#blackinnon week 2021
matrixaffiliate · 3 years
Saudade - Penumbra
Story Update! FFN and AO3
This one is my take on a prompt from @blackinnonweek =)
Sirius stumbled down the stairs of Grimmauld Place, disappointed to find again that this wasn't a bad dream, this was his life.
"I thought I was the clumsy one in the family," a voice sounded behind him.
"Ah, Dora, you're here early," Sirius moved past her towards the kitchen and she followed along behind him. Merlin, she'd gotten tall.
Just a bit taller than-
No. No, he was not going there. It wasn't even nine in the morning.
"I'm here late." She corrected him as he waved down a mug. "Remus and I got back an hour or so ago."
"And he didn't stick around, I'm wounded." Sirius diffused the actual sting with humor. He shouldn't have been hurt that his friend had skipped home after a long night mission. Remus had his own problems.
"Sorry, that's probably my fault," Dora sat down at the table and waved a mug to her.
"You scare him off?" Sirius joked again, only to turn and see his cousin looking dejectedly down at her empty cuppa.
Sirius filled both their cups and sat down across from her.
"He's a good bloke."
"It's- it's not-"
"He turned you down?" Sirius interrupted her.
"I didn't even make a real go at it and he immediately shut himself up and left at the first chance of escape."
Sirius rubbed at the pain in his head from the shadows of his past that wouldn't leave him alone.
"Remus just needs some time, I'll point out he's being an idiot."
"No!" Dora knocked some of her tea from her mug. "It's bad enough he doesn't feel that way about me."
Sirius rolled his eyes, "You let me be the judge of that."
Dora looked like she might protest, but stopped herself to sip her tea.
"Did he have someone before the first war too?"
"Too?" Sirius looked at her over the rim of his mug trying to push back the face that was haunting him.
"You did, Mum told me."
Course Andy had said something. She'd gone on and on to him about how when he and Marlene finally stopped fighting a war and settled down they'd be sent Dora for a week. Now Dora was sitting across from him with relationship troubles. Sirius slowly shook his head, Merlin, his life had gone pear-shaped.
"Remus didn't have anyone like that."
Dora nodded and it went quiet between them as Sirius tried desperately to push away the shadows.
"What was Marlene like?"
Sirius bristled, gripping his mug in a death grip.
Dora reached out and put a hand on his. "Mum talked about her every now and again."
Sirius scoffed, "And what did she say?"
"Just that she was with you, and that she was killed." Dora didn't meet his eye and he was sure that there was more. Probably what Andy had told him to his face when Marlene was killed, that him dying wouldn't bring her back. That he had to get a grip.
Sirius leant back in his chair and closed his eyes, giving in to the shadows, giving in to seeing her face tattooed on the back of his eyelids.
"Marlene was everything," he rubbed at the tension that was building in his neck. "And I was too late."
"Do you regret it? Regret getting close to someone when you knew you or they could die? When she did?"
Sirius opened his eyes and moved slowly, intentionally, keeping his emotions in an iron grip as he leant forward over the table, holding on to his mug like it was a lifeline.
"My only regret is not being there with her."
Dora held his gaze and he saw something settle in her resolve. "Thanks, Sirius."
It went quiet again and after a few moments, Emmeline walked in, pushing their conversation on to other things.
But the shadows now had a better hold, a surer grip on his sanity, and Sirius resigned himself to the reality that Marlene would not stay hidden in the depth of his past. She'd never been one to sit quietly in the background anyway. And he'd never been able to ignore her, never really wanted to.
Because in life, and in death, Marlene McKinnon was and always would be, everything.
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Blackinnon Week 2021
Monday 13th “Rumor has it I make you nervous”
Word Count 1070, Can also be read on AO3 @ inthemiddle2
Marlene was standing alone in the old transfiguration classroom. It was one of her favorite classroom, even in the dark of night the big windows allowed the moon to shine in, lighting most of the room. She was standing by the window looking out enjoying her alone time. She had been in her own head too much these past few days, she wanted to be alone.
“Nice night.”
Marlene jumped at the voice that came from right behind her ear. She whirled around to smack Sirius in the chest, “Merlin you scared me!”
Sirius grabbed the hand as it went to strike again, “Odd I hadn’t heard scared but rumor has it I make you nervous.”
Marlene quirked her eyebrow at him, “What are you talking about?” She had meant for it to come out as more of an accusation but their proximity was making her flush. It was more whisper.
“James pulled me aside after dinner and asked if knew why you were acting so weird. He seemed to be under the impression that I did something wrong. He pointed out how jumpy you’ve been around me, he’s say you seem nervous.”
Marlene tried to step away from him, she need to create space but Sirius just gripped her hand, holding her flush to his chest. Looking her dead in the eyes, “I’m inclined to agree with him. You’ve been avoiding me.”
“That’s ridiculous” Still not sounding as confident as she would have liked.
“See I don’t think it is. We always run together during practice and for some reason you were hauling ass like a hippogriff was chasing you. And then at dinner I sat down and suddenly you were stuffed but you had only taken two bites and I know Sheppard’s pie is your favourite. So.. what gives McKinnon?” He finally released her hand.
Marlene shoved him, not that he moved but more it pushed her back and she was happy for the space. “God you are so full of yourself.” It was nothing she hadn’t said to him before but this time there wasn’t a teasing tone. She words were sharp. “Have you ever thought that maybe it has nothing to do with you! Or maybe I’ve just grown up. We’re in 5th year Sirius. Maybe I don’t want to deal with your immature shit. Maybe I’ve just out grown you.”
Marlene didn’t know why she was being so harsh with him. It just seemed like the safe option. For a moment she say a flash of hurt cross his face. She knew she had sounded whiny and she was regretting responding in that way. Marlene looked to the ground with shame.
A slow smirk came across Sirius’ face “Bullshit.”
Marlene’s head snapped up, “What do you mean Bullshit??”
Sirius was still just smiling at her shocked face, “You heard me, McKinnon. I’m calling bull. shit.” Marlene just glared at the unfairly content boy. “Now, come on and tell me what’s really bugging you because I happen to know you were a big fan of my immaturity last week when I charmed Knott’s hair red and his food to run away from him.”
Sirius closed the gap between them, “You were such a fan, you had pumpkin juice squirting from that cute little nose of yours.” He gave said nose a little boop.
Marlene knew he was right, she really did have pumpkin juice coming from her nose. She looked up at him and blushed but she knew she needed to tell him the truth. She looked to the ground, unable to look at him while she said it.
“ihadasexdreamaboutyou” It was a mumble but it was the best she could give.
Sirius didn’t understand a word she had said, he raised one eyebrow, “what was that McKinnon?”
Marlene groaned, running her hands across her face, “I said, I had a.. a sex dream about you.” She peaked through her fingers.
Sirius let out a bark of a laugh, “Oh that is rich McKinnon” He swung an arm around her shoulder, “I knew even you couldn’t resist all this raw sexual energy.”
