kyoobie · 1 year
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I slipped and fell and made another one…
Based off this tweet
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Here's my pitch for vld sequel. Based on bnha world's hero mission, a movie i have never seen from a series i stopped watching a long time ago (do not take seriously) #Alluralives #Kuronlives-
• Keith and Pidge get framed for like a very serious crime and are on the run and wanted across the universe.
• Allura is alive and there and it is never confirmed how (Someone: Wait, Princess Allura? Didnt you die? How are you still alive? Allura: Oh yeah i did almost die! However *background loud car crash noises, machine revving sounds, things falling sounds, cats sound in the background. Just basically that One troupe™, you know the one* and that is how i survived.)
• Kuron is also alive, it is also never confirmed how (Some completely random bullshit: *happens* Kuron: This is just like the day i came back to life)
• Anyway while Keith and Pidge are on the run, Allura and Coran are handling the diplomacy front since you know Keith and Pidge are both pretty high profile, Kuron Hunk and Matt along the Blades handle damage control, communication and extraction of Keith and Pidge. Shiro and Lance have the arguably the most important job, find out whodunnit while also distracting the detectives on the case from getting too close to Keith and Pidge.
• Lance and Shiro take this job Very very Seriously.
• Like Lance is playing up the dumb goofball as he "accidentally" "loses" the evidence and just doesnt seem to be "taking the job seriously" or is "unable to follow the instructions" really Detective, dont you know? The Blue Paladin is a very clumsy carefree guy! Honest!!!
• Shiro meanwhile is playing up the straight laced bureucrat rule follower. "No we can not go down there yet! We have to follow the protocol!!" Shiro says having never followed that protocol ever. "I am sorry but the rules clearly state we have to do this in this time consuming way" Shiro says knowing full well that rule is ancient and doesnt apply anymore. "I understand your concerns, however the procedure X95t-78v is a vital procedure required for any paperwork to go futher," Shiro says, he made that procedure up.
• Detective's partner suspects they are both full of shit, but cant prove it. Detective knows full well they are both full of shit, CAN prove it, but doesnt really care about it, because she's like 75% sure Keith and Pidge didnt do it.
• The Detective is by the way straight out of a Noir film, like it legit goes black and white when it is her pov and has full noir style narration going on, and she smells of cigars and coffee and rain and is also sopping wet and divorced
• Hunk goes from, "Ok guys i know this is hard but please you have to listen to us, we just want to keep you guys safe." To "I will literally throw hammers at both of you and get you arrested myself if you two dont shut the fuck up."
• Kuron is just vibing man, just chilling, doing his job, a bit red-eyed. He might be a bit high (he needs that weed to keep Traumas™ at bay)
• Allura is fighting for her life trying to handle the diplomacy front and put out fires. Everytime she and Coran make some headway Keith and Pidge end up on the front news after causing mayhem in some random planet and she has to start all over again
• Lance just knows soooo many people. He knows a Guy™ for everything. When asked he's like, "Oh it was during the time when Keith was off with BoM and Lotor was in ship. I kinda didnt have much to do so i just went off on my own." Lance, Lance why do you know these space pirates? Lance why do you know a famed recluse blacksmith who apparently also is a spy? Lance why do you know this mythic species thought to be long extinct? Lance why do you know a god of death? How the fuck do you know a God of Death, and why-why are they calling you babygirl?
• There is another God who knows Coran and calls him babygirl btw
• My main goal here is to gaslight people. There are some facts that were totally canon but reintepreted in a way that wasnt the writers intent. There are some facts that are canon but a little bit molded. There is atleast one episode/season that is hinted to be a mass hallucination and not canon at all. It works best if Netflix removes the original and its wiki gets corrupted./j
• Lgbtqia+ rep is Shiro and Curtis navigating their relationship through long distance, their own trauma and the post war era universe, atleast 2 characters being the focus in a valentine day episode only to come out as aroace, and a B-plot about Lance having just the most atrocious taste in men. Like men you wont believe were allowed to exist.
• i'll add more if i think of more
Dreamworks hire me/j
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
With the success of the Mario Movie. And with the amazing sales of Tears of the Kingdom. I imagine if Nintendo was going to make another movie it will likely be Legend of Zelda.
But the question is, WHICH Legend of Zelda Game to base the movie on?
So here is my pitch
(Nintendo if you are listening, then reach out cause I will write this movie with you)
It’s a universe outside the games,
Hyrule has been at peace for so long that the fights with Ganon are nothing but tales.
Zelda, the young princess is learning everything she needs to know to be a ruler, but finds herself more interested in the Past legends, (basically make her a history nerd) Impa, her Confidant would likely tell her to stop focusing on such nonsense.
“But wouldn’t you want to know what happened to the Triforce? And what about the hero that always come when evil arises! I bet he is something”
Cut to Link who is napping on the grass, when his Uncle tells him to quit napping and get back to work.
Link being a blacksmith apprentice dreaming of being a knight. He’s almost of age.
“I know you be dreaming about being a knight, but cut that nonsense out of your head, we make swords not use them. Your father tried and he ended up Moblin chow.”
The gimmick is that people keep talking before Link can speak. Or something makes it so he can’t talk or be heard. Except when he makes his “Hyah!”
They had to bring weapons inside the castle for the knights to use.
There’s a squire that was a bully to Link, and tells him he’s far too scrawny to be a knight. But link ignores him.
Cut to Ganondorf being an incredibly villainous Warlocke who was exiled by the Gerudo for being a male. (A twist that it’s a bad omen for male Gerudo to be born) He summons his monsters to attack hyrule in search of the triforce.
The kingdom is attacked and Monsters try to take Zelda while she’s in the palace. But Link, being the ever courageous soul. Stepped in, grabbing a sword and fighting the monsters.
Zelda sees this mysterious blond and remembers the tales and is CONVINCED he’s the hero.
Link managed to pull Zelda out of the castle and escape. Link not even realizing she’s the princess until after escaping (as he simply saw Girl in trouble)
Zelda and Link have to go find the triforce before Ganon and locate the sword that seals the darkness.
Zelda being the wise encyclopedia that tells Link about whats what, and Link being the one that handles the action.
I imagine Ganondorf is voice by Keith David or Khary Payton (the later being king penguin and he deserves a bigger role) really play up the threatening and powerful Ganon
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logo-comics · 1 year
Katarina Termina
As promised, the AU that was inspired by THIS thread, but I'm going more in-depth on this here.
This AU is going with the idea of the Monkey Girl being reincarnated into someone who isn't integral to the plot of Fortune Lover. As I said in the linked thread, the name Katarina Termina came from my fanonical name for a rough draft of Katarina Claes being Tatiana Terni, a romanceable character borrowing the surname from @azure-wolf-227's name for the Queen's family.
Since I like that concept, I decided to not attach Katarina to that name, in order to give the harem an officially fair chance, even though my endgame is always the same ship when given the option.
The Termina Family:
Duke Odin Termina of Termina:
Portrait of a northern barbarian with fire magic. Despite Sorcier having a rather nice climate in general, his island some how manages to be permanently covered in snow, which necessitated the development of greenhouses and a massive keep that the people of his Duchy occupy. Looks much, much older than he is, and comes off as only slightly less intimidating that Luigi. Adores his family and has a love of the macabre that comes off as threatening to some. He and Luigi Claes have shared maybe ten words in court and tend to sit in the same general vicinity. He would call the man his close friend, if asked. He's also related to Miridiana through their great grandparents and knows Viscount Coleman by reputation, so he quickly figured out the Keith situation, but has never actually seen the family together, so he doesn't know about the family issues.
Duchess Tatiana Termina nee Smith:
There was quite a stir at court when Odin married his personal blacksmith, an orphan apprenticed to the blacksmith of the previous Duchess Termina, Odin's mother Belladonna (from whom he inherited his title), but they'd grown up together and fallen in love, and the northerners don't rightly care who marries whom unless agreements are being abruptly broken. Tatiana is a cheerful woman who will happily go on about how which weapons she designed are capable of doing what amount of damage to people. She also has a fondness for creating new weapons and has been working on what Bakarina would recognize as a flamethrower for years. There's a rumor in court that she's the result of one of the previous King's affairs due to her having golden hair and bright blue eyes behind her goggles, but there's no proof of that one way or another.
