#blue kenikari
Kenikari as Limbus characters part 2 the electric boogaloo
[previous post here!]
My brain thought of something and it made me go into this shit so deep and now we have this...
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Me looking at IshmaLare and Queequeg Uzomi :
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Yes!! I'd love to see what the gang's up to :D
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[The screen darkens with the snap of his fingers. Without his presence or voice, the low buzzing noise of the monitor becomes noticeable. It hums for a few seconds before...]
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"They're all tasked to escape the room, simple as that. Though as a twist, these rooms will decrease in temperature every 5-10 minutes or so. If they don't want to die of frostbite, I say they should finish this quickly before the temperature reaches deadly degrees."
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sansxfuckyou · 1 month
the many benefits of being a marine biologist
summary: she was a marine biologist, she was an endangered mer, can I make it any more obvious?
warnings: tension, suggestive themes, check ao3 port for full tags
authors note: i need to write yuri and i need to write it now, enjoy some mer/marine biologist eclipse. you have no idea how insane i was while writing this, @sobredunia look at the lesbians boy. hope ya'll enjoyed and if you do consider droppin' a reblog or checkin' the Ao3 port.
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"Oceanic Whitetip Shark..." Lare murmured to herself as she stared at the caged beast in front of her, nearly twice her size and tangled in discard human clothing from the waist up. The waist down as all fish, smooth and scaled a deep almost black hue with navy sheens and white tips on the dorsal and tail fins. It was asleep, glass walls and sandy floor of the cage left undisturbed.
"Yep," Her boss said, "They're nearly extinct, she was the last member of her shiver."
"She?" Lare asked, looking a little bit closer at it, scouring for a sign that it's female. Not like it mattered anyways. Mer weren't biologically equipped to have interspecies relations with the species on land.
The suited women gave a nod, "Yeah, she, it'll be hard to find another that she's compatible with and willing if we want to save her species."
"Are we giving her a solo tank or throwing her in with the other endangered ones?"
"We'll keep her solo at first to get her used to living in a facility, then we can merge her in with the others."
Lare gives an absent nod as she taps the glass, trying to gain a reaction to prove she isn't dead, "Cool."
"She's all banged up from the drop off," Blue said sheepishly.
"What do you mean she's all banged up?" Lare questioned.
"She was kind of feisty and one of the heavy lifters dropped her, her scales are busted open a bit." As she spoke she simply watched Lare's expression get more and more irritated, "She won't let anyone touch her without trying to bite."
"You let my newest endangered species get injured?" Lare asked as gently as she could manage.
Blue nodded.
Lare just sighed, "What do we know about her species, before I go fix her up."
"Impressive bite force, she seems to be snappy, very much likes to keep herself fully under, and 'preening' could be a courting method in her species from what we've observed in other shark mers."
"A courting method?"
"A courting method, so maybe we could just, toss her some of the right material and hope for the best...?" Blue cautiously offered.
Lare shoots her a glare that could slice through flesh.
"We don't want her to try and pursue you back! We don't even know if humans and Whitetip's are compatible!"
"Well I guess we're gonna find out." She plucks the keycard from her lanyard and holds it on the sensor. It beeps green once, she grabs the emergency first aid kit outside the door in case of monster attack.
"You have a death wish," Blue declares.
"I have a job," Lare counters before the doors glide open and she steps in.
When she entered she found water everywhere but the pool, kicked up in fights perhaps. The mer was racing back and forth in circles in the pool of water. She kicked off her sneakers, her socks, and her jacket before heading in further; might as well keep them dry.
She hears snarling when she gets close enough to the pool, a head surfacing and eyes glaring. She shudders just a bit because they both know that she could be lunch if she isn't careful. Still, she presses onward, slowing down as she reaches the edge. The mer lashes out with a heavy splash but all Lare does is let it hit her before sitting down.
The mer stalls her aggression when she sees that Lare doesn't run. When she rushes up to nick ankles, teeth don't come into contact with flesh, and Lare still isn't shocked and running away. Instead she slides further into the water and pops open the first aid kit.
