#blind pharma au
lord-squiggletits · 2 years
"blind Pharma au" Please tell me more 👀
Oh shit hiiiiii dsklfjsd I'll try to write down some sorta interesting details in bullet points, I don't really have a specific "plot" for it or anything it's literally just, "everything is the same but Pharma was born blind" so here goes. Also, warning for made-up medicine, sketchy biology/scientific knowledge, and lots of headcanons
Pharma was still a forged medic, only when he finished forging everything about him was top notch except his optics. They're still there on his face and look like any seeing mech's eyes, it's just that there's just no connection between his eyes and his brain for whatever reason
This leads to a lot of discussion of what classification he should be put underneath, as Pharma has beautiful medic hands (scientific class) but is also a flight frame (typically consigned to transportation or soldiering) but is blind so how is he supposed to do any of those things (disposable class)? Pharma is sitting there through all this and gets increasingly irate at these mechs calling him useless because he can't see and this is apparently a big deal. From Pharma's perspective, he has all the tools he needs to live a normal life, but apparently because he's not "seeing" there's something wrong with him
Pharma meanwhile was forged with plenty of extra strong senses including keen hearing, echolocation, electromagnetic sensors, sonar, etc even sensitive touch and taste and smell. He can walk around and avoid colliding with other mechs without aid. He can detect objects around him even if they're of very small size.
Somehow or another Pharma ends up successfully becoming a doctor (maybe they just decided they didn't want to waste a forged medic or something) and his medical hands + his increased senses actually allow him to do just fine. Things that other mechs would observe with their eyes, Pharma can sense through his hands but also unorthodox senses like tasting/smelling faint chemical traces in the air and being able to hear small changes in patients' organs and whatnot
Yes, Pharma gets a lot of questions about "but how can you fly if you're blind???" and his answer is always that his alt mode works just fine, he just avoids flying in the city because he doesn't want to get hit by anyone.
Which actually means that Pharma spends a lot of time living among ground-frames (taking public transportation instead of flying, living in an apartment with ground floors instead of high towers flight frames usually favor) and thus he becomes accustomed to near-constant attention and more or less being a spectacle. As a result, Pharma really doesn't like being stared at or having people crowd too close to him (sometimes people on the bus would get...touchy with him, with the wonder of seeing a flight frame on the ground and all).
Pharma could navigate on his own and do his job without disability aids, but he does buy a cane at some point just because it makes things a little easier (and also he can stab/whack people with it "by accident" if they get in his personal space)
Eventually, Pharma saves enough money from his job as a doctor to buy a seeing eye drone (this is why I was reblogging your art with "blind Pharma AU" :3c ). I imagine the drone also has flying capabilities and can augment Pharma's senses with its own due to some Cybertronian Bluetooth connection or something. It gives Pharma enough extra sensory and spatial information that he CAN do things like fly in crowded areas, since the drone can help him navigate traffic and guide him from open area to open area
Why doesn't Pharma just get his eyes fixed or something? A couple of reasons, one being that Pharma insists that there's nothing to fix out of pride. From the moment he came online people talked about him like he was defective just because he couldn't see, and frankly Pharma is so offended about it that he partially wants to remain blind just to spite everyone who thinks he's odd or can't be a good doctor
Another reason that Pharma doesn't "fix his eyes" could possibly be that the cause of his blindness isn't well known (he was forged, not cold constructed, which means there are no "schematics" to explain how each piece of his frame works) and Pharma is afraid of letting anyone tinker with his body or especially his brain without knowing exactly what the potential side effects of surgery could be. I mean, Pharma literally works for the Institute before the war; he knows exactly what things like shadowplay are capable of doing, and quite frankly, he doesn't want to even risk anyone getting inside of his brain and tampering with something that could completely alter his mind
That's about everything I can think of offhand ^_^ I'm happy to answer any follow-up questions or maybe dig through my Discord DMs if you want more details!
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ronearoundblindly · 19 days
Lexi's Monthly Edit
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July 29th - August 31st, 2024
In case you missed them, here's a handy-dandy list of what I posted within the last month. This time we have 9 headcanon/ficlet (links only) and 8 fics (links with blurbs from each) below the cut. Enjoy!
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ice cream headcanons
returning late headcanons
intimacy headcanon for Fools Rush In (mature) Steve Rogers x lab tech!reader
extra hotel bed headcanons
early autumn decorating headcanons
Pregnancy/Children headcanon for Sun, Salt, and Shield Steve Rogers x deep sea mermaid!reader
faking it in bed headcanons (mature)
favorite sex position headcanons (mature)
invisible!reader noticed by Steve
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The Stoop for The Root of All Ransom Ransom Drysdale x rich!reader
"It's okay to be nervous, honey--" "I'm not nervous," he barks. "--because there's a lot going on right now. I get it--" "I was just thinking--" he rips the pinky ring off his hand and shows you the chunky gold emblem "--I'd have to get this little piece of shit resized, for f**k's sake, not that I wouldn't want to wear a g*ddamn wedding ring! What the f**k, woman?"
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Jake's home! (mature) Jake Jensen x girlfriend!reader
The plastic shower curtain and its castors are yanked aside, and you squeal in delight, hopping over the lip of the tub—fully-clothed,—throwing your arms around his neck. One of his feet slips under the weight. “Hey, babe,” he says into your shoulder of still-dry cotton. You pull back and smile. At least, he’s fairly certain you’re smiling. You’re blurry, and he’s a bit blind without his glasses.
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Let Me See You (mature) skinny!1940s!Steve Rogers x reader
"But he wasn't good to you," Steve soothes and wraps his hand around yours, "and he wasn't good for you." All you do is shrug and hide your face. Tears falls to the fabric below your eyes and seep through in dark patches. He scoots forward and lifts your chin with a gentle nudge. When your puffy red eyes meet his, he's struck by how lucky he feels to see you like this. It's odd to think someone who knew you more and for so much longer couldn't feel infinitely more attached and protective. You're so vulnerable, so open, so... "You're beautiful." Steve's tongue swipes over his dry lips. "You're so beautiful."
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Safety Captain, Chapter One (no-powers AU) lifeguard!Steve Rogers x vacationer!reader
“Everyone’s okay,” he rushes, rubbing your back, warm and slick against your wet skin. “You don’t have to talk yet. Take it easy.” You still feel compelled to explain. “The—they were teasing him—“ you point to the chubbier kid in your group, the poor thing cowering by your lounge chair headquarters for the morning “—and I tried to stop them.” “I know, shhh, I saw. Just breathe slowly.” “Don’t like bullies,” you cough out anyway. The lifeguard at your side grins from ear to ear.
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Interlude: A Special Visit for Hideout touch-starved!Nomad Steve Rogers x motel employee!reader
You’re teasing him, but it is fun to see the huge man kneeling at your bedside squirm. His blush is crimson in the candlelight. You poke his burly shoulder. “You were checkin’ me out…” “It’s not like that,” he whispers. “Anyway, make a wish, birthday girl.” Steve pushes the cupcake higher in your hold, encouraging you with a wry smile. Your breath is swift and precise, your desire so clear at the forefront of your mind that picking a wish—another wish, since he’s already here—takes no time at all.
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Big Pharma, sex pollen (mature) Steve Rogers x doctor!reader
Bag tossed to the floor, you unbutton your pants and shimmy out of everything from shoes to panties, letting the longer tail of your dress shirt barely cover your modesty. Steve looks dumbfounded. It’s bad enough he has to run to you for a handy every few hours, but this? “Doc, no,” he breaths. “I understand the procedure,” you say calmly, echoing his harrowing consent from that first night he needed you. Steve’s brow furrows in strain. “We shouldn’t…” ‘We’ are way past ‘shouldn’t,’ buddy. “Can’t ask you to…“ but he also knows time’s a wasting.
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To Tire Is Human Steve Rogers x reader
Steve eats his whole meal--entree and dessert--with his non-dominant hand just so he can hold yours. He had one of your days. He spent the drive home listing all the things he needed to do in his head, more energy for each tick, more time for sitting still, more of him to give... ...and then he got to enjoy a lovely dinner with you. You spent your energy on him, on you both. You spent energy specifically to spend time with him, and Steve could cry but he won't. He keeps smiling, making happy, pleased noises with each delicious bite.
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For Show, reluctant marriage of convenience (mature) Ransom Drysdale x soulmate!reader
A pillow shifts. No, not a pillow; it’s your back, and when you shift again, Ran sees one of the plush throw blankets slink farther down your bare skin. It’s the largest swath of your body he’s ever seen. You lay with your arms folded, peering out the windows behind the couch, and you still haven’t fucking noticed him. He huffs before realizing he isn’t listening to the faint TV anymore, but when he ticks his head, he sees your TV isn’t on either. “”I think of nothing but you as I fall asleep at night”—” Ran hears a woman’s voice fake a deeper tone before switching to normal “—Javier says, pulling her soft curves into his hard body—”
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
I have been mulling over a Psych!AU for ATLA. I think it would be hilarious. I will probably not get around to writing it, but here's what I was thinking.
Katara in the Shawn Spencer role. She honed her skills with Pakku, her surly, not always supportive grandfather who came to live with her family when she was very young after her mother died. He saw her knack for puzzle solving and her preternaturally sharp memory. Katara has a strained relationship with him because of his deep rooted misogyny and his insistence that despite being a woman, Katara should follow his footsteps into law enforcement. It...is a weird dichotomy, and at the start of the story, it has been years since they spoke.
Sokka is her Gus. He's a tightly wound, neurotic overachiever who feels disappointed because after years of being the gifted kid, he ends up working as a pharma rep. He wanted to be an engineer or a bio-chemist, but it didn't work out (I haven't decided why just yet). He still pursues those interests in his own time, which makes him a valuable, if reluctant participant in his sister's schemes. He initially goes along with his sister's foray into psychic detecting in order to protect her, but eventually he gets just as into it as she is. Especially after he meets Suki.
Suki is our Juliette. She's a sharp junior detective who assists the sibling detective duo from time to time. She believes Katara's psychic abilities after a few times witnessing her solving cases. Well, she mostly believes it. She can't completely wrap her mind around it, but she also can't think of a rational, natural explanation for how Katara seems to know what she knows. As time goes on, she develops feelings for Sokka, the sarcastic, logical, goofy half of the detective duo. She often acts as a buffer between the siblings and her partner,
Zuko is the Carlton Lassiter of the story. He does not believe Katara's claims of psychic abilities, but like Suki, he hasn't come up with a rational explanation. Yet. Still, she gets results, he can't deny. Their relationship is rocky at first. Zuko was the best detective in the police department, until Katara started showing him up. He is a stickler for rules and procedure, and he hates how Katara and her brother just do whatever cockamamie thing pops into their head, and it works out. As they work together more, he feels like he's on the cusp of figuring her out, but he just finds himself more and more impressed with her. Eventually, they become friends, and after that, something else blossoms between them.
Toph is this story's Woody. She's a slightly unhinged ME with an attitude problem. She is probably not completely blind, but she's severely visually impaired, which makes people doubt her abilities. At first. But then they realize why she is the ME for the most prestigious police department in the area. She likes the way Katara and Sokka have shaken up the department, so she doesn't mind helping them out every so often. She knows exactly how Katara manages to solve these crimes, but she will take that secret to the grave, because she thinks it's hilarious.
Aang is McNabb, and if you've seen the show, you know I'm right.
Iroh is the chief Vic. He runs the department with efficiently and is the one who impressed the importance of the rules in his nephew, Detective Zuko. Unfortunately, he never could get the boy to be more open minded. Iroh has no trouble employing the services of a psychic detective, as long as she gets the job done. He also finds it amusing to watch his nephew trying very hard not to be in love with her.
Obviously, Pakku is the Henry. Hakoda is Hakoda. He's a good dad, but he left a lot of the work of raising his kids to his mother-in-law, Kanna and Pakku, her husband, while he worked to keep the entire household financially afloat. Now that his kids are grown and out of the house, and he works less, he is trying to keep them all connected. He's very proud of his kids, though he doesn't completely understand what exactly it is they're doing. Either that, or he occasionally fills the Gus role along with or instead of Sokka.
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So I'm vividly reminded of the "What if there was a character who wanted to be [faction] but was barred from joining [faction]" post, and tfp au Tarn is somewhat close to being this.
They wouldn't have let him join the Decepticons if he hadn't pleaded and begged enough. And, nobody will ever admit it, even the commanders are scared of him. Tarn has just been so loyal (well loyal up until this point) that they were willing to overlook the immense security risk his Voice was and the rancid vibes. In the TFP au, he came to the Decepticons preinstalled with the DJD, but in this au the DJD had existed before Tarn has, and they kinda just found him in the space woods like a coyote mistaken for a dog.
TFP au Tarn has a much different backstory and origin than what you'd expect. Damus was someone who originally was turned away from the Decepticons , whether it was for a lack of generalistic experience, bad luck, having failed some sort of entrance test (i severely doubt they'd have like a written test, that's not what i mean, I'm thinking some sort of small quest), or hell the Bad Vibes™️ that Soundwave had received but could never put a digit. (Nobody could've guessed Tarn had been Damus, hell nobody knows until the Tarn and Fallen fiasko when he blurts it in a monologue.)
He did not take this rejection. I cannot tell you for sure when Damus became a more recognizable shape, what he had done before fully becoming Tarn, but I can tell you how he was found.
The DJD was a project proposed by Shockwave, one that Megatron has always disliked. It ultimately functioned similar to the Wreckers in the Autobots— do the dirty work that not even Megatron wants to do, and he'll turn a blind eye to their methods. One of the conditions he agreed upon was that they stay away from the frontlines, as they are pretty much the clean up crew for those who have become disillusioned to the Cause. Originally, the ship's crew was the leader Kaon, Tesarus, Helex, Vos, and Prion (their medic, who looks a little familiar...)
They found Damus on a small moon circling a dead planet that had never developed complex life. He was thought to be a mercenary, but no he denied this. The DJD decided that hey this guy who wants to be a Decepticon should be a Decepticon! And dragged him with them. This is when he took upon the name Tarn (the symbolic meaning here in the tfp au is unknown as of yet) There is a possibility that his Voice had influenced this without their knowledge, as exactly nobody had guessed that as a possibility. Though, the DJD soon learned during the brutal disposal of a rogue exactly what Tarn is capable with this "gift". (Remember, in the TFP au outliers do exist but exactly nobody has really discovered this fact. Sometimes mecha pop up with inexplicable abilities and it always freaks everyone else the hell out) At first, they were struck with that instinctive oh-frag feeling, but this faded with the delight of them having a new method in their already rather unconventional repertoire.