Katarina Termina:
Prior to Catarina Claes's accident and the subsequent scar on her forehead, Katarina Termina was one of the frontrunners for Prince Geordo's fiancee. She actually didn't have an opinion about that one way or another, being more interested in improving the greenhouses and her weapons training, as well as her interest in her mother's designs. She does have quite a fondness for sweets born from sweets being uncommon in Termina, and she doesn't have the most courtly of manners, but she was actually considered rather refined in the mead hall in Termina's Keep. She also later manages to "invent" the ice cream maker after regaining her past life memories. By sheer coincidence, she and Catarina Claes were born on the same day and look similar, save for Katarina having slightly darker hair and lighter eyes, as well as darker clothes in general and a sword that's always present on her hip. She has fairly weak fire magic, and unknowingly has moderately strong Dark Magic.
Anne Shelley:
She was sent to Termina, instead of the Claes land because Baron Shelley thought it would be best to send her somewhere that most people didn't know and also because, from an in-universe meta perspective, Katarina Termina is the cut content for Katarina Claes, so she gets the positive relationship with Anne that I give FL Katarina. Her relationship with Katarina was a slightly more professional version of her relationship with Bakarina, up until the training accident, when Katarina becomes notably more friendly and Anne winds up adapting. Her time in Termina actually let her become more of a free thinker, and Baron Shelley didn't even make it to the door of the keep before he was chased off. Despite not being related by blood, they treat her like part of the family, and, though she doesn't know it, Odin, Tatiana, and Katarina agreed that, if Katarina winds up engaged to someone who has to maintain their family title, Anne will be made the heiress to the ducal title.
The Training Accident:
During Katarina's first year at the Academy, she was in a friendly duel with a wooden sword with her sparring partner and best friend, Lady Penelope Blancarosa, whose family is allied to her own, with Sienna Nelson and Astrid Grimnir as their witnesses, only for a momentary distraction to cause her to drop her guard at exactly the wrong time, getting a blow to the head that woke up her Monkey Girl memories.
The Harem:
I feel like Katarina was someone he found interesting early on, which was why she was one of, if not the frontrunner prior to Catarina's injury. Since she lives on an island in the north, she only really visits during social functions, so he didn't notice all of the changes, since she was basically just a slightly more disciplined version of herself as Bakarina. He's still trying to figure out how to broach the subject of potentially leaving his fiancee to be with her specifically due to the fact that, as a northerner, she might take offense to him trying to break his engagement like that.
Keith wound up developing into something just shy of being an actual playboy, but it's very close. While his relationship with the Claes is... strained, to say the least, he actually managed to meet and befriend Katarina Termina during a ball, causing him to be infatuated because of how kind she was to him. Alas, she has noted on occasion that's she's somewhat disappointed in him for all his flirting with pretty much every girl he meets, which hits hard enough that he never goes further than flirting and the occasional cafe date with his target du jour.
As something of a horticultural hobbyist, Katarina, upon a social visit to the Hunt manor, finds herself musing upon how the person who tended to the field has a green thumb, not knowing Mary was in earshot. By sheer chance, she and Mary don't get to properly meet until another social event, when Alan directly tells Mary that she has a wonderful green thumb. Cue Mary having a Crisis when she properly meets the mysterious garden lover at that same event. Now she's trying to figure out a good way to get both of them, by whatever means she can scheme up.
Nothing much changes, to be honest.
No one is quite sure how she keeps managing to get to Termina, given that it's on an island, but she inevitably appears there to hang out with the girl who saved her from those bullies when she was little, who she feels oddly comfortable with in a familiar sort of way.
Not much actually changes. Timeline shifts a bit and, due to Mary not messing with him to try to neutralize him as a rival, he has a surprisingly healthy understanding of his feelings for everyone around him. Geordo breaking decorum by showing his interest in Katarina despite his engagement to Catarina also helped him see Geordo as fallible and human, helping him feel more comfortable with his brother.
Due to Marchioness Dieke not letting Sirius go many places and Raphael having no real basis for comparison, he spent an unfortunate amount of time thinking that Katarina Termina and Catarina Claes were the same person. He's actually a bit embarrassed about it when the trial starts and he sees the two of them in the same place.
Since the Training Accident happens prior to the Academy days, then Maria's life actually isn't all that different from canon. The only real change for Maria is that her beloved Lady Katarina has an evil doppelganger named Catarina Claes, who Maria has seen her chase off.
Other Noble Ladies:
Sienna Nelson:
As with Anne, this relationship is being transferred from Catarina to Katarina because Katarina is all of the positive traits that the developers cut from Catarina Claes. Her family is subordinate to the Termina family, so she grew up in Termina's Keep with Katarina, giving her more confidence.
Penelope Blancarosa:
Her family's lands are the closest mainland territories to Termina, so she and Katarina are very close friends, and a fellow lover of the art of swordsmanship. Katarina has seen her with Astrid Grimnir enough times to know they have feelings for each other, but Katarina wonders how any girl can be as oblivious as Penelope when it comes to realizing one's friend is in love with them.
Astrid Grimnir:
Daughter of the Baron Grimnir of Seithr, the self-proclaimed Young Wolf is an avid hunter, like her father, and loves seeing innovations in any technology. She's also completely in love with Penelope and quickly befriended Katarina after having met her while she was tweaking the systems of one of the greenhouses.
Marsha Catley:
Funnily enough, she gets along rather well with Katarina, though she does assume that Katarina was devastated by the fact that she wasn't chosen to be Geordo's fiancee.
Noelia Flores:
She and Katarina hate one another. No one is entirely sure why, and most are too afraid to ask.
Catarina Claes:
Katarina and Catarina are natural enemies as a result of their opposing views on various topics. The only thing they can agree on is their disdain for Noelia's purposeless, boring malice. Like I said in the original thread, paraphrasing Terry Pratchett is the best way to describe how they feel about one another: Catarina and Katarina shared a look. It said: While I loathe you and every aspect of your personal philosophy to a depth unplumbable by any line, I’ll credit you at least with not being Noelia Flores.” Despite this, Katarina is still trying to figure out a way to stop Catarina from ruining her own life and that of those around her out of pity for what her foreknowledge showed her of her possible fates. This, funnily enough, got Catarina to stop bothering Maria after the first week because she was getting concerned by Katarina looking disappointedly at her with her hand on her sword.
*Edited because I forgot to include Penelope and Astrid.
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violettduchess · 2 years
Hello Duchess! Losing my mind over your soft!Keith kiss.
I’d so love to see you do alter!Keith, and Sariel if you felt like it ☺️♥️
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A/N: Well, a few people asked for Alter!Keith. And I had the time....so here we are!
Alter!Keith (Dark Keith?) x reader
Just for the sake of clarity: reader is fully on board with everything. There is nothing he does that isn't consensual.
Word Count: 493
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He approaches, a predator with eyes that glitter as it weaves its way through dark foliage. You know better than to look directly into the sun, but you can't help but stare into those golden eyes when he reaches you. There is nothing but intent burning in them, bright as Bengal fire. They roam your face as his gloved hands slide up your shoulders. Possessive. Confident. In total control. One hand snakes its way around the back of your neck, pulling you closer. The other finds long locks of your hair and winds them around his fingers. 
Your name is a sound born of hunger, a low growl in the back of his throat that sends a shiver rolling through your body like thunder. He pulls your head upwards with the slightest tug. You allow your body to bend like a willow reed, your face tilted up towards his, eager and already breathless at the promise written in the sharp curve of his smile.
There is no warning. No gentle drops of rain or light snowfall. There is only the storm as it descends and claims you. His grip on you tightens while his mouth opens, ready and ravenous. There is barely time to breathe, barely time to respond as he sets out to devour you. His kiss is comprised of lips and teeth and tongue, voracious and unyielding. Every movement of his mouth sets another fire and sends it burning through your veins, as if they were filled with ether instead of blood. You can only hold on, your hands gripping the strong muscles of his upper arms, a lifeline in the face of raging winds and an inferno of want.
He breaks away from your mouth, licking his lips, his breath hot and ragged. His eyes are a turbulent, golden blaze, restless as he looks for the next place to feast. His hand leaves your neck to push up into your hair, freeing strands from their prison of ribbons and pins. Then he bends his tall body down, his mouth finding the sensitive slope of your neck, staking a claim there. Sharp teeth scrape over your skin, a hot mouth sucks hard and you are spinning, a wild cyclone of blistering desire let loose within the strong confines of his arms. You hardly recognize the sounds leaving your lips, whimpers and gasps and the drumbeat of his name, over and over, like a blacksmith’s forging hammer striking an anvil. 
This is no gentleman. He would tear the clothes from your body here and now. He would ravage you until there was nothing left but smoldering ashes. And you would let him. You would let him again and again and again.