"I'm just here to clean you off," Lare explained, voice soft as the mer swam up to her with curious intent. She pulled out a bottle of disinfectant and a small cloth, "You okay if I do that?"
She stares at Lare from under the water, a small smile is shot her way and then she rolls onto her back and floats to the top. The softer scales of her underbelly are marred and partially torn. The flesh underneath is almost exposed and the wound is agitated.
"Oh they really messed you up," Lare muttered quietly as she wrapped an arm around the tail to hold her steady. She squirms and nails dig into her palms as vermillion starts to rise to her face, "I need you to hold still if you want me to clean it."
She holds her breath and let's Lare run her fingers across the wound and the rest of her lower half, searching for micro-cuts among scars. It's invasive, intruding, intimate, and she tries not to run away even though the heat of human fingers along her scales is far more enjoyable than it should be. She wonders if Lare knows that this is courting, the gentle circles she rubs across the wound to clean it of any dirt or infections.
She jolts out of Lare's grasp when fingers come into contact with her dorsal fin. She propels herself to the other side of the pool and instead of chasing after her, Lare stays on her end of the pool. Wringing out the towel and dragging herself out of the water, clothes heavy and body shaky with the cold.
Lare snaps shut the first aid kit and starts trudging out, she abandons her dress to towel off instead. She really needs Blue to have a spare set of clothes today. She zips up
her jacket at the door and slides her socks and shoes back on. She got the wound clean enough, even if she wasn't able to cover it up.
Before she can leave she hears a heavy thud, it's kind of wet. She snaps around to find the mer partially on the pavement, heaving her breaths. Lare runs back to shove the mer in the pool again because what the fuck, doesn't she know that her species aren't able to live on land? Lare kneels at the edge of the pool and watches as the mer rights herself to surface once more, hands on the edge to keep herself at eye level.
She's bright red, nothing but embarrassment and a rush of want because she was just courted. She can only half register that it was wound cleaning instead of the classic 'preening' of shark mer courting. She tries to smile, "Thanks for cleaning my wound."
"No worries, it's my job- I didn't actually finish the entire process," Lare said.
"What's left?"
"I just gotta bandage it." She pulls out a roll of adhesive gauze, "A quick little patch."
She falters for only a moment before laying on her back and letting Lare lay out the patch over the wound. She smooths the edges with a practiced precision and when she's done the mer just lays there for a moment. She rolls onto her stomach to face Lare, "You aren't gonna kill me in here?"
"What? No, no this is a conservation facility," Lare said, "We just take care of you until you're ready to head back into the wild, if you don't take to the wild then we hang onto you though."
"Kind of like a zoo?"
"Merfolk have zoos?"
She nodded, "Yeah, we're pretty big on them. But just to recap, you're gonna take care of me until I'm deemed fit for the wilderness again?"
"And you don't think that's unwise considering I'm one of the last ones?"
Lare pauses, "Once we locate the other Whitetip shiver we'll try to introduce you into it, if we can't then you'll live here."
"Don't worry, you won't be alone forever. For one you'll have me and Blue to take care of you, and after a while we'll set you up with the other endangered species."
"How long until then?"
"I haven't been told yet, first we gotta do some learning about your species. Compatibility rates, courting methods, dietary needs- that sort of stuff. Then we can put you in the big pool."
"Promise me that you won't let anyone else do research on the reproductive stuff?"
"I don't think we'll need to do deep research into the reproductive system, most mer are similar enough."
"I'll stop biting," She speaks quietly enough that Lare almost doesn't hear, "You're trying to help, I had friends who did that for fish, I get it."
"I'll be back tomorrow to feed you."
"What's for breakfast."
It only takes a few weeks for this mer to get comfy in the facility, she seems rather adaptive with the constant whir of the water filter and the LED lights littered across her enclosure. If anything she seems more curious than scared, dragging her claws along the light casings and the water filter casings. Trying to get them open but unable to do so, it'd be worrying if it wasn't being documented by the workers.
Her name is Uzomi, she claims to have had a brother, and she really likes mechanical things. She's never seen metal that isn't rusted, or light bulbs that are still working. She's an entropy of sorts, she's so painfully human in mannerisms it makes Lare feel like she could offer her a drive home before remembering she's not human.
