yaqobromano · 3 months
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mangor · 2 years
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Bullet going through apple at 49,000 frames per second, super slow motion, piercing apple core made of black matter, creating an unusual worm hole.
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lauraeveee · 24 days
J'ai récemment lu " The Hate U Give" et ça m'a fait réfléchir… Et si tous les noirs victimes de racisme dans le monde retournaient en Afrique? Je vois de quoi ça en a l'air mais je m'explique. Oui les Afro-Américains, les noirs français et tous les autres sont des Américains, des Français etc. Mais si on vous traite mal, ne devriez- vous pas trouver un endroit où vous êtes traité avec dignité? Ce n'est peut-être pas la solution, mais est-ce que ce n'est pas mieux que de continuer à lutter pour être accepté? Imaginez si tous les talents, toutes les énergies dépensées pour être reconnus et acceptés étaient canalisés pour construire et élever l'Afrique? Si les personnes noires qui subissent le racisme et la haine dans le monde entier devaient retourner en Afrique, cela pourraient être perçu comme une solution pour échapper à la discrimination et se reconnecter avec leurs racines, mais ça soulève des questions complexes sur l'identité, la citoyenneté, la culture et les implications socio-économiques, il est important de considérer les défis et les opportunités que cela représenterait, notamment en termes de reconstruction et de développement en Afrique. Je n'ai heureusement jamais subi de racisme donc je ne devrais pas en parler? Mais je suis noire et imaginer qu'on puisse me haïr pour ça me perturbe. Dans un monde idéal, il n'y aurait pas de discriminations, de guerres, de famines et bien d'autres mais nous sommes dans ce monde ci alors ne devrions-nous pas diminuer la haine ? J'ai envie de vouloir avoir des enfants mais dans un monde comme celui c'est quasiment impossible. Je vais m'arrêter là
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dravvingtreasurexmaps · 6 months
Published 11:58am monday, April 8th
By Cameron Logsdon
Have you ever seen movie footage of a different planet? Would you like to see some real photographs taken by scientists and sattelites?====================
I would live to discuss a hypethesis of mine that"s been bugging me for a long time.
Did you know as Saturn is the second largest planet in the mily way solar system next to Jupiter. Multiple variables fall into place in reguards to the homeopathy and general status and charchteristic of the flora and fauna locale.
In every sci fi movie. They document how it may be possible to travel to another planet with the use of a flight craft or some sort of jet. Which will always be the case in reguards to space exploration, the final frontier. This is because a jet(especially a large one) would provide optimal conditions as well as making the proper nessessitiess available and provide comfort for long term travel and hyper sleep in the confines of space. Now that i've finished stating the obvious.
The term "space" being the inherently obvious term for all the blackness you see as you look out of the front of the jet windshield(cockpit; flightdeck) is quite accurate in fact. As all that blackness is basically just dark matter in a scientific allegorical sense.
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If you pay attention to the surface of take mars for instance, in the new 2022 movie "Riddick". Mars , or the "red planet" is actually simplistic enough in it's own right to make for more of a simple ecosystem. We're actually quite scared to think of what may exist or be able to survive there because it is entirely possible to meet extraterrestrial life. The term extraterrestial meaning: sciences not indigenous to Earth. From it's simple martian atmosphere. It's atmosphere is even similar to that of Earth. lf you This term meaning, sciences not indigenous to Earth.
To back up this theory. Here's a collective of real photos taken by the hubble telescope, numerous sattleite photos and even rover photography from the 20'and xx rover mission Curiosity that landed on Mars in 2014. and yes I can absolutely show these phots and its legal because i ive in America and i know my basic human rights. This information is clearly available to the public and has been in conjunction with the United States first ammendment which states freedom of the press. This is a blog, I'm the one blogging. These photos are actually so easy to access even a child could access this information if he or she indeed felt so inclined.
