#blease follow my blog
curiouscalembour · 1 year
going to reblogging all of my flondon stuff to my new flodon sideblog @the-dye-stained-socialite so be preparred for me to be going through all of that (sorry about anybody's notes lmao)
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eriond · 2 years
tumblr is about logging in, reporting 800 million bots, logging out
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deityofhearts · 1 year
I have accepted I am tumblr funny
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cubbihue · 1 month
To all the new people following me because of my FOP fanart
This blog is like. 90% spam reblogging posts on my dash from my mutuals. You will get 100 posts a second from me. And maybe 1 new self indulgent fanart. But then I will spam reblog an additional 10000 posts.
My "Itty Bitties" AU is very grim and dark. Fairies are not morally good in the way humans are. Humans do terrible things for their moral good. There will be dark themes such as abuse, trauma, and blood. Proceed with caution >:I !!!!
This will not change. Adapt or perish.
shhhhh. ignore this. this is for me. bcs. bcs i lose track of stuff easily :(
MasterPost of Itty Bitties (not Chronological, but Grouped into Sections) (THANK YOUSE VALLEYMYRISTICA FOR THE HELP ON THIS!!!!)
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [You Are Here]
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Yandere Best Friend pt 2
tw: self harm, mentions of violence, general deranged yandere shenanigans, angst
ageless blogs n minors DNI blease tq <3
part 1 here
my masterlist
this sucks bros i broke my fucken leg and i cant move, my cast is so itchy and i cant scratch and i feel nasty cause i cant shower
feeling bads, so thats why i churned part 2 out faster thn usual , its shorter than before but just need some angsty comfort atm
as uaual many errors cause i did not proofreasd
enjoy i hope
You left the exam hall a couple hours later. To find out that your dad left a total of seven missed calls. You thought someone fucking died.
Of course, you called back. Preparing for the worst.
Your father picked up the phone, he explained that it was your friend. He had a mental breakdown because you weren't there for the opening of his dream restaurant. Eventually though, he calmed down enough to come back into the building to return the phone, eyes noticeably dull and tired, worse than before. He never stopped trembling.
The three of them sat down and talked.
Neither of your parents knew you stopped contacting him. They thought everything was fine, so your friend couldn't fault them for that.
Your parents trusted your friend, so they gave him your phone number and told him basic information about you now. Such as, the country you're studying in and the course.
You felt a pang of guilt, but you had to move on. You understood that he was busy, it would probably do no good for you to try and reach out to him. You would just ruin his plan and distract him too much. At least, that was what you thought.
Usually, he would call every day. But that turns to once every three days. Then once a week. Then never.
It's true that he would not miss a single day to send you a sweet message, a reminder to practice self care and that you're very dear to his heart. Which would be then followed by an update to his progress, it was stressful to read what he was going through and that was all he talked about. You felt like his personal diary, he stopped asking about how things were going for you.
Since it doesn't seem to bother him you weren't replying because he would send his texts when the entire world is asleep, you stopped opening his texts too.
You wanted to tell him in person that you're moving out to pursue your studies and you were granted a student loan. A crushing student loan. But... You believe his ten minutes of free time a week is better used for his sleep. Or even going to the bathroom perhaps.
A day passes by another and in the end, you moved on without him. Without telling him. It just always slips your mind every time you see him brisk walking towards his beat up car with a stack of metal trays in his arms. They must be extremely heavy, you could see the veins bulging out of his forearms and forehead.
It was hard to watch his cheeks get sunken in, his hair going back to its' matted, unhealthy state, dark bags forming under his constantly bloodshot eyes. He looked like he aged a decade older from all the stress and pressure. But... He is working towards his dream and you're happy for him. It was great that he finally achieved what he wanted, he deserved all of its glory for working his ass off like that.
You held no ill will towards him, but you grew apart. He was so consumed with work that the friendship suffered in silence, there were no more fun hangouts together at the mall, you don't get to eat his cooking anymore (you didn't want to burden him by buying a tray, he already has too much to do), no more fun conversations about the silliest shit. It was just... Bank loans, revenue, expenses, investors, employees, employers, credit score, mortgages, taxes etcetera. The urgency and distress was also rubbing off you too, there were nights you woke up in a cold sweat because you had a nightmare that your hypothetical restaurant failed and you went into debt.
So you thought, he needed his time. You shouldn't really interfere with anything you don't understand. Your friend is already nose deep in the real world, you're not even close to it yet and you're not ready for it yet either. Therefore, you took the route most young adults take after getting a high school diploma: getting a bachelor's degree in some field of study that you probably don't even like.
You trudged onwards to the direction of your hostel. You need to get ready for your shift, money is a little tight now and you don't want to burden your parents too much. They're already sending a lot of money to support your living.