Sure, all mers have varying levels of human behavior, but it's just, over the top with this one. She doesn't even tear into her meals like most carnivorous species do, instead she eats it like a drumstick, nodding along to whatever Lare is going off about. She's still a monster, but she's too nice to be treated as such even if the government officials say to do so.
"You're kinda cute," Uzomi said between bites of trout.
Lare paused, "You think?"
She nods, "Yeah, besides, I've heard you and the other marine biologist's talk about it, how I'm critically endangered and how I need to breed out sooner than later," Uzomi explained nonchalantly and Lare's face went bright red, heart catching her throat. The mer jolts back a bit as she realizes the implications of what she's said, "Oh my gosh, I didn't mean it like that! I meant it like, my type, I like brunettes."
For some reason it stings, "Okay, yeah, yeah that makes more sense." Lare slides in another dead fish and it floats over to Uzomi who bites down
"I am, so sorry." She sinks into the water a bit, dropping herself down to her nose. Her hair splayed around her like inky black tentacles and Lare wonders if that was a part of her species intimidation tactics. Or maybe hunting tactics instead, imitating a tentacled creature to lure them in.
"It's fine! Really," She takes a seat on the edge of the pool and crosses her legs, "Even the best of us make mistakes like that."
Uzomi dips fully under, bubbles rising up as she breathes out and sinks down to the bottom of the pool. She rolls onto her side and lays against the edge of the pool.
She's not coming back up for a while.
She definitely isn't coming back up.
Lare dumps the rest of Uzomi's food into the water before taking her leave, "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon!"
"How long is it until I'm put with the rest of the endangered species?" Uzomi asked, arms crossed over the edge of the pool as she watched Lare jot down details on her physical condition.
She shrugged, "I dunno, a week? A month?"
Uzomi's brows furrow, "How long until the others come out of heat?"
"I can smell it on you."
"Why does it matter?" Lare put aside the notepad.
Uzomi pulled herself up out of the water slowly, one hand firmly placed on the raw concrete and pushing herself up. Pale gray fabric clings to her and her hair cascades down and there's a predatory glint in lapis eyes. She's massive, even with only her torso and hips above water she towers over Lare. Frills spanned and fangs bared, she's still a shark, she's still a carnivore.
She drops her body low over Lare, breath cold as it hits her skin. She would haul herself further out but she knows she'll suffer. "I'm your favourite, you're mine." Her voice is naught but a low snarl.
"Yours?" Lare asked shakily.
"Don't you know anything about shark mers? You're a marine biologist, Lare," Uzomi said, voice low and slow. She smelt like blood and saltwater and pheromones, possessive and predatory.
"What are you getting at?" She would try to scoot back but she just can't, paralyzed with slit pupils boring into her. She swallows thickly and all that she feels is terror and something akin to heat flaring across her body.
She reared back in a brief moment of clarity, pupils blown out wide. Fuck, what is she doing? Humans don't do that, humans don't even court the way her species do. Lare isn't receptive, she didn't know and now Uzomi pushed it too far, "Oh no." Fear etched onto her face and she sinks back into the water a bit, "Lare, I am so sorry-!"
"Hey, calm down." She scrambled to the edge of the pool as she spoke despite the fact her mind was still racing. She reaches out to Uzomi and grips her wrists, the mer stops thrashing for a brief moment. Chest heaving, eyes wide, she swallows thickly as she waits for Lare to talk, "What were you getting at?"
"It's embarrassing."
"Are you in heat?"
"Entering heat?"
"I'm stumped."
"You, me," Uzomi's words are scrambling, "You and me together, tomorrow night, for dinner?"
"A date?"
"Yeah, courting, Blue said its how humans court."
Lare gives a long hum, "I'll be here tomorrow night anyways, what'll make it a date?"
"I hadn't thought that far ahead," Uzomi gingerly laughs as she speaks. Her brain is hardwired to the fact that Lare still hasn't let go of her hands, "Maybe you could bring dinner for yourself too?"
"Soggy sandwiches, sounds delicious." Lare laughed a bit as she spoke, "I'll probably just bring a thermos of soup."
