#birthstone necklace for grandma
Partners in Crime 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, Lee Bodecker
Summary: you're left reeling after your divorce but the chaos has only begun. (short!reader)
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You hate the mall. Too bright. Too loud. Too fast. 
That day isn’t so bad. Tuesday, mid-morning. Most people are at work. Not you. Your part-time gig barely pays the bills, let alone keeps you busy. With that in mind, you shouldn’t be there to spend what little you have.  
It’s for a good cause. It’s your grandmother’s birthday next week and you owe her. After all she’s done, you owe much more than just a measly mall-bough gift but it’s all you can manage right now. One day it will be better. One day you will be able to pay her back. At least you keep telling yourself that. 
She paid for it all. Your way out, your lawyer, your apartment even. You can’t live in the senior’s community with her, that’s against the rules, but she parsed out some of her nest egg for the flat in the old brick building. For you. She’s the only one who ever did so much for you but what did you ever do for her? 
It’s not for lack of trying, only your own poor decisions. 
You enter the sparkling Swarovski store and keep your arms tight to your body, paranoid of breaking any of the numerous crystal pieces. You don’t know what she would like. It isn’t because you don’t know her well, you just don’t think she has much use for any of it. She’s always been painfully practical. That’s why you never wanted to ask her for help. 
An associate startles you as she appears beside you in her sleek black pantsuit. She offers help but you get the sense she’s checking in, making sure your hands aren’t sneaking into your pockets. You make sure to keep them visible and move your satchel across your back. You tell her you’re just looking and blow out between your dry lips. Maybe a hoodie wasn’t the best choice. 
It was meant to be a solution. You wanted to get out of your grandmother’s hair. How long had you been living with her? He was the answer to that. You thought so. You wanted to believe it. For ten years, you tried. He always spoiled it. 
Then she had to bail you out anyway. 
As you come to the sharp corner of a shelf, you’re startled by another customer. You hadn’t seen them when you came in or heard them. You glance at them fleetingly and turn your attention to the shelf of Mickey Mouse decorations. Definitely not those. 
“Excuse me, sweetheart,” the man frightens you again as he nears and presses his hand to your back. He sidles by, and you dodge away from him, coming dangerously close to colliding with the display of birthstone necklaces. 
You shake off the close brush and blink at the glass. You peek over at the man as he seems overly interested in a paper weight shaped like a dove. His mustache and sleek haircut make him look like he’s been plucked out of some gangster period piece.  
The associate shifts from one side of the counter to the other. She’s watching you. You sigh. She still thinks you’re a thief. You shake your head and leave. 
It’s not worth the trouble or the money. You can find something better. You know you could get your grandma a box of chocolates and a card and she’d say she’s happy. You don’t want to get her what works; you want to do something for someone. Something more than just be there. 
You go down to Hallmark. It’s a similar atmosphere with a hint of warmness and more range in price. Still too much Disney and not enough variety. Your grandmother doesn’t need a rustic crate or a door sign with some snarky saying about wine. 
You stop to look at cards. You can at least grab one of those. As you reach for one along the top row, another hand swipes it from your grasp. You back up and look at the culprit. It’s the same man as the Swarovski shop. Strange. 
You recoil and scurry down the aisle towards the door. Is he following you? It could be a coincidence. Two stores. If he’s looking for a gift too, it makes sense. 
You cross your arms and march quickly through the bright mall, the skylight glaring down at you. You walk in and out of a clothes shop. You don’t know where you’re going now. You’re frazzled. 
You find your way to the As Seen on TV shop and meander around without intent. You’re at a loss. You’ll just end up at the bookstore like always. Another book for her birthday. Wowee. 
She might like the salt rock light. You don’t know. Ugh. 
It isn’t the gift. It isn’t her. It’s you. You’re indecisive. You're lost. Even if it was misery, you miss having someone to tell you what to do. Now you have to think and you do too much of that. 
“Those are pretty cool,” a voice slices through your self-pity. 
It’s the same man. Your eyes meet as you look up to see him. You blanch and open and close your mouth. The shop is so small, how hadn’t you heard him? 
You retreat without a word. He must be following you. There’s no other explanation. What do you do? You can’t just lead him out of the mall, back to your building, but how can you divert him? 
You find a bench down the next aisle of the mall, somewhere the associates in the vitamin store can see you. You’re safe there with people around. You look up and down, searching for the man and his mustache. Just a mother with her stroller. 
You’re paranoid. Stupid, just like he said. It’s all in your head. You’re just fucked up. You don’t know how to live in this world. Not alone. 
“Excuse me, ma’am,” the timbre tickles up the back of your spine and you twist to see the figure behind you. It’s an officer in uniform. “Mind if I ask ya something?” 
You nod and blink. You don’t like the cops. You haven’t spoken to them since the night it all came crashing down. The flashing lights, the sirens, the questions. It’s all a haze yet it’s stamped into your psyche. 
“Yes, sir,” you stand. 
He’s got dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. His shoulders bear a slant of authority as he has his hands on his hips. He’s taller than you, but so is everyone. You look across the bench at him as his white shirt pokes out from under his leather jacket, his belly straining the fabric. 
“You don’t gotta trouble yerself,” he shows his palm and reaches with his other hand to his belt, “I’m lookin’ for someone and was wonderin’ if maybe ya saw him.” 
“Oh?” You crinkle your forehead. 
“Got a pic somewhere,” he frees his phone from the clip on his belt and flicks his thumb over the screen, “here we are.” 
He turns the cell toward you and you can’t help but make a face. The image is blurry but it’s definitely that same man. You look back the way you came and gulp. 
“Reckon by that, you’ve seen him,” the officer says. “Sheriff Bodecker,” he introduces as he retracts his hand, “I’m doing an investigation. Mind if I ask some more questions?" 
“Well, I... didn’t talk to him.” 
“That’s fine,” he peers down in the same direction you did. The infant in its stroller begins to yawl and his cheek ticks, “how about you come out to my cruiser and we’ll do it there? Less ruckus?” 
You purse your lips. You can’t really say no, he might think you know that guy, whoever he is, whatever he’s done. You shrug. You don’t have much to say. You’re sure it won’t be much of an interview. 
“Okay,” you agree.” 
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
Jumping off of the ask about the others having symbols for the pack—
What if John has a ring that he wears? But there’s a little line etched into it for each of the pack members?
Simon’s got his tattoos, but what if Johnny had like… doodles of each of them in his wallet? Not even good ones or ones *of* each of them. Simon’s is a shitty, goofy scribble of a skull and Johnny cherishes it. Just representations of them.
I can see Gaz with a necklace. A simple collection of charms on a chain, ones that glint and clink as he moves and they rest right over his heart when he wears it.
And reader? Well… I like to think that the boys all give her copies of their dog tags. They probably shouldn’t because it would put a name to them, might tie them to her too blatantly and make it dangerous.
But I keep thinking of any of them letting reader ride them while their own name clinks over her chest, labeling her as their omega. Watching the little metal plates move and bounce around their neck.
Omg!! I love all of these 🥹
John and his ring he so would get something super inconspicuous like that and just wear it around when he can to prove he's a taken man.
Johnny so would carry around doodles. He probably draws them often but he keeps his original doodles somewhere safe where he can view them and remind himself of them. Gets them laminated so they never fade or wear out.
