#black and white boxing
agere-pngs · 17 days
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Drink In A Box
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cyberianpunks · 4 months
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god after metaphysics
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thestobingirlie · 10 months
post s4 steddie fic where eddie, finally free of high school, realises he doesn’t know who he is without the rigid cliches he’s defined himself by his whole life. he doesn’t know who he is if he’s not performing and loudly declaring himself to be a freak just to desperately grapple for attention and respect.
eddie who, like steve, realises it’s all bullshit.
eddie, who’s jealous that steve so easily understands who he is and how he fits into his life, regardless of any jokes other people make at his expense. who accepts people wholeheartedly, despite the fact that cliches would have them hate each other.
steve, who helps teach eddie how to be himself, regardless of the ‘munson doctrine’ and what other people would define him as. who teaches eddie that being a ‘freak’ doesn’t actually define him, and he can find and enjoy interests outside of what society dictates he can.
eddie, who gets into sports, and enjoys drama, and music, and tv shows that teenaged him would’ve mocked and bullied him for years ago. eddie who grows and changes as he gets older, and isn’t constantly trapped in his performance of ‘the school drug-dealing freak’.
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diana-andraste · 7 months
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Thème et variation (court métrage), 1928
Germaine Dulac
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The prison uniform uniforms the wearer and indeed is intended exactly for that purpose. At first glance those three pics seem to show the same prisoner, but it concerns three different ones, reduced by their clothing to uniform clones of the same standard prisoner. But you only see that at second glance, because especially the faces of the two on the left - both with a short mustache - look somewhat similar.
All three have been carefully put into the same red and white striped jumpsuit, all the press studs neatly closed even up to the top, in accordance with the prison regulations. Underneath they only wear an identical t-shirt, only the rightmost one is gray and not white.
Red is the color of danger: these uniforms therefore also send an important message to the prison staff - you have to be careful with these prisoners.
Naturally, they therefore are heavily shackled, and once again this has be done in a completely uniformizing manner, in exactly the same way. The handcuffs, attached to the belly-chain around their waist, are even extra secured with a so-called black box. That's a case made of hard plastic, that goes over the connecting chain between both cuffs, covers their keyholes, thus makes them inaccessible for lock-pickers, and moreover turns the whole handcuff-part into one solid block.
Here I add a nearer view of such a black-box, worn by another inmate.
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5oz-mud · 6 months
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we project our tummy issues on trant heidelstam like MEN. (based off a tiktok i can no longer find)
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084392 · 1 year
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a unovan legendary dragon
...and just some friends getting ready for their pokemon journey :)
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orion-the-cat · 8 days
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In a box
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deadnightmeat · 9 months
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❝𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲…❞
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miss-allsundays · 4 months
stolitz rant/analysis because i keep seeing people mischaracterize them and i’m sick of it and need to let it out :)
every time someone mischaracterizes either blitzø or stolas an angel dies</3
“blitzø is toxic and doesn't care about stolas” “stolas should not have hid himself at ozzie’s he made blitz feel bad” just say you don’t understand nuance and gray characters!
yes, they are flawed and yes, they have both made mistakes, but neither is more at fault than the other in this situation. they are two deeply hurt people, who try to cope and avoid pain in different ways.
blitzø has been left by the people he loves plenty of times (some in which he was at fault) so he doesn’t want to get attached to someone in case that happens again.
mix that with the circumstances of his relationship with stolas, which started as a transactional one with his company’s longevity on the line, and the difference in status between them, of course he will translate stolas’ affections as him just wanting to get fucked by ‘the lower class’ (as blitz puts it in s02ep6).
and in spite of all this, somewhere in his heart blitz already know that the prince is, after all, just a person; and to some extent he is aware that stolas cares for him beyond their deal.
stolas instead has been lonely his entire life, with parents that don’t care about him and a wife he (despite being gay!) was forced to marry- one that has also abused him the entirety of their marriage.
the only solace he gets for the longest time is his daughter, who he adores with entire being, no matter the circumstances in which she was conceived (he was a kid himself when she was born- he was 19! nineteen!! he gave up his life and freedom because his family wanted a heir!)
so when blitzø re-enters his life after 20+ years, he jumps at the chance of a distraction, a little pocket of happiness after a life of neglect. he doesn’t need to be prince stolas of the ars goetia with the imp, he can just be stolas.
a stolas who can be finally true to himself with his sexuality, his personality, his hobbies and so much more because blitz doesn’t care for royalty bs!
admittedly, the way stolas behaved in the beginning wasn’t ideal, and it was partially why blitz feels used, but he understands that later on and tries to do better. he finds another way for blitzø to get to the human world, one that doesn’t put stolas at an unfair advantage.
ozzie’s is just the cherry in top, the climax of an entire season worth of miscommunication and bottled up feelings!! yes, it was fucked up of blitzø to invite stolas just as an excuse to spy on moxxie and millie, and yes, stolas covering himself definitely didn’t leave a good impression (for lack of better wording) on blitzø, but they were both hurt in the end and there’s no definite/sole wrongdoer here.
blitz isn’t a terrible motherfucker that hurts everything that touches and stolas isn’t a ruthless pos that only cares about getting off (as some might consider them to be apparently).
they are two people who desperately need to talk to each other and then work on themselves so that their relationship can flourish- because despite their flaws and their fuck-ups, there is care and there can be so much good, even if it is currently covered by the hurt.
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palaeosinensis · 1 year
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Experimenting more with trying to imitate how I ink real media art in the digital format. Ended up making four different hatching patterns which SUCKED but boy do they look good, especially the stars. Also experimenting with AI confusion watermarks. All in all fun was had.
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 6 months
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fritz kortner and francis lederer |1929|
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collageofnudes · 5 months
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Jessica Albanka (Alisa Amore)
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furiarossa · 4 months
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Oh oh, almost forgot to post them! A bunch of ballpoint sketches that we did on our sketchbook while watching Danny Phantom for the first time. We... we like a lot the character designs from this show.
[Oh, and a lot more of our Danny Phantom fanarts: Here’s our tag]
★ FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapas|Pillowfort★
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milfcoven · 6 months
Sometimes Minthara’s -1 in intelligence really shows
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slydiddledeedee · 8 months
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Light-tober, Week 3
Week 1 - Tales of the Abyss Week 2 - One Piece Week 4 - Pokemon Black and White
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