v3rm1nn · 6 days
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oldish doodles trying to figure out how i want to draw him
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jadagul · 2 months
Anyone have a good example of a proof that looks kind of like a poem when it's written out? I'm sure I've seen these before but none are especially occurring to me.
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grippysockgangg · 7 months
No bitch has all 3
A gastric system that isn’t trying to murder them
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nocturnalsleuth · 1 month
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work doodles ft. an old meme
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bebopbonko · 5 months
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Edit: omfg I forgot Bleg’s hat in the last one…
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dingbatnix · 6 months
How tf do you write heartfelt reassurances???
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iasips8 · 2 months
who wants 2 be artfight moots :3
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laulo821 · 3 months
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Baxter Bautista & Tally Magritte belong to @zapsoda
aweee long awaited update ... they gettin on each other's nerves! although it makes klaus more sad than really angry ): he just want fwends. no peace and love on shuttle andromeda this time
<- part eight / part ten ->
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itorayye · 12 days
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stupid vent
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I am talking with my father. the words he says are heated, and meant to hurt. I am too young for this. Maybe too old. I have been crafted my whole life to be the diplomat, and every personality quiz that glares at me from my computer screen says so.
It's worse when I'm in any class setting, that an instructor looks at one word and thinks only 'peaceful' and 'thoughtful'. they are in many ways less kind, more harsh with what they choose to say when they believe I won't push back.
But they forget- the role of someone who's purpose is to communicate and bring everyone down from heightened feelings is stubbornness. I cannot count the number of times something cruel has been directed at me, only to see the other person's eyebrows raise as they realise I know what I'm talking about when I respond. And I will discuss it in depth. I'm good at making my feelings seem irrelevant in these situations, something that is praised in my argumentative papers. It makes me feel sick. Like I've taken myself and boiled me down until all that is left is the fat skimming the water and that is what I bottle up and sell to people.
Now I am in a situation where this is not acceptable, I am supposed to have feelings. I can't get them out. The tides that swirl within me and threaten to crack my ribcage and seep into my lungs cannot be named. It's like walking into a wall, one that I can see rolling hills thorough a crack in the bricks but is too tall to pass. I break. I am fragmented, I am split into awkward, stuttering pieces.
I can comfort others until the cows come home. But if someone tries to do the same to me I break. I say I have a few close friends, though I'm not sure if this is really true. I have given them information about myself like I think close friends should do. Though as soon as I try to explain what's going on, the waves are back in force. Then I talk too much and it won't stop.
I am a writer, and seeing through the lens of other people is the only way that I can express how I see the world. I wish that it could change. I am trying my best, and I am fighting to see a way that lets me become something more than what people see as only compliant. I've been trying to say this, I've been walking around the Walls of Jericho I built with my own hands and trying to bring them crashing down with a one person band. To be honest, I don't know if it is possible. At least, I know academics seem to cradle me as I try to escape the tight swaddle of not being able to talk.
To me, this and everything else can sort of be explained through autism. But putting a word to it does not mean it doesn't fracture and tear through my skin. It hurts, it hurts so much to not be able to share.
I am talking with my father. I look at his eyes and I understand, he does not have a word for what he feels. He does not know. We are both scared.
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jadagul · 1 month
Another weird troubleshooting problem.
My main (Ubuntu linux) computer stopped working a couple days ago. I came back and the fan was spinning really fast and all the monitors were black. I tried turning it off (had to use the hard power switch on the PSU) and back on.
When I turn it on, the computer wakes up immediately, and the fan immediately goes to max. The main monitor activates, then doesn't get a signal and goes back to sleep. (This is the most confusing to me; the monitor does respond to me turning the computer on, so something is happening!)
I don't have any idea how to go about troubleshooting this, especially since I can't, like, type any commands in to the computer, or at least can't get feedback on them. Any ideas where to start?
(I built the computer myself, in 2018. I used a case and a couple of components from an older computer, though; the fans and the PSU both date back to like 2009 or something, if that helps a plausible diagnosis.)
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gcu-sovereign · 2 months
Question for anyone who has started a new job in the last 2 years:
Did you send a post-interview thank-you note?
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daydreamycrustacean · 3 months
The cons of re-watching doctor who this time with my sister is that i have to watch girl in the fireplace again after swearing that i would never watch that episode again
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lesbianturrets · 1 year
Last week of school guys WOOOOOHOOO
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dingbatnix · 4 months
Idk how to end the animation :/ xD
(excuse the middle school english terminology) I mean I have it at the climax of action, now it's just the falling action and I ha e no idea what to do T^T
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It's 2:30 am on Christmas day and the vibe is... weird. I changed my bed yesterday and the first night in new sheets is like sleeping in an unfamiliar bed which means... bad. Broken up and the dreams are weird and so on. Also I didn't take any of my allergy meds last night so I'm congested as hell. So, already, bad foundation for a middle of the night wake up. Then there is just general holiday weirdness. We used to have a set routine for christmas eve and between losing my mom and covid that routine has gotten blown to shit and I'm a bitch that loves a routine so change? Not good. Not bad, maybe, but not good. So we have the specific current issue, we have the years long issue, and then we have that Christmas hasn't really worked for me in a long time. I try to find that magic, that warmth for the world and my family and I just can't. Ive never been good at being present in the moment, always felt like an observer in life and I've gotten used to it but things like birthdays and holidays make it harder because it feels like I'm not fully there the way others are. I am most likely overthinking things. Or I'm trying to find some personal reason why things are harder for me when it's much more likely that Christmas feels anlittle hollow for most people. I used thr bathroom, I took my meds, and I'm gonna read something stupid and cute before I try and go back to sleep.
For what it's worth I hope Monday treats us kindly.
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