peacespun · 4 months
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previously on supernatural ... ft. @bledgrace.
expanded edit. personals do not interact, only silver can reblog.
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vengefuls · 3 months
were  she  anyone  else,  or  had  this  been  five  years  ago,  she  would've  lost  her  shit.   now,  she's  far  from  surprised.   it's  why  she'd  said  little  in  response  when  he  showed  up.   simply  just  sat  him  down  and  stitched  it  all  up.   frankly     —   she  doesn't  want  to  know.  she  wants  to  remain  as  far  from  knowing  how  big  of  a  monster  community  exists.  she'll  stick  to  ghosts  and  shit.   peers  down  at  herself,  noting  the  sheer  amount  of  red  soaking  her  used  to  be  pale  blue  shirt.   ❝   shit.  i  loved  this  shirt,  too!      ❞   frowns  as  she  grasps  the  ends  and  pulls  it  off,  tossing  the  soaked  fabric  into  the  trash  can  before  she  returns  to  him,  shifting  so  she  can  check  for  any  other  bleeding  or  wounds  she  needs  to  seal  up  before  she  moves  from  concern  to  rage  that  he  keeps  going  back  for  more  when  he  ends  up  like  this.
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Q: " that's a lot of my blood. " for cassie. / @bledgrace
once  she's  satisfied  he's  not  going  to  die  standing  in  her  living  room,  she  lifts  a  hand  and  smacks  the  back  of  his  head hard.   ❝   you  can't  keep  doing  this.  if  you  show  up  here  worse  next  time  i'll  kill  you  myself.      ❞   she  won't  but  she  damn  well  needs  to  get  through  to  him  how  scary  it  is  to  care  for  someone  who  keeps  teasing  and  cheating  death.  one  day  it's  not  going  to  be  so  easy  for  him  to  bounce  back.  she  runs  her  hands  over  her  face  with  a  heavy  sigh.  she  presses  the  base  of  her  palms  into  her  eyes  as  she  shakes  her  head  before  bringing  inky  gaze  back  to  him.     ❝   i  don't  need  to  know  what  did  this  to  you  -  i  just  need  to  know  if  you're  actually  safe  for  it  or  if  i  need  to  worry  about  it  out  in  my  front  yard  waiting  for  another  shot at you.      ❞
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blednone · 3 months
i love you, it's basically 43 days now. we are so close
43 DAYS !!! we're almost there iM SCREAMING !!!
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timerevolt · 9 months
🍓 🥺
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u! | accepting
you know i absolutely love you right? i love the worlds we create and i love your take on your characters. perfection. kiss kiss.
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godunlap · 11 months
WET GRASS SLIDING AGAINST BARE FEET, the brutal midnight chill does nothing to phase this deadite. if anything, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚝 - the way it kisses & cuts across its skin, drawing it further into the dark. no more life inside of that place anyway, sucked clean out once this body arrived. in all its glory. all its power, such ultimate control. ▒ @BLEDGRACE.
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❝ hm, i can hear you close by. ❞ the uncanny rattle of its voice, only just loud enough to hear above the whistling winds. COULD IT BE, THE ARRIVAL OF A TRUE ADVERSARY? perhaps just another co-ed to plow through. ❝ why don't you come out & say hello? ❞ finding it hard to follow the quick - paced trail of his thoughts. - [𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎 ].
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pohlepen · 11 months
surprise, its me! hi i love you
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new phone,,,, who dis?
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katerynas · 3 months
it is these quiet moments that katherine relishes the most . these moments with @bledgrace in which it is just the both of them . no prying ears, no prying eyes . not a singular thought of being found --- perhaps, she could find herself getting used to this new found feeling of home . because in reality, that is what this has become . that is what dean has become .
they're laying together and she has her head resting atop his chest when his words fill the space between them . 'do you picture me as i picture you ?' katherine takes a moment, then leans up on her elbow . gaze taking him in, taking this moment in .
" that depends, baby . " leaning forward, she presses a kiss to his lips and keeps her face in close proximity to his . " how do you picture me ? "
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singersalvaged · 7 months
🎧 and as many as you want for dean too <3
PALE BLUE EYES - The Velvet Underground (I don't know why, this just always comes out when I think of him.)
ANIMAL IMPULSES - Iamx (this is a tough one to explain)
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citizenstarlight · 7 months
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        "I don't think that's how it works." Annie couldn't help the smile that krept upon her face. "How about you buy this round first?"
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fearfled · 8 months
@bledgrace plotted for a starter
It turned out that pulling one's whole, exhausted body out of a shallow grave was difficult. Wow. Who knew?
Dirt shoved its grainy way under short fingernails, grime and blood lay there - old flesh that somehow hadn't rotted the way it had been created to. She stumbled down a desolate road outside of Sioux Falls under evening hues. The sunset peaked beautifully over a nearby field, contrasting the way her form looked as though a tornado had grabbed her and flung her clear across South Dakota.