"I've never had soup."
"it's like, really tasty flavored water, I'll let you try some."
Uzomi gives an inquisitive sound, "I don't really see the appeal, it's just water."
"Believe me, you'll get it." Lare lets go of Uzomi's hands, "But why go on a date with me? Why not wait till you meet the other endangered species?"
"You courted me," Uzomi answered with, shame on her voice, "I don't know if I meant anything to you, you were just cleaning my wound and all- but give me a chance?"
"I'll give you a chance."
Lare put a chair in Uzomi's pool so they could eat on the same level. She's sure she'll get complaints from the tech people if any wood splinters get stuck inside of the filters.
"How come you decided to let try and court you back?" Uzomi asked.
Lare shrugged, "You're nicer than the other shark mer who keeps trying to court me."
The information strikes a chord, so she's being used, maybe? She can't quite tell, she doesn't know enough to be certain.
She leaned further against the back of her chair, letting Uzomi circle her, "It is what it is."
"How come you courted me instead of sending in some random person who wouldn't document me?"
"I thought you looked hot." Her bluntness catches her off guard as much as it does Uzomi, "I knew it wouldn't work out, you're a mer, I'm a human, but I also didn't want you getting attached to someone who you won't even see. Mental health affects physical health to the point it could mess up our documentation of how a species acts."
"Then letting a species get too attached to one biologist could also mess it up," Uzomi said.
"I see your point-"
"It'll also bias the compatibility and mate choice infographics."
"It will?"
Uzomi gives a long groan as she comes to a screeching halt in front of Lare. She lands her clawed hands heavy against either side of Lare's thighs to push herself up to eye contact. "Don't you think it's even slightly odd how I act around you? Hasn't Blue said anything about me that contradicts with out encounters?"
Lare paused, taking a moment to think about the differences between her papers and Blue's papers. It was hard to do so with Uzomi right on top of her, widest span of tail between her knees and the side of her hand brushing against her thigh. Still, she tries her best to focus on one thing and-
Okay, yeah, Blue's papers were very different from her papers. Extremely different from hers. The premise similar but the execution different, especially the papers on Uzomi's behaviors. Talkative, physically affectionate, curious, somewhat possessive, nervous- all traits and words that she used. Blue rarely used anything even remotely similar.
She swallowed thickly, "I can see the difference."
"Do you take it back?" Uzomi's breath is cold, her voice sharp.
"Take what back?" Lare asked.
"Courting me."
"No, why should I?"
That's a shocker, Uzomi was sure that Lare would take it back. She was sure of it. She releases her grip on the chair and falls back.
"Wait, Uzomi!" She watches as the mer swims off, "Get back here and explain!"
The shark just swims circles, a way to de-stress, and a way to pace about. At least that's what Blue's papers said.
Lare hops off her chair and wades back to the edge to set down her thermos before going after her specimen. Her beloved, well taken care of, expertly documented specimen who she really needed to be more aware around. She should've noticed the discrepancies.
The second she's getting reading to go down a set of arms ensnare her at the waist and drag her under. LED lights glow from underneath them as she's propelled through the water at speeds faster than she can swim. It's an experience. Scales pressed against her thighs, arms tight around her torso, trying not to gasp with eyes shut.
When she surfaces she struggles to find footing on a ledge, deep end, she is literally swimming in the deep end right now. She raises a hand to swipe her hair out of her face and is greeted with the sight of claws on either side of her. She's boxed in and she can't escape, is she about to be eaten? Is this what she gets for being dumb about her own work? A fair karma really, happens all the time to people who work with animals.
Instead she's greeted with hesitance, she expected to be gored by now if that as going to happen. Uzomi retreats just a bit to give Lare breathing space.
"The Mastermind said they can't find any other Whitetips," Uzomi said quietly.
Lare is almost left speechless at the sudden tone shift, "But there's gotta be more."
"Lare, I'm the last one, The Mastermind said I'll have to pick another one of the endangered species to partner with, and, I can't choose, and you courted me, and I tried to court you back."
She has to take a minute to soak it all in, there's a slight crack to Uzomi's tone. Her frills spread just a bit, discomfort and stress are clear on her face.
