#bl with found family
absolutebl · 5 months
any bls with found family trope?
a ton!
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manogirl · 3 days
The thing I love about the friend groups in We Are (merging now to become one friend group) is that they give each other PRODIGIOUS amounts of shit, about every fucking thing on the planet, but the minute one of them seriously needs something? They are so so so tender with one another.
That, pals, is a found family par excellence.
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ablazenqueen · 6 months
The most upsetting part of this scene (and probably the whole ep) are these two looks:
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Because the look on Jeff’s face? It’s hopeful and trusting. He has just the slightest ghost of a smile when he looks at Alan, he looks like he has full confidence that Alan is going to back him up, continue backing him up like he does at the start of this confrontation.
But the look on Alan’s face? It’s doubt. He looks at Jeff and he thinks maybe and he breaks eye contact, looks away just slightly, drops his gaze, because he wants to trust Jeff and he can see the hope in those eyes, but he’s unsure. And even if he chooses to trust Jeff, he’s team leader, how can he not side with his boys? How can he not support the majority, the boys he’s known the longest, the boys who’ve proven their loyalty to him and each other over years, and offer the resolution that most benefits the most amount of people?
How can he not choose the rational resolution, even if it requires squashing that hard-earned trust?
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ichigokeks · 1 year
I need to point out that Rei never sleeps soundly, he is easily startled and ready to jump up in case of someone breaking in. But he slept so soundly and calmly when he was in a bed with Kazuki and Miri because he felt safe with them. Miri pulled his hair! Kazuki even called his name and he wouldn't wake.
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heretherebedork · 5 months
Pit Babe is about how you can build a family but also how a family can break you down and tear you to pieces and leave you feeling nothing.
How the right family can turn you into a person you don't even recognize and how the wrong family can do that exact same thing but the other way around.
A found family can choose you and heal you and give you a chance at a life you never imagined while a family that promises to find you a home can turn you into a dog so desperate for anything that you'll bite anyone who comes near you trying to protect that hope.
It's how you can find peace with people who love you in a place that makes you feel safe and how the place that everyone says will make you feel that way can leave you small and scared and hurting so much that everyone around you has to hurt as well.
Family is not what the world has told you it must be.
Family is about love and comfort and safety, about finding a place where you can be hurt and be angry and be yourself and still be loved and still be at home and still belong even when you're at your lowest point.
Alan has built that family, that love, that warmth and that acceptance by never backing down and never abandoning anyone and giving them a home that exudes all of his own feelings for the people he cares about.
Tony just tears people down until he can sit on a throne of their pain because that is the only solid foundation he trusts.
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bnprm · 8 months
it wouldn’t a dmd show if there wasn’t a message about gay equality.. and yidiao were the perfect couple to represent gay parents
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i haven’t stopped crying :(
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save-the-data · 2 months
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Unknown | S01E09
Taiwanese Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
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This is another :MUST WATCH: drama.
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would you mind elaborating on what you see in wut's wife? your insight and meta has been awesome!!
– @ahxiang
Sure thing! Thanks for the ask
I know Ja has not been the most relevant character to the storyline but I believe she has a really important role in Joe's life and his view on things. As we know, our lovable MC lost his parents early on so he's always felt lonely.
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Then, as we al know his dream is to build a home where he can "se the lights on after he comes back, smell food, and having some one ask -You're home?-" Where did he get those ideas for a family? From Ja and Wut. They have taken on a parental role for Joe, as he is comfortable staying at Wut's house on a whim.. and so it clicks
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The lights are on
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There's Ja waiting
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She'll bring out food immediately
We can further see the way Ja cares for Joe as if he were her own child in ep4 when Joe runs straight to Wut's house after escaping from Ming and she doesn't back away from the drama, she steps in to hold Wut from snapping at Joe. If this was just "work issues" she'd probably step aside, but not this time. That's Joe we're talking about.
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Also, when Wut tell's him his life is over he addresses Ja directly when asking for help. He also sees her as someone to lean on and curl up to when he's scared, and she doesn't know how to help him this time and we can see in her eyes how much she feels for Joe.
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When the international production is mentioned her voice breaks while asking hime not to do it. She's as scared as Joe is, both her and Wut. As he goes as far as to threaten him just so he won''t risk his life.
My point here is, she's such an important person for Joe. She is the kind of adoptive mother who opens her doors for lonely people like Joe, let's them sit at their table and feeds them as if they were their own Kin. She is the one who showed Joe that family can happen. Found families keep being a recurring theme in BL because for queer people they're usually the most important ones and it's not always friends. These kind of mothers have saved so many lost children, I think that us seeing her pregnant immediatly is for us to think of her as that, a MOTHER, not just as a wife. I'm certin we will see more of her in the coming episodes.
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tinycowboybro · 11 months
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more au: x x
Big is definitely one of the oldest ranch hands on the main family land, if not the oldest
he’s sort of always been there, a lot of people assume he did something as a child that Korn helped save him from in exchange for working the ranch, and that’s why he is so loyal to the family but it’s all very hush hush because Big is not exactly the sharing type
most of the ranch hands have a spotty past as it is, and most of them are “indebted” to Korn in some way
(Arm and Pol have a running wager with questionable yet growing “evidence” that it was some sort of murder that Korn helped him cover up)
overall he’s very dedicated to the ranch, he works hard and doesn’t say much until Porsche shows up and fucks everything up 24/7
Arm and Pol 100% have a small collection of photos where Big has fallen asleep with the cows
Ken is the only one who knows how Big got to the ranch but he likes to tell really outlandish lies to A&P to try and see what they will believe because he finds it funny watching them try to see if he’s telling the truth or not
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pickletrip · 7 months
Foreshadowing much
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Really now? Are you sure about that?
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Yes boss. You'll be her favourite and he'll be her new favourite. Not them arguing over this wonderful grandmother. I swear if anything happens to her during this show I'll lose my mind. She's the sweetest, bestest and most humble person I've seen. She cares and she understands way more than her grandson. I just love her.
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absolutebl · 11 months
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I'm rewatching My Ride as the air it on YT and I gotta say...
We need this archetype in our lives.
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themundanedumpling · 5 months
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gabrielokun · 3 months
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ablazenqueen · 7 months
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That’s what he said, right?
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Yutaka absolutely freezing at the sight of his brother and the way his voice stuttered and his entire bearing changed because these are the people who hurt him, who left him feeling broken and alone, who promised him a family and gave him nothing in return but all the fear he carries in his heart.
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His brother shows up and all the shots are just them, just Yutaka lost in the isolating world of what his family was and it happens each time they're mentioned, the rest of the world vanishes because everything happening is inside him.
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Minoru's father says to think of them like family but Yutaka doesn't know how to think about family, how to treat family, except the way they treated him and he doesn't want to think of anyone like that, treat anyone like that. His brother asks why he doesn't come home and he doesn't have an answer because that's not his home so how can he answer?
(What does his brother think of their relationship? Does he know how much he hurt Yutaka? Is he cold because he doesn't think any of it matters or does he still not want a younger brother, still dislike him for existing at all in their family?)
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