#block spammer on facebook
shadowfoxsilver · 1 year
Pet donation scam explaination
Hi! I have many posts on my other blog that explain what a pet donation scam is but I'll go ahead and write another one over here that also explains it in case anyone wants a reminder about what it is and how it works. I'd suggest sharing this with your friends/followers even if they already know it so they can share it with their friends/followers and so on. I'll put it under a readmore.
tl;dr: A pet donation scam is when someone steals content off another site and spams asks to share their pinned pet post even though their account is only a few days old and has only a few posts. The blog usually disappears within a week but then you have another blog sending asks that has the same exact post but then has different images but their name is the same.
A pet donation scam is a scam that involves someone taking images/stories off a private vet bill aid group and then reposting it to tumblr as their own pet. The account does not explain that the images shown are not theirs; They will pass them off as their own and act as if the pet shown is one that's under their care. However, these accounts do not own anything their posting. Because they have stolen their content off another site.
Pet donation scammers like to reblog a few posts to look legit. Generally, as of recently, they'll share 100+ posts and use the Top Posts badge to look like an active user. However, a quick scroll through all those posts will usually show none of them are tagged and they all came from a trending tag or are trending posts. These accounts also are now sharing posts from accounts they follow in order to look more legitimate but don't let that deceive you. This is just another attempt to appear like their just your average tumblr blogger.
These scammers also will sent out asks that request private answers because they don't want anyone to see they sent the asks out to multiple other accounts. They'll tell you they don't want to be mistook as a bot/spammer even though they just spammed the askbox of people who share mutual aid posts and mutual aid links. If you search their ask in tumblr search, you'd likely see how many got the same thing. This tactic is why it's suggested not to send multiple asks to users to share your own aid post. Because sadly scammers have ruined it for others.
Another thing to keep in mind is that reverse image searching doesn't always work for trying to check the sources of a posts images for these scams. Since these images are stolen off a private facebook group, they won't show up in the public besides reblogs from users who mistook the scammer as a real account. This often may deceive others into assuming the scam account is legit if the images don't come up as being from somewhere else. They don't show up because their stolen off a private group so they are not easily accessible outside of it when searched.
Pet donation scammers also will lie to you to get your money. They will claim they'll pay you back yet if you find out their a scammer and ask for your money back the account will simply block you and move on to someone else. These scammers will never pay you back and they have no intentions of ever returning their money to anyone they stole from. You'll see it's a common phrase in their posts that they'll send you money back for helping them but that day never comes when they remake their blog and once more start their scam back up.
In closing, pet donation scams are unfortunately a common scam on tumblr and it's necessary to try and look up information if you got an ask that seems suspicious and is coming from a blog that's only a few days old and somehow found you if you are not a blog that a brand new account would find unless they saw you in a trending post notes or from a popular fandom tag.
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jonathanwrotethis · 17 days
Socially challenged
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Rather than trudge through the rain this lunchtime to a nearby store that sells marvellous sausage rolls, I warmed up leftovers from the fridge, and plan to spend the rest of lunchtime emptying my head into the keyboard. A rare treat.
I am my own worst enemy when it comes to working through lunch. Quite often I forget to eat entirely - then wonder why I feel so drained later in the day. Those are the times when I end up calling on the marvellous sausage roll shop.
This week feels long. I’m not sure why. Maybe because the project I have been consumed by for the last several months is starting to slow. Rather than a headless sprint towards an unknown destination, we can now see the finish line - tantalisingly dangling in front of us like a carrot on a stick.
Thoughts are already turning to what might be next, rather than “How the hell are we going to do this?”
In-between everything else this week I’ve been tinkering with some of the new(er) social platforms on the internet - trying them for size - walking up and down in their shoes to see which fits best.
I can’t help feeling that every social platform that reaches a certain tipping point in terms of popularity seems to attract the same army of brands, influencers, spammers and trolls. It would seem there are a great many people out there - among the masses that cross paths on the social internet’s shipping lanes - whose life’s mission is to berate, criticise, or tear down anything and everything contributed by anybody about anything. Quite the wide remit, I’m sure you’ll agree.
I use the word “seem” very carefully. The thing about the “social internet” - or more accurately the “algorithmic timeline” is that content or messaging that is interacted with rises to the top. A tiny minority of trolls can bring an issue into existence by the sheer force of their will (or rather, the inordinate time they are willing to expend posting critical, hateful, or objectionable commentary on anything and everything they possibly can).