It is only the sound of voices, those cold, sobering reminders of other people, that stays his hands. That lifts his covetous mouth from your feverish skin. His chest rises and falls, heavy with frustration. 
He reaches up, soothes his thumb over your red lips, lips that tremble from the wreckage of his passion.
Soon, that touch declares. Soon.
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @leotoru @ariamichel @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing @scorchieart
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cxrsedboo · 1 year
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so i’ve done a thing-
i can’t remember how long its been since ive done an art trade holy moly but WE DID IT WOOO!!
other half of this image belongs to @toasthoneyandstardust and their art account @graveyardtoast go check them out! <3
my little historian ♡
one things for sure this dudes not flying anything, so don’t worry about him replacing anybody. he’s not interested in piloting the lions nor is he qualified to do so with his (very) poor eyesight, take off his glasses and he’s as blind as a bat. though he doesn’t rely on just his sight to see so be mindful of that before going ahead and calling the dude blind, he has ears for a reason and a very heightened sense of smell— even if his nose has a gigantic scar on it.
cosmo’s not a fighter or flier but instead a researcher! he thrives in studying arusian history and the foundation of voltron and was very upset in episode 19, 5 forged, where he learned that nobody took photos or any notes for him to go off of during their visit with the blacksmith. anything that you need to know about the lion’s history in full detail, he’ll know and will be more than willing to share what he’s learned with you (as long as you pay attention). he’s more than happy to step up and teach the cadets a few lessons about arus and more details about every lion like their ups and downs along with their strengths and what you should avoid when flying each individual lion. though.. his first classes with said cadets were a bit messy, it took a week for cosmo to fully convince daniel and vince that he was in fact older than the both of them with a whopping 10 years difference (he’s 26) despite… the fact that he’s shorter than all the cadets combined (5’6).
(its canon in the 30th anniversary book that daniel and vince are 5’8 and larmina 5’9, and along with all of them being 16)
not to mention his first meeting with each of the cadets individually was certainly something special. cosmo was born on earth but had arusian parents and when he was the right age, moved back to arus determined to study its culture and customs. where better to start than none other than with the queen of arus right? he met larmina first on his way to the castle and was greeted with a rather.. rude demeanor, as she assumed he was studying her customs for evil intentions or him being a spy of some sort. he met allura shortly after that who felt the same way if not a little more respectful than her neice. cosmo struggled with convincing the two that his intentions were completely pure and he was studying merely because it was his degree and that he enjoyed their customs and thought everyone else should but eventually time passed and the two ladies grew fond of 21 year old cosmo for his passion of their culture and his understanding of voltron’s legacy continuing to grow. and after some time, they introduced him to the rest of the pilots and gave him the title of their official historian along with a job to work alongside with them. though he preferred his identity and job to be almost hidden from the public as it was easier to work. after 5 years had passed and voltron was back in the public’s eye again, daniel and vince were brought into the force and met cosmo late at night wandering the castle halls carrying a box of artifacts he was looking to study the rest of the night… and ultimately tried to ambush the poor guy thinking he was an intruder. they learned the following morning that he was in fact NOT an intruder and was their official history teacher and when cosmo informed the other pilots about that night— hunk and keith agreed that the duo would be on latrine duty for the following week for the inconvenience.
he’s very calm and collective but also very optimistic and cheerful to those around him. he never once talks down anyone for their quirks or actions and instead chooses to deal with things in a more “logicial” way. even though he doesn’t like flying the lions, he still is suited for doing so in case of emergencies even with his poor eyesight. he regularly spends his time in his library or his room but sometimes he can be seen helping hunk and pidge from the sidelines while they work on maintaining the lions or discussing missions with keith and lance— even if all they do sometimes is argue.
he’s voiced by l lawliet from death note, loves the color purple, and regularly spends time with none other than anya (owned by toast) our lovable royal advisor ♡
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Royalty au!! Klance
Lance is a sheltered prince that is constantly being taken for granted by the nobles and can't really say without his family interrupting him and taking over the conversation.
Keith is a thief that brake's into the castle periodically to steal stuff undetected by the staff and is a blacksmith in a small village with adopted brother Shiro.
They meet at one point during the time Keith is robbing them ,that ends up with them meeting up with each other every time Keith comes over and teaches lance about the world outside the castle walls.
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Chapter 1 
Posted on AO3 if you prefer! (Will also contain extra content in the future)
Background Lore:
- Post 500-year war, Zarkon was defeated and taken over by his son, Kolivan who ended the war
- Each planet has it's own language but everyone knows common as well
- There is some mistrust among some species and the Galrans (because of the war) but they are all working through it
- Earth did join the fight right around the time Kolivan took over
- Keith is high-key based off Noctis from FF15
Side Note: The ages are based off a human life span since I've never thought too much on what an average Galran / Altean life span was. Zarkon lived as long as he did (only passed 500 years in this case) because of quintessence. If you, the reader, have your own age head canon just substitute them as you read :)
Kolivan and Krolia: Keith's parents
Kolivan is the son of the former empire Zarkon
Shiro: Keith's trainer and royal advisor
King Alfor and Alluras Mom: Rule Altea, parents to Allura
Romelle: Allura's knight (and future gf)
Adam: Altean knight, used to work with Lance
Coran: Sir (highest knight role) works alongside Alfor and trained/raised Lance
Hunk: Blacksmith, makes weapons exclusively for Altean Knights
Pidge and Matt: Build's technology for the new universe
Word Count: 2701
Keith’s POV 
“That’s all for this meeting, we will reconvene next week.” Empire Kolivan said, dismissing the group of generals, politicians, and his child. Keith moved to stand before his father spoke again, “Keith, stay a bit longer.”  
Keith nodded and sat back down. Remaining silently in his seat until the last person left the conference room. 
“We’re having another banquet tonight. I need you to be there, no sneaking off like the last couple of times.” His father kept his voice light, but stern. A tone that must come naturally to being a father. 
Keith fought back an eye roll, his parents knew how much he hated these parties. They knew how much he hated his responsibilities as the next in line to the throne. Despite his young age, he already had a reputation for disliking politics. He loathed coming up with contracts and budget spending, visiting places to “leave a good impression,” and attending all of these meetings. He despised almost everything that came with royalty. 
“I’ll be there.” 
His dad smiled at him, “thank you, son. I only request tonight since there is someone I want you to meet.” 
He wanted to smash his head into the table in front of him. Every week his parents had a new person “he just needed to meet.” They both were trying so hard for him to meet someone to settle down with. To someday rule the empire with. Just like his father did when he met his mother. 
Keith pushed himself away from the table, “I’ll be there. But don’t get mad if I'm late.” He left the room before his father could say anything else. 
He made his way back to his room, taking the long way through the gardens. He liked the quiet, he liked the moments when he didn’t have to be the crown prince. He stopped, admiring the flowers that were finally in bloom. Some were dark purple, others a light blue but his favorite was a bright green. The color smelled fruity in a sense, maybe a bit sour. He wasn’t too sure, but he liked looking at it. 
He nodded his head at the gardeners, continuing his way to his room. His mind cycled around what his father said. 
Keith felt broken in a sense. He was almost twenty-one and he had never found someone he liked. Sure, he found people attractive and he had anyone he wanted at his feet but he never felt any connection to them. He hadn’t even kissed someone before. He knew deep down he was disappointing his parents. He knew he wasn't the son they needed. He wasn’t the son the empire needed. 
His life was easy, planned out. Meet a nice girl, get married, have a couple of kids, and take over the empire when his father deemed him ready. It was laid out in front of him, like clothes for a kid. But the idea of following that made his stomach turn and his skin itch. 
He hated himself for it. 
He entered the ballroom about half an hour after the party started; his parents sent him a wide smile when they saw him. He nodded back at them, immediately grabbing a drink from a passing waiter. 
He moved off to the side of the room, being stopped every couple of feet by someone else. Some politicians, some generals, but mostly girls trying to get his attention. He felt weird responding to compliments, but no one ever told him how to reply to a thousand “you look nice" comments. 
Keith hated small talk. He considered himself a boring person. He didn't have much interest outside of sword fighting with his trainer Shiro or reading old textbooks of the days before him or his father or his father. He wasn't what you would call social. He didn't want to talk about war or the military or alliances, he just wanted to read and wander around nature in silence. 
Keith stared down at his drink, circling it slightly to watch the dark liquid move. How long did he have to stay here? These parties always went late into the night, and usually towards the end were just filled with drunk people. 
“How are you doing?” His father stood by him, smiling a bit at the guest passing them. 