Lol Gaz's necklace reminded me of the birthstone ring ones my grandma and mom had. They were small gold rings with the kids' and grandkids' birthstones around the ring. We all got our rings after my grandma died but idk what happened to my mom's after she died. Makes me sad thinking about it. Anyway, I could definitely see Gaz getting a necklace with little charms to represent each member.
The reader with the dogtags. That's so incredibly sexy. You have no idea what you've just awoken in me...
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kasagia · 1 year
Bring me a dream pt. 1
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/general Kirigan x fem! sun summoner! reader Summary: Everyone has their soulmate—someone they are meant for. This was due to Sankta Maradaia, who decided to connect two souls destined for each other during their sleep to show them their other half, Sankta also sent them a tattoo of their loved one name, so that souls thirsting for each other can finally be united. Aleksander never had even one, short dream about his soulmate. Just a tattoo that has taunted him for ages. The Darkling believes this is his punishment for creating the fold, another privilege of being condemned. To never know his soulmate. But one day, a dream about a sun summoner comes to him. Someone equal to him. Someone meant for him. And he promises himself to find you at all costs. Not just because of your powers. Nonsense from me: This is an request from @morrigan-crowmwell I hope you like it! 💙🖤 P.S. I know it took me soooo looong again and I'm so sorry. I'm trying to fight my writer's block. 😅 I used a quote from Taylor Swift's Blank Space. Inspired by the song Mr. Sandman - SYML Wairning(s): mentions of blood, abuse, fighting, violence Word count: 6,7k Taglist: @aoi-targaryen @morrigan-crowmwell ~•♤♤♤•~ Aleksander Morozova's Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~
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I've been waiting a long time to meet you in my dreams…
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"My soulmate is great! I've seen her fight with a REAL sword! Can you imagine that, guys?! My father still teaches me on that wooden. Ugh! I envy her so much."
"Mine swims faster than either of you! Of course, he's not as good as me, but I've seen him shoot a bow. What I'd give to join him on a hunt!"
"And you, sahdow-boy? You sit more quietly than usual, don't be shy! Show off what she or he is like."
Aleksander tensed up, feeling the other boys' eyes on him. The young shadow summoner felt a blush of shame appear on his face. He hated such conversations. He already couldn't fit in with a group of other kids, and he was constantly reminded that he was different. Weirdo. Proteus.
"I… I haven't dreamed of her yet. But I know her name!" he tried to reply in a tone of voice that mimicked their enthusiasm. He couldn't show them that he was weak. That the fact that he had never seen his soulmate before hurt him. That he was a changeling again.
"My father also started dreaming about my mother late. Maybe she just wasn't born yet?" his only friend put a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. He thanked the saints for Ivan. He was a light in his darkness for now. And heartrender wasn't talking about his shadows at all...
"Did you hear, guys?! Shadow-boy will be dating a baby!"
Aleksander was furious. He felt anger rise up in him as the other children laughed at his soulmate. Without knowing when, he summoned his shadows and plunged the clearing into darkness, stopping the laughter of the other children.
"Hey, take it easy, shadow-weirdo! We're just kidding!"
"The freak, as usual, can't control himself."
Voices came out of the darkness, and the footsteps of children receding were all Aleksander could hear before he was alone with his shadows again.
Even Ivan's hand disappeared from his shoulder as shadows blanketed the area.
He was utterly alone. And he hated it.
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You looked at yourself in the mirror, smiling.
18 birthday. Your big day.
You adjusted the necklace your grandmother had given you around your neck, proudly displaying the amulet with your birthstone. Your mother's earrings hang proudly from your ears. Nostalgia is starting to get to you. You so wish she were here.
"I've lived in this world for so long that, for ages, I've felt that time moves infuriatingly slowly. But ever since you came into the world, I've felt it slip through my fingers. You've grown up so fast... you look like your mother." the woman sighs as she stands behind you in the mirror and looks at you tenderly, fixing your braid.
"I wish a madraya was here." you say sad. Grandma puts a hand on your shoulder and turns you around to look her in the eye.
"She is here, my sun. In our hearts and memories. As long as you can picture her before your eyes, she will always be with you. Watching you from heaven." you both stand in silence, remembering your recently deceased mother.
"I have something for you." the woman speaks as she pulls a beautiful gold bracelet engraved with your family symbol from her sleeve.
"Oh, grandma, you didn't have to… it's beautiful."
"And practical. Materialnik made it specially for me. Thanks to this, no one will see THAT on your wrist."
"Why should I hide it?" you ask, confused, when she helps you fasten the bracelet on your wrist where was your soulmate's name on it.
"I want you to be careful."
"Careful of what?"
"Powerful men." she replies seriously, stroking your cheek tenderly. "There is nothing worse in the world than the greed of men. Than their excessive ambition. We are the sun summoners, honey. You are my blood, my pride, and my only solace in this world. The love of men is fatal. You don't need it, and trust me, you don't want it. Promise me for your dead mother and my daughter..." your grandmother grabbed your wrist, turning it so you both could see that the black ink, that showed up this morning, disappeared. Aleksander Morozova. "Do not seek him. Avoid him. Treat him like the plague. Do not repeat the fate of your poor mother. I couldn't stand losing you because of another man's lust for power."
"I promise you, babushka. I will not share my mother's fate." you promise with tears in your eyes. Your mother trusted the wrong person... you were not going to repeat her fate.
"And you will always wear a bracelet and necklace from me?"
"Yes. I promise." you solemnly promise, while looking into her eyes. You two were one of a kind. Summoners of the sun. Long-lived. Powerful. You have to stick together if you want to survive in this cruel for Grishas world. "Can I go now and enjoy the summer solstice festival?"
"Yes. Have fun, sunshine. And return home no more than two hours after dark!" she screams after you as you run to get some freedom... to forget who you are for a while.
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"That boy keeps staring at you!" your friend shouts through the crowd of people having fun and nods her head at the boy by the fire.
You glanced at the side she indicated. She is right. A handsome brunette with dark eyes looks straight at you. He looks away when he sees you noticing him and pretends to be talking to the boy next to him. You roll your eyes at your friend's behaviour and continue drinking your beer.
"And what do you think I'm supposed to do about it?"
"Go and have fun!" she says, offended that you don't know. "I've known you since you came here. You haven't had a single boyfriend, you're shooing all the suitors away. You're 18. Go and flirt with him, or I'll take care of this handsome one."
You are laughing at her words. You look at the boy again, and you can't deny that you feel a strange pull… a bond that wants you to come to him. But you don't listen to it.
"So take him. I'm going home," you say as night falls completely. The flame of the torch and bonfire is the only source of light.
"Really? Will you waste an opportunity like this?" you just laugh with a shrug at her words and make your way to the path through the woods leading to your house, pushing your way through the crowd of people.
You leave the clearing where the festival is taking place and enter the forest. You sigh with relief to be alone, away from people's voices. You walk confidently into the darkness without being afraid of it as you watch the stars above you.
You are walking down a familiar path when suddenly you hear the crunch of leaves and branches behind you. You turn slowly with your hand close to the hidden dagger at your hip.
You see in front of you the same boy who was staring at you by the fire. You watch him warily, waiting for his move.
He takes one slow step towards you, his dark eyes never leaving yours. Without knowing why, you stare spellbound into his eyes again, unable to utter a word. It's only when he crosses halfway between you that common sense returns to you and you raise a dagger in his direction.
