#blindspot 3x08
indelibleevidence · 2 years
It's 3x08 week!
No 3x08 gifs came up in the gif search, so here's Hirst and Kurt talking about it in retrospect:
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
As far as "Blindspot Thoughts" go, there are very good thoughts posts from @indelibleevidence here and @narvaldetierra here that I think everyone should look at. There is a lot I could say about this episode, and I wanted to interact and respond since you both had such great insights!! But the truth is I am completely out of energy. I was unwell a while ago, and I'm still recovering. It sucks, because this episode is one of the few this season that I can actually point you guys to new music for, and I have been wanting for a while to compile a gifset "In Defense of Eleanor Hirst", among other things. I have a small fic that has been in draft since last autumn which is really relevant to these next few episodes, too, but I don't think I will finish it for a while still.
I know no one is expecting anything from me (you are all always so lovely and supportive!) so this is not an apology, more like an update. :) I'm gonna keep on with rewatch more quietly, and I'll do some content as and when I'm up to it, just out of sequence! xD
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narvaldetierra · 2 years
Blindspot thoughts 3x08 - Hirst Edition
So at this point, I have to say that I love Hirst's character development. I mean, she was introduced at the end of season 2, when everything was chaos. But far from being that new boss who thinks that knows best, she listened to the team, she followed Patterson's ideas and plans, she gave Jane the possibility to choose what she wanted to do, and she let them be. Thus, she gained the team's trust and appreciation as well as the viewers.
Two years later, she's still working there, Reade is the new assistant director and they welcome the team again to resolve the new tattoos.
Then we start to notice a strange look here, a comment there, she begins to look suspicious and then Tasha and Patty start to investigate her. At this point, we all think "okay, maybe she wasn't that clear" but the new tattoos are there to expose those things from all the team, and none of them are completely clear. We never imagined what she was capable of until we learned that she was the one who killed Stuart. Now we know it wasn't just a little corruption thing like accepting bribes.
But in this episode, we see her doing frantic last-ditch efforts to avoid being captured. She incriminates Patterson, and with her, everyone that tries to help her. She rushes and pushes Rich too hard for him to give Patterson up, which is curious that he was tempted by the offer until Hirts mentions Boston, then it was personal for him. As the old saying states, for the mouth dies the fish, (I'm not sure that is the right translation, but I couldn't find a better one) and because she was talking too much about how dangerous Patterson was, they had no other choice to evacuate when the bomb threat reach. From here we can only see how desperate she is for all of this to end and as she was so sure to win, got confident and lost it all.
A really nice character development.
Also, here we confirm that she was working for Crawford, who abandoned her as fast as he could, showing us a little bit of that character too.
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sarah012483-blog · 7 years
Blindspot thoughts
During my 6 hour drive across the Midwest yesterday (thanks frigid temperatures for the added time) I was thinking of our poor, suffering favorite couple.
I’m a lawyer so I think about the use of “kill” and “murder”. Kurt denied over and over in 308 that he was a murderer. He wouldn’t take out Hirst. But he tells Jane that he killed her daughter.
Because of Munchkin’s well documented martyr complex, I assumed he feels responsible for Avery’s death (which could very well still be true). But let’s assume that wasn’t the case. Let’s assume that Kurt either accidentally caused her death or intentionally caused her death (but with a legal defense). Both of those scenarios would be manslaughter of some kind and not murder.
And then I started thinking, in what scenario would the Dwarf Monk intentionally kill Avery? Now bear with me because this one is a stretch. We know that Jane had a bounty on her head for those 18 months. What if (I can’t believe I’m typing this) Avery was looking for Jane not as a daughter in search of her birth mother but as a way to woo Jane out to complete the hit?
The sliver we’ve seen of Avery has always bothered me. She seems rather confident for someone so young. She speaks German but I suspect she’s multilingual. She’s in Germany seemingly alone. And she rolls her eyes at Jane’s many identies (to be fair, it is confusing). I just didn’t get the sense that this is a young woman desperate to meet her birth mother. I imagine searching for your birth mother is a complicated task and who knows what information she was fed (assumedly by Uncle Roman). So there is something definitely there. And something that even Kurt probably doesn’t know or understand months later.
What if Kurt killed Avery to save Jane? That would make the locker room scene of “You’d die to protect Bethany” pretty awkward.
