#bisexual disaster Marinette
rainbow-arrow · 2 years
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disaster bi group if i’ve ever seen one
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coffeebanana · 2 years
In the Good Place, Eleanor is always dropping comments about being into Tahani, and I don’t know why I don’t write Marinette that way re: Kagami in all my love square fics... I think I need to start.
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@gloryseized || cont.
There's a quick remark burning on her tongue, so quick to point out that Marinette was absolutely proving her point, when the question is turned back on herself. Kagami can feel the colour rising in her face, and she huffs out a breath with a smile, rolling her eyes a bit.
"I don't surround myself with anything but the best, Marinette. Surely you know this by now."
Yeah. Real smooth.
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i-like-anything-water · 8 months
here, have sum crack:
The next time she'll see Rose and Juleka, she'll gift then a basket of treats. Some of said treats will also have some beef cubes rather than bean paste as a form of payback. Because, good God, she shouldn't have listened to them the moment they said:
"It's a story about a reincarnated girl and her bully but it's really nice!"
Marinette blinked at the duo, who were holding up a set of novels. They've decided to have a spontaneous anime marathon after school and because of different reasons, Alya, Mylene and Ivan couldn't join them.
She read the title of the novels, 'I favor the Villainess' in pink lettering.
The two girlfriends insisted on watching the anime which was apparently complete and there hadn't been an akuma attack yet so she let herself get dragged into it. The story was interesting, very very interesting.
And Claire seemed very very familiar.
Perhaps she should have stopped Juleka and Rose when it was already past 10 pm and it was a school night. Maybe she could have gotten some bit of sleep before an akuma decided to annoy everyone in Paris by rampaging across the city at bloody 2 AM. Ladybug was irritated, moreso when Chat almost slammed into a building out of sleepiness. Thankfully, the Akuma wasn't much of a nuisance.
The lack of sleep, however, made up for it.
Maybe she should ask Master Fu if there's any way to recruit more Miraculous holders incase of Akumas in ungodly hours. They were still students after all, plus she doubts Hawkmoth doesn't work as well. Maybe she could ask Hawkmoth instead to create a schedule for all the Akumas. Negotiate and stuff.
Anyways, going to school sleep deprived, irritated and having an anime marathon the night before was brewing for disaster. Maybe her Ladybug luck can spare her for today.
"Well if it isn't my favorite person, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
Nope. Tough luck.
Marinette groaned, her irritation rising as Chloé's haughty voice reached her ears. Truthfully, the blonde wasn't that annoying anymore ever since she decided to get the help she needed. She's actually been doing pretty well, if her small progress at being a better version of herself was to go by.
However, Marinette was sleep deprived, hangry, and also very much a bisexual disaster.
Chloé Bourgeois, former bully turned hesitant all- wait, bully? Bully, bully, bull- oh. Aha, bingo. Didn't Rae almost made Claire back off because she kept flirting with her?
"What's with that creepy smile on your face, Dupain-Cheng?!"
Marinette smiled, her remaining braincells evaporating as she looked up at the startled blonde, "You're so pretty."
Marinette shrugged, completely unaware of everything happening around her, "I mean, if you're going to call me by my full name you can have it. Chloé Dupain-Cheng, it suits you."
Everything was dead silent. Dead ass? A voice eerily similar to Rae Taylor in her head, asked.
Dead ass, Marinette replied.
She doesn't remember much after what happened but she does remember Chloé going red in the face, sputtering something that was too fast that could give Hawkmoth's receding hairline a run for its money and Alya asking her after Chloé practically ran from the conversation if she's finally lost it.
Okay, Alya, rude.
After some explanation from Alya, a two hour breakdown and panic attack, and a three hour talk with Tikki, she was already down in their bakery on a school night to prepare Chloé's favorite treats.
Was she purposely making herself sleep deprived again to actually give the treats? Maybe. Would they talk about it? Hopefully.
Is she excited? Well.
Raise Y/our hands was playing in the background and Rae Taylor seemed to be lifting her spirits. And maybe her chances of being a masochist as well.
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a-flaming-idiot · 6 months
To me, Marinette 120% reads as the most confused and biggest disaster bisexual I've ever seen. Like if she could stop tunnel visioning on Adrien she would likely turn on Kagami and or Alya in a heartbeat. And Adrien too. Like he doesn't even put any thought into it since he has fucking elevator music playing up there(In the best way), but Nathalie is gonna mention how much she loved Emilie and Gabriel, and something's gonna click for him and he's gonna like run over and like kiss Luka on the cheek just to try it(Luka is chill about it, he just would have liked a warning).