"Don't worry. I won't hurt you." he says, stopping and staring at the blade glistening in the moonlight. "Of course, only if you don't hurt me either."
"Why are you following me?" you ask without lowering your weapon, still holding it as a warning between you two.
He frowns, looking from the dagger to you. "I have no bad intentions. I saw you going this way and this forest… is not the safest place."
"I know. Nowhere is safe." you reply coldly, eyeing him carefully. "Which doesn't answer my question. Why did you follow me in here?"
"I wanted to make sure you made it through safely." you snort, amused, not for a moment believing the stranger's concern for you. He stays where he is, not moving for a moment, undaunted by your reaction. If anything, curiosity only grows in his eyes. "You haven't experienced much kindness from others, have you?"
"I'm not going to answer a stranger's question like that. You do not know anything about me."
"I can see you're too distrustful, and if the lack of trembling in your dagger hand tells me something, it is that you've threatened someone more than once."
"That's right… shouldn't you run as far away from me as possible, then?" you ask, raising an eyebrow at him as you watch his impassive reaction…but you certainly didn't expect him to raise the corners of his… pretty mouth in response.
"I'd rather walk you out and make sure you're okay... or anyone who dares stand in your way." you bite your lip, holding back a smile so you don't react to his teasing.
"I doubt you'd be able to do anything."
"I'm tougher than you think." he says, answering your challenge with a mischievous smirk. The sparkles in his dark eyes shine in the moonlight… and you involuntarily agree with your friend. He was handsome… and dangerous.
"I don't need a man to play my prince on a white horse. I can be my own knight."
"Well, if you want my opinion…" you cut him off before he could finish.
"No, thank you. I have my own." he laughs at your words, shaking his head in amusement as he licks his lips.
He stares at you intensely, and you know that if you were anyone else, you would have pounced on him by the campfire. But you were a sun summoner. You couldn't trust someone like that. Even if you wanted to...
"Very well then... but, I'd feel better walking you through the woods at least. May I?" he asks, extending his hand towards you. "Or are you too afraid that you will enjoy my company?"
You snort, placing your hand in the crook of his arm. You could have let him. Clearly, he has had no ill intentions so far. You glare at him defiantly as you see a spark of amusement in his eyes and a wild smile on his lips.
"What?" you ask dryly.
"Nothing. I just thought you couldn't look prettier… you seem to glow even more when you prove people wrong."
"I'm too smart to be seduced by you." you warn him, looking at him carefully as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. You feel your cheeks blush slightly.
"Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to you?" he asks, whispering, staring into your eyes.
You're drowning in the moment. His smell, the depth of his dark eyes… and without knowing why, the feeling is… actually the opposite of what you felt when others tried to flirt with you.
"Careful... you've stared into my eyes for too long to say you don't care." he says, sparks of malice appearing in his eyes. You snort and are about to respond to his taunt when his expression suddenly cools and he pulls you into his chest.
You're about to yell at him and attack him when suddenly an arrow flies right over where you used to stand. You recognise its distinctive arrowhead. "Drüskelle." you whisper.
You don't waste time. You back away from him and grab your daggers. You can't show the world what power you wield, so you limit yourself to melee combat. You're also not sure if your companion is Grisha.
You kill the first of them, and next to you, you hear the sounds of your companion's fight. He's doing fine. You deal with most of the Drüskelle pretty quickly when suddenly one of them comes up behind you. Before you can engage, your companion pulls you back to his chest. You see nothing. He makes sure of it when you hear Drüskelle's desperate cry from behind you, who wanted to kill you as well as the others who managed to stay alive. Suddenly it's quiet again... but it's darker around you than before.
You gently pull away from him as he releases his strong grip on your hair. You look around, seeing Drüskelle's bodies as if they were… cut.
"I… how?" you ask, dumbfounded, not believing what you see. You turn your gaze back to him. "Are you a Grisha? Heartrender maybe?"
"It's... a little more complicated." he says, looking down at your hands and bloody daggers.
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"I'm guessing you're not a Grisha, then?"
"It's a little more complicated." you say, repeating his words. He looks up and stares into your eyes again. Without knowing why, you both giggle. "I... thank you. I wouldn't handle them all alone."
"No problem." He says, still staring at you. Without knowing why, you lean towards him.
You swallow, smelling his scent again, involuntarily remembering the warmth and safety his arms gave you. You shouldn't feel that way about a stranger. And yet...
"I… I should probably go now."
"Me too." he whispers back, but you're both too hypnotised to move. Not thinking much about the bodies around you or the blood on your clothes.
For some strange reason, the eyes of the other and this closeness seem much more interesting to you both than the world around you.
He leans towards you too. A short distance separates you as you both stare at each other in silent anticipation and excitement. However, that moment is effectively cut short as you hear another movement around you.
You both draw your daggers and aim at where you heard the movement. There is a woman behind you. Her dark eyes are remarkably similar to those of your companion. You are surprised to see how his irises have already been etched into your memory.
"You find yourself a friend?" the woman asks him mockingly, staring at the two of you.
"I'm going, mother." he says, obviously waiting for her to leave. But she stands there, watching you curiously. He sighs in annoyance and turns to you. "See you soon." he whispers, placing his dagger in your hand.
You shiver at the skin of his hand on yours as unimaginable power rushes through you. But that's not what keeps you staring at him speechless… and you think you both know it as he gives you a wistful, longing look before turning away.
You can only stay there and stare at the receding silhouettes of the two of them. Then you are all alone again. You turn around and continue on your way home. With a small smile, you tighten your hand around the black dagger.
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You were coming home to your grandmother. It was winter, and it was getting harder and harder to drive through the snow from town to your house. But someone had to do the shopping.
As you walked, you heard the sounds of a struggle. Interested, you veered off the path to the house and walked slowly through the snow, trying not to alert anyone to your presence.
You froze as you saw a group of teenagers fighting the same boy who gave you the dagger and helped kill Drüskelle.
The rational part of you told you to get out of there and not deal with this stranger. And you almost did, but then you saw one of the girls stab him in the back and shove him into the ice hole.
You threw the wicker basket with your groceries in the snow and ran towards them. You used your light and stunned them all into unconsciousness. Not enough to kill them, but enough to make their heads hurt for days and some of them lose their eyesight.
With your light, you melted the ice in the river and pulled the mysterious boy out of it by his shoulders.
You held him close as he coughed, spitting water into the snow. You only let him go when he's back to normal.
"Do you attract trouble, or do you just like getting into it?" you ask him with a laugh, trying to lighten the atmosphere. You take off his soaked coat and cover him with one of yours.
"Both, I'm guessing." he says, still shivering. You don't know if it's from the cold or from the attack.
"Get up. We need to keep you warm." you speak and help him stand on two legs.
If he notices the bodies of his unconscious tormentors, he decides not to say anything or ask how you did it. You pick up the basket you dropped earlier and guide both of you to your house.
Surprisingly, he doesn't protest when you enter the house, and luckily for you, your grandmother hasn't come back yet.
"Stay here for a while. I'll go get some dry clothes for you." I speak as I disappear into the other room for a moment.
"How did you overpower them?" you hear his question. You swallow and try to think of an answer as you walk back to the main room.
"It's... complicated." you reply, handing him the clothes. "You can go there and change. I'll put some water on for tea."
He nods and takes the clothes from you. He wants to say something, but instead he sighs and goes to the next room.
You place the kettle over the hearth and wait for the water to boil for tea for the two of you.
