#bitter taste bc my ex was super into it
la0hu · 1 year
5 star review
hall of fame: 8.5/10
seungmin's vocals are insane this album and he deserved this album opening line
THE CHORUS growly distorted electric guitar heavy bass HEART EYES PLEASE!!! PLEASE WHAT THE FUCK
chan's postchorus melody (and in the outro) is so fun, it's got choral/circus-y vibes if that makes sense
felix's weird xylophone raps + jeongin's panning ah's. it's giving me maze of memories >:)
the man on the moon clip.... chan must be proud of that one
this feels like cheese's cousin and will probably be on loop
s-class: 8/10
not the hugest fan of changbin's opener, shockingly enough
hyunjin's first line is the best attention grabber, soooooo well done
goofy ass sound effects in the first verse but i'm not complaining
"swerving i'm speeding on serpent rooooad" i think i floated a couple inches in the air the first time i heard this prechorus it's sooooo fucking good -- and this is coming from someone who normally hates the melodic prechorus thing in like every other song (god's menu, venom, freeze, etc.)
the chorus... i hated it the first time i heard it. but now it's catchy. also in context with the rest of the song it makes complete sense to me
controversial opinion(?): i love changbin's enunciated simple rap over the old school beat, and i especially love how han's track layers some classic samples on top
SECOND CHORUS DISTORTION suuuuuuch a good call... otherwise the chorus would be boring but it's enough of a change-up that it also foreshadows the upcoming parts of the song that stretch and shift the typical song structure
pre-dance break rap exchange is not my fav but it keeps the energy up anyway
DANCE BREAK IS GOOD!!!!!! love the production
title track ranking: better than thunderous, maniac, case 143 (duh); not quite god's menu level of shocking and not as tasteful as back door
item: 9.5/10
the productionnnnn.......... i'm drooling
the rap tone from changbin is so bratty and the pacman/game theme of the song is so funny
i wish had better words for the backtrack sounds bc i want to point out all the sounds and their textures; like the high-hat percussion beat which is super similar to the one they used in domino; and this heavy dark crunchy synth sound they keep using
FELIX GROWLY CHORUS. cheap thrills maybe but my fav part of the song
the fucking autotune felix section "celebraaaate" is so bad that it's funny which makes it perfect for the song. it's like jeongin moaning in N/S do you understand
second prechorus + postchorus is a little boring idk why -- that's why it's not 10/10
repetitive lee know before felix's final chorus is inspired
domino's annoying but lovable younger sibling. will be on loop
super bowl: 8/10
digusting beat, very excellent (makes me think of doodle)
the lyrics are so insanely corny it's DJ VXNILLX at his best i swear to god
the nct-esque chanting lmao... sm wake up!
"aw this shit's so bussing" WHY LMAO (edit: i have learned this is not what he's saying but it's what everyone is hearing so)
honestly. the ASMR whispering is so cringy to me but it's also amazing genius. and also so embarrassing but also hot. very confusing stuff
bridge is so out of place but who cares tbh
topline: 6/10
very fun almost "throwback" hiphop type of sound, i love whatever they sampled for the backtrack
"cause we don't give a fu--" we cheered.
tiger jk is a good rapper! :)
maybe strange opinion but hyunjin's second rap was the best of all the raps imo
it's a good song, but it's a little plain for me (maybe just in comparison to the other songs); i'm probably gonna skip it a lot
dlc: 7/10
it's CUTE! it sits at the same table as blueprint, run, mixtape: oh, ex if that makes sense
i think this has better production than the other changbin songs i'm aware of, actually; it still has his trademark sort of wistful bitter melancholy but the sound is a little more diverse than stuff like sorry i love you or streetlight
the instrumental beat drop sections i like more than i thought i would, especially the breakdown towards the end
one criticism: i would've introduced the "la la" sample much earlier in the song, it feels a little out of nowhere in the last third
i actually love this kind of skz song so it'll probably have longer lasting power with me
get lit: 7.5/10
this song comes out of the gate swinging jesus fucking christ
love the club banger backbeat that's like 100% muffled bass
this is insane but i would've preferred an even harder drop from the bassline for the chorus
the mumbling line hyunjin + felix have with the muffled beat is so good
collision: 5.5/10
why am i suddenly in a dimly lit smoky jazz bar with bronze/gold details and red roses everywhere
i saw someone on twitter say smth about the sax and i have to emphasize that this is clearly a trumpet
a rare bangchan win from me: his verse was the best imo
the main chorus melody is extremely plain but still very sweet and catchy; it feels like a song to slow dance to after a date night at a fancy steak place. tbh not my cup of tea but still nice
fnf: 8.5/10
i cried at literally the first line. my dog just died sue me
normally i don't like how chan arranges guitar-heavy production but this song did a great job without feeling too mixtape: time out
prechorus doing something to my heart that hurts
the chorus is so sad to me... i think watching the intro for 5star and seeing chan's thoughts on this track casts this whole song into a different, more complicated vibe. like the meaning behind "i'm catching up" when singing about death and grief -- that's actually really good, and i really like how this line is "stuttered" or halted in the first two choruses, and only gets pronounced in full for the very last chorus, bc they've literally "caught up"
i also really like how for the "uh-uh-uh" lines, the melody shifts into a minor key -- that's what's keeping the chorus interesting and from falling into bland territory
second verse is deeply upsetting for me. yes i'm still thinking about my dead dog
the eagle cry is a little silly/on the nose but i think it's a sweet touch bc i know how earnest it is
also just generally speaking, i'm a sucker for songs whose lyrics/topic are really fucking sad but are musically very upbeat (which is why i love txt's discography so much too)
outro/final chorus very good, especially the full "i'm catching up!" followed by the falsetto...
also this song activates my synethesia like crazy for that fresh spring green, so i will be listening to this a bunch
youtiful / the sound / mixtape: time out 0 / 10
these pissed me off that's all i have to say

first thing: i will say this, and it will be deeply upsetting for stays who loved skz for their pre-noeasy stuff, but it's true: chan's production and musical direction was heavily influenced by other things when he was first starting out because he was still learning, but i would say starting most obviously with oddinary, this is actually what skz's (read: chan's) personal production style is like -- and this is what skz's future releases will sound like too. there's much less imitation in production style in this album, and if it's there, it's more of a reference or allusion like in topline, and not so much a participation in a genre tradition. this makes sense, bc they've been saying repeatedly how they don't want to be defined by a genre, but want to pioneer their own -- even if it sounds really fucking weird. stuff like victory song, levanter, even side effects felt like they could've been made by other artists bc chan was still getting his production legs under him, but stuff like god's menu, domino, and case 143 is where he started pulling together a personal style.
i would characterize go live as a demonstration of skz's flashes of genius while still borrowing the sound profile of genre to use as training wheels; noeasy was them slowly playing with developing a unique sound and practicing songwriting; and 5 star is them doubling down on the production and songwriting skills they've developed since noeasy. this is their most "matured" set of songs and you can hear the difference. it's not necessarily better than the other two albums in terms of personal taste, but i think it's obvious how much work they've done the past two years to be able to come up with and execute the 5 star tracklist, and listening to it i feel like i can see 100% the intention behind the execution, which is admirable even if you hate the music. luckily i don't!
you can tell that all of them figured out what their particular talent is (what makes them "special" ha) bc they echoed what they did in the past, when those talents were first apparent. s class has a lot in common with god's menu, in vibe and structure. item is the successor to domino which skz admitted themselves, bc they were aware of how special that kind of song is. hall of fame and super bowl feels adjacent to stuff like cheese, where it's all attitude and/or aggression. felix has leaned into his voice being used as an "accent" or "point", lee know has a lot of "shouting" tone power, han's songwriting is getting more diverse (with get lit) and more defined (with collision), etc. it's not that they're copying what they've done before, because more stays would be happy with this album if that were the case, which judging by my mutuals' reactions, many are NOT; it's more that they've developed a self-awareness as artists. this album felt like evidence that everything they say in interviews about their artistic development is true, it's not just posturing: they work hard to change, and they'd much rather be continually weird and alienating than stay the same and grow complacent, even if it pisses of their fanbase and most of the general public.
personally i'm extremely relieved because 1) i obviously loved nearly all the songs but also 2) i was terrified maxident and The Sound were going to signify the BTS-ification of stray kids, a la dynamite / butter / permission to dance. 5 star solidly put those worries to rest thank fucking god. maybe my music taste is broken but i get Weird skz forever so i win
extra notes:
the "switchup" happens in a lot of songs in this album, most obviously in s class, but i'm not 100% convinced it's them capitalizing on any trend (like the switchups that nmixx is known for), since they've done switchups like this before in god's menu & back door and other songs too; for me it feels more like chan playing w the patterning he did in god's menu, bc 5 star as an album has a lot of homages to their go live era
everyone got a lot better at everything imo -- particularly in vocals; seungmin did a standout job on all of his lines obviously, but i also noticed lee know's voice has a lot more support and actually chan's lines i would put in the top three too.
live vocals from their stages are also WAY improved; i'm guessing the maniac tour gave them a lot of experience
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moonsuke · 2 months
Fuck I’ve been spending so much lately. Ever since Jupiter started transiting my 5th house I’ve been spending so much on leisure and just pleasurable stuff in general. Things like fandom shit… outings… Met up with some ex colleagues from different past work places very recently too (seems more like an 11 house thing but okay) so that’s more spending. Very exciting updates from one group too lol. Imagine 8 people quitting in just this year alone 🤡 I think this is the only group I associate with where we actually drink alcohol. They’re just in general “wilder” ppl who plan spontaneous overseas trips, and just do lots of shit in general so I got dragged to do plenty of things I wouldn’t have done lel
Then since I started at some new place, ofc people are bringing me around all the different food places and I’ve been splurging since there’s so many firsts 🤡 it’s not just bc of that though, I’ve also just been in a super indulgent mood…
But then today I just spent it in pain 😔 Why are pills so bitter don’t you hate when they get stuck in your throat when trying to swallow them and you can taste the bitterness 😔 Apparently one of them is a very strong painkiller lol. And then tmr I’ve to do an xray 😔 I was very touched a friend came to accompany me 🥹
Anyway it was funny cause when Jupiter was transiting my 4th house the last couple years most of my money was spent on overseas trips with family which is very 4th house right… and 9th house I suppose…
But then now it’s all 5th (plus 11th) house stuff 🤡
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tropics-angel · 8 months
I just got out of an abusive relationship that I was in since I was 16yrs old. I am 27 now for reference. It was more emotionally and mentally abusive than anything else. It reached an all time high 2022-2023. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I got sick everytime I went out with a friend bc my immune system was so messed up from never leaving my house. They policed my friendships whilst having a sexual relationship with most of their “friends” and I could never say anything about it without getting punished. Anytime I would bring up a concern they would ghost me for days…they didn’t visit me for months and would not allow me to come over and visit either.If I broke things off they always would want to try again just to treat me worse than before. Besides the cruel treatment,I felt we were growing apart because I was changing myself for the better and they were just getting worse. Maybe this is silly,but music is such a big thing for me and I feel you can tell a lot about a person from their taste in music. When their music taste changed to listening to artists who support rapists or music that is degrading to women in general,I knew the love we had shared was definitely over. I was not perfect in the relationship obviously,bc at 16yrs old you don’t know how to properly love someone since you are just learning about your own self,but at 27 basic things like honesty,kindness,and loyalty are just standard. They began to speak to me so disrespectfully and grew so much hatred for me for finally moving out of the place we shared together because I refused to keep tolerating the abuse. For months, I let them guilt and punish me for leaving until I smacked sense into myself. The demise of this relationship was never my fault,but they gaslit me into thinking I was the one who did it all. The complained that I was not affections as they would’ve like me to be and I do own up to not being as affectionate as I would have liked either,but I did not grow up with affection and it was very overwhelming. When I really wanted to be super mushy ,it was so nerve wracking for me.It’s so much easier for me now,but they claimed the change in me was “too late”. Well I think that’s bullshit. It is never too late to love and I’m so thankful and proud of how far I’ve come healing my familial traumas with 0 support from someone who was supposed to be my partner. This person has shared intimate photos of me with their friend when I was underage and I still stayed because I just so badly wanted things to work and to be loved. I devoted my whole life to this person,even rejecting good job offers to help work at their business that ended up failing.This paragraph cannot even cover half of the cruel things that were done and the things I gave despite the cruelty. Again,I own up to my part in the relationship,but there is NOTHING I could’ve done that would merit the treatment I got. I pray everyday to God that my heart stays soft,open,and forgiving despite all that has happened. I have apologized to my ex for the part I played in the past,however,they have not apologized and I really am not expecting one because they are so totally lost and void of love or compassion. I pray that karma and the consequences of their actions are enough to spark authentic change in their life and heart. Maybe my prayers are working,because I am healing up so nicely. This is a person that I never thought I could live without but I am. I know I’m not at 100% but I am still open to forgiving them and still love them after everything. Even when it’s hard,please stay sweet and kind because you will never lose. It’s so much easier to let go of someone when you know there is no ill will on your side. I don’t harbor bitterness,though I am hurt. It’s okay to be hurt about it because healing is certainly not linear. Everyday I pray to get a little stronger,a little sweeter,and a little wiser. I pray for my lover who made themselves an enemy to me and know that God will deal with them accordingly. STAY FULL OF LOVE AND DON’T LET ANYONE SIPHON IT ALL OUT OF YOU
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tonyglowheart · 3 years
lmao sorry to be digging up old salt but I saw a post in the tags that has me pressed again lmao-
okay to this day. to this day I still have no clue how people can argue Team Cap in CACW. I honestly still have yet to hear an argument that I thought was clear and cohesive and didn’t, like, operate under usually several fundamental misunderstandings of the situation/circumstances as presented.