Keith shrugged, “fine. How much longer?” 
Kolivan chuckled slightly, “Only a bit. The guest hasn’t arrived yet.” 
Keith continued to stare at his drink, he almost forgot about this ‘special’ guest. “Well...where are they?” 
His dad placed his hand on his shoulder, “they’ll be here soon.” With a gentle squeeze, he walked away. 
Keith spent the next hour making small talk. Trying to match the blush from his guest when he kissed their hands or gave them the validation they wanted from a prince. He never could. 
"Oh my god, look at them," a hushed whisper floated by Keith. A couple more gasps filled the air, and Keith found himself looking at the entrance.
Two men had entered the ballroom, their silver armor glimmering under the lights. The metal was decked out with chains, some medals, and certain silvery colors. They stood side by side, their swords sheathed at their sides.
Keith watched them move through the room, heading straight toward his parents; only offering friendly nods at the people around them. Keith found it a bit odd, he had never seen them before but they walked so...confidently. He usually knew everyone that attended these parties, and the people he didn’t know never walked in like they owned the place. 
They both bowed at his parents, the man with orange hair, and a matching orange mustache saying something to them with a smile. The younger man with tanner skin didn’t open his mouth, but he looked happy to be there. They talked to his parents as if they already knew him. The man with orange hair laughed with him like he was an old friend. 
Keith couldn't tear his eyes away from them; specifically, the other man standing next to him. He had short brown hair, he seemed to be a bit taller than him, and a slender build. Even through his armor, he could see the strength he held in his body. How square his shoulders were and the perfect posture he had. 
Keith was staring, usually, he never stared at people but right now, he didn't want to stop. He wanted to memorize everything about that boy. Every inch of skin, which was only his head, how soft his expression looked even from this distance. What did his voice sound like? How did he laugh? Was he super serious? What was his name? 
Keith suddenly wanted to know everything about this new guest. He stared until the mysterious boy turned his head. He had never seen the ocean but if the waters he had heard about didn't resemble these eyes; he didn't want to see them.
The man gave him a soft smile, looking at Keith like he had met him before; like he already knew him. Which, he knew, was impossible since he would remember those eyes. 
He was pulled out of his mind as the man started making his way toward him, his father leading the way. "Son! This is the guest I wanted you to meet. Well, I suppose two guests."
His heart fluttered in his chest, which had never happened before. Was he dying? Having a heart attack? Should he call for a doctor? It would be his nightmare if he died at one of these parties. 
"Son, I want you to meet Sir. Smythe and his newest approved sworn knight, Knight McClain."
Now that they were standing right in front of him, he could really look at them. They both had marks under their eyes; both a soft blue. They were Altean.
The man with the orange mustache, Sir. Smythe looked a bit older; older than Keith's dad but not too much older. He also had an eyepatch covering his right eye. He had a scar extended past the eyepatch below and above it. The skin taut around the white mark. 
Knight McClain was younger, he couldn't be much older or younger than Keith. His skin looked soft and he looked at Keith with a sense of protection and comfort. 
The knight reached for Keith's hand, holding it gently in his before he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to the back of his hand. "Pleasure to meet your highness."
Keith was speechless, his lungs burned from lack of oxygen and why did it feel like his hand was on fire? The knight dropped his hand, moving to straighten his back and stand, his shoulders squared.
"Son, Knight McClain was very recently sworn in under the Altean military. He quickly proved himself to be the top of the class and surpassed everyone with high marks. King Alfor has sent him over as an alliance present to be your new bodyguard.” His father spoke, proudness rolling off his voice. “That’s if you want him, of course.” 
Keith looked at his dad with wonder and curiosity. This was a huge step for the Alteans. They were the most affected by the Galran reign, nearly being completely wiped out. King Alfor gifting one of his best knights was a step in the right direction. But why did he choose Keith? He hardly knew the King. 
He looked back at the knight. Still trying to understand why his heart was beating so fast. Why he felt enchanted.
“Good morning prince,” one of the cooks smiled at him as they placed a plate of food in front of him. 
He grumbled out his own greeting, everyone knew he wasn’t a morning person. 
“Morning baby,” his mother pressed a quick kiss to his head before taking her own seat. “How did you sleep?” 
He shrugged, he tried to sleep; he really did. But every time he closed his eyes all he could think about were those blue eyes. No matter what he did, he couldn’t shake it. 
His mother frowned at him, “are you feeling okay?” 
“Yeah,” he twisted his fork around, moving the food around his plate lazily. “I’ve been thinking about what dad said. About the knight, King Alfor wants to give me.” 
His mother nodded, taking a drink from her cup. 
“Is he still here?” He never really gave an answer last night, he couldn't form any words. 
“Yes, he and Sir Smythe stayed the night.” 
Keith stared at his plate, his heart borderline pounding out of his chest. He didn’t know why so he did his best to ignore it. “I want to talk to him…before I accept him.” 
Krolia smiled, “of course.” 
“How old are you?” Keith leaned back in his chair, propping his head up in his hand as he leaned against the armrest. He was always scolded for how relaxed he sat but he couldn’t bring himself to sit seriously all the time. 
The knight sat in front of him, after a slight argument where he insisted he didn’t need to sit but Keith said it would be weird for only him to be sitting. The knight sat stiffly, his back straight and his hands on his lap, his sword still hanging on his hip. “Just turned twenty-one.” 
“What’s your first name?” 
“Lance McClain?” 
Lance nodded, “that is correct your majesty.” 
“Were you born on Altea?” 
“Yes, and raised there.” 
Keith took a couple of moments to look at Lance; he didn’t even wiggle under his gaze. Something most people did when alone with a Galran. Their scars on the universe ran deep; there wasn't a planet or species unaffected by the Galran former terror. But Lance seemed oddly comfortable in Keith’s presence. Maybe he didn't know anyone that was directly affected by his grandfather's horror. “How long have you been a knight?” 
“I was sworn in at age eighteen, but following Altea rules, I had to do grunt work for the first three years.” 
Keith gave a slow nod, “interesting…did you like it?” 
Lance gave a lopsided grin, “it was work. That’s all I can say.” 
“What did you do?” 
“Guarded an empty room most of the time, sat in meetings, and had a path to follow around the castle. Boring guard work. But I didn’t mind it.” 
“You’ve never guarded a person before?” Keith asked, a bit skeptical. 
“Solely? No, I haven’t. But I am confident that I can do the job better than anyone else.” 
“Uh huh,” Keith began to rub his fingers together, he hated sitting still for long amounts of time. He stared at the other boy, were all Altean knights this confident? Or just him? No, Sir Smythe was also confident. Keith sighed to himself, he wasn’t used to people not being a bit frazzled around him. 
Only his parents and Shiro could care less about his status. “What languages do you know?” 
“Common, Altean, Galran, and I can fumble my way through Balmeran.” 
Well rounded, what exactly was his training like? “So you can understand what I’m saying?” Keith spoke in his mother tongue, the rough words easily rolling out. Galran wasn't a difficult language to learn if you grew up with it, but others have said that it can be a challenge. 
Lance nodded, “yes your majesty.” He responded in fluent Galran. 
Keith felt a small smile form on his face. “Tell me about your training.” 
“What do you want to know?” 
“Anything. When did you start, how long did you train, your hardest mission, things like that.” 
Lance looked down at his hands, his fingers tapping against his upper thighs lightly. “Coran, Sir Smythe, took me in when I was around seven. I didn’t start training till age nine, four years before most children start. Coran was my main teacher, I also worked with others, but Coran showed me everything I know. I was sworn in at age eighteen as I already said. Usually, knight training starts at age thirteen and I couldn't enroll in the classes until I was older. So I have an additional couple years under my belt.” Lance paused, meeting Keith’s eyes. “My hardest training was being sent to an abandoned planet at age fifteen to find a holy relic.” 
“You did that without any help?” Keith raised his eyebrow at the question. 
“Yes. Altean knights have to attend a solo search and find missions as part of their training.” 
“I see…how long did it take?” 
“A month. But I still hold the quickest time.” 
Keith tried to push down the laugh that formed in his chest. “A month to find a relic?” 
Lance nodded, clearly holding no embarrassment over the statement. “You aren’t given any weapons or supplies. You’re given some sleep medicine and placed on the planet in your training clothes. No map, no food, nothing. You aren’t even told what you’re looking for until…well you find it.” 
“Oh.” Keith took a deep breath, “tell me about your family.” 