"Do you often save people from trouble?" he asks jokingly as he joins you. You smile when you see that he's feeling a little better. He still has a red nose, though. And you're pretty sure if you took his hand, he'd be icy.
"Selected only. Feel honoured." you snort, amused. His laugh makes you shiver. A strange warmth begins to spread from your chest.
"I am." he replies, looking deep into your eyes. He leans closer to you, examining you intently, searching for any reaction from me that would indicate that you are uncomfortable with him.
He finds nothing.
So he leans in a little more. Your noses brush against each other as he waits, giving you the option to either kiss him or pull away from him.
You feel your heart beating fast... you know that if he was a heartrender he would have leaned forward and kissed you a long time ago. You also know you should back off, he was a stranger, a man, you shouldn't trust him.
But after the look he gives you and a glance at his enticing pink lips, you lean forward and press your lips uncertainly to his.
His cold lips warmed up.
You close your eyes as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer with one hand on your waist and the other in your hair. You sigh, feeling how wonderful it feels, how proper it is to kiss him even though you don't even know his name. What's undeniable, however, is how great you feel around him.
But you feel something else… like an unimaginable amount of power flows into you with his touch. How your light calls for release. And for a moment, you feel like you're going to lose control if you keep kissing him.
Fortunately, before you stupidly reveal your powers, you pull away from each other, startled by the sound of a whistling kettle.
You both laugh, resting your foreheads against each other. You eventually pull away from him, take the kettle off the hearth, and shift your gaze to it. He's warmer from your kiss than from the fire.
You shift your gaze towards him. And experimentally, you take his hands in yours. You feel the surge of power buzzing through your veins again. Your gaze returns from his warming hands in yours to his irises, and you get lost in his dark eyes again.
"You... are the amplifier." you whisper as you look at him. "That's why they wanted to kill you... they wanted your bones."
He swallows, moves his gaze from your eyes to your joined hands. He doesn't take them out of your warm embrace as he nods, trembling without looking at your face.
"What are you going to do about it?" he asks, realizing full well that you must be Grisha to sense his ability.
The very idea that you, the only person who has shown him any kindness (not knowing him at all) will suddenly want to hurt him after what happened between you two a moment ago makes him sick.
But Aleksander has been through it more than once. Last an hour ago. Despite everything, he still holds a strong grip on your hands, trembling unconsciously.
Your response is to pull him close to you in a tender embrace.
"You're safe." you say simply, and from the way he holds his breath before burying his head in your neck after a few seconds of complete shock, you know that you must be the first person in a very long time to show him such affection.
And you're realizing that you don't need to know his name to know that it's good to hold him in your arms.
And Aleksander feels warm for the first time in a long time. He feels like he's holding the sun. But the most striking thought for him is that he is no longer alone...
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"Is that all, General?" Ivan's question pulled Aleksander out of his thoughts. He stopped stroking the tattoo with his soulmate's name hidden under his kefta and glanced at the heartrender.
"Yes, you can go." he sighs, shifting in his chair and rubbing his eyes with his hand.
Ivan looks like he wants to say something but changes his mind at the last moment and leaves the war room, closing the door softly behind him.
Aleksander sighed, staring at the map in front of him. The king was going to bring down Ravka. Only his Grishas were able to hold Ravka's borders. He shuddered, thinking of all the good soldiers the Fjerdans, Drüskelle and others had taken from him. He felt powerless. And if he knew anything in his centuries-old life, it was that he hated that feeling.
He ran a hand through his hair, glancing at his watch on the wall. It was long after midnight. He sighed as he got up from his chair and walked towards his bedroom. He won't help his army if he's barely conscious. He took off his kefta and pushed the books to one side of the bed. He lay down in the free space and fell asleep as soon as his head rested on the pillow.
Something was different… otherwise, Aleksander could sense it the moment his dream began.
There was a strange feeling in his bones; his heart was beating much faster, excited, as if it couldn't wait for what was about to happen.
He was alone again in the deep black shadows. He took a step, and suddenly the shadows parted. He looked up and gasped as he saw a figure in a black-golden kefta in the distance.
He'd had that dream many times before… especially when he was a little boy. That he was irretrievably lost in the darkness.
He had never met anyone in the depths of his shadows before. He took another hesitant step towards the mysterious figure, not taking his eyes off it, afraid that it would disappear at any moment.
But it's not.
A figure in a gold-black kefta stood with its back to him.
Aleksander is afraid. He's afraid that it's just another trick of his mind, that as soon as he utters the name that has haunted him both asleep and awake for hundreds of years, you'll disappear, leaving him utterly alone in the darkness of his shadows again.
But Aleksander had been patient enough for a long time... maybe he could finally give in to what he most wanted, what he missed most, what he craved for like a foolish boy.
He came over to you. Hesitantly and slowly. As if he could spook you at any moment. He raised his hand, but instead of touching your arm, he met air as you took a step away from him and slowly turned to face him.
He held his breath in anticipation, waiting for you to pull down your gold-black hood to reveal your face to him. He watched in fascination as golden threads of light slowly began to flow from your hands.
He had been accustomed to the darkness for centuries. But he couldn't take his eyes off you as your threads of light slowly grew stronger. He watched in utter awe as your light changed from gold to pure white after dispelling the shadows around you two.
His eyes widened as your hood fell back to reveal your familiar, beautiful face. He sighed, letting out a long-held, shaky breath.
And when you took his hand, which he still held out to you, and ran your thumb over his palm? He completely lost himself in your irises, feeling your light grow stronger through its amplifying powers, enclosing the two of you in a silver and gold orb.
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But before he gets a chance to reach out to you and caress your cheek tenderly, to feel again that warmth he always felt from you and which turned out to be your light, you suddenly disappear. And with you, your warm light.
His cold shadows enveloped him again…
He wakes up and finds himself in his bed, in his chambers. But for the first time in a long time, instead of being disappointed that he didn't dream of his soul mate this time, he's relieved. And happiness. Excitement. And something he's clung to so desperately all these centuries, much to his mother's taunt... he feels hope.
He doesn't know what has changed. Why suddenly did the saints decide to reveal your face to him after you had met so many centuries ago? For a moment, the bitter thought crosses his mind that he could have had you by his side much sooner. That together you could carry the weight of eternity... but he shakes his head.
He had a chance to implement all his plans now... and to meet his soulmate, whom he had missed for so many centuries. All he had to do was track you down.
And he's not going to lose.
"I'll find you... moya solnishko." he whispers to himself, fondly stroking the tattoo on his wrist. "And when I do, I'll make sure you'll never hide from me again." he promises, placing his lips on the tattoo on his wrist.
He would do anything to finally have someone to call his own…
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"I was hoping to find you here." Aleksander turns around in surprise when he sees you standing behind him.
"How did you know?" he asks, putting the book back on the shelf. You see the title out of the corner of your eye.
The Lives of Saints
"I know many things." you say, leaning against the shelf. "But honestly? I didn't take you for someone who prays to saints. Or maybe your ego and ambition are so big that you want to become one of them?" you say teasingly, smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and takes your hand, leading you out of the library. You let him lead the two of you into the woods.
"You must have wanted something if you took your precious time to find me." he starts when you both walk a familiar path. This is where your strange "friendship" began, if you could call those stolen moments, kisses, and nights between you two like that… how poetic that it will end here as well.