The biggest flaw for me other than simply parroting back the movie lines justifications (which imo just do not hold water lmao), is people treating the Sokovia Accords like it’s SHRA. like, comics Civil War may have been the “inspiration” for CACW, but imo the Sokovia Accords just are not trackable onto SHRA in the way people try to make it be. It’s NOT legislation that passed by the US Congress into law in the U.S. whatever whatever; it’s a U.N. resolution/action which is, if not spearheaded by, then at least led by Wakanda and King T’Chaka. It was ratified by 117 countries, who said they don’t want a U.S. based superpowered paramilitary group traipsing on their sovereign soil whenever they please, however they please, in the name of bringing them freedom. The thing is, is that by putting the Sokovia Accords on an international scale like they did, you’re now working in a, well. global context lmao. So I do think you HAVE to track sociopolitical relations onto how you’re approaching this issue.
Like, I think the other argument is that “oh well Steve just saw how HYDRA infiltrated SHIELD, he’s right not to trust the government” okay but the U.S. government is still standing, and I didn’t see him outright fighting against the U.S. government. And it’s like, if you want to start arguing about “well governments are corrupt, so the 117 doesn’t matter bc it’s probably corrupt governments, who may or may not be HYDRA-” we start getting into the territory of like. don’t be an American imperialist lmao. Other countries do not Need to have the U.S.’s paternalistic interest to keep them on the moral straight and narrow (as defined by the U.S.). You’re once again in “sounds like x country needs some Freedom” territory. Plus this idea of oh well SHIELD was infiltrated therefore any possibly every entity or government is or could be... to some degree maybe that could be cautious, but to the degree of using that as an argument to argue against *117 sovereign nations* seems like logical fallacies and paranoia.
“Oh, but Thaddeus Ross brought it to them and he’s evil-” okay but he’s also Secretary of State. Who else do you think is going to be presenting U.N. documents to a U.S. based group, in the U.S. Especially with SHIELD - who might have had liaisons dealing with this - is now gone. Like I think CACW has a bunch of stuff that don’t make sense, but this is one of the things that don’t (not make sense). Perhaps they did also use Ross to like, play up the “oh but both sides have bad parts about them” angle, but it’s like. as U.S. Secretary of State, yeah he’d be the guy attending U.N. assemblies lmao. Also if anything him taking the time to present it personally imo shows the gravity of the situation, if he’s not delegating it out to a liaison lmao.
Also god to this day, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone satisfactorily explain what the FUCK the “these documents just shift the blame” line is supposed to mean. ....so other countries wanting to hold you accountable for past damages you’ve caused on their soil and also prevent you from just traipsing in as you wish is “shifting responsibility”? Like ??? I really do not see how “well you clearly don’t hold yourselves accountable for your actions in my home so I’m going to do it” is “this is us not taking responsibility for our actions if we don’t get to decide if we get to just enter your home at will.. it’s just shifting blame” (to where??)
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onsunnyside · 2 years
here are some thots and ideas i had for the sugar daddy brawl. ofc you’re welcome to use or not use anything i throw your way. i just enjoy bouncing ideas off you!
an idea for andy. he was born into a political dynasty and likely stands to lose the most if the arrangement is exposed, as his career hinges heavily upon public opinion. he is the only married man in the bunch, but his marriage is a sexless stepford nightmare that only benefits his image. i have this image in my head of the reader rifling through laurie’s side of the closet in one of andy’s crisp button downs while he’s sprawled on the bed and she’s critiquing her fashion choices and trying on her clothes.
an idea for ransom. he was the reader's dealer, getting her and her rich friends high in the back of town cars on the way to the clubs. he’s renowned for his partying and womanizing and ofc being the heir to blood like wine publishing. bratvbrat is really the only other thing i have to say about ransom. the banter and bickering alone. chef's kiss.
an idea for ari. he is the eccentric and spontaneous type of rich. he’s the most likely to call you at 3am and tell you to get ready to board a plane in an hour because he wants steak in argentina. he thrives on adrenaline and vagabonding and could possibly be the most sexually adventurous. he made his fortune in wine and liquor. also, he’s d(ex)bf.
an idea for curtis. i see him working with his hands, so perhaps some sort of engineer?? having been the protege of one of the most wealthy and influential men in the business world, he now holds the titles of ceo and lead designer at wilford industries. he's a workaholic, so having a sugar baby is actually super convenient for him.
- bratty spice x
BRATTY SPICE LET ME KITH YOU ON YOUR PRETTY HEAD😚 I love all of these ideas and definitely wouldn't have thought of them myself, so thank you so much bestie !!
let's go sluts: this au has some dark elements !! (TW dark, drug use)
oki, so I've thought about it, and this au isn't dark (like CL) but maybe it has some soft dark elements with mean characters ?? I don't know if I'd label it with dark!Steve or dark!any other characters, but this is just a concept right now, nothing is set in stone yet, so we'll see where it ends up !!
Andy: I can totally see the sexless marriage, the tabloids about the posh and family friendly couple attending local school fairs, hosting charity balls and all that. omg after he fucks you in the bed he shares with his wife, perhaps some ✨drama✨ happens, and you purposefully leave one of your panties by her clothes. this goes two ways: either Laurie stays with Andy for their image and the money, bc it would tear both their reputations to bits, especially bc he's running for senator.
Ransom: BRATVBRAT YES !! god, the dealer part too😮‍💨😮‍💨 he's got the best of the best, top tier, 'you'll sell your entire life savings' for a taste. he's got that notoriety of fuelling every legendary party, even the higher-ups love him (aka some other government officials/people who definitely shouldn't be dabbling in his merchandise). even though he's a brat, I can see him being a brat tamer with you, "your daddy screwed over a lot of important people—some of my most loyal costumers too. tell me, sweetheart, who do you think is going to make up for the missing digits in my bank account?"
Ari: he's so filthy rich that time doesn't even matter, you have other plans? no you don't, not when he says you don't. probably the sweetest of the daddies and the most sexually adventurous, he makes it a point that you both are mile high club elites. he takes you on trips across the world and yachts, treating you all the time, flaunting you in front of his other friends/bitter exes who still call him up hoping to patch things up. Ari doesn't care about them, or the gossip, he just cares about his business and getting what he's rightfully owed, oh, and you ofc.
Curtis: mhm he worked his way up the ranks and now needs some sweet loving and someone to spend time/money on. he's lonely, a workaholic and constantly has someone ringing his cell, he just needs a break, a new change of pace. he's even a little cold at first, when you first came up to him for the 'arrangement,' he wasn't expecting something like that. he takes the most convincing of the daddies, that is until Andy Barber sends him a clip of you riding his cock, moaning about no one ever making you feel that good—and Curtis never backs down from a challenge.
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paperpeachy · 4 years
your doopliss headcanons are very lovely, could we 🤲 have some more? xx
TY!!! i’m glad u dig em anon, i’d b glad to talk more abt my boy ! and hooo boy. this'll b a whole can of werms i hope ur ready for me to go ballz to the wallz right off the bat !! lol
so. u know how i said before that doopliss was raised in an environment where he's not used to ppl being faithful to their passions? yes well, that's based on my personal hc that he was the lovechild of eve and podley (y'know, the twilighter mum of three and the barkeep from rogueport). to recap actual canon, the two are ex-lovers who had dreams of performing in musical theatre together (eh eh see where im going w here?) eve ended up getting into broadshroom by herself, to which podley felt like he was holding her back and decided to run away. bc he SUCKS. which just made eve drop out from the show. so yeah ! the reason why i believe doopliss to have a flippant/non-committal attitude to everything is bc of how quickly his father gave up on his mother, and how easily his mother gave up on her dreams. not to mention he would've been raised in that stuffy apartment eve mentioned. i think the idea of 'starting from the bottom' def let a sour taste in doopliss' mouth.
the parrot was a gift to doopliss when he was younger, but he never rlly cared abt the guy, and it got closer to eve anyway. BUT when doopliss turned into a duplighost, he ran away with the parrot to keep his name-curse functioning (like father like son)
doopliss is one of the ONLY bad guys mario faces that's smart enough to expect being defeated, but it doesn't mean he won't make a show out of it ! and def does not mean he's stopping there. chp 4 body swap is a product of doopliss projecting his inner drama gaze onto the game and seeing how 'the audience' will react to mario(tm)'s greatest misdirect and milking it for all its worth bc hes an asshole and we love that for him ! but ye basically, to doopliss, fun trumps attempting to win. nothing comes from trying anyway, he'd say 🤪
doopliss meets and starts dating mimi for a short time during the events of The Void, and they have a MESSY messy break up when he realizes she's part of a gang trying to erase the life he's so carefully cultivated. the breakup is when doopliss comes to full terms with how much he cares for where he's at in his life rn, so he takes mimi's attempts at justifying her plan V defensively.... after the void closes, they talk again and now they're literally the bestest of friends! they've seen each other at their most vulnerable, so they're super comfy w each other's rotten-ness lawl
he tags along w beldam bc 1) the thing he based his entire identity around just lost its meaning. and 2) he's directionless bc of that, so when the opportunity comes up to tag along w someone who (maybe?) has it together, he's like 'omg what the fuck ever' and just joins (this does not help him mentally in the long run, ofc). he's pretty messed up post-game until vivian finds him and slowly coaxes him out of his slump.
he has the world's most surreal experience when he's pretending to be zip toad. a successful actor? from humble beginnings? who's had a relatively easy life? huh?? the two hang out a lot post-ttyd, both being in the same industry n all, and doopliss rlly has no idea what to make of him bc like, yeah the difference in upbringing between them is refreshing and new, but he's also bitter bc he looks at the guy and doesn't know how he turned out the way he did in comparison. and it frustrates him ! bc he doesn't like coming to terms with his problems being rooted in something he apparently internalized.
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szivtalan · 3 years
(re: GIVE ME A CHARACTER) fam you already kno: aomine and kagami ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aomine first!
How I feel about this character
i would like to adopt him, he's a sweet uwu boy who never did anything wrong. gotta be honest i feel a lot of pity for him but i feel bad about it bc if he knew it he'd probably be mad at me lmao
All the people I ship romantically with this character
it would be easier to list those i don't, but momoi, kise, kagami, midorima (SASSY EXES PLEASE), akashi and kuroko? this list does not seem very complete tho
My non-romantic OTP for this character
iiiiii like aomomo more as brotp than in a romantic relationship, i guess? they're such good friends it warms my heart sm
My unpopular opinion about this character
i feel like even just saying that he can be dark skinned and fully japanese is a stretch to a lot of people but since i don't wanna get into that...........i'll just say that i think kagami is a better basketball player because he's put in effort where aomine neglected to do that, i'll see myself out
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
SOMEBODY! GET! HIM! TO THERAPY!!!!! also gimme more of observant smart as fuck aomine please
now Kags!