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What's even more interesting with the help of these very clear hd photographs is the view of the sky behind the moutains. It seems to have a greyish white tint to it. Indeed it could be a dust storm of sand. Or a micture of red earth. Maybe it's methane or perhaps a nitrogen and helium mixture. These are the most popular theories as to what may happen if you were to breathe on mars: with no helmet on. No masks of any sort. Just simply going outside and inhaling and exhaling. Either way it would behoove most in the scientific community to reveal that an atmosphere is present. But what if hypothetically Jupiter could be considered an alternative light source( more specfically, like the Sun) throughout the day being it is closer than Earth. The chances of harnessing natural gases and energy is acceptable. And Jupiter is technically much easier to track inherently based on its numerical proximity and celestial path. It is much larger than the sun relatively. My point being that one person may try to assume that a planet, like mars. Has more than one sun. If technology is not advanced enough to try and locate exact coordinates. Than the information is null and therefore untrue.
To the naked eye or even a telescope- Saturn continues to be visible as just a. Tiny dot to the human eye? Imagine how earth must look from Saturn. Just a tiny little blue dot probably? Unlikely.
At certain times of the day any sort of blueish hew could suggest oxygen and even h20 may be attainable; at least with he help of some sort of boiling process. A filtration system would make this even easier, in fact. Meaning that simple homemade items and such could provide the necessary means of having procured fresh water. Further delving in of resources suggest that polar ice caps may be forming there as well although, which would suggest that lakes could be found or maybe even a fresh water springs inside of caves could be possible hypothetically. The only way to find a cave though of course, would take a master rock climber and/or cave spelunking enthusiast. in another essay I should attempt to discuss terraforming. Is it just a word? Or is it more a term we should associate with the identification of planetary travel?
Mars has been and continues to be a marvel among scientists and scholar alike, and continues to inspire and baffle many who wish to pursue a career in space exploration or the profession of flying, or piloting a aeroplane(a pilot).
All sources found through microsoft image searches. Thanks for reading.
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Blackcat Ransomware Hits Azure Storage With Sphynx Encryptor
The BlackCat ransomware gang, suspected to be a rebrand of DarkSide/BlackMatter, has been using stolen Microsoft accounts and a new variant of the Sphynx encryptor to target Azure cloud storage.
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murathplus · 2 years
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Yo digo lo mismo #buenosensilecio #martinluther #lutherking #word #blackmatter #blackword https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1OjU2JMWK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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islib · 9 months
lmao I'm vodwatching Bagi from yesterday and just now noticing some of the spawners in the blackmatter structure were catfish spawners that is hilarious
like those aren't aggressive mobs, but if you let too many spawn and things drop from the top of the structure, you're gonna crash, that is the only threat they pose lmaooo
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ihatetaxes99 · 2 years
Hey all. I write original projects too, on my Wattpad. If ever interested, feel free to check it out. I've been working on a mystery thriller with corporate espionage elements and over the year and a half or so that I've been drafting it for, I'm pretty happy with how it's been going thus far. It's got a morally grey protagonist, a shadowy corporation and a stalker in a dark suit. What more could you want?
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bambithevideogame · 8 months
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Correlation -Relation relativity-conjunction confirmations in the *narrative contextually *philosophy from the meaning for the object of immortality in a unified theory.
