smoothie-needed02 · 9 months
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Also Hope y’all have good presents and get chaotic.
(Btw the 2nd image isn’t my characters except Charlie who is chugging on sum rum^_^!!)
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boysbeloving · 10 months
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This is auto translate from mile's insta post and all I have to say is what the fucking fuck
(don't send me the correct translation I want to live in this)
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clochanamarc · 9 months
aisling uses her powers in front of your muse for the first time, how do they react?
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godfistgonnalive · 11 months
shaking my fur like a dog would fix me
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tamajikikun46 · 2 years
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Im back and finished owl house and I LOVE HUNTER waiting for the rest of season three
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lilbitdepressed27 · 6 months
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Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader She’s the Man AU
Summary: inspired by she’s the man, with a few changes
Warnings: Chad’s a bit of a jerk but nothing else really
WC: 9.3k
Author’s Note: sorry for any mistakes. Hope y’all enjoy:)
"Sorry girls but I can't really do anything about it."
"But we win more games than the boys do!!"
"Yea what the fuck why aren't they the ones getting cut."
"What?! No you don't, you guys just face other girls that don't know how to play."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You couldn't believe you dated him. To be fair you had been sexually confused for a long time. Battling your inner self to be true to who you were. Frankie was your ex boyfriend and you honestly wanted to slap yourself every time you looked back at that relationship. You honestly didn't know what you were thinking.
"Oh really you guys haven't won a game since like what freshman year?" You backfired. "Can't even win a game against the schools rivals, Woodsboro Panthers." The boys in front of you glared at you knowing that it was always a touchy subject. The team had always been sore losers.
"I'm sorry girls but we have to practice unlike some people." The couch and the boys laughed as they walked away.
The girls team was left standing on the field feeling a mix of emotions. You were beyond pissed and there was absolutely nothing you could do.
You had been walking home, your music blasting in your ears. You had been extremely bummed out, your dream had always been to play soccer in the big leagues. Wanting nothing more than to play with your idols. Couldn't really do that if your school doesn't have a girls team. You would have to transfer to another school that does have one but you'd doubt that your parents would let you. The closest school would be Woodsboros, but they also didn't have a girls team.
The sudden pull of your jacket had you stumbling back. "Ah what the hell!" You turned around taking off your headphones. Only to be faced with your brothers girlfriend.
"Anthony-Oh ew it's you."
"What do you want Sherrie."
"Where's your brother. When you see him tell him to call me."
"What's the number, 1-800-BIYATCH." You laughed to yourself.
"Whatever. Just tell him."
You laughed as she walked away and went into the house.
"Wait what do you mean you're leaving?" Your eyes followed your twin brother (although you didn't really look that much the same, there was similarities but you were a bit taller then he was. And the much better looking twin) he was moving back and forth from his bag and his closet.
"The band got booked to perform in fucking London. Can you believe that?"
"London?  As in London England? Wait, what about school. Don't you start next week?" You were sat on his bed strumming his acoustic guitar.
"Oh right, I wanted to ask if you can cover for me. You know, use that mom voice of yours and I don't know  make a call or something." He closed his bag and packed one of his many guitars. Once he was finished he looked at you with a smile.
"Wait, what about mom and dad?"
"One of the ups of having divorced parents. Mom thinks I'm with dad. Dad thinks I'm with mom. And they both hate each other too much to call each other." Throwing two of his bags out window, followed by his guitar.
"And what about your girlfriend? I don't even know why you date her."
"Cause she's hot, it's a guy thing. Well, I'll see you in like two months, maybe more." Anthony smiled and left through the window.
"Oh were you talking with your brother?" The sudden voice of your mother startled you.
"Uh yea, on the phone. What the hell is that?" You used the horrendous dress that your mom was carrying as a way out. If clearly worked when your mom beamed down at you.
"It's your dress. For the-Ugh mom." You groaned, knowing what she was going to go on about. "I said I'm not doing it. There's no way I'm putting on a dress. Literally the last time I wore one was when I was two. I'm not doing it." Standing up and putting your brother's guitar away.
"I don't know even know why I keep trying." She said as she walked away. You rolled your eyes and stood up. Looking into the mirror. Your brothers picture to the side. You picked it up and held it up. You never understood how you were related to him. Let alone a twin. You truly never looked alike. You were a bit taller than he was. And honestly stronger as well.
"Well if you can't beat them. Join them."
"Ha. You're funny." The hairdresser laughed. Kirby shook her head as she continued to cut her clients hair. Looking back at you, only to stop laughing. "Oh you're not kidding. Wait you're serious."
"Yea come on Kirb, I have a point to make. And I can't do it if you don't help me. Quinn, Anika back me up." You looked back at your best friends.
"Yea come on Kirby. The coach and the whole school in general think that girls can't do half of the things boys can do. They kept the stupid boys team and they don't even win!" Quinn spoke, she was still heated on the matter. Although she didn't have the same dreams as you, she still wanted to support you.
"Yea Kirby, they even got new uniforms and lockers for the boys team. A losing team might I add again." Anika voiced from your side.
"Come on Kirby please." The three of you spoke simultaneously.
The elderly client butting in. "Yea come on Kirby."
With a laugh Kirby laughed and nodded. "Fine."
"Damn. You make one fine ass man." Quinn whistled when you stepped out. You so badly wanted to scratch your head. The wig was something you'd have to get used to.
"Shut up. Do I really look like a man?"
"Yea one hot ass man." Anika joked as she stood next to you, reaching up to fix your wig. Quinn laughed from her seat as she ate her popcorn.
"Okay. Now we got the walk. The talk. Tomorrow you start. Remember be confident. You got this. We got all the paper work ready, oh and also. Remember to respond to the name Anthony. Anika literally tried to get your attention using your brothers name, and you didn't listen. Cause you have to get used to it." Kirby said as she got some of the popcorn from Quinn.
"Okay. I got this. I got this."
"I don't got this. Take me back. This was a stupid idea. Don't you ever let me come up with any more ridiculous ideas ever again. I can't believe you actually listened to me. You never listen. I can't believe I came this far. Well it's far enough. Take me back-Y/n stop!"
"Relax. You got this, now suck it up and get your shit together." Kirby handed you your bags and pushed you towards the entrance of the school.
You gulped and took a deep breath in trying to calm your nerves. With a look of encouragement from Kirby you made your way into the school.
Going into the boy side of the dorm rooms had been everything you expected and more. It was literally your worst nightmare come to life. The smell alone was enough for you to want to turn on your heels and leave. A mixture of body odor and a tone of axe spray. But you had to do this. You now had a point to make and you were going to make it.
You've never moved so fast to make it to your dorm. Slamming the door shut once, the relief of being in the safety of your room was washed away when you felt eyes on you. You were quick to straighten up and eyes wide as you looked at the three boys.
Clearing your throat, remembering to deepen your voice. "What up. Y'all must be my roommates." Nervously fumbling with your keys.