But I also find it fucking hilarious to imagine Adrien and Marinette as the two token straights in the most queer classroom/friend group ever. Like you got Chloe, the bitchyest lesbian ever with Sabrina simping in her shadow, Alya and Nino bonding over their shared desire to kiss their straight best friend while also kissing each other, Rose and Juleka just kissing when no one is looking, Ms. Bustier as the older lesbian role model these baby gays need, etc. And not even in their class but you got Kagami and Luka as the two most "Yeah that works" pansexuals ever and Zoe, the closeted lesbian who was in massive need of how freeing the cat miraculous is.
Like both work and are hilarious...
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yuribracket · 1 year
Maligned Yuri Bracket: Preliminary Round!
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How is Chloe Bourgeois/Marinette Dupain-Chang (Miraculous Ladybug) maligned?
"Chloe and Marinette have the perfect set up for an adorable enemies to lovers storyline, and Chloe is set up perfectly for the rich bitch with a tragic backstory learns empathy and gets a redemption arc. But the creator has gone on record about how against giving her a redemption arc he is. Furthermore, Marinette clearly seems to be a disaster bisexual, but the narrative is constantly pushing her and the straight white boy love interest."
How is Valerie Amaranth/Sophia Anderson (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart) maligned?
"Can you imagine"
How is Bloom/Stella (Winx Club) maligned?
No explanation offered.
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literaphobe · 9 months
no but SPEAK YOUR TRUTH re: fandom Marichat... I see so much of Angsty Forbidden Lovers Pining Sexily and I am confused??? Why make Chat Noir a strong dark brooding dude (I mean yeah he is brooding but he also is goofy af about it) and Marinette a damsel in distress (she IS dramatic BUT she is also a Disaster Baby Girl and Everyday Ladybug and Literal Ladybug, she can handle herself). It seems like some people need this 'romantic' hetero dynamic so badly to work that they change characterizations that are well established in canon. and like, no shame for that, but I feel like it takes away what is so precious about their relationship/s and the whole love square dynamic. IMO the truth is that Marichat are silly bisexual friends that bicker and go to the movies and sometimes they fake date or practice love confessions. Marinette gives Chat Noir shit but in a friendly way because she doesn't have to be 'professional' and Chat Noir wants to impress Marinette because... you know. Even as Chat Noir he thinks Marinette is brilliant and the funniest person ever. And they are in love (see Elation) but so are ALL sides of the love square so duh. thanks for coming to my TED talk let me know what you think!!!
chat noir is so dark brooding and strong but hes ALSO got a serious case of the SILLIES!!!!! he's got all this repressed fury and rage but he's also full of love and tender care. sweetness. he is a complex character that the Larger Fandom Space likes to hack away and throw archetypes onto. similarly, marinette is a one-woman wrecking crew. whether she's transformed or not. she IS constantly in distress and god help her someone save her. but NOT in the way that Larger Fandom Space thinks. those people saw chat carry marinette away from danger and run away Once and decided thats all they were and that they are the only side of the love square that does that. dsghs
marichat actually contains multitudes and is so fun to work with, think about, and analyze. but they get hit with the no fun straight people beam and suddenly All She Is is some weak helpless girl who can't do anything and needs to be saved and All He Is is some guy who won't stop calling her Princess and like idk growling and. whatever else they want. and then they say stuff like True Selves and act like the other sides are unhealthy and only marichat is healthy or whatever. and then depict them unhealthily. i just dont know man. im like everywhere bro except for like wattpad and i do not wanna know how they depict marichat THERE
in all honesty, marichat AREN'T by default their 'true selves' around each other. obviously this is due to the fact that all sides of the love square have stuff to hide from each other. but i would even go so far as to ascertain that (especially in) Early Stages of marichat interactions, they are trying to portray their most INAUTHENTIC selves and that makes them BRILLIANT
okay so marinette -> she knows chat noir right? very well. but at the same time she CANT show that she knows him well. she has to pretend that hes just some guy. or that shes a bit of a fangirl. very much Expert Pretending To Be Novice vibes. similarly with chat noir -> he totallyyyyy doesn't know this girl all that well either. she CAN'T know that this super cool superhero is actually one of her Good Friends at school. so its like they're both actors in a play but they BOTH think they're the only ones acting. but at the same time, for marinette, the facade starts to fall because she can only pretend this isnt her best friend for so long. the best example of this for me is glaciator 2, where she just starts yelling at chat noir like he's HER chat noir, like she's the one who knows him. the chance of him arguing back drops bc it likely throws him off but is also refreshing bc whoaaa marinette can yell at him like that? only its not the him SHE knows. marinette can yell at him bc she's a little bit insane and also bc he isn't in love with THIS her so he'll be fine!! and he likes it bc he can sense her comfort and also be entertained by it at the same time and its fun getting close to her without her like freaking out and escaping from him. blah blah blah they r in love!!!!!!! but the point is inevitably there are feelings on all sides
i feel as though when the reveal happens none of the sides should be dating tbh. bc that would be too easy. oh yay my gf/bf is also another person i know and love! epic! but imagine if there was pain on every side. some form of feelings, some form of love, some form of heartbreak. thats where we get the part where they have to reconcile that all this pain and failures happened because of all the identities and secrets and their inherent connection and chemistry. they SHOULD feel doubt over whether they were meant to be together at all. and then realize that this couldn't be any more perfect. because they were never meant to choose. and after finding out, they'll never have to
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 15 days
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nerd-chocolate · 1 year
Adoration Spoilers:
I just make a quote about Zoé x Cosette and used the confession scene in the canon to do that also there a bonus at the end so read that please. Also I’m using @razrrosamond oc and @artzychic27 ocs so I’m just tagging them
Zoé: But Marinette is not the one I'm in love with.