How I feel about this character
hottie. trans. would like to adopt or date but neither's in a weird way. i just think he is so funky i wanna be him
All the people I ship romantically with this character
kise kuroko aomine kiyoshi akashi midorima the list is endless AGAIN
My non-romantic OTP for this character
i feel like he could be riko's gay best friend except he has horrible taste in clothes and well. everything else too. they eat popcorn, drink beer and binge sports documentaries together
My unpopular opinion about this character
the fact that he is super well adjusted at age 16 just proves that he's been thru Some Shit
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i'm a heartless dick but i kinda wanna see him give up on his dream to get pro.............. i have no idea why i must have a bitter soul
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slinglouis · 4 years
august fic rec!
hi friends! these are my favorite fics that i read during july while avoiding studying for my mcat & i think you should all read this month! if you have a fic you want me to check out this month please let me know, i’m always looking for more!
black with autumn rain by whimsicule -  93k
“Thank you,” Geoff says, taking a sip of his tea. “What did you tell him?”
Louis has a sip as well, lets the tea burn down his throat too quickly, too hot, and he feels it all the way down to his stomach. “The truth. Essentially,” he replies after a moment, licking his lips, relishing the slightly bitter taste of the brew that’s never quite strong enough for Louis’ liking. At least it’s not decaf. “That my dog scented it. That I didn’t touch the body. That I came here first thing.”
Geoff nods pensively. “Did he believe you?”
“Probably not. There’s only so many people who can drown on dry land before it gets fishy.”
or: Harry is a journalist, Louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren't exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
Oh Glory by alivingfire - 21k
Tomlinson looks Liam over, tilting his head. “Are you a swimmer as well?”
“Yeah,” Liam says, a little cautiously. Harry wonders if it’s Tomlinson’s fame or the unimpressed eyebrow that’s making Liam wary. “Distance, I’m doing the 1500m. Harry here’s a sprinter.”
“Ah,” says Tomlinson, turning his glinting eyes back to Harry. “So you’re not an endurance man.” A beat passes, and his grin grows, wide and filthy. "Shame."
Harry Styles is Team Great Britain's newest swimmer, and has spent his whole life training for this moment, a chance at the gold medal in the Rio 2016 Olympics. All his training, hard work, and dedication to no distractions is tested when he's assigned to the same Rio apartment as Louis Tomlinson, British gymnast and Harry's childhood crush.
Howls Like a Beast (You Flower, You Feast) by @indiaalphawhiskey​ - 17k
“You don’t love me,” Louis had said, utterly blasé as he callously fractured the heart of a Harry that was just barely eighteen.
“I do,” Harry had insisted pleadingly, green eyes already watering.
Louis had rolled his eyes, exasperated and flippant in the way only beautiful, young boys could be when faced with the affections of a baby prince. He had run his finger down Harry’s cheek then, had forced him to look into his eyes as he delivered the final blow.
“You’ll change your mind once you’ve seen more of the world,” Louis had teased, pressing a brutally delicate kiss onto Harry’s lovely, pure cheek. “Once you’ve been properly defiled.” He had whispered filthily, delighted by the gasp he heard, the frantic pink blush that had rested high on Harry’s cheeks, the power he had felt at knowing he could make the Crown Prince squirm.
And down the long and silent street by whimsicule - 86k
The year is 1881 and if you’re alone in this world you might as well be dead, because starving dogs have no mercy.
Or: Wherein Louis and Harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder, but their paths still cross on the filthy streets Louis calls his home. The odds are staked against them from the beginning, and even more when Louis' past finally catches up with him.
Run Like the Devil by benzos - 138k
Harry stops pouting, but his frown is still fixed in place. “Are you sure?” he asks. “You know it’s your soul you’re signing away.” He sounds…sad? No, that’s not right, but there’s something.
Christ. This is the most incompetent demon Louis’ ever met. If he hadn’t seen the red of his eyes he wouldn’t believe he was a demon at all. How’d he get this job if he isn’t trying to convince Louis to deal? Or is it just another trick? A ploy for sympathy?
“I’m sure,” Louis says. “Come over here and kiss me.”
Supernatural AU. Louis hunts demons; Harry's the strangest demon he's ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.
No Place Without You by @fackinglouis​ - 19k
Harry's in love with life and he's in love with the world.
Louis' in love with Harry and he doesn't think there's any way he can possibly compete.
A Wanderlust AU in which Harry doesn't have a permanent home and stays with Louis when he visits NYC.
Given a Chance by fabby - 170k
Five years after One Direction took their last tour, the last thing Louis Tomlinson ever expected to happen while on a tea run at the local Piggly Wiggly was to run into his ex-boyfriend and ex-bandmate Harry Styles.
The odds of them ever running into each other again had to be super slim, right?
What happens when you mix ex-boyfriends with a large serving of Small Town America? Will Louis and Harry be able to set aside their differences, or will Louis be able to stay breezy as fuck in the wake of Harry’s arrival?
(or, the one where Louis and Harry run into each other five years after One Direction ends and learn how to love each other again. Featuring: Reggie as the overweight labrador, Niall as Louis’ last grip on reality, and Nowheresville, North Carolina as the setting for Louis’ worst nightmare to come true.)
these bountiful silences by tommoandbambi - 123k
they live in a world where they can only say four words per day. harry meets some people that don't want to live that way.
we can only look behind by @hereforlou - 70k
His mum said there was no getting an idea out of his head once it was stuck in there and Harry thought she was right. It wasn’t like he did it on purpose - his ideas were just really sticky.
(Or, the one where Harry fixates through the years.)
Don’t Want Shelter by kingsofeverything - 77k 
Louis and Harry have known each other all their lives. Friends as children, they danced around each other as teenagers, and have spent the last twenty-five years either screaming at each other or not speaking at all. Except for that one time ten years ago…
When Hurricane Nicole threatens the coast, they end up stuck together in their families' old vacation home that they begrudgingly co-own.
During the storm, and in the months after, they’re both forced to reevaluate their history and what they mean to each other.
somewhere in between the lightning by jassy117, nauticalleeds, shiningdistractionwrites - 100k
As Louis took another bite, he thought back to how he had once believed that the hardest thing about being on Love Island would be Liam handling his social media. He had been wrong. It was Harry Styles, peeking over at Louis as he forked a pancake into his mouth, and gauging his reaction. It was having to quench the swelling of his heart, which felt simultaneously like hope and the breaking of a thousand pieces.r
A summer gone wrong (or very right) when, under Liam’s persuasion, Louis finds himself drunkenly applying for Love Island, and getting accepted. Oh, well. A summer spent on an island paradise couldn’t be all that bad, right?
Imagine his surprise when Louis arrives in sunny Majorca to find that his first love and ex-boyfriend, Harry, is another contestant, about to capture the hearts of everyone in the villa. Most normal people don’t have to face their ex on an otherwise straight TV show. Most normal people don’t fall for their ex again in front of the whole nation, either. Too bad this whole situation isn’t normal.
special mention bc an epilogue was added and this is one of my fav fics of all time: Collision by @tequiladimples (itjustkindahappened) - 225k
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
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universal-kitty · 5 years
.: Day 1 - F/O February :.
Reverse Self-Ship: You are your F/O’s F/O!!
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I’m from a video game series akin to an odd mix of Watch_Dogs and Grand Theft Auto. Things can get a little pervy, hijacking cars is involved, stealth and adventure abound...but so is a bunch of ridiculous, silly things, like a petting minigame that triggers randomly when interacting with my cat.
There’s a single-player mode focused on my background and meeting up with past friends or exes...and is story-based, allowing you to attack and kill them, befriend them again... All sorts of stuff.
Also, the option to adopt more cats and become a crazy cat lady...in spirit.
Shit, romance people if you want! Live life!
Marcus got Wrench (Reggie) the game as a birthday gift. It was mostly a joke, because Reg REALLY thought he wouldn’t like it....and what else do best friends do but give their bffs prank gifts?
Still, Marcus bought it for him new... So Reg boots it up and gives it a chance, anyways.
......holy shit, he actually likes this WAY more than he first thought he would.
First of all, he HATES animals; every one he’s ever met seems to hate him and hurt him, so he’s turned his back on animalkind. However, throughout the game, I’m NOTHING but kind to every animal and suspicious of every person I meet.... Some of which he understands completely. There are some ASSHOLES in this game!!
Also, the way I croon to my cat and get into baby talk... It’s so damn cute to him. Really makes him feel some kinda way, which he flushes over. (Haha, wow that’s embarrassing.)
The point is, he ends up hating animals a little less and starts loving cats a LOT more.
Actually had to put down the controller and walk away from the game when doing a dancing minigame. He could barely focus on the button commands with how cute I was being while doing the dances.
Proceeds to look up people who 100% the dances just so he can save them to his phone. Watch them whenever he wants.
Later deletes them, 100%s them on his own, and THEN saves them onto his phone. Is a lot more happy with them, cause they’re HIS gameplay videos and not someone else’s.
LOVES messing around with outfits. Someone on the staff was either a big fan of cats or just...made that my most out-there personality trait (second only to the games and show in my world that are obviously knock-offs of real-world games), but he’s not complaining. Running around in cat ears and a cat tail? So damn cute.
His personal favorites are the masks I have combined with the matching jackets; it makes me feel more relatable to him...but he’s a greedy man and always eventually takes them off so he can look at my face.
Has SO MANY PICTURES on Facebook of him playing this damn game. Marcus kinda thought he was pranking at first, but now the whole squad knows Reg is a bit of an addict.
They got him the other games on Christmas and he cried. Everyone was....kinda in awe.
Josh got him a t-shirt with my character on it that reads “Bee Paw-sitive~!” on it. He wears it a LOT.
He definitely started up a collection that rivaled....basically no one else in the fandom.
HATES seeing the fandom pairings. And since you can romance anyone due to my sexuality canonly being Panromantic...it’s frustrating.
(Well, he’s Bi, so some of the people he wouldn’t mind sharing with, yeah....but he’s specifically venomous over the people he’s SURE are my friends only. Or are/were super toxic to me in my past. So, so bitter that anyone likes those ships, but holds his tongue only bc he got a figurine of me doing some cutesy pose next to his monitor. It helps him keep his head.)
Literally has a savings account reserved for merchandise. If it exists, he wants to buy it. If it doesn’t, but someone’s commissions are open? He’s gonna buy it.
Has bought art, jumped on art-trades/requests to get MORE art of us together. Has two plushies of me, as well as a body pillow. Continues to seek more things.
Is honestly upset that my size is medium (and so he can’t wear my canonly fitted clothes), BUT that doesn’t stop him from owning a single shirt in my size AND getting items that mimic my wardrobe.
He likes to imagine we can match together....or I can wear HIS version of my fave shirts when mine are dirty~!
Is still debating getting a kitten. Until that day, cat plushes are among the only other plushes he has (aside from mine).
Weird as he felt about it, he later admitted to his friends that he....kinda felt romantically towards me? And was thinking about just being fictoromantic...
Josh was the first one to see no problem with it and fast. People can be hard to work with, so... You do you. (Reg then felt bad about bullying him so much....oop.)
Horatio was also quickly on board. “Hey man, they make you happy. If it helps, it helps.”
Marcus....was a little more confused, but got in the spirit of it, regardless. “man, if I knew you would’ve actually liked it, I woulda got it for you a lot sooner!! Have fun, man.”
Sitara doesn’t quite get it, but.... It sure explains why Reg kept pestering her to tag “Purrfect Anarchy” in certain places and commissioning her for stylized art of him with them.
T-Bone....kinda harasses him about it, but the group stands by Reg. Josh is pretty upset about it, though.
He also follows every piece of news and publicly shares it, after admitting to being ficto. LOTS more pictures like, “Cutie’s got good taste.” [selfie with him sticking out his tongue and wearing one of the replica shirts] “Dinner date with bae!” [screenshot of me looking at the screen of his laptop, dinner and candlelight between us]
Everyone rolled with it more and more over time, so now it’s entirely not uncommon for them to bribe Reg to do things by dragging me into it...
Sitara: Hey, you leaving? Wrench: ...yeah, why? Sitara: Can you get me a coffee while you’re out? Wrench: Wh-? Why should I get you-? Sitara: I bet Rachel would like you doing something like that, y’know. Wrench: .....That’s cruel. You’re cruel. Sitara: I know~! You know how I like it, thank you, and Rachel loves you. Wrench: [sputters audibly and shuffles out the door, muttering to himself, embarrassed]
They don’t do a LOT of crimes anymore, but... Definitely still fuck shit up w/ cops. Reg daydreams a shitton about a masked romance and the anarchy we could commit together... After all, I helped him be braver. So he could help me, too, and then..... So much glorious chaos. Maybe makeouts in his car...
Was literally the type to not give a SHIT about marriage or kids, but now nonstop thinks about our lives together. Anarchy and domestic lifestyle shit can coexist, right? We can be married, have our cute lil’ two story (three, if you count the attic AND a basement), and some kids.....and also go create anarchy and throw bricks at cop cars and cause so much damn trouble..... Right?