"Uh na I'm your roommate Chad. This is Ethan and that's Wes. They live next door."
You nodded as you put your bags down. Trying to swallow the anxiety that you felt coming up your throat.
"Yo what's your name?"
You turned around to look who was talking. Wes sat on the window seat playing with a ball.
"Anthony Y/ln, so you play the beautiful game bruhs, bros? Brothers?" You had tried to remember how boys talk but at the moment your mind was going blank.
"Yea, Ethan midfield and Wes plays defense and I'm a striker. What about you?"
"Center Midfield."
You cleared your throat as you got unpacked your bag. Taking out your boots, only remembering the tampons you shoved into the boot when Chad pointed them out.
"Dude why do you have tampons?!"
"Uh. I get really bad nose bleeds?"
After the horrifying and embarrassing display of you shoving a tampon up your nose. You were left with a big sense of regret. As the boys laughed and mocked you.
So far it's been alright.
That's a big fat lie. So far it's been hell. Things are horrible. The first try outs were today and man. You'd think it had been your first time playing. You had always thought you were great at soccer. It was a sport you loved. You had played it for the longest time. Now you wouldn't go and say you were horrible but you had a lot to learn. Especially since you made it on to the second string. That had been disappointing.
"Good job boys. Nice work, for the second strings don't feel discouraged. You are just as much on this team as the first stringers. Now go hit the shower. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Coach Loomis spoke before leaving to his office.
Crap! How could I forget about the freaking showers?!
You tried to think of any possible reason why you wouldn't be able to. You'd didn't really want to see anyone naked. Let alone a bunch of immature boys. But the closer you got to the boys locker the more you were starting to panic.
"Y/LN! Principal Riley wants to talk to you. So get a move on." Coach yelled from his office.
You had never felt so much relief like you did this moment. Never moving  so fast to get out of a room before.
The talk with the principal had been one of the weirdest and most awkward talks you had ever been in. As you walked out of the office you felt your body collide with a smaller body.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" The sudden action causing your voice to come out normal before you could even realize. Moving to help pick up the books the shorter girl dropped.
"It's okay."
You looked up, only for your breath to hitch in your throat. The girl in front of you was so, beautiful. Completely gorgeous. The faint freckles that littered her face, made you want to count every single one. Her dark brown eyes, were so mesmerizing that you could get lost in that pool of dark chocolate. Her small smile had your heart hammering in your chest. The dimples that appeared had to be the cutest things you had ever seen.
"Uh here's your books." You cleared your throat deepening your voice, the smile that she directed your way was enough for you to almost go weak to the knees.
"Thanks. You're the new transfer student, right? I'm Tara."
Tara. What a beautiful name. You returned the smile, "Y/-Uh Anthony. It's nice to meet you Tara." You held out your hand for her to shake, at the sound of her giggle, your smile grew just a tad bit. But the moment her soft, small, warm hand was in yours it was like your hand was made to hold hers. At the sight of her blushing cheeks, you pulled your hand away, clearing your throat.
"Well it was nice to meet ya Tara. I have to go and do some, guy stuff. Uh I'll see you around." With a nod you were quick to walk away. Part of you hoping you'd run into the Tara again.
"Dude this is not working. Who knew making friends as a dude could be so hard. Not to mention that I'm starting to smell. Kirby how could I forget about the showers. My roommate is a bit of jackass and-Alright take it easy. I can help you with the making friends situation and the shower problem. Let me just get the girls I've got a plan." Kirby cut you off before hanging up, not giving you a chance to respond.
"Kirby? Hello? Ugh, I hate when she does that." You mumbled. The past two days of being a 'man' have been a little bit harder than you had expected. Your roommates along with his friends are bit of jerks and clearly didn't want to be around you.
It wasn't long till, Kirby showed up with Quinn and Anika. Who had bright smiles on their faces. You hurried to get in the car. "Oh I've miss-oh wow you stink." Quinn cut herself off, pulling away from you.
"Don't remind me. Now what's your plan?"
With feeling fresh and clean, you walked into the restaurant with a new found confidence. You knew at least half of the students and soccer team were in the place at the moment. It was great for Kirby's plan, 'Make friends plan'. Her own way of making friends for you was well, "the boy way". That's why she had brought Quinn and Anika.
"Fuck here comes Anthony. Spread out so it looks like we don't got room." Chad nudged Ethan to the side as they spread out in the booth. It wasn't like he hated the guy but since the tampon moment in their room. He wasn't in a rush to make friends with his roommate.
"Oh my god Anthony Y/ln! Oh my god I've missed you so much."
Chad was pulled from his conversation with Ethan to see a red haired girl. She was hot.
"Quinn. Hey baby, how you doing?"
Chad couldn't understand how someone like Anthony could have girl like this one. The guy was weird. He acted completely strange. But here he was with this hot girl. Eyes widening a bit when the girl lightly kissed Anthony on the lips before leaving. He heard Ethan chocking on his soda when yet another girl, just as hot, called out to Anthony. The way this dark haired girl refused to let him go. Only leaving when Anthony slapped her butt.
"What the fuck? Did those two just talk to Anthony? Him?" Wes spoke in pure disbelief. There was no way. Seeing a hot brunette coming his way. He took his chance. "Hey there pretty lady."
"Ew. Are you talking to me?"
"I was just- Yea sure let me make it clear, girls with asses like mine don't talk to boys with faces like yours."
The two teammates shared a look, trying to hold in their laughter at the face Wes was making. The one of pure embarrassment.
"I'm looking for my boyfriend Anthony Y/ln."
The three boys jaw dropped in disbelief.
"Fuck it's your brothers girlfriend. Don't let her get too close or she'll recognize you." Kirby had spoken so quickly you barely had time to understand before you heard Sherries obnoxiously loud voice.
"Wait what?"
"Oh fuck uh be gone you craziest-" You felt a small sense of fear as you tried to dodge Sherries attempts to get to you. You had gone as far as using a stack of pizza boxes to cover your face. "Can't you take a hint. If I don't answer your phone calls or your texts. It could only mean one thing. We are done!"
Sherrie had acted like you expected. Leaving with scream of anger and most likely embarrassment. You were relieved on the other hand. Your cover was not blown. You heard the cheers and even felt the acceptance of your schoolmates.
"Dude that was awesome."
"You're officially my idol."
"Make room for the man."
Like Kirby had predicted. The plan had worked. You had the "respect" of your teammates and the school. Although you kinda felt a little bad for Sherrie. Even though she's been nothing but a bitch to you. You also didn't stink that was good. You had gotten used waking up super early in the morning. Getting the showers to yourself.
"Hey Anthony."
You turned at the sound of your brothers name. That was also something you kinda got used to. Being addressed as your brothers name and not yours.
At seeing who called for you, it had you smiling in a way you couldn't really control. "Tara hey. How are you doing?" You faced the shorter girl. She returned the smile as she looked up at you.