“Yes, I would die for my daughter but I’d kill yours to protect you.”
So it’s an outlandish theory but what else we gon do for two weeks?
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marv-el-spot · 2 years
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JANE DOE GIFS 68/100  BLINDSPOT REWATCH | City Folks Under Wraps S03E08
@usergif "Back to cool" Event: Challenge #2 | COLOR.
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fadeintoyou1993 · 3 years
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Well, I suppose we all have our BLINDSPOTS for the people we love.
LEGACIES 2x04 | 3x08
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sillycheysblog · 3 years
To all the antis who keep saying that "Hope doesn't love Landon because she didn't realize it was him" and who continues to think that they’re toxic to each other and so on………I have a question for you all, are y'all seriously that blind? Hope will ALWAYS love Landon. She ONLY wants Landon. The ONLY reason she didn't question if it was really Landon was because she went through so much without him and all she wanted was him. HE’S HER BLINDSPOT! It all circles back to 3x08. During that ENTIRE episode everyone kept saying blindspot. There was an importance to them saying blindspot. It wasn’t in there for no reason. Like I said LANDON IS HOPE’S BLINDSPOT. So the reason she didn't question if Landon was the real Landon was because she trusted that was really him. She didn’t want to think or to believe it wasn’t him.
Also Hope and Landon aren't toxic to each other. It's red herring. Now If you actually watch and listen to what’s said in the show then you would have already realized that. Malivore is making Landon and Hope think that they're toxic to each other. This goes all the way back to when Landon told Malivore about him and Hope in 3x04. Once Landon told Malivore about him and Hope, Malivore began to plot and scheme. Malivore knew that Hope was the ONE thing that could destroy him being that she is a tribrid. So he knew that he had to make Landon and Hope believe that she was also toxic to Landon. Being that Malivore possessed Landon and let Hope and Landon pass through the portal in 3x04, he still had some control over Landon. Malivore let Hope and Landon have their time together before he called Landon back to the PW (HOPE SLEPT WITH LANDON,NOT MALIVORE). After Hope and Landon slept together, Malivore decided to use this to his advantage and send Landon back to the PW which caused Landon to melt into mud. Being that this happens when Hope’s blood touches Malivore, he made Hope and Landon believe that she was toxic to Landon. The entire thing was planned out by Malivore. He has been working behind the scenes ever since 3x04.
Now if Hope and Landon were toxic to each other, Landon would've melted right away after him and Hope slept together. As we see in 3x12, wish Landon was made out of Malivore mud and when Hope’s blood touch him, he melted. (1) Landon isn’t made out of Malivore mud and (2) Landon and Hope cuddled for quite some time meaning THEY’RE NOT TOXIC TO EACH OTHER! As I said it all goes back to Malivore’s plan. He NEEDED Hope and Landon to think that they were toxic to each other for him to get what he wanted which was to use Landon’s body as a vessel. 
Also during 3x08, the dream Hope has of Landon is the real Landon trying to warn Hope about Malivore. Malivore had already possessed his body at some point after 3x06. That's why Landon looked worried and concerned when hugging Hope. He was looking out to see if he saw Malivore because he knew Malivore would try to stop him from telling Hope the truth.
During 3x13, Malivore was making sure he pushed Hope far away from Landon. He was purposely being distant from Hope because he needed Hope to BELIEVE that Landon didn’t want to be with her which leads to the Malivore making it seem like Landon was “breaking up” with Hope. Malivore knew that it would be a matter of time before Hope figured out that her and Landon weren’t toxic to each other. MALIVORE NEEDED HOPE AND LANDON SEPARATED FOR HIS PLAN TO STAY IN MOTION.
Finally, during 3x16, Malivore realized that Hope and Landon's love was the way to destroy him. That's where the prophecy "the greatest destroyer of all is love" comes in play. It’s a full circle. It has been Malivore’s plan ever since 3x04.
Now to circle back to the beginning of this post, it’s not that Hope doesn't love Landon or Landon doesn't love Hope or that they're toxic to each other, it's the fact that Malivore has been controlling everything since 3x04. And that Landon is Hope's blindspot.
There's plenty more to add but this is the ground basics of the whole situation. You just had to really think about everything that has happened and connect the dots to understand it a little.