Things were... special the next time the Peaceful Tyranny crossed paths with the Nemesis. Megatron was very suspicious of this Tarn, (actually in a very similar way as he was in canon of Predaking once the mech revealed his bipedal mod). But, eventually, he okayed the new addition as he wasn't going to question the DJD's methods. He didn't want to think too hard about what they do, only that they completed the job out of sight. Megatron couldn't afford to lose any more sleep than he already is over this.
Did Megatron call the DJD down to Earth? No, Tarn had tracked Pharma's signal and was delighted to find out his Lord is also on this blue and green planet. If I remember my timelines correctly, they arrived in the smack dab middle of the spicy battlefield dance arc. Meaning, the commanders already had so goddamn much to deal with that they agreed "fuck it, let them do whatever they're here to do, let them take care of the traitors wandering about so we don't have to". The DJD was explicitly told to not interfere with the war efforts, the autobots, or the ongoings of the Nemesis. (Probably in much longer polite and formal words than my synopsis of it)
For a long time, Tarn was considered in a similar manner as he was in canon. A dangerous weapon, but a currently manageable and loyal weapon. Some would say Tarn's loyalty to the Cause and Megatron rivals Soundwave's, others dare to admit that there has to be a catch. That nobody is that loyal without some sort of catch. Especially if that someone enjoys working with the fragging DJD, which among most Decepticons is practically a myth because of how infrequently the Peaceful Tyranny is sighted.
The events of Delphi are very similar as in the au, upon one divergence— nobody finds them. Every autobot except Pharma eventually succumbs to the Red Rust (or the DJD, in Ambulon's case) and Pharma has to find his way off planet. Eventually, he makes his way to Earth.
The rest of the DJD, as we know, was entirely content with these orders and did their own horrific murder thing. Tarn, though? Oh we knew he ultimately basically ignored this and turned his efforts to win his Lord with his winning personality (a lie), pure loyalty (a lie), and charming good looks (kind of a lie but kinda not)— and to find out where that autobot jet had went.
He started seeing the messages from Megatronus Prime a mere fortnight since he arrived on Earth. The Fallen had a reverse sort of reaction to Tarn, at first only seeing him as an easy to manipulate means to an end. After all, once the Fallen got out and destroyed Earth, what would this pathetic sycophant matter? But, as they started interacting more the Fallen ended up letting more and more of his guard down to this mortal. Tarn will not end up betraying Megatronus Prime, even as the reverse happens. This demigod encouraged the wrong mech.
Tarn will not visually see Pharma until further into the truce, pretty damn close in time with when he learns about Silverlight. And well... I've talked about what comes next.
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sunderedstar · 4 years
the triumph of time round-up post, let's gooo
if you want:
an extended TAAO AU, diverging from canon before the annual/finale
a steady mix of MTMTE elements, diverging from canon before the MTMTE/Lost Light break
More Titans Than You Can Shake A Stick At
Onyx Prime ≠ Shockwave
Unicron+Luna-1 BFFs 4 life
give Starscream emotional support rounds 3 through 4
Vigilem lives and this time it's personal
Windblade running the planet via multiple acts of grand theft Titan
the Quintesson Galactic Council
Guest Star Waspinator
gratuitous Sappho and Swinburne poetry quotes masquerading as section breaks
the Infinite as people as opposed to cannon fodder
Sari “Scorponok’s daughter” Sumdac
Megatronus as a highly competent general 
mnemosurgery and its consequences
language, memory, miscommunication, and puns
Solus Prime/Arcee backstory rights
a general revamp of the Thirteen Primes and revised events for the Combiner Wars incident
Shockwave living his best life o)
"why is every Cybertronian scientist here except me fueled by raw, unadulterated chaos energy?" - a question Wheeljack has yet to answer
Starjack Windscream and Chromblade, because sometimes that’s just life
featuring yet another take on Cybertronian lore and the internal mechanisms behind Cybertron, sparks, and the Creation Matrix
Unicron: voring Cybertron for the greater good since 1986
"Next time, you invite Killmaster.”
endgame pink Rodimus
I provide these goods.
series links
worldbuilding, complete series from the top - includes alt Rung origins, Metroplex backstory fic, etc
main fics:
the ways of the stars undone - Starscream and all his Unicron problems
wind that shakes the seas and stars - Windvoice and all her Prime problems
and the wheel of the world roll under them - Wheeljack and all his Quintesson problems
let me fix your functionist universe and your primes IDW:
mine eyes blind as glass - Fortress Maximus and Rung in the Functionist Universe
leave my lips charred - Arcee, Thirteen Primes backstory overhaul
coda fic:
taught the sun ways to travel - Waspinator
drank so much sunlight - Chromia and Windblade, written for Femslash February
who’s a heretic now? - Being Pharma Is Suffering
like summer with sweet hours - Wheeljack and Starscream 
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rkived · 4 years
drabble #4: a look back into pediatricsurgeon!jungkook’s and generalsurgeon!reader’s friendship throughout med school. 
or, what those infamous ‘‘med school vibes’’ are all about. 
↩ previous | 📍drabbles masterlist | next ↪️
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‘‘Okay, let’s begin.’’ 
Taehyung’s face is puffed up, barely awake. Just five minutes ago he was dreaming about being the mayor of Springfield, the fictional town in The Simpsons, and now he’s quizzing his roommate, Jungkook, before his big Pharmacology exam. 
‘‘What’s bioavailability?’’ 
Jungkook hums ‘‘The amount of medication in your blood that’s available to produce an effect.’’ he answers and Taehyung nods, yawning, moving on to the next question.
‘‘What is azithromycin used for?’’
‘‘Viral In─?’’
Taehyung shakes his head no.
‘‘Oh! Bacterial infections!’’ Jungkook corrects himself and receives a nod of approval from his roommate ‘‘Kinda forgot for a second.’’
Taehyung ignores his excuse and continues quizzing him for a few more minutes, the tiredness still evident in his face, but his anxious friend had him slightly worried. 
‘‘Dude, you’re flunking this shit.’’ Taehyung mutters, counting down how many right answers his roommate had gotten ‘‘You only got six out of fifteen questions right.’’
Jungkook mumbles a curse and places his head over his hands. He couldn’t afford to fail this class, Pharmacology was a pain in the ass and he did not want to take it again. 
Taehyung hums as he stares at his nervous friend, his leg bouncing up and down with nervousness. The older friend understood his position, though he didn’t experience much trouble when he took this class two years ago, he had definitely felt pre-exam jitters before. 
‘‘Did you not study or?’’ Taehyung asks him in a gentle tone, not wanting to put him under the spot even more. 
Jungkook sighs and runs his hand through his short hair ‘‘A little, I uh─I was supposed to take a book out from the library to do more research, but a girl from my class wanted it so I gave it to her because━’’
Taehyung’s eyes open wide like saucers and he doesn’t let his younger friend finish his explanation. 
‘‘You gave up a book for a girl? Because she wanted it?’’ 
So long for not wanting to put him under the spot.
Jungkook already felt bad, but the amused tone on Taehyung’s voice made him feel worse. 
He knew it was a dumb decision.  He handed the book over to her a week ago, when he grabbed it and was ready to take it out to study until she popped out of nowhere and asked him if she could have it, pleading eyes and with hands placed together as if she was begging.
And Jungkook was a first year student, he was still slower than his seniors. He was kinda lucky having Taehyung, a third-year student, as his roommate. The more knowledgeable guy had shared with him most of the tips and tricks he needed to know to survive in Med School. 
Though Taehyung was now regretting forgetting to tell him that when it came down to being ‘‘nice’’ to other students, he had to think smartly and be a little selfish. Especially when a big exam was coming up and you weren’t particularly the best student in the class. 
‘‘You’re a dumbass and you’re failing this exam fair and square.’’ 
Jungkook frowns, not appreciating his roommate’s words ‘‘Thanks, I’ll try my best not to.’’ 
With this, he takes his backpack and snatches the papers from Taehyung’s hands. 
Which of the following is a short-term side effect of amphetamine?
Hair Loss
Suicidal Thoughts
‘‘Isn’t it all of them?’’ Jungkooks whispers to himself as he reads the options over and over again, getting himself more confused rather than obtaining a clear answer. 
This was a starter question! A basic one, if you may. He knows he’s supposed to be able to answer this without hesitation, but he’s looking at the question as if it was a foreign topic. 
He sighs and decides he’ll come back to it later, maybe the answer will come to him later.
When choosing to supplement, what type of vitamin D do most healthcare professionals prescribe and why?
Cholecalciferol because it cannot cause adverse effects
Vitamin D because there is only one type of supplement available.
Cholecalciferol because it is the naturally occurring form in the body.
None of the answers are correct.
‘‘Fuck, I know this.’’ Jungkook mumbles, hand coming to scratch the side of his head. 
It’s A. 
No, it’s B. 
But what if it’s C? 
It can’t be D, that’s a trick answer and─
‘‘Psst,’’ he hears from behind him, but he’s too deep in thought wondering which option is the right one. ‘‘Pssst,’’ Jungkook’s eyes raise from his paper and into the sea of students taking the exam around him.
Jungkook stares at his Pharmacology professor, sitting on his chair as he tries to stay awake to keep an eye on his 40+ students. The class started at 7 AM and even he hated waking up early.
‘‘Pssssst,’’ he hears again, this time a little more intense and he’s trying his hardest not to turn his head and see where the noise is coming from, fearing he might get mistaken for cheating. 
He decided to ignore the sound and after that, whoever was making the noise, decided to stop as well. 
An hour and a half later, Jungkook was out of the horrible exam and ready to cry it out for a little in his room. He was hoping Taehyung had left for his exams by then. 
If Jungkook could grade his exam he’d give himself a C, nice try kid. 
‘‘Gosh, are you deaf or something?’’ he hears from a voice behind him, turning around to find the girl from the library. The one he had given the Pharma book to, sacrificing himself to please her. ‘‘I was trying to get your attention!’’ she complains and Jungkook’s just staring at her. 
‘‘What?’’ he speaks up, but it comes out as a mere whisper because he’s confused as hell. 
He’s still thinking about the exam and now he has this girl looking at him like he’s a weirdo. 
‘‘I was trying to help you, I saw some of your answers and they were wrong.’’ She explains and his eyebrows raise slightly ‘‘Hair loss is a short-term side effect of amphetamine? Really? That’s basic Pharmaco.’’ 
‘‘And don’t even get me started on your answer for the vitamin D supplement, that was a piece of cake!’’ The girl continues to complain about his wrong answers and Jungkook is left speechless. ‘‘I was gonna give you my answers, which I know are right because I studied, but you never turned around.’’
Jungkook’s brows furrow. 
The reason why he was able to recognize her in the library last week was because she was an avid participant during lectures. Always had something to say, a question to ask, ready to share a random fact that not even the professor knew about. 
Jungkook’s not surprised she didn’t recognize him back then, not even now. He’s the total opposite of her. Never speaks in class, all the questions he wishes he could ask are kept inside his head and he doesn’t know anything about Pharmacology because everything is a big question mark to him.
‘‘You studied because of me.’’ he states and her eyes go wide like saucers.
‘‘Whu─?’’ It seems that the realization doesn’t hit her after her eyes narrow at him and a lightbulb lights up over her head ‘‘Oh! You’re the guy from the library! You gave me the book!’’ 
‘‘Yeah,’’ Jungkook replies bitterly ‘‘so if my answers are wrong, it’s because of you little Ms. Know-It-All.’’ 
He’s had enough of this and he still wants to cry, the added tension of this random girl mocking his failure has become another reason as to why he needs to get to his dorm room immediately. 
But she won’t let up so easily. 
‘‘Wait!’’ she says, grabbing Jungkook’s arm as a way to stop him, but the taller guy yanks her hand away and continues to walk as she trails behind him ‘‘I swear I didn’t know then you were my classmate! I even asked you if you needed the book, you said no.’’ 
That was true, but Jungkook’s a first year student who obviously thinks being nice will get him A’s on his exams. He doesn’t need books. Being nice will get him that degree. 
Jungkook shrugs it off, but she’s relentless and holds onto his backpack straps instead. 
‘‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so bitchy,’’ she apologizes as Jungkook continues to drag her through the building’s hall, hoping she’ll let go of his straps soon. ‘‘I just got frustrated because I really wanted to help you and—Ow!’’ 
Jungkook suddenly stopping makes her collide with his back abruptly, he gasps and quickly turns around to find her massaging her forehead that’s now sporting a red mark from the impact. 
‘‘It’s okay, I deserve it! Karma, right?’’ she chuckles and he sighs. 
‘‘If I forgive you will you leave me alone?’’ 
She frowns with a pout ‘‘No,’’ she states and he groans ‘‘because if you get a low grade, I’ll feel extremely guilty.’’ 
‘‘Then you’ll just have to live with it, I guess.’’ he shrugs. 
Jungkook promises he’s usually not like this. 
She ignores him instead ‘‘If you get a low grade, you can take the exam again! Professor Lee is really nice and understanding—”
“I know nothing about this class.” Jungkook interjects firmly, hoping that it serves as an answer for her.
She hums “I can help you study!” she offers and he looks at her with surprise “Not to brag, but I’m really good at Pharmaco.” she smiles, but it comes off as less than humble to him.
Jungkook would rather flunk this class than have her tutor him. Actually, he rather have Taehyung flick him on the head every time he gives a wrong answer until he gets them right.
She can tell he’s about to say no and so she pleads “Please! Please let me help! It’s the least I can do.” 
Her begging is very reminiscent of the one she did in the library last week. Jungkook had to give it to her, she could throw quite a convincing act.
And free tutoring is a hard offer to come by. One thing that reigned over med students was this superiority complex, the “I’m a better student than you” idea that would blind people into thinking they shouldn’t help their peers. 
So, yes, maybe she was annoying and a little bitchy, but just like Jungkook, she’s just being nice. 
He sighs with defeat “Alright, I’ll take your help.” 
She gasps with surprise and claps her hands with excitement, making the taller guy laugh through his nose. 
“I’ll give you my number! You can call or text me if you need any help.” she quickly adds and it’s not like he can object because she’s already writing her number down on a pink post-it note. 
“Y/N?” he reads the name once she hands the piece of paper over, she smiles and nods. 
“At your service! I’m good with Pharmaco, Biochem, and Pathology!” she informs and he nods slightly “Don’t ask me about microbiology, though, it’s my weak spot.” she shyly admits
His eyes light up at the mention of his favorite course “I love that class!” he comments and you tilt your head to the side, how could he possibly? “If you need help, you can ask me!” 
You both smile at each other, realizing this small deed turned out to be perfect for you both.
“Could you like—stop that?” You mumble, pushing Jungkook off of your shoulder as the sleepy guy shuffles in the tiny space of your bed “Jungkook, seriously! We have a test tomorrow, you wanna flunk it?”
He yawns “You’ll help me if I do.” 
“That was a one time thing only,” you narrow your eyes at him “this time it’s not gonna be on me!”