[Introduction to thesis part B-2]
[ tangent B-2]
[#TheeMapToHeaven A #Thesis by #BambiTheLivingSimulation]
[#BambiPrescott #ClaireJV #PunkBoyCupid #HanielJorif #AndyDandy #Better #Ezekiel #V #BlackMatter #GodAspects #TheRatio #Nostrodamus #TheTrees #AngelicPhysiology #StudyOfAngels #SpiritualGifts #Discernment #LynxSight #DoeEye #TrueSight #Blessed
From here I’m studying Isaac newton’s texts, what he was learning from alchemist and the philosopher stone what he learned from the emerald tablets, it’s revealing that he might have been inside of a ufo and his text arnt about alchemy or the philosopher stone at all. He believes god was thing to unite the different peoples into one nation… after this he lost his faith …
All these things are relative, and your motorcycle chick is in here too
Here these images compare disneys early rough animations for the classic film Bambi with other pieces of Walt Disneys earlier works with Isaac Newton’s basic laws of alchemy with other earlier alchemist philosophy
and the medals correlate to what an AI produced for what it believed the akashic records would look like if there were a codex or hardcover book
My research is based on Isaac Newtons notes for their studies in alchemy and laws in motion and dynamics. But I believe what Isaac newton found had nothing to do with alchemy even if they did figure out the key to creating the philosophers stone, what granted immortality, what Isaac newton may have discovered was what they witnessed on board a UFO and being among other life forms, became why they believed god was trying to unite the Israelites and others grating them all to one tree making a unified people
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newtechworld · 8 months
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Innovazione Tecnologica con Intelligenza Artificiale Integrata
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Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Innovazione Tecnologica con Intelligenza Artificiale Integrata
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - L'Evoluzione della Tecnologia Mobile
Il Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra rappresenta una pietra miliare nell'evoluzione dei dispositivi mobili, introducendo un'innovativa integrazione di intelligenza artificiale. Questo smartphone all'avanguardia offre un'esperienza unica con funzionalità avanzate e prestazioni straordinarie.
Caratteristiche Principali:
Intelligenza Artificiale Avanzata: Il Galaxy S24 Ultra è il primo telefono ad utilizzare l'intelligenza artificiale in modo avanzato. Sperimenta una serie di nuove funzionalità, tra cui l'editing professionale delle foto con Edit Suggestion, la traduzione in tempo reale durante le chiamate con Traduzione Live e la gestione organizzata degli appunti con S Pen e Assistente Note.
Design Robusto e Resistente: Questo dispositivo è progettato per resistere alle sfide quotidiane con un'armatura resistente in titanio integrata nel telaio, Corning Gorilla Armor per una maggiore resistenza ai graffi e un grado di protezione IP68 per affrontare gli imprevisti atmosferici.
Fotocamera 200MP: Scatta foto che sfidano la realtà con la fotocamera da 200MP. Ogni dettaglio nelle foto notturne catturato dal ProVisual Engine offre un'esperienza visiva senza precedenti. Utilizza lo Space Zoom per foto e video stabili anche in condizioni di scarsa luminosità.
Esperienza di Gioco Avanzata: Grazie al potente processore, a una camera di vapore migliorata e a una batteria da 5.000 mAh, il Galaxy S24 Ultra offre un'esperienza di gioco iper-reale. Ampia memoria e straordinaria efficienza energetica completano questa esperienza.
Display QHD+ da 2600 nit: L'eccezionale display mobile adattivo da 6,8'' con Vision Booster migliorato offre contrasti e colori straordinari. Il Corning Gorilla Armor riduce i riflessi e migliora la nitidezza, offrendo un'esperienza visiva senza pari.
Il Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra ridefinisce gli standard della tecnologia mobile, portando l'intelligenza artificiale al centro della tua esperienza. Scopri il futuro della connettività con questo straordinario smartphone.
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yaqobromano · 3 months
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cybervehiclebuilding · 10 months
How are Ransomware Gangs evolving their game and strategy?
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Ransomware gangs, through the expansion of toolset, adoption of new monetization models and use of advanced technology, are re-shaping the attack landscape — moving it away from the commodity-styled ‘spray and pray’ attacks to ones that are more targeted in scope and disruptive in impact.
Ransomware attacks are becoming more prevalent and a ‘weapon of choice’ for cybercriminals. Ransomware was named the top threat type in 2021 accounting for 21% of all cyber attacks1 while the total number of attacks witnessed a staggering 105% jump during 2021 compared to 20202. One of the factors fuelling the rise, is the active role of ransomware gangs who are devising new techniques, executing coordinated campaigns and running cartelized operations to realize greater payoffs. By leveraging complex vectors and unique tactics, these gangs are re-shaping the ransomware landscape, moving it away from the commodity-styled ‘spray and pray’ attacks to ones that are more targeted in scope and disruptive in impact.