"None of this feels right, at all."
"At least you aren't gonna die alone out there...?"
"Please just lie to her so I don't have to mate one of the guys this year."
Again, another blow that Lare wasn't prepared to sustain.
"Just tell her I kept courting you and refused any attempts at integration or something like that. I don't want to pick, I don't want to at all. I have to, the survival of the species is on my back. Lare, I don't know what I'm supposed to do."
"I won't lie to her, she's my boss."
Uzomi whimpers. A pathetic, desperate sound.
"I could just accept your courting instead?" Lare offered it cautiously.
For a brief moment, Uzomi doesn't register the words. When she does her eyes widen and she swears that she could cry because relief and excitement and so much of everything else is exploding in her chest all at once. She doesn't know how to respond but she thinks she's grinning and all of her fangs are showing at once because Lare almost looks scared.
"Please tell me your species doesn't fuck the second the courting is confirmed." A nervous laugh rests atop Lare's voice.
"Definitely not."
"Can you bring me back to the edge?"
Uzomi wraps her arms around Lare's waist and hoists her off the ledge, "Hold your breath."
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bree-sae · 11 months
Okay question in the another believe animation thingie who's the person next to blue??
That's Chuyo but blurrrrrrrrry
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thekenikarirpblog · 10 months
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Things You May Want to Know
[hi, hi, hi! I've never run an RP blog before but I'd say it's about time Kenikari got one, and luckily, I have experience writing for some of these guys!]
[as you may have already noticed I talk in square brackets, that's my way of saying it's the blog runner speaking! simple n concise you get what I'm saying. as for the characters red is for Detah, blue is for Uzomi, {fancy brackets} is for Lare, and purple is for Murasaki- I'm only good at writing for these four so, yeah, sorry not sorry Alex enjoyers]
[sideblog, sideblog, sideblog, and I'm not perfect at those so please forgive me if I accidentally reblog something here that isn't Kenikari. on my other sideblogs I've accidentally reblogged stuff completely off theme but managed to roll with it cause, gimmick blog for shits n giggles. I'm taking this one a bit more seriously I suppose, so please excuse my mistakes if and when they happen]
Just Some Rules
No NSFW! and I get that's rich coming from me, if you can even figure out who I am, but I'm holding strong on this rule
No gore! yeah, yeah, killing game, I get it, but until later let's keep the gore on the sidelines
I can't write Alex, so I won't do Alex
What the Hell is Kenikari?
[Kenikari is this kickass game my good mutual made, you can check out the stats on the @thekenikaridevblog. If you just, stumbled across this by chance then I'd highly recommend giving it a play when you have the time!]
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sobredunia · 2 years
You make an alliance with Blue to work together to get rid of the traitor without the mastermind knowing
She turns off all the hidden cameras and kills him
The mastermind gets the cameras on the morning after, and is pissed because of his death
She says that she'll end the killing game once the murderer is caught and executed
Blue pins it all to you
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sansxfuckyou · 1 month
like old times
summary: how The Mastermind brought Blue into the killing game
warnings: implied death, amnesia, light angst
authors note: i choose to believe in yuri attempts and name related angst for Blue, come get ur juice Kenikari fans
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"You'll be in the game again," The Mastermind boldly declared, no screen between her and the one she spoke too.
"What?" She asked, voice empty of emotions other than terror.
"You're the survivor are you not?" The Mastermind asked, "I need someone to play the traitor, a double agent."
She stepped back, "I'm not playing your game again."
The Mastermind stepped forward and gripped her by the wrist with one hand and clawed into her mandibles with the other. Her nails dug into flesh gently, but just enough that it made her prey whimper. "You'll be playing Kenikari again whether you like it or not, Blue."
"That's not-"
"It is now, I haven't chosen all the contestants yet, someone might know you," The Mastermind explained, "We can't have them recognizing your name, can we?"
Blue goes lax a bit and nods slowly, "Can't have them recognizing my name."
The Mastermind lets go, "I'll let you pack your bag."
"How come I get a bag?"
"Didn't your traitor also have a bag?" The Mastermind asked, "Pack whatever you want, pictures, books, video games."