Cosette: Oh! Who is it then, Zo?
Zoé: *blushing at them while gently grabbing their hand*
Cosette: … *blushing as well* oh! Oh!
Zoé: *takes a deep breath* My feelings for you grew when I came to Paris and they kept growing ever since then. I wanted to tell you for so long but felt scared too since I didn’t know how you'd react.
Cosette: … well I'm surprised you have a crush on me since I also have one on you as well. But I was never going to tell you since you deserve a lot better than me, Zoé. You're an amazing person and you deserve someone who is just as amazing as you.
Zoé: But you're the best thing to ever happen to me! You were willing to give me a chance even after I acted rude to you and I want you as my girlfriend because you mean a lot to me but that is only if you want to be.
Cosette: *smiles softly* I would love to be your girlfriend.
Zoé: … *starts crying and hugs Cosette and then picks them up and spins them around with the happiest smile on her face*
Cosette a bit is taken for a moment: … *laughs while blushing* I love you, big dork.
Zoé: And I love you too, short geek.
Cosette: So how should we tell our friends that we’re dating?
Zoé: Hmmm… I have an idea how to tell them!
Cosette: Hm? What is it, Zo?
Zoé: You just have to wait and experience it yourself, my honey pie. *gently holds Cosette’s face, kiss their cheek* See you tomorrow!
Cosette: … ‘Dang… I find the pet names really adorable and cheesy.’ …Heh, I love that dork.
~The next day~
Jean: Hey guys have you seen Zoé? She was supposed to show me the plans for the end of the year party that is happening soon.
Lacey: I don’t think hav-
Zoé: *kicks the door open while bridal carrying Cosette* GUESS WHO GOT TOGETHER!?!?!
Cosette: *blushing while doing finger guns* Heyyyyy, it's us!
The science kids: …
Aurore: Congrats, Zoé. At least, one of us disaster lesbians got a girlfriend before the year ended.
Reshma: Yeah, I’m happy for you two!
Ismael: Especially since I don’t need to listen to Cosette’s bisexual disaster self about Zoé, anymore.
Cosette: HEY!! I wasn’t that much of the disaster. *Zoé kisses it’s cheek and it blushes with a smile*
Marc: Aww, reminds me when I’m with Nath when he’s grumpy sometimes.
Simon: *Holding Denise’s hand in a very affectionate way* Glad you two got together already since you two were pinning for each other for a long time.
Denise: Especially while we’re watching the whole thing unfold ourselves.
Mireille: Which leads me to think. Who was the one to confess first?
Zoé: It was me.
Lacey: YES!! I knew it!! Raelynn owes me some money for our bet! New shoes here I come!!
Cosette: Dang Lacey, you didn’t bet on me?
Lacey: Sorry, dude but you're too much of a bisexual disaster to that.
Cosette: .. Yeah, you're right.
Jean: ‘I wonder if I can convince them to have double dates with me and Austin? I probably can.’ Also Zoé, do you have the ideas for the end of the year party? I mean I’m happy for you guys but I do need the plans.
Zoé: *puts Cosette down* Oh I do, don’t worry. I'll show you after class.
Jean: Great!
Ms.Mendeleiev: *walks in* Okay, class, let’s settle down and get started shall we?
The science kids: Yes Ms.Mendeleiev! *they head to their seats*
Ms.Mendeleiev: Also, Zoé please don’t kick my door when you want to make an announcement okay?
Zoé: Oh, yeah, sorry Ms.Mendeleiev.