You try to make some sense into your friend, but he’s not bugging at all. Though you try to understand, you’ve been cramming neurology concepts for the past four hours with no breaks in between. 
Sometimes you forget Jungkook’s study method is very different from yours.
“Shhh,” Jungkook hushes you with his eyes closed and a frown in his brows “‘’M trynna sleep.” 
Jungkook falls asleep to the sound of your mumbling complaints about how he’d fail the test and how you’d have to help him like you always do. He smiles to himself because your bed is really comfy and the air freshener that you spray every other hour smells like fresh laundry. 
You stare at him, peacefully snoring into your pillow, mouth slightly open as he breathes in and out. You should be angry, he was the one who proposed studying together after all.
But all you do is cover him with your favorite fuzzy blanket and pat his shoulder before you go back to the lessons in your book.
The silence is comfortable. It helps you study better and it gives him peace as he dreams of whatever. It’s always like this for you two.
The packed boxes and bags placed on Taehyung’s bed throw Jungkook off because it finally hits him that, after five years of rooming with the older friend, he’d have to find a new roommate.
He enters a frenzied state of questions in his head.
Is my new roommate going to be messy?
Is my new roommate going to listen to music so loud I won’t be able to sleep?
Will my new roommate hate video games and won’t let me play my FPSGs? 
Jungkook hadn’t realized how well of a dynamic he and Taehyung shared until today. Always thought that they kept rooming because they were friends and not because they actually were able to coexist with each other.
And now that Taehyung’s graduating, Jungkook is left to wonder what will happen next.
He was in that state of mind all day long. 
When he watched his soon-to-be ex roommate pack his belongings in boxes that were divided by categories. As he sat in the crowd of attendees for that semester’s graduates, Taehyung in between the handful of fresh new M.Ds. And now, as his fellow group of friends were singing their drunk asses off into the microphone of the karaoke room they had rented for the night.
Jungkook doesn’t know what song Taehyung and Namjoon are singing, but it’s definitely one that came out when he was just a baby. 
“You know you look really funny when you space out, right?” 
He blinks and you’re sitting next to him, giving him a raised brow as you wait for him to answer. 
Jungkook’s been told this multiple times, mostly by you. His doe eyes go wide, mouth shut into a line as he just stares into space and even he would like to know what it is that goes through his head during those moments, he always seems to forget when he comes back to reality.
“I’m so glad those two decided to become doctors instead of singers.” you joke, looking over at the two friends who were trying, but failing, at reaching a high note. 
He doesn’t laugh, though. 
“Are you okay?” you carefully ask, noticing his unusual behavior. Jungkook was…a special kid, for the most part. But you weren’t used to looking at him this quiet and so out of place. “Should I worry?” 
Jungkook shakes his head no and sighs, realizing his mood is changing yours as well and this is supposed to be a happy occasion, because Taehyung just graduated and he should be excited for his friend.
“Ahhh, I see,” you say with a nod, realization hitting you “you’re sad ‘cause Taehyungie is leaving, right?”.
“No.” Jungkook mumbles, hoping that it was convincing enough for you to buy, but he knows that you rarely ever let up.
You smile, finding it endearing how he’s embarrassed to admit that it does hurt. You’ve been there before when Namjoon graduated two years ago and you were a sobbing mess because it felt as if your older brother was leaving and never coming back. 
It sucked that Jungkook and you were the youngest ones in the friend group. You didn’t get to interact much with the older friends due to how ahead they were of you both, but they served as good mentors as you and he made your way along Med School.
“If it makes you feel better, you still have me.” you say with a smile and a squeeze to his shoulder, Jungkook stares back at you with an expression you can’t quite pinpoint “Only two more years.”
Saying it out loud feels unreal. He actually has stuck it out for that long. And as he stares at you giggling about your drunken singing friends, Jungkook realizes he hasn’t been alone during this journey.
You have to pretend his unwavering eyes are not making you feel under pressure.
“If you don’t tell her now, you probably never will!”
Jungkook gulps as he fixes his robe in front of the mirror. Taehyung is behind him, glaring at him with so much force that the soon-to-be graduate feels like he has to hide.
“Why would I tell her?” Jungkook mumbles “It’s just a silly crush, that’s it.” 
And it’s true, just a silly crush! One that he had been hiding for the last couple of years until a few weeks ago, when his friends took him out drinking, between drunken words he had confessed to his older friends the feelings he had been harbouring for you. 
“We know.” they all said in unison
And ever since then, they —especially Taehyung— had been pushing him into coming clean to you. With graduation happening today, it felt like it was Jungkook’s last chance to tell you before it was too late. 
He knows where you’re going to specialize after this and he knows he won’t see you for a couple of years and vice versa.
Jungkook will be able to go on about his life and get over whatever he’s feeling for you and that gives the opportunity for you to continue ahead with the idea that he’s your best friend and that he’s never felt anything for you. 
“Because maybe she feels the same way!” Taehyung argues and by the look on his face, it’s clear that he’s frustrated with his youngest friend “Like, y’know how Y/N is super smart, right?” He asks and Jungkook nods “Well, every time she’s around you she goes dumb! That’s the love effect.” 
Jungkook chuckles at his friend’s comment. The idea of you liking him back is actually sweet, makes his heart beat a little faster. But it’s just that, a mere thought. 
Because in reality, you’re always smart and never dumb enough to like him back.
He has a front row seat as you receive your diploma, the biggest smile on your face as you pose for the cameras and thank your adviser. Spotting Jungkook in the crowd as he claps excitedly for you, you send a wink his way, making his heart flutter in the process. 
And he feels like he should tell you. What’s the worst that could happen? 
Losing his dignity? He lost it years ago.
Rejection? He can handle it, it wouldn’t be the first time.
“Congrats, grad!” you say with excitement, after finding each other in the crowd of families and graduates “We did it!” 
“Yeah,” Jungkook chuckles, his heart is full of endearment as he watches you bounce with excitement in your heels “we made it, barely.” 
His heart is yelling at him to just do it now. He won’t have time later, what with your family wanting to take you out to celebrate and maybe his group of friends suggesting the usual post-grad Karaoke night. This is probably the last time Jungkook will be able to have you alone. 
In the corner of his eye he’s able to spot Taehyung, he’s far away but it’s clear that he’s dramatically mouthing TELL HER NOW! Seokjin, Namjoon and Yoongi are behind him, tugging at his suit’s sleeves so they’re able to drag him out of sight. 
“Hey, so…” Jungkook doesn’t mean for his voice to come out so shaky and you look at him with glowing eyes, excitement still bubbling in you “Uhm—“ 
Say it, you idiot. Just say it.
“Where are you going out to eat?” 
You chuckle as you tell him they’ll probably take you to some BBQ place and suggest if he would like to come. Jungkook quickly denies the offer and a few seconds later, you’re telling him that you should go and find your family.
Not before giving him a big hug and a kiss to his cheek, a friendly one “Don’t get too drunk tonight!” 
Oh, yeah... 
The worst thing that could happen if he tells you how he feels is that he’ll ruin your friendship. No biggie, right?
And you’ve been there for far too long, have put up with him through all his shenanigans, been too nice to him and he won’t fuck all of that up just because of a silly crush. 
Jungkook’s left to watch as you hurriedly spot your family, jumping with excitement into your father’s arms. The next second Taehyung is pulling at his ear, scolding him because he knows the graduate didn’t confess. 
He’s calling his older friends for help, but they let Taehyung have this, just this once. 
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a/n: hello!! i decided to write this bc for the past drabbles the ‘‘med school vibes’’ have been mentioned n here’s a backstory to jk n reader’s friendship back then. i think this is a lil too long to be considered a drabble but wtvr. i did research those pharmaco questions n verified with my med student friends to fact check them lol hope all is well <3
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raysofsinshine · 5 years
3. Are there any particular aus or plots that you’d really like to write? 4. What are some of your rp pet peeves?
3. I have a thing for disabled Pharma aus, like having him blind or paralyzed, but i love most aus
4. Oh boy. Okay. First off, I hate when someone suggests something, and I say no thanks, and they keep pushing. That’s how you get me to hate you. Another thing is if you complain about how much I’m writing. Like, sorry, that’s all I could think of and am waiting for your character’s reaction. Also, god, if I can barely understand what you’re saying. I’m not saying you have to have perfect grammar, I just need to be able to get the gist of what the fuck you said. Also, I am not actually a doctor, so I might not understand simply because I am dumb. There are more, but I’ve already gone on long enough xD
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decepti-geek · 6 years
My dumbass Strictly Come Dancing AU masterpost
So Strictly finally featured a dance to Power of Love a while back! which meant that like a fool, I ran away and started earnestly working on a silly idea I’d been sitting on, and this is the result. Heavy on the cygate, with Rodimus and Minimus as accidental breakout stars, a LOT of Postmodern Jukebox music, and a veeeery haphazard work-in-progress playlist.
The point of this is basically to make people who watch the show giggle a bit, I guess, but also! If anyone has any idea of who would judge/host (cause I got nothin’), or even ideas for extra couples, PLEASE drop by my inbox, and ditto a thousand times over if anyone can think of new song/dance style pairings for any of the couples!!! I wanna Talk about this AU okay, it’s silly and fluffy and it’s been giving me joy for months and hopefully it’ll be fun for people who read it too.
Under a cut cause this got L O N G.
A couple of notes: I’m definitely moving musicals week to much earlier in the competition, since musicals are like, a good 25% of my overall music taste, which doesn’t translate well to only having four or so couples left at that point. And a note about who the minibots get paired with - I know actual Strictly tends to match for height, but I feel like in Cybertronian society that could be taken in… a variety of bad ways, not least perpetuating the idea of former disposables or similar only being allowed to dance with other disposables. So I figure with this one, the system’s a little different (also i just want my OTPs to dance together okay).
This is also, admittedly, more drama-filled than actual Strictly appears to the casual viewer, BUT I know the tabloids make much of the show even if I’m not a habitual tabloid reader.
(And I know I have a lot of charlestons in here, shush, it’s my favourite dance).
So! Thus far, the professional dancers/celebs I have outlined are:
Brainstorm - who, honestly, is basically Kevin. He’s willing to push things a bit further than the others with choreography and concepts, and sometimes he does push things a bit too far and they come out kinda weird to the judges (think the charleston to Cantina Band), but still adored by the popular vote. It makes for an interesting combination when he’s matched with serious, dedicated Jack-of-all-limelights Perceptor, who I see as being a bit like a reverse Brian Cox?? He started out well-known in the academic sector, then made it big as, idk, an actor (in the Mads Mikkelsen vein) and maybe a bit of modelling, and now he’s wound up here (I just realised that a lot of my celebs are more famous than the majority on Strictly tend to be, OH WELL).
They clash a LOT in initial rehearsals, but somewhere along the line Perceptor comes round enough to see that no, he did not get paired with the frivolous pro who doesn’t care about winning - Brainstorm just has a unique way of showing his love for his craft.
Also, you know how every year there's like, one lady pro who sprints over and full on leaps at her partner when he's revealed? Yeah, that's Brainstorm.
I’d like to think they make it to the semi-finals. And I desperately want to say that they have a dance to She Blinded Me With Science (cha cha cha maybe?). Kinda also want to steal Kevin's Doctor Who tango idea that he did this year. I think you could squeeze a quickstep out of End Of The World As We Know It, and then they've got two PMJ songs: a charleston to Final Countdown, and a foxtrot to I Believe In A Thing Called Love. ALSO HALLOWEEN JIVE TO TIME WARP I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.
Tarn - who is here mostly so I can have him dance the paso doble to Phantom of the Opera with Pharma. These two are both suuuuper committed to the competitive aspect, enough that they’re willing to put aside their initial, rather drastic ideological differences, although the bickering does eventually eat away at their partnership. They get eliminated about midway through (though they do make it to the equivalent of Blackpool), and subsequently have a brief fling followed by a dramatic split that the tabloids eat up every last morsel of.
Other songs I can see them dancing to include a quickstep or American Smooth to Intermission by Scissor Sisters, a charleston to Crazy In Love (same arrangement as Kevin and Louise’s just, y’know, maybe not Harley/Joker themed), and maaaaybe their rumba is PMJ’s version of Toxic, with possibly a tango to Killer by the Hoosiers.
There’s added tension, too, in that - since I’m trying to look at the ‘celebrity’ aspect in the broader way Cybertronians might, as well - Pharma’s own main professional rival is competing this year alongside him.
Said rival being partnered with Drift, who’s been on the team of pro dancers long enough that he’s undergone something of a shift. It used to be that he got the younger, more… shall we say, visually appealing celebrity dancers, and he’d happily choreograph routines that oozed as much danger and/or sex appeal as the producers called for - to the ire of more than one watching conjunx endura. While he might once or twice have encouraged that to go further behind the scenes in his early days, he’s matured the longer he’s been in the business. Following a bit of a new-age spiritual journey between two seasons of the show, Drift has since come to be regarded as a friendly, experienced face for the not-quite-so-young, nervously inexperienced celebs, though the audience hasn’t exactly been quick to forget his past.
The decision to partner him with Ratchet (physician to the rich and powerful; philanthropist; unflappable, no-nonsense, complete and utter grump) is therefore met with some confusion. This was a calculated move on the part of the show’s producers, though - in the early days of Drift’s run with the series, he botched a lift and came down from it with a pretty impressive sprain. Sparing no expense for their most prized dancer at the time, the best of the best was called in to sort him out.
There was a disagreement in the treatment room, concerning the morality of Drift seducing his latest celebrity partner away from her conjunx, and the resulting shouting match passed into legend among the production crew, even if it was somehow prevented from being leaked to the public. The higher-ups are now capitalising on this, as the whole thing is sure to explode in some sort of direction, and they want the ratings boost that will result once it does.
Except… it never explodes. See, that confrontation with Ratchet was the first half of what led Drift to revise his behaviour. He'd started his dancing career young, with a string of agents, managers, what have you at the beginning encouraging him to believe that there's no such thing as bad publicity, and it didn't matter who he hurt along the way. The fact that someone famed for his straightforwardness and his principles - in a famously cutthroat environment - was now calling him up on that behaviour was enough to make Drift begin to question it. Throw in meeting Wing on a hiking holiday a few years down the line, after a shaky year of competitions and an unexpected early elimination from the show, and he's ready to really start bettering himself.
It showed, obviously, but never so much before now, where Drift is actively trying to prove that he took Ratchet’s words on board. Ratchet is… a little freaked out by the intensity of his conviction to do so, but they work through it and develop one of the strongest working relationships of any on the show.
It takes until after the show to become anything more than a working relationship, because they're both rather shy in their own ways, but when it finally does no one's really surprised anymore.