Calling the boys proved useless. No one answered the calls, at least not the three she had managed from yanking quarters out of a take-a-penny. Her father held multiple lines for communication but a living dead girl certainly didn't have the greatest memory upon rebooting. By the grace of God (not that she had ever actually believed in the divine entity, at least not in a... positive way) she had managed to find herself at a cafe, lookin' like walking, talking - death.
No credit cards, no phone, no money... being dead fucking sucked. All of the usual suspects for getting by no longer proved fruitful and so Alice called the phone company to try and track down Jody Mills, considering everyone else stayed out of the fucking yellow pages. Just Hunter things.
When Allie finally showed up days later outside of the house that held no familiarity to her, she was in better... condition via stolen clothes and a gym shower. The door opening led to a wide smile and Alice gazed up at the man who had seemingly aged an eternity in just a few years. "Honey, I'm home." to her it had been but a day, no recollection of her time spent up in the great white cloud. "You got any beer, handsome? I'm parched."
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peacespun · 9 months
there was blood on his hands.      literally and figuratively.      he bleeds from open cuts over his arm from scraping against sharp metal in the rubble.     it runs down the palms of his hands,      over busted knuckles and the wounds over his fingers as he dug and dug and dug.      it soaked him down to the bone,      that figurative kind.      so many had followed him into this battle and never made it out.     he made the call and thousands answered at the cost of their lives and he couldn't bring any of them home.      he couldn't bring dean home.
and that was what upset him the most,      there was nothing left to bring back of people he cared most about,      those who would haunt his dreams.      poe was there for days combing through the wreckage for survivors,      for anyone.     for dean.      he looked through everything,      in places he knew that nobody could have survived,      and found nothing.     part of him knew it was a lost cause at the start,      but he had to try.      dean wouldn't give up on him.      he owed him that much.     in the end,     it didn't matter what he wanted.     he already stayed for a week longer than he should have,      with the crews who picked apart the fallen starships for spare parts,      the ground crews who spent day and night in the rubble looking for anything or anyone they could,      but he didn't get to stay despite his protest.      none of them did.      poe was ordered back to ajan kloss and the remaining crews were pulled out of exogul against general poe's order to stay.      he was drowning in his grief.      he wanted one thing.      one thing to bury,     to give dean the peace he deserved.      exogul was abandoned.
each day was harder than the last.      they held a funeral.     names and faces of those lost in the battle were displayed with holograms across a large room.      it still felt empty.      there were no caskets,     nothing to bury.     nothing save the memories and names carved into a plaque that would inevitably be placed with the rest of their fallen.     he knew many of the faces that hovered over each cold piece of metal.      some he shared laughs with,     some he looked up to in many ways,      others who guided him and allowed him to stand where he does now despite its weight.     leia.     but it nearly killed him to look at dean's,     he almost couldn't meet the hologram's eyes when he looked up at it and saw him:   brave jedi.      and worse,      he could have sworn that he looked back at him.     then there was nothing holding him together anymore.      he cracked.      poe was supposed to speak over them,       to the crowd that mourned the loss of friends and family,      but he couldn't...   he couldn't say goodbye.
it got worse as the days went on,      none of the other generals entertained him long enough for him to plead his case.      we cannot bleed resources,      is what they said in the beginning and certainly what they believed now.      poe tried all that he could,       each reason he could think to go back.       he had half a mind to steal an x-wing,      his x-wing,      and go himself.      but he knew that he couldn't,      not really and not because he cared about the consequences of uncleared missions.      if he found dean and,     by some miracle,      he were to be alive,      he wouldn't have the means or the resources to help him survive the trip back home.      he needed a doctor,      medicine,      a team to be with him in case they did find him.      or anyone else.      but convincing others of survivors after all this time,      especially considering the elements on exogul,     proved fruitless.      poe was seeing more of dean everywhere,      hearing him speak to him somewhere between dreams and waking hours,     beg for him to come help him.      it only fed his need to find him.
it took longer than he wanted,      weeks after the last time they met,      but poe finally managed to convince at least one of the other generals to free him of responsibilities for a day,      all he asked was for a day,      so he could go back one more time.     i need to bring him home,      he'd said,      please... i won't be able to sleep until i do.      he recognized that it was out of pity that any one of them let him go,     pity and probably annoyance,     but poe didn't care because he took his last chance immediately after being released.     
just as he doesn't care about the blood on his hands that makes it a little harder to grip over certain surfaces,      how he nearly slips when he descends deeper into the rubble because he lost his grip for a moment.      the team that he brought with him were several paces behind him,      as well as the doctor who shouted for him to wait for them as he continued ahead.     he couldn't wait.     he doesn't know what it is but he feels drawn forward,      can almost feel something guiding him,     as if he knows exactly where to go.          "   dean's down here,      i know it!   "          he has to be.
and he was.      exactly where he knew he would be.     there is a flat spot beside him where poe finds himself kneeling,      gently reaching to cup deans cheeks in both of his hands.     he's in an awful state,      poe can barely recognize him with the color almost gone from him and blood still marking his skin.      hot tears are spilling over his cheeks,      he brings himself forward to touch his forehead to deans.         "   you're alive.   "         it sounds like disbelief at first,      but then he says it again and its more sure,      something between a sob and a whisper.         "  i found him!   "         he called to the others.     the first of which to come through the hole poe had wriggled through had been the doctor,      who quickly shrugs off his bag and gathers everything he needs.