Ms.Mendeleiev: It's okay, just don’t let it happen again. Now let’s get started with the lesson plan. ‘Im happy for those two. Also I totally won that bet between Jean-Pierre. Heh’
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wisteriasymphony · 29 days
is adrien secretly queercoded
....y'know? i have not touched the show itself in long enough to remember.
i do know that i've seen more people noting the times marinette has shown interest in kagami more than the times adrien has shown interest in luka, though (hoping those two are comparable), so i'd say... not really?*
my adrien, however? transmasc allegory bisexual disaster whose arc involves accepting himself despite living in a time where his visibly queer existence is constantly undermined HOW MUCH GAYER CAN YOU FUCKING GET DUDE. so also no to that but only because of the secret
*in all honesty, I feel this is because him being queer would "undermine his place in the lovesquare" much more than marinette's possible interest in women would undermine hers (not my personal opinion, this is just the reason i'm prescribing onto the team based on how biphobic stereotypes differ between men and women. all bi men are promiscuous and mostly just gay anyways, whereas all bi women are just experimenting and will end up in het relationships eventually, etc etc)
also, there's a lot of weight being put behind the "secretly", now that i think about it. is queer*coding* not by definition subtle and "secret"? if we're having to qualify it, does that mean the hints are doubly subtle? why in this day and age would the writers not just be open about it? sure, his struggles with identity and strained relationship with parental figures accepting him for who he is is a common thing among queer individuals in families that don't accept them, but that would instead be adrien being a queer allegory. queer allegories and queercoding can often go hand in hand, yes, but not always. for example: i always found adrien to be a sort of "gifted kid" allegory with his constant expectations of perfection (and still do), but he's not "gifted kid coded". he could be seen as neurodivergent, yes, but he's never been presented explicitly as, say, a teacher's pet who constantly scores high marks and would combust at the sight of a B on their report card.
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artzychic27 · 2 years
fun fact about everyone in Scarlet Beetle au?
Some self esteem problems (Intelligence-related) But he’s getting better thanks to Tikki, Max, and Ikati Black
Will do anyone’s hair if they ask
Keeps closet stocked on hair gel
Has been best friends with Marinette and Nino since forever, and became friends with Max when they were nine and he beat up his bully
Always in the middle of the group cuddle pile
Likes to model Marinette’s clothes
Wears eyeliner because it makes his eyes pop
Kim: *Slaying in black eye shadow* Don’t hate me because I am gorgeous.
Always makes sure to keep a few bags of candy in his bag for Tikki
When he’s in class, he’ll plug his earbuds up to his phone and let Tikki watch some Netflix documentaries in his bag
Functional Bisexual (Keeps his crushes on the down low)
He’s usually the attractive one every queer guy simps over
Tikki counts his sets when he’s exercising
She also ships Kimax
Still has his afro
Plagg likes to hide in it
Gay Disaster around Kim and Scarlet Beetle
He’s Scarlet Beetle’s impulse control… Meaning if he doesn’t go batshit crazy on some asshole who just insulted him, Ikati Black will
Plagg is loving every second of it
It feels weird destroying things when Max is so used to creating
Looking up the history of the Miraculous so he can get more information, but he’s reached a dead end and Plagg doesn’t seem to like talking about certain things
Goes absolutely feral when his friends get hurt (Side effect of his Miraculous)
He can purr now, and does it so Marinette can calm down when she’s stressed
Should definitely be in university
Shortest in the Best Friend Squad… But he’ll always be taller than Nathaniel, and he’s fine with that
Ikati Black can and will make a scene!
Tries his hardest not to simp over Scarlet Beetle’s muscles
Nino: Language!
Marinette: *Says the same thing, but in mandarin*
Cyber Goth aesthetic
Still likes pink
Still a bit clumsy at times
Surprisingly strong
The loudest
She WILL drop kick Chloé’s head if given the chance
LOVES Alya! (Platonically) And she’d die for her… And she almost has
She’s Alya’s impulse control, keeping her from doing anything crazy during Akuma attacks
This girl don’t take shit from anyone
She’s mostly friends with guys
Marinette’s like a… Eurasian Spinelli from Disney’s Recess
Most of her best designs were made while she was angry
Coolest Guy you will ever meet
Gives the best hug
Is the group’s impulse control
It’s his duty as the mom friend. He actually put them on leashes
Likes to meditate
Came up with the nicknames when they were ten and doing a Scooby Doo marathon at his house
During “those days”, he’s in the middle of the cuddle piles
Marinette’s photographer for her clothes
He has a collection of headphones back at home
His original living situation was… Not the best. So now he lives with his aunts and little cousin, Chris
Kim got him his cap
Has playlists for all of his friends so he can listen and be reminded of them (Aaw)
As the mom friend, he is obligated to adopt anyone he desires (That means Kagami)
Nino: *Carrying Kagami over his shoulder* She is my daughter now.
Keeps a medical bag in his locker
Curls for days
Sneaker head
Tall and pretty
Pretty and nerdy
Likes to mix Paris and Martinique fashion and is making it work
Part of the “should be a model” club with Juleka and Reshma
Marinette’s impulse control
Wears a lot of bracelets
Leaves girls blushing
If she has on a dress or skirt, leggings or biker shorts are always worn underneath
Not as addicted to her phone
Sort of on Monarch’s side. He was a lot nicer than she believed
Desperately wants to get Sabrina away from Chloé
Will refer to people as ‘Hon’
Taking no one’s shit!