"I've been good. I haven't seen you around the past week. How's the school treating you." Tara had tried to see Anthony around the campus. But the campus was huge. She hasn't even got a glimpse of Anthony which was extremely disappointing.
"Oh it's been something else. I like the campus though." You looked down to what she was holding and it was stack of what you could clearly tell were heavy books. You reached for them without really realizing that you were. "Let me help you with those." You didn't really give her a chance to decline before taking most of the books.
"Thank you. But you didn't have to." Tara could feel the warmth coming from her cheeks. She could only hope that Anthony couldn't notice.
"It's okay, now what are you even studying that requires you to carry so many books." At sound of her laugh you smiled, her laugh was so sweet.
"Oh I've been transferred out of my class into another. Apparently I was too smart for that class."
"Nice, a smart girl." You teased smiling in satisfaction when you saw her blush. "No but seriously, aren't you running for class president?"
"Yes, I'm been elected to run. It's nothing." She looked away from his gaze. Her own mother had been dismissive of her achievements. She hated the feeling of being a disappointment. She's tried not to let her mother's words affect her but, it's her mother. The harsh words are bound to have an affect.
"Are you kidding? That's great, you were elected, which that alone is awesome. Don't sell yourself short. But don't worry future Ms.President. You have my vote." The smile you got in return was something you'd cherish. You hated how sad she had looked for a just a second before the look was gone.
"Thank you. That means a lot. Well this is me." Never had she felt so disappointed to arrive to her class. She had wanted to keep talking to Anthony. The way he acted around her was in a way no other boy has. He didn't treat her like she was just a piece of meat, like she was just some type of trophy he could show off to his friends. He was different from the other boys in school. "I'll see you later?" Hoping her voice didn't come off as hopeful.
"Of course. Later Ms.Future President." With a small bow you handed her books and walked away. Smiling when you heard her laugh.
Arriving into your biology class was something you weren't looking forward to. You hated cutting open any animals or anything that was once alive. Taking a seat as your roommate and his friends took a seat in front of you. The boys becoming your friends was also something new. Ever since that day at the pizza place your popularity had grown.
"Dude I keep forgetting to ask. But how long did you date that girl?" Chad asked as he took a seat in front of his roommate.
"Too long-Alright pick a name out of the bowl and who ever you have will be your lab partner for the rest of the year."
Taking one of the pieces of paper from the bowl you unfolded it. Smiling at the sight of the name. "Tara Carpenter." You looked up, searching for your brun-the brunette that was becoming your favorite. Eyes connecting with the beautiful chocolate eyes. Oh how you loved chocolate. Seeing the smile on her face as she looked at you. Sending a small wave.
"Dude you know Tara Carpenter? Switch with me." Chad couldn't help the small sense of jealousy at the way the girl he liked was looking at Anthony.
"Yea and no cause I said her name out loud." You gathered your things and moved to table Tara had moved to. Placing your bag on the table as you sat down. Leaning forward just bit.
"Hey Tara. I gotta be completely honest with you. The whole dissecting thing freaks me out, so I think you're gonna have to take the reins on this one." You whispered to her. Hoping no one else heard you.
"Wow I don't think any other guy would have admitted to that."
"Crap, you're right." Your eyes widen as you looked down at the paper with a cut open frog. The feeling of wanting to barf came strong.
"No no. It's okay. I got you. I'll take the lead." Tara wanted to wipe the frown on his face. It was such an adorable look but she also wanted to comfort him, so she reached for his hands, taking his hand into hers. His hands were so soft. Not like any other boy's hands she's touched. The warmth and softness of his hands made her want to hold on to them longer.
"Uh no papers from other classes on the table." A boy you e never seen before said, paper was pushed in between in your face and Tara's. Seeing the color of the paper. You quickly tried to grab it but Tara was quicker.
"Oh what's this poems?"
"Lyrics. They're hi-my my old stuff."
"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be. And I don't wanna go home right now."
You sighed in relief, realizing it was a song you wrote for your brother to sing. He wanted a romantic song and your were such a sucker for them.
"This is really good."
The way she was looking at you had your throat in a knot. Feeling like she could read your mind by the way she was staring intensely into your eyes.
As you walked out of the classroom you were pulled by the back of your shirt. "Dude what the fuck Chad!" Pulling your shirt from his grip.
"Anthony my guy. Did you tell her anything about me?"
"Who Tara? Was I supposed to?"
"Come on man. You could convince her to go out with me."
He looked so serious you couldn't help but laugh. "Dude you've been going to school together for, how long? I don't think she likes y-Come on! If you help me. I'll help you train to make first string for the rivalry game."
"Wait what? Seriously?" You were good, but apparently not good enough to make first string. And you had something to prove. You couldn't be distracted by anything. Not even a pretty brunette. It wasn't like Tara liked you.
"Okay, I'll tell her all about Chad Minks and how he's a great dude. But I won't force her."
"You're the man Anthony!" Chad cheered, this was going to work. He knew as much. He just needed someone to sweet talk him up to Tara. Then he would be the hottest guy dating the hottest girl in the school.
Training with Chad was fun. The more you trained with him. The more if felt like you were getting better than before. The love you had for game had always been big. Always trying to improve your self in how you play. With Chad's help you were a whole lot prepared and skilled during practices.
As for helping with Tara. It was coming along. Well the best it could without sounding pushy about the situation.
"So when can you let me read the rest of that poem?"
You were brought out of your thoughts at the sound of Tara's voice. You tried to avoid the frog that was cut open in front of you.
"Poem? What poem?" You teased, smiling when she squinted her eyes at you.
"Ugh you suck. I'm going to get you to read it to me one day. You just watch."
"Now, I heard from your friend Amber that you like someone."
"What?" Tara felt her eyes widen. She was going to kick Amber's ass when she sees her. Amber wouldn't tell him, that she liked him right? The feeling of her heart racing as she watched Anthony write down some notes before looking right at her with those soft y/ec eyes.
"Yea, is it by any chance Chad Minks? Cause I've seen what the way he looks at you. I mean I can see it."
Seeing the disbelief and was that disgust? You weren't sure. Reading people wasn't something you were really good at.
"No! I mean he's good looking and all but he's just not the guy for me." Tara had tried to like Chad. He was what most girls wanted at the school. But every time she looked at him, she felt nothing. Chad was just like every other jock that has tried to get into her pants. Only wanting her for her body. She had seen how Chad was with Liv. Liv had been so in love with Chad. But the moment Chad got bored he left Liv. Liv had been left heart broken. Tara had gotten used to blocking out any guy that had tried to hit on her. Most of the guys (if not all of them) had always succeeded in making her extremely uncomfortable.
"Hmm I don't know maybe there's more to him than you think there is." You hated yourself for even bringing it up, you could tell this conversation was annoying Tara.