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harlivies · 3 years
Awww i give you my consent to kiss me lol Thank you, i'm glad you liked my observation and i think i have another one to make. Well, actually i think it offers more onscreen evidence about what you said that Hope is Josie's anchor and it explains a comment from J that i always found odd. So in 4x02 J is like "almost as hard as losing HER forever" . When i heard that line, i found it weird, because taking it out of context it doens't make sense. pt1
Hope becoming the tribrid meant that she'll be immortal and more powerful than ever. So why is J saying that "losing her forever" comment? (again, notice how she doesn't say "I", she speaks in 3rd person). Because no matter how supportive J was about H's decision to become the tribrid, it's not sth that J wants. She doesn't want it because of H's feelings ofc and she doesn't want her to die, BUT the losing her forever comment hides a deep fear, that her dynamic with H is gonna change. That H as a tribrid is gonna leave her, that she's not gonna have the same feelings for her. In all of S3 there are comments about J's abandonment issues and in her moment with F where she was like "i want someone to stay for me and fight by my side, because i deserve that", it was words that Hope had done for her. Whether she realizes it or not, she was talking about H. So now, her fear seems to come true. H has left her. The person who became a constant in her life is not there anymore so in all of 4x06 we see her feel alone, disoriented, almost having an anxiety attack and desperately saying to Cleo that there's has to be a way to bring H back. God, i feel like i'm being so incoherent rn, so sorry for this mess, but my conclusion is that somewhere along the line Hope became J's blindspot and since 3x08 slowly and steadily they're building up J's feelings and moment of realization. So now we're witnessing J's fear that she expressed in the "losing her forever" comment becoming a reality, J losing her anchor. But because H is her blindspot and because her arc is about learning to stand up for herself and going after what she really wants, we're gonna see her do just that, meaning that she's gonna fight tooth and nail for her anchor, standing against even her own sister if she has to. That's the end i think. God, this is a mess. I hope i made sense to you lol
Even though that line did hit me at the time I watched the episode, I hadn't considered it in a way of Josie fearing losing Hope due to her becoming the Tribrid, but rather losing Hope because she might kill Landon in the process of trying to save him. With that being said though, I agree that Hope becoming a fully activated Tribrid might've been something Josie didn't want for Hope, mostly because Hope, herself, didn't want it and only did it as a last resource to save the people she loves; I'm just not sure if it connects to this instance, in particular. However, I still agree that Josie fears a dynamic shift between her and Hope, whether that's for better or for worse. I am of the opinion that Josie might feel she attained this very delicate balance in her relationship with Hope and doesn't want to fuck it up either way, so we see her work towards maintaining (while it fucks up her other relationships, but I digress). Like, it's become clear to me that Josie thinks they're in a good place and that's enough for her, and I think that does play into the abandonment issues you're talking about. So really, at the end of the day, regardless of the paths we take to it, we're all reaching the same conclusions lmfao Josie doesn't want to let go of Hope. She doesn't want to lose her, one way or the next, and with Hope becoming a Tribrid and leaving, she kind of did, so she feels abandoned and alone. Also, don't worry about sounding incoherent because I feel like this episode got all our brains going a thousand miles a minute 😂 I'm picking up what you're putting down just fine! I do agree that the show seems to be building up to something and I will personally be giving the writers an earful if we don't eventually get to it, because I think it's become so unavoidable by now. Liliana and I are currently chatting about whether or not we think Josie will, on her own volition, become Dark Josie in order to try and get Hope back or if Hope is returning to the Salvatore School in search of a sidekick and recruits Josie, so I guess we'll soon see how, exactly, Josie plans on getting her anchor back.
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
3x08 Thoughts
This episode has so much going on the whole way through - this show is so good at mid-season showdowns! Love it.
Hirst is such a great villain. Wonder how she got so good at the corrupt side of things? I wish she'd been on the loose for longer, because she's so interesting (also, way better than Madeline!).
