#bj's story
remyfire · 20 days
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But why were they so deeply in love is my question
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i-really-like-phrogs · 2 months
I found ‘Trial By Ghost’ online, one of the BJ Specter Books. The illustrations are so energetic and charming! I love them
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You can read the rest of the book here
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“He seems to be actively resisting getting married, and that interests me. I don’t know why he’s like that. The two or three times he’s been tempted to think about sharing his life with somebody, it’s come over him like a bad cold, and he shakes it off after a while.”
Alan Alda on the one thing he doesn’t understand about Hawkeye.
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pomegranate · 11 months
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Aziraphale ass motherfucker
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misterbeetleboose · 26 days
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This feels...meaningfuuuullll
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kabingo · 2 months
watched red riding 1974 exclusively for robert sheehan ( andrew garfield was a great bonus ) and i’m climbing the walls at the lack of BJ content anywhere on the internet, i thought being a misfits fan was tough but this is a new low
talking about him more below
i want to know everything about him and it’s frustrating me that there isn’t even a fandom page 😭 i did find this first revision script in a desperate attempt for more content and i was surprised to find the alley scene is a lot more charged and aggressive than it is in the film
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like???? there’s so much tension in the original scene and imagining it like this is something else, eddie doesn’t have to be such an arse though . i know he's stressed out of his mind but come on, it isn't as bad as the section i got from the book though, andrew garfield makes eddie so much more tolerable. i'd love to see them working together more, there's a lot of potential there for development between them, a crime thriller with gay undertones would be so much more enjoyable
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there's also this, BJ not smiling in the film is arguably better, but i think it's sweet here anyway, it's actually humiliating BJ's 2 seconds of screen time has effected me this much
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
Top ten most haunted episodes of MASH
I realised! I can now post this, because as much as I’m sure the finale is going to be one hell of a ride, I am kind of seeing it as its own thing in connection with this (I may change my mind once I’ve watched it of course) and therefore want to take it out of the running, because 2 hours of thematically weighted narrative really isn’t fair compared to the usual 25mins an episode has to make you feral 
anyway MASH is haunted, but sometimes... it’s even more haunted!
* Runner ups *
tuttle: this one goes more shenanigans than haunted, however it cannot be denied that an incorporeal person briefly worked at, slept at, and befriended people at the 4077th MASH unit
dr pierce and mr hyde: the first episode to make you wonder... wait, war may be war and hell may be hell, but maybe this narrative about war is actually purgatory and Hawkeye is so plagued by insomnia that he’s seen past the curtain and is looking right at us! maybe we’re haunting the narrative! but there are a couple of episodes in which Hawkeye is haunted far more obviously
abyssinia, henry: in hindsight we’re watching a eulogy of sorts. A goodbye spoken over and over, every time the episode is watched and the players play their parts once more. But Henry isn’t actually dead yet... 
heal thyself: an episode in which there’s a haunting by the potential future of losing your mind after seeing so much violence, however “dreams” does it with more surrealism and spread more evenly across the board
where there’s a will there’s a war: this one might have made the list, but for the fact that there is another episode in which Hawkeye dies more readily...
the late captain pierce: Hawkeye dies. they tell his father and everything. a guy comes to pick up his corpse. his body lays down amongst the other dead, allowing itself (briefly) to be taken, before deciding to drag itself up again to go on and on and on. it makes you ask “what if he is dead and this is a purgatory of some kind and he can never leave?” and of course, it’s the episode that first invokes both Trapper and Henry (after the opening episode) as figures that will haunt the 4077th for the rest of the story
hawk’s nightmare: all of his friends from back home keep dying horrible, violent deaths in technicolour! he rushes to the phone, trying to reach them somehow to warn them of what only he knows is coming, only to discover that they’re all perfectly fine. it’s a metaphor, the violence he’s seeing in war is invading the peacefulness of his life back home, marring its idyllic, safe place in his head. but it plays not unlike a literal horror movie, just like the war itself -- he’s the only one who can save them, all of them, and nobody believes him
exorcism: I mean this episode is called “exorcism,” they very literally get the place exorcised from angry spirits. I know this tradition exists, but I don’t know how accurately it’s portrayed, but I do like that the episode takes it very seriously -- and considering “follies” I’d say that makes it even more canon that this is about very real (and not metaphorical) ghosts. sometimes spirits are a metaphor. sometimes ghosts are just pissed off that you’re not respecting them!
