#blockchain evolution explained a beginners guide to understanding blockchain technology
staricrypto · 1 year
Understanding Blockchain Technology
The Building Blocks of Cryptocurrency Introduction: Blockchain technology is at the core of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and can potentially revolutionize various industries. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the fundamentals of blockchain technology and its role as the building blocks of cryptocurrency. From its decentralized nature to its immutability and security features,…
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blockchaincouncil · 1 year
How to Become an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer in 2023?
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Are you ready to step into the future and shape the world of artificial intelligence (AI)? As we approach 2023, the demand for AI engineers is greater than ever. The rapid evolution of technology has pushed AI to the forefront of innovation, and organizations all over the world are looking for professionals who can capitalize on its potential.
But how do you become an AI engineer in 2023, what is AI certification, and what steps can you take to stand out in this dynamic field? In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the exciting journey of becoming an AI engineer, explain what AI certification is, and explore the essential skills, certifications, and opportunities that await you.
This guide has something for everyone, whether you're a seasoned IT pro looking to up your AI game or a recent graduate with a passion for cutting-edge technology. So, let us embark on this transformative journey together and pave the way for a successful career in artificial intelligence. After all, AI is the future, and you have the power to shape it.
What Does an AI Engineer Do?
An AI Engineer is a skilled individual who is in charge of developing and maintaining AI systems and applications. They use AI to create intelligent software capable of performing tasks that require human-like cognitive abilities.
Domains with High Demand for AI Experts
Let's look at some of the most prominent areas where AI experts can make a significant difference:
The SaaS Industry
Education and Training Industry
E-commerce Industry
Industry of Social Networking, Media, and Communications
Because AI knowledge is so versatile, certified chatbot experts can find work in virtually any industry. The key is to apply your AI expertise to solve industry-specific problems, such as improving healthcare outcomes, optimizing supply chains, or improving autonomous vehicles.
The world of AI is vast and constantly evolving, making it an exciting field for those pursuing AI certifications such as Blockchain Council's AI Developer Certification, chatbot certification, and AI prompt engineer certification. These certifications provide you with the skills necessary to thrive as an AI expert, opening the door to numerous career opportunities in the AI-driven world of tomorrow.
Becoming an AI Engineer in 2023: Paving the Way to Success with Blockchain Council Certification
Artificial intelligence is not only the future; it is also the present. As we approach 2023, the AI industry is booming and shows no signs of slowing down. AI engineers are the architects of innovation in this age of rapid technological advancement. They are the brains behind self-driving cars, intelligent virtual assistants, and predictive healthcare solutions. If you want to embark on a journey in the dynamic world of AI engineering, Blockchain Council's Certified AI Developer Certification is your guiding light.
Why Should You Choose Blockchain Council's Certified AI Expert Certification?
Designed for Newcomers: This program is designed for those who are new to the fields of data science and artificial intelligence. It provides an approachable and beginner-friendly approach to introducing learners to the fundamental concepts of AI. From statistics to data science with Python, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the AI landscape.
Embrace the Future: AI is the driving force behind game-changing technologies like ChatGPT. This AI developer Certification decodes the inner workings of generative AI like ChatGPT, arming you with the knowledge to confidently navigate the ever-changing AI landscape.
Stay Competitive: The demand for AI experts is increasing, and this AI certification is your ticket to staying ahead in the job market. It not only imparts essential knowledge but also keeps you up to date on the latest AI developments.
The path to becoming a certified chatbot expert in 2023 is both exciting and rewarding. With a course duration of only 6 hours, you can quickly acquire the skills required to thrive in the AI industry. The AI certification's lifetime validity ensures that your expertise remains relevant throughout your career.
This AI developer Certification, which is available through a convenient online exam and self-paced learning, respects your schedule and your need for flexibility. Furthermore, with Blockchain Council's reputation as a leader in the field, you can be confident that you're in the hands of experts who are passionate about developing the next generation of AI engineers.
Conclusion: Creating Your AI Engineering Future
To summarize, the year 2023 is an excellent time to begin your career as a Certified Chatbot Expert. The Blockchain Council's AI prompt engineer certification and Chatbot Certification will help you navigate this exciting journey.
So, as you embark on your journey to become a Certified Chatbot Expert in 2023, keep in mind that you're entering an exciting world of possibilities. AI engineering is about becoming a part of the future, not just building it. With Blockchain AI prompt engineer certification and Chatbot Certification, your ambitions take flight and your dreams become a reality. Welcome to the future of AI engineering, and let Blockchain Council be your guide to success.
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arnassinkevicius · 2 years
6 Books About Crypto You Should Read
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Cryptocurrencies are a hot topic, and this new technological evolution will have economic, political, and even social consequences. But what does that mean for your investments? How do you decide whether you should invest in bitcoin or Ethereumereum? And once you've made up your mind about investing, what books can help guide your decisions to make the most of your cryptocurrency holdings?
We've put together this article with six books about cryptocurrencies that teach readers how to get started with crypto investment strategies. You'll learn everything from fundamental analysis of price trends to cryptocurrencygraphy concepts. We've also included the last section with recommended exchanges that we think are worth looking into if you're interested in trading cryptocurrencies.
