majesticstar · 2 years
"THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR!" @blackbirdduelist
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  “Wait what was uncalled for Crow I wasn’t paying attention to what was happening. Did Yusei do something?” Dark asks, an eyebrow raised as he was genuinely confused as to why crow would say that.
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thiefakefia · 4 years
It had been two weeks since Akefia had shown up in a dire state. Two weeks of staying still as he worked to regain full range of movement in his shoulder. He had almost developed a routine. Finding being confined to one room quickly insufferable, he sat outside as much as he could during the day. He was quiet as ever, but content to spend time with the kids and Crow.
At night, he slept beside Crow, wrapped around him in any way he could find that was comfortable. It had been... nice, in many ways. Akefia had been sleeping deeper, and for longer. He was calmer for it, too. An odd sense of safety had settled in his chest, comforting and secure.
The undeniable itch settled beneath his skin too, the urge to be out there, doing something. This life was so much like his own childhood. Mouths to feed, the struggle to get by, and the family environment. But he was no longer a passive child, and he no longer wanted to be. He wanted to be the person who eased it, who left and brought things back and made sure there were no hungry mouths. He was useless, tied to this place.
But there was something to the early morning. Akefia was always awake first, the first bits of sun waking him - and he was never quick to move like he would outside. He basked in the warmth of Crow’s skin pressed against his, in the tangle of legs, and the soft sleepiness of the morning.
A small part of him was upset that he had deprived himself of human companionship for so long because this... this was so worth it. 
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us-smash-archive · 4 years
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Link had thought that there wasn’t any bokoblin camps left in the area until the next blood moon but it looks like he had missed one, bringing out his bow and arrow and got one of his bomb arrows ready. lining up his shot with one of the red barrels he spotted he shot the arrow to set off a chain of explosions and send the small creatures flying. now bringing out his sword after putting the arrows and bow away, link quickly took care of any that remained before he turned to the one that had been cornered by them.  “hey there what are you doing out here without any means of defense? get chased off the road by the bokoblins?” sometimes that had happened with some of the travelers that he ran into while making his way throughout hyrule to another town or collecting things he needed.
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blxckrosedrxgon · 4 years
@blackbirdduelist​ X
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The mental image of Crow’s D-wheel flashes in her mind for a moment as she glances down to her slightly gloved hands and her own attire, compared to his was it ride appropriate? She wasn’t sure really as she glances for a moment. 
“...I’m not used to things that move very fast but if it’ll make it easier...”
Her words fall away for a moment as she ponders on a few delicate reasons before she slowly nods, looking determined. “Sure! let’s give it a try.”
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thesebrokenboys · 4 years
Wild, Wild West
Closed starter with @blackbirdduelist
Raidon ran through the desert, heart pounding in his chest. He could hear the hoofbeats behind him as the men chased him down. He'd been driven from the town he'd lived in because they thought he'd raped a girl. He hadn't of course, but no one believed the street rat.
As he ran, struggling to breathe, he heard a gunshot and felt the bullet graze his leg, sending him crashing to the sand. As he lay there, pain blossoming in his leg, hearing the hoofbeats getting closer, he knew he was going to die. Then, he heard another set of hoofbeats. Too scared to move, he just lay there, listening to what was happening above him.
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duelheld · 4 years
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  was he looking into a mirror? it certainly looked like it. or perhaps this was a clone of his? either way, he didn’t like it, a frown came to his face as he pointed at his reflection. “hey!” he growled, who did he think he was? “stop being me!” if that made any sense, crow couldn’t have someone who looked exactly like him.
  “what sort of copy cat wants to imitate me!? don’t you want to copy someone like yusei?” he asked, would be a far better choice than him. imitating yusei wasn’t easy, so he’d know if that were the case. then a chuckle, perhaps the crow before him was just as real as who he was, “okay...which one of us is evil?”
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galaxcias-archived · 4 years
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@blackbirdduelist​ : Spotting Unmei awake "It's nearly two in the morning, what are you doing up?" Groggy half asleep crow zombie shuffling to the kitchen for water. 
Insomnia starters // Accepting
      Unmei was taking out of her state of focus upon hearing Crow’s voice, setting down the pencil in her grip. But...two in the morning? last she checked, it was only ten pm, wasn’t it?
      “Wait, really?” Alas, he wasn’t wrong. The clock beside the desk read 1:51 in the morning...she must have lost track of time. A yawn escaped her lips as she turned her chair towards Crow.