old soldiers: the episode in which they drink to (and with) Potter’s dead friends, and in many ways, to Potter’s life as well -- one in which he’s been involved in war after war after war (and now, at least personally, that’s about to end). Potter as a character has a particular feeling to him. he’s lived a long time and experienced all kinds of deaths, not just from war, but simply from coming ever-closer to the end of that life. in many ways the entirety of his narrative in this story is a coda, and this is one of the strongest episodes to showcase that, through the invocation of old soldiers
dreams: things that were, things that are, and some things... that have not yet come to pass. all the things spoken about by galadriel in lord of the rings basically, but make it even more fucked up and covered in blood. haunted by your mother calling you in to dinner as a kid. haunted by the life you’ll never have and the bodies piled in front of you instead. haunted by the perfect marriage and promised life slipping through your fingers. haunted by the expectations placed upon you. haunted by Christ-symbolism judging your desires. haunted by empty streets and your own dead body. haunted by bodies, by a lake, by a dead child. it’s just really haunted okay. 
the life you save: this is another one that feels recontextualised once you’ve seen “follies,” but maybe you were already wondering... maybe Charles wasn’t just imagining his brother hanging around after he’d died, maybe he really was there. regardless, he was feeling his presence. beyond that, there’s the metaphorical hauntings -- the unspoken thing that happened that Charles clearly feels very guilty about. the desperate desire to engage with the afterlife, clinging to a literal dying soldier. and of course his odd little unfazed acknowledgement of the fact that he may die too
follies of the living - concerns of the dead: IT’S AN EPISODE ABOUT A GHOST! THE POV CHARACTER IS DEAD! it’s not half-teasing the audience that maybe Klinger is just really sick, because Klinger is not the POV. it’s a story about life about death, told through the eyes of someone who’s letting go of the things that frustrate and worry the living. and then the soldier wanders away from the MASH 4077th, ready to let go, and joins other dead people in wandering down the road to... somewhere. they really just did this, huh. I also imagine just how sick Klinger might have been to have seen said ghost... makes ya wonder...
trick or treatment: coming at you all of a sudden in s11 of all places, we have literal ghost stories! in many ways this is actually the silliest of the haunted MASH episodes, because the stakes of the ghosts themselves aren’t so intense. the episode does have intensity and an actual resurrection, but in many ways it’s chasing away the fear of death, as one may do on Halloween. ghosts include: a dead brother, a ghost ship, dead husband, and of course the ghosts of all the soldiers that you watched die that demand penitence 
who knew: an episode that once more is contextualised somewhat by “follies,” but actually it’s slightly less the ghost of nurse Carpenter that stalks this tale (although she does that for sure), and more the eulogy at the end that pushes this one over the edge. The eulogy is really only partially about her, and far more about Hawkeye’s family at the 4077th. If Hawkeye is speaking as the dead in episodes like “the late captain pierce,” and “where there’s a will,” he’s speaking as someone who’s mourning the seemingly very alive people before him in this one. the fact that it comes in the last season of the show makes that speech feel all the more like the goodbye that a eulogy is
as time goes by: hey, remember how the show opens with “100 years ago” and then this episode asks “how will we be remembered in a 100 years?” a neat little circle back to the beginning, in which one remembers all of a sudden (meta, I know, but what is a haunting without meta) that we just passed the 50th mark of the show’s release. another 50 years and that question will be answered (and heck, 100 years since the Korean war is only about 30 years away...) -- an episode about living ghosts, leaving behind a legacy of their story that is only contextualised through having watched that story (a teddy bear, a fishing hook, a dress, etc). and of course, within that story itself, a form of final burial to the ghost of Henry Blake
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pomegran-art · 2 years
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dadvans · 11 months
post-queerbaiting society
my FAVORITE part about kelvin/keefe going canon is that they are so soft and normal compared to all the unhinged straight couples on The Righteous Gemstones. like sorry i DO actually ship the regrettably heterosexual but wonderfully deranged "my pants are soaked right now and not with pee" "good, you save that piss for my chest" mess that has been judy/BJ since season one so hard that getting slow burn canon queer rep for the first time ever is a little side-note to whatever the fuck they have going on
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remyfire · 4 months
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Now, Father, you get right back here and explain why you phrased it that way before you strolled thoughtfully away into the night
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onekisstotakewithme · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍 -ypq
hello! what an opportunity! what a blessing! what a chance for you to get the curated ✨ cool onekisstotakewithme jams ✨ (aka you've unleashed the annoying <3 )
etymology (M*A*S*H; BJ/Peg/Hawkeye) this one is an all-timer, even though I only wrote it in December. the triad's relationship evolving over time tracked via the evolution of terms (complete with dictionary definitions!)