They definitely dance the jive to Bad Case of Loving You, and I'm entertaining the idea of a Halloween salsa to Jump In The Line from Beetlejuice mostly for the staging potential of the moving furniture, especially the rocking chair and all the jokes to be had from that. :D
And after LL 25… they’ve gotta dance to Easter Parade by Emmy the Great, it’s just perfect for them. I think it’d work best as a waltz, with some editing.
There’s also Skids, whose star rapidly rose and then stayed at the top, upon entering the competitive dancing scene. He was a quick study and he's also a decent teacher, so he gets matched with star comedian Swerve, who has veeeery little confidence in his ability. Although it’s not something he entirely gets over, at least enough to get them both more than halfway, it IS something he sticks at after leaving the competition, and he stays in touch with Skids as well.
Nobody’s ever really sure if their regular meetups post-series are dance lessons or ‘dance lessons.’ (Mostly because Skids is very, very skilled at flying under the radar).
And I d e s p e r a t e l y  want to steal Kellie Bright’s dance to Oom Pah Pah for these two, cause a Viennese waltz set in a tavern is perfect for Swerve.
Lug is one half of the inevitable married pro couple, and I weirdly like the idea of her being matched with Windblade? Not really got any ideas for them on the song front, other than maaaaaybe a charleston to Nowadays from Chicago? but I think they’d make it a good way into the proceedings - they seem like they’d get along well, and Windblade’s got a natural grace to her.
Lug’s wife and partner in crime dance is Anode, who has a similarly capable celebrity student, in celebrated scientist and author Nautica. Unfortunately, these two don’t quite get off on the best foot, and a lot of initial promise becomes a flash in the pan that quickly falls apart. Their routines and skill are still pretty memorable (barring the one bad week that ruined things), even if they don’t make it as far.
They charleston to Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines because cmon. Nautica’s an engineer and Anode is a literal biplane.
Perhaps surprisingly, I’m chucking Whirl in here as a professional, too - a new hire for this year, viewed by the producers as a bit of a risk - paired up with renowned psychologist and amnesiac deity Rung. The idea I’m running with is that for Whirl, the dancing is basically an outlet post-empurata. It lets him exhaust himself physically and mentally, as long as he completely throws himself into it (and boy does he ever)... so that he can blunt the edge of the hurt he’s still got bottled up. And before he found this outlet, he had a chequered past to say the least, which the media capitalises on immediately, plunging the new guy into the spotlight. The new guy adamantly refuses to be a sob story, or the subject of inspiration porn, and smashes more than one camera to illustrate this point, so all the attention ends up veering towards the negative as a result.
Rung, though - Rung can see, more than anything, that Whirl still needs help, no matter how adamant he might be that he’s found his own balance. Rung’s in this to learn and have fun - and for his faults, Whirl is a decent teacher - but he can never ignore when he sees someone hurting. At first, the most he does is quietly stand up to any stray reporters who come hassling (with the patented I’m-not-mad-I’m-just-disappointed approach), but they do eventually develop a firm friendship, once Whirl realises he’s actually got someone on his side for once.
Rung himself is in a Bad position to do anything more, given that even the three weeks of initial training was time enough to develop something of a bond; so instead, he quietly slips Whirl the number of a younger associate: someone who, he assures Whirl, is coming from a place of experience - not all professional, but personal, too. It takes a while, because well, it’s Whirl, but there comes a point where he approaches Rung looking a little awkward, and thanks him - Krok’s been a great help.
As for the actual competition, Rung’s forgettability and Whirl’s new reputation work against them and they leave fairly early; but every subsequent week sees Rung in the audience to watch Whirl in the group numbers. They take absolutely aaaaaaaages after that to get their shit together, but by the time the next year rolls around, Rung’s position as audience support is official and constant, thanks to his ‘dating one of the pros’ status.
So far, I’ve only got two songs for them: a charleston to Caravan Palace’s cover of Black Betty, and a Viennese waltz to the Waltz of the Hours from Coppelia.
There’s also Jazz, who’s something of a legend even among the pros, mostly for his seeming ability to match up to even the very greatest of pressures. It’s something that’s seen him through to multiple finals over the years, and this year should be no exception…
… Were it not for the slight snag in that Mirage, a Towers noble, is our That One Celebrity; who the public perceive to have had just a bit too much prior dance experience for the competition to be entirely fair. And he’s Jazz’s partner.
I see Mirage being picked on particularly because the Towers upbringing probably does involve some kind of formal dance training. So these two are really, really good, but that unfortunately means they’re just a bit too good for what’s supposed to be a half-amateur contest. A low public vote and a bad dance-off sees them eliminated just shy of the semi-final.
I really can’t explain why, but I’m fixated on the idea of their charleston being a Halloween one, to Remains of the Day from Corpse Bride, and they could have maybe a quickstep (??) to Oh My My by Summer Kennedy (thanks Clara!). They also have the dubious honour of being the only couple I've found a samba song for: another PMJ one, which is Such Great Heights. (I Dislike sambas in general cause they seem so tricky and clunky most of the time, but if anyone can pull one off it’s these two).
And then, Primus love him, there’s Soundwave, who is possibly more experienced, talented and capable than any other pro in the competition, past or present (though Jazz, despite being his usual partner, would dispute that).
Which, of course, means he gets signed up to coach the complete and utter duds. Shockwave was never really going to get far in this, being a former Senator of questionable popularity, and, as Whirl would put it, the token empurata victim. That's all before the fact that he's just… really crap at dancing. Soundwave does his best, but he doesn't exactly have much to work with, and they're eliminated second week. As poor Soundwave has sadly become a bit accustomed to over the years.
In a similar boat for the first time this year is Knock Out - which, at least at first, he is none too pleased about. The guy he gets matched with is technically an athlete - but endurance and strength have never exactly been the mainstream focus of Cybertronian sport, even if they're what Breakdown has in spades.
He also has plenty of enthusiasm and a very earnest desire to try, that Knock Out can't help but be charmed by, even if it's not enough to get them more than about four weeks in. I think it'd be really sweet if these two had an American Smooth to Wouldn't It Be Lovely from My Fair Lady.
Someone who's had a mostly-friendly rivalry with Knock Out while they've both been on the show is Rodimus, who's in that same flashy, pretty vein along with Drift (his professional partner, incidentally), but who's been willing basically from the get-go to take on whoever he needs to season by season.
In short, he's a bit of a wild card, and this year he's been handed the younger (and less famous) of the Ambus brothers. The problem in this particular case is Minimus’ chronic, painful stage fright. Dominus, in his misguided wisdom, thought trial by fire would be good for him, and laid on the peer pressure until Mims agreed, but he is very much a fish out of water at first, and it shows.
The thing is, though - most of his mistakes are a result of nerves, rather than lack of talent. The judges do comment on his natural poise during the traditional ballroom numbers, and for all that Roddy acts dumb, he's shrewd enough to work gradually on bringing Minimus out of his shell, often taking advantage of Mims’ intense focus during rehearsals.
Because he might be shaky on the performance front, but Minimus Ambus has never been known for shoddiness in his work, and doesn’t plan to start now. And Roddy uses that to his advantage - he’ll sneak in extra moves mid-week, while they’re running through a routine, and Minimus will be stood there at the end of it, having just managed something he was obviously capable of, but never would’ve imagined he could be.
A few weeks in, and he’s thriving.
Dance-wise, I'd say definitely a jive to Don’t Stop Me Now, and I like the idea of them having Rebel Rebel for their paso. I want them to make it to the final just so Rodimus can choreograph a showdance to Dare (because try as I might, I just Cannot make it fit one of the usual dance styles. Roddy’s probably had it saved up as the song he WILL showdance to in his first final). I'm thinking as well, an American Smooth to Grace Kelly by Mika cause it honestly fits them really nicely, AND Lost Coastlines could work as a quickstep song I reckon, so let's give it to the first and second in command of the LL! Idk if I Do Adore by Mindy Gledhill has quite the right tempo for a foxtrot, but I think even if it needs a bit of tweaking it’d be really nice. And another potentially really random one, but: charleston to You Give A Little Love from Bugsy Malone (for musicals week?).
Also, they totally cha cha (or maybe salsa?) to Does Your Mother Know, specifically the Christine Baranski version (and they do the Leg Thing from the scene in the movie, you know the one).
As coincidence would have it, Minimus’ own brother-in-law is also a celebrity contestant this year! Rewind has gone from Ambus arm candy to acclaimed filmmaker/journalist in his own right, and for his stint on Strictly he's been paired up with Chromedome. This guy has managed to get himself the nickname ‘Unlucky’, on account that he's fallen in love and subsequently into relationships with not one but three of his previous celebrity partners. There was never any cheating or anything otherwise untoward involved, but things always seemed to end within a year, leaving Chromedome heartbroken and never really up to his best in the show following each breakup. This should have been one such year - after Pivot - except that his new partner is so very sharp and exuberant and just plain magnetic that poor Domey finds himself drawn in regardless.
And I say poor Domey, because as mentioned above, Dominus Ambus is alive and kicking, not to mention in the audience every weekend.
Things get even more complicated when Rewind realises he’s also kinda interested in his new partner - possibly responding to Chromedome’s own feelings, no matter how hard he tries to hide them. They attract more than their fair share of judgemental social media comments, both as a result of things the tabloids dig up and from people speculating that they have a little too much chemistry on the dancefloor. Eyes are also, obviously, on Dominus each week, and he seems oddly impassive about the whole thing - but then, he always has been very guarded about his private affairs. It’s generally assumed that things will come to a head between him and Rewind soon enough, though.
Songs include a salsa to Faster by Matt Nathanson and - is it too on the nose for them to waltz to Memory during musicals week? I also want their charleston to be the PMJ cover of Chasing Pavements.
And this is soooooooooo cheesy, but I really want their rumba to be Unfaithful by Rihanna. THAT one gets a load of media attention, and it's the week following that they bow out instead of allowing the usual elimination process to go ahead.
The twist comes a couple of weeks later, after the media storm has died down; it gets stirred right back up again the moment a photo surfaces of Rewind and Dominus leaving a screening of Rewind’s latest hit… each of them holding one of Chromedome’s hands.
Some say that the reason Chromedome’s partners tended to leave him (until now) has something to do with his continued association/professional partnership with Prowl: a very old flame, but more importantly, a one-mech embodiment of the Strictly Curse.
This guy is a mess, and he gets everywhere: as well as Chromedome, it’s rumoured he was involved with Jazz at one point, and then there’s the assorted flings with his celebrity partners, including the two-year period where he made his way through both members of the same band who signed up for the show in succession... as well as the other four who didn’t.
He’s scary good technically though, and more than a little merciless, so no matter his reputation he usually manages to push his partners quite far into the competition. This year’s offering is scientist Tarantulas, who’s another bit of token representation, for the beastformers this time (my imaginary Cybertronian broadcasting network is apparently not the most progressive).
There’s no polite way to put this: I imagine they’re at each other almost immediately. Both very sharp, and driven, and inventive, and what begins as a glorious meeting of minds in initial training, ends in a quest for the nearest store cupboard. It’s not the most stable of arrangements - sure, Tarantulas is utterly smitten with Prowl’s vision and determination, but Prowl often struggles reining him in and getting him to knuckle down, and tends to resort to leaning a bit too heavily on the personal side of their relationship to get what he wants.  As with Ratchet and Drift, everyone’s on tenterhooks waiting for things to blow up, but somehow they actually reach the final. How long they’ll last beyond that is anyone’s guess.  
These guys have quite a few songs already. Paso to Poison by Alice Cooper (for Halloween week no less, it begins with Prowl trussed up on a giant fake web, and Tarantulas descending from the ceiling in fine accordance with Strictly tradition), jive to Jailhouse Rock, and their rumba is the PMJ cover of Blank Space, it's a Prowl song, fight me.
Also I'd like to think they could manage, like, a foxtrot to Viva La Vida but don't quote me on that. I also like the idea of a tango to Control by Halsey? And they don't have a musicals song yet so now I wanna chuck in a waltz to Sibella from Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder since that's my current obsession.
Elsewhere we have one of the younger dancers, who's been actively mentored by Prowl and has a not-so-friendly rivalry with Rodimus… Getaway!!! (Professional partner: Skids).
He actually goes out in the first week, bless him, through no fault of his own, as for some reason the producers saw fit to match him with Thunderclash. Predictably, this was an unmitigated disaster, and for the PR team it's even more of a problem, as one of the biggest names of this season has been kicked off before the show’s had a chance to begin - apparently, the routine was so bad that even Thunderclash’s fame wasn't enough to save him. For Getaway, it means that he's now hanging around at a bit of a loose end, since he still has to be there for the group numbers. Which gives him plenty of time to cause problems for…
Last but by no conceivable means least, Tailgate! When he joins the professional troupe he seems quite naive and childish, to the point that he’s not exactly taken seriously at first (for anyone who watches the show, think how AJ and his partners get a lot of high school/teen romance themed dances despite him being in his 20s).
THEN in this current series, who should come along but an unlikely celebrity entrant who Tailgate just so happens to be a MASSIVE fan of. Cyclonus is a singer of a… somewhat acquired taste, who’s been talked into this by his agent and is frankly dreading the latin dancing but can manage a tolerable waltz from the get-go. Being the aforementioned huge fan, Tailgate sweet-talks and pulls a few strings behind the scenes to get paired up with someone other than his usual ‘youngest celeb in the competition’.
As is the format of the show, Cyclonus doesn’t find out who his partner is until the ‘introduction’ episode; he’d been hoping for someone experienced and dependable, like Soundwave, so when he finds out the result he has misgivings to say the least. Tailgate by contrast is over the moon (that his scheme worked), and it definitely shows. That nets Cyclonus a bit of negative attention right out of the gate - he’s here looking all stoic and uptight and serious while Tailgate’s practically bouncing with joy, and words like ‘ungrateful’ and ‘stuck up’ get floated around social media a lot. (Although his painfully awkward expressions do become a bit of an ongoing meme).
(The expressions thing is also a problem during performances cause like, the whole serious, intense semi-glare works perfectly for a tango or a paso, but that shit will not fly in a waltz or a cha cha, and boy do the judges let him know it).
Tailgate, for his part, is a little surprised to discover how very reticent Cyclonus is, even in rehearsals. He’s dedicated enough to learning the routines, and quite adept at the performance aspect mostly thanks to his already strong connection to music, but trying to get even a word of small talk out of him is like trying to get blood from a stone. Tailgate takes it in his stride though, and chatters enough for two people to compensate.
It doesn’t take him long to suss out that Cyclonus isn’t entirely happy to be here, and he responds to that in a similar way, scheduling in little things to do together in their breaks and taking care at first not to push Cyclonus too far outside his comfort zone choreography-wise. He also, slightly misguidedly, tries to encourage the idea of them hanging out with his own professional partner… said partner, unfortunately, being Whirl, who manages to get right up Cyclonus’ nose.