He’s still sunshine
If they all wore black, his family could be the Addams Family (Minus Fester and Pugsley (Because he’d make an awesome Wednesday))
Slight heterochromia, one eye his darker than the other
Has more freedom and only models on certain days
Likes to be carried, especially by Marinette
He’s a blonde gremlin
Anime nerd, mostly 90s stuff
Will speak out against any form of abuse
Embarrassing dad and crazy mom just like everyone else
Hates being grabbed out of nowhere
Loves American comedies. It helped him learn the language. His favorite is One Day at a Time and All That
Obviously simping for Marinette
Adrien: All we need is a seventh boy, and we’ll be the Ouran Host Club!
Momma’s boy and doesn’t care who knows it. He loves his mom and just to make her day, will call her ‘Mommy’
Shortest boy in class, but he’s the oldest. He’s basically the Mitsukuni Haninozuka of the boys
The guys still like to mess with him, though, but it’s in good fun
Nathaniel: Guys, I need a boost.
Kim: *Smugly* Ask the right way.
Nathaniel: … I need upsies.
Monarch’s heels, plus the glamour add a TON of height
He’d kill for Nooroo
Wears a lot of soft hoodies so Nooroo will be comfortable in the front pocket
Rose loves to squish his face whenever she has the opportunity
LOVES kids and it takes all of his willpower to not adopt a random child off the street
He’s a villain, but he’s got some a lot of morals
Like… Talking to his akumas and guiding them along, don’t let them kill anyone, and keep his loved ones from getting hurt
First person people go to when they need a poster for a school event
Reads comics and manga with Alya and Reshma
Best friends with Nathaniel since they were born
Curses in Arabic sometimes
Only physically affectionate around Nath
Marinette’s partner in badassery and cyber goth fashion
Nathaniel paints designs on her skateboard and skates
She has him do henna tattoos on her arm because she can’t keep her hand steady enough to do them herself
Friendly rivalry with Kim
Mixed feelings about Monarch
I mean, he was nice to her on her birthday
Lives in the Louvre?? Are their apartments or something there?
Pretty close to Jalil
Just wishes he weren’t such a dork
Top of her history class
Has a friendly history class rivalry with Simon
Nathaniel cut her hair when they were seven, and she’s kept it like that ever since
He’s baby, you guys!
Just don’t get on his bad side
Doesn’t really see Monsrch as a villain, more like a being of chaos
Will carry you
Mom friend in training. Nino won’t always be around
Paints his nails
*Shrugs* Demiboy
Has a ton of horror themed stuffed animals he and Juleka bought at a convention
Meditates with Nino
Dyes Myléne’s hair when the colors start to fade (Kim and Juleka taught him how)
Marinette kinda scares him. She’s the only person able to carry him
Also has playlists inspired by his friends (And girlfriend)
Does beat poetry
Dresses like it’s the seventies
Owns a lot of bandanas
Kinda scared of Monarch
Goes thrifting a lot
Owns over two hundred iron on patches
Likes Indie rock bands
If Ivan doesn’t get upset, she will, and it won’t be pretty
Ivan: You’re beautiful when you’re angry.
Has fifty Body positivity patches
Broadway Baby
Naturally, she’s friends with Jean
Marinette thinks she’s iconic- A short theater-loving hippie with a fiery attitude who knows how to up-cycle and has a poet boyfriend
Loves mimes
Associated with a Children’s Hospital charity
Has handcuffs in case she needs to cuff herself to an important structure about to be demolished
If the right buttons are pushed, she will go feral
… Also, she knits
Pretty lesbian goddess!
Teenage Morticia Addams
May or May not have a spell books
And some of them may or may not work on unsuspecting assholes
Aurore’s ‘Sister of the Parasol’
Tallest girl in class (Alya’s just one millimeter short)
A little more outspoken than canon
Has binders just in case anyone else comes out
Knows every horror movie trope
Thinking about filing her teeth to make fangs
Naturally pale (It was a medical problem when she was born)
Always has just one spec of pink on her outfits
Speaks Icelandic since most of her favorite bands are from Iceland
The Princess to Rose’s Knight
Juleka: Rose, Marinette’s not our daughter from the future.
Rose: She wears pink, and she’s a cyber goth!
Juleka: … Well, she does have blue eyes.
Thinks Monarch is… Okay
Everyone’s favorite chaotic ray of sunshine
Wears a ton of pastels
Thinks Juleka is the most beautiful thing in this world
Nathaniel is the most precious
And Alix is the most badass
In and out of hospitals (Tells people it’s a family emergency so they don’t worry)
Wears suits to formal events
Doesn’t look like it, but she loves grunge, heavy metal, death metal, grindcore, Viking metal, etc.