He was never going to let her live this down. She didn’t have to look at him to know he was smiling, his teasing voice was enough. “Tell me what was it that did it for you? Was it at practice, running with no shirt? Or was it when me and James took a dive in the lake last week. Or” He was having trouble getting his words out, he was cracking himself up, “or was it when I punched Roiser last week. Took him down with one hit ya know”
Marlene rolled her eyes at his antics but she honestly felt better that it was out there. Him teasing her was nothing out of the ordinary and she was ready for things to go back to normal between them. She shoved his side, “You’re such a prat you know that? …but if you must know it was last Tuesday.”
Sirius thought back to Tuesday. He didn’t remember anything significant happen that day.
“Oh Merlin… you dolt. I can’t believe you’re making me explain this.” Marlene ran a hand across her face. She was still tucked under his arm. “I had over slept and missed breakfast so I was running to potions. And you being you, were just late for potions. Anyway I…” She was going to have to rush out this last part, “I came across you helping that little first year Slytherin boy who had no idea where the McGonagall’s class was. It was really sweet and that night I had the dream so there now you know and we can move on.”
Marlene pulled away from him but Sirius grabbed her wrist, “Wait, McKinnon. It’s fine, really it happens to us all. Although a little weird that’s what got you going but hey to each their own I guess.” Her face was beat red, she turned away from him again. He was still holding her wrist when he said with a shrug, “besides it’s not like I’ve never had one about you.”
“What?!” Marlene turned around at that.
“Yeah, loads of them honestly.”
“Although mine were definitely not as G rated.” Sirius gave her a wink and walked out the room, leaving a red faced Marlene McKinnon standing with her mouth agape.
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sisforsammi · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sirius Black/Marlene McKinnon
Characters: Sirius Black, Marlene McKinnon
Additional Tags: Blackinnon Week 2021, Domestic Fluff
Series: Part 5 of The Bright and Wonderful Life of Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon, Part 1 of Blackinnon Week 2021
Summary: Blackinnon Week 2021 - A Week of Lasts Sirius and Marlene discuss the possibility of adding to their little family.
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
☆ Blackinnon Week 2021 • Day Two: Soulmates
▪︎The last words your soulmate ever says to you are tattooed on your wrist.
Do not repost.
I don't draw much, mostly because I suck at it. But I'm slowly figuring out how to do digital paintings, and I'd like to say I'm getting the hang of it cause I don't hate it. So don't judge me too harshly. It's not perfect, but I'm still learning, lmao.
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hokeytheelf · 3 years
Sirius Knew What War Meant
Blackinnon Week 2021 Day  #7 - Last Meeting
The last time Sirius saw Marlene was a regrettable memory. Not because he hated it, or because they had a fight. They haven’t fought since so long ago. If Sirius tried to remember the last memory of Marlene alive, with her soul still intact, he would drown himself with firewhiskey.
It had been an order meeting and everyone was there. She was supposed to visit her family. He was supposed to write her a letter in about three days. Sirius and Marlene never made a big deal out of parting, that day was no exception. They just said goodbye as if it were any other day that’s what’s so regrettable about it.
Sirius wished he had one last goodbye, one last peck on the lips. Sirius was sure he’ll find closure if he could just have one more taste of Marlene. He would savor it and would respect it. Or better yet, accept it. But the wind seemed eager to blow Marlene’s light when Sirius had his guard down.
When news of Marlene’s death reached his ears, Sirius’s life was blurry for a while. He didn’t know how many firewhiskey and muggle alcohol he bought, he lost count. Even the Order seemed down, like they lost hope.
Sirius didn’t pay attention to the funeral, the guests, nor to the speech. He was looking at the casket, trying to figure out which one was Marlene out of the casket at the front. Sirius knew what he had signed up for, Marlene does too. They had that discussion before. He knew what war meant, and he had long years in his life to accept that. But it didn’t stop him from cursing this bloody war and the Death Eaters and fucking Voldemort. The Order members were looking at him expectantly, but Sirius didn’t notice. He just noticed that James and Lily weren’t there.
After a very long time trying not to bother James in his new house with his new wife, Sirius broke down his restraint and went to his doorstep in a drunken state. He banged on the door only three times before James opened it, like he knew Sirius was going to come.
“I’ve heard, Padfoot.” said James as he hugged him. “I’ve heard. Are you okay?”
“Not really,” said Sirius simply. Trying to process his surroundings. “I love her, still. She’s a great friend.”
Then James hugged him and Sirius realized he was lonely. Sirius was always the rational one, the optimist one. If an order member would die, Sirius was the one who knew what to say, that the ones that love us never truly leave us. But really, when it just happened, it’s harder to say it, let alone feel it.
Sirius was familiar with grief. Yet, that night, he couldn’t think straight and desperately needed company. He knew he just lost something valuable and the built up anger just breaks as his tears filled with wrath and defeat. The fire of Marlene McKinnon was burning up inside him as he counted every memory they had. The fire burned up his insides, too much to bear alone but died down slowly as he let it out at the hands of a friend. Sirius Black knew what war meant.
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nicole-kaiwo · 3 years
Blackinnon Week 2021 Day  #1
You can also read the story on AO3 and FFN
Her last first kiss 
           Marlene always liked to think of herself as a rational woman. She loved facts, data and concretes. And based on them, she knew what decisions she should make.
           But she was also a big hypocrite. So the final say always belonged to her heart.
           Marlene had a romantic soul, and she couldn't help it. She dreamed of love. She wanted someone to love her, and she wanted to love someone. And damn it, but she dreamed about a romance just like in the books she read so often.
           Her mind told her that she should fall in love with someone nice who would respect her and who was always kind. A friend. Someone who had his own life in order and was rather trouble-free. Certainly not in a skirt chaser. But someone she could trust unconditionally and who she wouldn't have to be jealous of.
           But she had fallen in love with Sirius Black.
           Only her stupid heart could be to blame for that. Her mind didn't even notice when it happened until suddenly it was too late.
           At the very beginning, when they met, Marlene thought it was impossible for them to ever get along. Sirius was the kind of person she tried to avoid: pureblood, arrogant, overconfident and a womaniser. If it hadn't been for their mutual friends, they probably would never have voluntarily spent time together.
           And then they both joined the Order, and by accident (or rather terrible luck as Marlene thought at the time), she started renting a room in his house.
           The beginnings had been difficult. To be precise, very difficult. He pretended not to remember her name and often had outbursts of anger. She tried to pretend that she was not terrified by the whole situation as much as by the war going on around them.
           Eventually, bit by bit, Marlene began to discover the true face of Sirius Black.
           He was a pureblood, but he absolutely did not share the views of his family. Sirius didn't talk much about his childhood, but Marlene was able to piece together the clues and had some idea of what it was like.
           He was arrogant and overconfident. And he was absolutely terrified of it. On one hand, this behaviour served him as an armour so that no one would see through him. But on the other hand, he feared that it made him the same as his family.
           He was a womaniser. Sometimes she even happened to have breakfast with some girl he brought with him for the night. So when Sirius told her that he loved her, Marlene obviously didn't believe it. Especially since this declaration was made without any warnings. It took her the longest time to understand this side of Sirius. But in the end, she understood.