"So he's not just another dumb jock, who wants to get in my pants. So he could tell his friends but is too-Insecure to treat you as an equal?" You understood how she felt. It wasn't long you were also dating a dumb jock.
Tara looked at the taller boy in shock. Never had she met someone, let alone a boy, understand what she had felt. Seeing him agree had honestly left her feeling baffled.
"You know you are the first guy at this school who hasn't tried anything with me."
You felt you cheeks heat up as you cleared your throat, "Oh uh I'm not really looking for another relationship. Just got out of one that was a bit, hard I guess? You're a great friend Tara. You're actually the only person in this school I feel comfortable around."
Even if she felt a bit more that just disappointed that he only saw her as a friend. She offered him a smile. "I feel the same way about you." Her vocie coming out softer than usual. Looking into those beautiful y/ec eyes. It was enough for her to get lost in them. Even if he only saw her as a friend. She could work with that.
"Good, and just take my advice. Chad's a pretty cool dude, get to know the guy."
"I'll consider it." She was most certainly not going to. She watched as the soccer player tried to focus back on the task at hand. The cut open frog they still had to be dissected. The cute grossed out facial expression on his face was too cute for her to ignore.
"So what's that exactly?"
"Uh I think that's the spleen." A small noise of acknowledgment was all she got in response before she saw Anthony fainting and falling to his side. With a chocked laugh she was quick to check on him.
"I honestly thought you were joking about the dissecting thing freaking you out this bad." Tara couldn't hold back her giggles as he finally woke up. She had been worried at first. But the more she remembered the face the soccer player made, the more she couldn't help but to laugh.
"Ugh." You sat up, realizing you were now in the nurses room. You felt a little warm inside to see that Tara was sitting next your bed. Wondering if she was sitting there while you were out cold.
"How are you feeling? Down to dissect more frogs?" This time Tara couldn't help the full belly laugh.
As much as you tried to keep a straight face, a smile made its way to your face. You really liked the sound of her laugh. Her smile, the dimples you liked so much being on display. "You're so mean."
Tara brought up her hand to cover her mouth. Trying to control her laughter. "I'm sorry."
She looked utterly beautiful. The sun coming from the window shined on her like if she were an angel. All you wanted was to kis-Uh oh. No. No you couldn't be falling in love with Tara.
You couldn't.
"Yo! You okay? I can't believe you passed out over a cut open frog." The laugh that followed was nothing like Tara's.
"Yea whatever. But I've got you half way. She's considered going out with you." You flopped on your bed, looking up at the ceiling. Falling in love was not part of this plan. You couldn't for many reasons. One being the most obvious, YOU WERE A GIRL! For starters. You were a girl pretending to a boy, pretending to be your brother. Tara was obviously straight. And if you did show any signs of liking her, it would be misleading. You were a girl.
Tara was straight.
"Wait really? So should I go ask her out?"
"What? No!" Trying to ignore the jealousy you felt coursing through your body. "You don't want to freak her out."
"Ugh I hate the waiting game. I've been waiting for the past years. Since 6th grade. That’s five whole years. You have no idea how long I've wanted to, to date her. She's the hottest girl in the school."
You narrowed your eyebrows at your roommate. You won't deny that Chad is a great soccer player. He was outstanding on the field. And he was nice enough to help you out to make first string. But other than that you weren't really sure why he was so eager to be with someone who clearly didn't like him back.
"Wait what do you mean? You think he doesn't like you?"
Tara groaned into her pillow. As much as she enjoyed being with the taller soccer player. She couldn't ignore the small little voice in her head telling her that Anthony didn't like her back.
"I don't know Amber. He's not like any other boy I've ever met before. He hasn't even flirted with me. Not even once!" She chose to ignore the laugh coming from her best friend.
"What? There's no way. Every guy here has flirted with you at least once." Amber has watched for the past days how this guy had her best friend hooked with just his presence. She won't deny the guy was kinda good looking. But there was something about Anthony that was making her sexually confused? Amber was a proud lesbian. There was no denying that, but she had gone soooo long without finding any boy attractive. Not even when she was little. But now Anthony Y/Ln was a first. Now she didn't like him in that way like Tara did. But there was something about him that was familiar. She just couldn't seem to know what.
"Wait really?" Come to think about it, Amber has not seen Anthony flirt with any girl at all. Every time she saw him he it was always either during class (which he did really pay attention to) and then during the soccer practices. "Wait you don't think he's gay do you?"
That thought had never even crossed her mind. The thought of Anthony being gay had her sitting up straight to face Amber.
"What? No! There's no way-I mean, I don't know. Oh my god let it be me to fall for a guy who could possibly be gay." She groaned even louder as she covered her face with her hands. If Anthony was gay, she would have to move on. Or she could just ask. He did have those two girls at the pizza parlor. Not to mention that crazy ex. But if that were the case. Maybe he's bisexual. Or just now gave up on the girls and just wants boys now.
Ugh. It was just her luck.
"What's up Anthony."
You looked away from your open book. You had finally gotten away from Chad and his friends. A moment of peace away from those boys was what you desperately needed. They were rowdy and fun but you could only take so much before you wanted to pull your hair out.
"Sup Amber. How's it going?" Amber was Tara's best friend. You liked Amber. She was always putting Chad in his place when he tried to flirt with Tara. It was always a funny sight.
"Eh it's going but I gotta ask you something." She moved to sit next to Anthony.
You closed your book and looked at the shorter girl. "Sure what's up." You moved to grab your water bottle to take sip.
"Are you gay?"
The water burned as it went up your nose, you spluttered out wet coughs as you tried get your breathing back to normal. You took the napkins Amber offered you. "Jesus Amber. No I am not gay." Well you were. And as funny as it would be for these students to believe your brother Anthony was gay, you weren’t that mean of a sister.
"Really? Not even a little bit?" Amber did not feel convinced for the weirdest reason. She just couldn't put a finger on it.
"No not even a little bit. Why?" You let out a chuckle once you had your breathing under control and you were no longer chocking. Gay?
"Well can you blame a girl for asking." So he wasn't gay, Tara did have a chance. Amber couldn't help but to feel excitement. Mingling is something she was great at.
You hated being here, carnivals. Absolutely hated them. Clowns were literally your worst nightmare and those things were everywhere. Not only did you hate clowns. But you absolutely hated that you had to change from being you to your brother. So you opted to just staying as you for the remainder of the day.
"Wait they thought Anthony was gay?" Anika asked again once she was finished laughing.
"Anthony gay? Girl he is as straight as they come." Quinn laughed as well, the girls along with Kirby had arrived at carnival before you did. You mom had called the moment you arrived and said you were signed up for the kissing booth. Part of you had never felt so offended and angry. You were not going to be kissing no strangers. No matter the cause before hanging up.
"Any cute girls there?" Kirby nudged your shoulder as you walked around. Noticing the blush on her younger friend. "Oh so there is. What's her name?"