Blue just nods before leaving to pack her bag.
"You're kind of cute," The Mastermind said rather bluntly one day as she plotted her game.
It shocked Blue from her state of being zoned out, "What?"
"I don't hang out with people very often, I should've grabbed you at the last second possible instead," She hummed as she spoke before spinning her chair to face Blue with a grin on her face, "Or maybe I shouldn't've let a cute person into my lair."
"How long until the killing game starts?" Blue asked, shoving aside her captors statement plainly.
"You're no fun, can't even humor me," She rolled her eyes before turning back to her papers, "Couple weeks, you can go through your old friends rooms if you want too."
Blue freezes again, "Their rooms?"
"I left them untouched, aside from removing the bodies of course," The Mastermind's sick smirk is unseen by Blue, but she can hear it on the tone of voice.
"Whatever. I'm heading to my room,"
She knows them.
Not all of them, but enough to know that The Mastermind did this on purpose.
What she hates the most is that she can't say anything to them because it'd spell her doom if she made them aware of their past, sparked a cure to their amnesiac state. She can't risk that.
They don't trust her.
She wonders if it's because she disappeared from their lives for weeks without any contact three years ago.
She wonders if they can remember that they lost contact with her even though they can't remember her face.
She wonders if her being remembered by them would be beneficial to their survival or not.
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sansxfuckyou · 11 months
Like Christmas Morning
Summary: When you hear the word 'meat grinder' being wrapped in rope full of blades and having them pulled isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind. Unless, of course, you're a cruel mastermind behind a screen who can't be touched by the person you're torturing.
Warnings: Heavily suggestive themes, shibari, gore, blood loss, near death situations, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: *deep breath* someone needs to slap some sense into me before the mild eroticization of gore turns to extreme eroticization of gore, this one, I don't even know where the idea came from it just did. The gore heavily outweighs the horniness because I'm too lazy to equally distribute the aspects even though I could, maybe when I edit for the Ao3 port that'll happen. @sobredunia I already subjected you to some of this very specific breed of insanity so have the rest of it first thing when you wake up, anyways, if anyone who reads this a enjoyed a reblog would be nice
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He gave a groan as he blinked the sleep from his eye, instinctively raising a hand to his face.
That was new.
He was used to not being able to see what everyone else could, but his arms refusing to respond was brand new.
And he really didn't like the notions of why he they weren't responding when that all too familiar screen dropped down. Bright green LEDs made up a smug and masked face on a flat screen monitor that swiveled around him. He tried to glare and writhe, but he couldn't get much more of a response than the tingling numb sensation lacing his body in definitive strikes.
"What did you do this time?" Detah snarled out as he tried to move again, the tingling felt more prickly this time, more defined-
It was under his jacket and under his shirt, pressing directly against his skin and he hated it. He moved again, it shifted across his skin, the tingling felt even more prickly, like he was rolling in a field full of cacti. Shock and a small wave of concern washed over him, it played out on his face.
The Mastermind gave a small laugh, "Oh, nothing much, let me get a mirror," She grinned as a wall shifted to a reflective surface, Detah stared in a mix of horror and shock.
Striking red with speckles of shining silver wrapped atop his jacket, and given the tightness on his torso one could gather there was more than one layer. The red roped back across his shoulders, presumably down to his wrists, intricate knots resting atop his form. That same crimson twine stretched down his legs, knees tied bent and partially spread, the color popping atop the denim. Glinting bits of silver litter the zigzag pattern of rope, the unordered placement of knots is a bit of an eyesore.
"Okay, what the genuine fuck?" Was all Detah could manage, "Is this some fucked up kink? Or have you someone figured out how to make tying me up like," He paused, "Like, you think putting me in bondage is gonna kill me?"
"I prefer safe, sane, and consensual things, and I doubt this falls under any of those categories," The Mastermind answered with, a button clicked and the reflective part of the wall disappeared, "Look, on the other side of that are some of your friends-"
"I swear to fuck if any of the kids see me like this," Detah threatened, he struggled once more and this time it actually hurt a little bit.