           At first, she assumed - hypothetically, of course - that he really was in love with her. And as she began to think about this hypothesis, it occurred to her that, after all, Sirius had no idea what love was! The people who were supposed to love him and teach him how to love others only hurt him and then stated that he was ungrateful.
           So, since Sirius didn't know what love was, these feelings (which hypothetically occurred) must have terrified him. Love overwhelmed him, and he had no idea what to do with it. And because Sirius was Sirius, so he chose the path of complete destruction.
           He chose it quite often.
           Sirius was the complete opposite of who Marlene should fall in love with. And yet, she fell head over heels in love with him.
           Why? She couldn't quite grasp it herself. After all, she hadn't had much experience with love either. And with actual romantic love, she had basically no experience at all. Even her first kiss had belonged to Sirius.
           Only a few seconds before it happened, Marlene wasn't sure of her feelings in the slightest. She had no idea what she actually felt for Sirius. She was so nervous like she had never been before. Marlene tried to put her thoughts together somehow, to follow her reason. But while looking into his grey eyes, which she had never seen so close before, she was unable to put together even one coherent thought. Their faces were so close that she could feel the warm air he exhaled on her cheeks.
           It was her first kiss, but her lips knew perfectly well what to do. Marlene remembers well that she thought then that a human being is probably already born with the knowledge of how to kiss others. And that kissing is, therefore, in some way, essential to life.
           She from then on definitely could not imagine her life without kissing Sirius.
           This feeling of happiness and this ever-growing need to be closer and closer to him, even though their lips were already directly adjacent to each other. Oh! And then, there was a nagging squeeze in the pit of her belly.
           This wasn't a gentle kiss. And it wasn't just their lips that were moving. Marlene's hands rode the back and neck of Sirius completely instinctively. She didn't even note the moment when her legs wrapped around his body, and he supported her with his solid arms.
           Everything was happening so smoothly that Marlene felt like she was made just for kissing Sirius. Until at one point, she felt his tongue slip into her mouth. The feeling was so strange and exciting at the same time that she gently gasped. Her body suddenly didn't automatically know what to do.
           But Sirius was patient. He guided her, and without using words, taught Marlene what she should do.
           Marlene had no idea how long their kiss lasted. When they finally broke apart, she was breathless and catching her oxygen greedily.
           And just as she hadn't been able to come up with a single coherent thought before that kiss, after it, she knew one thing almost immediately: she was madly in love with Sirius.
           Marlene McKinnon's first kiss belonged to Sirius Black.
           It was also their first kiss together.
           And Marlene knew that was terribly naive. And of course, it was unlikely. After all, they were young, and so much could still happen in life. She could still meet loads of other boys and experience first kisses with them.
           But then at that moment, seconds after they stopped kissing, and Sirius pointed his finger at the window behind her, and she saw a shooting star, Marlene had one wish.
           Her wish was that her first kiss with Sirius would also be for both of them their last first kiss ever.
           And her wish had come true.
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seethesuncoming · 3 years
Blackinnon Week 2021 - Day 7
Day 7: Last re-encounter
Sirius had pierced the veil. Last thing he remembered was Bellatrix's spell hitting him and tripping him. Harry's lament was the last thing he'd heard, and then...
He had not fallen into a hole of darkness, nor had he entered a space-time tunnel that would take him to a specific place. He had simply appeared on the other side of the veil, where he could barely see anything and nothing seemed to exist but an infinite gray ground.
But then a stabbing pain in his temple had made him close his eyes, and suddenly he felt that unpleasant sensation typical of apparition again. Suddenly, everything stopped and he felt the firm ground beneath his feet.
His head was still aching and he still hadn't opened his eyes. A wince of pain contracted his handsome features. With both hands on head, he fell to his knees. But the blow was not as hard as he thought it would be, the sand had cushioned it and he felt sand everywhere. Wait, sand? Then he was aware of the sea breeze ruffling his hair and the sun warming his cheeks.
Little by little, he managed to open his eyes.
He was on a beach.
But it wasn’t just any beach. He recognized the sandy area he was in and the palm grove stretching out behind him. He looked to the right for something and raised both eyebrows when he found it. The red sign, now rusty, containing an arrow on which it read ‘Maître-nageur sauveteur’. Below, some funny tourist had placed another arrow in the direction of the sea with the legend "Happiness (100 m)".
Of course he knew the place.
He was in France, in the ‘Côte d'Azur’.
He looked past the old sign and found the boardwalk. He could almost see himself, thirteen years younger, walking behind James and Lily, as he laughed with Marlene at some prank on Remus.
“You're lost?”
Someone spoke to him from behind and laughed. That flirtatious laugh was very familiar, but it was impossible. That voice... More than a decade without hearing it, he thought he would never do it again and yet it had sounded just as it did in his memories. He turned to her with wide eyes.
And there she was.
With long blond hair, with her flowery dress fitted to the waist and the skirt to mid-thigh. It was Marlene, twenty years old, just as she looked when he last saw her, before she was murdered.
He could not believe it.
The girl looked at him longingly. Her heart was racing again and her stomach heaved, like when they were still teenagers and they hadn’t kissed for the first time. She stretched an arm toward Sirius' face and brushed it with her fingertips.
"I thought..." he cleared his throat, "I thought I would never see you again."
Then she fell into his arms and buried her face in his chest. Sirius held her tightly and breathed in the scent of lavender from her hair.
Marlene whispered.
"Finally, you're here. With us.”
He looked at her questioningly. Who did she mean by 'us'?
She just laughed, mysterious. Then she took his hand and pulled him onto the boardwalk. She turned to him keeping a smile and said:
"Come on, James and Lily are waiting for us."
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3leoGE5
by matrixaffiliate
What if the Marauders were able to watch Harry's adventures? And what if Marlene and Sirius were the reason they could? This story is to replace a story that I can't find anymore, and think was pulled by its writer. Blackinnon angst. General angst. But a happy ending.
Words: 19513, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Fred Weasley
Relationships: Sirius Black/Marlene McKinnon, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Additional Tags: Blackinnon Week 2021, blackinnon, Romance, Angst, the dead never truly leave us
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3leoGE5
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
The Last Day
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/30wjqSH
by polverine
Blackinnon Week 2020 - A Week of Lasts
The last day of Marlene Mckinnon's life.
Words: 1696, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Blackinnon Week 2021
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Sirius Black, Marlene McKinnon, Remus Lupin, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Severus Snape
Relationships: Sirius Black/Marlene McKinnon
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Grief/Mourning, Character Death
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30wjqSH
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Blackinnon Week: Tuesday "Soulmates
Tuesday: “Soulmate” The moment they knew , they realize that the other is their soulmate; when they get together.
Word Count: 2159. Can also be found on AO3 @inthemiddle2
Sirius thought he would feel something different today but ultimately he still felt hollow. He looked around the platform, today was supposed to be thing big thing and he thought it would be exciting or maybe sad but nothing. His parents didn’t have anything good to say about Hogwarts but they never had anything good to say about anything. He was looking forward to going to Hogwarts just to get away from his parents. When they first crossed the magically boarder he realized that his leaving wasn’t going to rid him of his problems but just bring on new ones.
