights, being interrupted multiple times, and bugs.
Watching movies/Shows, Gaming, reading, writing, drawing, baking, cooking, singing, and cosplaying.
A song that represents your ideal relationship:
Daddy daddy do- Masayuki Suzuki ft. Airi Suzuki
The song over all fits the vibe but I mainly think the lyrics are a pretty good fit.
What qualities you look for in a partner:
I'd like a person who can make up for what I'm not and can accept who I am despite the flaws. Someone who can take care of themselves and other people while also allowing themselves to get the same treatment in return. And they'll also let me cuddle and cling to them whenever.
Not to mention, they are affectionate and do a little bit of teasing from time to time. They'll also help me move out of my comfort zone when the time is right. And lastly, they gotta be at least kinda smart because i'm not that intelligent.
What kind of relationship:
I'd like one where it starts off as causal but by the end we're ready to spend the rest of our life together.
Do you have any preferences for certain characters or dorms:
Malleus, the eel twins, ace, and idia
A/N: @certifieddumbdumb hi! I'm sure you're very intelligent even if you don't think so.
I match you with...
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Leona Kingscholar!
While Leona might seem callous at times, he's quite protective and willing to put effort into the ones he loves. He would be a devoted partner and protector for you, and will be able to read your feelings well- especially when you get overwhelmed.
Your relationship with him would be casual at first- just a bit of hanging out here and there. But as time goes on, he realizes how much you mean to him. He'll start putting more effort into everything, and even get up and go to class- but only the ones that you share.
Calm dates with him would be common- he'll nap as you watch a movie or read a book. Cooking dates would mostly be you doing the work, as he doesn't know much about chores. Ruggie might encourage him to learn how bake at least, so that he can help you with it.
You don't have to worry about not getting enough physical affection from him. He'll use you like a pillow and let you use him as a pillow anytime. Oftentimes, the two of you will nap together in the Botanical Gardens as a way to de-stress.
Leona is straightforward, and this would help you guys avoid miscommunications. He isn't afraid to be honest with you, and would like you do the same! No matter what side of yourself you show him, he'll always love you.
Other Possibilities: Idia Shroud, Jamil Viper, Rook Hunt
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Hi! Congrats on 500 followers! This is for your matchup event :)
Name: Reina (that’s the name I use in twst)
Personality traits: kind, mature, quiet, and I have high patience
Hobbies: baking, reading, and singing
Likes/dislikes: I love sweets (think candy, cake, ice cream, and fruit), ya books, plushies, the color pink, and trying new food. I don’t like coconut, heights, and rude people
Song: hmmm I say “I See the Light” from Tangled because I love the vibes!
Qualities: someone tall (I hate saying that but it’s lowkey true), can sing, a decent cook, confident, and is willing to travel with me
Expectation: I would see a future with them. (a girl can dream lol)
Preferences: I guess anyone (including outside NRC) as long as it’s not the teachers, grim, or kids
@bluesylveon2 I match you with...
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Jack Howl!
If you’re looking for something sweet, dedicated, and domestic, then Jack is going to the best choice for you. Wolf beastmen have just one true love in their entire lives, so when Jack finds you he won’t give up easily. He'll always be around for you when you need him.
Jack is more of a brawn than brains kind of person, but he still enjoys calmer moments. He'd love to listen to you sing as you do chores together or bake. He'll try his best to cook with you, but you might have to show him the ropes.
Traveling the world is definitely something Jack would want to do with you. After the two of you graduate from NRC, you'll take a trip around the various locations in Twisted Wonderland, enjoying all of the new sights and trying new foods together.
Jack might not act like a prince, but he has his moments. He’s level-headed and calm when you need it and always thinks about you, even when you're away. Often times you'll come back to a new plushie or a cactus (two ends of the spectrum haha) sitting on your desk. He won’t say a word about it, but you’ll know it’s from him!