"Stop. There's no-Liar! Come on. Tell us." Your two best friend nudged and pleaded to know. You rolled your eyes although you were smiling.
"There is on-" You were cut off by someone bumping into your body. You were able to catch them before they fell. "Oh I'm sorry."
At the sound of the voice, the voice that sounded awfully familiar! Tara furrowed her eyebrows before looking up at the person. Only for her eyes to widen in shock. The girl standing in front of her looked exactly like Anthony. Almost like a spitting image. "Do I know you?" She couldn't help up to ask.
"Uh no. I don't think so. Sorry." You moved to walk around Tara. As much as you wanted to talk to her as you and not Anthony. You couldn't, not without blowing your cover. You were quick (but not too quick to make it weird) away.
Kirby and the girls were quick to follow you. Noticing Anika sharing a long stare with one of the girls. "Oh my god was that her!" Speaking once she was far away from the short girl.
"Would you shut up, and yes that's her." Your cheeks flushing at the teasing grins that were looking your way.
"Dude she's cute!" Quinn shook your shoulders in pure excitement.
"You should totally try to get w-No, she's straight. And I don't know if you know this but I'm a girl." You shook her head, continuing your walk only to see Chad and Frankie fighting. You were quick to run to the scuffle. Trying your best to pull the two dude's away from each other.
"Frankie stop!"
Chad turned around at the voice, opening his mouth to say something he had been momentarily distracted enough for Frankie to hit him. Making Chad stumble into you. You caught him right when the security showed up. Quinn and Anika pulling you away before you could get in trouble.
"Hey are you okay?"
You were standing to the side, after being yelled at by your mom. It wasn't even your fault but you let her yell at you. The girls had gone to get food while you waited. The sound of Tara's voice you looked towards her. She offering such cute shy smile.
"Uh yea I'm okay. Thanks for asking." You murmured, you weren't sure why you felt so shy now. Maybe it because you weren't sure if Tara would like you as Y/n and not as Anthony.
"Are you related to Anthony Y/Ln by any chance?"
"Yea he's my twin brother."
"Wow you guys are crazy alike. It's almost uncanny. How do you know Chad?" Tara couldn't get over how you looked so much like Anthony. Ever since she bumped into you earlier that day. She couldn't stop thinking about you and Anthony. She had always been comfortable with her sexuality. She had always said she was bisexual. And right now was a good example why. Anthony. He was so charming, so sweet and just so funny. Honest. You. You were honestly the most beautiful woman she's ever seen.
"Yea we get that a lot. I'm Y/n." Sticking out your hand for her to shake.
"Tara." Tara took your out stretched hand. Your hand taking hers in a gente but soft shake. She looked down at your hand, it was awfully the same as Anthony. Down to the same softness that she has grown to like.
"Damn that guy who beat up Frankie was kinda hot, wasn't that your brothers roommate." Quinn asked as she wrapped her arms around yours, interrupting whatever was happening between you and the short girl. From the corner of her she was able to see the same girl that had bumped into you looking right at you. Maybe that girl wasn't as straight as she seemed. "Hi I'm Quinn."
"Nice to meet you. I should go back to my friends. It was nice meeting you Y/n." She couldn't stop looking at you, she hoped that it wouldn't be the last time she saw you. A past of her also feeling a bit of disappointment seeing the red head being so close to you.
"Dude, what? What's on your face." You spluttered with your words at seeing the tampon up Chad's nose. Part of you wanted to laugh.
"Oh this? Yeah I grabbed one of your." He pointed to the tampon as he got up. "And they actually work." He took the bloody tampon out and threw it away.
"Dude what happened?"
"Well turns out the dude I fought was your sister's ex. And man she looks just like you. It's kinda scary. I mean I have a twin but we don't look that alike. She's kinda hot. Is she single?"
"Eh we get that all the time. And yea she is but she's gay."
Chad's shoulder visibly deflated. "Damn."
"I thought you liked Tara?" You narrowed your eyes slightly. Hoping it wasn't noticeable.
"I do. But I can admire another woman. And your sister is hot. Can't believe she dated a douche bag like Frankie." He didn't even do anything to the guy and Frankie had just lost his cool. And Chad wasn't one to back down.
"Yea, everyone gots at least one person they regret dating." You laid on your bed. Remembering how Tara finally met you as your true self.
"Hi Anthony." You looked away from your homework to see Tara sitting down in front of you. You were once again in the library.
"Hey Tara. How was the carnival yesterday?" You closed your book, focusing on the way Tara was looking at you. She had the same look of when she was studying something. In this case she was studying you. Which was making you quite nervous. "You okay tar?"
Seeming to be snapped back to reality. Tara nodded, "Yea sorry. It was fun. Why weren't you there?"
Shrugging in response, "Crazy ex showed up and wouldn't leave me alone so I just ended up leaving."
"Mmh, I didn't know you were a twin." Tara couldn't get over how much Anthony and his sister looked alike. It was truly uncanny. It was like she was looking at a man version of the girl she saw at the carnival.
"Oh you met Y/n? How was that?" You wanted to know what she thought of you.
"She was sweet. We didn't talk long, her girlfriend showed up."
"Yea this pretty red head."
You let out a laugh. She thought you were dating Quinn. You love Quinn she was one of your best friends. "Oh you mean Quinn. No that's just my sisters best friend."
Having a weird sense of relief, she wasn't even sure why. She had just met you. Why did she feel jealous. She had no reason to feel this type of jealousy. "Oh. They just seemed close."
"They've been friends since they were in diapers. They've just had a close bond since like forever."
"That's sweet..Wait didn't you kiss the red head?!" The memory had been shoved right to the front of her brain.
"Oh...yea. Uh.." Think faster!! "That was more of a friendly kiss? Quinn was just trying to help me break up with my girlfriend at the time. Sherrie was-is crazy. She was also kinda of a bitch to Y/n."
At the mention of that girl being mean to Y/n. It had her feeling, protective? You had looked so nice. Your soft y/ec eyes held some type of warmth. She wanted nothing more than to talk to you again.
"Y/LN!" You jumped up from the leg press machine. You had been working out with Chad for the past hour. The game against your school was less than a week away. And you have been training hard. The practices have been a lot more easier now that you knew how to play like a man. Chad had been a great help.
"Yes coach?"
A jersey being thrown at you. You looked down at the jersey. Your last name stitched on the back of the jersey along with a big number name below it. You felt your eyes widen in shock and excitement.
"You're first string for the rivalry game."
"No I was joking, you idiot." Coach Loomis said sarcastically before walking away.
You couldn't contain your excitement. Jumping up and down. "Yes!" Chad laughed as he shook his head.
"Congratulations man."
"Oh I know. Ask out Chad, like in a friend date. But don't let him know that, do it in front of Anthony. See how he reacts." Amber looked at Chad and Anthony from across the gym.
"But I don't like Chad."
"Which is why it will be a friend date. But you'll tell him that on the date."