(Those two have more success hitting it off when Cyclonus walks outside on a break, only to witness Whirl tearing the latest loitering photographer a new one. From there, it’s a weird kind of forged-in-strife bond, as they realise they’re about the only two people in these studios who actively flee media attention when it appears).
(Cyclonus has found some kind of storeroom that he uses as a bolt-hole in the event of said unwanted attention; Whirl absolutely sniffs said bolt-hole out, and proceeds to mercilessly bug him on his breaks).
Obviously, Cyclonus can’t fail to be touched by Tailgate’s efforts, and his easy kindness - though again, obviously, he’d never admit it. And thus begins the saga of the judges’ glowing comments, week by week, on Cyclonus’ performance skills (despite the face) and the evident chemistry they have while they’re dancing… only for Cyclonus to clam right the fuck up the moment the music stops. The way he acts during the rehearsal segments says a lot, though, even if he barely speaks during them.
Basically, they’re the couple where my mum would be watching them shrewdly each week, nodding and going “He’s head over heels, look.” and we, her dense af family, would reply “You what???”
So this whole thing continues to (very) slowly gather momentum for several weeks until.... Enter Getaway!! Who is salty that not only was he eliminated so very quickly, but also that literally all of the press attention went to Thunderclash, leaving him hanging around completely uselessly until next year. He decides to worm his way back into the limelight by stirring up some Drama, and sets his sights on poor Tailgate as his target.
What he doesn’t expect, however (and neither does Cyclonus really) is that his meddling almost pushes Cyclonus to quit the competition altogether - not feeling like he deserves or has anything to offer to Tailgate, but also unwilling to stay and watch all this bullshit unfold, especially now that the media’s caught wind of it. Unfortunately, Cyclonus’ misgivings get into the rumour mill somehow, and by the time Tailgate hears about them, his partner has apparently already handed in his notice. He then drops Getaway like a hot potato and goes running off to quit himself (because really, these two are both disasters), and it’s up to Whirl to drag Cyclonus out of the storeroom where he’s been brooding and get these two to actually talk, goddammit!
Aaaaaaand once that’s sorted, they’re still terribly awkward about pretty much everything. But! They’re getting there!!! By the time they reach the semi-final they’re the centre of plenty of gossip, though there’s no proof of anything yet as Whirl is being fucking militant about keeping non-show cameras away from their studio. It’s in the week following that someone finally gets a photo of them: on a break, sat outside, Cyclonus kissing Tailgate’s hands.
Dances! Cha cha to Power Of Love, obviously, since that's what kicked this whole thing off. (Am I a terrible person if they jive to Only The Good Die Young?) Then there's a charleston to Boyfriend by Lou Bega, a salsa to I Want You Back, and a rumba to the PMJ version of Jolene, all choreographed post-Getaway.
And I am VERY excited because I've realised they could waltz to Love Like You. They'd also have a Viennese waltz to No One Else from Great Comet in musicals week, and I like the idea of a tango to Devil’s Backbone, and a paso to Coat of Arms by Jonathan Thulin. And possibly an Argentine tango to La Llrona, if it was arranged the way it is in Coco (“Alas, Llrona in sky blue”, I have to, guys. I have to) .
ALSO I'm going to cheat and say that Power Of Love is just one of their regular week dances, since it isn't just from a movie, as I also want a foxtrot to Beauty and the Beast because a) it’s perfect for them and b) mandatory A Day Or Forever reference.
They make it to the final, and showdance to Shrike by Hozier. AND because I am the creator of this au and My Word Is God, I’m hereby declaring that they end up as the winners. So there. :p
And congrats to anyone who actually made it this far!!!! As I said above, please send me ideas for songs, judges, anything, really! :D
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Trope: Unplanned Pregnancy AU (Hannigram AU)
Explicit // M/M // Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham // Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Reel Fest, Junior AU, Tropes, Unplanned Pregnancy, Mpreg, Alpha Hannibal Lecter, Omega Will Graham, Science, Science Experiments, Infertility, Fertility Issues, Awkward Flirting, Masturbation, suspected substance abuse, Sassy Will Graham, Pharma Event, Dancing, Flirting, Awkwardness, body conscious, suspicious Kade, more awkward flirting, First Kiss, Kissing, Will is a bit of a liability to be fair, seriously everyone is just blowing hot and cold and need to just get their shit together, Dating, Realization, Confrontations, Revelations, undercover as an omega, Reunions, Reconciliation, Pregnant Sex, intersex omega, Vaginal Sex, (Almost) Fisting, Knot Denial, Labour, Childbirth, Complications, harrowing childbirth, Jack loves Bella, Happy Ending Words: 23730 Chapters: 4/4
Trope Trope: Exploring fic tropes in an Omegaverse setting : [Sharing A Bed (Hannigram)] [Coffee Shop AU (Hannigram AU] [Awkward First Meeting (DogsDogs)] [Fake Date (Hannigram)] [Student/Teacher (Aiden/Le Chiffre)] [Stranded Together/Snowed In (Mortimer/Jon)] [Flower Shop (Basic Chickens)] [Sex Pollen (Hannigram AU)] [Stranded Together/Snowed In (Hannigram)] [Friends To Lovers (Hannigram AU)] [Sex to Love (Valhalla Enchanted)] [Sharing A Bed (Tristhad)] [College AU (Hannigram AU)] [Celebrity AU (Spacedogs AU)] [Slave Auction (Basic Chickens AU)] [Celebrity AU (Hannigram AU)] [Food Critic AU (Hannigram AU)] [College AU (Valhalla Enchanted Modern AU)] [Blind Date AU (Hannigram AU & Spacedogs)] [Coffee Shop AU (Spacedogs)] [Porn Star AU (Hannigram AU)] [Magical Healing Penis AU (Hannigram AU)] [Arranged Marriage AU (Hannigram AU)] [Flower Shop AU (Hannigram AU)] [Unplanned Pregnancy AU (Hannigram AU)] [MORE COMING SOON] [Trope Fics on Tumblr]
Things take an unexpected turn when scientists Hannibal Lecter and Jack Crawford lose funding for their fertility treatment research.
A Junior (1994) AU for @reel-hannibal
[Patreon] [Ko-fi] [Commissions] [My Fics on Tumblr] [TigerPrawn on AO3]
[Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Final Chapter]
“Goddamn it!” Will exclaimed his frustration as the man he hit into took the brunt of both himself and the unit. The unit stopped with a small jerk which made everything inside rattle. But Will was unable to do anything immediately about that as the momentum took him and the man to the floor.
“Ooof.” The air was knocked out of Will as he landed on top of the alpha, who was wearing an expression somewhere between annoyed and confused. “Thanks.” Will forced out, begrudgingly.
“You’re welcome.” The reply was a soft croon as the alpha’s features softened - it made Will clench his jaw. He really didn’t like suave alphas, too damn full of themselves. All thinking they are some sort of hero, and this one was likely no exception - especially considering the situation.
Will stopped himself from blurting that he wasn’t some kind of omega in distress and was usually quite capable of not throwing himself onto unsuspecting alphas, but even in his head he knew the words were wrong. The last thing he needed was to let this guy think he was hungry for an alpha - that old stereotype. All career until you meet the right one.
“Ugh.” Will made the sound of distaste at his own thoughts before he even realised it, earning a quirked brow from the alpha he still lay bodily on top of.
“Well, as pleasant as this has been, I can’t spend the day down here.” There was a gentle smile that took the edge of bite from word. Even so Will screwed up his face into a look of disgust and clambered off of the alpha.
Will went immediately to the unit, first checking the readouts and then opening it to make sure nothing inside was damaged and letting out a sigh of relief to find all was well. Another suited man was stood next to it, looking over it with interest before being pulled out of his study by Prurnell’s voice.
“Gentleman,” her tone was stern and it took Will a moment to realise she wasn’t addressing him but the two alphas in suits. Both in suits rather than lab coats. “I thought you would be gone by now.”
“We’re going.” The alpha next to him responded gruffly before they both went out through the door Will had just come through.
Will frowned and shook his head, completely at a loss as to what had just happened.
cc. @hannigramfanfic
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ellicler · 6 years
mtmte #35
so okay. b/c my style of ehhh critique / discussion / thinking about the comic has really been tending to the monologuing form more and more, I’ve been thinking of just putting my takes on individual issues here and then linking them in the chat (and now i’ve been encouraged to do so), so here goes. I might do a backlog actually if I have time later, but now let’s just plunge right in. (this one is a backlog though, just to iron out the kinks.)
MTMTE 35 ‘The Custom-Made Now - An Elegant Chaos Prologue’ tfwiki
 to get the ‘now’ stuff out of the way: Trailcutter!!
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A Very Upsetting Image I suppose someone (Hoist!) must've put the Rodimus star in there... ...
of course the world-building in this issue is exquisite & exquisitely creepy. i love that the reason Dominus hasn't been calling Minimus for the past months is probably him being turned into a 'flathead' and not being indifferent to his brother as he (and the readers) probably think at first. and it's in part because he wouldn't want to put Minimus at risk by making anyone aware of his (negative) reaction to the news; but also it reads as if Dominus is actually ashamed. he doesn't come out immediately to greet his brother, and even though he plays it cool & is sarcastic he's still reticent i think. 'my brother has always been hard to read'
my favorite part of the issue is still the ending i think? it's about the government co-opting even the very bodies of the populace, and all three of our protags are feeling it in themselves in the final scene. amazing dystopia A+
and now onto the complaints!! i critique because i love
firstly i think the history behind the functionists' rise to power & subsequent rule isn't well thought-out? these totalitarian regimes always try and frighten the people with external & internal threats, playing them up into an agressive paranoia. we see nothing of the sort here: there's no agressive rhetoric about idk obsolete classes (who are stealing your energon & jobs), there's no overt aggression even directed at organics (instead of 'we'll not give a single foot of our land' it's all 'lol at those moon-huggers' - a great word / concept btw! also i love how JRo never forgets to add some real facts to feed the organic / mechanic hatred & opposition so that the Cons don't sound deluded when they talk about the organic threat etc.)
also i really really refuse to believe that without Megatron there has been no attempted revolution. in a society with ever worsening conditions sliding toward totalitarianism?? there must've been some sort of ugly violence, some rebellions, even if they ultimately didn't succeed w/o Megatron's genius politicking
like, this whole idea of history as being directed / made by exceptional individuals?? is really really pre-marxist xD same goes for the way Megatron & others guess at Brainstorm's plan: win the victory for the Cons by killing Orion Pax. history... really isn't that simplistic. (now i want an AU where in place of OP there's Prowl who quickly wins the war and goes on to become a dictator on par with Megatron)
another point: i don't get why the functionist council is so... over-the-top evil?? why they couldn't be just normal mechs being methodical bureaucrats about mass extermination. i think that's plenty frightening. these almost identical half-empurata modes, this air of operatic villainy... it just makes me think of broadway musicals, black leather capes, maybe that jewish council (...Sanhedrin) from JCS. it just detracts from my suspension of disbelief idk
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apparently these are Ratchet and Pharma? at least tfwiki thinks so. so the last thing: for all the bots who we see alive and more-or-less well in the present day FU, i can say that it throws a deep shadow over the integrity of their characters? (there's a saying... from a communist fairy tale i read as a kid i think? that goes smth like: with such people in power all the good men are found in prisons.) it's the same here: all the 'good' people must've already done something and suffered the consequences, oh, a couple million years ago? or otherwise been frightened into submission by the whole totalitarian social machine, but then... then they'd be different, broken and used to duplicity and double-think and insidious moral corruption, constant compromises with TPTB. and if they only just began to rebel or realised that it was an option? that means they've struggled to stay willfully blind all these millions of years, which is. a very sad and a very scary story i think, and i would've liked to have it acknowledged on page a bit more? although Rewind's matter-of-fact usage of slurs and the whole way he talks about politics in public goes towards making that point, as does Dominus' job of 'ranking the animals' (which he'd agreed to do! he's been a useful and obedient tool in the council's hands for a very long time), but it still doesn't go nearly far enough i think
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
I can imagine Pharma actually liking Tarn in the blind AU, especially if Tarn is polite and respectful when they talk. Could easily turn their meeting in Delphi to a meet cute. Since Pharma has no reason to fear Tarn if he doesn't know he is a Decepticon. All he knows is that this Tarn is a miner on Messatine who broke his t-cog during work. And maybe Tarn doesn't see the reason to start threatening this blind doctor. He is gonna get free surgeries by just being polite anyway 😂 If you ever end up writing blind Pharma, I'd love to read it 👀
Thanks! IDK if I'll post anything on AO3 since I only post complete/coherent stories there, but maybe I'll write snippets and post them on here for fun!
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aloneinthedark233 · 4 years
Ich denke Sie machen fremde Probleme zu Ihren Problemen und das müssen Sie ja nicht, denn es tut Ihnen nicht gut. Versuchen Sie.....
Wie Bitte?
"Ich habe gesagt Egoistin..... Sie sind eine Egoistin Punkt."
Wie kommen Sie darauf mich als Egoistin zu beurteilen?
" Weil sie einfach eine sind. Sie Reden davon, dass ich meine Augen verschließen soll, dass ist ein Teil vom Egoismus "
Ich meinte, Sie können es ja "sehen", aber sie dürfen es nicht an sich ran kommen lassen Herr Mi......., verstehen Sie was ich damit meine?
"Ja verstehe ich. Sie sind eine viel größere Egoistin als ich bis eben dachte. Ich soll also erst nicht hinsehen und jetzt soll ich es auch noch Heucheln? Sie sagen mir, ich solle die Augen verschließen und so tun als würde ich es verstehen, aber soll nicht helfen aus Angst das es mir was? Besser geht, weil ich evtl helfen kann? Soll ich nicht Helfen, damit Menschen wie sie gewinnen? "
Nein das meine ich nicht damit. Sie dürfen sich nicht zu tief in andere Probleme sich hinein steigern, verstehen Sie?
"Wie soll ich verstehen, wenn ich mich nicht damit intensiv befasse und ich mich eben deswegen so intensiv da rein versetze? ....................."
Haben Sie Ihre Stimme verloren Herr Mi......?
"Nein, ich gebe Ihnen Bedenkzeit über Ihre Worte nachzudenken........"
Über welche Worte soll ich denn nachdenken?
"Na ihre ständigen wiedersprüche die Sie mir geben. Ich soll nichts sehen, ich soll nicht verstehen, ich solle alles so hinnehmen wie es ist. Also kurz gesagt, so werden wie Sie? "
Manche Sachen können Sie einfach nicht ändern Herr Mi..... Das müssen Sie auch mal so Akzeptieren und hinnehmen.