The eleven year old boy was currently trying to drown out his mothers complaints. She was speaking to his Aunt Druella. He knew he was going to be in Slytherin, his whole family had been. He wasn’t looking forward to it. Truthfully he hoped he would magically get sorted elsewhere. That would just bring more trouble as his family would practically disown his for breaking family traditions and beliefs. He wasn’t sure what would be worse, getting into Slytherin or not.
Regulus was trying to hold back tears. Sirius hated when he cried, he was such a baby sometimes. He would cry and Sirius would have to stand there and watch his parents beat the little boy. He turned away from Reg not wanting to see the sadness in his eyes that he was leaving him and it would just be him and his parents from now on.
The platform was a buzz with kids full of excitement and parents feeling a mix of happy and sad to see their child off.
“I just don’t understand why we can’t sit together?” Sirius turned to the voice to see a bi-speckled boy groaning. He flopped his arms down dramatically.
Across from the boy was a blonde, almost silver haired girl. She was standing tall, not even looking at the boy as she rolled her eyes and said “Because Jamie, I’m eleven now and I need to start making friends with girls.” She continued to look around the platform in awe.
“But why girls are girly and weird. I hate girls.” He was mumbling now.
“James I am a girl!” The little blonde stomped her foot and rounded on the boy. She stuck he head high but she only came up to his chin.
“Please Marlene, you’re as much of girl as mom!”
“Hey!” The women who Sirius assumed was James’ mom shouted and gave his hair a rumple.
He looked sheepishly as his mother, “Sorry mom!” He turned back to ‘Marlene’, “You know what I meant. You’re a cool girl and you play quidditch, and you’re my best friend which is why we should sit together on the train.”
The girl had been glaring at the boy but her face softened, “Jamie, cool girls can be girly too! My cousin Alice invited me to sit with her and I want to try and make other friends besides you and my brothers. You’re my best friend and you’ll be my best friend no matter what houses were in.”
The two hugged, before James eventually shoved her away saying it wasn’t cool to be the guy crying and hugging the girl on the platform.
Sirius watched the two in envy. He wondered what it would be like to have somebody who loved you know matter what house you were in. He could tell the pair had to be purebloods as they neither looked shocked about the magic around them. That was plus, maybe he could be friends with them. The girl was a spit fire. She seemed like the type who took up the whole of any room. The boy looked nice enough, like he wasn’t so uptight like everyone he had to hang out with now.
Sirius boarded the train with his cousins but they were soon to ditch him, not that he minded. As he peered into the cars he saw boys he recognized from all the pureblood parties his parents made him go to. He wasn’t really sure how he felt about all that pureblood stuff. He had never met a muggle born so he couldn’t tell if they were any worse at magic than him. He did know he hated it just on principle of hating anything his parents loved. If he was honest with himself he figure muggle-borns and half-bloods were bad at magic, it made sense in his eleven year old brain. He saw the kids on the platform who looked confused. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t be taught? Oh well it wouldn’t matter anyway. He would be in Slytherin and life would go on as it always had under his cousins careful watch.
He decided to move on from the cabin of boys from the parties, take moment away while he had it. He looked into the next few cabins and saw the boy and girl from the platform. He cracked open the door.
“Do you mind if I join you?
The pair looked up from their bickering, they were seated on opposite benches.
The boy spoke first, he had a bright smile on his face. Sirius knew he wasn’t new to the magical world from the platform but eagerness he had could have fooled some. “Of course! Hiya I’m James Potter!
Sirius recognized the name Potter, he was sure his parents had complained about them at some point. “I’m Sirius” He figured no harm in leaving off his last name for now. He turned to face the girl across from him.
“I’m Marlene. Marlene McKinnon” She had a thick Scottish accent and she pointedly raised her eyebrow at the last name. It seems she had picked up on his purposeful leave off.
She was giving him a smile but also pointed look. He squirmed under her eyes, how was she doing that?
Sirius cleared his throat, “Uh right. Um did you know Marlene means ‘star of the sea’?” He awkwardly coughed again, “So um, I’m named after the star Sirius. The dog star.”
She was just looking at him, “….Right.” Sirius was sure he had just blown it, he was never going to make new friends. But then the little blonde girl smiled at him, “remind me to be your partner in astronomy.”
James looked between the two, it was like they had their own private joke. Marlene was already making new friends, and a boy?!?
“Well Marley shouldn’t you be on your way? I’m sure Alice is looking for you…”
Marlene just rolled her eyes and went to stand up but the door slid open.
A redheaded girl smiled at the group and a boy with long black hair stood behind her.
The girl spoke first, “Hi! I’m Lily! This is my friend, Severus! Can we sit with you?”
Lily didn’t wait for a response before sitting down. “I’m a muggle-born! This all very exciting don’t you think!”
“You shouldn’t tell people that.” Sirius said it in a neutral tone but Marlene and James looked at him.
“Oh.” Lily looked a little hurt by what he had said, “Um Well Sev, isn’t so he’s told me a lot about the school and magic.”
Marlene was quick to jump in and try and mediate the situation, That’s great! It can be overwhelming at first! I’m Marlene! I have four older brothers but they explained a lot to me as well before.”
James also joined the conversation, “So do you know what houses you lot want to be in? Both my parents, and Marley’s whole family are Gryffindor’s! I reckon I’ll make it but I’m not so sure about Mars. She’s slimy like the Slytherins.”
Sirius’ body tensed with the Slytherin jab. He was going to end up there, if he didn’t at first his parents would make sure of it.
“What’s wrong with Slytherin?” It was the first time the long haired boy had spoken. He was aggressive and defensive.
James responded, “Well they’re all gits! All stuck up with their pureblood mania. Slimy I tell ya!” His tone was light and joking but Severus didn’t seem to take it that way.
“My mom was a Slytherin!”
Sirius wanting so desperately to be like by James, “Yeah well that explains it! You’ll fit right in with that slimy greasy hair!” Both the boys were laughing, “I think will call you ‘Snivellus Slytherus’”
James burst out at that, Lily stood red to the face. “Come on, Severus. Let leave these, these bullies!” She stormed out of the cart with Severus in toe.
James hollered after them, “See you Snivellus!”
The door slid closed with a slam. Marlene looked from the door to the two laughing boys. She stood as she began to yell.
“James Fleamont Potter! You should know better than to treat somebody like that! And you know that being a Slytherin is just fine! Marc’s girlfriend Kate was a Slytherin!”
Sirius’ eyes were wide, he had very quietly and still. James gave a sheepish grimace, “Yeah well Kate’s the exception.”
Sirius was holding in laugh at the boy getting put in his place by the short little blonde. The small noise that escaped his mouth reminded Marlene that he was there. She rounded on his, “And you! I know who you are. I have older brother who have gone toe to toe with your cousins. You better stay away from us with all that pureblood bull!”
Sirius shrunk into the bench, “I, I, I just meant she should be careful who she says that to. You’re right my cousins are barmy. It’s not safe to say that to just anyone.”