If your friend knew you were working hard for some extra money, his heart would break. It would be devastating news to him, no doubt, he would at least have a dozen freakouts and breakdowns. But you don't know that, yet.
As expected, your friend eventually called you. It was later than expected; it took him a week before he called your new phone number himself. He needed to calm down and collect his thoughts, as he knew that he might just drive you away if he comes barreling in with passionate yelling and sobbing over the phone. Plus, he also needed to focus on his new restaurant too, he can't just abandon his lifelong dream like that. How else is he going to make enough money to provide for you? He can't take back the money and time he invested in this now, all he can do is keep going and find some compromise.
It was tempting to go M.I.A. and hastily book a plane ticket to wherever you're studying. He was deeply yearning for your presence, he was desperate, he was clawing his arms and decorating them with nasty scars in an attempt to keep the urge at bay. He was extremely miserable but he had to keep going, to build that wonderful, cushiony foundation for you and him to fall back onto.
Everything he does, he does it for you.
He was polite, kind and pleasant during the first phone call you both had in two years. Though, there was a noticeable twinge of hurt in his mildly wavering voice. He still sounded like he's happy and relieved to hear you again.
The call started off with a greeting, then some small talk, then finally to the meat of the call;
Why didn't you tell me? He asked. It seems like he was fighting back his tears.
You didn't answer right away, you don't know what to say.
You could tell him the truth that he was too busy with his endeavors and you just don't feel like interfering by burdening him with "unnecessary information". However, you think that might wound him deeply as you're somewhat blaming him for your own actions.
You could lie... and tell him what, exactly? Either way, it would hurt him even more and there is probably going to be some resentment.
So, you apologized. You kept your reasoning brief and simple; you needed to move on. You acknowledged that whatever you did wasn't very nice of you, but you still had to proceed and you thought that it would be better that you didn't tell him.
There was a moment of silence between the both of you.
On the other side of the call, your friend was wracking his brain, trying to comprehend what you just told him. It came across as you not wanting to do anything with him anymore because you feel unprioritized, unimportant, inferior. Guilt and remorse was eating him up, he is putting all the faults onto himself.
He spiraled downwards in that call, spewing nonsense and absurd promises to destroy everything he has ever worked for just to have you back in his arms. Deranged negotiations involving the idea of blinding, deafening, mutilating or doing some sort of bodily or mental harm to himself to prove something; prove that he puts you above everything else and also to punish himself for neglecting you.
It was horrifying to hear your dear friend babble about putting himself into financial ruin for the sake for your forgiveness. He spoke of his accomplishments and advancements as they were disposable, as if it held no value compared to you.
This isn't normal, far from it, Your friend devolved so much to the point he was making demented pledges to kill and maim your enemies for you, and only you. To eviscerate the ones you dislike and send videographic proof of it, to disembowel his business associates to show that they mean absolutely nothing to him. Mind you, he was talking about real, breathing, living humans.
It was hard to fully grasp the insanity in his now incoherent words, he was muttering apologies and self hatred. Promises of severe self harm was also common in his mad speech. At one point, religion and superstitions were thrown into the mix. But you could not understand what he was chanting about.
What the fuck are you talking about? Your friend didn't pick up on your distress... or words over his excessive tirade against himself.
Everything I do, I do it for you, and I would do anything and everything for you. I love you- You hung up.
You couldn't take a second more of that. It was really difficult to see this side of him. It hurts you too that he became like this, perhaps all the stress from building a business from the ground up fried his mind. Whatever it was, you knew that he is not good for you anymore.
You sent him a final text message telling him that you're not comfortable with him after that massive sanity slippage. You wished him luck and expressed your regrets that it had to turn out this way.
You didn't give him a chance to respond, you blocked him immediately on everything and went on with your day.
Whatever he said kept replaying in your head like a broken record. It was pure horror.
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miratenebrarum · 10 days
[ ohhhhhh boy uhhhh. p w romeo, dismas w baldwin, shaw w dr.wondertainment, bendy and alice, enki and nosramus, amalia w yugo and i do think the dead cells queen and the beheaded sure have a relationship. im not saying which one tho ]
[ nuance. If sb is above 25 i dont have problems with a 10 years gap above them and 3 at best below; above 30 is generally fair game w anyone older; below 25, 3 years at best as long as theyre both adults ]
[ yea but also I mostly ship w chemistry so. When i see theres feeling Theres Feeling yknow sjfkgog generally speaking i always ask for at least a few interactions before considering shipping tho, im open for pre-enstablished romance only with a very selected few ]
[ anyway after saying im selective heres my ships ASJFLGPC ]
any oc x canon or oc x oc and a few crossovers hell yea I love to see it
micolash and laurence or edgar. toxic and bad and prob not good for either of them </3
another edgar but this time w bendy yea
cahara and his wife </3
silly crackship w pre-skeleton skintaker and percy. read the candle cove wiki pls pls pls
p and giangio are really funny to me /pos
antonia and polendina but alas. I live in the pain of one-sided from him and lovingly platonic for her
dismas and reynauld in specific circumstances and hc. and lowkey w tardif (bc hateshipping) and junia
junia also w the ringleader teehe
[ YEAH AKSOFOGNim opening up when it comes to talking ooc but asking for ships is still. H.