"I am leaving." you speak briefly without looking at him.
You feel him tense up. It was probably not the answer he ever expected. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him swallow.
He clears his throat, trying to look composed. However, his dark eyes, as always, reveal his true feelings to you. You wonder if you're the only one who can read him like that. "Why?" he whispers.
"Apparently my warning was… not strong enough. One of the people who tried to kill you complained to my grandmother. I have to leave."
"I can talk to her…"
"No!" you cut him off quickly, letting go of his hand and standing in front of him. The last thing you need is his intercession with your grandmother. "I know you mean well, but it's the final decision."
"I see." he says coldly, looking away from you. "Is there anything else you wanted?"
"Yes." you say, pulling his dagger out of your sleeve, handing it to him. "I wanted to give it back to you."
"It's a gift. I'm not in the habit of taking back what I've given someone." he snorts, offended, at which you giggle, amused. He turns his gaze back to you, raising an eyebrow.
"I knew you'd say something like that. That's why…" you pull out a second, identical dagger to the one he gave you. The only difference is that the dagger's handle is decorated with a sun… an eclipsed sun. "I did it." you say, handing it to him.
He takes the dagger from you and examines the engraving. "Why it?" he asks curiously. "Why the eclipsed sun?" his gaze is burning, inquisitive. You know there's no turning back now. You take a step back, his dark irises following your every move.
You shrug. "Guess, shadow summoner."
He stares at you in shock. A thought… a ridiculous and beautiful thought crosses his mind. He knows there's no point in chasing after you. You'll run away from him anyway. But he can't help but scream after your receding silhouette. "What's your name?!"
You're smiling. But you don't turn around to look at him one last time, to steal one last look at his dark, piercing eyes, to get one more moment... Instead, you scream over your shoulder: "Call me sunshine!"
You disappear from his sight. Deep down, you know you'll meet again… But you weren't going to share your mother's fate… even for such mesmerising, dark eyes as his.
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After hundreds of years, you've become accustomed to dreamless sleep.
It was your conscious choice. A promise to grandma, mother, and you. You didn't pray to the saints to bring you a dream about your soulmate. You didn't want him... even though his name on your wrist, hidden by your grandmother's bracelet, had tormented you for hundreds of years.
That's why, when your first dream started, you knew it was something bad. You knew your grandmother's necklace had somehow fallen off your neck. And so, you were dreaming. You dreamed about him... and he probably dreamed about you.
You galloped on a horse. It was early morning. The clearing where you galloped was shrouded in mist. The cool wind hit your skin, and your cloak billowed behind you as you tried to lose the black rider following you.
People usually run to their soulmates. They wanted to meet them at all costs. Not you. But the saints have never been merciful to you… maybe because you never prayed to any of them.
Or have they stopped letting you prolong the inevitable.
That's why the black rider soon caught up with you. He rode by your side for a moment, then shot forward. You knew he was trying to block your way, so you sped up and managed to catch up with him for a moment. You rode side by side for a while, but you didn't dare look and atface.
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But your wishes no longer mattered.
He sped up ahead of you and stepped sideways, causing your horse to stop and stand on two legs. You held on tight to keep from falling. It wasn't until your horse had calmed down and stood on all four hooves that you loosened your grip on the reins.
"Moya solnishka..." his whisper made you shiver. You lifted your head and looked into those familiar, damned dark eyes that were the cause of all your troubles.
You sat still as he rode his horse closer to yours so he could touch your cheek with his hand. His thumb caressed your skin gently. "I've been waiting a long time for you."
You shivered, hypnotised, as you watched him lean closer to you. A familiar warmth spread through your body as you felt him amplify your powers. But his lips were too close for you to notice anything else than him; his touch and dark eyes, which were looking only at you...
You wake up suddenly. Your hand goes to your neck. Panicked, you discover that your grandmother's necklace is not there… you must have lost it in a fold.
"Fuck." you whisper, running your hand through your hair. The only defence against dreaming about your soul mate is gone. And now he knew who you really were... just as your fears were confirmed.
He was your soulmate. General Kirigan, Darkling, Black Heretic, the boy who was your first kiss hundreds of years ago…
The monster who created the fold…
And as it turned out… Aleksander Morozova.
You look around the room, realizing you're in a tent. And the red keftats of bustling healers confirm your worst fears.
During your journey through the fold, the ship was attacked by volcra. And you, obviously not wanting to die or let other people die, decided to use your power. You've done it hundreds of times before. Only much more discreetly… and you've never fainted from using so much of your power.
Your grandmother must be cursing you from the grave. She warned you a thousand times not to go near Ravka or the fold… and even after her death, you didn't listen to her. Now you have to sneak out of here somehow before word about the sun summoner spreads around the world. Hundreds of years of hiding will be wasted just because you weren't careful enough…
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He was excited. He couldn't stand still.
His soulmate, his sun summoner, the solution to all his problems, his little sunshine was here.
He had been waiting for this moment for centuries. He had imagined it thousands of times. However, he never thought that his soulmate would be brought to him by his heartrender after they captured her after rescuing a ship full of people from the fold.
He dismisses everyone from the tent. Only he and she remain.
"It's been a long time, solnishko." he speaks softly. He is prepared for her silence and gives her a moment to process the situation. But he hoped to see a little more enthusiasm from her...
So he takes the time to look at her. On noting all the changes he might notice in her… her cool, indifferent look in those eyes that captivated him so much is one of the worst changes.
He clears his throat. You are still silent. You still ignore him. And Aleksander can't stand it.
"I had an interesting dream recently…" he begins, but you don't pick up on it. You don't really take your eyes off the floor… he's starting to get annoyed.
"You won't look at me?" he asks, waiting for your reaction. However, he finds nothing. Just a blank stare at the symbol he has chosen over the course of several hundred years. Eclipsed sun.
"You won't even comment on that? What a pity. I've always liked your sharp tongue." he says, taking a step towards you. You watched him carefully. He's a little triumphant to see that he's managed to catch your eye. Saints… he missed those damn eyes. "The cat stole your tongue? Or did they finally cut your tongue out for your insolence?"
"I thought you liked my sharp tongue." you snort sarcastically, avoiding his gaze as you realize he won't come any closer.
"She can talk!" he says, clapping his hands. "I was afraid something had happened to you, sunshine." you flinch at his words.
"Don't call me like that." you growl angrily, turning your stern gaze on him.
"You told me to call you that yourself. Don't you remember?"
"And now I take away your right to do so, Black Heretic. Or maybe you prefer a Starless Saint? I think I remember that you wanted to become one; what a pity people didn't even try to remember your name." you taunt him, and for a moment you see that he is offended, even hurt by your words, but his eyes quickly become blank, unmoved by your words.
As if he had heard them hundreds of times before and gotten used to them…
"I don't remember you being so… hostile to me before. What has changed?" he asks instead, watching you carefully and looking for answers in your eyes. But after all these years, you too know how to hide your emotions behind a stony mask of cold indifference.
"Maybe you didn't know me at all?" the question hangs between you for a while. You see for a moment that he hesitates with his answer, but his indecision is quickly replaced by a mocking, derisive smirk.
"When I heard about the mysterious Grisha, who can summon light and was stupid enough to throw herself into battle against hundreds of volcra, I immediately thought of you. And guess what…"
"At least one of the two of us should be concerned about Grishas' welfare. Why am I not surprised it's me and only me?" you see him clench his fists in rage when you insinuate that he's selfish, that he doesn't care about his people.