Last Requests (M*A*S*H; BJ/Hawkeye) a tag to 'novocaine mutiny' that i had the idea for in 2018, but wasn't able to write until 2022. i love this story sm. 💜
happily ever after... and after (M*A*S*H; BJ/Peg/Hawkeye) this story... has one of the strongest themes/throughlines of any I've ever written, and it was METICULOUSLY researched, and I still get starry-eyed thinking about it. essentially the theme is 'what happens after the heroes ride into the sunset?' (Very technically a sequel to 'ye who are weary,' but it remains my favourite in-verse story)
In the Still of the Night (M*A*S*H; BJ/Hawkeye) I have a soft spot for this one because it was the very first hunnihawk fic I ever wrote. January of 2018, baybeee. I have no idea if it holds up, but I agonized over this one...
younger in october (than in all the months of spring) (M*A*S*H; Hawkeye/Charles) Charles goes to Maine for (Canadian) Thanksgiving in 1953.
Plus bonuses because i like talking about my work:
katabasis (M*A*S*H; gen) Hawkeye journeys to the underworld at the end of "the late captain pierce"; classics inspired spookiness.
Many a Weary Mile (M*A*S*H; BJ/Hawkeye-ish, BJ/Peg) BJ's journey home - full of reunions and partings
Aurora (M*A*S*H; BJ/Peg) A sort of companion piece to the previous one - BJ's homecoming, from Peg's point of view.
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lgbt4077 · 2 years
mike farrell, who already had the nickname queerbait and who had been fancasting himself into mash for years, finding out his character was going to be called BJ: oh y’all think this is funny? well I’m about to be hilarious
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stillwaitin76 · 7 months
Once again I’m on my rambling bullshit but I’ve been looking back on the shows I watched as a kiddo. And my brain came up with a blursed thought that I feel mashblr would enjoy.
What if there was a kids show inspired off of M*A*S*H, but it was similar to Doc Mcstuffins?
The concept I have so far is that the characters we love and adore so much, would be toys (ala Toy Story, Raggedy Ann, the aforementioned Doc Mcstuffins). I thought that perhaps the toys could be either abandoned or broken after the war, and a little Korean orphan finds them one day before he’s adopted. Turns out, his new mom and dad are toy restorers! So, they’d help fix and clean up the cast. And as a secret token of their friendship, the 4077th help to repair the fellow toys that come in. So they basically become a toy hospital, run by toys lol
I don’t know why I decided to make this so in-depth, but if y’all wanna hear more about it or post your thoughts, please do!
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rainbowcarousels · 1 year
Ten 'Once Daniel has returned to Trinity Gate' headcanons that no one asked for:
Trinity Gate is a matching Christmas pajamas household. You know you're truly considered a member of the family when you get a pair. Lestat eventually gets his in silk but the same design. Armand, once they've at least opened a dialogue because Marius is also important to Daniel, sends some to Marius and invites him because he's still family and they're trying to sort themselves out.