BLEASE talk to me im silly and weird akdogpg ]
[ i used to be way more, and even then I was in a If It Happens It Happens. Like i didnt need to rp ships or to have a ship to begin with even back then, im cool if it happens im cool if it doesnt ]
[ CURRENTLY i talked about the P ones, both of them are very fun, but since im very into live a live as well rn. uhhh. the sundown kid and mad dog huh. anyway play LAL please please pLEASE ]
[ man just yell at me honestly JWKFLGOG ]
tagged by: @ervaurem tyyyy
tagging: YOU!!!!!!!!!! but mostly im morale obliged to tag @crownhcart and ppl i ship with here aka @halfdeadsacrifice @deathxdefied @simpletoymaker @asternovi
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arathergrimreaper · 2 months
Kay, so...
I'm taking a break from this Tumblr. Like, a long break. Idk when I'll return. Maybe after November, maybe sooner. Things are getting super complicated in meat space and I need to focus on that for a while so I don't end up homeless or dead in the near future. Plus, I'm doing my first real master study next month and starting a new diet so...lot of other things to focus on including recovery from seeing blood family out of state (my first flight since before 9/11. blease take us back to before these extra security measures, we'll be good, i prommy).
I fully expect this place to have hot, new memes I don't fucking get and a bunch more drama and misinformation to dodge when I return but I...need time away from all that now. To get my life in order and figure out how to run a business, essentially. Or...several, I guess? Doesn't matter. All y'all need to know is I won't be active on here for a hot minute. Likely two minutes. Idk. It doesn't really matter since only five people are going to probably see this anyway. Pretty sure the majority of blogs that follow me are bots.
Good luck, godspeed, and if we never meet again in this life?
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everyday-younglife · 3 months
(raises hand) miss everyday-youngwife, been following you for a long time now i just gotta ask, what do you like so much about the yosuke guy from persona?? <- (asked by somebody who has never gotten into persona, just genuinely curious!) feel free to answer this however you want
everyday-youngwife... cute
and um. i like him because he's cute and cringe and real.
like. the entire game of Persona 4 is finding their true selves through the use of supernatural means aka physically going into a tv set into another world that is the... locationifcation? of the collective unconsciousness of mankind. in this case i think it's just the people in their small town iirc. they have to fight their Other Self in order to accept themselves. is the gist.
ok so like. contrary to what a lot of people think about how this works. is that they go into a *TV* which makes the Other Self *not just their own hidden truths* but instead a COMBINATION of that AND how people in the town see that person. it's weird
but anyway. it didn't work that way for Yosuke. he had only been in the other world for a bit so his Other Self didn't have time to fester. his Other Self, literally called a Shadow (from Jungian psychology, hence 'persona'), was just about why he was in there in the first place (spoilers so i won't mention it)
Yosuke is a 16/17 year old Japanese boy living in 2011/2012 (but the game was released in 08/09... yeah) he is, unfortunately, accurately bigoted for a fuckboy in 08/09 lmao.
but yknow what? he realizes that it's all for show. ON HIS OWN. he doesn't really believe that shit he's spouting, he only ever kept spouting it so he'd be liked. "by whom?" other fuckboys. but he has GOOD and REAL friends now that stand by him and love/like him for real. can call him out on his shit, can accept him for REAL.
he's shown to be caring, kind, smart, selfless, dorky, and still cringy. But it's an endearing cringe. I'll add some spoiler-free screenshots just to help me explain lol
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but don't get it twisted!!! he's a fucker, too. he likes to tease his friends and push their buttons. makes me want to bite him you know??
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last but not least:
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(and here is a nearly TEN YEAR OLD!! post i wrote on my old blog about he. if u wanna read that BUT it does have end-game spoilers)
thank u for coming to my ted(die) talk. everyone reading this blease blay Bersona 4 on steam compuergame
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finally making a pinned post fiddle dee hee hee! stuff under readmore
@courtofthevampireking YOU ARE HERE! formerly blueberryMayhem and claudettecosmogony. My freak world
@courtofthecorpseking my art blog :]
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I was gonna make this an ask game thingy but then i remembered about polls soooooo
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foggylikemyvision · 2 years
blease... lurkers of my blog.... if you're liking my shit please reblog it...