Lance froze at the statement, Keith could see the way his body became ridged up at the sentence. But he quickly relaxed his body, placing another smile on his face; a tense smile. “There’s nothing to say about them, prince. They’re not in the picture.” 
Keith looked at Lance a bit longer before he pushed himself up. Taking a couple of steps to stand in front of the knight. He stopped in front of him, leaving enough distance that Lance could stand up if he wanted. But he remained seated, his blue eyes meeting Keith’s purple ones. 
“Are you ready for the most important questions?” 
“Yes, prince.” 
“Are you loyal?” 
“Will you do as commanded?” 
“Anything you order, your majesty.” 
“Would you die for me?” 
“Without question.” 
Lance did so, they had a slight height difference, Lance being a couple of inches taller than him. 
“I look forward to having you work for me.” 
Lance grabbed his hand, the same hand from Lance night, and pressed another kiss to it. “I look forward to serving you,” he looked up, still staying bent at the waist. “Prince.” 
Keith felt his heart jump into his throat, why was he feeling like this?
I hope you liked it, this fic won't be as long as my last multi fic (Roommates) but I'm estimating 5 - 8 chapters depending
I hope you liked it!!
Thank you for reading <33333
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angel-gidget · 2 years
I just read through the first 3 Amethyst series, and then saw your post about all the Amethyst series. Can you explain the world-building inconsistencies?
Do you mean between the original Maxi-series + Ongoing series and the Mini-series that came after? I'm gonna assume that's what you mean for now. (If not, just drop me another message).
In both the Maxi and the Ongoing--which were both put together by Dan Mishkin, Gary Cohn, and Earnie Colon--we have some pretty consistent world-building.
The people of the Gemworld speak using modern language.
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Amy stands out because of her tendency to slip into Earth slang, but everybody uses pretty modern speech, even if it gets a lil' dramatic all around.
The mini series was put together by Keith Griffen, Mindy Newell, and Esteban Maroto. Their take on the Gemworld involves some old school "thees" "thous" etc. Not too tricky to understand, but definitely more formal than what we've seen before.
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This isn’t an important difference, obviously, but it’s icing on the cake. The REAL inconsistency lies in the names and power of royalty in the Gemworld.
In the original series, we get references to 3 sisters of House Emerald. (Sorry I lack scans for this at the moment) We’ve got the eldest sister who dies off-screen, we have the next in line who serves as the main Princess Emerald and we have “Young” Princess Emerald who gets nicknamed “Emmy” when she gets trapped on earth.
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All three princess inherit the elemental abilities of their mother’s stone as well as the name Emerald. They are simply referred to as “Princess” and “Young Princess” and “sister” of one or the other.
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In all the examples we see in both series, Royal children are named after their stones and inherit their parents abilities to some degree.
We don’t really have a proper example of what happens when *two* major stone powers marry each other. Though some things are implied at the broken-up almost-wedding of Topaz and Sapphire. (That since Prince Topaz is a younger sibling, and not heir to the Topaz throne, his children with Lady Sapphire would be considered children of House Sapphire.)
Then along comes the mini series, and we get this:
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None of Topaz and Turquose’s children are named after EITHER of their stones. And they don’t seem to have much magic either? Wrynn is dabbling in the dark arts, but that’s not an inherited power.
You *could* try to explain it away by saying the status quo of the generations has changed. Maybe giving your kids individual names has just become a hot new thing among the nobility. Maybe Amber and her twin bros are just late bloomers in the magic department.
But THIS is harder to explain:
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Excuse me, but a TRIBE??? A TRIBE??? You refer to the GREAT HOUSE OF TURQUOISE--one of THE big 12 houses of the Gemworld--as a TRIBE???
And what’s more, this implies that that Topaz is in charge and doing  most of the ruling. But Turquose is the only Lady of her house ever mentioned in the OG series, and Topaz is a *younger* sibling. It’s a plot point in the mini series that he’s trying to convince his older sister--the HEIR--that they should be on the side of Amethyst in the war.
Could he have overthrown his sister and taken over the house? Yeah, sure. His sis had issues. But No Way would they be abandoning the land of Turquoise and ignoring it.
The mini series is making the Gemworld sound like a patriarchy by default. It isn’t. At least, not the two houses involved here. (You could make a case for Aquamarine and Moonstone, I think, but def not House Topaz.)
There ain’t nothing wrong with a tribe of warrior women, but “tribe” implies small and lower on the technological spectrum. This lady:
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Leads her army of men and women from the rock-solid gates of her castle. Said castle ain’t housing anything less than the finest blacksmiths in the realms. Clearly.
Also, Topaz Keep is supposed to be a borderline futuristic kinda place:
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Though both castles do look cool.
The art of the mini series is still it’s biggest draw for me. Just gorgeous. But I do need to outright ignore some of the stuff in those narration boxes.
I think the mini series team were way more read-up on stories involving Lords of Order and Chaos, which is the part of DC they were trying to tie into the Gemworld. Ah well.
One of these days I’ll type out my idea for a storyline that could have followed after the mini series and maybe smoothed over some of these bumps, but I’m kind of at my max for today.
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lilflowerpot · 3 years
So on earth if during the middle ages if you were a blacksmith you were consider low or maybe middle class. But since the Galra are a war like people would that be different? Also on that note think blacksmith Keith just taking it up for fun/hobbyand wanting to learn the Galra wys as well and see if he could incorporate any ways from earth as well
Blacksmiths in the middle ages were actually of a better social status that people tend to think! They weren't nobility by any stretch of the imagination, but they did directly supply knights and nobles with weaponry and everyday items alike. Being a blacksmith wasn't a job that just anyone could pick up, and a good blacksmith was a valuable asset (carrying a flawed sword into battle could cost you your life, after all) so as tradesfolk and skilled artisans they'd typically be considered middle class: on par with low-ranking clergymen, but above the labouring peasants.
But certainly, in galra society blacksmiths are more than just artisans, they're to be revered and justly rewarded for their fine work. It is believed that the finest of them put something of their quintessence into each blade they create, breathing life and soul into what would otherwise be an inanimate object, and creating less of a tool to be used and more of a companion to the wielder (no matter how skilled the warrior, they'll only ever be as good as their blade allows). Luxite was the most coveted material of all, in part for its strength, durability, and transformative properties, but also because it is believed to be the bedrock of Kii’ynor.
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aic-african · 3 years
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Water Container (Jidaga), Bamana, 1900, Art Institute of Chicago: Arts of Africa
Bamana tradition dictates that only the wives and daughters of blacksmiths have the right to make pots. Water containers, which are prominently displayed in a family compound, are among the most decorative and individualized of their wares. The potter begins by forming the vessel’s base over a convex mold. Coils are then added to complete the walls and lip. Raised embellishment, like that seen on this water container, is no longer common. Here a series of abstract lizards stretches across the vessel’s entire expanse. Gift of Keith Achepohl Size: 48.9 x 42.6 cm (19 1/4 x 16 3/4 in.) Medium: Blackened terracotta
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Floyd Monroe *Supporting character
Voice Claim:(Sean Bean) https://youtu.be/nsHpj5FJXjI?t=72
Partner(s): Divorced. Parents: Viola & Keith Monroe. Kids: Denver Monroe (but not on speaking terms) Age: 57 (2021) Birthday: 1st of February Height: 189cm (6.2ft) Body type: Slim. Eye color: Dark brown.
About: ~ Independent, Contemplative, Hardworking, Logical, Principled, Objective, Calm, Decisive, Stubborn, Helpful, Observant, Humble, Skillful, Rational, Tolerant, Persuasive, Systematic, Resourceful, Thorough, Private, Quiet, Subtle and Reserved. ~ Blacksmith, plumber and handyman. ~ Sexuality: Straight but can lean a bit to a side under the right circumstances. ~ Short brown hair with few gray streaks. ~ Doesn’t talk much about himself. ~ Lost contact with his family many years ago, after a nasty divorce, where his family sided with his ex-wife. ~ Can’t cook. ~ Lives alone with his 3 dogs, Captain Nugent, Dusty & Rusty. ~ Avoids conflict.  ~ Sticks to himself. ~ Hangs out at the local pub. ~ Gets drunk a lot, to not deal with his life. ~ Got badly burned by his ex-wife, and lost everything. ~ Cowboy boots or no footwear. ~ Doesn’t let people in easily. ~ Building more walls than the Trump administration. ~ Eats a lot of microwaveable meals. ~ Or canned soup. ~ Smells like: Smoke, hardware oil, beer and leftover cologne. ~ When he isn’t found at the pub or home, you can probably spot him at one of the local diners, drinking coffee. ~ Doesn’t own a phone, so if you have to hire him, you gotta track him down. ~ Gets the news paper, never reads it, cause his dogs always get to it first. ~ Sleeps on the couch. ~ Never makes it through a whole movie, always dozes off. ~ Loves gossip, but will never participate, just listens from afar. ~ Amused by stories of people’s personal drama. Makes him feel a bit better listening to their petty non-problems. ~ Is never in a hurry, so you gotta be patient if you want something from him. ~ Is a pretty serious person. ~ Has a very loud and warm laughter when he finally laughs. ~ And a dry chuckle when he’s slightly amused. ~ Lives in a small modest house, but with plenty outdoor space for his dogs. ~ Rough handyman hands. ~ Dislikes anyone telling him what to do. ~ Wont tolerate people who tries to force their beliefs onto him! ~ Has a shotgun and isn’t afraid to use it, if unwelcome people enters his property (just warning shots though)  ~ Loves his dogs, beer, cigarettes, coffee, work, gossip, hamburgers, Rum, grilled meat, Autumn, getting his hands dirty and cinnamon rolls. ~ His style is casual and not anything he spends time on. ~ You can always bribe him with a home cooked meal, or a 6 pack of beers.