Tara debated the plan. She really liked Anthony. His personality, his attitude, the way he was around her. It was so refreshing. So pure.
You couldn't stop smiling. All your hard work was finally paying off. Your point that you were trying to make was almost done. Wanting finish your workout before calling the girls.
"Hey Chad."
You both looked up to see Tara in all her glory standing there. Looking at Chad.
"Tara! Hi."
You could tell that he was nervous. With a quick look from Tara. You sent her an awkward thin lipped smile. Hoping Tara couldn't tell how jealous and dejected as you seemed.
"How about we go out on Friday."
But she did. She could see how the happy glint in his eyes faded as soon as she mentioned the date. She watched as Anthony turned around fiddling with his phone.
"Really?! I uh mean. Cool. Yea cool I'll see you Friday."
You hated yourself for feeling so jealous. You hated it. You had no right to feel jealous. Tara was straight and clearly giving Chad a chance. You had to focus on the bigger picture. So you tired to do that.
Staying late at the gym before the big game tomorrow. You didn't know how long you were until you saw the time. Figuring you needed some good nights rest before the game tomorrow. With a quick shower, you made your way back to your dorm room.
You had expected for Chad to be home so quickly. You were sure he would still be out with Tara.
"So are you gonna tell me the truth?"
The truth? You looked at Chad wide eyed. Did he know that you weren't a boy. You were sure you had been good at hiding your true self. Maybe your wig had fallen off while you were sleeping.
"Uh truth?"
"Yes the fucking truth."
He seemed angry, well you assumed he had a right to. Maybe he felt a little weirded out that girl has been rooming with him for a while.
"Okay, I'll tell you the truth. But just know that I did this cause I had to prove something. I've always loved soccer and-What so you use me to get better at soccer and then what steal my girl."
You were confused now. What on earth was Chad talking about? "Wait what? What are you talking about?"
"Dude stop lying I saw you!" Chad knew he may have been overacting. First he was a bit mad and disappointed that the date hadn't gone as he had hoped. The date had been so awkward and he had just felt so uncomfortable, and top off the date Tara had told him she didn't like him in that way. When he had seen Anthony, his so called friend kissing Tara. He had felt so betrayed and extremely jealous.
"Saw me do what?"
With his anger at an all time high. He had pushed Anthony out of the room without any further explanation. Slamming the door in Anthony's face.
"What the fuck?" You were left confused. With no where else to sleep you walked away towards the library. Hoping that it was open.
"Yo Anthony! What are you doing here?!" Jumping up from the chairs you had pushed together in a form of makeshift bed. "The game is about to start."
This had you almost tripping over your own two feet as you ran out of the library towards the boys locker room. Confusion taking over as you saw your uniform was gone. Fumbling with your phone hoping to find some answers.
Tony: thanks for unpacking my things and making my room. You're the best sis
Tony: why did you sneak tampons in my drawer. Jerk
You could only watch from the safety of hiding under the bleachers as your brother destroyed all your hard work. He truly was a horrible athlete. It was like watching a baby trying to walk. If anything a baby could probably play better.
Sighing in relief as the whistle blew out signaling the ending of the first half. Watching as the coach Loomis spoke to your brother. Banging your head on the metal. Your brother walked past the bleachers and you took this opportunity to yank him under the bleachers.
"What the fu-Y/n?"
"Dude what the hell are you doing?" You punched his arm, he was supposed to give you a heads up before coming back.
"Ow! Me? Why are you dressed like me?"
"Ugh I was trying to prove to our old school that a girl could be just as good as any boy on the damn team. Can you believe they cut the girls soccer team and not the boys?"
"Wait what? But the girls team win more games?" He knew how much you love the game. There was never a game he would miss when you played.
"Wait, what are you even doing here?"
"Oh!" Remembering what had happened last night. "There was this girl. She kissed me. And even though it was only a second cause when she pulled away from me and looked at me like I was stranger. But I came to look for her cause she was hot."
"That's what Chad was talking about." You mumbled to yourself. "Give me back my uniform. And stay hidden.”
“Wait what do you mean you kissed him?” Amber asked as she looked away from the game. Half time had just started and it looked like Anthony was being given another chance. She had never seen someone play so horribly. It was almost laughable.
“Yea I did.”
“Then why do you sound disappointed? Shouldn’t you be happy, you have been crushing on the guy for a while now.” She looked back at the match. The second half time hasn’t started yet.
“I don’t know. I felt nothing. He usually makes me feel so much but last night, it felt weird like I was kissing a stranger. His lips weren’t as soft as they looked.” She didn’t really remember seeing his lips last night. But she remembered seeing those lips everyday. They had always looked so soft so kissable. The lips she kissed last night were not soft.
“Well I’ve seen him practice and he looked great during practice. The way he was playing in the first half, it might as well have been a stranger.” Mindy spoke up from her spot. There was no way Anthony was playing like newbie when he had trained so hard to make first string.
Quinn, Kirby and Anika shared a look. They were sitting behind the three girls. Maybe the short girl wasn’t as straight as they had assumed.
The second half was going a whole lot better than the first half. With you scoring the first goal with the help of Ethan. The stadium bursting out in cheers. The score now being 1-0.
You could still fell the hostility coming from Chad. He refused to look at you, going as far as to not even passing you the ball. This caused him to lose the ball. Leading your old school to score. Tying the game.
“Dude come on I know you’re mad but let’s put that aside for the next forty minutes.” You made the mistake of placing your hand on his shoulder. This caused him to push you away.
“Get your hands off me.”
“Chad come on-” you were pushed again before Ethan and Wes held him back.
“Do you two little princesses have to step off or something?” Hearing your ex’s voice was not what you needed. Hearing his obnoxious laughter along with his teammates was almost ruining the happiness you felt. “Do you ne—Y/n?!”
You didn’t want to look at him. Cause now you were for sure made. The dream you had of proving yourself was burning down. With a heavy sigh you turned around. Seeing Frankie’s eyes widen in shock. Knowing the act was over. You took off your wig. Hearing gasps from literally everyone.
“You’re a girl?!” Chad asked no longer angry. He couldn’t believe he just physically pushed a girl. And his push hadn’t been gentle.
“Yea sorry about the lying, I had a point to prove.” You moved your gaze towards your coach. He had his arms crossed.
Hearing the laughter coming from Frankie and his teammates, even his coach had laughed. “You can’t play with a girl. It says in the rule book.” The coach said smugly. This was when coach Loomis stepped up. Taking the book from the other coach.
“What rule book? Here in Woodboro we don’t discriminate. Based on gender.” Coach pointed his finger at the other coach’s chest. And you knew it hurt based on how the other coach stumbled back and how rubbed the spot.
“Alright then. You think you can beat us with a girl on your team. Good luck. You’re gonna need it.”
With a wink being shot your way by Coach Loomis you smiled excitedly. You couldn’t believe he was going to let you play. You quickly put your hair up in a ponytail so it wouldn’t be in your face. You were now more confident more comfortable.