Yet, her ringtone is PFUDOR
Collects vintage perfume bottles
Has over fifty plushies at home
Paints Juleka’s nails
She thinks Monarch has his reasons since he doesn’t seem so evil
Still, she’s watching him
This girl can throw a punch
Watches a lot of Disney
Just wants school to be over
Wasn’t always Chloé servant
Chloé was just looking for the weakest person in class to do whatever she commanded… And since Nathaniel was out sick that day, she was stuck with Sabrina
Has a lot of stress balls
Thinks Alya is the most beautiful girl in class
Her parents are divorced because her mom was a total narcissistic who blamed her and Roger for all of her mistakes
Actually used to be friends with Marinette, Kim, and Nino. Then Chloé snatched her up
Is afraid to stand up to Chloé because of what she’ll have her father do
Has only met Adrien a handful of times during play dates
Had a crush on Max until he came out as gay
Actually really pretty
Outfits are a little… Avant Garde
Would give anything to punch Chloé in the face
Really likes berets
Due to having a police officer for a dad, she knows quite a bit crime trivia that it’s almost scary
She also knows how to disarm someone. Learned that when she was five
Doesn’t really have an opinion on Monarch
Has been terrorizing her class since they were six
No one can find a good bone in her body
And they have TRIED
Whips her ponytail in peoples faces
Has a pointing problem. She just points her finger in peoples faces
Marinette bit her four times
Has been flipped off more times than she can count
Abuses her qualified immunity
At this point, making peoples lives hell is just a game to her
Superiority complex to the max
… Narcissistic personality disorder? (arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of and consideration for other people, excessive need for admiration, selfish, patronizing, demanding) … Yeah, that seems about right
Not above using her father’s position to make school hell for everyone (Little does she know, she’s putting him on thin ice)
Will I redeem her?… Chances are slim
Tried to get Marinette’s family’s bakery shut down just because she felt like it. And she almost succeeded, too.
She makes Sabrina do her homework
Hates Alya because no one in class should be prettier than her
I’ll do other characters later
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silentmagi · 10 months
Marinette & Rest Of Class - Breaking News: Ladybug Is Spotted Visiting A Baker Girl
The rumor mill has spotted a certain hero of Paris visiting their favorite bisexual disaster, and they had to make plans to defend her honor. No, they weren't sure which her it was at this time.
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coffeebanana · 2 years
Do you have any fic recs for marigami? (Especially with bisexual marinette) <33
Omg!! Thanks for the ask! I've never been asked for recs before, this is so fun!! Spreading the Marigami Agenda LET'S GO! (I'm not sure about ones which specifically have bi!Marinette, but I feel like that's the common headcanon for here so I imagine most of these fit the bill.)
between reflection and truth by @theriveroflight
Trying a tuxedo awakens new feelings in Kagami. Or: Mirrors lie between two worlds — the reflections and the truth.
Kagami has gender feelings™️ when Marinette puts her in a suit. This fic is more about Kagami figuring out his gender identity than about the romance, but it's definitely worth a read. River is so good at writing about characters discovering their gender/romantic/sexual identities!
Lipstick and Leather by @emmalylis
After the events of Truth and Lies, Marinette attempts to comfort Kagami by giving her a makeover. Blushing ensues.
Marinette comforts Kagami after her break-up with Adrien. Short but sweet, and Em writes great rare pair fics in general!
risen with healing in her wings by @theriveroflight
The hero holiday party presents many issues, especially when Ladybug and Ryuuko are under it together.
Ladybug and Ryuuko kissing under the mistletoe!! Kagami basically realizes she likes Ladybug/is attracted to girls in the middle of a party and then just takes it in stride, which feels SO in character for her haha. And this fic also has Ladybug and Chat talking out some S4 angst, which I really liked.
Socks VS Leggings by @mexicancat-girl
Marinette notices while on her ‘juice date’ with Kagami that she’s switched out her leggings for thigh-high socks. Naturally, Marinette fulfills the role of being a disaster bisexual that can’t stop staring at Kagami’s legs.
I mean, the summary pretty much says it all. Marinette is a bi disaster (affectionate). What more could you want? strike up the band (and kiss me) by @theriveroflight
Marinette really wants to kiss Kagami. Luckily, Kagami also really wants to kiss Marinette.
This is a first kiss fic. It's really sweet and River just has such a good way of characterizing Marigami (there's a reason that three of eir fics are here ahaha).
Take Me Out by @mexicancat-girl
Marinette and Kagami, code names Ladybug and Ryuko, are assassins from rival companies. As rivals, they've attempted to kill each other dozens of times, but it never sticks. Ryuko thinks Ladybug is much too friendly with her. Ladybug thinks Ryuko needs to loosen up a little and appreciate her gifts. Ryuko would appreciate them more of they weren't always poisoned, and decides to give the other woman a taste of her own medicine with a poisoned gift of her own. Things sort of escalate from there. (Or: A marigami assassins, enemies to lovers AU)
This fic is so chaotic in the best possible way. Does the title mean "take me out" on a date? Does it mean "take me out" a little more literally? Yes. The answer is just yes. (But somehow it's still really sweet akjsdkfjf).
under the sun by @lilacteapot
Kagami is assigned to be roommates during a school field trip with her annoting academic rival, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. But as she spends more time with her during their stay in the south of France, she grows a new appreciation for her and realizes what exactly her feelings are.