Floyd’s tag Floyd’s house/home Floyd’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One song to describe him:  B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone Personal Playlist: Floyd doesn’t really listen to specific songs, he turns his radio on a blues channel, and listens to whatever they play.
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chaoticevilbean · 4 years
Voltron HC’s for my Humans Are Weird Lance-Centric Story
Lance became immune to most poisons because he wanted to be like Westley in The Princess Bride
Lance has worn heels, dresses, makeup, extensions, etc, multiple times His sisters and brothers helped him learn the skills
Lance has learned how to fix engines, along with other basic/simple engineering skills, because of his brother Marco
Lance is an amazing chemist and knows how to make an impromptu bomb with sweat, a bobby pin and something made of glass, because of his sister-in-law Bella
Lance speaks practically every language to communicate with his friends Lance can cook and bake relatively well because he helped his mother and grandmothers cook
Lance may not be Pidge’s level, but he is a white hat hacker who made money after being hired by multiple governments to make sure they weren’t vulnerable because his brother-in-law Theo dared he couldn’t
Lance knows how macgyver basically anything because of the many things he had happen with his cousins and siblings
Lance can use bows, throwing knives, darts, blowguns, and guns really well, as well as a sling and has a throwing arm of incredibly accuracy because of his father encouraging it (and a boomerang to honor his favorite character Sokka)
Lance knows juego de mani and limalama because Veronica told him to learn to protect himself without weapons and he wanted to make her proud
Lance can sew, knit, crochet, etc, because he wanted to help his mother and grandmothers and sisters
Lance is a disguise pro because of his sisters
Lance is amazing at acting and lie detecting because of his younger relatives and siblings
Lance can dance in practically every way, revealed through pole dancing and aerial silks, and Lance is so flexible Hunk insists he has no bones, all because he played Twister and limbo and refused to lose - and then took gymnastics and dancing classes when his aunt found out and paid
Lance has multiple service animals because his mind doesn’t work like others and he has various needs - each animal does something different
He had a boa constrictor for his anxiety, a parrot to tell him when he accidentally switched languages, a goose to make sure no one hurt his feelings (accidental or purposeful), and a small snake that they couldn’t identify that helps him focus
Therefore, Lance handles all animals extremely well and they automatically love him - several times, he comes back to the Castle with new animals that they can’t get rid of and have to take along
Lance has run and won three marathons so his older brother Phillipe would be motivated to exercise
Lance can swim, climb, and jump better than most people, including Pidge, Hunk, and Keith. He can only swim and jump better than Shiro - they’re matched for climbing, unless they’re in trees, in which Lance wins, because of siblings and relatives
Lance can eat Carolina Reapers without crying because of bets
Lance can sing and knows many styles, including opera - his voice is incredibly strong, and he is told to not sing opera unless there is something protecting other species from the volume - his family would sing together and he took lessons after his uncle started crying at his ‘angelic voice’
Lance is the best diplomat because he understands people and how to get them to loosen up and have fun, which causes them to accept his ‘pack-bonding’ and want to be his ally/friend - because everyone back home was family
Lance can storytell with the best of them because of his grandparents telling their own stories and him mimicking them as he told them about his day
Lance once broke his leg, sprained his wrist, dislocated his shoulder, and scraped himself up really badly because he fell down a steep hill on an island - a few friendly sharks and dolphins came together to help him make it back to home (Hunk’s home because he was visiting)
Caffeine does nothing to Lance - he can consume a gallon of pure espresso without dying or so much as twitching, and he won’t be affected at all. He cannot be addicted, and it’s because his uncle would give him coffee and soda as a little baby when his parents weren’t looking, but he came over semi-irregularly due to travel
Lance cannot get hungover and it takes a whole lot of alcohol to make him drunk. He’s gone to several open clubs, and gotten many drinks bought for him both normally and in a dress and heels - his family had competitions often and he participated from fifteen onwards and somehow was again immune for the most part
Lance can eat a whole pineapple on his own (it was a dare that he worked up to) Lance can whisper at many different volumes and in many ways. He can also throw off his voice. Hide-and-seek tag was fun, especially in the dark where you could freak out whoever was it
Lance can flip knives and screwdrivers and such. He can also throw simple objects with deadly accuracy (pencils) because his brother came out as gay and was bullied, so he learned to flip knives and transferred that to school items, which then transferred to bullies finding their backpacks pinned by a colored pencil that was thrown nearly hitting their necks.
Lance can make a fire easily due to bonfires on the beach. He has no fear for it, and knows minor blacksmithing because him and Veronica liked to make things out of stuff they found on the shore.
Lance has cute hiccups and sneezes, like a little kitten, but only Hunk knows. Whenever someone sneezes or hiccups, Hunk gives Lance a look, waiting for the moment when the cuteness comes. It hasn’t… yet
Lance can do a million what if’s and figure out deep theories for each because his family got bored easily
Lance can mimic practically anything due to a combo of games with siblings and survival skills - and learning to screech in his sister’s ear
Lance can make up a million different swears because they weren’t allowed to cuss around the younger kids. He knows how to come up with the so fast that Pidge wonders if it’s another language for him
Lance is the most protective - Hunk is the only one who’s truly seen what he looks like in a rage (the Galra see - and their ship goes down before they can tell anyone - thank you Black Lion) - Lance will never lose someone in a crowd, and no one can kidnap someone around him - he spent years herding kids in crowded areas and saving them from creeps. He will never lose someone.
Lance is so empathic that he befriends several Galra teams and those eventually join the Blades - he watched his younger relatives fall down and had to kiss lots of boo-boos
He had so many female relatives, Lance knows how to handle periods better than some girls
Lance goes calm when scared - he had to handle whatever danger there was before it could hurt or affect his family - he supercalculates and becomes a supersoldier/assassin
Lance has the best intuition and every human learns this - he knows when something is low quality, when something or someone cannot be trusted, when something is wrong, etc. - Hunk vouches the first time when it’s just humans, and the second time (outside of a battle or something), the Alteans are forced to listen when the four other humans insist Lance should be trusted - it helped him avoid danger
Lance handles stress so well, he barely feels it. His adrenaline is completely on beck and call. He never told anyone but his family because no one else he knows of has achieved a mental switch to the adrenaline rush. He can use hysterical strength on command, but he’s only done it once before. He just goes as calm as when scared if he gets too stressed or if everyone else is too stressed
Lance is the best at grooming - thank you sisters
Hunk and Lance have tattoos and pierced ears (Hunk has a large traditional tattoo on his back); Lance has several tattoos on his center back (flowers and skulls and leaves) with some spreading outwards (vines with more flowers and stuff growing out) and has band tattoos on his shins and biceps; Lance has many piercings in his ears that no one notices unless he’s wearing earrings - his siblings took him to get the tattoos and piercings, and his mother took him to get the first piercings and his father the first tattoo (a small flower on his shoulder blade)
Lance is best at child games like tag and hidenseek because of his family Sometimes, Lance speaks in such complex slang and metaphors that even Hunk barely understands him because he and his siblings and cousins wanted to speak to each other (gossip) without eavesdroppers
Lance cannot control his curiosity well because he had to explore things for and with his family and knew he could handle the situations if they went wrong
Lance loves cute things because of pets and nieces and nephews
Lance learned to talk backwards and can go silent for a long time without losing his voice because of dares
Lance has a high pain tolerance even if he hasn’t been hurt in a long time and it’s helped him (sharks and dolphin incident, saving Coran, just contributing to fight and help his family and friends even in pain) - however, he will likely be extremely dreamy when that happens
ONE DAY: Pidge makes a teleporter and manages to get a friend back on Earth to set up another. She also gets communications up. 