Crawford finally shows up in this episode, and he's pretty unsettling. It's strange to see Roman handle him so well. I don't think season two Roman would have been able to, and I kinda wish they hadn't gone the slick manipulator route with his character, because that was supposed to be Remi's thing. And like Shepherd said to him in season 2: 'You could never do what she does.' Maybe the ZIP gave him a personality overhaul. 🙄
Reade is pretty brutal to Kurt in the interrogation room, and it makes me sad that they keep bringing Reade back to this 'you were a better person before you met Jane' place, several times throughout the show. I guess he associates Jane's arrival in his life with things starting to fall apart - losing Sarah, losing Mayfair, finding out about the abuse he repressed the memories of, being buried under rubble, the drugs, then the whole team disbanding. It would have been nice to have Reade and Jane talk it out post-4x22. It always seems like he's more Kurt's friend than Jane's, in an 'I'm not a big fan of your wife, but I care about our friendship too much to keep bringing it up, because I know you'll never leave her' way.
Rich signing Hirst's papers with 'suck it' is total genius. 😁 In fact, his whole interrogation room attitude is just classic Rich. The whole 'we've been having sex in the vents and on the rotating platform where you scanned Janes tattoos' thing is so much fun.
I'm confused that Boston is suddenly missing. Two years ago, they had him in prison, and got him to do the undercover thing at Daedalus. Kurt offers to move him to a prison closer to his parents, who were having trouble visiting him, in return for his cooperation with the mission. The last we see of him, he's watching Rich get loaded into an ambulance, and he and Patterson talk about the sculpture he made. And then in the two-year time jump he was working on Wizardville with Patterson, but Rich can't find him, somehow? Guess he got out of prison pretty quickly.
It was so sweet to see the team laughing and joking with Rich at the end of the episode, like it was the first time they treated him like a part of the team and not just an irritating coworker they had to deal with. And Rich really is making choices to be good Rich. ❤ Even if he does have an escape route from the FBI planned out for every day of the week.
If you didn't notice, Rich's contact name for Zapata's cell phone number is What's-Her-Name. 😁😁😁
The latex mask is so creepy, and I 100% agree with Patterson that Rich uses it for more than just escape attempts (eww). Not sure why someone in their 80s would be doing janitorial work at the FBI, so maybe the agents should have questioned that. O_o Oh well, they're dead agents now. Wonder what Hirst had on them.
It was nice to see Brianna redeem herself a little bit for the 2x22 mistake - not that she actually knew what she was doing...
One of Patterson's reasons why it was weird for Zapata to be crushing on Reade was, 'he's Reade'. Ouch. 😁
Blake has such a good 'oh my god, I'm gonna jump your bones the second I get you alone' look, while Roman is standing up to her father. I really like Blake. They could have made her an annoying socialite with no depth, and have Roman hate every minute he had to spend with her. But instead they made her a kindred spirit, kept on the sidelines while the abusive parent did nefarious things. Even if Blake doesn't know that's what her father is doing, she does know something's not right, though we don't see that until a bit later on.
All of Jane's 'there's nothing Roman can do to get between us' moments are so sweet. She really believes it, until she doesn't.
And it was nice to see Kurt finally taking a stand against Roman, refusing to kill Hirst, then removing Roman's Berlin leverage. Maybe Reade's jab about not being an incorruptible super-agent anymore hit home. Yes, I hate that the Berlin thing is canon, but Kurt needed that moment of 'enough is enough'.
Jane telling Kurt he's not a killer, in his dream, is a nice reversal of the 2x03 'you're not Taylor Shaw, but you're not a killer either' moment.
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
Okay but one Blindspot Thought for 3x08 (and 3x09, and...) is "YOUR DAUGHTER". I don't think I have heard the word "daughter" ever so much in my life as I do in these few episodes. I guess they just wanted to make sure EVERY SINGLE TAKE had potential as a clip for a stinger or other promos or something, because there are no pronouns? Who uses that many syllables in every single sentence when you could just say "her"??????? Was Kurt Weller running for school board trustee in one of those weird places that's been in the news lately as "banning pronouns"??????????????? We may never know....
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lexa-kom-skaikru · 3 years
I think the most frustrating thing is that you can't know if sth implied about Hosie is deliberate or not because the writing is shit. For example, in 3x08 they heavily implied that Hope is Josie's blindspot and 3x05 could be easily be interpreted as hinting at hosie getting together. But you can't be sure with this show, because the writing especially in S3 is so shit and incosistent. If the writing was good, i would have 0 doubts about Hosie, but unfortunately that's not the case.