He’ll even get a CAT for our home. It’ll be our first kid and not only will he be SO COOL, but they’ll name her (yes, a girl) Princess Leia and I’ll probably cry in happiness!!
Reg is DETERMINED to be the best husband/boyfriend ever. Doesn’t matter which, cause whatever speed I’d like to go at? Hell yeah, he’s down for it. Just as long as he can still hold my hand and gush over how cute I am and-
Has gushed about me and my series before and WILL do so again, prompted or not.
Actually participated in the fandom a little. Mostly does reblogs and such, but has written a few stories (self-inserts are the majority), done some not too shabby art, and prides himself on being the BIGGEST fan of the series with all the merch he has AND commissions bought.
Made a select few friends who also are fans, but... Is constantly anxious about his self-shipping. Either that they might eventually think he’s weird, send more anon hate (he’s gotten some in the past for “being a creep”), or- worst yet- also self-ship with me and he’s still dealing with that idea.
Until then, he’s got a wedding ring he bought cheap at the jewelry section of some store, so.... Coping skills, babey.
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peytonainsworthh · 4 years
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{ madelaine petsch ♔ twenty-five ♔ she/her } well, well, well if it isn’t peyton ainsworth running around peach hollow. legend has it, they come from oliver avenue and have lived here for eight months. if you’re wondering what they are up to, i hear they’re an event planner for a living. they have been known to be vicious yet loyal. a word of advice to them, always look over your shoulder. you never know who is watching. { haley ♔ twenty ♔ est ♔ she/her }
hello everyone and welcome to peach hollow!! as an admin i am so excited to get this party started. us admins are five ppl who love to write and have been through way too many failed rps. soooo we put in all of our love in effort into making this one!!
 this is my bby peyton she’s def an acquired taste bc well she’s a bitch but you’re gonna love her i promise!! anyways i’m haley and we should plot!
peyton hasn’t live in georgia all of her life. in fact she is one of the town’s newer residence. she moved there a little under a year ago with her mom and sister.
peyton was born and raised in san francisco in a neighborhood called pacific heights, commonly known as billionaire’s row.
she was born into wealth, her father owning a chain of five star hotels that had been passed down through the generations for as long as she could remember. she spent a ton of time in the beautiful hotels her father owned, learning her work ethic from him. her father was stoic man who put more value on a dollar than substantial relationships with his family. your typical rich dad.
her mother was a trophy wife, spewing meaningless side projects like perfume lines and eye shadow palettes that enviably made their way into departments stores alike.
peyton’s fondest childhood memories was helping set up for the weddings in the hotels. watching the flowers be arranged, the chairs be strategically placed, the wait staff setting the champagne flutes. this lead to her taking an interest in doodling wedding dresses and small flower arrangements.
she has a small wildflower tattoo going along the curve of her breast that she drew, fun fact.
when she was three, her little sister was born. the two grew up inseparable, running amuck in their house together, pranking the nannies but most importantly: ice skating. there were obviously no ice rinks in california naturally but their nanny would take them to an indoor skating rink for lessons. peyton and audrey were quite good skaters.
in high school, peyton won a ton of awards in art contests and even got scholarship to attend art schools across the country.
her dad insisted there was no money in being artist (even if money was never a problem for them), he urged her to take over and be a hotel tycoon like him. peyton and her father fought a lot towards the end of high school about this but at the end of the day, she was her fathers daughter and was stubborn. peyton knew the key to happiness was chasing you passion instead of the dollar.
she attended rhode island school of art and design, earning a degree in interior design and a minor in illustrator. after graduating, she returned home and expected to have a job in the hotel that could suit her.
as she expected, her father got her a job in his business planning the events and having creative control over how each other ballrooms looked as well as the lobbies. working in close quarters with her father made their relationship grow quite strong. the two did everything together and suddenly their stoic walls were crumbling, only for each other.
it seemed as though everything in peyton’s life was coming together. she was the head event coordinator at the hotel, her father was her boss and allowed her to have free range. her sister was around so they could goof off at work.
this was until one day peyton was bringing her father lunch from their favorite mexican food truck in the city. she then walked in on her father sleeping with his assistant which put a stake in their relationship.
peyton couldn’t keep the secret from her mother. she’d rather her mother walk away with dignity rather than stay with a man who had no respect for her. but her mother did not have the same respect for herself.
peyton made the decision to take her funds and move to georgia to be near her grandparents, that’s how she ended up in peach hollow.
now, in peach hollow:
peyton enjoys living in peach hollow. she likes being close her grandparents and she enjoys being surrounded by wealthy and like minded people, due to being a bit prissy.
the redhead can’t seem to shake her bitterness about her father’s affair and paid people in her father’s company to teach her how to hack.
she started using hacking to see her father’s finances and text messages but has graduated onto hacking other people’s phones, nobody’s really safe.
her father tries to reach out but she doesn’t offer any forgiveness. but she pays him little mind.
her mother often sends her checks and peyton will occasionally cast them in times of desperation but peyton is pretty well off living in a nice home on oliver avenue. 
peyton is an event planner and works with some of the richest people in georgia. she works mostly at the caledonia in their grandiose ballroom, throwing gatsby scale events. 
the redhead loved the thrill and pride of hosting such events: weddings, birthday parties, company gatherings, new years eve bashes and so on. but most importantly, she loved meeting people in networking the way a true socialite does. 
this networking lead her into the lifestyle of being friends with richer families in peach hollow. and more than friends with the men. peyton persued being an escort for a few reasons.
to maintain social status
get a nice paycheck
get back at her father
perfectionist!! detail oriented!!
the problem child bc her sister is an angel
big bitch but has a heart sometimes
she will not go get mexican food w u don’t even ask but she really just wants a damn burrito
will literally come over and marie kondo ur entire life
evil genius and luvs revenge
a legit psycho when it comes to loving people like has hacked her exes phones even though she seems calm and collected on surface level
will force u to watch home videos of her skating and u will watch
don’t ask to see her sketch books she will blush and change the subject
wanted connections:
ex bf/gf: peyton met them shortly after moving to nyc. they showed her the ropes to the east coast and they did everything touristy you can think of together. they were super toxic because peyton is CRAZY. we can plot how they broke up and when.
a no homo friendship: a really close female friendship that peyton has a crush on the other and is super flirty towards them but acts like she doesnt have feelings for them bc fear of rejection and like acts she’s joking (but maybe it’s one sided/unrequited or maybe it’s mutual???)
clients: people she’s planned events or is going to plan events for
escorting client: some rich ass secretive people
ride or die: the person that peyton is closest too and has seen her soft side. she is a super bitch so this is a rly big deal. they are an unbreakable bond.
a rival cousin: someone who is in constant competition with peyton because they’re related. they have made beef & are rivals. but at the same time they would kill each other & kill for each other.
friends turn enemies: were friends up until a certain point, but either realized they never really liked each other or one just dropped the other or maybe something happed idk lets plot
friends w. benefits: peyton be a sexual ass hoe so bring her ur guy, gals, and non binary pals
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biavastarr · 5 years
Pairing: steve rogers x you (fem!reader)
Warnings: language, mild (?) violence, injuries, inaccurate medical descriptions, inaccurate passage of time
Word Count: 3,968
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the media or characters mentioned in this story.
Author’s Notes: okay so this is my first fic that I’ve written since seventh/eighth grade and since the theme is nostalgia and I’m the writer who has the power to do whatever I want I’m gonna disregard like half of canon and make this fic post-Civil War except they all got along and everyone’s alive and happy and Pietro and Bucky are living at the tower too and it’s not the compound mainly bc I want it to be in the city. reader is an ex-SHIELD agent who joined the Avengers like a month ago bc she’s been on the run since it fell. I just,, I love them both. I’m definitely being overindulgent and this is way too much exposition for stuff I don’t think really gets mentioned.
this is for @whirlybirbs and her endgame writing challenge, the nostalgic thing in this being the innocent “they all lived in the tower together” era that I loved so much. this is my first time writing for Marvel but I hope you guys enjoy!
Summary: Being a former SHIELD agent left you with a lot of walls that a certain blonde super-soldier is all too good at tearing down.
This mirror, you decided, has got to go. You were staring at yourself from ten different angles and the A.I. was reciting a full rundown of your skincare routine and it was quite frankly creeping you out. Ever since you moved in to Stark Tower last month, Tony had been trying to charm you with increasingly technologically enhanced appliances and you were starting to feel like Belle, what with having to tell your fridge that no, you are not hungry but thank you for the concern.
You carefully smoothed over your dress, a black, crushed-velvet thing with a high neck and flowing sleeves, a cinched waist, and wide skirt that fell delicately at your knee. If you could appreciate one thing about the mirror, you mused, you could admit that it let you know you look damn good. You slipped on a pair of pumps and left your little pseudo-apartment as quietly as you could manage, praying that your years of SHIELD training didn’t fail you in your time of - dare you say desperate? - need.
Tragically, as though the gods themselves had it out for you - you’d curse Thor for this later - you only managed to make it down the hall before delighted crowing from one genius billionaire playboy philanthropist made himself known. You turned slowly, bracing yourself for this inevitable interrogation-slash-please-be-friends-with-us speech. The man strolled over to you with a smirk on his face, Captain America himself trailing awkwardly behind him. Your heart fluttered pathetically at the sight of the blonde soldier. No, you reminded yourself sternly. Coworkers are coworkers.
Blissfully oblivious to your sour expression, Tony clasped your hand and spun you wildly, your dress flaring out around you. “Do my eyes deceive me, or are you finally gracing us acquaintances with your presence at movie night tonight?” He drawled out his comment, glancing far-too-knowingly at a certain slack-jawed supersoldier.
You winced, knowing that he’d just quoted you from a check-in report you had given Fury the other day that the other Avengers had found and pouted over. You didn’t have any specific issues with them, you knew, but they were your coworkers. The last time you had trusted the people you worked with, you had ended up with a gun to your head in a room full of Hydra members. It was easier - both for you and your heart - not to mix business with pleasure. That being said, you also knew that it’s never wise to be rude to a man who’s quite literally housing and paying you. Ever since SHIELD fell, Tony Stark had taken it upon himself to finance this whole initiative.
You sighed dramatically, faking a put-upon tone. “I suppose I can promote you all to glorified roommates, if you would like, but no, I’ve got a date.” Your eyes subconsciously drifted to Steve, drinking in his appearance as you admired his absurdly tight shirt straining over his chest.
At this, Tony lit up, his grin only widening further, eyebrows dancing high on his forehead. “Oh, really,” he questioned, “and with whom, may I ask, are you going out with? Can they really outmatch ole’ Capsicle here with his puppy eyes?” He winked at Steve, who was doing his best (which was not very successful) not to stare too deep into your eyes.
Smiling playfully, you pinched Tony’s cheek, laughing at the blush that painted his face in reaction. “Aw, Stark, that’s for me to know, and for you to never find out.” With a swish of your dress, you stepped around him, nodding kindly at a still-silent Steve Rogers, and entered the elevator.
As the doors closed, you waved shyly at the pair, trying not to think too hard about how none of the walls you had built, those defenses so painstakingly made, could ever really protect you from those incredibly blue eyes that still looked your way.
Steve hated when Pietro picked for movie nights. The last three time in a row had granted the Sokovian complete and utter control and he was dying, he was sure of it.
While they normally rotated turns, last week was what the Avengers had hoped to be your turn, but you had shrugged and said you had a mission, passing it off to Pietro, despite him literally picking the week before, not that Steve was still bitter about it or anything. Not at all. Tonight it was supposed to be Tony’s turn, but he had picked up on Steve’s exasperation with the speedster’s movie taste and gleefully handed the reins to Pietro once more.
Wiggling his eyebrows (ridiculously), Pietro popped the DVD for Not Another Teen Movie into the player, flopping down into the seat beside his sister with a bright grin. “Look, Captain,” his heavily accented voice drew Steve from his thoughts. “You may even like this one, it’s a play off all the other flicks we’ve been watching. Also, the guy who plays Jake is hot.” He winked unabashedly at Steve, who was now contemplating how hard it was to fake a heart attack if it meant he could leave the inevitable teasing that would come from tonight.
No, not because he was an “old man who can’t appreciate fine cinema” (Natasha’s cutting words after he said he didn’t particularly enjoy High School Musical 3), but because your absence meant that the others could safely - and loudly - tease him about you.