Other Possibilities: Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
hiii! it says that there’s still a spot left, so i hope that i’m able to rq a twst matchup! feel free to ignore this if not!!
name: lauren
personality: i’m an infp! i’d describe myself as creative, introverted, empathetic, observant, gentle, kind, cautious, shy, intelligent, and a daydreamer.
hobbies: i love drawing, listening to music, baking, and reading 🔥
likes: music, literally anything involving cats, visual kei, horror movies, splatoon, kpop, and true crime
dislikes: bugs (ESPECIALLY roaches omfg gross), super hot weather, noisy and crowded/busy areas
song: stacking chairs - middle kids!!! i love the vibes, sound, and the lyrics really resonate with me too
qualities in a partner: honest, supportive, funny, sweet, kindhearted, and loyal. someone who is able to accept my flaws and love me for who i am and vice versa 👍👍
what i expect: i want it to last! if i date, i’d want it to be someone who would be willing to spend their future with me and who would take it seriously :)
any preferences: deuce is my favourite! dorms i like best are heartslabyul and scarabia.
thank you so much, and congrats on 500 followers!!! you’re an amazing writer and i wish you and your blog only the best for the future! 💕
A/N: so sorry for the late reply!
@glasscat17 I match you with...
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Jamil Viper!
Jamil might seem like quite the distant one at first. He’s good at keeping himself calm and putting up a facade, but with you he can relax. He loves your quiet empathy, because few other people think about his well-being, and not just Kalim's.
Baking dates would be common with Jamil. He’s an expert at making sweet pastries since Kalim has a bit of a sweet tooth. Now though, he sets aside his best works for you, hiding them under a napkin off to the side of the kitchen. If Kalim asks him why there are fewer pastries than usual, he'll just shrug :)
He’s not always the most humorous person. He can’t crack jokes like his fellow students can and he’s certainly not making a fool of himself. But his deadpan reactions to things might sometimes get a laugh out of you anyways!
You guys both hate bugs. If you move in together, good luck deciding who's going to be the one to kill the spiders. Jamil loves you to death and would do anything for you, but spiders? Nope, you’re on your own. He'll hand you a rolled-up newspaper and then hide behind you.
Other Possibilities: Trey Clover, Ruggie Bucchi, Silver
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Hello and congratulations on your 500 followers !! My name is cerise and I’m super excited to be (hopefully) a part of your matchmaking event :) My friends describe me as creative, funny and a tease. But that’s usually after they get over my rbf😭😭❓
 Im into the arts, but I mainly do ceramics and drawing. I have a soft spot for pretty aesthetics, like fashion, make up, and old architecture😔🫡 
A song that represents my ideal relationship is the howls moving castle theme😳 while I love the fancy romantic vibes, when it played over Sophie and Howl walking in the air it made me realize I want someone who can take me out of my comfort zone and do something fun once in a while. 😭😭☝️
Some characteristics I look for in a partner are smarts ! There’s always something a person is smart/good at and that means you can always learn from them. I’m unsure on what I expect out of a relationship tbh, but the comfort of a long lasting relationship is nice Also, I like receiving acts of service, physical touch, or gift giving! I’m return, give back physical touch or giving something handmade. Honestly, I do have preferences but I really wanna see who you would matchmaker me w op🫣🫢
A/N: @cerisescherries hello! I totally get what you mean about learning from others. Too bad my fictional crushes are always the dumb sunshine type LMAO...
Also I assume you mean Merry-Go-Round of Life for the song? Fun fact, that song is my fake girlfriend best friend's dream wedding song!
I match you with...
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Malleus Draconia!
Honestly, the moment I finished reading your matchup form my brain just went THIS PERSON IS PERFECT FOR MALLEUS. I had a hard time thinking of any other candidates for this!
Malleus strikes me as the type to enjoy someone who's creative, teasing, and loving. As a couple, you guys would have a mutually beneficial relationship in terms of going out of your comfort zones. You would show Malleus the world outside the walls of his castle, and he would be a steadfast supporter for you in acheiving any of your dreams.
Did someone say old architecture, fashion, and aesthetics? Malleus loves those too- just look at the way he spends hours talking about gargoyle statues. He'll happily let you ramble about and show him the latest picture collages of pretty outfits and photos and give you his own input on them.
Malleus isn't super affectionate with his friends, but he is with you. He'd love to hold your hand as you walk down the halls at NRC together, or give you random things he thought you might like.
As for Merry-Go-Round of life, I'm sure he'd be more than delighted to recreate the scene in the movie with you! Dancing while floating in the air is no problem for the Fae prince. Just say the word, and he'll do it.
Other Possibilities: Jade Leech, Ace Trappola, Jamil Viper
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