You need look no further than “cancel culture” or certain political parties to see that some have figured out how to play the game - how to elevate non-stories in order to further their aims - however misguided, ignorant, or idiotic.
Social networks.
I thought I might offer my take on what I’ve found so far.
Threads - built by Meta (read: Facebook) - started out as an opportunistic land-grab when the exodus from “X” began. Facebook built Threads a long time ago, and it failed. This time it seems to have stuck the landing, and has grown like a weed - taking advantage of existing Instagram accounts to give people somewhere to talk, rather than just flex their gym or holiday photos.
Threads new-found popularity has begun to attract brands, marketers, bot networks and trolls - who are steadily ruining it in the same way that they ruin everything.
Perhaps the most unexpectedly entertaining facet of Threads just recently has been the arrival of the final cohorts of users from “X”, who complain every day that they can’t attract enough attention, that the platform doesn’t work they way they want it to, that not enough people are reading what they post, and perhaps most entertainingly - that everybody should share who to block, so they might instruct what everybody should read, who they should follow and so on - so they might surround themselves with the same narrow concordant feedback loop they had carefully curated elsewhere.
Bluesky - built by the original founders of Twitter - was an internal Twitter project - a holistic re-imaging of what a social network should be - a next generation evolution that Twitter itself might one day become a part of. Thankfully Bluesky was spun-off into an independent entity some time before Elon acquired Twitter and destroyed it. Bluesky was essentially Twitter’s crown jewels.
Imagine Twitter, but with control over the algorithmic timeline - allowing you to see suggested content, popular content, only posts from those you follow, only popular posts from those you follow, and so on. To be able to create lists, share lists, filter out re-posts, not see (or see) adult content, and so on.
At some point soon Meta will pull the trigger on advertising in Threads, and the game will be over (accompanied by an angry mob no doubt complaining about a platform they don’t pay for). It will be interesting to see how Bluesky monetise, because after all - there’s no such thing as a free lunch. There are rumours of Bluesky going the paid subscription route. Imagine that - a paid-for social network with no advertisers, and no advertising.
My lunch is at an end. Back to the pixel mines for me.
Perhaps a coffee first.
p.s. I’m @jonbeckett at both Threads and Bluesky.
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zoodio · 6 months
Tips for Organic Engagement
As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing, it's crucial to employ strategies that prioritize authenticity and genuine interaction. With that in mind, I wanted to share some pointers on how to effectively utilize Facebook groups to engage with your audience without coming across as a spammer.
Firstly, joining groups where your potential clients congregate is a great way to connect with them. However, it's important to remember not to bombard these groups with promotional content. Instead, focus on offering value and engaging authentically. This means actively participating in discussions, offering helpful advice, and genuinely connecting with members.
Additionally, when interacting in groups, refrain from posting your links unless specifically requested. Instead, aim to contribute meaningfully to conversations and provide assistance where possible. Posting links in comments without permission can be seen as spammy behavior and may result in negative consequences, including being blocked by Facebook. Let's strive to build relationships and foster genuine connections on Facebook, rather than resorting to spammy tactics.
Remember, by prioritizing authenticity and meaningful engagement, we can cultivate a positive presence on Facebook and better connect with our target audience. If you have any questions or need further guidance on navigating Facebook organically, feel free to reach out. Here's to fostering genuine connections and meaningful interactions online.
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ravenheartxvi · 10 months
I had originally joined Tumblr to participate in an activity from a fanfiction group for Harry Patter/Hermione Granger shippers on facebook, regarding submitting/receiving fic prompts. I slowly dipped my toe into the tumblr community from there by following a ton of Sims related content. Then I began to follow Star Wars related content here, and even beginning to lightly get active on here as I distanced myself from facebook.
I have been very dismayed to find myself targeted by persistent spam from porn bots, which continues to show up in my messages. However, lately, I have been disturbed to find the newest form of porn spam. Has anyone else noticed that porn spammers/bots have now taken to make posts with porn links, while tagging a whole shitton of random tags, so that whichever tags that you follow, you are going to find porn spam listed under your favorite tags? Well, I have and it is disappointing and annoying. I hope that tumblr can address this.
Don't get me wrong, I am not morally averse to porn. If a person finds enjoyment in the service, to each their own. I, however, do take issue with the persistent aggressiveness with which these adds continue to pop up, and I do not doubt that users who are underage are encountering them on here. I have always operated on the assumption that if someone is inclined to find enjoyment of pornography, then they will seek the medium out on their own, it is really not necessary to be so aggressive in advertising it.
