#bloby cats
Hyde Bloby cat
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With and without hat!
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nikkeora · 7 months
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@the-kr8tor Venom cat
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
we need a Blob and Hobie alliance for like one thing they're tryna get from R, similar to Crowley and Hobie Of course this alliance is going to last from a few minutes to an hour or two depending on how stubborn R is, I feel like... After the tea has been spilled however they're going right back to bickering... "I made em spill, actually. you were just backup" (Angry bhbhbhhbhbhb noises) "shut up thats not true"
Yay Blob request! Thank you, angel ❤️
Paring: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Blob the symbiote cat AU, cat symbiote AU, CW description of illness. FLUFF
“You're sick, love.” Hobie says whilst he leans on the doorway of your makeshift office, aka your dark room that has your ac blasting and your humidifier blowing right across your sweaty, puckered face. “Rest, you can finish that tomorrow.”
“‘m not sick.” You declare, clearly sick, nose congested, sneeze rising up to your throat. “I have to finish this today so I have a free day tomorrow—!” A loud sneeze interrupts your sentence. The noise finally awakens the beast on your lap. Your typing hand briefly brushes along Blob's slime-like body, black tendrils wrapping along your wrist as if he's trying to keep your hand in place. But alas, you have work to do. “Sorry, Blobie, pet later okay?”
The alien snaps his big milky eyes wide open, disgruntled is an understatement, he expects to be coddled the second he wakes up. He meows, agitated, a deep roar that doesn't even faze you.
“In a minute, Blob.” Blob, you haven't called him that since he tried to bite a chuck off of Hobie's guitar. Speaking of said man, he saunters inside, eyebrows furrowed. Blob would open his maw at the close proximity of Hobie, but the alien has been around you two long enough to notice what's happening. Blob's big eyes flick between your sickly form to Hobie's concerned ones.
“At least drink some meds.” The foil packaging crinkles as he places it next to your laptop. A second later a cup of water that has you looking up at him through the thick fog of fever. “Drink—”
“I'm not sick.” You stubbornly huff.
Hobie sighs, palm reaching down to your clammy forehead. Within a second, your fever seeps through his skin, searing heat making him flinch away and has him more worried. “Love, drink, please.”
Blob, ever the sweetheart (just for you) leaps up to your keyboard, blank eyes staring at you intensely. He opens his mouth, jagged rows of teeth showing, long snake-like tongue flicking from side to side.
“Are you threatening to eat me, Blob?” You sniff, glaring at the blobby alien in front of you. “I'm working right now, so can you two please give me some space?” Your tone isn't even angry nor convincing. Yet, the two rivals move away from your feverish form.
Blob shuts his large mouth, hopping away, looking back once before following Hobie outside. Hobie keeps a close eye on you through the open door while he grows wary of the alien that is conveniently near biting distance from his ankles.
Leaning on the back of the settee, arms folded over his chest, Hobie thinks of a way to get you to finally rest. Or at least take some medicine. To his surprise, Blob hops right next to him. He sits all prim and proper on the back of the couch, white eyes narrowed at your hunched form.
Hobie nods once at the so-called cat, “you got any ideas?”
Blob doesn't hiss, or even scowl at him. Instead, he meows lowly, still vastly different from a regular cat's tone but close to it.
“You've got an idea then?”
Blob's black gooey tendrils inch closer to Hobie, to which he flinches away. “No, never in a million fuckin' years. Get a better idea, you parasite.”
Blob chirps, a sound that Hobie has never heard the alien make. He thinks you've never heard of it too. He blinks, smirking. “Can you do that again?”
With a Cheshire cat smile, Blob looks at Hobie mischievously.
You have no idea how you got into bed with the covers properly tucked around you. A minute ago you were cooing at the chirping Blob, his eyes were so cute that you forgot that he can wrap you around his tendrils. With your vision filled with nothing but black gooey skin, you blink and suddenly you're in bed with a thermometer in your mouth.
Hobie checks your temperature whilst you wrap your mind around at what happened. Blob is on your chest, guarding over you as if you can move under the thick blankets.
