yulecatt · 3 months
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team ruby wc line up
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meroaw · 1 year
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once-a-kittypet · 5 months
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First Mention: Into the Wild (Chapter 12; page 141)
“It must be Blackfoot,” mewed Graypaw. “ShadowClan’s new deputy.”
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juustapigeon · 1 year
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wrinklybabies2005 · 5 months
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blame it on the black star
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keblestone · 1 year
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Blackstar Redesign
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brazenbullock · 2 years
you KNOW im here to ask for Blackstar, the meow meow to end all meow meows
decided to combine this request and @runn1ngn0se 's !!
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Blackstar got sick and had to get dragged in to the med den by runningnose cause hes a lil shit who refused to get seen
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maplewood126 · 11 months
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crystalsclangencorner · 9 months
Moon 0 (Greenleaf)
A fire has broken out through camp, the only survivors are Lakepaw (11m male) and Wisppaw (8m female).
Moon 1
Lakepaw renames himself to Lakehaven.
Wisppaw has decided to become a healer.
Lakehaven fails at hunting.
Moon 2
Lakehaven helps Wisppaw pick burrs out of her pelt.
Wisppaw and Lakehaven fail to find herbs.
Moon 3 (Leaf-fall)
Lakehaven wishes he could get his pelt to shine like Wisppaw's, while Wisppaw wishes that she could get her pelt to shine like Lakehaven's.
Moon 4
Wisppaw stayed up all night thinking of ways to impress Lakehaven. (Y'all Wisppaw is 12 moons now-)
Lakehaven is hoping that Wisppaw notices him.
Wisppaw brings back some thyme.
Moon 5
Wisppaw is now Wispriver!
Lakehaven just noticed how beautiful Wispriver's eyes are.
Moon 6 (Leaf-bare)
Wispriver confessed her feelings to Lakehaven and they have become mates.
Lakehaven has gotten yellowcough.
Moon 7
Wispriver announces that she is expecting kits, she moves into the nursery.
Wispriver and Lakehaven swap prey.
(Accidentally skipped Moon 8-)
Moon 9 (Newleaf)
Lakehaven comforts Wispriver after a nightmare.
Lakehaven catches a mouse!
Moon 10
Wispriver had a single kit with Lakehaven, the two agree to name him Cinnamonkit.
Lakehaven finds a set of paw prints, he decides not to investigate.
Moon 11
Nothing interesting happened this moon.
Moon 12 (Greenleaf)
Wispriver thinks that Lakehaven is the most beautiful cat in the clan.
Cinnamonkit has gotten fleas.
Lakehaven escapes from a ambush.
Moon 13
Wispriver has recovered from giving birth.
Wispriver has gotten fleas.
Lakehaven accidentally trespasses onto CornflowerClan territory, he runs off before he's spotted.
Moon 14
Lakehaven sees Wispriver stumble and thinks it's cute.
Cinnamonkit finds a bit of fluff that smells like Wispriver and adds it to his nest.
Lakehaven purrs for a long time at one of Wispriver's lame jokes.
Moon 15 (Leaf-fall)
Cinnamonkit and Wispriver are finally free from fleas.
Wispriver is sore from the long distances she's been running.
Lakehaven gives some advice to Cinnamonkit.
Two shadowy cats are watching the family. One whispers lies into Cinnamonkit's ear, and the other whispers into the ear of Wispriver.
Moon 16
Cinnamonpaw is now an apprentice! His mentor is Lakehaven.
Wispriver has recovered from her soreness.
Cinnamonpaw has caught greencough.
One of the shadowy cats watches Lakehaven with a sly smile.
Moon 17
Wispriver and Lakehaven ask Cinnamonpaw how he is doing.
One of the shadowy cats whispers into the ear of Lakehaven, saying that Cinnamonpaw will destroy IrisClan so he must be killed. Lakehaven hisses angrily at the cat before turning around to storm away.
Moon 18 (Leaf-bare)
Cinnamonpaw has recovered from greencough.
Lakehaven and Cinnamonpaw joke about how bad the other clans smell.
Moon 19
Cinnamonpaw decides to become a meditator.
Moon 20
Lakehaven escapes from another ambush.
Lakehaven is now Lakestar.
Moon 21 (Newleaf)
Wispriver is expecting kits yet again, she doesn't move into the nursery yet.
Wispriver gives Lakestar some bluebells.
Moon 22
Wispriver moves into the nursery.
Lakestar brings a kittypet back to camp, he is renamed to Blackpaw.
Moon 23
Wispriver has a litter of four, all toms. She decides the entire clan will help name them. Lakestar names one Shadedkit, Wispriver names another Coniferkit, Cinnamonpaw names another Dandelionkit, and Blackpaw names the last one Sparkkit.
Blackpaw and Lakestar bring a kit back to camp, Blackpaw names her Rustlekit.
Moon 24 (Greenleaf)
Blackpaw is bitten by a cat while on a border patrol with Lakestar.
Moon 25
Rustlekit is now an apprentice! She is now Rustlepaw, she has also chosen to become a healer, with Wispriver becoming her mentor.
Rustlepaw is caught breaking the warrior code.
One of the shadowy cats returns to whisper lies into Cinnamonpaw's ear.
Moon 26
Wispriver has recovered from birthing her litter.
Blackpaw has healed well from the cat bite.
Wispriver argues with Rustlepaw.
Moon 27 (Leaf-fall)
Cinnamonpaw is now Cinnamonstripe!
Blackpaw is now Blackiris!
Lakestar and Wispriver enjoy a nice long walk.
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rose-warriorcatsrefs · 9 months
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Found this base and decided to make Blackkit/heart, right when we're talking about him!
Base: F2U - Kitty Base by Deerthings on DeviantArt
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mayfeatherwcdesigns · 9 months
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yoshistory · 8 months
realized how i wanna set up my character pages on neocities (since a LOT of them developed and changed over time and grew into their own separate characters, instead of chopping them up, i want to make each "soul/root" of the character a timeline you can flip back-and-forth in to see how they grew and changed over the years, and around how old i was when i made them, including any art or reference pics i saved of them) but im .. not sure how to format the urls for them
i ALSO want to like .. do a little "how would i make them nowadays" for each one of em .. i think that'd be cute
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I have mixed opinions on this guy. I’ve always loved his design tho.
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bigfrogdraws · 1 year
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just a lil kitty doodle! hes based off of a kitty plush i keep on my bed!
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dovestorm-wc · 1 year
Moon 0, Patrol 4
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