Winning the game had been everything and more. The way Frankie had run off crying was so funny, extremely hilarious actually. You had been told off by your parents like you had expected but you could tell they were proud. Especially your dad.
You also watched as Chad was being down talked by your brother. Probably telling Chad off for pushing you earlier.
“All this time you were Y/n?” You turned around to see Tara standing there. She had not looked mad or anything. It was more a of curiosity.
“Yes. I’m sorry. I know it was misleading and wrong. For that I’m sorry.” You fiddled with your fingers. Upon hearing laugh you looked up towards her. Her smile brighter than before.
“Are you kidding? If anything I need glasses. Cause wow. Also sorry for kissing yesterday. Kinda thought you were her.” Anthony walked back to his sister and the hot girl, although a bit dejected he was happy you were happy. He had never seen you so happy yet nervous at the same time. By the way Tara was looking at you. He knew she felt the same way. With a dismissive wave he smiled and walked away.
“So? You’re not mad?”
With a shake of her head, she took your hand in hers. “A little bit, but that’s because I was so sexually confused, then you came along and I’ve never been so confused. Now I’m just hoping you feel the same.”
With the smile of your own you grinned back. “I’ve never felt so sure Ms.President.”
With a giggle of her own she wrapped her arms around your neck and brought you down for a long awaited kiss. Now these lips were soft. These were the lips she had been dreaming about. The feeling that had been absent were now there and going crazy. Just like she had wanted.
“I FUCKING KNEW IT!!” Amber yelled. There had been no way she found a boy attractive. Especially since she had the biggest crush on her best friends sister. But that wasn’t relevant.
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Even More Silly and Irreverent SF Headcanons
Warning: This glorified shitpost contains a heavy dose of MLM (Morons loving Morons)
EDIT: So apparently in the Spanish Dub for SF Charlie's girlfriend is named Zoey and I made this post before that info became more well-known and prior I dubbed her as Susan....Zoey is a cute name OMG
This one time Charlie, Dj Spitz, Glep, Mr. Frog, Jennifer, Shrimp and one reluctant Alan all decided to spend one April Fools day split into street gangs competing to see who could prank the most people within 24 hours before everyone involved was tossed in the county jail until Pim and a pissed off Zoey had to bail them all out the morning after.
Simon S. Salty tried to bribe his way into the Pearly Gates of Heaven with coupons at his shoddy restaurant but God was so offended by the mere idea of eating his slop that he told St. Peter to press the big red button to open the trapdoor under Salty’s feet to H-E-double hockey sticks so he can go peddle his 2-bit McDonalds knock off to those who truly deserve it. Eat up Satan ya big red loser!!!
Pim is actually much stronger than he looks, he can open pickle jars with one turn of the wrist and he can carry Charlie over his head while running a mile without breaking a sweat (or his spine for that matter).
Charlie bamboozled the entire internet by editing The Mr. Frog Show wiki by adding fake episodes with a source that lead to the famous RickRoll video, only for everyone to read him the riot act when he accidentally exposed himself. Hah! That idiot.
One hot summer day Glep spat on the sidewalk and the spit droplet just sizzled and evaporated into steam….from that point onward Glep has been trying to convince his co-workers that he can literally spit fire and when trying to prove such a claim he spat into Charlie’s coffee.
Pim and Zoey had to bail Charlie out of jail once again for attempted murder (See the HC above for the reason why).
Mr Boss was cursed into turning into an owl beast in his sleep and he has to take a potion once a day to keep him normal, hence why he was freaking out at the end of S2E1.
Alan wears a skin-tight red jumpsuit under his neck and tie and underneath all that he has goofy-print boxers with a smiley face patch on the seat.
Pim is still friends with Jennifer even after the initial mix up when he introduced her to Shrimp. She gives him special “Thank You” coffee and treats in the house every year on her and Shrimp’s anniversary.
Smormu does makeup tutorials and travel vlogs on YouTube.
Charlie found out that Pim and Susan both crush on him and decided: “Why not?” Thus was the beginning of a beautiful polycule.
James what super jealous and was ready to reap his revenge until Charlie pulled a Saitama and punched James in the nose so hard that he whimpered away like a pitiable little biyatch!!
Glep, Pim and Smormu went to Miku Expo cosplaying as The Triple Baka Squad (Pim called dibs on Miku).
Alan attends Beatnik Poetry Night with Glep on the bongos.
Smormu started dating Dj Spitz and lemme tell ya he is VIOLENTLY protective of her, Whoever killed Canon!Smormu wouldn’t stand a chance against this guy.
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sleepless-sleep · 3 months
"Bish" "Biyatch"
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violasghost · 11 days
Thoughts on Emily in Paris S4, Part 2
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S4, Part 2 Spoilers below....
Although S4 part 1 was much happier for Emily and Gabriel, it was inevitable that they had get past the love triangle between Emily, Gabriel, and Camille. Unfortunately for Gabriel’s sake, he failed to successfully balance his relationships between the two females masterfully. So instead of an essay style review, thought I would break it down character by character.
Gabriel: Where to begin with him? This guy is all over the place. He’s always been wishy washy, but even moia who has been a fan of Emily x Gabriel pairing since S1 was a little disappointed in him. So, he can spend Christmas with Camille’s family for a couple days, but can’t hop on a plane to Chicago? Despite Camille’s family place being closer to his restaurant, it was kind of a weak excuse. As far as the skiing incident, I understand that he was in-between a rock and a hard place with wanting to protect Camille’s fake baby, but Camille had mentioned that she was an expert skier, and she was certainly not in any peril but in a split second, he leaves the inexperienced Emily in the dust. Despite Camille’s family plotting against Emily and Gabriel as a pair from the beginning, Gabriel illustrated Emily’s worst fears, that he cares more for Camille/baby than he does about Emily, even when Emily was scared. And yes, sometimes people make mistakes and had there been a sincere apology and Gabriel going after Emily after she left, perhaps there would be some grace given, but he pretty much let Emily leave without much argument and then he shut her out for the remainder of the season. He really is shit at communication. I’m kinda on team Emily after that breakup. Gabrielle needs to earn her back if he ever wants a chance again.
Emily: Although Emily is far from perfect, I felt for her when she was all alone on Christmas and then ran into Alfie who had clearly happily moved on. (I’m glad for Alfie by the way. He deserved a happy ending.) I get that Emily not learning to be fluent in French is part of a schtick because we arrogant Americans expect everyone to speak English, but I think being in Paris for more than a year (right?), she should be more fluent in French by now. That said however, I did think it was unfair that Gabrielle at his low point criticized her flaw for not ever speaking to him in French when she was already down. Emily’s fatal flaw however is that she tries to gloss over all of her feelings and she never really takes time to process. It probably would have been healthier for her to be alone for awhile, but that would be boring TV I guess. One small sign of growth however, I’m glad she did not tell Genevieve about the available apartment, and I liked that she told Camille that she no longer tried to plan too far into the future. I think Emily is no longer wearing the rose-colored glasses and is starting to realize that life is messy and rather than planning everything out, she is trying to carpe diem more.