“38.5.” Hobie winces. Eyes full of worry, Blob sports the same look, he lays down on top of you, blinking slowly, tails tucked under him.
You frown, feeling the heat under your eyes, “I'm sick.” Finally admitting your illness.
“I know you are, love.” Hobie brings his palm over your cheek, his cool skin grants you reprieve from the fever clawing at your body. You lean into his touch, nodding as he gives you your medicine. “Sleep, we'll be 'ere when you wake up.”
As you drift off to sleep, head laying on Hobie's thigh while he soothingly rubs your head, Blob purrs on top of you, tongue peeking between his sharp teeth. His eyes says it all, “no thank you?”
“You were a good distraction,” Hobie whispers.
Blob stands up, eyes narrowed into slits, huffing and puffing angrily.
“Fine, thank you.” Hobie scoffs the words out. Blob makes biscuits on top of the thick blanket, nails purposely digging into the cloth, stitches coming undone. “C’mon, that's my favourite, you fuckin' gremlin.”
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misfauxpas · 3 months
Will you do slime slugcat larg0s! Oh and secret styles!!! The one's you've done so far are so cute!!! I love how bloby and wiggly they all look!!! They might just sag in your arms as you pack them up, kinda like a ragdoll,(referring to a type of cat. Keep up the good work you've done amazing so far!¡!
tyvm!! after tomorrow's post (#184) I'm gonna be taking a break from the Slime Rancher x Rain World designs for a while - but it is something I plan to revisit! I might do some largos or secret styles. I definitely want to draw the human and... "human" NPCs as iterators later down the line
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Bloby cats!!!
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They say "mow"
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the-kr8tor · 9 months
May I request something for fluff Friday?
Because it’s December! And it’s cold I was thinking maybe the reader teaching Hobie how to crochet? because I crochet and I think it would be cute if reader and Hobie made scarfs, gloves and beanies for the winter!
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AHHHHHHH S'CUTE!! Thank you both for requesting. I hope you two don't mind me combining them since they're both similar. Have a happy holiday, lovelies!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, they have an army of cats and a symbiote cat. Symbiote cat au, Lovestruck! Hobie, FLUFF
“And then you loop it around, and tada! You've made yourself a tiny scarf!” You let Hobie's hands go from when you were guiding his long fingers to finish his bright red and black scarf. He already laments the absence of your touch. “One down twenty more to go.”
Hobie turns to his side to face you fully, your smile blinds him for a second, he doesn't blame himself for what he does next.
“Thank you, lovie” he cups your face with urgency before the army of cats, especially the little devil spawn, gets wind of your little alone time in your shared bedroom. Peppering your face with hundreds of kisses, he makes sure no space of your skin is left unkissed.
Your giggles must've awoken the beasts because you hear soft mewls behind the door. The meowing turns into screaming then into panicked scratching.
“I think they've figured us out” you say in between laughs, good thing you're holding his shoulders or else you would've fallen off the bed from his barrage of wet kisses.
“They can't keep us apart!” Hobie's kisses hasten as you hear something slither under the door.
A black blob appears like a puddle, that puddle slowly solidifies into the most horrific thing ever: a cat. An alien cat that is unfathomably jealous of Hobie right now.
Symbiote cat or you so lovingly named, Blob, short for Blobius Cornelius Blobirington, who is currently hissing his way towards your intertwined forms. The village of cats outside continue to try and screech their way inside the bedroom.
“Bloby, no!” You yell frantically as the alien cat unhinges his jaw to open his maw, white pointy pearly whites greet Hobie as you try to stop Blob from eating your boyfriend.
Hobie puts himself in between you and the symbiote, “Try it! Let's see if you can even digest me”
“Hobie, don't rile him up! Here, baby!” You toss a ball of yarn as a last resort, which thankfully catches the alien’s attention.
Blobius Cornelius Blobirington follows the ball of yarn, the black spikes on his back smoothes out as he plays with the yarn.
“He started it.” Hobie narrows his eyes at the creature. Blob hisses back a response, baring all his teeth.