"   i found you,   "          he says gently,      placing a kiss at the crown of his head.          "   you're coming home.   "          then he is more or less shoved out of the way when the doctor comes closer to start his work.      poe does what he can for him,      what the doctor requests,      and the rest of those that followed behind them had started to clear a path to get dean out.    it took some work and more than a few cuts and bruises along the way back out,      but they got him.      he was safe,     he was going home,     and poe would never once leave his side.     from the time he found him,     to getting back onboard the ship,     to getting him to the hospital where he would be treated for injuries and the state he was in from exposure,      poe never left.       not until he was forced to by the medical staff who separated them before poe could follow behind him through the surgical bay.      then it was another waiting game.
the hours ticked by like centuries.      one,   then two,   then four...   all he could do to keep himself from going insane was pace.    up and down the hall,    circles around the ward over and over again.      people tried talking to him,      he was almost sure,      but he kept chewing on his nail,      absent,      pacing.      before the nightmare was finally over and a doctor approached him slowly,      chart in hand.     he explained the details of deans condition,     the surgery and how well it had gone,       the complications that arose and how from this point forward,      "he should heal nicely,   all things considered.   but take it slow with him,   he's going to need a lot of rest."
the next words to fall out of his mouth after that had been:   can i see him?      to which the doctor nodded softly and led the way.      the room was quiet save for rhythmic beep of a monitor somewhere,      the shuffle of poe's own feet against the floor when he moved to a chair at dean's bedside and rests.      he certainly looked better than before,      the color was slowly coming back to him.
he doesn't know how long its been now.      a few hours,      a few days?     could it have been weeks?      poe didn't rest as much as some may have wished for him since bringing him here.      it didn't matter that he was safe,      that he was in the best hands that poe could think of,    the fear in him that all of this could've been no more than a dream wouldn't allow him to shut his eyes.      he was alert and watching the steady rise and fall of deans chest from moment one,    waiting for this exact moment to happen,       when @bledgrace starts to stir.
poe leans forward in his seat and gently traces his thumb over deans knuckles.      his hands have been bandaged since coming home from exogul,      a nurse had helped him with that when he was waiting for news about dean.     there is a long but careful sigh in relief that escapes him,    just before he leans more and gently places a kiss over deans fingers.          "   hey tiger.   "
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bibliphale · 1 year
“There’s nothing wrong with you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Don’t ever let yourself believe that there is.”
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                   ❛            oh , well that's .. that's very kind of you , dean , thank you.            ❜                   i'd been wondering. worrying , rather. what sort of angel was i , actively going against heavens plans & wishes , trying to help humanity instead of my own kin ? it felt wrong , sacrilegious , like at any moment the distant almighty might strike me down for doing what i thought was right. breathing out slowly through my nose , i brought my cup of tea back shakily to my lips , before wrinkling my nose & setting it back down again. there was only so much that could go into creating a proper cup of english tea , especially in the states , even more especially from the shitty kitchenette in dean's cheap motel room.
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it didn't taste right. with a frustrated crease of my brow , my fingers cut through the air , a minor miracle preformed to fix my tea , which steamed gently from the cup now cradled in my fingers , sipping again with a pleased hum. oh , so much better.                    ❛            now. what about this case , hm ? it's quite the mystery ; i'm something of an amateur detective myself , you know. just bits & bobs here 'n there , but i'd love to be of some help.            ❜                   no , i wasn't a hunter. the idea of hurting creatures , even wicked ones , made my stomach churn with nausea ; but oh ! i did love sleuthing for clues , it was something of a hobby of mine. not nearly as important as my slight of hand magic , of course , but near & dear to me regardless.
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blednone · 8 months
it was part impulse and part desire that brings a certain mischief to him, to the smile and the light that finds his eyes when he looks across at his husband: that perfect man laying next to him, finally beginning to settle. so he may have hoped. abraham moves to straddle his husbands hips and press a kiss to the center of his chest, right above his heart. but his next move is far more calculated, quick before @bledgrace can respond to previous actions. he leans forward and bites his right nipple, giving a soft tug.
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timerevolt · 9 months
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       “Does this mean I get a discount?” Lulu teased as she descended to her knees. It wasn’t like she cared. When it came to her and giving blowjobs, it was for the love of the game. Carefully, she unzipped his jeans and retrieved his cock. Hand wrapped around the base of his cock to stabilize it. Blue eyes closed as she opened her mouth and swallowed him. Bubblegum tongue rolled around the flesh as she descended – it did not take long before she swallowed him whole. Blonde head began to bob up and down. Cerulean eyes locked on his the whole time.
nsft starter call. | @bledgrace ( tattoo artist verse )
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gunchamber · 1 year
new pinned is sexy 😘
you're so sexi for saying this thank you bestie
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pohlepen · 10 months
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       ❝    his name is on that bullet.    ❞
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spotify top 100 meme / 🎁 / love made me do it - ellise / @bledgrace
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