Bucky, whose metal arm was slung casually around the seat next to him, was currently bearing a shark-like grin, and Nat, who had draped herself across an entire half of the couch, much to Tony’s chagrin, had a smirk painted on her face as they watched everyone settle in, easily noting that you, like always, had elected not to come.
“Where’s our new recruit?” Wanda inquired with an air of fake innocence, oh, Wanda, not you too, not you, thought Steve in alarm, the young witch looking around as if she really needed to search for a person she knew was not attending.
“Oh, haven’t you heard? She’s got a date.” Tony said, drawing out the last word as if he treasured it dearly.
“No!” Wanda mock gasped. “How did I not know this!” She turned to Steve, the bowl of popcorn shifting dangerously in her lap. Sam nimbly scooped it up before it fell, and Tony mumbled something grateful about stains in his carpeting before stuffing his face with the buttery popped kernels. “Who’s she out with?”
Sam grinned at her slyly as he tossed a piece of popcorn at Natasha, watching her catch it deftly in her mouth. “It’s probably Pepper’s new assistant, Jared, I think? He’s always staring at her like she hung the moon or something, bet he finally got the balls to ask her out.”
Natasha shook her head incredulously. “No way, that kid is so nervous he rivals Steve in his eloquence around her, I swear. Maybe she met someone outside of the Tower. She does go out without us a lot.”
Steve flushed considerably, cursing his Irish skin for betraying him so. He tried to focus on the movie again, preferring the embarrassment of the whipped cream-covered protagonist to the current situation he was facing. “I do not get nervous around her,” he grumbled, more to himself than anything. Bucky’s head shot up at this, his damn super-hearing once again being the bane of Steve’s existence.
“Yeah, punk, and I don’t have an arm made of Vibranium,” Bucky snarked, throwing his metal hand up for emphasis. “What, like it’s just natural for you to fall off your chair mid-debriefing?” Steve, again, bemoaned his reddening state, doing his best to ignore the group around him smirking at the memory.
Sam patted his leg consolingly, having stretched out on the pillow-laden floor for better access to the snacks. “Look, man,” he started carefully, “you’ve just gotta say something, sometime. You don’t want to wait until it’s too late and you definitely don’t want to say it when you don’t mean to. She’s an Avenger, just like the rest of us, despite how much she tries to act like she’s not, and it’s not going to make life any less complicated for her if you’re stewing on feelings she doesn’t know about.”
Steve laughed a little disbelievingly. “What, you think I’ll tell her in the middle of battle? C’mon, man, give me some credit.” Sam rolled his eyes eerily in sync with Nat and Bucky.
“Alright, Rogers, whatever. Act like you don’t need us.”
Oh fucking hell, you thought, sprinting frantically through the streets of Paris as the city lights twinkled tauntingly above you.
Your date, as you had called it eighteen hours ago, was actually at a gala hosted by an arms dealer Fury suspected was Hydra, and now, with a gash carved across your leg and a head wound that wouldn’t stop bleeding, you felt that he had been quite justified.
Pausing for a moment in a flower-covered alcove, you held your breath, hoping that whoever had been tailing you had finally called it quits and moved on. You were tapping out a message on your phone, letting him know what went down, when you caught sight of the man tracking you.
Shit, you thought to yourself. It was the man whose very arm you had entered the gala on, and he was the most trusted goon of the suspect you had been investigating. You knew it was safer to head back to the Tower, check in with Maria and Fury, and then return for further evidence, especially considering the USB drive you had tucked into the pocket of your dress, but you had already gotten so much from this mission that you hadn’t expected and by god if you weren’t a relentless and slightly reckless pursuer of justice.
Narrowing your eyes as you continued to observe your oblivious pursuer, you opened up your purse, quickly wrapped your calf wound, and carefully slipped on the stealth suit and matching boots, packing away the dress and frowning slightly at the new tear in the seam. One of the surprise pains of being an Avenger was the tragically short lifespan of your closet.
Padding behind the man silently, you finished your message to Fury, punctuating it with the update of your plans to infiltrate whatever base the man was headed to. Breathing in deeply, you slid your phone into one of the straps across your thigh and winced slightly at the pain still screaming in your leg, hurrying on behind the burly man.
Maria groaned exasperatedly at the message blinking on her monitor, swinging her chair around to face Fury. “You see this?” She pointed at it in frustration, finding no other words for your stupidity.
“Fucking dumbass. She always does this. Thinks she can get all the motherfuckers out of sheer will.”
“God, I mean, she’s a good agent, but she has no regard for her personal safety. It is such a pain, Nick, I’m telling you, I’m going to get gray hair just from having to be her handler.” Maria tugged at her dark locks as if to display them for inspection. She and Nick both loved you, but they forgot how dumb it was to send you on a solo mission with no back-up; you were never sated with just satisfying mission objectives; with no one to stop you, you wouldn’t be finished with the job until at least an entire base was wiped out or you were carried away on a stretcher.
Nick shook his head and picked up his phone again, signalling to Maria that she needed to respond to you, well-aware that you’d ignore their protests anyways. Dialing his backup plan, he internally groaned at the voice that picked up.
“Hey, Stark. So I borrowed your new agent-”
Oh fucking hell, for real this time, you thought, wincing at the heavy manacles they left you in. You were a little grossed out that these things looked like they came out of a medieval torture museum, and had the rust to prove it, but you supposed that was a later issue. You had gotten your tetanus shot, you reminded yourself as a new grimace shook you when the metal dug painfully into your wrists.
No, your current issue were the two Hydra agents staring you down in the harshly lit room. You assumed it was the designated unwillful-interrogation room, but you clocked no less than three potential exit points, from the door to the vents to poorly concealed hollow panel you bet you could kick in with a hearty shove. Finishing your assessment of the room, you waited until one of the agents cleared their throat before turning back to them.
“Who do you work for?” His gruff voice ground out, grabbing the chain that kept your bulky cuffs suspended in the air. Your lips curled into an expression of disgust at his proximity.
“I mean, a) cliche line, seriously, and b) why do you even ask? If I’m from anywhere worth being from, it’s not like I’d tell you. Also, you guys should have, like, basic investigative skills. Facial recognition technology. Literally anything.”
The man growled again, rattling the chain as if he was trying to shake you around like a ragdoll. Your head swam and you were reminded of the blood draining out of you from a wound with an ever-slipping wrap.
Figuring that waiting longer would only worsen the situation, you yanked your arms up and wound the chain tightly around the agent, choking him out while his partner sprang up towards you. She shot straight at you through him, clearly not caring whether he survived this attack, but you launched yourself up and over his shoulders, snapping his thick neck with a twist of the chains. Angling your wrists up so that the next bullets hit the cuffs, you wriggled your hands out of the pinched, burning hot metal and lunged at her before she could react.
Scrabbling at her hands while trying to grab the gun, she managed to sling you over her shoulder so you landed with a thud on the ground. You kicked out at her feet and she fell heavily on top of you, but you flipped yourself over, straddling yourself over her hips. She tried to jerk her head up, but you dodged quickly, circling her throat with your hands and forcing your knee down on her thigh so you could follow the momentum and twist with a loud crack of her neck.
Letting her body slump to the ground, you dusted yourself off and looked around. Electing to exit via the vents, as it seemed to be the safest way to stay out of sight, you braced yourself against the chains hanging from the ceiling and pulled yourself up and out of the room.
“Barnes, Rogers, Romanoff, Wilson, c’mon, we’ve got a mission to ‘supplement,’ as Nick so delicately put it.” Tony was speedwalking through the common area, ignoring groans of protest as he smacked the whining assassins. “Shut up, Barnes, you can lose to Natasha at chess on the quinjet, we’ll have plenty of time on our way to Paris.”
“Paris?” Steve parroted, joining Tony at his side. “Does this have anything to do with the fact that this alleged ‘date’ has lasted a day and a half?”
“Relax, Cap, your girlfriend is fine-”
“She’s not my girlfrien-”
“Right, you wish!” Natasha cackled loudly, high-fiving Sam and Bucky while Steve turned and gave her the best kicked puppy expression he could. This only served to make them laugh more, and Steve once again questioned why he ever let these dorks - his dorks - all meet.
“Yes!” You whispered quietly to yourself, beaming at the storage room full of explosives you could see below you. Dropping down as quietly as you could manage, you let yourself land on the shoulders of the lone guard and knock him to the ground, stabbing him in the stomach with knife you had pulled out of your boots. Pausing once again to readjust the bandage you had tied around your leg, you let yourself lean against a crate for a moment, your vision wavering.
“Tony?” Natasha’s concerned voice rang out from the cockpit, causing everyone to worriedly look in her direction. “Was this base supposed to be on fire?”
Steve stood up and rushed to the windows, his own eyes confirming one of his biggest fears. He had a team member down there, and he didn’t know if she was alive or dead, and worst of all, he didn’t know what he could do to help her.
“Sam, Tony, you guys get out now. Fly over and try to get us visual on any activity going down. Let us know if, if you see her.” Steve shook his head at his stumble, pausing momentarily. “Bucky, Nat, as soon as we land this thing, we’re all going to split up. Cover as much ground as we can. Where’s our closest landing point?”
“I’ve got it, Cap, calm your beautiful, beefy-”
“Do not even finish that sentence right now.”
“Rogers that.”
“That doesn’t even work, Tony!”
It had been a whole 273 seconds since Steve had touched down on the ground and there was still no sign of you, and with the few Hydra agents stationed at this base being found dead or dropped already, this left his mind all too open to thinking up terrible situations that you could’ve found yourself in.
Don’t be ridiculous, he chided himself, the knocked out agents, the explosions are a good sign. She’s a capable agent; if she did that, she’s out here somewhere. He clenched his jaw in concern over the state of the base, though. He was guessing that it was you who blew it to near pieces, and rubble was still crumbling and settling. He just hoped he didn’t find you trapped under any of it.
Suddenly, a piercing scream curled out from around a corner, and he whipped his head in search of the chilling sound. Jogging into another collapsing room, he breathed a weighty sigh of relief upon discovering your bloody but intact body on the ground. He followed your horrified line of sight to discover a kevlar-clad severed leg, drenched in blood and soot.
He knelt before you, bringing your head to his chest and wrapping his arms gently around you, trying to quiet your panicked cries, though puzzled at the sight - as an agent and then Avenger, you certainly were no stranger to gore. Steve rocked you slightly, and your shrieks quieted enough for him to bring his face level with yours and search your eyes earnestly. You watched him, your face blank, as his large thumb brushed tenderly against your cheek, wiping the stray tears and dust from your face.
“Hey,” Steve whispered, “are you okay?” He took your hand in his, gingerly stroking the back of your hand in soothing circles, and you marveled at his soft touch despite the rough leather of his gloves.
“I,” you started helplessly, “I’m, uh.” Tears continued to escape you, and you tried to fight the humiliation of crying at work, no matter how grave your situation was. You nodded brokenly at the bloody calf across the room from you, hoping he would put two and two together, and your shoulders shook once more. Steve looked at you quizzically, fighting the urge to kiss your fluttering lashes until the unidentified pain went away.
“What do you mean what?”
“I, just, what?”
You wailed again, throwing up your hands in frustration and instinctively standing to go and show him yourself when suddenly you glanced down in wonder. No, your eyes did not deceive you, you were standing on the same two legs you had entered this mission with. “Oh, that’s not my leg!” You gestured excitedly at the limb you had mistaken for your own, glancing back at your own leg that had a matching gash down the back of the calf. “I had just assumed I couldn’t feel it because of shock, y’know, and-”
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” Steve’s breath hitched as he realized what he just said. Oh god, he groaned internally, this isn’t technically in the middle of battle, but-
“What?” You were blinking, a lot, more so than what Steve thought was normal. He tried not to read too much into your eyes, those eyes he found himself lost in, prettily framed by those long lashes and holding a gaze he couldn’t understand.
Shit, his mind was racing, stumbling over his words once more. “I, uh, I don’t, um, know why? Why I said that? Oh, god, I mean, we’re not even there yet, not that I’m expecting you to have to be there, ever, oh god, I am so sorry, I’ll just-”
“Steve,” you cut in, gasping a little and clutching a ridiculously thick arm of his for balance. “Fuck, uh, my leg, my actual leg this time-” With a painful whine, your body toppled against his as you blacked out, warm blood still trickling down your calf.