This is why I stopped making theories after season 2. There's no point. I am not about to lose braincells over a show that for all I know could come up with their plot points through Russian roulette.
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sarah012483-blog · 7 years
Blindspot 3x08
I’m currently visiting my mother for Christmas and made sure I’d be able to watch the mid-season finale before it went up on Hulu at 4 am tomorrow. Despite a family dinner, I was still able to catch the show as it aired.
After it ended, I rejoined my mom and she asked how it was. I swear to God I tried explaining the last 30 seconds to her and sounded like a complete idiot.
“And then he was looking for her but found her daughter and says he killed her.”
I write for a profession. I write laws. That people use. And I was confusing myself with the pronouns. I never realized until that moment how fucking confusing this show really is.
But holy shit, I agree that it was an excellent episode.
And now I want to live for the next two weeks in fluffy, sappy Jeller fanfic that I typically hate because I know 3x09 is going to be painful*.
*Theres no way Avery is dead. Martin said it’s a treble layered issue. Daughter. Dead. Not dead. And Kurt saying over and over again in this episode that he’s not a killer. That’s not denial. Our dwarf monk didn’t kill Jane’s daughter. He feels responsible for her death. And the Blindspot writers are being a tad dramatic (mid season finale).
Sobbing Weller in dream therapy.
Jane and her Scandal Sized Glass of Wine after a shitty day.
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laynemorgan · 3 years
KAYLEE SAID HOPE WAS JOSIE’S BLINDSPOT BASED OFF OF 3x08 Just confirm hosie it’s obvious it’s gonna happen
That's rad, I'm excited that you guys are having fun. I can't talk about ships or future plot lines.
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sheena192003 · 5 years
Name/Nickname: Sheena
Age* (don’t be shy, we’re a fandom of grandmas): 27
Where are you from*: Wisconsin
When did you jump aboard the Blindspot madness: October 2017. Right after season 3 aired. 
Other fandoms you’re in/TV shows you watch: I’m not in other fandoms, however currently I watch Outlander and Blacklist
Favorite Blindspot characters (main): Jane
Favorite Blindspot characters (guest or recurring): Keaton
Favorite ship(s): Jeller
Favorite episode(s): 1x09, 1x15, 1x18, 2x08, 2x19, 3x07, 3x08, 3x12, 4x08, 
Favorite season(s): Seasons 1 and 2
Favorite tattoo(s)/case(s): The Ashwell Creek Kennels tattoo, the burning rose, the quote behind her ear in the bio luminescent.
Favorite whatever you want:
If you were a Blindspot character, who would you be: Jane
One scene that left you with your jaw on the floor: Season 4 finale
One dead character you would bring back: Roman
One guest star (who has appeared in less that three to five episodes) you want to bring back: Ana Montes. 
One recurring character you’d love to have promoted to regular:
One actor/actress you would love to have guest star on the show (and who would they play):
One forgotten storyline you wish they’d bring back or answer: I’d love to see Avery in season 5
One country you want the show to visit next season:
What’s your craziest/favorite theory about the upcoming season:
Share a little bit about yourself (don’t be shy)*: I’m probably too shy to share much. I enjoy reading many of your posts/theories/fanfic but I feel as if I’m kind of a silent lurker here.
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lurkingwhump · 5 years
Blindspot Fandom “Meet and Greet” # 4
I’m a bit late with this one, but better late than never, right.
Name/Nickname: lurkingwhump
Age* (don’t be shy, we’re a fandom of grandmas):     almost 40
Where are you from*: Finland
When did you jump aboard the Blindspot madness:     Right from the beginning. I watched Strike Back that Sully starred in     before Blindspot, and wanted to give Blindspot a shot. And here we are.
Other fandoms you’re in/TV shows you watch:     Currently, I don’t really follow any other shows that are airing. Strike Back, as mentioned, is also a show I am very found of still too (the seasons Sully was in). Used to watch The X-Files back in the day.
Favorite Blindspot characters (main): Kurt, and Jane. And Rich’s is infuriating sometimes but he’s also funny.
Favorite Blindspot characters (guest or recurring): Allie!
Favorite ship(s): Jeller all the way.