      He did ask for an explanation, so she was gonna give one.  “Lua and Luka wanted me to make a design for their Duel Boards, so I’ve been workin on that.” Things like this were typical of her. When it came to Unmei, she was a total pushover with the twins. It was very difficult to reject any pleas for assistance from them, she just liked seeing those two smile. “Guess I didn’t think about sleepin’ til now. Hope I didn’t startle ya or anything.”
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indioragod · 4 years
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| 5 W’s | “ What just happened? “ crow looking extremely confused as this mysterious man seemingly appears out of nowhere. @blackbirdduelist​
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“Sorry about that, try not to worry about it. I am... a bit of a magician I suppose you could say.” 
Or, at least that explanation was easier than the actual one. 
It was one of his few trips without Kaiba, but data collection was vital, and with such a shaky system, it couldn’t be the CEO being the one traveling all the time. “Though, I am new to this city, could you tell me about it?”
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@blackbirdduelist continued from (x)
Bakura took the helmet, pulling it on over his head. He fiddled with it for a moment before allowing it to sit. It was almost definitely ruined his hair. He was unimpressed. Still, he was curious to see where this went. He needed to wash up pretty bad, his fingers sticky with dried blood now.
“Are you sure it’s safe?” Bakura didn’t care so much, but he had to keep up the act of a child.
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thiefakefia · 4 years
@blackbirdduelist continued from (x) 
“You seriously need to work on your reflexes.” Akefia raised an eyebrow, moving to sit on the floor beside the sofa, waiting patiently.
“It’s the only book I could find that wasn’t a kids book.” The thief skirted the truth. He had no idea what the book was, honestly. “You know, you should really get more books. I can probably steal you some.” 
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us-smash-archive · 4 years
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after this crazy day link had found trouble sleeping by himself, getting to his feet and walking to the redhead’s room while being half awake now. he didnt want to disturb the princess and he thought that if he shared a bed with crow it might ease his thoughts. or make them much more intense but he would have to wait and see on that theory, getting into the bed carefully with crow, one of his arms resting on crow’s waist while the other grabbed a pillow to rest his head on.
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lil-kissy · 4 years
“Bunniesth are the best!” Holds up the worn stuffed rabbit her mother made her.
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blxckrosedrxgon · 4 years
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“Crow be careful- the ladder looks unstable.”
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fortheloveofyugioh · 4 years
Yugioh RP sideblogs I run
Keep in mind I'm mobile bound most muses are cannon Divergent/indie but Seto is the most divergent.
@ohmaiwhathavewedone Mai Valentine
@beardedkaiba *CANNON DIVERGENT* Seto Kaiba
@blackbirdduelist Crow Hogan
@infernitymaster - Kalin Kessler
@dueltrials - multi switched from ojamayello mostly a crack blog
@destiny-calling - Aster Phoenix
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duelheld · 4 years
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  as much as he was delighted to see crow, kalin didn’t think he had the right to hang out with him again, like before. sure they all showed up in crash town after he was saved by yusei, but this was different. everyone else wasn’t around...it was just them.
  it felt somewhat awkward with it being just them, “crow...” he said before stopping himself, they couldn’t talk about their days as the enforcers. they all moved on after that day “...what do you around here for entertainment?” he asked, he wanted to hang out with the younger male; but he couldn’t just be how he was before.
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galaxcias-archived · 4 years
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@blackbirdduelist​ : “This is the ugliest sweater I have ever seen. It’s perfect.” hes gonna slip right into with a goofy grin. "dont even laugh cause I got you one too!"
Christmas Sentence starters // Selecitvely Accepting
      Oh. My. God. Looking at the sweater actually being worn by Crow, Unmei totally saw why that was the case. It was...immensely cheesy. At that point, the brunette could no longer hold it in; she held her sides as she let out a laugh. Not the mocking kind that she did in turf battles when she was a member of team satisfaction, but a genuine laugh, one that she had locked away for too long.
      Come to think of it, she hadn’t really laughed in a long time.
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      “I’m sorry I’m not laughing to mock you... its just that you’re totally right...!” 
      Her laughter did die down, however, when she was handed a sweater of her own. That feeling of humor was quickly replaced with another warm feeling in her heart, that being gratitude. That smile never left her face as she put on the sweater...it was her size too, that’s perfect! It was ugly, yes, but did she care? not at all.
      “Thank you, Crow. I do have one more thing for you...” With her heart set, she leaned forward, planting a small kiss on his cheek. Pulling away, her own cheeks were a light pinkish hue, but she still had on that small smile.
      “That’s my response...for last time...y’know, with the mistletoe...” She hoped that maybe, just maybe he’d take the hint. If not, she’d understand.
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