Marlene relaxed a little bit at his justification, still unsure if she fully believed him. “You both should be kinder people. I expect more from you from now on. I’m going to find Alice.”
Marlene turned on her heal and exited the compartment. The boys both sat there in silence.
“…Your middle name is Fleamont?” Sirius was laughing
“Oh shut it” James gave him shove but was also laughing.
John Bertram had just been sorted into Hufflepuff. Sirius knew his name was coming. He was standing with James and other boys he had met on the train.
“Sirius Black”
Okay this was it. He walked to the stool. Sitting down he wiped his sweating hand on his trousers. It felt like the moment was slow motion. He looked out to the crowd. He saw James and the other boys giving thumbs up. He saw his cousins sitting at the Syltherin table glaring daggers into his eyes. He was quick to turn away from them. His eyes land on Marlene’s. She was smiling up at him. He felt his heart rate start to calm. Then she winked at him and suddenly it sped back up.
The hat had barely touched his head before it shouted, “GRYFFINDOR”
He sat in shock for minute, the women behind him gave him a nudge. He was a zombie as he moved to the Gryffindor table. He sat down off by himself. He knew this wouldn’t last. Why bother making friends. Not that anyone tried to sit with him anyway. Remus from the train sat across from him with a shrug. He was just staring down at the table until he heard the name Marlene McKinnon called. He looked up at the girl. She was smiling but Sirius could see behind her confident smile there was also a slight nervousness to it.
The hat sat on her head for a few minutes. Eventually it shouted Gryffindor as well. Marlene beamed. All around the table boys of different ages stood and cheered. Sirius assumed they were her brothers. Sirius felt himself smile. Marlene made her way down to the table. She stopped next Lily. Sirius had expected her to sit with the red head but she never sat down. After a moment she kept walk and eventually landed right next to Sirius.
“Welcome to the lions den.” Sirius gave her a half smirk, half grimaced.
Marlene reached down and grabbed his hand under the table, “Back at ya, Black.”
Marlene didn’t realize was she was still holding his hand until he dropped it like fire when James sat down.
“So Marley admit it, the hat sat on your head for so long because it wanted to put you in Slytherin”
“God James you’re so obnoxious” She was smiling when she said it though. “I’ll have you know it was between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.” She stood, “Alright I’m gonna leave you boys to do boy things.” She gave Sirius a squeeze on the shoulder smiled and then walked away.
Sirius didn’t know it then but now as he thinks back on sitting in Azkaban, that little blonde girl was going to change his life. He didn’t know it then but he knows now he loved her then. That first day with his person. She was a force. She was his soulmate.
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
Saudade - Germane
Story Update! FFN and AO3
2nd story for Blackinnon Week!
Sirius slid onto the bench in the Great Hall and laughed as James immediately called for the pumpkin juice and filled Sirius' goblet and Remus and Peter started filling his plate with all his favorites. This one day, his mates did everything to make him feel appreciated, this one day, a day he had dreaded for the first eleven years of his life, had taken a turn when he found himself in the friendship of these three young men.
They knew him well too. They didn't broadcast it to the school, didn't cheer him out at the table the way they did with James, didn't change all the Gryffindor banners to read out his name as they did with Peter, or charm chocolate bars to follow him to every class as they did every year for Remus. No, for Sirius they simply did little things to make sure he knew they remembered, that at least they were pleased he'd made his way to this planet, had survived to this day, that he was wanted here, with them.
"Happy birthday, Black," Marlene sat down next to him and slipped a small package into his hand.
Sirius gawked at her. "You know it's my birthday?"
"Of course I know it's your birthday." She tossed her hair over her shoulder and began filling up her own plate.
"Who told you?" He looked accusingly at James who held up his hands in surrender and shook his head.
"I've known your birthday since first year, Sirius," Marlene poured pumpkin juice in her goblet. "It wasn't hard to figure out, the lads here are pretty good at not making a big deal of it, but I guessed it had to be your birthday with how they behaved and you lot have spent six years proving me right."
Sirius turned back to her, trying to decide how he felt about Marlene not only knowing his birthday but how she made a point of saying it aloud at the breakfast table for all their friends and housemates to hear.
"Aren't you going to open your gift?" She smirked, her blue eyes challenging him.
Sirius held her gaze for a moment before deciding that he'd let his curiosity win out. He'd always told the lads not to get him gifts, that he didn't want anything. It would take him years to realize it was the feeling of family, belonging, that he wanted more than any gift. But Marlene had got him a gift, a gift he hadn't expected.
The twine and simple brown paper fell away quickly, revealing a compass.
"It's for your bike," her voice quavered ever so slightly. "And it's charmed, so you can set destinations and the compass will point you to anywhere you've set."
Sirius turned to her, his mouth suddenly dry and his throat feeling thick and heavy. "Thanks, McKinnon."
Marlene's smile went soft, the way it did when they would read her motorcycle magazines together.
Sirius smiled down at the compass and passed it around when Remus asked to see it and Lily and Dorcas fussed that they needed to do something for his birthday and Peter kept trying to keep bacon on Sirius' plate and James joked about doing something ridiculous and overdone. And somewhere in the comfortable noise, Sirius had reached out and discreetly wrapped his fingers around Marlene's hand, feeling like his eighteenth birthday was the best birthday he'd ever had.
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
Ojalá - Garner
Story Update! FFN and AO3
I know I said I'd only have nine stories for @blackinnonweek, but you'll forgive me for sneaking one more in, yeah?
And a huge thank you to @tumbledfreckles for beta-ing this for me!
He places his right hand on the small of her back, teasing the low cut of her dress and she bites her bottom lip as she glances up at him.
It's a game they play. The cut of her dress, the smell of his aftershave. The blood-red of both her stilettos and her lip stain. The first three buttons of his dress shirt undone. Her hair pinned off to one side to expose the curve of her neck. Him standing close enough that she can feel his breath against the back of her ear and along her neck and shoulder.
The game is played for the way it winds them both. The way his eyes darken when her hand is just an inch higher on his thigh than it should be for polite company. The sound of her breath catching when his hand brushes her bare skin and his eyes trace the places he would rather his hands be.
When the dinner portion of this event arrives, they'll sit at the table and Sirius will capitalize on their new position, leaning into her, taking up her space to whisper in her ear, close enough to make her think about his lips on her skin. With the tablecloth draped over their legs, Marlene can slide her fingers along the length and expanse of his thigh, with touches light as snowflakes, sending his thoughts to memories from behind closed doors.
Teasing, the very thing mothers chastise their children for, has become their favorite game. However, it no longer ends with their victim in tears and running for a parent. Now, the game ends in a passion of lips finally touching skin, of hands grasping, holding, of breaths coming in gasps, moans, whispered names.
But right now, the game is just starting as he hands the keys to the valet.
"Anything you'll need Mr. Black?" The young man asks.
"We'll be fine thank you," Sirius dips his fingers into the low cut of the back of her dress and Marlene forces her breath to come slowly, to not catch in her chest. They're too early in the game for her to be folding so quickly.
She smiles as Sirius' eyes darken, knowing he expected the sound and was denied.
"Point," she smiles up at him.
