#black aly blackwood
beyond-far-horizons · 2 years
I was weak & watched the leaked episode last night and have many thoughts but all the Aemond & Rhaenyra drama aside...
That little line about ‘there was no Stark alive who forgot an oath’ and I’m like:
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selkiewife · 1 year
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Given the hilarious even split on my Jacaerys poll, why don't we try again from another angle? I also think this would be very interesting to look back at this in x years when HotD is done and (hopefully) we have show portrayals of most of these peeps. I wonder what might change down the road.
Also, check out the Rhaena poll if it has not closed yet. It is also (currently) hilariously split.
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shunnedmorlock · 2 months
It would suck so much shit if they remove three of the most pivotal female characters in the Dance (Black Aly, Sabitha Frey, Nettles) because they're not Targaryens. Almost a metaphor for the show's overall view of gender.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 7 months
Gotta love being Team Black 🖤
Not only do they have just cause and great anti-heroes to root for, they also have the coolest allies:
Cregan Stark
Jeyne Arryn
Kermit Tully
Benjicot Blackwood (Bloody Ben)
Roderick Dustin (Roddy the Ruin): “We have come to die for the dragon queen!”
Alysanne Blackwood (Black Aly)
I am even excited to see that bloodthirsty maniac, Dalton Greyjoy, wreak havoc on Lannisport (with how much I despise the Lannisters, I ain’t even sorry. Go Red Kraken! ✊).
Could you repeat what you said, Otto? It was something about how the Realm would not accept Rhaenyra ? To which Realm were you referring to, pray tell? Certainly not the one which holds 53 Houses loyal to a woman.
Stale oaths? Just because the Hightowers and the Lannisters have a reputation of being opportunists and oath-breakers, doesn’t mean other houses are the same.
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teen-spirited-away · 3 months
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House Blackwood
-Words Unknown-
Sigil: Dead Weirwood surrounded by Ravens
Colors: Red/Black
Seat: Raventree Hall
"There is Blackwood blood in every Bracken"
House Blackwood is one of the few houses in the South that still worship the Old Gods. Ancient traditions tell that it once was part of the North. House Blackwood claims their lands were taken by House Bracken, igniting an eternal feud between the two houses.
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aliferousdreamer · 2 months
where is alys rivers where is alysanne blackwood where is nettles where is sabitha frey where is daeron targaryen where is jeyne arryn
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atopvisenyashill · 9 months
my asoiaf crack ships
Jon/Sam/Gilly i KNOW the forced baby switching makes this uncomfortable i don't care they have my heart!!
Jon/Aegon Vi listen, beyond my jokey "jon finally finds a hot single twink to smush only to find out they're brothers" take, i think given all of jon's bastard baby brother issues re: robb colliding with general targ gender & sexuality fuckery AND aegon's short fuse + raised by a proud gay dad + is dornish and they're less uptight about that shit has the ability to give me a homoerotic toxic spiral to rival visaemon and throbb and i will hold onto this until i'm dead and buried
Jon/Arianne i just want my faves to smush + "we were both in love with the same man" bicon duos are my favorites
Aegon IlI/Gaemon Palehair i know there's a wonky age difference but it's bc george is a coward and he knew if they were the same age they would have kissed on the mouth
Willas/Ellaria they bond over both being lovers of Oberyn and missing him (Willas/Oberyn isn't a crackship they're friends in canon i’m justified in having a crackship offshoot for a non canon ship alright!!!)