I would refer not to be subjected to such in your face adds when I am not interested in perusing it. Seriously, what more can we, humble Tumblr users, do other than to report each add we come across or report each spam bot message? Would blocking do any good when it is coming from more random accounts than accountable?
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darnellclayton · 2 years
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Interesting tweet by @photomatt. I am thinking that @Tumblr could replace Twitter if they actually embraced Matrix & the Fediverse.
But then there is this:
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Note: I am providing screenshots here just in case Twitter disappears!
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Okay, so Automattic is trying to make Tumblr self sustaining by offering premium features that people would be willing to pay for.
Premium features that Tumblr currently offers are:
Vanity blue check marks
Premium custom themes
Tumblr Blaze (basically paying to promote your post to other Tumblrs)
Pay for ad free browsing
Apparently this is not enough, so what other features could Tumblr offer that users would be willing to pay for‽ Here are a few a few suggestions:
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Actual verification (yes, seriously)
As people flee Twitter, they will look at alternatives & Tumblr will receive a massive amount of traffic (which will drive up the cost of the site). This includes celebrities, businesses, politicians, other government officials, etcetera.
Offer a real verification service that is open to everyone—celebrities, businesses & normal people—but would require:
A real world ID (passport, government ID, drivers license, etcetera).
An annual fee (between $100-$300 depending on the person or organization, government official, etcetera) in order to combat spam impersonation
A video phone call from Tumblr / WordPress staff (Facetime, Telegram, WhatsApp, etcetera) to confirm the person/organization is legit
Forget the checkmark (twitter ruined that) & use something else (maybe dancing emoji’s around the profile picture‽ Make it unique to Tumblr).
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Federation with ActivityPub
I honestly would prefer that this would be a free feature, however the sad fact remains that people could easily be overwhelmed with spammers, trolls, scams, etcetera, outside of Tumblr & not know how to deal with it.
I solo host on Darnell.one & I have encountered spammers, trolls & scammers on Matrix & Mastodon (latter uses ActivityPub).
While I have the patience to deal with the unfettered interwebs attempting to harass me, most people will feel overwhelmed with [email protected] sending them unsolicited messages on the daily.
Making it a premium feature would reduce the chance of spammers using Tumblr to harass the world (resulting in Federation blocks), as well as preventing people from being harassed by the world.
Price should be between $5-$10/month
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Into The Matrix
I am already on Matrix (I am @darnell:shh.darnell.ooo for those interested) & I think integration would be key with one caveat: make it a replacement for messages on Tumblr.
So I could then use @darnell:tumblr.com to securely communicate to other people on Tumblr as well as Matrix users for free.
However, those who pay Tumblr could also use their Matrix/Tumblr messenger to communicate with other people on Facebook Messenger, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, etcetera, via bridging, which would appeal to power users.
Another bonus is that paying folks could also create their own mini zoom like video calls, without having to use Zoom (which would appeal to people on Tumblr). I would make it so that paying folks can initiate a call, but anyone else on Tumblr can join for free (in order to increase appeal).
Price range would be between $10-$20/month (as this tech is not cheap!).
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Instead of relying on YouTube, Tumblr should offer this feature for free—with a catch.
People should be able to live broadcast in standard definition for free, but if they want the broadcast in high definition as well as saved then they will have to pay for storage (otherwise the streamed video is deleted after 24 hours).
Premium users could also have the “broadcasted on Tumblr” watermark/label removed, as well as the ability to automatically upload their video elsewhere (VideoPress, Vimeo, YouTube, etcetera).
Price range should be $10/month
Tumblr Prime‽
Tumblr should also offer a combination package on all of the above except verification (for obvious reasons).
Call it Tumblr Prime or Tumblr Pattycakes for all I care, but for around $20/month they should offer:
ActivityPub federation
Matrix Integration for messages (including bridging, video conference calls, etcetera)
Live-streaming services
Of course Auttomattic should look at the economics of these features to see if they are feasible, but I think they can come up with a workable solution that is deemed valuable.
That is all folks!
Those are my suggestions, & if you made it this far after reading this post, congratulations! If you have any suggestions, refutations, or questions feel free to comment below or message me via Tumblr.
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topiko · 9 months
Build Identity and Expand Your Network
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Being Social Is A First Step To Growth & Success
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Same as social networking, professional networking too opens windows of opportunities, developing a strong professional relationship can be motivating for someone to recommend your profile to a hiring manager or even help you land your dream job. 