You squinted your eyes open, trying to avoid the glaring fluorescent light the filled the room. The hospital room, you realized, turning your head with a wince to see a large window whose natural light was tragically obstructed by cream-colored blinds. You let your eyelids droop again, hoping that you could avoid the effort of revamping your lighting by just falling asleep, but you had no such luck. You settled for letting your gaze wander aimlessly around the area, which you assumed to be a local Parisian medical center and not the Avengers medbay you had yet to visit - Tony would never allow such an ugly tile pattern within fifty feet of his home.
Shifting carefully, all too aware of the throbbing pain that still burned in your leg, you looked to the other half of the room and stifled a gasp - the one and only Captain America was asleep at your side, leaning heavily to the side of his fragile-looking plastic chair. Your eyes fell to his still-gloved hand, which was clasped in your own, and you briefly wondered how out of it you were that you hadn’t noticed this immediately.
Dragging your free hand over to cradle his face, you called his name softly. Bleary-eyed and painfully cute, Steve blinked his way awake, coming back to you. His shoulders sagged in relief at the smile on your face.
“Hey.” You weren’t necessarily one for feelings or overaffection, but you hoped Steve didn’t notice the embarrassingly obvious adoration in your voice as your eyes drank him in.
“Hey.” His tone matched yours, sleep-husky voice still loving and velvet. You started to draw your hand away, relishing the warmth that emanated from his skin, but he caught your wrist cautiously, gentle enough to let you slip away if you wanted but firm in his request.
You stayed like that, together, for a dreamy few seconds, before he cleared his throat awkwardly. “Listen, uh, so, I’m sorry, about asking, not that I didn’t want to ask because I did, but it was unprofessional and unfair to you and-”
“I said yes, Steve.” He blinked at you adorably in question.
“But I thought you didn’t want anything like that with a, um, coworker?”
You swallowed and looked down at your clasped hands. You had spent far too long keeping people at arm’s length because of your fear, and you knew you could trust the Avengers. You made a tiny, tentative promise to yourself, to give people chances like they had given you. Bringing your eyes to match his, you gave him a small smile.
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing that Captain America is my coworker, and it’s Steve Rogers who’s asking.”
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hell-heron · 6 years
I have to ask for BenCutio 💙💜
Awww nice! Gonna tag my girl @capuleti who asked the same. 
who hogs the duvet: Benvolio. He really, really doesn't mean to and will deny it forever but he gets cold easily and tbf as soon as he tugs at it a little Mercutio immediately gives it over and wraps himself all around him too bc he's even more of a softie when the light are out who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Benvolio, to the point of being annoying tbh but Mercutio grows to appreciate itwho’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Mercutio. What's the point of having to be from a stifling and invasive royal family if you can't use it for ridiculous extravagant gifts to the like, two people who you think deserve it. It's also often things that no one would expect Benvolio wanting except for some passing mention he made, bc Mercutio pays a lot more attention when he talks than anyone and he wants to make it clear 😂who gets up first in the morning: Benvolio, if Mercutio goes to bed at all that is. Of course, they often go to bed at the same hour, so it's sometimes a wise choice and sometimes it just means Benvolio is a sleep deprived mess the whole day. who suggests new things in bed: Mercutio, constantly. Benvolio is a little bit overwhelmed at first but then he catches on how its just Mercutio's way to show him love and try to please him who cries at movies: I wanted to say "Romeo" but tbh Benvolio gets slightly sniffly and very ashamed of it with some things that touch his buttons. Mercutio sometimes gets the impulse with things like tense weepy family reconciliations and so on but he just makes an aggressive joke after another until it's over who gives unprompted massages: Mercutio, when he decides Benvolio needs to stfu and relax who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Benvolio most often, but Mercurio is generally sweeter because he's capable of not being naggingwho gets jealous easiest: Benvolio, unfortunately it's more because he's both insecure and raised to be territorial and possessive than because of Mercutio's natural flirting with everyone, but Mercutio still feels super guilty and distressed about it. who has the most embarrassing taste in music: I have put too much thought into this but: Benvolio likes mostly cheery pop/disco songs evenly sprinkled with soulful folk ballads and whatever Intense Italian Song About Patriotism And Social Issues he can find (plus the surprisingly many intersections of the too) mostly the good ones from the 70s but also the cheesiest modern ones that frequently make him cry. Mercutio listens to A LOT of rap, which he absolutely doesn't like but his life is basically a rap battle and he has to be Prepared, mainstream punk, the angsty-indie-sad-party-girl subgenre esp Halsey and Lorde, he ADORES David Bowie and probably copied his style a lot when he was younger, also likes folk ballads but more the very wild ones generally involving the devil or absurd schemes, were Benvolio is more of a "melancholy Irish war widow" guywho collects something unusual: Mercutio, including but limited to: 1) those horrifying fairy miniatures you find at the florist shop artistically modified by him 2) beer taps from the whole world3) merch of long forgotten bands he may or may not have never listened to4) bunch of red stuff clearly stolen from the Capulets. When Benvolio worries about it he just tells him he, too, walks around showing off clearly stolen Capulet property and does he complain about it? (no ask is complete without bitter exes Tycutio lmaowho takes the longest to get ready: Benvolio, surprisingly, bc Mercutio has organized his personal style so thar he can fish whatever he feels like from the closer and throw it on and it's still Iconic who is the most tidy and organised: Benvoliowho gets most excited about the holidays: Kind of depends on which holidays but they kind of both equally do? Mostly bc they immediately go Time For Party Planning! to the chagrin of other friends who maybe felt like doing something with their family for once who is the big spoon/little spoon: They kind of switch based on who needs more reassurance that night who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Mercutio during the game, but Benvolio is more of a sore loserwho starts the most arguments: They kind of start themselves? Benvolio is naturally passive aggressive and Mercutio is kind of self conscious about feeling like a huge dick most of the time so he doesn't want to stir shit - this is not Tybalt, he has to try to be sweet and a decent human being etcwho suggests that they buy a pet: Benvolio already has a dog so Mercutio is like the devil on his shoulder whispering More Puppieswhat couple traditions they havewhat tv shows they watch together: Sitcoms, teen shows like Glee/Skam/Skins/Riverdale they alternatively make fun of and relate way too much too, Shameless which they DEFINITELY relate way too much to, MCU movies, probably they rewatched Bohemian Rhapsody seventeen times what other couple they hang out with: Whoever is together in their friend group, which is eeeeever fleeting 😂 also Romeo and the sense of existential dread and lovelessness that accompanies him how they spend time together as a couple: They don't spend that much time alone since they share one group of friends. They generally do some Sex Stuff then cuddle and talk and sometimes go stargazing. They also probably attempted making a band at some point but it didn't work lmao who made the first move: Mercutio. Benvolio is not exactly shy but he still felt kind of weird and intimidated who brings flowers home: Mercutio, he knows it's gonna make Benvolio flustered and thats what he lives for. Benvolio generally makes him flower crowns out of them though. who is the best cook: Benvolio is just functional. Mercutio is much better but also inclined to too reckless experimenting or getting distracted and burning shit
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anonymous-squirrel · 3 years
@morningsaidthemoon it's called "I'm so helplessly sugar high (on you)"
(also sorry about the spacing, I couldn't adapt it to fit tumblr bc I'm doing it on my phone and it would drive me crazy)
You started eating my favorite candy
You buy a pack in every store you're in
Stocking up on strawberry mentos
So when you kiss me it'll taste like them
Daichi padded through the apartment, his feet thudding softly against the hardwood floor. Amber light streamed through the windows, bathing the room in a soft golden glow. It was peaceful, the feeling that he was the only thing in the apartment that was moving. It reminded him why he felt at home here.
He made his way to the kitchen to get his day started with some breakfast. A bit of a sugar fiend, he forced himself to eat a healthy breakfast every morning so he wouldn’t feel so bad when he broke and ate a ton of candy.
As if to remind him of just how true this was there was an empty wrapper from a tube of strawberry mentos. He didn’t remember eating a whole roll (14 individual mentos!) but it checked out for his sweet tooth and eating habits. He sighed, threw the wrapper away, and set about making himself a salad for breakfast. Yes, a salad. He needed something without too much sugar.
Daichi checked his phone to see the time, and couldn’t help but grin at his lock screen. It was a picture of him and his boyfriend, Sugawara Koushi, at their favorite restaurant. It had been their second date, and he’d already felt more at home with Koushi than he had with any of his exes.
He remembered what he was doing on his phone and read the time off the screen. 8:30. He was running a bit early, so he slipped his laptop into his bag to work while he waited. He made his way out the door and set off down the street.
He was on his way to meet his boyfriend at the park a few blocks from their apartment. Koushi had early morning classes on Mondays, so they always met up at the park with some snacks and coffee to boost his spirits.
Daichi stopped at the little cafe that was on his way to the park. He got an iced caramel latte for himself and a cold brew for Koushi. He wasn’t as into sugar as Daichi was. In fact, he was quite the opposite.
Ironically, this was one of Daichi’s favorite things about him. They loved to tease each other and jokingly argue over who was right. Kou was also so cute when he had sugar. His nose would always wrinkle, as if he was surprised by the flavor. It was adorable.
Daichi sat in the park and worked on his school work. He was also in university, but he had the sense to avoid the early classes. He sipped idly at his coffee while he worked, occasionally looking up to people-watch.
Koushi got to the park at around 9:15. Daichi waved him over, putting away his laptop. As Koushi got closer to him he thought he saw a slight wrinkle in his nose, but he wasn���t sure. He stood up to kiss Koushi (they didn’t get a chance in the morning, and he didn’t want to wait until he’d already started drinking his cold brew; it was too bitter for Daichi) and was surprised by a sweet taste. He pulled back a moment later, looking at Koushi quizzically.
“Was that..?” he started, trailing off as Kou smiled.
“Strawberry mentos? Yeah, I was eating some on the way over. What, you're not happy I’m suffering through sweets for you?”
Daichi couldn’t contain his wide smile. “You’re so sappy,” he teased.
“You know you love it,” Kou said, just as teasingly. Daichi responded by kissing him again.
I've been searching for someone like you my whole life
So I pick up black licorice from еvery candy aisle
Even though I hate the taste of it
I know that when I kiss you it'll make you smile
Koushi, the man of habit he was, started keeping a roll of strawberry mentos on him at all times. Daichi, of course, never got tired of this. If anything, he fell a little more in love every time he noticed. It was the little things, the tiny attention to detail.
Daichi, not to be outdone, started to look for something to do for Koushi that would have the same effect. The corner store he normally went to didn’t have any of his favorite candies, so Daichi started venturing out of his normal routine in search of somewhere that did. He went to a different store every Monday before meeting up with Kou at the park.
In the meantime, he started looking for any little thing he could do. One Sunday he surprised Koushi with his favorite food, super spicy mapo tofu, when he was cramming for an exam the next day. He started bringing sandwiches with him to the park on Mondays. He even bought Koushi’s favorite movie so they could watch it anytime he wanted to. Koushi always seemed touched or excited by these acts, but Daichi still wanted to do something for him that would be as regular and as sweet as what Kou continued doing for him.
Then one day his search ended. There was a cute little mom and pop store across the street from the cafe that he entered as a last ditch effort. He went to it a few weeks into his search and it was exactly what he had been looking for. The third aisle had several kinds of candy, many of which were not carried by corner stores Daichi had looked in. About halfway down the aisle he found what he was looking for; black licorice. He didn’t know what Koushi enjoyed about these, but if he could suffer through the sweetness of strawberry mentos for Daichi then Daichi could handle black licorice.
This monday it was Kou’s turn to be surprised. “Dai, did you get black licorice?”
Daichi tried for a shit eating grin, but it probably just looked elated. “I might have.”
Koushi laughed, then spun Daichi around and kissed him again. “I love you, you know that?”
Daichi rested his forehead against Koushi’s. “How could I not?”
You're deliberately kind
You make efforts to share your time
You're not afraid of your feelings
And you're not afraid of mine
I never knew love could be soft
I never knew love could be light
Now I'm so helplessly sugar high
On you
Daichi was head over heels for Sugawara Koushi. He’d known he was going to fall hard even when they had just started dating, but he’d never expected anything like this. They had been dating for two years now, and it was the happiest Daichi had ever been. He woke up every day with a smile on his face.
He was so gone.
Kou always surprised him with acts of kindness or little things to help him through his day. They weren’t even big things (well, sometimes they were, but most of the time it was small things), but Daichi had never been in a relationship where someone cared enough to notice or act on these small details. He still wasn’t used to being treated with that much care or given that much attention, but he wanted to be. He never wanted to stop feeling the way he did when he saw Kou.