"The night is young, Marls, I can afford to let you be ahead for the moment." Sirius leads her confidently into the event Mia and Monty are putting on. "You'll probably need a head start, anyhow."
"And why is that?" Marlene nods politely at Frank's parents as Sirius leads her from the entry to the main ballroom.
"Mia let me know there would be dancing tonight, and I've taken the liberty of filling your dance card with my name."
"If Mia actually has dance cards here I'll ride your motorcycle naked," she whispers near his ear.
Sirius nearly stumbles, but catches himself the next instant; she still counts it as a point.
"I'll go and convince her of the need for them now."
Marlene shakes her head and laughs but lets Sirius lead her to the floor where a dozen or so couples have already begun to turn to the music, James and Lily included. And as he spins her around the room, she privately admits he was right, she'll have a lot to make up for in the evening if he keeps leading her into one more turn on the dance floor.
His arms hold her close, guiding her through the steps they've both known since childhood, but he's playing dirty. She watches his eyes trace her neck and slide down her chest, not stopping where the fabric of her dress begins.
He's gaining on her lead.
"We can't leave early," she whispers as he spins her back into him, his hand discreetly sliding along her skin.
He leans in to speak close to her ear, his lips lingering, teasing. "Moving too quickly for you, am I?"
Marlene scoffs, "Keep dreaming. I'm just warning you. We can't leave if you decide you're finished with this audience. We're here for another three hours at a minimum."
"Maybe I'm thinking this audience needs more entertainment."
"Mia will kill us."
"She loves us."
"This is her biggest gala of the year."
"So she won't notice a thing."
"I'm not shagging you in the car in this dress."
Sirius chuckles.
"This is really your fault, you know," his hand slides up and down the skin of her back. "How have I never seen you in this dress before?"
Marlene doesn't manage to keep her smile off her lips, but he's earned the point.
"Just a little something I picked up when Lily and I went shopping."
"You and Lily went shopping over a month ago." He leans in close again, his voice low as he teases her with not quite there kisses against her ear. "I think you've deliberately kept this from me."
"And by your behavior tonight, for good reason. We never would have made it out the door if you'd seen me in it before today."
"Or maybe, it would have let me build up some tolerance."
She smirks, resisting the overwhelming desire to place her lips on his skin. To taste him. Provoke him into more. "And where's the fun in that."
He laughs; a low chuckle that rumbles through her body and leaves her fighting the sigh that tries to escape her lips.
"You've raised the stakes tonight, Marls, and I'm game to win."
And then he cheats, breathing heavily against her ear before placing the chastest of kisses on her cheek.
"I know what you're doing." She threads their fingers as he leads her off the dance floor.
"And yet I'm still taking the lead."
She leans close, her stilettos allowing her to speak directly into his ear. "You better have a plan, Black."
His chest rises quickly and Marlene smirks at her point earned.
"Getting antsy are you?" Sirius tries to recover.
"You're the one rushing the game."
He spins her into an alcove, pressing her back against the wall and the way her breath catches and her hands nearly pull his lips down to her says she's probably losing tonight.
Though by how his eyes darken when she's this close to him, maybe they're both winning the game, after all.
"I wouldn't have reason to rush if you hadn't walked out of our bedroom looking like this." He grips her hip and braces himself against the wall, blocking her from view of the corridor behind him. "Honestly, Marly, it's like you're trying to kill me."
She reaches up, sliding her fingers along the lapel of his suit coat. "So are you saying that I won before we left the house?"
Sirius smirks and takes her left hand in his, kissing her wedding ring. "You won a long time ago, Marls."
She melts; and then curses for giving the point. "You really are playing dirty tonight."
"You started it," he growls and presses his body into hers, trapping her between him and the wall.
Marlene slowly pulls her bottom lip between her teeth as she looks up at him. "Are you going to finish it?"
It's at a painfully slow pace that he closes the gap between their lips, his eyes never leaving hers, "Are you willing to bail from here, so I can?"
His lips are almost on hers, his body is pressed against her in all the right ways, his eyes are devouring her as he waits for her answer, and she hates to admit it, but she really doesn't care who wins right now, as long as his lips land on hers.
"Mia didn't reserve the upper floor of this place. I bet we can find something."
She catches the briefest glimpse of Sirius' smirk before his lips are on her and he's kissing her like he might die if he stops. He runs his hands over every inch of her exposed skin, smoothing down her neck, gripping her shoulders, pressing them into her back, and then slides them along her dress, teasingly pulling at it as though he might rip it off of her right here in the alcove.
"Upstairs," Marlene gasps into his lips.
"Way ahead of you," He gives one more teasing pull on her dress before grabbing her hand and stepping out into the corridor as though nothing has happened. Before she can ask, he's leading her down one corridor, opening a door to yet another corridor, and then sliding them into a small conference room where he quietly shuts the door and locks it.
"And you thought we'd need to go upstairs," his lips are on her neck as he starts playing with the straps holding her dress on her shoulders, slowly inching them towards her arms.
"You've been planning this," she accuses, even as she slides his suit coat over his shoulders.
"You tipped me off to your strategy when you didn't show me what you bought with Lily." He finally pulls one of the straps away and replaces it with a slide of his teeth and press of his lips. "I snuck into someone else's event last week and scoped the place for options."
Marlene pauses mid undoing the buttons on his black dress shirt. "You didn't just look at the dress? It's only been in the garment bag in our closet."
He brings his lips back to hers, kissing her deeply. "And deny myself of seeing it on you first? Where's the fun in that, Marlene?"
She smirks against his lips, running her fingers against his chest. "Don't make my win feel hollow."
"Hollow is definitely not where we're going, love." Sirius kisses her again, his hands making quick work of her dress.
And later, when he's helping her pull the dress back on with gentle fingers, lips kissing her skin before the fabric covers her again, Marlene admits that 'hollow' is the last thing she feels. And when Sirius kisses her lips once more before leading them back to Mia's gala, she can't help but enjoy how sweet victory tastes.
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
Saudade - Amity
Story Update! FFN and AO3
Blackinnon Week!
"What the hell was that?" His voice came out in a hiss.
She shrugged, knowing her casualness would infuriate him further, and slid her wand back in her robes.
"McKinnon," He moved to stand closer to her, "You can't jump in the middle of a fight like that!"
She tossed her hair over her shoulder and looked up at him with cool indifference while her heart beat frantically in her chest and her hands trembled.
"Pads, let's get out of here," Remus shoved Mulciber's limp form against the wall.
Sirius looked down at Avery and gave him a shove before grabbing her wrist.
"We'll see you in the common room, Moony."
"Let go of me, Black," Marlene pulled her arm away from him, worried he would feel her tremble.
"We're not having this conversation here." He gestured wildly at Mulciber and Avery now shoved up against the corridor wall.
Marlene rolled her eyes and moved quickly in the direction Sirius had originally pulled her. "And what conversation are you hoping to have?"
Sirius reached out and gripped her arm, pulling her behind a tapestry that led down a hidden passage.
"We're going to talk about how you can't do that!"
