#block that if you want idc
pretendygood · 7 months
So my husband was just like, "I was thinking for our anniversary we could go eat somewhere early, then you could make me watch one of your shows the rest of the day if you want"
It's finally fucking go time
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cowboyheyxu · 11 months
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"you know, after i watched paddington, i'm fully convinced animals can talk. you know⎯like in toy story. but they're hiding it from us," you rambled, tapping your finger on your chin like you were in deep thought.
alhaitham flipped over on his stomach, shoving his face into his pillow, "please, go to sleep." his voice is muffled as he pleads, which prompts you to go on.
"and another thing," you continue, "does a straw have two holes? or just one? but there has to be two, right? since there are two holes in a straw."
alhaitham turns around, laying on his side as he listens to you, "you do realize you just answered your own question, right?" he mocks you.
you roll your eyes in return, threading your hands through his hair and ruffling it as revenge. you pretend not to hear him sigh out of content, "yeah. but like⎯if it has two holes, why do we only drink out of one?"
this time, alhaitham does not sigh. he groans, "it's getting too late for these kinds of questions."
you raise your eyebrows, a grin slowly appearing on your face, "oh? so i've finally frustrated the curiosity out of you,'" your sentence turned into laughter at the end.
"you have not," alhaitham countered.
"i think i have," you brush your thumb over alhaitham's eyebrow. he held your hand over his eyebrow and rubbed his thumb over it. he takes your silence as a sign that you are succumbing to exhaustion and you are finally about to fall asleep. but he was wrong.
"i just have one more question," you blurted out.
"only one?" he looked up at you with sleepy eyes. the sight made you want to giggle. alhaitham looks vulnerable. he looks adorable, you think.
"only one," you reaffirm, and rub your thumb across his eyebrow once more, "do you think we're together in every universe?"
the question caught him off guard. you never asked questions like these. most of the time, your questions range from shower thoughts to absurdities. but something seemed more intimate about this one.
alhaitham does not know if you two would be together in every universe. the universe is vast and unpredictable. there are endless possibilities and endless outcomes. it would be impossible for you two to be together in every universe.
that being said, he hopes that you two are together in most of them. alhaitham⎯though he holds disdain at your questions⎯could not imagine a life without them. he simply could not think of a world where he doesn't listen to the sound of your voice every night. he could not visualize a world where he wouldn't be a recipient of your love and your warmth.
to envision a world without you in it is like envisioning a world without it's sun. the world would be shrouded in darkness, without a single bit of light. there would be no warmth, and everything would have froze to death and died.
he looks at you while he thinks about his answer. if he had to wake up every day, and your face wasn't the first thing he saw, alhaitham knew he'd be miserable. he spends at least ten minutes of his morning admiring you. without you, what would he do?
there would be no one to brush his teeth with. there would be no one to eat dinner with. there would be no one to talk to in the middle of the night. life truly seems empty there. he pities all the other alhaithams in the vast universe that have to live without you. it must be horrific, living like that.
so, he makes sure to make this universe count.
"c'mere," he pulls you down to lay with him. you're on your side now as alhaitham pulls you closer, "i'll tell you my answer."
your eyes perk up, having been anticipating his answer the past few minutes. would he disagree or agree? does he think you two would last over different dimensions?
"really? because i think that we'll⎯" alhaitham cuts you off by placing his hand on your jawline and pressing his lips onto yours. it's slow, soft, and quite sensual. his other hand travels down to your hip, slowly rubbing circles on the bone as he continues to kiss you. you don't seem to mind or pull away, as you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back.
your legs are intertwined with alhaitham's as you pull away. suddenly, you feel a lot tired than you did a few minutes ago. was this alhaitham's plan all along? did he just try to kiss you into exhaustion? whatever just happened, it would not work. you will get your answer.
you lean on his chest for one minute, and then you fall asleep.
alhaitham didn't intend for that to happen. it was just a small bonus. what he really wanted to do, was to appreciate what he had in front of him. to not take you for granted. he considers how lucky he is: he is here, in bed with you, and he gets to listen to you ramble. he is privileged enough to hear the sound of your voice, your laughter, your thoughts. he just wanted to show that off.
but now, you're entangled in his limbs, dozing off peacefully as you relax into his chest. you'll harass him more about his answer later, but for now, he only mumbles it to you.
"i hope we are together in every universe."
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loomingtwilight · 7 months
i love neuvifuri’s dynamic and relationship. like. imo they are the epitome of “we are inseparable, we are in love in every way, we are soulmates not by birth or due to fate binding us inexplicably but because we spent those 500 years being the one constant in each others lives and weve come to know each other the best, but we are simultaneously strangers. we never truly knew each other during all that time.“
and neuvillette knew for so long furina was keeping a secret from him and it pained him to force that secret into the light, but he knew he had to in order to save fontaine, and despite that he still wanted to do it as gently as possible. to make the trial the last resort if the travelers conversation didnt work. after the final events of the archon quest, he let furina go wherever she wished, he (if im remembering correctly) gave her a nice house and enough funds to do as she pleased and live comfortably. he used his new authority over hydro to give her a vision made specifically for her, the very first vision he has given out. he has made it as clear as day that she is welcome to talk to him, to ask to have tea, to ask him for whatever or simply just to talk.
neuvillette using those actions to say “i hope you let me know who you truly are, and allow me to stay in your life for as long as you wish, but i love you so i will not force you.”