Oh you're so sweet that my teeth are gonna fall out
I'll get cavities in every single one
Taking weekly trips to my dentist
But I know that it's worth it because
When I tasted strawberry mentos
I knew you were the one
0 notes
contranymss · 7 years
RP: Dean, Tracy, Ryan, Fabien, Tom, Chet, Charlie, Tony
sexuality headcanon: gavinsexual bi as heck
otp: gavin 5ever (also anna)
brotp: gavin. (and tracy. and anna.)
notp: Ty. People that aren’t Gavin or Anna.
first headcanon that pops into my head: He and Gavin went to Prom, and elected to go without dates and just be cool good lookin’ bros together. Dean lowkey pretended it was a date in his head the whole time.
one way in which I relate to this character: i love being in denial
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: so many things. he’s an awkward bean sometimes.
sexuality headcanon: yes
otp: I don’t really.....ship her.....romantically......with people........no romo. (though for .5 seconds i was super into the idea of tracy/amy and both of them leaving their respective menfolk, and maybe amy sort of......growing up because of tracy’s influence. and maybe both of them still goin’ out bangin’ dudes because they both really love dick.......idk.)
brotp: gavin, dean, chuck
notp: tommy. also war. also monogamy in general.
first headcanon that pops into my head: She acted out when she was young - hanging out with a MacLeod, sleeping around, throwing lavish over the top parties, drinking, etc. - to set herself apart. She didn’t want to be the girl with the dead older brother, or or just one of a set of twins.
one way in which I relate to this character: occasional crippling self doubt, don’t always have the best taste in people
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: she....married...........tommy...........and dated...........war.............
sexuality headcanon: gay. v gay.
otp: i almost want to say bradley.......because there’s a history there and, in their own way, love. also lowkey fabien but who knows if that’ll ever happen bc now i need to talk to erin about it.
brotp: sage, chuck, lowkey potentially fabien (also there’s a part of me that’s really attached to gavin and ryan’s relationship even though we have done nothing with them since tracy found out that ryan isn’t dead)
notp: also bradley. and balthazar but he’s dead now. so.
first headcanon that pops into my head: he never expected to.......make........friends..........when he came back, so the fact that he’s become so close with sage really surprises him, but he wouldn’t trade that friendship for anything.
one way in which I relate to this character: anxiety and problems with....being........social..........
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: he’s just generally awkward
sexuality headcanon: tbh he doesn’t even know. brainwashed fabien is straight as heck, but the actual fabien? he’s actually not all that interested in women. also not totally interested in sex in general. he doesn’t dislike it or anything, and it definitely feels nice, but in the beginning, he was, in large part, doing it because that’s what everyone else was doing it. i mean, his first several times having sex, he wasn’t anywhere near sober either. he was drunk or high or both, and people suggested things and he just.........did them. for some of them, he was closer to sober than with others, but like........his sex life was mainly due to social obligation (maybe obligation is the wrong word idk) and anyone who looked at a list of all the people he’d had sex with, it would come off like he was bi or pan. and also part of him sleeping with women when he was younger was because of it being ingrained in his mind that he was supposed to be interested in women. that it was normal and healthy and what he was supposed to do. (this is all so jumbled and rambly wowzers.)
otp: honestly........bradley..........even if it’s not entirely healthy, and, well, they’re bros. but like. it’s the most intense interpersonal relationship he has, and bradley knows him better than anyone, and bradley is the only person he has ever broken down in front of. he trusts bradley in a way he doesn’t trust anyone else. as much as he tries to hide a lot of the bad stuff from bradley, because he wants to protect him - and all of his brothers - bradley still knows more about him than most. he knows about thierry’s abuse, he knows about his abusive ex, and after the whole situation with Balthazar, he probably would have been able to, eventually open up to bradley about what happened when he got kidnapped (because right now war is the only one that knows even part of that) had the whole rehab thing not happened.but david is a close second. and probably would have less of a fucked up relationship with him. they can relate on a lot of fronts, and sure, they’re both fucked up individuals who do a lot of drugs and drink a lot. but like....the thing they have is new for both of them, and it’s so important that they both have someone like that, even if it’s been put on hold because fabien’s all brainwashed.
brotp: david because tbh david is kind of his first actual friend? also bradley. also kind of war??? maybe not lately but like...war is the brother that he doesn’t always feel like he needs to protect. and yeah, he hates that he’s the kind of person that’s always like rawr, protect bros at all costs but it’s not like he’s doing it on purpose, and the universe kind of just......keeps giving him more reasons to feel like he should be protecting bradley. and.........idk. i had more thoughts but words are hard.
notp: part of me wants to say ariane, because had he not been brainwashed, he wouldn’t really have any interest in her. but the way he makes her feel right now, outside of the huge gross awfullness of the whole situation......like........With her, he feels loved. Feels like he deserves to be loved. Like he’s a good person, or has the potential to be a good person. He genuinely does feel happy right now, with her. Feels like he has a future that’s actually worth something. But like......it’s all a lie. It’s all fake. She doesn’t necessarily like him. She likes this version of him, the one that’s been molded to be what Josiah wants. What his father wants. And the whole situation is just so fucked up, and it’s doubtful he would come out of this and still feel the same way about her.
first headcanon that pops into my head: he still has the tiniest crush on Gavin. Like, it’s not really romantic, or sexual even. It’s just....Gavin was the first guy he was with, and sure, he wasn’t sweet and loving or anything, but he was respectful and attentive. And, sure, he fits his public persona in certain ways, and can be a bit of a stereotype, but he’s not totally awful. He’s a much better person than he ever would have expected, and Fabien is glad that Gavin was his first experience with a man. He wishes more of his experiences would have been like that.
one way in which i relate to this character: self loathing and dislike of people in general?
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: brainwashed famine is just...........yep.
sexuality headcanon: i don’t know which term he prefers (i think it’s been stated as polysexual in headcanons in the past) but he’s def into multiple genders
otp: obvs gavin. also charlie, which makes me sad because they haven’t........been talking much.........lately.........also chuck >.>
brotp: chuck, charlie, can i say willa? i’m gonna say willa. also lissy.
notp: sarah.............
first headcanon that pops into my head: he feels a lot of guilt over the fact that he waited so long to get chuck out of washington. but even then.....sometimes he wonders if he did the right thing by taking him and bringing him across the country. he doesn’t think he should have left him, but he wonders if he should have done things differently. or if chuck staying with tom, and growing up in fort macleod was really a good thing.
one way in which i relate to this character: i hate all of the people
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: tbh he’s such an awkward bean sometimes. like.....sure, he’s this surly badass cop guy, but like.......he’s the awkwardest bean.
sexuality headcanon: it’s chet!!! who the heck knows!!! does he even know??? we don’t know!!! (but def aro spec)
otp: okay...........so..........i lowkey really ship him with charlie.........also would really............be into...........him and fabien............also anna
brotp: mark, even though we haven’t done anything there yet. you know why. siobahn. lilith. charlie again. also anna. fight me.
notp: lowkey amy. and in most cases just anything actually romantic? idk.
first headcanon that pops into my head: clearly he did tap when he was a youngster. don’t take this away from me.
one way in which i relate to this character: honestly, we all have a little chet inside us, don’t we?
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: he thought chuck was a sex worker and didn’t mention this until after he fucked him
sexuality heacanon: she’s pretty much straight. it’s unfortunate, because men are unfortunate, but she’s not really interested in ladies.
otp: tom. lowkey ed.
brotp: tom, eph, chet, tony, ed and harry.
notp: ansen. but. well. we haven’t gotten to that yet.
first headcanon that pops into my head: she’s always wanted children and she would make a fantastic mother. but she found out when she was a teenager that it’s highly unlikely she’ll ever be able to have children of her own. tbh it’s part of why she’s so bitter towards amy, because that bitch is fertile as hell
one way in which i relate to this character: people are just......nah.
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: i’m not sure there actually is anything????
sexuality headcanon: he........huh. def not straight. but like.....i’m not sure he’s really labelled himself? he hasn’t exactly had much of an opportunity to explore what his sexuality means to him as a person. i personally see him as bi, but //shrug.
otp: i mean...........charlie tbh........not even sexually or romantically but like.......that is the one true tony pairing, my brethren.
brotp: also charlie. and eph. and potentially mark in the future.
notp: neil. fucking gretchen.
first headcanon that pops into my head: he has totally thought about neil while having sex with amy, oops. and he totally bought a bottle of the cologne that neil used to wear. god, he misses him so much.
oen way in which i relate to this character: i too think that charlie is rad and that her mother and their other brothers should have let her be herself more when she was younger.
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: he thought it was a good idea to be friends with neil?????
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squishysvt · 8 years
Kindergarten Teacher!Seventeen
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Request: seventeen as kindergarten teacher?
Apologies for taking so long! My exams wrapped up today so I’m finally free :^) Enjoy this cute memey bullet pointed request! -Admin Madi
Would feel as though he is the real father of all the children AKA loves them all dearly and would literally do anything for them
Teaches the kids important life lessons & to be very respectful so they grow up nicely! But also teaches them to have fun & enjoy everything they do!!
Tells them really bad dad jokes that make them really giggly and hyper but also makes them question their own dads bc “why can’t you be as funny as Mr.Choi?”
Is really keen on making sure they all eat enough and are dressed warm in winter bc his children must not get sick!!
The type of teacher to pat their heads as they leave the classroom and tell everyone about all the cute moments that happened that day
Tries really hard to be liked by all the kids and whines to his friends when they don’t show him enough affection
Is really nonchalant when they ask him mundane questions,, “Is it true that Santa isn’t real?” “Mhm.” lmfao he wouldn’t sugar coat anything bc he doesn’t want them to be hurt when they find things out later on in life
He’d also be that one teacher you can depend on like can’t get that juice box open? Mr.Yoon will open it for you dw he’s reliable my man
Has a super close bond with his students,,when they can tell he’s quieter than normal or having a bad day they’ll make him drawings that he hangs on his fridge and keeps till he’s 80
Loves to compliment the kids on e v e r y t h i n g like you colored inside the lines? They’re showered with praise and genuine admiration
Incorporates all of the kids favorite things into his lessons ex) gives them gummy bears when they answer a question right,,makes math problems about cartoon characters and covers the walls in colorful posters
Is the #1 kindergarten teacher when it comes to crying/upset children,, Literally so comforting y’all he’ll crouch down and wipe their tears away and cheer them up with some lame motivational speech that the kids think is legendary
Is super clumsy like he literally hits his legs off the desks and trips on the tiny chairs, but is somehow incredibly gentle with his actions and words
Is super supportive of everything the children do and what ideas they come up with,,You want to be an astronaut? He’ll offer to help build a rocketship for you
Is that one teacher that is oblivious to almost everything that is going on yet continues to be everyone's favorite bc he lets them do whatever they want
Ok I feel like kindergarten teacher Jun would take his job hella seriously like this guy literally walks in on the first day with a suit and glasses, hair gelled up and crayons ready to be dispersed
But his cool image lowkey intimidates the kids and so they ask him to stop with the theatrics and he ends up wearing black jeans and striped shirts the whole year bc relatable
He’s one of the advocators for the quiet kids and probably favors that one little shy kid who never speaks but is the sweetest thing on earth
Everyday is show n tell like if you want to show the class a rock you found outside 10 minutes ago be my guest
Is overly dramatic 100% of the time, his pencil broke *cue the deep sigh*, he spilt spaghetti on his slacks? *has 911 on speed dial* and lets the kids out early for recess
Brings so much high energy and fun to the class that the kids literally never want to leave and won’t pry themselves off when their parents come for them
Wants to accommodate everyone's learning needs and spends most of his nights thinking of little things he can implement to ensure they’re working to their full potential
Pulls a chair up next to the children at those hella low tables during snack break and whips out his own lunchbox that he packed himself (it’s loaded with gummies)
Promises that they’ll watch a movie or have playtime if they do well on their work but doesn’t care if they fail bc he wants to see the care bears just as badly as them
Creates a class cheer or some catchphrase that they all shout when grouped together like the squad they truly are
Okay so being a kindergarten teacher was never in his agenda but he has this soft spot for kids and seeing that look of happiness that spreads across their faces when they understand/learn something!! It’s precious ok
Is super duper awkward at first bc yo, how do you handle kids? He was so stiff and monotone that the kids literally thought their teacher was a robot and spread a rumor which got to the parents and Mr.Jeon got a very concerned phone call from a handful of mothers.