1) Cryptocurrencies: The Complete Guide to Investing In and Taking Advantage of the New Digital Currency Revolution - Dan Morehead
This book ok is for beginners who want to get familiar with the basics of how cryptocurrencies work. It provides a basic introduction to blockchain technology, wallets, mining, and other terminology that may seem alien at first. However, Morehead also covers case studies from prominent cryptocurrency investors like Mark Cuban, John McAfee, Marc Benioff, and others. The text is heavy on graphs and statistics and offers a glimpse into how the crypto market works.
2) Bitcoin for Dummies - Jered Diamond
This book provides a crash course for total novices about bitcoin, digital currency, and blockchain Technologyhnology. It explains what these terms mean and why they are so important. If you'd like to get more in-depth about bitcoin mining and mining equipment you'll also find this book's tips particularly helpful.
3) Blockchain for Dummies - Daniel J. Roth
blockchainchain is much more than just a buzzword. This book is for readers who want to learn more about the exciting world of bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. It includes several blockchain-related case studies and offers commentary from developers who are working on blockchain projects. The reading material is accessible, even though it only touches the very basics of blockchain technology. The author presents a wealth of in-depth information in a way that's easy to understand without losing all-important key details.
4) Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Could Change the World - Don Tapscott
The book is divided into three parts that are each devoted to a different cryptocurrencytocurrency. There's bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. The author didn't live very much space explaining the difference between these three, but he did manage to make readers understand how they practically relate to one another. The book also covers blockchain technology and how it relates to cryptocurrencies.
5) The Age of Cryptocurrency - Paul Vigna
This is a story about the history of cryptocurrency. It explains how Bitcoin came to be and how it eventually made waves in the financial world with its controversial birth. The book also explores the future of cryptocurrency with a chapter called "The Aftermath." There's also a chapter about blockchain technology, which is another fascinating aspect of cryptocurrenciesrrencies that readers will enjoy learning about.
6) Crypto Investing 101 - Robert Ogilvie
If you're an experienced cryptocurrency investor and you'd like to get an overview of everything from ICOs to crypto wallets, this book is worth checking out. It covers the basics of what crypto investing is all about and offers tips for investing profitably. The author is a Forbes Editor, so you know you are getting a reliable, trustworthy source of information.
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a-alex-hammer · 5 years
4 Lessons the Cryptocurrency Market Taught Us About Investing
Home » Commentary » 4 Lessons the Cryptocurrency Market Taught Us About Investing
This article highlights 4 lessons the cryptocurrency market taught us about investing and educates us on how we should evaluate the market moving forward. 
Most initial coin offerings (ICO’s) that have launched over the past 2 years have completely, and utterly failed. Yes, I’ve written about why this doesn’t matter – and it may still not really matter. We’ll get more into that in a moment.
But a lot of people – including myself – have lost money in the market. It’s worthwhile to take a look at the past 2 years and see what the cryptocurrency market has taught us about investing.
Here are 5 lessons that every cryptocurrency investor can take into the future.
(See also: Cryptocurrency Investing vs Trading: What’s the difference?)
Lesson 1: Understand What is A Cryptocurrency
This seems like a basic point. Naturally, it seems that most of us understand the basic concept of cryptocurrency. However, it is worthwhile to dive into this a bit further.
The industry is changing so rapidly, that unless you’re trading on a daily basis or working in the industry,  it is easy to overlook the fundamentals of what makes up a cryptocurrency.
As an enabler that facilitates disruption across many different industries and use cases, there are numerous nuances that an individual must understand before diving into the market. The market is filled with various complex technical terminologies and concepts that are confusing to the average Joe.
As any seasoned investor in the traditional markets – bonds, commodities, foreign exchange or otherwise – will tell you, familiarity and comprehension of the market they’re in is a key factor to success. 
The cryptocurrency market is no different. Re-visiting basic concepts in a market filled with extreme sentiment and volatility can truly help you in strengthening your market edge and managing your risks.
That is why we have consolidated a list of helpful resources that aims to simply explain various concepts and terms in the cryptocurrency market here:
Cryptocurrency Guides: Comprehensive List of Crypto Guides For Beginners
(Read also: Top 10 Crypto/Blockchain Infographics You Must Know)
  Lesson 2: Look Beyond the PR and Marketing Hype
We are all human. And as such, there is a certain predictable tendency that we all conform towards. Analyzing the cryptocurrency market in 2017 and 2018, there is a visible pattern of market predictability during the bull run in 2017 and the consequent market crash in early 2018. 
  As Dan Ariely of Predictably Irrational shares in his book, as an individual, we may be unpredictable. However, as a segment of a larger population or group (programmers, tech enthusiasts, cryptocurrency traders, etc.) we are very predictable.
One of our predictable behaviors is being vulnerable to the storytelling hype that connects to our inner core drives. It could be the fear of missing on a huge opportunity, the need to feel liked, the desire to impress one’s peer group or simply the drive to a higher calling.