"Or maybe you don't know me at all?"
"I know men like you."
"There are no men like me. There are no others like us. And there will never be. I thought you had enough time to accept and understand it." he says bitterly, staring at you, disappointed. "Anyway, I have to go through the formalities. Your sleeve, please."
You stand still, too stubborn and angry to cooperate with him. He snorts, expecting your reaction, and takes two steps over the distance between you. You lift your head slightly, giving him a defiant look. He just gives you that irritating, confident smirk and grabs your hand gently, rolling up your sleeve himself. His dark eyes never leave yours. Even when his ring pierces the skin of your forearm.
You're so intent on each other that there might as well not have been that beam of light between you that shot the moment he made a small cut on your arm. It's just you and him. And from the unreadable smirk on his face, you might as well expect anything.
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If you used to do it easily, now you can't read his eyes anymore. A skill he had to acquire over time. Hiding true emotions.
You both have changed. Each in its own way. He was no longer the nameless boy you met. And you weren't the mystery girl he used to know. He became the darkness he so often summoned... and you became the light you were meant to carry. If you once had anything in common, now you are completely strangers. Time heals wounds... or deepens them, but it always and undeniably changes people.
But neither of you could deny the connection between you. Even after all this time and even after what happened. It was a bound that was pulling you both towards each other…
"You and I are going to change the world, Y/N." you shivered hearing your real name for the first time come out of his mouth as lightly as if he had always called you that. Like he's always known you by that name deep in his heart.
Even if you didn't agree with him, you have to admit that he was right...
It's gonna be forver or it's gonna go down in flames...
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princesspuresarahk · 6 months
Crossover idea I have for a fanfic between the loud house and proud family. In What if?
What if Penny never made it to Suga Mama's (In Grandma's Hands) after getting locked out of the house after being constantly late for curfew and being rebellious. And Linka Loud (my genderbent version of Lincoln) runs away in tears after her family locks her out thinking she is bad luck (in No Such Luck with an alternate ending) thanking her family is better off without her that maybe she is bad luck for them. During both those times a mysterious rainstorm comes out of nowhere forcing the two teens to seek shelter elsewhere Penny relentlessly seeking shelter at a mausoleum in a cemetery and Linka in a old hollowed tree in the woods after getting lost in the rain the girls settle down in their hiding places tears in their eyes and hurt in their hearts wishing they could have a better life than where else unknown to them an unknown magical forces listening to them (and nope its not Al Roker) takes pity on them and wishes to get those two girls a better life using their magic they secretly transported the sleeping girls to a mysterious train station leaving them with strange necklaces of their birthstones one filled with billions of dollars and jewels another one filled with the most beautiful clothes and accessories you could ever imagine along with both receiving pink envelopes explaining the situation and why they're here and wanting to give them a brand new life but then new start if they wish as the girls meet each other for the first time the train arrives with the letter further explaining that if they choose it get on that train they can start their new lives and live like princesses or if they want they can choose to go back to their own lives and that it's up to them. Will the girls choose to get on that train or well they go back to the lives they had after the trouble they got into?
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roastyoualive · 10 months
time of year
time of day
personal object
Color -> My favourite is purple! My room is purple, my hair is  purple, my phone case is purple… Even my entrance gear for wrestling lights up purple! Life’s too short not to surround yourself with happiness, you know? 
time of year -> Okay, here’s the thing. I love the spring time, but recently, I’ve developed a NASTY pollen allergy. It’s kind of ironic, really. But yeah, spring or early summer. I like it warm, but not too warm - especially if I want to train on our deck or go for a walk with my family. It’s also nice then because it’s before it gets really humid and buggy. Plus, I was a spring baby, so. Birthday bias! 
time of day -> I’m a night owl. … Which should be obvious with the influx of drafts I just put out, and what time it is now. Don’t get me wrong, daytime is great, but at night, I feel like I have time for me, if that makes sense. 
personal object -> Oh, this is tough. There’s a kimono my head teacher gave me that’s got a LOT of significance I’m only just learning about now. There’s an antique necklace my grandpa gave me that used to belong to his mother. There’s a ring with my birthstone that my grandma got me to match a birthstone ring I bought her for her birthday. There’s a little sparkly stuffed snow leopard my youngest brother bought me for my birthday one year, and it was the first thing he ever spent his own money on. There’s the cards, drawings, and crafts my students made me ‘just because’. There’s the spear my dad surprised me with for Christmas when I jokingly asked for one, not thinking he’d be serious. There’s the empty beer can from the drink my wrestling coach bought me to celebrate my first-ever match. My first cat’s favourite toy. A necklace my best friend in high school made for me for Christmas. That kind of thing. So, yeah, I guess while there’s no one answer, there’s a theme - the things people I love gave me, with the stories behind them. That’s what makes them my favourites.
And hello!! :>
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
Who is your current muse, and who is their faceclaim/what do they look like?What is one item that you associate without fail to them?What is their favourite colour?Is there a song you associate with them? If not, what quote fits the best for them?What do they like doing in their spare time? How much spare time do they get?What one fact do you love about them, but might not have had the chance to share yet?
Thank you for the questions! I don't have a totally set muse currently (I'm drifting through the already-existing ones), but I do really like my Stranger Things OC Renee Booth currently. She's portrayed by Hannah van der Westhuysen (mostly with shorter hair). More on her under the cut!
The best way I can describe her style is just very varied. She wears a lot of bell bottoms (often embroidered with stars) and wedge heels, sneakers, or open heels with white socks (kinda school girl chic). She's also usually seen in designer sweaters, shirts, or sometimes old coveralls that have been passed down from her grandma to her mother to herself finally. She also likes wearing headbands and when she's feeling lonely she'll start experimenting with makeup (drawing stars around her eyes and such). She wears a lot of rings and often butterfly clips in her hair. She also has a necklace with her birthstone (Peridot), which she pretty much never takes off.
I 100% always associate her with stars!
Her favorite color is either yellow or a soft orange shade. Neither should be too bright or too dark, she's very particular about it.
Some songs I associate with her:
Also some quotes
"Never give up on things that make you smile."
"Fuck it up Buttercup."
"Sun will rise and we will try again."
"No rain, no flower."
Renee loves hanging out with animals, cooking, reading, and drawing, and she's also really into fashion. She usually has an average amount of time for her free time activities. I'd liken it to any other High School kid. Besides extracurricular activities and homework, she's got a couple of hours in the day to do her things.
Something I haven't shared of hers that I really love is that, in the future, she will illustrate and write children's books and she takes some of the stuff that the gang went through and turns it into child-friendly adventures. The books will become quite popular.
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chicingold · 2 years
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Birthstone Name Necklace for Mom, For Grandma, Family, Kids Name, Customizable, Personalized Engraved Name Necklace, Christmas Gift, Jewelry, Gift for women. Model: CG436N
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direwolfrules · 2 years
I have no idea what I’m doing. Just none. My mom’s birthday is coming up, and of course my grandparents decided to follow my uncle on a cruise that my mom cannot go on because of things like work and actual responsibilities.
I’m trying not to let her hear me cry because I feel like a miserable daughter cause I don’t know what she wants and she’s already upset because my brother pulled his selfish asshole routine and my grandma tried to gaslight her earlier and she won’t give me a hint as to what she wants. She said Michael Kors, but when I asked if she wanted a bag or a coat or some other accessory she just shut me out and I can’t take the silent treatment.