Camille: I know she’s got a huge fandom on Tumblr but I still think she’s kind of a selfish biyatch. She wants Gabriel, then she doesn’t, so she ruins Emilys relationship with Alfie, and then Emily and Gabriel get together and Camille decides she wants to ruin that relationship because her relationship with Sofia didn’t work out. And she never really came clean about her lying about her fake pregnancy. Might have made a difference in preserving Emily and Gabriels relationship had she told Gabriel weeks or months earlier when she found out that she was not actually pregnant and has been carrying on a ruse for some time-but she doesn’t care about that or being held accountable for her actions. Personally not sure someone who is so selfish should be a mother, but if she winds up being a single mom, she’s going to learn some hard lessons. That is unless she tries to hook Gabrielle again due to his desire to also raise children.
Genevieve: That girl is trouble. I’m predicting it right now. If there is an EIP S5, she’s going to try to take over Emily’s life, ‘Single-white female-style.’
Sylvie: That woman is forever fabulous, but not sure what’s going on with her and her Laurent. It was odd that he took off so quickly leaving Sylvie to deal with his offspring. I don’t blame Sylvie for playing the field again, but think there are some things that she likely needs to tell Laurent. It felt like this season, Emily was rubbing off on Sylvie so perhaps Sylvie will want to keep things more black and white with her work life and relationships, which might not be a bad thing since Sylvie didn’t seem all that thrilled to learn that Laurent went to NYC on numerous occasions to hook up with Genevieve’s mom. Also like that Sylvie is turning into a type of mentor for Emily. Love their ever-evolving relationship.
Mindy: I’m very happy that Mindy stuck to her guns and found some success. Thought that Nicola was turning over a new leaf early on, but it looks like he chose to be cruel like his father instead. Although I hope Mindy can still find her way back to Emily since they are so close and their relationship is the true heart of the show.
Luc & Julien: Love those two. My favorite moment was when Julien told Genevieve that Emilys desk was warm enough. Glad someone put her in her place. I imagine next season they are going to have to wrestle with her two-faced antics again.
Marcello: He seems like a gentleman and a nice distraction for Emily. But if there is a S5, I predict an unhappy end for him. Reading in-between the lines he’s pretty perfect, but perhaps almost too-perfect. I’m wondering why he was so rigid in not wanting to discuss business with someone he claimed to care about, and why he was unwilling to agree to come to Paris to see Emily again. Although now she is in Italy so there is not an issue, but predict that should Emily want to return to Paris it looks like he would not be willing to make the commute.
Whew, so this turned out to be a longer review than I thought, but it was an entertaining season. I do wish however that just once, showrunners wouldn’t be afraid to invest in a romantic couple without having to break them up all the time. Romance can be interesting in a committed relationship as well. Anyhow, hoping they get a S5 and Emily gets her happy beginning too.
P.S. BTW, hate that Netflix is now running ads during the shows. Such bullsh*t that even if you pay, they still run the ads. Not a good move for Netflix IMHO. Hope they don’t lose a bunch of subscribers this way.
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jumpmybonemarrow · 4 months
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studiojillbli · 11 months
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Once every six months or so I’ll be like “oh hey I still have tumblr what’s happening on there?”.
Not much! But people still interact with my content so that’s sweet.
If you’re ever stopping by this page and curious about what my new horizons town looks like, it looked like that this afternoon in October 2023.
Sometimes I wonder if I pushed this hobby, would I be a twitch streamer rn, doing dream town tours?
My creative outlet these days is gathering ideas and resources and sketches with a big dream of ~making a video game~. Maybe if I whisper it into some quiet place, I’ll breath some life into it.
Or not! And I’ll look at this post in 3 years when I remember I still have tumblr and be like “yeah right biyatch that didn’t happen lol wtf”
Hope you all that may see this are doing well :)
Happy Halloween (in 2 days)
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foreverindreamlandd · 9 months
Hey friends, how are you all doing?
This isn’t an official comeback. I’m trying to listen to my healing brain and coming back here full time still stresses me out (which isn’t anything to do with you, just that good ole inner voice being a biyatch).
I miss you all so much. And I’m in a much better place than where I was a year ago, which is why I’m trying to be more comfortable dipping my toes back into this amazing crazy shitshow of a place 😉
Tell me something that happened to you this year that I missed. Whether it’s tumblr related, fic related, life related, whatever you’re comfortable with! I’ll take the good, the bad, and the ugly ❤️
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miscellaneousjo · 2 months
Just finally finished all Fast and Furious Movies, and IM SO FRUSTRATED AT THE END OF FAST X (SPOILEDS AHEAD)
-WHY THE CLIFFHANGER?! I need to know how Dom and Little Brian are gonna get out of this! How are they gonna escape the dam exploding?!
-GAL GADOT IS BACK, BIYATCHES. If Han can come back from the dead, so can Gisele!
-Mr. Nobody's daughter Tess is awesome. She literally said F*ck the Agency.
-Also if Mr. Nobody is alive, I'm gonna scream in excitement.
-Letty beating up Cipher in a "This is for all that sh*t you pulled in the last two movies" move. But then they work together reluctantly.
-Ooooo boy Dante is in for a good whooping. Everything he's done to Dom's family AND targeting Queenie, he's gonna have the whole Toretto gang AND the Shaw gang after him.
-Also why does Jason Momoa play such a good villain? Like, omg this dude, so eccentric.
-The internet says Dante isn't explicitly queer but come on. The way the dude acts definitely points to him being gay. A psychopathic gay, but gay nonetheless.
-(Obviously no hate, I think the queer representation is awesome).
-I know the Torettos are very Christian but I refuse to believe they would be homophobic or transphobic or anything like that, especially if anyone in the family comes out, because family is more important.
-Speaking of Jakob, why was he just a floating shirt with a gun? (If you don't get the joke, there's a whole thing about John Cena being invisible).
-Little Brian is officially the most badass kid in the universe. Protect the child.
-Also now I want to add Fast and Furious to the ever growing pile of fandoms in my Miscellaneous Fanfiction Multiverse.
-Anyway, now to wait until Fast and Furious 11 to see how this all plays out.
-They're saying Fast 11 is gonna be the last movie, but unless you count Tokyo Drift, that means we've only got 11 movies, and that's not an even number.
-Then again, if we also count Hobbs And Shaw, it would be 13.
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swagaholic · 3 months
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me and the missus biyatch
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h7p3r4ct1v3-h0rn3t2 · 4 months
my mutuals are all making kin blogs but i have literally nothing to lose. you will hear about the murder i solved in, like, the 1840s or you can unfollow . biyatch
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