It is these psychological traits that have driven marketing and public relation (PR) practices for decades. You only have to look back at the father of PR – Edward Bernays – to realize that immense psychological power that went into developing PR. Edward leveraged the insight of his uncle at the time – none other than Sigmund Freud, a psychologist who is widely regarded as one of the 100 most important people of the 20th century
These psychological concepts are at the base of what attracts us in the cryptocurrency investment arena. Practices such as massive pre-sale discounts, fluffy claims by projects and paid reviews are a common sight in this largely unregulated industry. The media adds to the flames, sparking our curiosity, concern, and excitement. Unraveling these layers of fluff and hype is a valuable skill that one must acquire in order to differentiate between a fundamentally good project or a bluff.
Here a few questions to consider:
Are the underlying fundamentals of what this company says possible?
Are the underlying fundamentals of this team sound? Are they a good team?
What about this company is verified VS non-verified?
Is the market signaling hype?
Does it seem too good to be true?
Here is a helpful list that would assist you in evaluating the fundamentals of a project:
A Guide To Fundamental Analysis For Cryptocurrencies
(See also: Will A Crash in Bitcoin’s Price Lead to Its Demise?)
Lesson 3: You’ll Lose 9 of 10 “Alt Bats”
The number may actually be more. Investing – from my limited experience – in early-stage tech startups is a risky game. Cryptocurrencies are a highly risky asset class due to its infancy and speculative attraction. 
Investing in a cryptocurrency project entails ‘taking a bet’ on the success of the venture, by assessing various factors that include the strength of the team, the viability of the project, achievability of the roadmap, utility of the tokens and many more. If successful, we would revel in the returns of our investment.
And while the cryptocurrency market is designed to look (and feel) like a stock market, it’s really nothing more than an early stage, unregulated angel investment market (minus the part where you get to own a piece of the company). Therefore, taking regular startup vernacular into play, looking at the failure rate of most startups will tell you that 9 of 10 startups fail in the first 5 years of operation.
We’re 2-years in this volatile market and have already seen 60%+ of previous ICO’s get completely wiped out. The valuation of all coins has taken a huge hit, with prices falling by an average of more than 85% since their all-time highs. It must also be mentioned that scams and Ponzi schemes in the industry are a common occurrence.
(Read more: Coins, Tokens & Altcoins: What’s the Difference?)
Lesson 4: DYOR – Due Diligence
Investing is hard. No one is going to do it for you. No one is going to give you all the right insights. No one has the crystal ball of clarity on where the market is going. You need to take time to do the research yourself. The burden is on you to dig into a project and truly understand what you’re getting into.
It takes time. If we’ve learned anything from the Bitconnect, Bitcoin, and recent QuadrigaCX scandals it’s that every investor must do their own deep due diligence. This requires going further than a website. Further than a white-paper. Further than a LinkedIn check.
As someone who’s had their profile stolen and used for both a white paper and a website, I can assure you that there are companies out there looking to leverage influencers, high-net-worth individuals, credible technology leaders and the like – for scam purposes. If you’re not taking the time to dive into the details of a white-paper, the technical capabilities of the project, the investors and advisors listed – you stand a good chance to lose your money.
We only have to look back at the billions lost over the last couple of years.
(See also: Evolution of Cryptocurrency: Replacing Modern Cash)
Summing it All Up
The landscape is changing. Regulation is coming. And yes, there will be more trends – securitized token offerings (STOs) may just one of the more recent ones.
Until then, here is the summary of the 4 core lessons that every investor in an early-stage, blockchain company can leverage on:
Truly understand what cryptocurrency is all about – and dive into the nitty-gritty of each potential investment.
Look beyond PR & Market hype
9 of 10 early stage startups will fail. Be prepared for this and invest accordingly.
Do your own deep due diligence
Here’s to 2019 investing in great companies in 2019 and beyond.
Cahill Puil is an author, founder and CEO of Byte Media Group. He has interviewed many of the Top 100 Blockchain CEO’s, Founders and influencers. His insights have been featured in dozens of publications – from Hackernoon, Brave New Coin, and Cryptocurrency News to Fintech Weekly, Tabb Forum, and CEO World. His team is currently focused on helping the leading blockchain and technology companies build credibility, exposure, and share stories with innovative thought-leadership and PR.
Beneficial Resources To Get You Started
If you’re starting your journey into the complex world of cryptocurrencies, here’s a list of useful resources and guides that will get you on your way:
Trading & Exchange
Read also: Crypto Trading Guide: 4 Common Pitfalls Every Crypto Trader Will Experience and Guide To Cryptocurrency Trading Basics: Introduction to Crypto Technical Analysis.
You can also join our Facebook group at Master The Crypto: Advanced Cryptocurrency Knowledge to ask any questions regarding cryptocurrencies.
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Source/Repost=> http://technewsdestination.com/4-lessons-the-cryptocurrency-market-taught-us-about-investing/ ** Alex Hammer | Founder and CEO at Ecommerce ROI ** http://technewsdestination.com
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