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timothyjchambers · 1 year
Project92 and the Fediverse - A Smarter Battle Plan to Protect the Open Social Web
With the upcoming #meta #Project92 Fediverse service, there has been a, well, robust discussion of how to avoid threats looming. Those advocating mass-preemptive defederation make three cases for it.
➡️ To avoid data mining …w
However, defederation does virtually zero to avoid any big tech entity scraping all the Fediverse public social graph today - Want proof?
See here: is.gd/q8U2pv
But what if they merge that Fediverse data with their own internal data from IG isn’t that worse than just scraped data? They can do this now. They already have a frightening amount of internal data from inside IG, and as we said, virtually all of the public fediverse is scrapable and syncing those to datasets is unstoppable - with or without defederation.
The second argument:
➡️ To defend against poorly moderated P92 users & ad spam.
We have all the tools for that now - as users & as admins, and deal with exactly this from poorly moderated servers EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
And if we find ANY server not responsive THEN we block. Protecting our users is our 1st job but we have all we need - WITHOUT first strike defederation.
And remember we only have to protect the 1.3 million monthly active users inside the Fediverse. And we do that now every day. Spammers and toxic accounts inside the P92 network we or our social graph don’t follow is their problem. Our problem is protecting our people.
And as new users migrate over the Fedivese we will scale to support them - which we need to build scalability of moderation out anyway.
The 3rd argument for defederation:
➡️ To defend against being “Embraced, Extended, and Extinguished.”
This is a real risk, and others point to Google and Facebook and XMPP, or Google and RSS Google reader. Where a big entity takes over, then rug pulls or extends an open standard slowly into a non-standard, non-interoperable functionally siloed service.
This is a real risk. But you don’t - and can’t - defend against this by defederation.
Why not? Because even if the entire existing Fedi pre-blocked them. Instagram has 1.6 BILLION users. If they push this, in one day just on their own they will be the size of the current Fedi’s monthly user base, and then grow from there.
Virtually Instantly, they become the biggest ActivityPub entity on the planet. With or without a mass block.
A Smarter Strategy Against “EEE attacks” than Premptive First Strike Defeeration - that Still Protects Our People
So if we can’t stop the embrace, what can we do to combat the second “E?” How do you stop them from “extending” the AcitivyPub standard and twisting or crippling it?
This isn’t a new battle. Tons of efforts to use an EEE attack on open tech fail.
As others put it well #OpenSourceSoftware space has fought and won this battle many times. And as Dave Winer the godfather of RSS & Podcasting said: “Podcasting has withstood countless attacks like this, and has always been left standing as unsullied as ever.”
We know how to win this.
➡️ First: Innovate and outcompete.
Especially where you can do things giants can’t. We can always outcompete Meta at being more private, ad-free, better moderated, and more open. We also need to compete on User Interface and User Experience.
XMPP may have been hurt by FB and Google’s rug pull - but my recollection was more like this user when asked why did XMPP die and SMPT thrived?
I was a weird XMPP nerd in high school and tried to switch friends from AIM. So here's my experience.
Onboarding was difficult. There was no obvious choice of server or client to use.
Adding friends was difficult. You needed to send a subscription request to a contact, and they needed to send one to you. If anything happened during this process, you couldn’t chat. * Popular XMPP clients, like Pidgin, also supported the other chat services (AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, etc) so people just continued using those.
Network effect. You need to convince a mass of people its better, otherwise, nobody’s using it because no-one uses it.
No obvious benefit to the user. It’s decentralized sure, but there weren’t many improvements over AIM that people actually used.
A lack of good iPhone XMPP clients.
In 2005 Google added XMPP support to Google Talk/GMail Chat and they were federated, but nobody federated back and they closed off its successor (Hangouts).
It’s eerie how those complaints - onboarding, confusing UX, the discovery of friends - feel akin to some made of the current Fediverse. We need to up our game all those issues fast. Fedi client and server software will need to just be better - something #OSS devs have done for years. And we can too.
OK, the next tactic we know works against #EEE attacks:
➡️ Having a broad set of OTHER allies inside the tent of stakeholders. Growing the base of those who “embrace” it to even out the power dynamics.
And btw, defederating developers PREMPTIVELY before they launch a single Meta Activtypub server, is the fastest way to make OTHER potential developers run for the hills. Actually to run to Bluesky.