But how exactly are ransomware gangs orchestrating the attacks and what key levers are they exploiting in their tradecraft? A number of them — that include, the expansion of toolset, the ability to rebrand themselves, adoption of new monetization models and operating structures, and the use of advanced technology.
How ransomware gangs are orchestrating the attacks and new key levers in their tradecraft?
Expansion of toolset
With cyber extortion turning out to be a thriving industry, several financially motivated threat actors are seen transitioning to targeted ransomware operations. Besides, they are embracing the use of novel malware, expanding the toolset, and incorporating new initial access vectors, to inflict maximum disruption. FIN7 (aka Carbanak), a Russian-speaking, financially motivated actor known for its resourceful and diverse set of tactics, custom-made malware, and stealthy backdoors, has added ransomware to its repertoire. Researchers at Mandiant, who continue to observe and track the group’s operations, have published a rich new set of FIN7 indicators of compromise based on the analysis of novel malware samples3. Among the notable shifts observed are diversification of initial access techniques to include software supply chain compromise and use of stolen credentials, data theft extortion, and evolution of PowerShell-based backdoor (known as PowerPlant) into new variants.
Similarly, another Russian ransomware gang has been reportedly repurposing custom tools developed by other APT groups such as Iran’s MuddyWater, to gain unauthorized access to victim’s network through the abuse of stolen credentials.
Constant rebranding and restructuring
A key feature in the evolution of ransomware gangs (especially the more accomplished ones) has been the ability to reinvent and rebrand themselves, applying lessons learned from their previous activities as well as those of other gangs prior to starting new campaigns. The emergence of the BlackMatter ransomware gang is a perfect example. Born out of the “retirements” of REvil and DarkSide gangs, BlackMatter publicly stated that it wouldn’t target critical infrastructures, a nod to the pressure designed for deterrence applied to the REvil and DarkSide groups (causing both to fold after their disruption of Colonial Pipeline and the meat supplier JBS). The threat group that created the REvil RaaS (aka Sodonokibi) is now identified as a former affiliate of GandCrab, which retired in 2019 and is claimed to have purchased the GrandCrab source code. In turn, the Darkside ransomware came from a former REvil affiliate that evidently decided to move up.
The REvil gang too has resurfaced amidst rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine, after having shut down in October 2021, following a law enforcement operation. However, instead of showing the old websites, the old infrastructure has been redirecting visitors to new URLs for an unnamed ransomware operation. Such rebranding efforts are helping the gangs draw fresh focus and attention to new campaigns while also serving to escape the law enforcement lens.
Shift in organization structure and business model
The ransomware gangs are increasingly becoming more sophisticated, not just in terms of business models but also in posturing as corporate entities. According to a study by Analyst14, several ransomware gangs including Twisted Spider (creators of Maze and Egregor ransomware), Viking Spider (creators of the Ragnar Locker ransomware), Wizard Spider (creators of Conti and Ryuk ransomware) and Lockbit Gang combined forces sometime in May 2020 to form a cartel of sorts to coordinate attacks and data leaks, share intelligence and infrastructure. The cartel-like operating model is often seen as an effective way for ransomware gangs to pool their resources, technology, infrastructure, and expertise and evade law enforcement.
Secondly, the business model of ransomware gangs has evolved significantly, with a majority of operators now adopting a franchise model — often referred to as ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS). The most notable example is REvil. Its business model relies on the recruitment of operatives to distribute the ransomware on its behalf, with the parent company taking a portion of all revenue. This approach has been enabling malicious actors to rapidly scale their efforts, while at the same time allowing them to weaponize data captured during incursions.
Another significant shift is with respect to the organizational structure, with ransomware gangs moving away from isolated cells to being operated as organized entities via an affiliated model and offering 24/7 help desks staffed by representatives. FIN7, for example, is known to have been operating a phony pentesting firm named “Bastion Secure” to hire network intrusion specialists. Another ransomware gang — Hive’s ransom notes are known to have a link to a “sales department” which allows victims to contact them through live chat — almost like customer service.