They don't always spend the day together. Daniel can get overstimulated and Louis is still an introvert, so sometimes they like to have their own space. Armand is the exception - given the choice, he never sleeps on his own. He knows he'll wake first and loves to be curled into someone else's arms. It helps remind him that whatever he dreamt, he's not alone anymore.
Armand braves the intense scents of Lush so Louis can have his variety of candles that aren't as artificial as the Bath & Bodyworks ones. Louis rarely buys them for himself, but when Armand notices he's low on one or feeling down, he likes to give them to him.
Daniel cannot figure out what to get people for their first holiday together until he decides on animal adoption and experience. It ends up being a hell of a family day out: Armand's red panda hangs off his arm and sticks out his tongue, much to his lovers delight. Sybelle is very excited to throw the bloody meat to her new lion friend and Benji laughs himself stupid as the Penguin fusses around him, curious about their companion for the evening. Louis reads to his giant turtle and for a while, everything becomes turtles for him: sweaters, candles, blankets, books, documentaries. Daniel ends up feeling pretty proud of his first attempt to do a 'family' gift.
The first time Daniel really struggles with the noises and intensity of New York, Louis pulls him into his room - a lot more muted than his own or Armand's by his own request - and lets him lay with the curtains on the four-poster Armand insisted drawn and reads aloud to give him something to focus on so he doesn't spiral. It marks a turning point in their individual relationship, that even if it's not inherently romantic, they do very clearly love each other and it's both their homes.
Louis is the first one to split his time between France and Trinity Gate. They all end up doing it just because they don't like being apart for that long and Lestat, being Lestat, also shows up at Trinity Gate half the time during the periods they make it back there. It's unofficial, this Lestat shaped addition to their ongoing relationship, because no one really talks about it. Daniel breaks the stalemate because this is the third time they've come back to TG and tried to squeeze into Armand's giant bed with him and he just says, "I think I've lost track of who's in a relationship and who isn't." Diagrams are drawn.
Daniel and Armand still get into early morning debates from time to time, much to the annoyance of anyone else who's decided Armand's bed is fair game save perhaps for Louis. It ranges from 'do souls exist' to 'is toby the Scranton strangler'. Louis got sucked into the one about whether Jessica Fletcher is a serial killer and had some very strong opinions on the matter.
Daniel manages to surprise everyone over breakfast by asking if he's dead. Louis informs him that yes, he's a vampire without looking up from his book but Daniel clarifies he means that he means in terms of his mortal identity, he has no idea if he's dead or not. Does he have a grave? Did he have a funeral? There's no way Armand wouldn't know, this is right up his friendly neighbourhood stalker street.
Louis walks in on what can only described as simulated oral sex, apologises and asks if he's left his book in there and retrieves it. He does ask later why two vampires would be interested in doing that, but Daniel says it's psychosomatic, Armand in his mouth, his hand scratching through his hair, it still makes him tremble all over and it works as foreplay before drinking. This leads to Louis trying it, but without the memories of doing it as a source of orgasmic pleasure as a mortal together, it doesn't really have the same effect. It's worth it to see Lestat's response when he asks to try it with him; deer in horny headlights is a good look for him.
Armand develops a deep seated love of the fake monster houses that pop up all over. He even decides to volunteer for one, having a great deal of fun playing a monster for the night in a way that makes some people run and others laugh. "You can take the vampire out of the theatre," Louis says, but he at least approves of raising money for charity. He's trying to move past seeing himself as damned, as a monster, but acknowledges Armand's relationship with being seen as one is far more complicated than his own and wants to support his endeavours.
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ofyorkshire · 2 months
hello, je suis ici. i think i'll try to do some stuff in my askbox, but i may be bouncing back and forth between this blog, diego, and pppppossibly nathan. they've been rattling around a little.
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soupsnakessss · 1 year
An interview Mindy and BJ did at the RedSox game last night, June 27th, 2023. Where they talk about their love of the game, and how they want Spencer to follow in BJ’s baseball playing footsteps :
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