I'm biased because this was a bday gift, but rivals to lovers works so well with Marigami, and the characterization in this one is just so good! Plus Romy has a lovely writing style so!!
Hope you enjoy these!!
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spartanxhunterx · 2 years
Not sure if anyone's ever asked you something like this before, but what are your thoughts on a hypothetical AU based on a ship between Chloe x Marinette x Kagami x Lila, all together? Either all as heroes, all as villains, a non-powered AU... whatever you can imagine, basically. What do you think a ship like that would be like in terms of character dynamics?
Well, when it comes to Ship dynamics, In terms of in Canon and based off canon personalities, Very Toxic.
And I say this nicely,
The MariGami would be the least Toxic side to it. And by that I mean, Marinette would still be running off and lying about being Ladybug to her and it would recreate the same issue between them as it did between Kagami and Adrien in “Lies.”
We know how Canon Lila & Chloe act to Marinette so we don’t have to explain why that’s bad.
Outside of canon, In an AU where teenage girls aren’t treated like Psychopaths and Irredeemable villains?
Hmm, It’s difficult for me to come up with one on the spot.
Well if we take my version of Lila & Chloe, then they’d both be Ignoring/Repressing their attraction to girls.
In Chloe’s case, she’s outright refusing to accept she likes girls, cause that would mean she likes Marinette. So she clings to every boy that she can to “Prove” she likes boys, hence her Season 1 attraction to Adrien.
He’s her Beard.
Now I’m very picky about Lila in terms of how I label her, cause yes she likes girl, no I don’t think she’s a lesbian. I actually do prefer her to have the Aro/Ace Headcanon but she can and will get into a relationship or QPR.
Going off of canon material we can confirm that Kagami and Marinette are both Bisexual, ones just a disaster while the other is emotionally repressed.
Now, for sake of ease, let’s say this AU is one where all four get picked to fight Hawkmoth from the start, with four miraculous.
Ladybug = Chloe
Cat = Kagami
Fox = Marinette
Bee = Lila
Now I choose these ones cause Chloe would, at first, Act like she does in Zoe-oneesama’s Scarlet Lady AU. All high and mighty but that would, in time, get knocked down as everyone else manages to get the message that Heroing isn’t fun and games.
Kagami takes a very Shogun anime heroine approach, until she has that mindset knocked out of her from how very real everything is.
The same goes for Lila as Chloe. Very high up there above everyone else energy. Except Lila has no idea she’s a lesbian, she’s so far in the Closet she doesn’t remember ever going in there to begin with.
Marinette is just stressed like in canon but worse.
So the group dynamic, At the start, is a big ball of stress and disorganisation. A bunch of school girls fighting over who gets to be the knight to slay the dragon.
But, after they’ve overcome this obstacle and begin working as a team, then their personal relationships can begin to form.
As a team they go from Annoying Co-workers to reluctantly ok coworkers to maybe friends to friends and then Sisters on the battlefield.
Now, at this point in this hypothetical story, Chloe has undergone a massive amount of her redemption, she’s better, Nicer but still Chloe
Lila had gone from, Girl who lies for attention cause she’s lonely to Girl who’s finding her true self. So a lot of self reflection on how she feels and how her Hereronormative acts aren’t who she is.
If we take it from the hero’s side, instead of civilian identities for the shipping part. Then I’d say at the very least Chloe has gotten a crush on them, thanks to their kindness and motivational talks.
Marinette Disaster Bisexual Dupain-Cheng has had a crush on Kagami since like, day 5 and by golly she does see how beautiful the other two are.
So… Endgame ship dynamic would be… Marinette gushing over her girlfriends but also exasperated by how lacking in life skills they are (Rich/Neglected) and has made it her mission to teach them to be people.
Kagami tried to teach them all about the art of contact sports and fencing, with little success and is usually the one in the back giving a glare to anyone who dares flirt with or upset her girlfriends.
Chloe tries to spoil them with gifts and over the top affection, cause she wants twice the affection that she gives out. She’s goes on and on about doing up their make up and hair to better suit them and is the one to take them on expensive shopping trips when they need things.
And Lila, while 100% involved in everything, treats it more as a QPR then a Poly Relationship. She does want the same level of attention, just not as heavily on the Romantic side of things. Though she will occasionally give/Receive kisses/affection.
I think I derailed slightly from the main topic but I’m not going to delete half of this to fix it. Enjoy.