And my last major tactic for this post:
➡️ Fediverse ActivityPub Standards Must Hold: We need to support our standards makers STAT.
The best defense against “extend” is a clear line of what we are defending. ActivityPub has needed a robust “test suite” to test compliance for a while & good efforts were unfinished. They need to be picked up at warp speed. To see an example of his working for other tech see: webmention.rocks
The creator of the Wordpress ActivtyPub plugin said that he wished he had this.
Until we get a robust test suite for #ActivityPub the risk is Meta or others “extend it” or the converse, support “almost all of it,” but miss crucial bits.
Dave Winer mentioned once that Google leaving bits of RSS support out of Google Reader hurt the effort for years. (But it recovered and #EEE failed over time)
I’m working with a number of stakeholders now to see if we can build out an alpha of just this. Is crucial work. Want to help? DM me at @[email protected] on the Fedi.
Wrapping up: This isn’t a new fight. OSS devs have been here before. Many times. And won.
We have all the tools, development energy & moderation tech to protect our people we need - without first strikes.
We have past #OSS & open tech fights to learn off of & as others have argued well: being open - if they are - is a first crack in #Meta’s armor.
We may get a window - if we both protect our people & don’t act insularly - to run an #EEE campaign reaching out to THEIR users.
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Open the file, enter the username of your AQWorlds account and choose the length of membership you wish to have. Be sure to check the undetectable mode. To get the instant download for this great Bot all you have to do is press the 'Thanks'-Button located at the bottom of my post. aqw ac generator download aqw achievements aqw acs generator aqw ac hack aqw ac\/mem hack 2.v0 aqw ac hacks aqw account management aqw ac aqw accounts. AQW Membership hack No Survey - AQW Premium Membership Generator Download free We are proud to finally relase the long waited hack for. 9 I just tried that! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra, tellus sit amet congue vulputate, nisi erat iaculis nibh, vitae feugiat sapien ante eget mauris. Total Visitor. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger. Postingan Populer. Minggu, 31 Maret Adventure Quest Worlds Hack Problems when you download AQW Hack? Read How to Download section from the site menu and also feel free to contact us any time. Thank You! The hack works in a way that is absolutely undetectable, therefore, there is no risk the the user of getting banned. It is suggested not to overuse this program, because overuse may cause the exploit that the hack takes advantage of, to be patched. Launch the program, enter the username you use to login with and the level you wish your character to be at. Then click "Hack Level". The program will then begin the process of editing the level variable of your account. When the process is finished, it you will see the words "Hack Successful" in green letters and you will be advised to relog into AQWorlds to update your level variable. Relog now and you'll notice your characters level has been hacked to the level you entered! It's as simple as that. F2 - Options;. F3 - Bot Manager;. F4 - Lists;. F5 - Packet Spammer;. F6 - Auto Relogin;. F7 - Use boosts menu. Screenshoot for trainers :. Screenshot for trainers :. Untuk Petunjuk penggunaan silahkan klik :. F1 - Opens the bank;. Download Le Bot 5. Download Le Bot 6. Semoga Berma nfaat Bagi Kalian Semua. Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Berbagi ke Twitter Berbagi ke Facebook. Unknown 2 Desember Tambahkan komentar. Muat yang lain Langganan: Posting Komentar Atom. New Block. Enter Block content here Kunjungi Juga Blog Lain Saya.
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fbhelpdesk-blog · 7 years
Do you want to block someone on facebook? So you have to know all steps of deletion. 
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laf-outloud · 3 years
I use this blog to share opinions, some of them not always popular or positive. But it is my blog.
I try and ensure that all of my posts are tagged correctly so that unless you actively search for anti posts, you don't have to see what it is I write.
I allow others their opinions in my ask box as long as they are respectful.
I block askers when I realize they are spammers or are simply trying to rile me up.
If you send an ask and you don't like my response, remember, you came to me.
I do not seek out blogs of people I don't agree with just to send them hateful messages.
If I ever respond to a blog I don't follow, it's only to correct facts. Never to argue opinions.
Bullying is wrong. This isn't about me personally, rather it's a response to a recent experience within my community. I've added more below, but please heed the trigger warnings.
Normally, these kinds of things can't break through my hardened heart, but this one did.
I was reading through my communities Facebook page and found out that a young 12-year-old boy had killed himself due to bullying. His mother shared her experience. I haven't shared the whole thing, but her words below are particularly meaningful.