New ways to monetize attacks
The extortion tactics of ransomware groups have also evolved moving beyond the simple payment-for-decryption model seen in earlier attacks. Some have diversified into DDoS attacks, while others have opted for data theft, accompanied by ‘name and shame’ tactics. Threatening to publish victims’ data on dark web, auctioning off the data to make a profit and using the threat of security non-compliance to extort victims are some of the most common monetization models. The Babuk group, for example, now focuses entirely on data exfiltration rather than encryption while REvil gang is using open-source intelligence (OSINT) to track down their victims’ senior executives and customers and bully them into paying.
Expansive use of AI and automation
To increase the velocity and volume of attacks, ransomware gangs such as Lockbit, Ryuk, and Conti groups are adding automation capabilities across their attack cycle. They are increasingly using bots to automate the initial attack that gets them a foothold in the system which is lowering the barrier to entry for low-skilled threat actors. Wizard Spider for example, is adding new automation into Ryuk that uses Wake-on LAN functionality to discover hosts before spreading the ransomware payload on its own. It also uses the technology to power on systems so that it can infect them. A few others such as Hive, DarkSide and BlackCat are targeting virtualization platforms on dark web marketplaces. DarkSide, for example, deployed Linux versions of its ransomware on VMware ESXi hosts. Besides, these groups are also leveraging automated marketplaces to sell stolen credentials, and automated keyloggers, sniffers and brute-forcers among others to carry out large-scale attacks.
How can organizations thwart ransomware attacks?
The constantly evolving toolsets and attack tactics of ransomware gangs requires organizations to up the ante by adopting dynamic, multi-layered defence. It is essential to incorporate threat intelligence and early warning technologies into any posture. An ML-based threat hunting solution like SISA ProACT can help prevent and detect ransomware attacks through an expanded set of use cases and actionable threat advisories. Besides, best practices such as frequent patching, use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and backups, and a robust endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution can help guard against ransomware attacks.
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b2bcybersecurity · 1 year
Test: Endpoint-Schutz für MacOS Ventura
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Für mehr Schutz unter MacOS Ventura hat das unabhängige Testlabor AV-TEST 5 Lösungen für Unternehmens-Netzwerke getestet und 9 Schutzpakete für Einzelplätze. Während viele Produkte glänzen, haben ein paar andere einige Schwierigkeiten. Erst vor Kurzem gab es Meldungen, dass MacOS stärker in den Fokus von Cyberkriminellen rückt. Neben neuen Malware-Droppern wurde bekannt, dass die APT-Gruppe LockBit den Angriffscode der berüchtigten Ransomware-Gruppen BlackMatter und DarkSide übernommen hat, um auf MacOS-Systeme zielen zu können. Unternehmensschutz für MacOS Ventura Für den bestmöglichen