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farnsworthed · 3 months
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FARNSWORTHED - indie warehouse 13 multimuse. 18+. sideblog to @nerdynanny. occasionally iconless. triple decade roleplay vet. basically artie. formerly wegotaping
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Character List Rules Open Starters Roleplay Promo Headcanon Starter Call
Welcome to my little sideblog. As stated above, follows will be done from nerdynanny which is my primary multimuse. I kinda binged WH 13 and desperately need to get this energy out. Character list will change with demand and interest. This blog will be iconless as I have not the spoons to make them.
Blease be kind, rewind.
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herawell · 4 months
My semi-monthly self promotion post for my @vague-herawell blog where I post stuff that reminds me of Hera/Maxwell/Herawell blease go follow and validate me there
Unmarked spoilers beware
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hummiscellanea · 1 year
My apologies to everyone who followed this blog before I dropped off the face of tumblr for years. But I'm back!
I'm reworking the blog a bit. This blog (prev validation-blease) is now hummiscellanea, and there'll be reblogs and fandom stuff along with my usual dragon art. So yeah, stick around if you wanna :>
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I posted 14,710 times in 2022
That's 13,328 more posts than 2021!
141 posts created (1%)
14,569 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,179 of my posts in 2022
#homestuck - 41 posts
#drugs - 37 posts
#psychonauts - 15 posts
#my art - 14 posts
#unreality - 13 posts
#dragon age - 12 posts
#queer - 12 posts
#antisemitism - 10 posts
#cultist simulator - 10 posts
#oh no - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#no op sorry im still going to read “a hasty toilet” as “i cocked my ass and fired it like a gun into the chamber pot shattering it instantly
My Top Posts in 2022:
How Do you Do Fellow Cultists?
I made a uquiz to find out what your main Principle would be if you were a character in the cultsim world >> https://uquiz.com/8wxELS <<
blease enjoy
81 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
tryna act normal during an enlightenment ascension
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94 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
So I just found out that there’s been some confusion between the Genderqueer flag, and the old UK suffragette flag that’s been co-opted by TERFs. Rather than give up our nice flag to the people who want us silenced and dead, I figured I’d offer up a temporary solution :)
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See the full post
257 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Hiii ok so!!! Folks!!! When people were saying Don't Interact With Corporate Accounts because they will try to emulate tumblr culture
⬇️ This Is The Sort Of Posts They Were Telling You Not To Interact With ⬇️
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This blog started posting in june of this year and 100% of their posts are totally straight-laced ads for switch games and promotions. Almost all posts are complete flops with under 10 notes with a handful getting up to maybe 200 notes. This post that mentions bowser's hot balls is the only one to break past that (for obvious reasons). Most of the notes on this one are people being reasonably incredulous "is this a parody account??" "they knew what they were doing" etc. I get it, but Don't Do That.
They are testing the waters and trying to figure out how to get ads past your adblockers. When you reblog a post like this for any reason, they succeed at doing this to every one of your followers.
Do Not Engage Means: Do Not Fucking Engage!
1,254 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If I can get tooth-rottingly sincere for a second? TERFs and radfems are destined to lose in the end. A movement centered on hating others- especially a demographic that is and always has been present in every culture and group throughout history, and always will be- is utterly unsustainable. It is forced to prey on the vulnerable in order to recruit, and that kind of hatred just... weighs on you, colours your perceptions and makes you unable to engage with the world in a healthy way, drains you until you’re just an empty husk. If every trans person were wiped off the face of the earth today and every mention of us redacted from all history, there would still be kids born tomorrow who look at their assigned gender and go ‘hm. don’t like that’ and do something different. They would find people just like themselves and we would persist. I have no idea what the world is going to look like when I am long gone, but I know for certain that there will be trans people in it, just as there will be gays and lesbians, there will be bisexuals, aces, aros, nonbinary folk and EVERY infinitesimal point within the queer spectrum, because its simply not possible to expunge us from the world without eradicating all of humanity. That’s the thought that keeps me going, you know? Even leaving aside gender stuff- the urge to self-create and self-express, and the urge to love ourselves and love each other- it’s woven into our very natures! No matter what happens, that light can’t be snuffed out. Thank you for your time, and stay hydrated.
6,270 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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before i go into my classes i am just wondering if instagram is a bit fucked atm, bc my last few posts have been doing v poorly in terms of likes? my art normally gets at least 15 likes (esp for my cookie run stuff) but my last. 14 or so posts have not reached that
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