I don’t know what she wants. We have very different tastes. A Michael Kors product can mean anything from plain black and subtle to obnoxiously in your face about how much of a Michael Kors product it is. I don’t know what to get her. I don’t have any idea beyond what she doesn’t want. Which is every idea I’ve come up with so far.
I’m just gonna get it wrong again like I do every year. Phantom tickets? Wrong. Jewelry with her birthstone? Apparently she hates her birthstone. I have only ever gotten her one gift she likes and it’s a necklace, but she doesn’t want jewelry so…wrong. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I don’t know. She won’t tell me.
I think what she really wants is my grandparents to actually act like they care about her as much as they care about my uncle, but that’s not gonna happen. They prioritized him when she had actual literal cancer, why does she think they’ll give a shit now?
I’m just gonna fuck up again and ruin her birthday. Again. I don’t want to ruin her birthday again. But that’s just how I do things apparently, I just ruin everything I touch.
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friends near and far i’ve been v busy this weekend attending a memorial for my late grandma and y’all know i live in lowkey anonymity so in lieu of family photos here’s something small i treated myself to - a necklace with a birthstone for her and bebé, and my outfit for the roadtrip serving redxevermore vibes
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thelabeldg · 2 months
Online womens jewellery store
Must have Jewellery in your Wardrobe 
Jewellery is more than just an accessory; it's a way to express yourself and make your outfit look likable. However, with so many options available, knowing what pieces are essential can be confusing. Here at The Label DG, an online women Jewellery  store where you can Buy Jewellery For Women's Designs Online, we have a long list of must-have pieces that will take you from casual to dressy, from school to the office, and even complement your traditional Indian attire.
Which Jewellery is trending now?
The world of Jewellery is constantly evolving, but some trends have staying power. Here are a few key pieces that are hot right now:
Modern Pearls: Pearls are no longer just for your grandma's pearls! Modern pearl necklaces come in a variety of styles, from chunky chokers to delicate strands. They can add a touch of elegance to any outfit.
Oxidized Jewellery: This unique style features a slightly aesthetic look, adding a touch of vintage charm to your ensemble. Oxidized necklaces, earrings, and even bangles can be a great way to add a touch of personality.
Now, let's check the specific Jewellery essentials for different occasions and styles:
The Everyday Essentials
These different pieces will become your go-to staples for casual looks, school days, or even the office if your workplace has a relaxed dress code.
Simple Stud Earrings: 
A pair of classic stud earrings in silver, gold, or gemstone can be worn every day. They're small enough for everyday wear but add a touch of polish.
Delicate Necklace: 
A dainty necklace with a pendant or a simple chain adds a touch of elegance to a casual outfit. For a personalized touch, look for necklaces with meaningful symbols or birthstones.
Stackable rings
Stackable rings allow you to create a unique look every day. Mix and match different metals, styles, and gemstones to express your personality.
Oxidized Hoops: 
For a more edgy look, try a pair of oxidized hoop earrings. They add a touch of personality to a simple T-shirt and jeans combo.
Tip: When choosing Jewellery for everyday wear, opt for comfortable pieces that won't get in your way.
Office wearing Jewellery  
Even if your office has a dress code, you can still add a touch of personality to your Jewellery. Here are some tips:
Pearl Necklace: 
A classic pearl necklace adds a touch of sophistication to your office attire. Look for a strand that's not too long or short, and pair it with a crisp blouse or tailored dress.
Bar Earrings: 
Bar earrings are a sleek and modern option that won't overwhelm your office look. They come in various metals and styles, so you can find a pair that suits your taste.
Statement Cuff Bracelet:
A statement cuff bracelet can add a touch of polish to your office outfit without being too flashy. Opt for a cuff in a neutral color or a simple design.
Tip: Keep your office Jewellery professional and avoid anything too loud or distracting.
Jewellery for Indian Attire
Indian attire is known for its vibrant colors and intricate details. Here's how to choose Jewellery to complement your traditional look:
These traditional dangler earrings add a touch of elegance and movement to your outfit. Choose jhumkas made from gold, silver, or Kundan for a truly dazzling look.
Statement Necklaces:
Indian necklaces come in various styles, from delicate chains to chunky statement pieces. Choose a necklace that complements the neckline of your outfit. For example, a choker necklace looks great with a saree blouse and a sweetheart neckline.
Bangles are an essential part of Indian attire. You can wear a single bangle or stack multiple bangles of different sizes and colors.
Tip: When choosing Jewellery for Indian attire, consider your outfit's occasion and overall balance.
Fusion Flair: Jewellery for the Fashion-Forward
Fusion fashion combines traditional elements with modern trends. Here's how to choose Jewellery to complement your fusion look:
Oxidized Choker: 
An oxidized choker adds a touch of edge to a fusion outfit. Pair it with a flowy maxi dress or a cropped top and high-waisted pants.
Statement Earrings:
Don't be afraid to experiment with statement earrings in a fusion look. Look for earrings with mixed metals, interesting shapes, or colorful gemstones.
Layering Necklaces:
Layer necklaces of different lengths and styles to create a unique look. This is a great way to add visual interest to a simple fusion outfit.
Tip: The key to a successful fusion look is balance. If yourWith The Label DG, stay updated with the latest Jewellery trends. The best online women Jewellery  store. You can find earrings, necklaces, rings, and oxidized earrings as well. Check out what suits you
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For more information kindly visit : https://thelabeldg.com/
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youlryjewelryshop · 4 months
6 Must-Know Jewellery Trends for 2024
The new year is a time for fresh starts, new beginnings, and of course, sparkling new trends! The world of jewellery is constantly evolving, offering exciting ways to express your individuality and elevate your style. 
So, whether you're a seasoned jewellery collector or just starting to explore the world of gems and metals, this guide will unveil the hottest trends for 2024.
1. The power of personalization
This year, it's all about YOU! Forget cookie-cutter trends and embrace jewellery that tells your story. Here's how to personalise your look:
Meaningful motifs
Incorporate symbols that hold special significance to you. Think birthstones for loved ones, initials, or charms that represent your passions. Our collection offers pieces like the Ms promise rings that can be personalised with initials, making them the perfect sentimental gift.
Mix and match 
Don't be afraid to experiment! Layer necklaces with different lengths and textures, combine mismatched earrings for a playful vibe, or stack rings for a bold statement.
2. Embrace the beauty of the outdoors
Mother Nature continues to inspire the jewellery world in 2024. Here's how to incorporate this trend:
Organic shapes 
Look for pieces that mimic the natural world, like leaves, flowers, or feathers. Our Newbloom necklace, with its floral design, is a perfect example of this trend.
Earthy tones
Embrace the calming hues of nature. Think greens, browns, and blues. Explore gemstones like emerald, malachite, and turquoise to add a touch of organic beauty to your look.
3. Shine bright like a diamond
Sparkle never goes out of style! Here's how to add some extra glitz to your 2024 look:
Statement earrings
Make a bold entrance with statement earrings! Our Enchanted Gates earrings, with their intricate design and dazzling stones, are sure to turn heads.
Stacking rings
Stack rings adorned with sparkling gemstones for a glamorous and eye-catching look. Consider our Luminescent rings, available in a variety of colors, to create a unique and dazzling stack.