"Sage ich doch, Egoistin und Blind. Genau wegen solchen Leuten wie Ihnen,geben andere Ihr Leben auf. Sie funktionieren nur, weil sie Funktionieren müssen um Geld zu verdienen. Das Menschliche ist Ihnen egal, solange es Geld bringt. Sie verschließen Ihre eigenen Augen und obwohl es vor ihnen steht,sitzt erkennen Sie es nicht."
Wenn ich eine Egoistin wäre, wie sie mich betiteln, dann würde ich wohl kaum diese Arbeit hier machen.
"Sie haben sich diese Arbeit ausgesucht, also sollten Sie auch wissen was Sie da tun. Ihre Aussagen sind widersprüchlich, sie versuchen mir zu erklären, dass man einige Dinge nicht ändern kann. Jene Dinge die Sie zudem gemacht haben was Sie sind? Ist das ihr Ziel? Ihre Arbeit machen Sie vlt aus 50% weil es eine gute Arbeit ist die Ihnen gefällt, die anderen 50% um Geld zu generieren damit sie Leben können. Was verdienen Sie so mit Ihrer Arbeit? Sie werden doch nach Sitzungen bezahlt oder? Also Rechnen wir Ihre Arbeitszeit/pro Sitzung =Summe X. Jetzt verdoppeln wir die Anzahl der sitzung von einer pro Tag, auf 2 pro Tag also 2×1 Sitzung = doppelte Einnahme oder?...... wieviel Menschen schieben sie am Tag so durch ihre Blindheit? Sie wollen helfen,dass war vlt mal ihre Motivation diese Arbeit zu machen, dass glaube ich Ihnen auch, aber jetzt mittlerweile geht es nur noch um effizientes Geldverdienen, denn der Mercedes bezahlt sich bestimmt nicht alleine oder? Also Helfen sie noch, oder funktionieren sie nur noch um den Steigenden Kosten entgegen zu wirken? Wie wichtig ist der Erfolg Ihrer Arbeit noch? Wie hoch sind Ihre Erfolge? Und warum verkaufen Sie sich an der Pharma Industrie, damit Sie deren Medikamente verschreiben? Ist die Gewinnausschüttung aufgrund der wirklich Therapierten Menschen so gering, dass sie "krank " bleiben müssen nur um ihre Gier zu Finanzieren?......... gute Frau ...... willkommen im Realen Leben. In der Realen Welt in der Sie die Gier gepackt hat und Blind"
0 notes
a-big-apple · 7 years
TAZ Fic Recs
I’m bad at keeping bookmarks or remembering titles or remembering authors’ names, so I’m keeping my TAZ recs in a post instead! There are TONS of great fics in this fandom, and here’s a surely incomplete list of some that brought me particular joy.
Newest additions to the list are at the top, last updated February 2020.
Hey hey, marry me Barry by @qpenguin98 - rated Teen and Up
If you want to just be emotionally shattered by romance in really lovely and positive ways, please read this fic. This might be my favorite Blupjeans story I’ve ever read. It’s beautiful, it’s skillfully and subtly written, it has great emotional payoff, and I cried a LOT. I don’t want to give too much description of the plot because it was really impactful going in blind, but it’s all about Barry and the rest of Lup’s family ganging up to make her (and themselves) really happy, and it’s beautiful.
because that’s what love is (equivalent exchange) by teacuptaako - rated Teen and Up
This fic broke me a little. It’s Barry’s POV on the Starblaster, getting to know everyone, falling in love with Lup, and trying to figure out Taako. This is a FAB outside perspective on Taako’s weird outer layers of personality. Plus Barry is just such a good dude, it’s impossible to not love this trip inside his head!
Dumb Interspecies Relations series by nah_tho - rated Explicit
If you’re into Taako and Brad Bradson, well, you’ve probably already read this series? But if you haven’t, DO. What starts out as a fun sexy romp gets plotty and full of worldbuilding, Taako is a fantastic mess, and Brad is trying real hard. This series is hilarious, hot, sometimes suspenseful, and the final story made me cry.
got a license to kill (and you know I’m going straight for your heart) by @hoothootmotherf-ckers - rated Teen and Up
THIS FIC WAS MY GIFT IN THE 2019 TAZ CANDLENIGHTS GIFT EXCHANGE, I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE IT. It’s so wonderful!! A multi-chapter assassin AU with some coffee shop and fake relationship in there too, unbelievable. Lup is a badass. Barry is adorable. They love each other, and also get shot at, and also fight Big Pharma. Please go read it, srsly.
After the War by theauthoress - Not Rated
This fic took a twist I haven’t seen before, and I loved it! Dredging up some good angst from Taako’s past and then from Kravitz’s, it delivers a punch and then soothes you again with some good sibling stuff. I don’t want to say more and give away the surprise, but if you like some Taakitz hurt/comfort, do check this one out.
Apogee by @charmandhex - rated Teen and Up
I admit, I am one of those who think Taako won’t ever forgive Lucretia, but that they can be civil again, and maybe even friends. This fic captures that so beautifully, how much history there is between them that neither of them can escape. It’s lovely, and Taako is baller, and I read it twice in a row.
you know, elf practice series by @anonymousalchemist - rated from General to Teen and Up
Yet another one that I can’t believe I didn’t already have on this list. I know the elf practice thing as a meme has mostly vanished into the tumblr ether, but these two fics are on my mind always. They’re just so unusual, and the kind of creepy that’s treated as matter-of-fact (which is the best kind of creepy). What if elves had to, you know, practice? To become elves? Just thinking about it gives me a shiver, I love this fairycore take on Taako and Lup and their upbringing.
the kid, the future forthcoming by @anonymousalchemist - rated Teen and Up
Seriously, how did I not have this on my list already, I reread it all the time! It’s so incredibly hard to make second person work, and this fic really works. It’s a short and compelling vignette of young Taako’s life, and young Taako-and-Lup’s life, and the difficulties of a scrappy teenhood. It’s a little heartbreaking, and full of perfect moments that I think about a lot. Also, tiny Barry cameo that gives me so many feels! Also also, just...the mood of it is so good, the inside-of-Taako’s-head feeling, wonderful.
Taking the dogs home by Anonymous - rated Mature
What an extremely quiet and beautiful story! Set after Story and Song, at Magnus’ house in an almost dreamlike country woods setting. Taako shows up out of the blue, perhaps escaping a problem he won’t discuss, and falls back into Magnus’ small town routine. There’s a lot of subtly layered domesticity and realistic, compelling Taagnus feeling. Also, a dog! 
Heads/Tails by unprofessionalbard - rated Teen and Up
Short and powerful! I loved this fic. A really well-characterized look at Taako and Kravitz, and how their jobs and their personal lives intersect and interfere with each other. I don’t want to give anything away because it unfolds really precisely, I think, so--just go read it! It’s awesome.
and at a certain age the child is grown by bimaukery - rated Teen and Up
This is a really beautiful, bittersweet modern AU. The IPRE family move into Angus’ grandpa’s house, while Angus is still there, and he can’t understand why. He watches them, tries in small ways to interact with them--as they try to figure out what to do about the little ghost haunting their new house. Honestly, go read this and cry over it for a while, it’s lovely.
The Shrike and the Thorn by JoyfullyyoursDav ( @keplercryptids ) - rated Teen and Up
If you haven’t had enough of crying about Taako and Lup, here’s a great fic for you. That Good Sibling Shit, flashbacks, memory loss, beautiful conversations, just...everything I could want in a lovely little package. Also, PLEASE check out this author’s other stories, so many great ones!
(when i think about you) flowers grow out of my grave by @phantomsteed - rated Teen and Up
This Taakitz fic is one of my fav kinds of modern AU: Taako works in a flower shop, Krav is a mortician, they meet cute and fall in love! The ensemble are all there in the background, including a very adorable Angus and a soon-to-be-married Carey and Killian, but what really got me about this is the gentle and steady way our favorite boys fall in love. There are also SUPER lovely illustrations by @karinhart sprinkled throughout!
a fool for lesser things by himemiyaa - rated Teen and Up
This fic charmed the PANTS off me, and made me teary to boot. Taako and Kravitz are new roommates in this community college AU (and, surprise, they end up together). I love the way Taako slowly opens up in this story, to Kravitz, to the community of friends Lup has built that he’s been keeping himself outside of, and especially to Garyl the cat. It feels so real, and like a reminder to myself to be more vulnerable in my own life! Please go read this, it will lift your spirits.
Among the Ruins by @distractedkat - rated Teen and Up
I don’t know how I went so long without finding this fic, and then for a little while I resisted because I wasn’t sure about the description. Finally over the weekend I read the whole thing in a sitting, and I’m SO glad I did. It’s fantastic!! This AU reimagines the canon if Taako’s time post-Sizzle It Up had gone differently. What follows from that is an engrossing and plausible version of events with lots of action, lots of funny lines, lots of feelings, and lots more Lup! There’s a little angst, a lot of twins and Taakitz goodness, and a wonderfully happy ending. If you’re looking for something nice and long to dive into, definitely try this one.
Angus McDonald and the Flight of the Flying V by @mystery-moose - rated Teen and Up
This was one of the first fics I read in this fandom, before I thought to keep track of things I liked or bookmark them to find them again. Then it turned up in @marywhal‘s rec list, and I was overjoyed to find it again! As the rest of this list will show, I have a special weakness for stories about Taako as Angus’ guardian, and this one really shaped my headcanons about their relationship. In the main portion of the story, a grown-up Angus with his own detective agency is working a case--with a bored and lonely Taako’s help. Interspersed with the mystery are flashbacks to their time on the road as Sizzle it Up with Taako and Company, achingly soft glimpses of Angus’ post-finale childhood as Taako and Kravitz’s sort-of-son. I think it was finished before the actual finale aired, so it isn’t entirely canon-compliant, but it captures the same tone beautifully.
i will buy the flower shop by @weatheredlaw - rated Teen and Up
I saved this fic for an emotionally rainy day, because I had a feeling it would brighten things up. It absolutely did! A modern restaurant AU with all the necessary found family feelings, and all of our favorite characters with lives that aren’t perfect but that get better with communication and vulnerability and persistent joy. If you’re looking for something poignant and satisfying, something to lighten a bad day, this fic is an excellent choice.
Taako and Hurley’s Maximum Fun Drive by detectivelion - rated Teen and Up
WHAT A ROMP! If you’re longing to get back to the high speed action of battlewagon racing, this is the fic to read. Set after the Day of Story and Song, the whole crew (Hurley and Sloane included, of course) face off in a madcap race that really recaptured the spirit of Petals to the Metal for me.
Bureau of Badass ( @bureauofbadass ) by @chemicallywrit  and @miceenscene  - rated Teen and Up
This fic almost feels too obvious to rec, and yet I can’t not. SUCH AN ENGROSSING READ! Take all your favorite characters, stick them in the 90′s, give them attitude and relatable problems, and put them on skates--then you’ve got this roller derby AU. I don’t even know what else to say about it, because if that doesn’t make you want to read it, nothing will. As of this writing it’s a WIP, but there are over 100 chapters extant to read and only a few more yet to come!
and the warmth will never die by Junkyard_Rose - rated Teen and Up
This is an extraordinary fic. It’s a modern setting AU in which Taako and Lup were separated as kids and have made lives for themselves while searching for each other, which is wonderful all by itself. What stands out about this one, though, is the non-chronological way it’s told. Every chapter gives little glimpses into the pasts and presents of both twins, sometimes the same events from different angles, revealing a tiny bit of new information each time. I never found it confusing, just extremely interesting and vibrant, and SO emotionally satisfying in the last few chapters! The prose is beautiful too, sometimes I read it aloud to myself!
songs for revelations by @weatheredlaw  - rated Mature
So many of weatheredlaw’s fics wreck me in a variety of ways, but this one is maybe my favorite. It only has two chapters so far, but it’s SO EVOCATIVE and unusual and sometimes I just sit and think about it and wonder what will happen next. It’s the soft-apocalypse-adjacent AU I didn’t know I needed. Or, if you want to get fucked up by something finished, try their series all the way across the universe!
Bury the Lead by @marywhal - rated Teen and Up
Such a brilliant story! High school AUs are hard to do well, I think, and this is one of the best. It’s an ensemble story but from Taako’s POV, filled with extremely relatable versions of all the characters we know and love. There’s newspaper nerdery, wicked cool language stuff, and a million great moments that made me laugh, or cry, or both. Even if you don’t like AUs, I urge you to try this one!
Patterns of Migration by goodnicepeople - rated Teen and Up
Let me preface this by saying that I really want to put EVERYTHING by this author on my list. Their stories are all incredible, soft and beautiful and painful in good ways. It was hard to choose a favorite to list here, but this one is really special and elegantly crafted. It follows Angus and Magnus as child and parent, a progression over time as Angus grows up and Magnus slows down. In later chapters the addition of Taako to the dynamic produces some really lovely scenes, and also some very sad scenes--I cried a TON reading it.
Angus McDonald and the Case of the Mysterious Butter Wyvern by yassan - rated General Audiences
This is one of the funniest fics I’ve read in this fandom so far, and one of the closest in tone to the actual show. THB plus Angus is a great equation no matter what they’re doing, but when they’re shopping for a birthday present for the Director it takes on a whole new level of crazy. 
what can the harvest hope for by lagaudiere - rated Teen and Up
I think this is the first story on this list from Kravitz’s POV, and it’s GREAT. Full of great Reaper Squad interactions and marvelous Taakitz scenes, alternating with a really interesting, sometimes a little creepy, examination of John Hunger in the Eternal Stockade. If you’re into gray-area redemption stories and Kravitz being wonderful, then this is for you.
Oh have you seen my ghost? by greenglowsgold - rated Mature
Let me say first: if abuse or assault with intent to rape are triggering for you, you’ll probably want to give this one a pass. If that’s not an issue, then this is an excellently written and heart-hurting story about Taako’s past with Sazed, as seen through an unexpected and dangerous encounter. It’s beautifully subtle, and the last few lines legit broke my heart.
Reverie - by ltdominic - rated Teen and Up
Update: Reverie is finished! And it’s so beautiful, everything the first chapter hinted it would be. It’s one of my favorite themes, fucked-up Taako recovering from losing memories and getting them back. It’s painful and lovely, featuring a family who can see that something is wrong but can’t quite fix it, intermingled with backstory flashbacks. This story really captures the day to day struggle; there’s a crisis, and improvement, but there’s no perfectly happy ending.
“Cute, but still fucked up.” - by writersstareoutwindows - rated General Audiences
If you’re looking for a short and sweet pick-me-up in your day, this is it! The author drops you into a pitch-perfect and adorable scene between Taako, Lup, and Angus. They’ve captured a teasing-but-loving dynamic between the three that made me grin like a lunatic.