“Let's all calm down, please?” With your sweet words, both parties visibly calm down. Hobie relaxes his shoulders, while Blob returns to his ball of yarn. “We're all good?” You pause, eyes flitting from Hobie to the little symbiote who keeps an eye open for any more face attacking from Hobie. “Good, cat's out of the bag, I'm gonna open the door and show them their gift”
“We’re not done yet with the scarves though?”
“Oh, we'll continue that, maybe tonight?” You lower your voice, “okay?” Quickly smooching Hobie’s lips, he agrees with a knowing nod.
“Alright, but I'm putting down a door sealing strip so he doesn't interrupt”
You laugh, giving him one last kiss on his forehead as you stand up to collect the cats’ humongous gift. Hobie tries to grab your hand but Blob sees through his plans, he abandons the toy to stretch himself towards the bed, taking your spot with a large Cheshire grin.
“You little shit”
“I've got it!” their staring contest gets interrupted by your excited voice. “Can you open the door for me please?” Your sentence is muffled by the large knitted fabric in your hands.
Hobie opens the door with his web shooters and out goes a tsunami of cats, a blur of orange, black, brown and white furs stumble through the open door. Hobie jumps up from the bed, scooping an armful of cats in his arms. Meows of varying degrees of tone echoes out in the room while Blob sits comfortably and unbothered on your bed.
“Hello, yes, I know, sorry!” you weave through the crowd gathering at your feet. “Are you all ready for your present?”
Unfurling the fabric, you drape it on the floor while cats gather around it to either catch it mid air or to lay on the floor to let it flop on top of them. The cats play on the blanket, some avoid it, still apprehensive.
The colourful flower pattern catches Hobie's eye, he whistles out. “Bloody ‘ell, love. Did you make this on your own?”
“Yep! Took me half a year to finish. Do you like it?”
“It's fuckin' gorgeous! C’mere” Hobie raises his arms and out pours the cats who quickly land on their feet.
You carefully make your way towards him. You embrace him, his arms enveloping you in a tight hug. It's all part of your plan though, with one quick movement, you put the beanie on top of his head, he makes a sound from the back of his throat in surprise. With how speedy you put it on him, the beanie covered his eyes too.
“Whoops!” You laugh, carefully unfolding the hat to uncover his eyes. “There you are” beaming at him, you cup his jaw to lovingly rub at his growing stubble. “Now your head won't get cold on patrols. Does it fit okay?”
“Like a glove” he's all heart eyes, his hands staying on your waist. “Thank you”
“You're welcome,” you place a quick affectionate kiss on the corner of his lips “There's more by the way”
“Snogging or presents? ‘m good with either”
“Both” you say against his lips, before you meet though, you hear Blob hissing while climbing up Hobie's leg.
“Fuck! How?!” He yelps, thinking his spider senses have gone haywire under all the sickenly sweet fog of your kiss.
“Perfect, I've got something for you too!” taking the tiny beanie from your pajama pocket, you place it on the symbiote’s head, avoiding his sharp teeth. “Cute! Now you're matching!”
You take a step back to admire them both in their matching beanies. Grinning happily at your handiwork. Hobie glares at Blob who's still climbing up his leg with a sneer.
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
What if R gift Blobie as a companion to Pirate! Hobie? (*/ω\*) She rescued the lil guy/abomination from the water cause "poor cute thing can't swim just like her". It was a trick. Blobie came from water, he just wanna stay in R's sweet caring hands, except now he's stuck with her sassy pirate captain xDD They have love-hate relationship but unites when R is in danger/needs help with smth -🦊
Thank you for the lovely request, foxy!! Changed it up a bit, hope you don't mind 🫶
Pairing: Pirate! Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, blob the symbiote cat AU, pirate AU, fluff.
“Hobie, look!” You raise the gooey cat shaped thing in front of him. Its little paws (or that's what you think it is) wiggles in your grasp, milky white eyes all round and happy.