4. Modern minimalism
For those who love clean lines and understated elegance, minimalism remains a key trend in 2024. Here's how to rock this look:
Geometric shapes 
Geometric shapes like circles, squares, and triangles add a modern touch to any outfit.
Less is more 
Opt for delicate chains, simple pendants, and minimalist earrings. This allows the beauty of the materials to shine through.
5. A splash of colour
Don't shy away from vibrant colours! Jewellery is a fun way to add a pop of personality to your outfit. Here's how to embrace this trend:
Colourful gemstones 
Emeralds, sapphires, rubies, and even opals offer a stunning burst of colour. Our Bella Dona earrings might be the perfect pop of colour you need, featuring beautiful gemstones in various shades.
Enamel accents
Look for pieces with vibrant enamel accents that add a touch of whimsy and fun.
6. Pearl power
Pearls are back in a big way! These timeless gems offer a touch of sophistication and elegance. Here's how to wear them in 2024:
Modern twists 
Pearls aren't just for your grandma anymore! Look for pieces with modern interpretations, like pearl and metal combinations or asymmetrical designs.
Beyond the necklace 
Don't limit pearls to necklaces. Explore pearl earrings, bracelets, or even rings for a fresh and unexpected look.
Remember, trends are just guidelines! The most important thing is to choose jewellery that makes you feel confident and beautiful. Don't be afraid to experiment, mix and match, and find pieces that reflect your unique personality.
Finding your perfect piece at Youlry
At Youlry, we understand the power of jewellery. We offer a diverse collection that caters to every taste and trend. Whether you're searching for a statement piece to turn heads or a delicate everyday necklace, we have something special waiting for you. Explore our collection online or visit us in-store, and embark on the exciting journey of finding your perfect piece!
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usadiamondjeweller · 5 months
JBR Jeweler : A Deep Dive into the US Jewelry Obsession
Bejeweled and bold: A deep dive into America's jewelry obsession America has had a long-standing love affair with Diamond jewelry. From  Tiffany & Co.'s iconic diamonds to  vibrant Southwest turquoise pieces, American jewelry trends reflect a diverse and evolving landscape. But what's hot right now? Buckle up, fashionistas! We take a deep dive into the hottest trends lighting up the US jewelry scene.
1. The power of personalization: more than just metals and glitter Gone are the days when jewelry was just a decorative item. Today's American jewelry trends are all about personalization and self-expression. People crave work that tells their stories, reflects their values, and celebrates their individuality. This manifests itself in many ways. Birthstone Bonanza: Birthstones are becoming popular again. People are drawn to the symbolism and uniqueness of their birthstones and attach importance to them by connecting them to their birth month. Designers are raising the bar with creative birthstone settings, the use of mixed metals, and  a wide variety of cuts beyond  traditional round shapes. Custom pieces: Bespoke  jewelry is becoming increasingly popular, allowing individuals to create unique pieces that truly reflect their personality. This includes incorporating a loved one's initials or cherished symbols, or  using recycled materials for a sustainable touch. The Rise of the Signet Ring: Once a symbol of ancestry and status, signet rings are being embraced by a new generation. People personalize their signet rings with their initials, meaningful symbols, and even family crests, making them expressive statement pieces.
2. Material mashups: setting new standards with unexpected combinations The US jewelry scene is experiencing a joyful rebellion against traditional material boundaries. Designers enjoy experimenting with unexpected combinations to create unique and visually stunning pieces. Here are some exciting combinations to keep an eye on. Pearls and pearls everywhere: Yes, pearls are coming back in a big way, but grandma's pearls are not. Modern designers are juxtaposing classic beads with unexpected materials like leather, wood, and even acrylic. Think chunky pearl necklaces  with delicate gold chains or pearl earrings with  bold geometric patterns. Gemstone Symphony: Gone are the days when a single gemstone was the star. Designers create stunning pieces by combining different gemstones and playing with color, texture, and size. Imagine a bright amethyst surrounded by sparkling diamonds, or a ring that combines turquoise and opal. Sustainable shine: Environmentally conscious consumers are driving  demand for sustainable jewelry. The result is recycled metals, ethically sourced gemstones, and lab-grown diamonds. These pieces provide the same level of shine without harming the environment.
3. East meets West: a global fusion of styles America is a melting pot of cultures, and this is reflected beautifully in  jewelry trends. Eastern influences such as delicate necklaces, intricate beading, and symbolic motifs are  fused with Western style to create a truly global aesthetic. Think layered necklaces that combine Indian kudan work with  minimalist gold chains, or statement earrings with eye-catching Chinese dragon motifs for a modern twist.
4. From high fashion to everyday chic: the rise of streetwear jewelry Streetwear's focus on bold self-expression has also influenced the world of jewelry. Chunky  necklaces, oversized hoop earrings, and playful enamel pendants have made their way from the street to the high street. These items add a touch of elegance and rebellion to everyday outfits,  perfect for those who want to make a statement without being too formal. 
5. The enduring charm of vintage: a little nostalgia Vintage jewelry continues to hold a special place in the hearts of American jewelry lovers. From geometric Art Deco  pieces to quirky 1950s glamor, vintage jewelry offers a unique way to connect with the past and add  timeless elegance to any outfit. Finding the perfect vintage piece is like a treasure hunt and adds another level of personalization to the experience. This is an example of the vibrant and evolving American jewelry industry. Whether you're a minimalist looking for a delicate pendant or a maximalist interested in statement earrings, there's something for everyone. Become your stylist and try out these trends and let your jewelry express your unique and dazzling personality.
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rozimaashop · 7 months
Birthstone Necklace Love Gifts for Women
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Product details
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Sterling Silver
Metal type
Sterling Silver
Clasp type
Spring Ring
Chain type
Gem type
Item type name
Pendant Necklaces
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* 💖UNIQUE NECKLACE DESIGN💖The unique Love knot and the design of heart birthstone symbolize your eternal love. When the person you love wears this dainty necklace, she will feel your full love and happiness. The perfect gift for mom, grandma, girlfriend, wife, sisters and friends on Mother's day, Christmas, Valentine's day or birthday.
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blingku · 9 months
#blingku#permentjewelry#birthstone jewelry#birthday gift#weddingjewelry#birthstone charms#mens cross necklace#mens jewelry box#aquarius birthstone#leo birthstone#sagittarius birthstone#virgo birthstone#cancer birthstone#capricorn birthstone#pisces birthstone#scorpio birthstone#taurus birthstone#birthstone necklace for mom#blue topaz birthstone#stackable birthstone rings#alexandrite birthstone#birthstone earrings#birthstone jewelry for mom#mothers birthstone necklace#november birthstone rings#birthstone bracelet for mom#birthstone necklace for grandma
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aermaii · 11 months
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My great grandma’s jewelry.
Few months ago, my mom gave to me.
This is Aquamarine? No.
Or Blue Topaz? No.
It’s maybe Sapphire.
Sapphire is a birthstone of September, isn’t it?
It can bring me clarity.
I often behave stupidly, so I always put on this 🤫
I cannot have a conversation with her,
but I can feel her soul through this necklace.
Thank you, my great grandma … Tamiko ❤︎
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greenanchor22 · 11 months
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Iefil Rose Heart Birthstone Necklace Gifts for Women Mom Grandma, Birthstone Jewelry Natural or Created Gemstone Mothers Day Birthday Christmas Gifts for Mom Grandma Her Wife Girlfriend Women
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