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miraculousfanworks · 2 years
Girl, Ease My Mind
girl, ease my mind by kopycat 101
The stress of everything is too much. But after confessing to Alya that she's Ladybug, Marinette's feeling supported in a way she hasn't been before.
Alya sticks to her side like glue. They were best friends before, but they get even closer. Marinette basks in Alya's warm and easy affection.
And then Marinette develops a crush on her best friend. Which makes everything more complicated. Marinette is a deeply awkward person, but even more-so when she's got a crush…
Words: 4066, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Relationships: Alya Césaire/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Nino Lahiffe
Additional Tags: Past Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Past Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Miraculous Ladybug Season/Series 04, Post-Episode: s04 Le Gang des Secrets | Gang of Secrets, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Miraculous But Its Gay TM, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Getting Together, Love Confessions, Loyalty, Mild Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss, Girls Kissing, Femslash, Background Slash, Bisexual Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Bisexual Disaster Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire Is The Best, Bisexual Alya Césaire, Bisexual Nino Lahiffe, Gay Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40357236
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justelib · 8 months
(Base references by Mellon Soup <3)
Edit: (you can probably tell how my black Ball point pen gave up and I had to move on to my blue one.) VC: Marshall Lee
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Little backstory <3
Casey Kingsley had travelled all around the world, Originally coming from Tasmania, and finally his parents were settling down in Paris.
He was excited, his family was staying with the Couffaine family, his mother was best friends With Anarka and the women allowed them space on their ship. Casey was bunking in Luka & Juleka’s room, Staying on a spare mattress and His parents were bunking in a spare room next to Anarka’s.
Casey was attending Françoise Dupont middle\high school, also known as Collège Françoise Dupont, in the French language, with Juleka, who was held back. It was his last year, ninth grade, and he was stressed, he’d moved around so much that he’s worried he isn’t caught up, even though he’s had multiple tutors over the years.
Now, when Casey was twelve he came across an old second hand shop were he found something that caught his eye, a black choker with a silver Spider pendant and could you imagine his surprise when a black, Flying spider came out of the pendant when he put it on?
The twelve year old boys biggest fear had been spiders at the time…he may have tried to squish the poor Kwami.
But anyways, after the Kwami, known as Fangs, explained everything to Casey, the twelve year old began to stop small crimes that the police couldn’t be bothered with. The first crime was stopping a mugging in New York, it was nearly a total disaster considering Casey had tripled and fell into a dumpster but he had kicked the muggers ass.
(I’m planning to write a Fic for this Oc, the love interest is undecided but here’s some info!)
• his hair is dyed Blue, specifically this shade:
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• he has naturally tanned skin.
• his eyes are a Greenish blue colour, except for when he’s in his hero costume where his extra two eyes are a red colour, the same as Fangs.
• he’s 5’3.
• his hero costume is a mix of black, Reds and blues.
• his clothes are a mixture of vintage and Retro.
• he is fifteen years old.
• Casey is a loud and Proud bisexual, with a preference towards boys.
• he see’s Luka and Juleka as siblings.
• he can summon different weapons but his go to’s are Nunchuck’s with blades and a pair of Sai.
• he’s the #1 Marcaniel, Julerose and Myvan Shipper. (I couldn’t remember what Mylene and Ivan’s Ship name was so I just winged it)
• Casey is a loud and proud person, He’s caring and kind but he’s also impatient, Sarcastic, forgetful, Stubborn and impulsive. He has a loyal heart and he’s totally honest, which is probably a bad trait considering He’s nearly gave away his identity multiple times.
• his favourite food is pasta, his favourite drink is ice coffee…never, I repeat, NEVER come between this boy and his ice coffee.
• he loves strolling through the park with music blaring through his headphones.
• Chat noir is his favourite hero, sure he loves ladybug (PLATONICALLY, PLATONICALLY) but Chat is just someone Casey (or Spider bite) can talk to without a care in the world.
• Casey absolutely Loves Marinette, she was so kind to him when they first met and He finds her Clumsiness adorable.
(She’s lot totally creepy towards Adrian in my AU, I don’t even know if he’s her love interest in the alternate universe yet.)
• Casey’s favourite couple to hang out with is Nate and Marc, they make sure to never leave him out and they’re just overall Awesome.
• don’t ever wake Casey up from a nap, he nearly never goes to sleep in the middle of the day unless he absolutely needs the rest.
• Fangs helped Casey come out to his parents.
• Casey saw right through Lila the moment he saw her and it frustrated him so much when nearly everyone was…Ahem, Dumb, Ahem…enough to believe her ridiculous lies, Especially when Lila claimed that Marinette ‘pushed’ her down the stairs.
• Casey Kingsley is my baby.
(You can probably tell Shading isn’t my strong suit, I didn’t even try for this. Shading is my weakness 😭😭)
(Base reference by Mellon soup again) the bag is chat noir merch 😉
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