Shiro talks with Adam (this is Adashi and Alluratt), and gets sent some official medals to show he’s a General because of all he’s done and been through. 
Hunk’s mothers and sisters send him homegrown ingredients and some better tools. 
Pidge’s mother spends half the time telling Sam, Matt, and Pidge off for leaving and the other half asking if they’re okay and then sends them each a care package. 
Keith also talks with Adam and gets sent a knife “to remind you of home”. 
Lance’s family takes an hour just introducing themselves to Keith (who Lance insists stays with since he said he didn’t have family - “you can share mine then”) and then spends a good many more telling about what happened; they send over a bunch of shoes and clothes and sewing/knitting supplies and chemistry supplies and etc so he won’t get bored and then Veronica asks him if he can ask Pidge if the teleporter can do it with living things. 
She says it can, but don’t have anyone come because of the danger - Veronica sends Lance’s service animals and they all missed him so much and instantly like the team. 
Maverick is the goose (*tell dad that joke with a straight face*)
Princey is the boa constrictor
Alexander is the parrot 
Cleopatra is the unidentifiable snake
Maverick tries to peck Keith whenever he makes a rude comment on accident, so Keith starts learning what’s hurtful and how to rephrase his thoughts so they’re not as hurtful but still honest.
Princey loves Hunk and tries to hug everyone.
Alex imitates Coran’s voice and uses that from then on unless Coran is around then he’ll bark like a dog once to alert Lance that it’s the real deal - Alex knows that helping Lance is important and Coran helps Lance so using Coran’s voice helps a lot. 
Pidge wants to know what Cleo is, but Cleo doesn’t leave Lance’s side unless necessary because he ‘disappeared’ for the animals.
The other collected animal assortment learn how to help Lance from his service animals and soon he almost always (except battle) has at least three other creatures besides his service ones following him and helping.
Lance took drama class and was in the play put on by the class, but worked backstage as stage manager (was on the floor and used his intuition for lights and sound and stuff)
For the drama club play - he was the lead almost every time no matter how many times he suggested someone else might be better.The one time he wasn’t, he was the love interest (he was Mais Merian instead of Robin Hood)
He always got special recognition when backstage and that time as the interest despite him nominating literally everyone else
Lance has met Mothman - that’s all he tells Keith and co, but he used to get together every Saturday night for stargazing with Mothman and a lovely sasquatch, and they kept in touch when he left for the Garrison; Veronica helped them and let the cryptids know that Lance was okay after communicating with the Paladins.
Mothman was named Emilio by Lance and nicknamed Em. The sasquatch was named Alli.
Lance has been “adopted” by packs of wild animals several times and not always packs. He once was pushed by a bully over the edge of the crocodile enclosure at a zoo (bully just pushed, didn’t mean to make him go over) on a school field trip when he was twelve. They couldn’t get the crocs to give him back til his abuelita came over with a chancla and scolded them until they gave the boy back. 
He was allowed back into the zoo for free so long as he helped when the animals were cranky or needing shots because they were always calm around him. 
He befriended every animal. 
Rosa the gorilla was a lovely little lady who would sing with him and she would start singing the moment she heard/saw him. They had a special song just for the two of them to sing. 
Lance went viral, but not many recognize the twelve year old as him, especially because people stopped posting when it became clear he wasn’t going to stop and they got used to it. 
Keith remembers the hippo video and wishes he could’ve joined that boy. When it is eventually revealed that Lance is the Animal Tamer, he promises to get Keith his own hippo (his uncle bought the zoo when it started to close down a few years back -same people work there, just different ownership. Lance knows his uncle won’t mind) 
Keith is ecstatic and refuses to believe Lance is lying, and Shiro and Pidge worry and are shocked. Hunk knew.
Lance learned to hang upside down like a bat for long periods of time because his family had a huge vacation house with rafters but the house got crowded since everyone would come and Lance would stay in the rafters with Veronica to provide more room and both became known as the Bat Twins. 
Lance uses this to scare the Blades by telling Keith to tell Kolivan about vampires and then hanging from the vents and hissing at people while wearing black and dark red and a cape that he made. 
He also has fake fangs and red contacts so no one recognized him but the humans and now everyone is on the lookout for the vampire in the vents. 
Keith and Shiro never leave the team or disappear. The Blades approach the Paladins seeking an alliance.
Hunk and Lance were pen pals at three because of Lance’s aunt who knows one of Hunk’s moms, and they met at five when the aunt brought him back. 
He went every year for both short and long trips, and the island Hunk lived on accepted Lance into the community, so now he has traditional tattoos on his lower back and across his shoulders that meld with his previous tattoos easily. 
He got the lower back one when he was thirteen and the shoulders when he was fourteen. The bands are a combo of Cuban and Samoan culture in their styling.
Lance had worked on some of his relatives’ farm after school since he was seven. He knows how to milk a cow, herd flocks, lasso (probably lassos a thief at some point), hogtie, farm (plants), make animal calls and whistles, get chickens to obey, ride a horse and a bull, use a scythe like a pro (and terrify Pidge and Shiro on their makeshift Halloween while Keith attempts to figure out how a cryptid, a quiznacking GRIM REAPER, got aboard. Hunk just stands back to watch the chaos), bargain/barter like a pro, withstand extremely strong winds and other storm conditions without falling over (he can walk, make himself heard, and even run and jump and climb like normal), tell when something is sick or ready to be harvested/milked, tend to many animals, speak in farmer slang, and has memorized the planting requirements for many crops.
Lance can stand off in a growl/roaring match (baring teeth and trying to seem bigger) against bears, Alli the sasquatch, wolves, and several Galra soldiers. He came across many Earth predators and knew that his logical mind could overcome his primal instincts that would make him give in to a wild animal. 
Therefore, whenever Lance and co happened on one and needed to scare it off, he would do so by not giving in in the slightest, which eventually broke the other, especially since it was always obvious he was protecting his family. 
If it was two ‘mamas’ (Lance is ‘mama’), then both seemed to feel it and would stand down and head their separate ways.
The Galra found out when Lance stood off against a commander in a ground base and got the enemy to give in. Once the commander was submissive, the others gave in and the base was converted (secretly) to the Blades.
After all, Lance didn’t try to hurt them, simply continued on his way. And he was heard getting the others to not destroy the base because “these soldiers aren’t with the Empire. At least, not because they want to be. They’re with the Empire because it’s all they know. Let’s leave them be now.”
The Blades found out as a whole when a Blade tried to tell Keith off of going on a small reconnaissance mission because he was too small.
Lance came to the defense, and unbeknownst to the Paladins, Lance was then on known as the Caretaker of the group, a type of alpha that doesn’t lead, but is very protective of their pack and is willing to do whatever necessary to protect them. Shiro is the alpha, but even he will give in to the Caretaker if faced off with the alpha side of it.
Lance then finds himself taking less fire during battle, which helped him focus better on protecting his team, because the word got out and the Galra don’t attack Caretakers or kits because they’re the most important. Together they are the future.
Lance is both a kit and a Caretaker, attempting to protect his fellow kits, and that means that they are very hesitant to attack. They have to rethink strategies to avoid lethal offenses due to Lance’s willingness to take the hits and the fact that they are all kits.
There is one adult in their group and it’s a crazy middle-aged Altean.
Kolivan sees the Caretaker up close and personal when he ‘loses’ Keith. Before Lance can do more than growl and prepare to shout and cuss out the Blade for losing his teammate, Keith comes busting out of the vents spouting off about how he was training and then he was asked to go find the vampire and even though he knows the truth it was too good an opportunity, and then he thinks the Blades lost track of him and then he heard the Paladins boarding and it wasn’t Kolivan’s fault, it was an accident.
Lance immediately backs off and tells Keith to use the Castle’s training room. He seriously just got back from the reconnaissance mission, take a break.
Lance can handle many different temperatures because of the weather back home and his siblings often taking him out camping.
Back home, everyone was family to Lance. On Hunk’s island home, everyone around them was family or friends.
Lance and Hunk can walk, talk, sing, dance, and overall move in unison to the point where they seem telepathic. They can do so for a long time.
Their record is three days, where they woke up and went to sleep at the same time and helped each other make food and overall astounded their fellow Garrison cadets. Pidge was there and can vouch that it was terrifying.