"Fight? I thought I did rather well at it." She pulled her wand and lit the passage around them before moving quickly to hide the trembling of the light in the bouncing of her steps.
"Will you stop?!" He moved in front of her before boxing her against the wall. "You scared the fucking hell out of me!"
Her trembling was obvious now as the light wobbled around them and she knew he could see her chest shakily rising and falling.
"Will you look at me?!"
She tried to steel herself, but as her eyes met his, her mind was right back to when she had turned the corridor and saw a jet of green whiz past Sirius' head and the panic that gripped her as she went running towards him, wand blazing.
"I hate you so much," and she dropped her wand to pull him into her because, Merlin, he almost died!
"Stop shaking," his arms gripped her shoulders tightly.
"I can't," She buried her face in his neck. "I thought he was going to kill you."
"Marls," he nuzzled her cheek with his nose, "you're so dramatic."
"No!" She shoved him away. "I'm not dramatic! People care about you, prat! I fucking care!"
"I fucking care too!" He stormed. "Why do you think I'm pissed?! He tried to kill me and then you came running in? You were going to be his next target!"
"So you expect me to just watch?! News flash, Black, I don't sit back and watch!"
"Damnit, stop shaking!" He gripped her trembling hands and seemed to gain some stability in the action. "Please stop shaking."
"I told you I can't."
"Come here," he pulled her back into his embrace and held her tightly against him. "I know you won't stand and watch, but just, don't die, alright?"
Her body shook more with her chuckle. "I'll try my best, but only if you don't die either."
He nuzzled her cheek with his nose again, and this time she turned into him, bringing their lips together and moving her arms to grip around his waist, losing herself in the reassurance of his presence.
"Finally," he murmured against her lips, "I thought you'd shake until your bones dislocated."
"Shut up, Black," she smiled against him, her heartbeat increasing for a much more desirable reason this time around.
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
Ojalá - Count
Story Update! FFN and AO3
Huge thank you to @midnightelite for beta-ing for me!
One week.
They'd agreed a break was needed one week ago.
But this isn't the first time.
They’re a waltz, counting to three again and again.
Honestly, Sirius doesn't want to count the number of times they've both said that a break was needed, that they were getting in too deep, getting too close. They're on again, off again about as often as it rains in London in November.
But they have one place, this one pub where they find each other again.
Every time.
Sirius walks in, like he's done so many times now he could do it blindfolded, and walks to the bar.
Two shots.
He orders two shots and wonders if this is the time she'll be stronger than him. If this time they weren't lies; if this time she really will cut them off. If this is the time he'll be the lonely drunk sitting at the bar missing a woman he isn't able to admit to needing in his life in any other way than showing up at this pub; hoping she needs him too, no matter how much they both said they don't want more, don't want to be in too deep.
One hour.
He tells himself just one hour and then he'll leave. If she isn’t here in one hour then he’ll take it as a sign that maybe they do need to stop this roulette game they play using their hearts as the targets.
Two taps.
Two taps on his shoulder and he can feel the smile pull on his lips.
"Hey Black."
Her blonde curls are pulled up off her neck, ice blue eyes sparkling, blood-red lips, black leather jacket hugging her shoulders and waist.
It's deja vu. They've done this so many times.
One touch.
He leans in for one touch, a kiss on her cheek in greeting, something that means nothing with any other woman, Lily, Emmeline, Mary, it's nothing, but with Marlene, it's the beginning of the end.
Two seconds.
He lingers at her cheek for two seconds, two seconds of filling his senses with Marlene and the soft almost spicy scent that's always been her. Two seconds of grounding himself in her presence. Two seconds of bringing himself back to this place he’s been longing for this last week. Two seconds of her.
She's fire; burning better than a shot of any top-shelf bottle and filling his veins with a buzz higher than any drug.
"It's good to see you."
The dim lights of the pub shadow them, protecting them from the reality of how careless they are; how they both can't seem to set their pride aside long enough to end this game, one way or the other.
But like a count down they always end up back here.
Marlene smiles at him as she pulls up the stool to his left, her fingers sliding along the arm of his own leather jacket, stopping at his elbow before letting go entirely.
Like they swore they were doing one week ago.
"How're things?"
"Good," he lies. "And you?"
"Good," she lies too. Just like every time they've done this.
It hasn't been "good." It's been the nightmare of feeling like a part of your chest has been torn out but you force yourself to move forward like it meant nothing, like it means nothing, when it's everything.
One drink.
He swears he'll have one drink with her and go home.
Two minutes.
It takes two minutes before she's resting her foot on his barstool and he's running his black boot against her calf as he slides his eyes along the curve of her neck.
She's fire and he can't look away from the flames.
"No ones playing snooker," She leans into him, nearly touching him, nearly. Her voice is casual, but Sirius knows it now, knows her now, the front of bored indifference she wears when something means more, means everything. "Fancy a frame?"
And he can't say no. Because it means everything to him too.
One frame.
He'll play one frame and go home, but even as he tells himself the lie his hand lands on the small of her back and she’s leaning into his touch.
Two frames.
She's beat him this time and her smile is everything as she calls for a tiebreaker while her fingers intertwine loosely with his.
Three frames.
He doesn't know the score anymore as he pins her against the table. She’s laughing, arguing that she isn't cheating if she picks up the ball and puts it right back where she found it.
"You put it down a solid foot away from where it was." He has his left hand on the table’s edge, his right hand holding his cue against the table, boxing her in, giving him the view he’s been dreaming of every night since they said they were done.
"Did I?" She purrs. "Are you sure you're not drunk?" Her fingers slide along the zipper of his jacket, leaving teasing brushes against his chest.
She's fire; lighting up his blood more than any alcohol could ever hope to.
"I'm barely tipsy, Marly," he's leaning closer now, can see in her eyes she's nowhere close to her limit.
One drink.
They've each had one drink.
Two shots.
He's had two shots.
Three seconds.
It takes him three seconds to close the distance and for her to meet him halfway.
Her cue hits his before sliding to the floor with a clatter as her hands pull his face closer.
His cue follows with the same sound as he wraps his arms around her waist, pulling their bodies flush against one another. Her fingers spear through his hair as he slants his lips over hers, sliding his tongue along her bottom lip, feeling his heart rate increase as she meets his fervor. Black fingernails run along his scalp as he slips his hands under her jacket and up her back, hungrily tracing the curves of her body like a man starved of human contact.
He can't stop kissing her.
He kisses down her chin to her neck and can't be arsed that he's full-on snogging her in this pub against the snooker table.
It's not the first time.
She gasps when he drags his teeth over her pulse point and pulls his mouth back to hers. Her kiss is devouring, her tongue savoring every slide of his own, every taste of his lips.
He can't wait.
Sirius slides kisses up her cheek to speak low against her ear. "Want to get out of here?"
She arches into him, and the rush it gives him makes him lightheaded, "Yours or mine?"
"My bed is bigger."
"You like it."
"I'll never admit to it."
"And yet you're still going to come back to mine."
"Your bed is bigger."
Sirius' chuckle is low.
He can't wait.
"Let's go."
His arms are around her and everything is right again as he helps her into their ride.