Favorite episode(s): Oh dear, many. 1x09, 1x22,     2x01, 2x21,2x22,3x01, 3x03, 3x09,3x10, 3x19, 3x21, 3x22, 4x01, 4x09,4x11,     4x12 (probably my all-time favorite😊), 4x17    
Favorite season(s): On the whole probably 2 or 3
Favorite tattoo(s)/case(s): The bird is pretty, and I like the honeycomb pattern too. Can’t really name a favorite case.
Favorite whatever you want: Kurt getting frantic or protective over Jane.
If you were a Blindspot character, who would you     be: Hmm,  a mix of Kurt and Jane, for a lot of reasons (some sadly, some thanks to     training)
One scene that left you with your jaw on the floor: End of 3x08. “I killed your daughter.”
One dead character you would bring back: Roman
One guest star (who has appeared in less that     three to five episodes) you want to bring back: Can’t really name one off     the top of my head.
One recurring character you’d love to have     promoted to regular: Allie
One actor/actress you would love to have guest     star on the show (and who would they play): I would really love to see Philip Winchester from Strike Back on Blindspot, but can’t say who he’d play. A good guy regardless.
One forgotten storyline you wish they’d bring     back or answer: How did Taylor Shaw actually die and why did Bill Weller     kill her?
One country you want the show to visit next     season: No preference.
What’s your craziest/favorite theory about the     upcoming season: The team survives thanks to the tunnels. But I want to     see Jane worry over Kurt for a change, so having him injured would be good     for that (even though I know it’s a stretch after the way s3 ended).
Share a little bit about yourself (don’t be  shy)*: I am an Army reservist, so I probably pay more attention to the tactics and weapons than I should.
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scarletfern · 5 years
Blindspot Fandom “Meet and Greet” #4
Name/Nickname: Jamie
Where are you from*: US
When did you jump aboard the Blindspot madness: A few months before the first episode. I saw the promo and fell in love with it.
Other fandoms you’re in/TV shows you watch: I’m not really in any other fandoms, but I watch Good Girls, Manifest, Arrow, Monk, AP Bio, Reba, The Middle, and a bunch of others that I can’t think of right now. Currently, I’m binge watching Psych.
Favorite Blindspot characters (main): Patterson, Roman, and Rich
Favorite Blindspot characters (guest or recurring): Allie and Avery
Favorite ship(s): Patterson/Roman will always be my favorite, but I also like Jeller, Repata, and Rich/Boston.
Favorite episode(s): 1x10, 1x17, 1x18, 1x20, 1x21, 2x10, 2x14, 2x16, 2x19, 2x21, 2x22, 3x03, 3x06, 3x08, 3x14, 3x16, 3x19, 3x22, 4x03, 4x04, 4x09, 4x10, 4x11, 4x12, 4x18, 4x22
Favorite season(s): Season 2
Favorite tattoo(s)/case(s): My favorite tattoos are the bird, the burning rose, the honeycomb pattern, and the oil derricks. Favorite case would probably be the Leakhub one with the Garen sisters.
Favorite whatever you want: Patterson and Kurt’s friendship. Their dynamic is easily one of my favorite things about the show and I’m not nearly loud enough about how much I love it.
If you were a Blindspot character, who would you be: Probably a mix of Patterson and Tasha.
One scene that left you with your jaw on the floor: I don't think anything will ever shock me as much as the 2x22 and 4x22 cliffhangers did. Oh, and Jane not being Taylor... Borden shooting Patterson… Roman's death… Jane finding out she had a daughter… Jane reverting back to Remi... honestly, my jaw has just stayed on the floor since the pilot episode.
One dead character you would bring back: Roman. 💔
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One guest star (who has appeared in less than three to five episodes) you want to bring back: Ana Montes, Sofia Varma, or Bill Nye
One recurring character you’d love to have promoted to regular: Allie or Boston
One forgotten storyline you wish they’d bring back or answer: I would love to know more about the  Daylight/Orion stuff, what happened to Sofia Varma, and who the third kid in the flashbacks was.
One country you want the show to visit next season: Canada, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, or Australia
What’s your craziest/favorite theory about the upcoming season: I don’t know if this really counts as a theory, but I do love how we’re all collectively insisting that no one died in that drone strike. (Why am I even mentioning this? They’re all obviously gonna be okay... right? Right?!)
Share a little bit about yourself (don’t be shy)*: ummm, I like to write fanfic… and I’m shy :p
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