Is a really organized teacher and loves sitting down with each child individually and helping them with their reading!! It’s so cute he keeps a little notebook to the side to document their progress and personally chooses which books each child would like :)
The children still think that he’s super mysterious and are genuinely curious about what he does outside of school. The fact that they even care that much for him makes his heart melt and he always tells them little facts about himself if they’re being good that day.
He basically goes from this really quiet reserved guy to the world's dorkiest teacher who gushes to his class about his favorite cereal flavors and helps them operate the microwave on the daily
An amazing teacher. Literally goes ham with teaching the class how to add/subtract and raises an army of tiny geniuses. He’s always so lowkey proud that whenever anyone praises him or his class he gets all red and flustered bc yes, he did that.
He’s one of those teachers that wants you to succeed in life and do well but honestly, his class is so cute and he loves giving them breaks where they just all sit in a circle and talk about toys and tv shows and eat cookies.
He’s a sort of closed off guy, but he never hesitates to get to know the kids better and what they like. He’s so genuinely interested that he spends most nights trying to keep up with the hip shows and terms the kids are using
Will never fail to bring in homemade cupcakes on everyone's birthday with their favorite color of icing and a card signed by the whole class for them! They all gather around with little party hats and have a wholesome time!!
Will never admit to it but cries when his class moves on to the next grade and he’s left with all those cute ass memories,, how is he ever going to get over them?? Send him a new batch pronto
Literally fits in with the kids like can he be classified as a teacher? Instead of taking breaks to drink coffee and adult he plays with toy cars and dolls with the kids on the floor at break time.
He never stops smiling, it’s actually so contagious his smile cures everything. The kids are so positive and content when he’s around that there’s hardly ever a problem with behaviour in his classroom
One of those teachers to have those periods where he gets each child to say a compliment about each other and it’s so cute!! The things they come up with are so pure that he wants to just adopt them all tbh
Probably strays from teaching half the time and gets them to do a lot of arts and crafts projects to give to their parents :”) but he adds in little life lessons along the way and why you need to be nice to everyone lmao no bitterness in this class allowed
Always struggles to open the milk cartons properly but doesn’t want to appear incapable so he pre-opens all of them to make life easier on everyone. Also always drops food on the floor, literally mark it down; every wednesday he will without a doubt sacrifice his slice of pepperoni to the flood gods
I know there’s this running joke that Mingyu is nasty but honestly he’d be that teacher who makes you use hand sanitizer 24/7. The kids hate it bc it smells horrible and tastes awful but Mr.Kim isn’t taking any of that crap from the kids but opts to buy a scented sanitizer to compromise.
The kids come up to him constantly and tell him useless information but just love seeing how he’ll react to the news. Mingyu is so expressive and endearing that a kid could literally say they sharpened a pencil and he’d be like :OO
Listen, all of the mothers have a lowkey crush on Mingyu and everyone knows it- except Mingyu. The children drop hints all the time and he just laughs and shakes his head and hits them with the “Aha, cute kid.”
He’d help zip and button up all of the children’s coats before they go outside and tie all their shoelaces and watch them very carefully to make sure that they don’t get hurt!
Also always has band-aids on hand, whether they’re stuffed in his pockets or in his bag, he always has them in case of emergencies! He has a great variety too, hit him up if you ever want a Hello Kitty band-aid :)
The kindergarten teacher with great balance. He’s playful and bright with the kids, but knows how to properly discipline them when needed. He’s that one teacher who looks like a sweetheart but will not hesitate to snap and go off on you
Tries really hard to make everything really easy to understand but ends up confusing himself and talks in circles. Doesn’t know whether to correct his mistakes or just roll with it bc they’re impressionable children and won’t know the difference.
The type to put class photos all over the walls and door. He’s like a proud dad and wants to display his family for all to see. He really cares for the kiddies & everyone needs to know that he has the best kindergarten class on the block or else he’ll be really bitter.
Fumbles a lot with organizing lessons and getting things together, but mostly pulls thru by sheer luck and the help of the kids healing smiles and multiple coffee breaks.
Is really soft spoken and kind when it comes to the kids and jokes with them all the time. He’s the teacher with inside jokes over mistakes he’s made or things he’s said that has made the class laugh in the past.
Literally the #1 promoter, supporter, fan, you name it; Boo Seungkwan is it. Is literally head over heels for his kiddos and wants to shout out just how fond he is of them. Dressed up as a cheerleader on Halloween and did a cheer for the class which they adored.
Brings in different snacks every day for the kids to try and says it’s bc he wants to “expand their food horizons” but it’s really an excuse to extend snack period. No one is complaining.
Makes up those cute little catchy songs and rhymes to get things to stick in their heads. He subconsciously finds himself singing during his lessons but never corrects this habit, as it makes everyone listen more intently and happier.
Incredibly defensive when it comes to his children. Brings out every roast in the book if someone ridicules his way of teaching or scores his students got on a test. Insulting one of his kids is like murdering his parents, and Seungkwan is having none of that.
Literally bursts into tears when he sees them walk across the stage with their tiny little kindergarten diplomas and paper hats. Is so incredibly proud of their accomplishments that he ends up giving a 20 minute speech on how endearing the class was when eating their cookies with milk.
Still doesn’t know how he got the job or why he applied. He never wanted to be a teacher and yet here he was, responsible for 20+ kids and their future. Great decision on whoever’s part.
The kind of teacher who says “Umm” and “Uhh” constantly. Buys books online with pre-made lessons that he poorly executes. Shrugs most of the time and nods at everything he reads, as if literally anything suggested at this point would be better than whatever shit is in those pre-school agendas.
Is trying his best to not seem like he’s half assing his job. Makes Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the class and even cuts off the crust for the little monsters. Nearly ends up killing the kid with a severe peanut allergy. Learned that asking about allergies beforehand is a life saver.
Shows up to work in jeans and a t-shirt for a good 4 months before he was mistaken for the older sibling of one of the kids. His professionalism levels sky rocketed after that. Doesn’t come to school if he isn’t in slacks and a button up.
Believes that maybe acting like an older brother to the kids would be a more effective way of teaching them. Holds kindergarten council meetings once a week to lay down the law on where everyone is at on the terms of nap time. Crucial info circulates.
Hardcore kindergarten teacher who lets his kids take 5 minute stretch breaks in between sessions. He interacts and joins in on the fun most days as they do wild activities like finger painting without smocks and cheating in hopscotch.
Chases the kids around during play time and pretends to be a dinosaur or monster to scare them,,Although he can be very mannerly when invited to a tea party.
Is the fun teacher who lets you have a prize from the treasure chest for answering a simple question right. Practically lives at the Dollar Store since he gives so many small goodies out in the run of a day.
Probably has a secret handshake with every single child in his class. Thinks that he’s hip with the kids for once, but is still a kid himself. Stays up super later correcting spelling tests he forgot at the bottom of his bag and loves using pen.
Shortened Math class in order to have time to dance everyday & has a playlist created for everyday of the week. He becomes the Ellen Degeneres of his classroom as he dances through the children and desks everyday at the same time.
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thebootybitchdragon · 7 years
lmao, i just keep ranting about this movie.
Why does it keep showing the moon eclipsing? That doesn't mean anything.
The Other Mother never said there was a time limit. The only condition of the "game" was to find the three eyes. Neither of them said anything about needing to do it before a certain time.
This is why this “game” sucks. There’s no stress involved. The answer to where the eyes are are obvious, and getting them are so incredibly easy there’s not even a threat. so Coraline can take her measly old time waltzing into each one and just taking them.
The plantcha should have been introduced earlier into the movie. To have the actresses give it to Coraline right before she needed to go back into the other world for her parents was a serious deus ex machina moment. "Here u go, here's this thing you'll immediately need! We're giving this to you for literally no other reason."
They built up the setup so well, and yet when it comes to this climax, it falls flat because it feels rushed. The Other Mother literally told her exactly where to find the eyes, thus removing all suspense or mystery or even point to the challenge. All Coraline had to do was look at the garden to understand what it meant, instead of, you know, actually needing to search for anything.
I feel like this movie would be better if they'd cut out a lot of scenes that don't have any point, like the store glove fight, the multiple other world dinner scenes, and the entire bit with the cat and "walking around the world." They didn't really add anything to plot or advance it in any way, so taking them out would have left more time to build up the climax.
The way this movies organized feels.....broken. its pacing sputters. sometimes its too slow, sometimes it breezes past things.
The corrupt garden and stage sisters were so short, and not really all that scary. oh, the well tries to eat her and the other father sacrifices himself to give her the eye. thats.....sad? i guess? good for him? what was the point of him existing anyway? The stage sisters were in a piece of candy like they were twins in the womb, holding hands. Which was a little creepy and very interesting so i was like "okay, this is gonna be neat!" and then they pop out with their elastic plastic arms and it was a big disappointment. not in the least bit creepy or even disturbing. don't even get me started on the fucking bat-dogs, that was such a fucking lameass cop-out.
The other world is built up in this moment to be "turning" from being magical and perfect to being horrible and a lie. and yet it falls flat. there’s not a single hint of Coraline being in any sort of actual danger. we know shes going to get the eyes. So why are you just brushing past these things when you could make them visually stunning and interesting to make up for what we obviously know is going to happen?
because its not visually stunning right now. its boring to look at, not at all interesting, and its so rushed its hard to even care about them. or remain invested, given i’m here on tumblr complaining about it instead of, you know, watching the rest of the movie.
The real mom hasn't been any less of a cunt either, by the by. she told Coraline to put back a simple pair of gloves that were on a half off sale mind you then turned around and said she'd get Coraline something she wanted at the grocery store in the very next scene.
Coraline's response of "what, like the gloves" was a perfectly valid snap back. if you're going to offer to get your kid something, don't do it five minutes after saying "no, you can't have anything."
This little bit of cuntness wasn't needed in the slightest because Coraline hadn't been doing anything that warranted being 'punished'. she was being (generally) good in the store. so why wasn't she allowed to even ask for them? and then why'd you do a complete 180, and offer to get her something when she was being a mopey little twat?
and again, the gloves were on sale. she wasn't asking for a full priced expensive item. her argument of wanting to be an individual at school was a valid one. and yet the mom shot it down completely.
real mother's still a bitch. not as bad of other mother, but still.
i get it, she's coraline’s mother, and kids love their mothers unconditionally, that’s the theme. and yet the film has done nothing but show us a broken relationship between the two and has yet to do anything to repair it. the only argument Coraline had to staying in the other world was the eye buttons. not "but i love my other other mother...." or "what about my real family?" like any normal child.
that's super telling, because it means that coraline would’ve been a-okay staying there and telling her real mom to piss off if not for that condition. the other mother didn't have to manipulate her very much because Coraline was already one foot out the door in the relationship with her real mother. mothers and daughters fight and push each others buttons, yes, but the film has done nothing to show the real mom actually cares at all, nor that coraline loves her that much. its a broken, unhealthy relationship.
and i hate it. i hate it i hate it i hate it. i guess i related to it more when i was 15, when the move first came out. but looking at it now, neither one of them or their actions or how they progress make sense. the mother is constantly in the wrong, coraline doesn't care, the father's clueless and plays no part in the film, and the other mother a stupid antagonist who told Coraline exactly what to do to beat her.
I have a bitter taste in my mouth rn, bc i don't think these things, these problems, i'm seeing are going to be resolved in any way. i used to love this movie for some reason? i think it was because it was stop motion. i have a thing for stop motion.
and yet even that feels lacking. sure, it's pretty and the models are amazing due to their abnormal bodytypes. but there’s nothing really stunning. the stage show and the garden were the only things that i thought have been really impressive.
i feel like i'm being unfair bc i keep comparing it to Corpse Bride in my mind. which had a significantly more "in your face" style choice. the backgrounds were gorgeous, the lighting was amazing, the characters were lovable, and the story was really good and its pacing was consistent. it also did the whole creepy disturbing thing correct, what with the land of the dead's occupants. and that was a children's movie as well, so what was this films excuse for skimping on the crazy and creepy? i'm still so pissed about the stage sisters, they had such a good setup for that and it flopped so hard.
I also keep comparing it to a Danny Phantom fanfic based on it i read a while ago. I can't help but feel that story's story was more fluid and and coherent than this movie's. its pacing was stable, the actions of the characters made sense, their personalities were explained, explored, and they changed. and the visual descriptions were awesome. its a pompep fic tho, that was the only issue, but it was done so well that i forgave it.
this movie is just generally giving on the vibe of lackluster and its making me super duper sad bc i remember it being much better.
Maybe i’m wrong tho, maybe the actual climax will be awesome and make up for it all. i really hope so.
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