Lance will always rescue someone in need. It gains them many allies from Galra, Empire supporters who only support it because it’s all they know, pirates, fauna, some flora, a few allies who were going to discuss the alliance until Lance helped a kid up or saved an animal without any incentive. They all saw a caring nature in a vicious predator and decided that was the perfect ally.
Lance celebrates Hanukkah, Christmas, Días Des Les Muertos (check spelling), a bunch of other holidays and a lot of birthdays because of his large family. He keeps it up in space by either putting up decorations in a few rooms (sometimes rooms that no one visits so they won’t be taken down) or going around saying something like “Happy Marco’s birthday!”
Lance has an incredible sense of smell because of diapers, cooking, identifying nature and other things so he can tell what is in something rather easily and can even track down stronger smelling things with relative ease.
Lance is the flower crown making champ and can make all sorts of styles since his nieces and nephews always wanted them
Lance and Hunk have the worst dark humor and it’s a major surprise, but it comes from being exposed to other people a lot and Lance had social media.
His Instagram is of animals and nature, his Twitter is of weather and the beach and more nature, his Facebook is his crafts and art and occasionally some songs (just audio clips and you can’t really identify him with his voice, he even did opera once), Reddit has theories and he’s incredibly respected for his ideas and theories especially because it’s just for fun and he says that, Tumblr is random stuff and everyone loves him (both the fandoms and the hipsters).
None of his accounts have his face or information, so he’s completely anonymous. Hunk learned from Lance.
Lance has wonderful rhythm because he had to get thirty kids to sing Cotton Eye Joe and do the dances at the same time
Lance never took ice skating lessons but is really good and has had several people offer to teach him or ask him to join an event/team
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chibi-pix · 3 years
Okay, guys! Another night, another watch of Voltron Force! And we’ve got episodes 17 through 20! Let’s do this!
And starting with episode 17, we get a beach episode! Or... well...starting with the beach. And Blue moving on her own is definitely not a good way to spend a relaxing day at the beach. Especially when she gets hostile and her eyes go red.  Lance has seven beach rules and Blue broke five. Him having those rules in the first place sounds like dad energy. Further dad energy? “Wipe that smirk off your face.”  Okay, when they found data that someone went in with ease to get Blue and take her, even activate her old school style, I was hoping that was Sven. And it was! Sven’s still around! But... he stole Blue. And has weird warrior armor...  Also, can I take a moment to enjoy Allura’s cloaking on her armor? VLD! Why didn’t you do that for Pidge? You obviously could, she set up cloaking for Green and Voltron! I should do a writing with that... um...Moving on. To Lance! Calling Sven’s accent goofy. It just amused me.  And a good callback to Sven being attacked by the cat in DotU. Too bad that the infection returned and is getting worse. And returning to where he left Allura, he has a son! And the baby is missing.  I found it amusing when Maahox said “Oh, he has your eyes.” And the baby took his eye. Perfection. Always watch out for babies, they like to grab. HUNK CALLED PIDGE “PIDGEY”!!!!!!!!!!! So happy! And.... I hope Sven is okay. At least the baby’s safe. And with Nanny. Well, at least Nanny isn’t at the castle nagging Allura anymore.
Episode 18 shows a... freaky bunny thing. Okay, as someone who had a trust issue with rabbits as a kid, I’d be absolutely cautious of that freaky bugger! Hunk may be annoyed with the space mice and Pidge wants to turn the captured one into a lab rat, but I swear, if VLD Pidge were to enter that reality and see the robots, she would have a field day and adore them. And... probably work on them. But in a good way. Vince with “I’ll be up in a minute.” And he games for another three hours. I mean, that is relatable. It’s easy to lose track of time with gaming.  Poor Lance dropped his coffee. Oh, and he got crushed in a door. I mean, I should feel sorry for him there but... I was amused. Poor coffee, though...  I’m glad that the space mice were able to help in taking down mega Gary. But um... what about the one in the nexus? We not gonna talk about it or something? Or was it implied that it blew up too? 
Episode 19 and Black doesn’t want to be messed with? “Keith, I do believe your lion is a bad influence on the kids.”  Finding out that Voltron was forced on Ariel was interesting. And then through the trials!  Pidge down! PIDGE DOWN!  And he can’t help. At least Daniel and Larmina got it handled. THough Daniel surprised that he could figure it out was amusing. Also, this.
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The way Pidge is just draped is adorable. I mean, poor baby, he got hurt. But he’s adorable just like that. At least Pidge woke up in another trial. When a spark landed on him. Oops.  Though showing the trials as from different planets is nice.  I feel like, though, it shouldn’t have taken the team long to figure out that with the voltcoms down, you go into physical combat against an enemy, even robots. It shouldn’t have taken for Lance to realize he saw his reflection in the robot’s “face”. Also? this is a good reason to not only not be without your tech weapon, but also a physical one to wreck someone that you carry on your back or pocket or something.  I will be honest. The other trial where the Krelshi showed up, I thought it was gonna be an Oriande from VLD sort of thing. You know, stopping and submitting yourself to the krelshi instead of fighting them. Nope. They just needed Vince.  And there’s a mysterious blacksmith from the Krelshi that came together. I feel like he may have a connection to Vince? Hmm.... No spoilers, though, if we do find out later. 
And moving on to episode 20! And watching Vince’s video... it just left me with 2007 AMV made in windows movie maker vibes. Sorry, Vince, but that’s my take from it.  I adore Pidge leaving instructions and the contact information on the fridge. You are such a dad! That’s adorable! The guy wanting to ride in the black lion is suspicious. I mean, I know it doesn’t go well anyway, but I may also be paranoid of other people. Even if fictional. And Vince... ready to hot wire the lion. When Daniel looks worried about a plan, you know it’s a bad idea! Manset captured by the drule. Hunk: “I think Manset might be in some kind of trouble.”  Pidge: “You, my friend, are a master of deduction.”  Pidge’s comment has the same energy as VLD Pidge’s “You are a paragon of leadership, Lance.” I love it. WHile Lance and Keith are off to save Manset, Hunk, Pidge, and Allura are ready to get food. Priorities.  Can I just laugh at the fact that there is literally a mob boss Drule? Me: Wait... the Drule left. Who’s driving the limo? Manset: “Someone should probably take the wheel now.”  Me: Oh... Of course the guy from earlier stole the lion. And ended up tripping Black out. Well then...  I figured the kids would be punished in the end. Keith thinks they just decided to come and help when they saw the lion was missing. Um... Yup. Just go with that.  Allura (and myself) may have criticized Vince’s video, but at least the others enjoyed it when he showed it.  Also, Black lion strutting at the end and Keith actually having fun, it left me amused. 
Anyway! That is another night of watching Voltron Force! And I definitely see VLD Pidge being so interested in the space mice. Honestly, in such a reality, I can see her even working with them more to annoy the others further. I’m sure she would. VF Pidge would have to ground her from working with the tech there, mice included. Not that it’d work, but still. 
Well, I hope y’all enjoyed this watch through! Until next time!
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askthehamefuracast · 3 years
What is your favorite book ?
Sophia: Easy! Sophia and the Emerald Princess!
Katarina: It's the Devilish Count series for me, the first book in particular. They're all amazing though.
Nicol: I don't really have a particular favorite, but I think one story Sophis showed me called Masked Raven. All the characters were wonderfully done.
Keith: I think it has to be the book on magic sister got me for my birthday one year.
Maria: It's my family's cook book!
Mary: A lovely flower encyclopedia Prince Alan got me for my sixteeth's birthday.
Alan: It was an adventure book on pirates Sophia showed me when we were kids, "Search for the Azure Treasure" I think is what it was called.
Geordo: I don't have a particularly favorite book, but there was one on blacksmithing using fire magic I found very interesting.
Rapheal: Its a book on tea I found awhile ago. Still one of my favorites.
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adorkwithhats · 4 years
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[ID: Two digital doodles. The first one is of a blacksmith working on a sword while looking curiously at a man wearing armor that is talking excitedly to him. The second doodle is of the man in the armor holding a small and smiling witch girl and saying “I found this child in the woods and now i’m a dad!” with a smile. End ID]
Doodles based on the Game That Should Be Made, Brightsmith, that was created on the latest ep of the podcast Spiritual Successor. They talked about local himbo hero Keith and his adopted witch daughter for like two seconds but i fell in love with them instantly???
They just doodles cause im still on the middle of my art break but after listening to that last ep i just had to, this fake game just filled me with inspiration
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