The captain looks from the map, the sun making him squint, searing heat melting him and the sand in his pants making him uncomfortable. Good thing you're here on the godforsaken island that the map has brought the entire ship to its beach or he'll definitely be crankier than he already is.
With the sun behind you, a white halo of light around you, bathing you in its heavenly glow; he leans closer to see better, which the creature did not like at all. The little entity yowls, almost scratching him.
“Fuck!” He shouts, jumping away. “What is that?!”
“Bad Blobie! We don't scratch the captain.” You flip the cat-like creature in your grasp, scolding it. Blob's eyes blink slowly, head tilting, trying to decipher what you said. “that,” you flip him again to face Hobie, “is the captain, you don't—” it mewls angrily. “—hey! Listen, you don't scratch or bite the captain or anyone. Got it?”
Blobie lays limp in your hands, surrendering. Hobie watched on with a confused look, scratching the back of his neck. He loves how you're so patient with the creature but he is eternally confused as to where or how you got it. Especially that you only left him on his own for only five minutes. (he counted)
“Love,” he sees you carry it like a newborn baby. “Should you even be holding that? I don't think its a cat”
“Of course it's a cat! Look at his ears,” his ears droop slightly, a black mass in Hobie's eyes. “his fluffy tail” it swishes to the side, and he swears he saw it change shape for a second. “his cute little eyes and he meows! So Blob is definitely a cat!” you smile happily at Hobie. He's not convinced.
“Where'd you find it?”
“Right near the shore, under some rocks. He looked like he needed help and when I took a closer look, he was stuck under it so I helped.”
“That was very kind of you, scuttlebutt, but we can't keep him.” Hobie opens the map again, counting his steps on the heated sand.
“But he'll die here!” You follow closely. “And you said the ship has rats so he can help kill them. Come on, Hobie!”
“Finn is doing just fine handling those rats.”
You scoff, “are you sure about that? He was all moody yesterday, even grumbling to himself. Please?” blocking his path, you give him your best smile that you know always gets the all powerful pirate.
Blob purrs, clinging to your shirt.
Hobie huffs, “we don't need another mouth to feed, love, ‘sides, Yuri is allergic.”
“Oh…” he almost caves in with the sad look you have on your pretty face.
Sighing, he reaches towards you, bringing you closer to him without losing his place on the sand. Pressing his face closer to your temple, he kisses you gently, trying to get the pout off your lips.
“Sorry,” kiss, “we just don't have the space just yet. After we find this treasure and buy the second ship, we can come back for him, yeah?”
“He might be dead by then.” You look at him forlornly, “I'll take good care of him, promise. I'll give him my rations.”
“And let you starve—?” The ‘cat’ leaps off your arms, running quickly into the thicket.
“Blob! Wait!” You run after it, leaving Hobie in the dust.
“Y/N! Damn It” Taking a stick, he plops in into the sand to save his last position before running after you.
Dodging branches and jumping over rocks, your sudden scream lights his nerves. Breathing heavily, blunderbuss at the ready, he follows the guttering sound.
Hobie finds you kneeling on the jungle floor, frantically heading towards you, he holds you by the shoulders, checking for injuries.
“What–are you alright?” You don't respond, still looking behind him. “Love!” He shakes you, holding your face tenderly. And with that you grin widely. Raising his eyebrows, he follows your line of sight.
Blob digs rapidly, too fast for a cat or even a dog. His movements are almost blurred, sand and dirt flying everywhere; Revealing thousands of gold doubloons and jewelry.
Blob shakes himself clean, sitting down in front of you, tail curling around his legs, licking himself clean.
“Do you want to keep him now?” You say with a smile, hand tapping his cheek. “Hobie?”
“I think I love this bloke.” He exclaims, eyes wide at the shining treasure.
“More than me?” You joke, embracing his middle.
“Maybe.” He teases back, kissing your cheeks like a man starved.