Taste Test (They Were Delicious) - by @marywhal - rated Teen and Up
Another moving and wonderful Taako-centric fic, made up of a series of vignettes set from the Starblaster years onward. Each section features a different meal (with a recipe, which is exciting), and a beautifully-written glimpse into Taako’s relationships. Lup features heavily, as one might guess, but the real through line is Lucretia, who poignantly bookends the story.
it takes a village - series by neverwinter ( @nxymxrjr ) - ratings range from General to Mature
This series is a modern AU full of extremely beautiful and moving found family interactions, told mostly from Angus’ point of view, and heavily featuring Taako as his legal guardian. You will notice if you read through this rec list that Taako and Angus as flawed-father-figure-and-son is MY FAVORITE THING, and this author does it so, so well. There’s some good parenting, some good sibling stuff with Taako and Lup, lovely Taakitz romance, and frequent cameos by the rest of the TAZ family. None of the stories in the series are explicit so far, but mind the tags for things like mental health issues, past abuse, and blood. Also, DEFINITELY check out their other TAZ stories!
with a pace and fury defiant - by redqueentheory - rated Mature
This author explores Taako’s inner life post-finale and the darker emotions that could follow that glorious happy ending. When he locates Kalen, he and Merle plan a road/camping trip with Magnus as cover and set off to avenge Julia. It’s beautifully written, sometimes painfully emotive (in a good way), and describes so much of what I headcanon about Taako’s feelings and how he deals with them that it’s like the author was reading my mind. It’s WONDERFUL (but check the tags, there is some violence). Do check out their other work as well, especially if you are into Bradko!
running into the sun (but i’m running behind) - by @quillyfied - rated General Audiences
Set between Crystal Kingdom and 11th Hour, this is a fantastic THB bonding fic! The bubble cannon breaks and strands the boys in the middle of the Faerun countryside, forcing them into a road trip that alternates wonderfully between sweet moments, drama from the past coming back to bite them, and very funny goofs. Their voices feel really in character to me, and the tone of this story is light enough that it could be a bonus episode of the show. I absolutely loved it, and I reread it all the time! Also, if you are a Davenchurch fan, definitely read i have loved the stars too fondly.
Wizard of Fortune - series by @fiercebadrabbit - rated General Audiences
This author has resisted the temptation to make Taako a Reaper when he dies--instead, he becomes a servant of Istus, creating a unique, beautiful, fascinating version of the far future in the Balance universe. I LOVE IT, so so much. Taako’s unusual personality shines through in all of his interactions, viewed through the eyes of the strangers who benefit from the hand of Fate. The writing has a lovely, mystical feel, which is a style I adore! This author has also written some very charming Taakitz, so check that out as well.
UPDATE: When fiercebadrabbit asked for ficlet requests, I excitedly asked for more Taako as a servant of Istus--and got THIS WONDERFUL GEM in reply! Go read it for excellent sibling sass!
through the days you will dream of losing me and losing you - by @androidsfighting - rated Teen and Up
I love stories about memory, and this one BREAKS ME every time I read it. An exceptionally written look at Taako after the finale and how he recovers (or doesn’t) from the effects of the Voidfish. There’s some really excellent Taako and Lup scenes, some great Barry, some great Lucretia, and lots of very visceral prose about remembering and forgetting and the confusion in between. It’s fairly short, but packs a powerful punch. I feel like this is both the fic I’ve wanted since hearing the finale and also the fic I’ve been trying to write since finishing the finale, so it’s both perfect and intimidating!
Luster - by @lsunnyc - rated Mature
This one is a WIP, but nearly done and worth the wait! After the finale, Taako is abducted from the train on a business trip to Goldcliff. The story alternates between Taako’s perspective, imprisoned but viciously determined to escape, and the rest of the TAZ family trying frantically to track him down when they realize he never made it to his destination. It’s SO DAMN GOOD YOU GUYS. Taako is very in character here and his intelligence and power really shine under stress; the worldbuilding of the “prison” where he’s trapped is also precise and fantastic. Every day that this fic has an update is a Good Day for me. Keep an eye on the tags though, there’s some carefully written dubcon.
Our own, soft hearts - series by @wildgoosery - ratings range from Teen to Explicit
If you, like me, longed to hear more of Taako and Kravitz on dates, then this series is your antidote! They’re so in character, and they’re so in love, and their every interaction is so wonderful. This fic really brings me joy, and also is sexy as hell. Also, the most recent installment is a wonderfully drawn fan comic! The author’s other work is also sexy and great, do check it out!
<3 If you’ve made it all the way to the bottom of this list and want even more fic to read, may I humbly suggest mine? Mostly about Taako, light touches of angst, and hopefully prose that approaches the wonderfulness of the stories I’ve recced here. 
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uruguru · 4 years
Ein Irrenhaus ist nichts dagegen.
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So fühlt es sich zumindest an!
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Europa ist die Zentrale. Hallo aus Uruguay, vermutlich werden sehr viele meiner Meinung sein, dass das was uns im Moment geboten wird, der Wahnsinn schlechthin ist. Von den Einen wird der mächtigstes Mann der Welt nieder gemacht als wäre er der größte Idiot den die Welt jemals gesehen hat. Von den Anderen wieder wird er in den Himmel gehoben. Was bitte kann man heute noch glauben? Da werden im Labor Viren erzeugt welche die Welt in eine Schockstarre legen, es wird Angst erzeugt um die Menschen damit unter Kontrolle zu halten. Alles was wirtschaftlich aufgebaut wurde wird wissentlich und absichtlich gegen die Wand gefahren. Es profilieren sich Menschen als so genannte Experten, die vormals schon bewiesen haben, dass sie eigentlich keine Ahnung haben. Aber sie labern denen nach dem Mund, welche von der Situation profitieren, darum sind sie so geschätzt. Es tun sich Menschen aufspielen die denken sie könnten mit ihrem Geld alles was sie haben wollen kaufen um sich die Welt so zurecht zu biegen wie sie denken dass es richtig wäre. Dass sie dabei bereit sind buchstäblich über Millionen von Leichen zu gehen spielt für die Meisten erst dann eine Rolle wenn sie selbst betroffen sind. Wir werden von Organisationen geleitet, die genau diese Idioten unterstützen und somit ins gleiche Horn blasen. Organisationen welche man, wenn man es genau nimmt, verbieten und auflösen müsste. Ja ich rede hier von der UNO, der WHO und allem was damit zusammen hängt. Auch der IWF gehört mit dazu. Stiftungen - Foundations wie sie genannt werden, NGO's usw. wurden einstmals gegründet um eventuell etwas Gutes für die Welt zu initiieren. Doch wenn man sich anschaut was aus denen geworden ist, dann kann man das kalte Grausen bekommen. Und leider kommen nicht Viele auf die Idee genau diese Stiftungen zu prüfen oder gar aufzulösen und zu verbieten. Eine hat sich nach der damaligen Wahlniederlage in den USA sofort selbst eliminiert. Es war die Clinton Foundation. Ein Zeichen dafür wie das schlechte Gewissen gedrückt hat und die Angst, dass alle Bosheiten nun zum Vorschein kommen, für die man zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird. Lug und Trug ist in dieser Welt immer noch salonfähig. Wer am besten Lügen kann hat gute Chancen was zu werden in dieser verrückten Welt. Gerade die Politik braucht solche Menschen. Damit lässt sich materieller Wohlstand erreichen, ob er aber erhalten bleibt steht auf einem anderen Blatt Papier. Welches Format diese Personen haben sieht man an denen die gerade so maaslos an der "Macht" sind. Wer ehrlich ist, der muss gehen! Da werden Geheimdienstchefs abgesägt nur weil sie einmal die Wahrheit sagten, langjährige Mitarbeiter im Innenministerium suspendiert, nur weil sie Ihrer Aufgabe nachkommen und auf Fehler hinweisen was ja eigentlich die Aufgabe eines jeden guten Mitarbeiters sein sollte. Nein ich nenne keine Namen, ihr kennt sie alle. Da werden Wahlen rückgängig gemacht weil das Ergebnis nicht in die Rechnung passt. So viel zu Demokratie und Wahlen. Offensichtlicher ging es wohl nicht mehr, der Wahlbetrug. Von dem Bundespräsidenten der ohne Wahl schon vorher ernannt wurde ganz zu schweigen. Ein Konglomerat aus Politik und Medien gängelt die Bevölkerung, hält sie mit falschen Nachrichten, also Lügen, im Dummen und wer aufmuckt weil er merkelt, dass etwas nicht so ist wie es erzählt wird, der bekommt es mit dem Gesetz zu tun welches sich natürlich auch an die Weisungen aus der Politik gebunden fühlt. Und nein es ist nicht nur in Deutschland so, es ist in fast ganz Europa ähnlich. Und dann kommt ein Mann, der vorgibt genau dieses Alles bekämpfen zu wollen, der sich wirklich Mühe gibt und sehr viel auch schon erreicht hat, der wirklich der Einzige ist, der auch das Zeug, die Stärke und den Willen dazu hat, das Ganze zu ändern, diesen Mann macht man, wie oben schon erwähnt, zum angeblich größten Idioten unserer Zeit. https://youtu.be/W3m5WBg3McA Mensch Leute, ich frage Euch wirklich, was bitte ist mit Euch Allen los? Warum klemmt ihr so angstvoll die Arschbacken zusammen und folgt denen, die so dermaßen offensichtlich nur Böses von Euch wollen, so blind und dumm hinterher? Muss es Euch wirklich erst noch sehr viel schlechter gehen als es im Moment schon geht? Ihr habt Angst alles zu verlieren und darum macht ihr Nichts dagegen und genau weil ihr Nichts macht, darum werdet ihr Alles verlieren. Sie werden Euch nicht nur die Freiheit, welche man Euch gerade in dieser Fake Corona Krise genommen hat kaum noch wiedergeben. Sie werden Euch auch noch das was ihr denkt, dass ihr es besitzt, wegnehmen. Sie werden Euch das Mal des Teufels einen Chip unter die Haut drücken, Euch das Bargeld wegnehmen, jeden Schritt den ihr macht kontrollieren, Euch impfen und somit wirklich infizieren und so krank machen, dass sich Big Pharma schon die Hände reibt. Totengräber wird zukünftig ein gefragter Beruf sein. Doch Stopp! Es muss nicht so kommen. Ihr habt es in der Hand! Hört auf denen zu folgen welche im Moment denken das Sagen zu haben. Ihr habt es in der Hand, Ihr gebt denen die Macht welche sie gegen Euch verwenden. Ihr gebt ihnen die Macht in dem ihr weiter arbeiten geht als wäre nichts gewesen, einkaufen geht zur Schule geht usw. Genau darin liegen die Fehler. Legt das Leben lahm, weigert Euch dahin zu gehen wo man von Euch Einschränkungen verlangt und sei es nur wenn es darum geht eine Maske zu tragen und Abstand zu halten. Politik und Wirtschaft lebt vom Volk welches das Alles akzeptiert und bedient. Das sollte auch der Dümmste von Euch verstehen können. 1989 ließ man Euch den Willen weil es der Politik und dem System förderlich war, dass sich beide Deutschland wieder vereinigen. Wer denkt es war ein Sieg fürs Volk der irrt wie sich mittlerweile so ganz offensichtlich herausgestellt hat. Die Gleichen welche damals schon das Sagen hatten sind auch heute wieder an der Spitze und sorgen für genau die Zustände die damals schon zum Protest führten.  Dieses Mal machen sie es nur noch schlimmer weil sie mehr Mittel zur Hand haben als damals. Alle Macht geht vom Volk aus. So heißt es, so kann es sein, so muss es sein. Ihr habt es in der Hand. Bleibt mit der Arsch zu Hause und lasst Politik eben Politik sein. Zahlt keine Steuern mehr, meldet Euren Wohnsitz ab (geht online) beschäftigt die Bürokratie mit falschen Angaben. So lange ihr belogen werdet ist es nur legitim selbst zu lügen. Es dient Eurem Schutz. Und ihr werdet belogen, 6 Monate 6% weniger Märchensteuer bringen niemandem etwas. 300,--€ für Jedes Kind bringt denen was die viele Kinder haben, das sind nicht die welche diesen Artikel hier lesen. Also werdet ihr schon wieder verarscht. Eigentlich sollte es doch schon lange reichen und der Allerletzte sollte mittlerweile gemerkt haben wo der Zug hinführt. Gruß aus Uruguay Peter Read the full article
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joeyfirst · 4 years
Heute bin ich hin- und her gerissen, ob ich diesen Text mit euch teilen soll. Ich merke, ich habe Angst. Seit gestern nagt sie an meinen Innereien wie ein nervöses Tier.
Die Hetze in den Medien gegen die „Covidioten“ erschreckt mich zutiefst. Es werden Videos von der Demo in Berlin gezeigt, in denen groteske Momente aneinandergereiht und dann als Wahrheit präsentiert werden.
Das ist als würde jemand einen Film über mich drehen und nur die Augenblicke zeigen, in denen ich mich gerade am Hintern kratze oder mit dem Finger in der Nase bohre.
Zum Todlachen, nicht wahr?
Ja, so wird das aktuell mit den sogenannten Corona-Leugnern gemacht (by the way: seht ihr denn nicht, dass der Ausdruck „Leugner“ an sich schon manipulativ ist und keine andere Wahrheit zulassen möchte?). Die Botschaft ist klar: diese Bewegung besteht aus lächerlichen, gemeingefährlichen Spinnern und wer sich anschliesst, den erwartet die soziale Ächtung.
Aber was mich am allermeisten erschreckt: die Leute fallen tatsächlich drauf rein. Wenn ich die Kommentare unter diesen Videos anschaue, dann wird mir Angst und Bange.
Nein, Leute, das ist nicht mehr lustig.
Das ist Hetze auf unterstem Mistgabel-Niveau und sie nimmt eine Dynamik an, die mir aufrichtig Sorgen bereitet. Eine leise Ahnung wird plötzlich zur Gewissheit: hier wird ein Krieg geschürt und er wird gezielt, gewollt und geschickt geführt. Wir alle kennen die Mittel, die in Kriegszeiten für Propagandazwecke eingesetzt werden und merken scheinbar trotzdem nicht, wenn sie an uns selber angewandt werden.
Und ich frage mich still: wie weit wird das noch voran getrieben?
Was haben die Hexen- und die Judenverbrennungen gemeinsam?
Genau. Erst das Volk hat diesen Wahnsinn möglich gemacht. Im Nachhinein haben sie’s dann bestimmt gecheckt, nicht wahr?
Leider war es dann zu spät.
Sagt mir: wer ist als nächstes dran?
Ja, diese Angst sitzt plötzlich in mir und nicht nur in in mir. Gestern habe ich meinen neuen Song gespielt, welcher sich kritisch und bissig mit unserer Maskengesellschaft auseinandersetzt.
Meine Tochter kam ins Zimmer, lauschte und versteckte dann ihr Gesicht hinter den Händen.
