#blarry is a terrible ship name
cupidosaro · 2 years
New Fic (a query)
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I found a little something in my notes earlier today…about a year and a half ago, I had an idea for a FemHarry x Blaise Zabini fic. It’s set in their 8th year after the war.
The part I have written is currently in Blaise’s POV, and boy is he a fun character to play around with. Very different to the type of characters I usually gravitate toward writing. If I had to describe him in three words, it would be: unabashed, confident, and direct. He’s so shameless it’s funny.
As for the pairing, it’s going to have a flare of enemies to lovers (mostly one sided ;)) and rivals to lovers. There will be tension of many kinds, needless to say, haha.
I’m unsure if I’ll do dual POV or not. If I don’t, the whole thing will be from Blaise’s perspective.
So, I’m curious: Is there any interest? I love doing rare pairs and things of the sort, and I’ll probably end up posting it regardless of whether I get any response on here or not lol, but, I’d love to know your thoughts anyway!
SCROLL to see the excerpt!
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“Blaise couldn’t help his stare.
Really, it wasn’t his fault. Not when she looked like that.
Potter grinned, leaning over the table to jam Ronald Weasley in the shoulder with her finger. A lock of ginger hair fell into her face, having slipped out of her bun, haphazardly pinned up by her wand. She gestured to the book on the table—Defence, if Blaise had to guess—and waved wildly, to which Ron spluttered, his face becoming an unseemly shade of red.
Scowling, he flipped her off and dragged the book closer to his chest, burying his face in the pages.
Potter laughed, the sound joyful as it rang through the library. Her freckled cheeks dimpled into a smile, presenting an oddly charming visage.
Too charming.
So, it wasn’t Blaise’s fault he was staring so much. She was rather pretty for a halfblood.
Forgoing his work altogether, Blaise shoved his books into his bag and leaned back in his chair, unabashedly watching her. He didn’t care if anyone saw—they’d sooner think he was watching her in contempt than admiration—so, he sat there, and he gazed.”
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