Baela/Cregan my opinion on the pact of ice and fire is that instead of being this vague thing where Jace's theoretical first born daughter goes North, Baela has to marry Cregan even tho the regents hate the idea of this and she winds up defying them, which gets her cut out of politics, the succession, and generally pariah-ed in the South. Then she never has a living child with Cregan after all that. It just makes way more sense to me that Cregan would want a Targ now and not in the theoretical future (plus you still have the pact thing re: the main series bc they never have a living child, and Jace doesn't actually get to crown Sara)
Black Aly/Alyn Oakenfist they both love a war crime, they're opposites aesthetically so it would look hot, plus I think "i left my culture, my religion, and my home to be with you only for you to constantly cheat on me including with your incredibly young Valyrian relative" is less aggravating and more tragic if its Black Aly instead of Baela "is vastly superior to everyone yet is constantly cheated on by her shit ass, mid lovers" Targaryen
Grey Worm/Jeyne Poole i had a dream where Grey Worm and a large band of unsullied decided to stay in the North after the war for the dawn and they fell in love due to shared history of extreme trauma and Sansa gave Jeyne away and helped Grey Worm design a coat of arms for the marriage cloak and now I’m attached to this idea.
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weirwoodswitch · 7 months
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Main Masterlist ♢ Read this fanfiction on AO3
Status: coming soon Pairing: Alys Rivers/Modern!AFAB!Reader Rating: Explicit/18+ General Warnings: dub-con: professor/student relationship, age gap relationship, manipulation, explicit sexual content, ghosts/hauntings, gore and violence, blood magic, cannibalism, minor and major character deaths Genre: Gothic Horror, Gothic Romance Literary inspirations: Carmilla (Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu), The Fall of the House of Usher (Edgar Allan Poe), The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco) Travelling to Harrenhal to conduct academic research for her university course, a young female student soon discovers that the enigmatic Professor Rivers and her eccentric half-brother hide a dark secret — and may not be the sole inhabitants of their old mansion.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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neonsentient · 9 months
Wouldn't it be amazing if instead of three random archers Show!Criston gets killed by Black Ally instead?
The sweet, sweet irony of having that misogynist piece of green shit getting shish kebabed by a woman would be one of the many cherries on top of the greens' downfall.
One can only dream, tho
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thesims4asoiaf · 5 months
~Ts4 Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon/ ASOIAF Lookbook +CC Links~ DANCE OF THE DRAGONS
Available on the gallery! EA ID: FaePorcelain Cregan Stark and his three Wives
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Basic cc: Eyes, skin, lashes, pores, blush
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Hair, outfit, stubble, eyeliner, nose detail, cheekbones
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Arra Norrey
Basegame hair, earrings, coat, moles, Basegame gloves, dress, no foot (to fit the dress)
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Alyssane Blackwood
Hair, bow and arrow, boots, pants, coat, eyeliner, cheekbones, eyebrows, gloves,
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Lynarra Stark
Dress, dress recolor, coat, hat, brows, hair, no foot (to fit the dress)
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beyond-far-horizons · 2 years
I can’t wait for Season 2′s secondary cast for HOTD, I’ve loved this story for years and just refreshing my memory gives us feminist lesbian Jeyne Arryn, Daeron the Daring and the Blue Queen Tessarion, Black Aly Blackwood with her bow and her lesbian bestie Sabitha Frey, them shepparding ‘the Lads’ Kermit Tully (son of Elmo, I kid you not), Oscar Tully and Benicott Blackwood, a bloke called ‘Roddy the Ruin’ and his Winter Wolves who literally mows through his foes on the verge of death, Red Rob Rivers who’s the best archer of the lot and kills a very hated character, and guerrilla fighter called ‘Black Trombo’ and Cregan f*cking Stark who literally says ‘the North Remembers’ as he cleans up the Lannisters’, the Baratheons’ and the Targs’ mess.
Not to mention Nettles, Addam of Hull and this witchy woman you might have heard of called Alys Rivers. 
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hordebreaker · 1 year
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the Blacks have the best allies, I can't wait for Cregan Stark and  Alysanne Blackwood🖤
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shaylilim · 1 year
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"Huele a humo de leña, no a flores"
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atopcat · 1 year
Imagine Cregan Stark and Alysanne Blackwood discussing their past relationships.
Cregan admits he was involved with Jace, only for Black Aly to reveal she was with Rhaenyra!
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icediamonds · 3 days
I'm pretty sure Lyanna had a horse called Black Aly, called after her awesome ancestor Alysanne Blackwood
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