„Bitte, Mama… veröffentliche dieses Lied nicht", nuschelte sie.
Ich: „Warum nicht, Liebes?“
Sie: „Wenn du das tust, bist du in Gefahr.“
Ich, irritiert: „In Gefahr? Vor wem denn?“
Sie: „Na, vor der Regierung!“
Mir hat erst der Atem gestockt, dann hab ich sie fest in den Arm genommen. Und mein Herz hat dabei geblutet. Noch vor wenigen Wochen hätte ich ihr liebevoll das Haar zerzaust und zuversichtlich gesagt: "Quatsch! Weisst du, wir leben in einer Demokratie, da darf jeder Mensch seine Meinung äussern. Mach dir bloss keine Sorgen!"
Ja, ich hab ihr liebevoll das Haar zerzaust und ja, ich habe diese Worte gesagt. Denn es liegt mir fern, meine Tochter zu instrumentalisieren oder zu verängstigen. Da ich weiss, dass sie sich lieber anpasst und alles Rebellische verabscheut, halte ich mich vor ihr mit meiner Meinung zurück. Sie möchte dazugehören und ich möchte, dass sie ihre eigene Wahrheit findet. Aber ganz ehrlich: Als ich die Worte aussprach, hab ich innerlich gezittert und ich habe mir selber nicht recht geglaubt.
Die Spaltung, die medial geschürt wird, reicht tief hinein in unser soziales Netz. Ich werde von einigen Nachbarn, mit denen mich bisher immer Respekt verbunden hat, inzwischen nicht mehr gegrüsst. Freunde, die mich vorher ganz besonders für meine kritische Meinung und meine klare Intuition geschätzt haben, wenden sich jetzt von mir ab.
Und ja, das lässt mich manchmal zweifeln.
Dann frage ich mich, ob ich nicht doch falsch liege.
Ich frage mich, warum ich nicht einfach gute Miene zum bösen Spiel und wie alle anderen mitmachen kann, in der Hoffnung, dass so alles schneller wieder gut ist.
Aber dann gehe ich raus, steige in den Zug und sehe die Masken. Ich sehe die Markierungen und die Plakate mit den neuen Regeln. Ich sehe kleine Kinder mit Mundschutz. Ich sehe, wie sich einige Menschen mit dem Gesicht zur Wand stellen, wenn andere unabsichtlich zu nah an ihnen vorbei gehen. Und ich fühle wieder von ganzem Herzen, dass etwas nicht stimmt. Der Medienterror der letzten Monate hat in meinen Augen Sklaven hervorgebracht, die freiwillig den Pfeilen am Boden folgen und die sich - pardon - selber buchstäblich das Maul stopfen. Wie praktisch, oder?
Wie erschreckend.
Am liebsten würde ich sagen: Ich bin dann mal weg. Macht bitte alleine weiter mit eurer keimfreien Zone und mit der Idee, dass die Natur der Feind und Big Pharma die Erlöserin ist. Gebt die Verantwortung für eure Gesundheit ruhig in die Hände eurer Mitmenschen, der Regierung und der Wissenschaft und glaubt, dass wir Pillen und Impfungen und Tests und Regeln und Überwachung und Pfeile und Masken und literweise Desinfektionsmittel brauchen, um als Spezies auf diesem Planeten überleben zu können.
Aber so einfach ist es nicht. Ich kann nicht einfach abhauen.
Ich werde mit euch die Sache rocken oder mit euch untergehen.
Was mich zu meinem Traum von letzter Nacht bringt und von dem ich euch noch kurz erzählen möchte, bevor ich diesen vor Positivität sprühenden Text abschliesse:
In meinem Traum stand die Menschheit auf einem riesigen, kenternden Schiff. Das Meer warf meterhohe Wellen, denn um uns herum wütete ein Sturm. Es sah ziemlich Titanic-mässig aus, was nicht verwunderlich ist, da ich mit meiner Tochter tags davor über diesen Film gesprochen habe.
Der Grund für das Kentern des Schiffes in meinem Traum war jedoch nicht das Unwetter, sondern der schlichte Umstand, dass zu viele Menschen auf einer Seite des Schiffes standen. Ich stand auf der Seite der Wenigen und sah, wie das Schiff zu kippen drohte. Die Lösung schien einfach, also machte ich einen Schritt auf die Vielen zu, um sie zu bitten, zu uns rüber zu kommen. Das brachte das Schiff aber nur noch mehr in Schieflage und mir blieb nichts anderes übrig, als zurückzuspringen und den Menschen meine Botschaft wild mit den Armen rudernd entgegenzuschreien. Der Sturm jedoch peitschte meine Worte davon und die Menschen auf der anderen Seite verstanden nicht, warum ich sie mit weit aufgerissenen Augen anschrie und zogen sich ängstlich weiter zurück.
Da packte mich blindes Entsetzen. Ich wusste, was passieren würde. Und dieses Gefühl lässt mich heute schon den ganzen Tag nicht mehr los.
Können wir das Ruder noch herumreissen?
Oder besser: können wir uns noch in der Mitte treffen?
Ich weiss es nicht.
Ich möchte an das Gute glauben und die Zukunft in bunten Farben malen. Am liebsten möchte ich eigentlich, dass wir alle aus diesem Albtraum erwachen und einander lachend zurufen: "Erwischt! Haha! War nur ein Scherz!"
Draussen regnet es. Ich sehe, wie die Blumen vor meinem Fenster unberührt von allem um die Wette blühen. Und ich sehe vor meinem inneren Auge wieder das sinkende Schiff vor mir.
Beide Bilder haben Kraft.
Welches unsere Zukunft bestimmt, liegt an uns, an uns allen gemeinsam.
(Text von Andrea Pfeifer)
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verschwoerer · 4 years
Claudio Beeler
!! Wichtige Info an alle !!
Achtung, sehr langer Text – aber extrem wichtig, zu wissen!
Teilt diese Info‘s: wenn es euch unangenehm ist, dies als Eure eigene Meinung zu verbreiten: kopiert das hier, schickt es als Nachricht weiter und fragt dann nur: „was hälst Du davon?“ Es müssen mehr Menschen darüber nachdenken, das ist das Wichtigste!
Wer „genervt ist“ von meinen Corona-bezogenen Posts, der möge in Zukunft bitte einfach weiter scrollen oder mich aus seiner Freundesliste entfernen. Denn ICH habe FÜR MICH beschlossen, dass alle- und zwar ausnahmslos alle- damit in Verbindung stehenden Themen viel zu wichtig sind, als dass ich die Klappe halte! Vielleicht wollt ihr aber erst noch meinen Text lesen und überlegen, ob Euch wirklich NICHT EIN EINZIGER Punkt davon wichtig, seltsam oder sogar gefährlich vorkommt…
• Impfung: Bereits ab Herbst diesen Jahres sollen Impfstoffe zur Verfügung stehen und direkt los geimpft werden. Die Entwicklung & Prüfungsphase dauert normalerweise 3-5 Jahre- wie kann er in so kurzer Zeit marktreif sein? Wie bei allen Impfstoffen schließt die Pharma-Industrie jegliche Regressansprüche für Impfschäden aus- die Reparaturleistungen dafür zahlen wir selbst mit unseren Steuern. Es soll der erste RNA Impfstoff sein wovor Wissenschaftler warnen, weil er sich an unsere DNA andocken könnte und die Folgen nicht genügend erforscht sind. Impfungen töten weltweit jährliche viele tausende Menschen und haben unzählige schlimme, teils lebenslängliche Folgen: Verkrüppelung, Unfruchtbarkeit, Autismus, Alzheimer, Immunstörungen, AHDS, Rheuma usw. Viele Impfstoffe beinhalten: Aluminium, Quecksilber, fötales Material, Pestizide etc… Die Möglichkeiten einen Chip mit der Impfung einzusetzen (wie es geplant (war?)) ist auch nicht von der Hand zu weisen! Und obwohl die „Verpflichtende Impfung“ offiziell vom Tisch ist, kommt sie „durch die Hintertür“: ohne Impfung kann man nicht im öffentlichen Raum arbeiten (Lehrer, Polizist, Ämter, Bundeswehr…), ohne Impfung können unsere Kinder nicht in die Schule, Kindergärten, Vereine. Ohne Impfung kein reisen...
• Maske & Abstand: Der Mund-Nasenschutz ist hinlänglich als weitgehend unnütz erklärt, besonders wenn Laien wie wir damit hantieren. Auch die gesundheitsschädlichen Fakten sind bei längerem Tragen vermehrt zu beobachten. Was die Maske in unseren Köpfen und Herzen bewirkt, ist aber viel weittragender: Emotionslosigkeit, Isolation, Hetze, Angstzustände, petzen, Spaltung bis hin zum Hass auf Maskenlose. Angst lässt uns blind werden und macht uns anfällig dafür, der nächstbesten und „zufällig“ auch massivst publizierten Lösung zu folgen. Also nichts anderes als Manipulation: wollen wir das???
• Regierung: bereits vor Jahren haben Seehofer und andere Politiker durchblicken lassen, wie mächtig die Pharma-Industrie ist: Gesetze kamen nicht durch auf „Wunsch“ der Pharma Unternehmen. Die finanziellen Hintergründe von RKI/ WHO/ Charité führen massiv und zum größten Teil auf die großen Pharma-Player und Bill Gates zurück als Geldgeber zurück. Bei so starker (finanzieller) Abhängigkeit ist Misstrauen gegenüber dem Wahrheitsgehalt dessen, was man uns sagt, das mindeste! Mittlerweile kommen weltweit Unmengen von manipulierten Todesfall-Zahlen ans Licht: Griechenland, Italien, USA… Ganz nebenbei wurde 1/2 Dutzend Artikel unseres Grundgesetzes außer Kraft gesetzt ohne das es abzusehen ist, wann oder ob diese jemals wieder in Kraft treten...
• Medien: Einige mittlerweile freie Journalisten haben offiziell bestätigt, dass sie so berichten MÜSSEN, wie die Regierung es vorgibt. Protokolle belegen, dass sie ganz klar angewiesen wurden „Angst zu schüren“ und immer wieder auf hohe Gefahr des Virus hinzuweisen. Auch bei den Mainstream Medien hat die Pharma-Industrie die Finger im Spiel: bei jährlichen Spenden im Millionen-Bereich muss man wohl davon ausgehen, dass sie auch Einfluss auf die Berichterstattung haben…
• Corona-App: die Schnittstelle für die bald kommende App wurde bereits bei fast allen Anbietern ohne unsere Zustimmung aufs Handy geladen. Datenschützer weltweit warnen vor übermäßiger Kontrolle und Komplett-Verlust des Datenschutzes…
• 5G: schneller, schneller und noch schneller ist die Devise bei Internet-Verbindungen. Doch was, wenn die Forscher recht haben, und das Massensterben von Vögeln und Insekten in der Umgebung von bereits installierten 5G Masten stattfindet? Warum werden die- ach so tollen, notwendigen und nach offiziellen Angaben natürlich harmlosen- 5G Masten als Straßenabsperrungen und Laternenpfähle „getarnt“? Warum haben 250 Wissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt eine Petition an die WHO gesendet in der sie vor dem erhöhten Krebsrisiko, genetische Schäden, negativen Einfluss auf die Fortpflanzungs-Organe usw. dieser Mobilfunk-Strahlung warnen? Nicht zuletzt hilft 5G der Regierung beim lückenlosen Auslesen unserer Mobilfunk-Aktivitäten und aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach auch der Daten auf unseren mobilen Geräten…
• Manipulation der Kinder: Wer von Euch Kinder hat, sollte sich mal das Unterrichtsmaterial und die Sendungen auf KiKa etc. genauer anschauen. Unfassbar eigentlich aber es findet statt! Genau so! In vielen Schulen, Kindergärten und im TV: Male die Mona Lisa mit einer Maske. Erkläre, warum es gut ist, einen implantierten Chip zu haben. Warum ist es asozial, sich nicht impfen zu lassen? Woran erkennst Du ob Deine Eltern Verschwörungstheoretiker sind? Meinungsbildung, Eingriff in die Privatsphäre der Familie, das Eintrichtern des Bildes der „Neuen Normalität“- Manipulation schon bei den Kleinsten…
• Verschwörungstheoretiker: „Wann immer eine große Geschichte in den Medien ist- suche nach der Story, die vertuscht werden soll!“ Dieses berühmte Zitat gibt es nicht umsonst… Ich frage mich nur, warum die Regierung es nötig hat, die mittlerweile gut 50 Wissenschaftler und Ärzte allein in Deutschland , welche die „Pandemie“ gänzlich anders bewerten, als Verschwörer hinzustellen. Im Gegenzug heißt das: Drosten, Wieler und die WHO sind im alleinigen Besitzt der Wahrheit… Warum gibt es eine Meldestelle für „Corona-Leugner, warum neuerdings extreme Zensur auf FB, Twitter, YouTube und co.?? Findet ihr das nicht komisch??
Und während wir, wie Marionetten, brav die Unsinnigkeiten der Regierung mitmachen, ohne die Gefahren dahinter zu sehen sind die reichsten 80 Menschen dieses Planeten in den letzten 3 Monaten um 300 Mrd (Milliarden!!!) $ reicher geworden- obwohl für jeden einzelnen von uns die Situation immer schlechter wird. By the way: wer glaubt Staatsbanken würden dem Staat gehören, den muss ich enttäuschen: sie gehören ebenfalls diesen 80 Superreichen! Das muss uns doch mal jemand logisch erklären… ALLE genannten Punkte könnt ihr googeln, es sind ausschließlich Fakten, die ich jeweils aus mindestens 3 verschiedenen (meist sogar internationalen) Quellen gesammelt habe, Aussagen von Krankenhaus-Personal usw. Leider findet sich – aus oben genannten Gründen- wenig davon in den Mainstream Medien.
Meine persönliche Meinung: wir befindet uns in einer Art Krieg, ohne Feuerwaffen- ja. Aber nicht minder schlimm- im Gegenteil. Wir alle, sind betroffen. Und wer nicht zum zwangsgeimpften, gläsernen Menschen werden will, der seine Rechte freiwillig abgibt, der muss jetzt etwas unternehmen: Macht Euch schlau, googelt was das Zeug hält, klärt Freunde, Familien, Nachbarn und Kollegen auf. Wenn Euch das unangenehm ist, kopiert meinen Text und fragt die Leute einfach nur: was hältst Du davon?? Seid nett zueinander, wir lassen uns nicht spalten in Rechts- Links- obrigkeitshörig- Verschwörer oder sonstiges… Nehmt die Masken ab, denkt positiv, hängt Schilder ins Auto, meditiert, trefft Eure Verwandten und Freunde, geht auf die Straße, betet… Was auch immer jeder einzelne beitragen kann und will, soll er bitte tun. Weil wir es tun müssen- JETZT!
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