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
My stomach muscles hurt oh lord help- training kicks my ass every single time:.) Daily Hobie HC! Imagine- similarly to Miles Morales and Meows Morales, there was a punk cat version of Hobie Brown (Meowder Punk/Hobie Biscuits??) God- the rivalry between the two, and you're enjoying every single bit of it, since Hobie has a need to one-up the cat. If Meowderpunk licks your cheek, Hobie has to shower you in kisses If Meowderpunk cuddles up with you, Hobie has to make you practically melt into him with cuddles (which isn't that hard to do) If Meowderpunk makes biscuits on you, Hobie has to make you nice and comfy in his arms, kneading at your back. On a rare occasion though, you'll find Hobie sleeping somewhere, on a couch or the bed, with Meowderpunk curled on top of him, purring happily...and maybe you'll join them. (Hobie loves Meowderpunk but he won't admit it) - 🐦‍⬛
DAILY HOBIE HC YAY 🎉🎉🎉 nooo not the tummy aches 😞 pls rest, my love!
Meowderpunk my beloved 🥺😍😍😍 he's like blobie but he won't eat your hands or take a nibble at your skull 🤣
The friendly rivalry!! Hobie is definitely not jealous of a cat version of himself, no sir not at all 😂 No one wins except for you who gets all the love 🥰
The last one AWWWEE 🥺 I wanna take a picture of them cuddling peacefully 😍😍
(he does, don't tell anyone 😉)
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
Do you think Ho-bat would have a fight with Blobie?" Also, hello sissy~ -🦊
A hundred percent yes! Have you seen those videos of cats fighting? It's just like that lmaooo
Blobie thinks Hobat is a threat so he throws hands without question
Hi, foxy! How u doing?
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
Not to be dramatic but I would die for Blobie
Also where tf is he from I am so confused-
Lmaoo same! He's very adorable 🥰
I think he's canon in the comics? Like there's a cat symbiote there and one of the lovelies sent me that what if scenario and it all went from there! The name's made up by me lol his full name is Blobius Cornelius Blobirington 🫶 I have a few fics with him in it!
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
idk if it's been done before but yk how cat eyes reflect a ton of light and basically glow in the dark. Imagine Hobie tryna get some rest and Blobie js staring at him like 👁️👁️
Oooooohhhh I've never thought of that!!! Like he'd wake up in the middle of the night, needing to drink some water or his spidey senses are tingling and he just sees these 2 orbs staring him down 😂 all his hairs stand on end ngl
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
Pls do blobie as vampire!Hobie's accidental/experimental familiar, and the reason why Hobie's so against having more familiar now💀💀Lil shit not only disobey most of his command, he's always trying to bite his ankles at any given chances xDD
Can u tell I'm so obessed with cats and cat-like-blob-shape-little-alien? Not really right?✋😔
Are u also in my walls, foxy? Bc I've been planning to sneak in our little ball of goop in this wip but now I'm fully convinced that it will be blobby causing trouble 🤫
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the-kr8tor · 8 months
You know what would be more chaotic than Blobie in the house, Katy? 👀 The twins and Blob trio, LOLOL Nothing is more chaotic and amusing than playdate with children and a cat [and Sir. Blobius is technically a cat so~] I think it would be worse than hell gates being open in the Brown household lmao -🦊
Poor Hobie and R 😭 they're basically powerless once those three combine energies 🤣 the girls will be bouncing all over the walls, climbing ceilings while Blob chases them
I just got a vision of blob curled around the twins while they sleep 🥺🥺 also blob doubles as a body guard, he might look like a cat but he's still a symbiote capable of biting heads off
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the-kr8tor · 7 days
Have you ever just feel the uncontrollable urge to aggressively kiss and nom at every phat loaf of cats? Because that's how I'm feeling about my cousin's big boy lmaooo (also for Blobie and Momma crumpet) -🦊
YES ABSOLUTELY THAT'S HOW I FEEL EVERY TIME I SEE MY FAT BABY LABRADOR (she's not a baby but she's a baby in my heart) I wanna take a bite out of her floppy ears!
If I tried to bite blobie he will bite back by unhinging his jaw and eating me whole. While momma crumpet will be so nice abt it before she gets annoyed and bites back HAHAHHAHAHHA
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