#bloom where you&039;re planted
shamballalin · 2 years
The Infinite Universe Is Master Over The Powers of Nature And The Forces Of The Elements
The Infinite Universe Is Master Over The Powers of Nature And The Forces Of The Elements
Violets ignore the harsh surroundings, the chaos of the city, only adhering to the Universal Laws of Light from the Sun and watered by the rains from Universal Laws of Nature. This is how to live the best life. When you only focus on what you want and where you want to go, while simultaneously following the greater Universal Laws of Nature, you will bloom in the most rigorous places. Flowers are…
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clduncan75 · 6 years
Bloom Where you're Planted
Bloom Where you’re Planted
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There’s this thing I love to do, where I window-shop for houses on Zillow, almost exclusively in places where I’ve never been. I have this obsession with the east coast, and the idea of seasons- autumn leaves in fall and snow on Christmas, the sweet relief of melting snow in spring and delicious summer nights spent with the windows open. And there is nothing wrong with that, I guess…except that…
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dailygrace64 · 6 years
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Silent Sunday Silent Sunday
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craftystampin · 3 years
You Can Create It - International Challenge & Inspiration - August 2021
You Can Create It – International Challenge & Inspiration – August 2021
You Can Create It I’m so excited to be part of the international “You Can Create It!” group of Stampin’ Up! demonstrators.  The group was started by German demonstrators Anja Luft and Heike Fallwickl as a challenge to see what different and beautiful projects can be created from the same list of just a few materials. Every quarter there are  3 monthly envelopes plus a quarterly extra envelope. …
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dianaleaghmatthews · 6 years
Bloom Where You’re Planted
Bloom Where You’re Planted
I don’t know about you, but there are times when I wonder what God is up to and why He has me where I am. There are days when I feel him whispering on my heart to move on, but that is His will for my life He has not shown me the path. So, for the time being I have to stay and wait and trust right where I am.
There are days when waiting and trusting are not easy and I want to push against Him…
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vermeulensteven · 7 years
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Bloom where you are planted
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cherylmmbookblog · 5 years
#BlogTour Bloom Where You're Planted; Life the Expat Way by Lasairiona E. McMaster
#BlogTour Bloom Where You’re Planted; Life the Expat Way by Lasairiona E. McMaster
Today it’s my turn on the BlogTour Bloom Where You’re Planted; Life the Expat Way by Lasairiona E. McMaster. It’s a travel guide or rules for living abroad meets expat expertise.
About the Author
Lasairiona McMaster grew up dreaming of an exciting life abroad, and, after graduating from Queens University, Belfast, that is exactly what she did – with her then-boyfriend, now husband of almost ten…
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shamballalin · 3 years
Grief Counsel For Loss of Life ~ Relationships ~ Careers ~ Identity
Grief Counsel For Loss of Life ~ Relationships ~ Careers ~ Identity
“I’ve told my children that when I die, to release balloons in the sky to celebrate that I graduated. For me, death is a graduation.” Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the Swiss American psychiatrist who pioneered the study of many near death experiences, authored numerous best-selling books, and taught about the five stages of grief, may not have known that mass balloon…
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dailygrace64 · 9 years
...Consider the lilies...(and the violets...)
…Consider the lilies…(and the violets…)
I saw lots of beautiful things at the river the other day.  There was rushing water exploding over rocks and branches and pushing the boundaries of the riverbank with it’s powerful force.  There were blues and greens and browns and even some reds in the trees.  And then, there was this beautiful little violet.  In January?  Yep.  In January.  I guess the warm weather had coaxed it from staying…
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dailygrace64 · 10 years
Sunday Stills ~ Abandoned
Bloom where you’re planted
Tenacious little flower
Beautiful Resolve
   2 Corinthians 4:16  “Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.”
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