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stiffyck · 1 month
People who make posts about important topics and do not make any paragraph breaks make me so mad like I WANT to read your fucking post I wanna SEE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. IF ONLY YOU DIDNT MAKE IT SO DIFFICULT. I CANNOT FOCUS AND READ THIS NOW. IM NOW NOT READING YOUR POST.
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sodo-mizerr · 21 days
Yo can all the Copiiia/Copia x Terzo "shippers" pls block me? Same for other papa ships?? I hate seeing it every time I look at either the Terzo or Copia tag :)
Like genuinely it makes me highly uncomfortable so just block me
Edit: I was SO SCARED to post this by the way because of the huge amount of these shippers on Tumblr's side of the Ghost fandom.
Thank you for sharing and such! I'm glad I'm not alone in this thought process.
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tsams-confessions · 2 months
I love reading this blog but as an ace person why is solarmoon such a big deal? This show isn't really popular in terms of mainstream media and is just a subculture of a subculture, why are we not focusing this energy into Jughead from Archie not being aroace anymore and removing that from the comics that seems like it's worth the effort and debate.
I'm sorry but Davis and Reed don't have as much power over the influences as you all think they do they just have control over the world they built that wasn't even entirely there's in the first place.
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wiseatom · 1 year
can i just like. say something.
i think this community can be really fun at times! i also think it can be toxic! that said, a lot of — not all, but a lot — the toxicity comes from people actively opening themselves up to harmful situations.
the cool thing about online spaces is that you have so much control in curating them! you can block someone whose opinions or posts you don’t agree with without ever having to interact with them. you can ignore or delete hateful anonymous messages, or even disable the feature entirely. you can privately message someone if you want to talk to them without an audience watching the entire thing.
the point of this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t engage in discourse, that being petty and dramatic isn’t fun, that responding to anon hate with a one-liner isn’t funny and cool. the point is to say that i think it’s kind of silly to complain about drama and negativity and hate when you also invite 300,000+ people to say some nasty shit to you with zero consequences on their end but a whole lot of satisfaction out of the reaction they get from you.
this isn’t directed at any one person in particular, and it’s not an attack. it’s simply a gentle reminder that you literally have the power to make this space a positive one. please stop letting strangers on the internet take that away from you.
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crippleddetective · 10 months
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who has ever said that in the history of ever. what is cruel about wanting our own fucking exclusive space without able-bodied people in it. for someone with blah blah i drink abled tears or whatever the fuck on your profile, you sure do a lot of abled bootlicking.
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theolddivorcedzukka · 8 months
this is getting a bit redundant at this point but just to make it clear, i am very much aware that i cannot tell people to not be proshippers because people just do whatever they want and i can't and won't stop that but still i am asking you that if you follow me and you consider yourself a proshipper or you support others who are proshippers (when i say proshipper here, i mostly mean that you ship incestuous or pedophilic relationships), you need to unfollow me. it's not even about me telling you to stop engaging in that, I'm just stating boundaries.
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idsb · 8 hours
girl I love you blog but don't joe turkey alwyn was emotionally abusive and his tone-deaf interview is proof. At this point an overdose in Milan will be too kind to him. Hope his film career also continues to suck. Sorry if this is harsh but it's true.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you wishing death on someone you don’t know because they said it was “hard to get over a loving and beautiful relationship when the media made it their business”. That’s all he said. And you want him to DIE? Get absolutely lost you psychopath.
Btw this is why he hated swifties and, unfortunately, exactly why I have to defend his ass rn
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bugsinmymilk · 12 hours
no way i just saw a post about being ‘transaddicted’
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yellowistheraddest · 4 months
one thing i wont ever get is people being attracted to fictional characters. and before youre all "yellow are you aro/ace???" NO im fine with real people but as soon as its someone fictional or a famous celebrity my brain just doesn't care about them in that way. when i love a character a lot its either the way you love your child or the way you love a bacterial culture you've been growing in a lab for several months, alternatively theres also love-hate where its the love and fascination you have when you see one of those test cars driving into a wall and getting absolutely destroyed
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lvmity · 4 months
i dont want to start shit but if you see a mutual constantly reblog and interact with known/ assumed terfs that's probably because the mutual is a terf too.... like...
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demovamp · 1 month
cw – pedophilia, sa, rant in tags
( preface: this is 99% rage bait due to the influx of mha hate i have seen on tiktok !! i just needed to rant abt it for a sec because it makes me feel icky. just bcs it's ragebait doesn't mean i can't be upset about it. block and move on. )
i feel like it shouldn't be a "cringe" or "weird" reaction to being disgusted by the fact someone hcs your fav character as a rapist pedo !!
so fucking what if he isn't real? that's not the point.
the point is that someone made an "oc" just for the sake of making tiktoks about said oc being abused by hawks.
like, no other personality traits. just tiktok after tiktok of "hehe my oc was abused by a vv popular character!!"
it's worse that they used ai art.
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literalite · 2 years
being a hater is fine and healthy but if its smth thats not hurting anyone and its just a group of people having fun and being silly and goofy then making up reasons to publicly continue being a hater then maybe maybe maybe said people are going to be a little annoyed at that. no?
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tsams-confessions · 4 months
for the ace-aro people- fans- isnt like demi also part of the aro/ace spectrum? like I get getting mad the only aro ace character is now death but new moon is a whole new person,he shows it- cant he be like aro/ace/or demi and still be with someone? New moon is new Moon- old moon is the ace one- who lives in the heart of those who miss him ..
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