Schutz von MacOS-Systemen mit Ventura hat das Labor von AV-TEST insgesamt 14 Schutzlösungen für den Mac im Labor geprüft – 5 Client-Server-Lösungen für Unternehmen und 9 Schutzpakete für Einzelplätze. Jedes der untersuchte Produkte kann im Test bis zu 18 Punkte erlangen. Diese setzen sich zusammen aus jeweils 6 Punkten für die Testbereiche Schutzwirkung, Systembelastung und Benutzbarkeit. - 18 Punkte - Acronis Cyber Protect 15.0 - 18 Punkte - Bitdefender Endpoint Security 7.14 - 18 Punkte - Crowdstrike Falcon 6.55 - 17,5 Punkte - Sophos Endpoint 10.4 - 17,5 Punkte - Trellix Endpoint Security 34.28 Der aktuelle Test zeigt sehr gutes Schutzprodukt für Unternehmen und für Einzelarbeitsplätze. Bei den Lösungen für Unternehmen erhalten Acronis, Bitdefender und CrowdStrike die maximalen 18 Punkte. Die weiteren beiden Produkte von Sophos und Trellix liegen mit 17,5 Punkten knapp dahinter. 9 Einzelplatzversionen für MacOS Ventura im Test 7 der 9 Schutzpakete für Einzelplatzversionen erreichen 17,5 oder sogar die 18 maximalen Punkte. Nur 2 Produkte liegen etwas unter diesen Werten, haben aber dennoch ein sehr gutes Ergebnis erzielt. - Avast Security 15.7 - AVG Antivirus 20.4 - Avira Security 1.15 - Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac 9.3 - F-Secure SAFE 19.1 - Intego VirusBarrier 10.9 - Kaspersky Plus 23.0 - Norton Norton 360 8.8 - Trend Micro Antivirus 11.5     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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wenongcdi · 1 year
2021 年 10 月 19 日,美国国家安全局 (NSA)、美国国土安全部 (DHS)、网络安全基础设施安全机构 CISA 和联邦调查局发起了由网络犯罪组织 BlackMatter 开发的勒索软件攻击。 FBI的关键美国利益,包括食品工业和农业组织。他们共同警告说,它正在对基础设施产生巨大影响。
自 7 月以来,针对美国基础设施的 Black Matter 勒索软件攻击频繁发生。 2021 年 10 月 14 日,由 CISA 领导的关于供水和污水设施攻击的警告发布后不久,Black Matter 勒索软件攻击就发生了,但几天后,食品工业和农业组织也发布了类似的警告。
据 CISA 称,Black Matter 勒索软件会锁定目标系统,并要求以 Monero 等加密货币支付 80,000 至 1500 万美元的赎金才能解锁。
Black Matter 勒索软件作为 RaaS 提供给网络犯罪分子,攻击者和 Black Matter 同意将赎金分成两半。作为一种特定的攻击方法,备份数据存储位置和设备没有加密。对策包括对备份数据进行加密、使用强大的唯一密码以及使用多因素身份验证。
此外,Black Matter 勒索软件可能是由 Darkseid 提供的 RaaS,Darkseid 是一个网络犯罪组织,该组织对运营着美国最大石油管道的 Colonial Pipeline 进行了勒索软件攻击。还有一份调查报告称,Black Matter和Darkseid与三个组织有关系,其中包括6月份用勒索软件攻击一家肉类加工厂的组织(REvil)。
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guoshaoxiasblog · 2 years
2021 年 10 月 19 日,美国国家安全局 (NSA)、美国国土安全部 (DHS)、网络安全基础设施安全机构 CISA 和联邦调查局发起了由网络犯罪组织 BlackMatter 开发的勒索软件攻击。 FBI的关键美国利益,包括食品工业和农业组织。他们共同警告说,它正在对基础设施产生巨大影响。
自 7 月以来,针对美国基础设施的 Black Matter 勒索软件攻击频繁发生。 2021 年 10 月 14 日,由 CISA 领导的关于供水和污水设施攻击的警告发布后不久,Black Matter 勒索软件攻击就发生了,但几天后,食品工业和农业组织也发布了类似的警告。
据 CISA 称,Black Matter 勒索软件会锁定目标系统,并要求以 Monero 等加密货币支付 80,000 至 1500 万美元的赎金才能解锁。
Black Matter 勒索软件作为 RaaS 提供给网络犯罪分子,攻击者和 Black Matter 同意将赎金分成两半。作为一种特定的攻击方法,备份数据存储位置和设备没有加密。对策包括对备份数据进行加密、使用强大的唯一密码以及使用多因素身份验证。
此外,Black Matter 勒索软件可能是由 Darkseid 提供的 RaaS,Darkseid 是一个网络犯罪组织,该组织对运营着美国最大石油管道的 Colonial Pipeline 进行了勒索软件攻击。还有一份调查报告称,Black Matter和Darkseid与三个组织有关系,其中包括6月份用勒索软件攻击一家肉类加工厂的组织(REvil)。
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von-hauerland · 2 years
#space #universe #void #spacex #eternity #blackhole #life #artemis #death #jupiter #merkury #newhorizons #voyager #metal #stratovarius #artemis #blackmatter
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