"I woke this morning more angry than I have ever been in my life. Do I blame myself? Do I blame my sweet boys bully? I blame the system! I blame the fact that these bullies even exist! How is there this much hate in our world that we allow children to hurt other children? It’s simple…we do it to each other and they learn that its okay to feed their lack of confidence. They think it makes them cool. My son will never marry, never become a father. Shit, he’ll never have a future of any kind. All because of one cowardly child. Why did this boy deserve to treat my son as if he wasn’t human? What happen in his and his cowardly following garbage friends to become an advocate of hate. Is it the parents? I don’t have the answers, but I do know THIS HAS TO STOP NOW!"
I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I was victim to a very passive-aggressive form of bullying that has helped shaped me into the person I am today, but it never got so bad I wanted to take my own life, and for that, I am grateful.
If you are struggling, or know someone who is, please reach out. There is someone always willing to listen.
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teensocial786 · 3 years
Mobile Adamforadam
The gays have been using the internet to get laid since AOL launched chat rooms to Friendster, but with Craigslist and Manhunt ruining their formulas, what is a homo with a hard-on to do now? What's next for easily-available ass?
For the gays, the usefulness of any technology has always been measured on how it will help them get laid. Craigslist has slowed down cruising by forcing people to enter those stupid loopy words every time you want to respond to an m4m ad. Manhunt is about to roll out extensive changes. It's getting harder to find homo hookups online. Where should gays go to find sex so their not roaming the streets like a pack of cock-hungry zombies? Or should we just find the right girl, settle down, have some kids, move to Cobble Hill, and commit suicide 20 years later because we're unfulfilled?
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Manhunt: The most popular virtual bathhouse, this is still the place to go for one-stop shopping for sloppy seconds. But remember how well the 'new Facebook' went? Imagine similar (but even cattier) sentiments when they change their format later this month. We got an advanced look at it (thanks to a lonely night in a European capital—don't ask), and it's not amazing. Who You'll Find Online: Just about every gay with an internet connection Why It Will Catch On: The new design makes reading mail and seeing your friends easier. Also, it's where the boys are. Why It Sucks: The searches are harder than ever. And this is it's first major overhaul since 2002 and basically all they did was change the color scheme, reorganized the homepage, and add 'cock size' as a category. We expect more. Celeb You Might Accidentally Cruise: Lance Bass
Craigslist: The 'Penny Saver of dick' (as Margaret Cho calls it) has always been free and easy, if not full of trolls. Who You'll Find Online: Trolls, meth addicts, and 'Str8 guys.' Why It Will Catch On: It offers every insane fetish you could possibly imagine and a ton of anonymity. Why It Sucks: Now, to respond to every ad, you have to answer one of those annoying questions that prevent spammers. It provides uneven returns. And, it's full of trolls. Celeb You Might Accidentally Cruise: Larry Craig
Grindr: This iPhone app locates other users close to you so that you two can meet on a street corner before getting it on. Who You'll Find Online: Urban gays with iPhones. Why It Will Catch On: The gays are early adopters and love playing with gadgets. Also, it's easier to travel down the block to meet a guy than across town. Also, have you seen Guys with iPhones (NSFW)? If these are the 'mos using it, sign us up! Why It Sucks: Not enough people yet. If it can't get the boys laid, they'll go back to Manhunt and Grindr will be as effective as a vibrator with dead batteries. Celeb You Might Accidentally Cruise: Neil Patrick Harris
Adam4Adam: This is a burgeoning free service that survives on advertising (mostly of the porn variety) rather than subscriptions. Who You'll Find Online: Those too cheap or poor to pay for a cruising website. Why It Will Catch On: The economy has melted and no one has a job. Why It Sucks: You get what you pay for, and in this case, you'll be paying a copay for that rash you have in the morning. Oh, and the orange and brown color-scheme looks like a 1970s kitchen gone awry. Celeb You Might Accidentally Cruise: Bobby Trendy
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Mobile Adamforadam
Atomic Men: This West Coast-based site is pushing a big relaunch. Then again, so are some American car companies, and we're skeptical about that too. Who You'll Find Online: Guys in LA who have worked through everyone on Manhunt. Why It Will Catch On: Hmm...all the other hook up sites have died? Why It Sucks: It's ugly, there aren't enough guys, it's confusing, and you have to pay for it. At least Adam4Adam is disgusting and free. Celeb You Might Accidently Cruise: Perez Hilton
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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