He can't stop kissing her.
Her lips are on his as soon as the car's moving, hands sliding under his jacket neatly pushing it off his shoulders. His hands follow hers, their leather jackets sliding away like the removal of armor and he gets his first full feel of her skin since they thought they could call this over. He guides her arms around his neck and it’s deja vu as she climbs into his lap and everything finally feels right again.
He can’t wait.
Their jackets are in his hand as they walk to his flat, her fingers threaded through his. Once inside he throws their armor to the sofa as they pull back all their layers one by one. It’s a ritual they can do in their sleep but every time it feels like the first, and every time he swears they’ll never do this again.
But this time, breathless and clinging to him, Marlene changes the pattern.
Three words.
“I missed you.”
Her words wash over him and a part of him wants to run, to remind himself that they called this off, they don’t want to get in any deeper. But she’s holding on to him like he’s everything and he can’t bring himself to lie, not when her three words have him pulling her closer, bringing his lips to hers again in a slower, deeper kiss.
Four words.
“I missed you too.”
She lets out a slow breath, deepening their kiss further, sliding against him in a languid exploration of this new count.
Four words.
“Can I stay tonight?”
He brings his hands to her hair, cupping her head as she looks down at him. He needs her. He doesn’t know how to say it, not yet, but he can’t wait forever.
Four words.
“I want you here.”
Her smile is shy in a way that he’s never seen before, vulnerable, hopeful, and a little scared. He feels it too, this shift into the unknown with the four words they’ve both admitted to. But he can’t wait forever.
They’re slowly starting up again, their kisses deeper, their bodies closer, their hearts peeking out from behind the dozens of walls they’ve both thrown up.
In the morning, he promises himself, in the morning he’ll give her more of himself. In the morning, he’ll swallow his pride and tell her he needs her. He’ll tell her everything in the morning.
Tonight, he just wants to hold her again and feel her chest rise and fall against his own as their hearts beat together.
In the morning, she’ll know he needs her.
And someday, she’ll know he loves her.
He can’t wait forever.
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
Ojalá - Accede
Story Update! FFN and AO3
Jumping into some fun Muggle AU for Blackinnon Week!
Marlene glanced over at the bar again.
He stood with his friends, head thrown back laughing, dark hair falling perfectly, steel eyes glinting in the light that flashed to the music. His leather jacket was draped perfectly over his black shirt. His dark jeans drew her eyes down to his black boots, and then she traced up again, this time meeting his eyes.
He winked at her.
Marlene smirked and brought her drink to her blood-red lips, enjoying how his eyes stayed fixed on her.
One of his friends bumped his shoulder and the moment ended as he turned away. Marlene turned to her phone and texted Lily.
Marlene: You should have come, you're missing out on some very fit blokes.
Lily: I was almost asleep!
Lily: What magic powers do you have that you always text me right when I'm almost asleep?
Marlene: You should have just come with me, then I wouldn't have texted you and you would get to see the fit four I'm admiring.
Lily: Let me sleep!
Marlene: Fine, but you're missing out.
Marlene looked up and took in another eyeful of the tempting man at the bar. He had removed the leather jacket revealing the black shirt to be a fitted t-shirt and she was pleased to see how it more than suited him.
He must have felt her eyes on him because he turned toward her and smirked as he caught her eye. Never one to back down, Marlene held his gaze, daring him to make a move. He kept his eyes on hers as he leant over to be able to speak to the fit bloke with glasses, then started across the room to the table she'd secured for herself.
Marlene schooled her features into a bored expression but her heart rate increased as he approached. His steel eyes held hers, a delicious smirk playing on his lips, his attention singly on her as he sauntered casually until standing across the table from her.
"Forgive me if I'm misreading things, but do you want to make out?"
Marlene rewarded him with a quiet laugh.
"Most blokes ask for a dance or to buy a lady a drink first."
His smirk shifted to a grin and he sat down across from her.
"If you would like that drink, I'd be happy to buy it, but our snog would be more enjoyable if we're not plastered."
Marlene leant across the table, "And you're still certain I want that snog?"
Sirius shrugged, "If you didn't you would have thrown your drink in my face by now."
"I'm guessing you know that from experience." Marlene deliberately took a slow sip of her drink, enjoying the way he watched her as she did.
"Every man learns a few lessons," he held out his hand. "I'm Sirius."
"Marlene," she took his hand and he immediately shifted her hand to bring it to his lips.
"My pleasure, Marlene," Sirius held on to her hand as he brought their hands back to the table. "Now, could I tempt you to the dance floor?"
Marlene pretended to consider his offer, slowly tipping her glass to finish her drink. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and she smirked as she pulled them both to stand. "We'll see how you dance, and then maybe you'll find out how I kiss."
Sirius pulled her closer to speak quietly into her ear as his hand found her hip. "I like my chances."
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
Saudade - Bravage
Story Update! - FFN and AO3
It's Blackinnon Week again! Blackinnon stories will be posted all week this week from across the fandom! I'll be posting NINE stories this week and we start with this little one, based on a prompt I've wanted to write for Blackinnon since I saw it. =D Enjoy! (Prompt: "Rumor has it I make you nervous.")
"Rumor has it I make you nervous." Sirius slid up next to Marlene on the grounds as she watched Lily teach Emmeline how to play a Muggle game played with a plastic disk.
"Who are you getting your rumors from, Black? The first-years?" Marlene leant back on the heels of her hands, stretching out her legs and smirking up at him.
Sirius laid out on the lawn next to her, propping himself up with his elbow as he balanced on his side.
"They are the best source of gossip, you know. Little firsties will talk for hours once you get them going."
"And which little firsties are you chatting up?"
Sirius shrugged, "Whichever ones are unfortunate enough to end up witnessing the setup of a prank. Can't have them running to tattle now can I?"
"So you distract them by getting them talking?" Marlene laughed and shifted to mirror Sirius' position.
"And I usually have a bit of sugar on me as well. It doesn't take much to get an eleven or twelve-year-old thinking in a different direction than a seventh year breaking the rules." Sirius shifted closer to her.
Marlene smirked at him, feeling anticipation build in her chest. "You're terrible, you know that?"
"And you like it," he trailed a finger along the hem of her shirt. "At least I think that's what the poor boy meant when he was telling me I made you nervous. Not sure he's learnt how to read a woman."
Marlene laughed and shifted closer. "He's got time yet."
"He's the least of my concerns now," Sirius slipped his hand under her shirt and around her hip, pulling her closer. "I'm rather focused on someone else."
Marlene pulled into him, sliding against him and bringing her lips dangerously close to his. "Maybe you should convince me of who you're focused on."
Sirius pushed forward to capture her lips when the plastic disk Lily and Emmeline had been playing with smacked against Marlene and Sirius.
"Oi!" Marlene turned and glared at her friends.
"Sorry!" Lily laughed, but she looked anything but apologetic. Emmeline hid her mouth behind her hands as she cackled.
Sirius was undeterred as he translocated the disk some fifty yards off and then pinned Marlene down on the lawn, searing her with his kiss and leaving no doubts of just who all his focus was on.
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