"I have standards! Jeez, some of your friends are on the other side, you're full of numbing drugs that have almost worn out, and the shiny bits in that rope are blades," The Mastermind explained, Detah nodded, stilling his form, "Given how much your struggling has progressed the release of the blades I'd give you... Not nearly as long as you want, have fun."
"But, but how am I gonna make it out alive?" Detah asked almost hopefully, The Mastermind shrugged.
"Well, you aren't supposed to survive, but your one hope is that your teammates are good at undoing knots- if I get lucky your corpse will be in a similar state to ground beef," The Mastermind couldn't help the joy on her tone as she spoke, the horror surmounting on Detahs face only made it more enjoyable, "Good luck."
The screen went black before returning to the roof, for a moment Detah was back in silence and a horribly illuminated room. He was caught in a rope with knots intricate enough to replicate a spider web and he has to rely on a bunch of idiots to get him out?
He's dying, no doubt about it, he'll die a horrible death and there won't be a body to bury.
Then the wall splits, sliding open, on the other side as promised Uzomi, Murasaki, and Blue stand, no one else. They're all paralyzed at the sight laid out before them, Detah, wrapped up like a Christmas present in red rope. He can only look to the floor in shame, waiting patiently for one of them to move; he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
"When she said we wouldn't be expecting what was on the other side of the wall she was right," Murasaki managed dryly.
"Definitely," Blue added on in agreement.
Again, a pause of silence.
"We should get moving," Uzomi said before walking over to Detah, the other two followed.
She crouched down in front of him and reached out to touch the string, she recoiled at the prick of something sharp. Murasaki tried next, he tugged a little bit and Detah gave a hiss of pain, it still wasn't as bad as it will be. And then Blue, reaching into her bag and pulling out a pair of scissors.
"You just have those?" Uzomi asked, Blue nodded.
"Yep, in my bag when I woke up," Blue answered with as she slid the blade between denim and string before slicing, it did nothing, "That's not good."
"It really isn't," Murasaki said, "Did The Mastermind tell you anything Detah."
Detah nodded, "Yeah, that you guys better be good at untying knots or I'm gonna end up looking like mince meat."
The three shared glances.
"Please tell me one of you is good at knots?" Detah asked quietly, Murasaki shrugged.
"I know some basic stuff, not exactly this stuff, but the principle is the same," Murasaki said, gesturing to the rope on Detahs torso before reaching out to undo it.
"You better get this right," Detah snarled as a knot came undone, the red frayed around the blades as it loosened, and there was a lot more metal than rope.
Blue swiveled around to be at Detahs back, running her hands across the red of the twine, searching for weak spots until she found a faulty knot. She gripped either end and the blades popped out even more, tearing into the fabric of his jacket and the skin on her hands. Detah winced and bit his tongue, the pressure on his torso squeezed a little more, his breathing shook for a brief moment.
Uzomi brought her hands to rest at the knots on his knees, he instantly shifted despite the tightening.
"I'm just trying to help! Moving makes it worse," Uzomi chided, placing hands on her hips.
"And? I wanna leave with my dignity, hell if I remember if I was a freak who got off on this shit, any one of you touching my thighs could make this a million times more awkward," Detah explained, trying to pull his legs closer together, nearly losing balance as he moved.
Uzomi shrugged, "Either you risk getting horny or you die, what'll it be?"
Detah stayed silent.
"I figured as much," Uzomi said before undoing the knots on his knees, shiny blades revealed themselves as they fell from his form.
He tried to stay still as the rope came undone, squeezing a little tighter with every faulty tug until he was completely unrestrained. His wrists tingled from where circulation was cut off, and little red dots littered them. He gave a heavy breath as he tried to relax, slump forward just a bit, but he couldn't. A horrible constriction on his chest only got worse, and the numbing was mostly gone now.
"There's another layer," Detah said, trying to yank off his jacket, the rope tightened on his arms until it tore.
"What do you mean there's another layer?" Murasaki asked as he stared at the red soaking into the white fabric under Detahs hoodie.
Uzomi grabbed the jacket and pulled it the rest of the way off, "More string."
Sectionals of string snaked around Detahs form, even more intricate than the last layer, the small iron blades tore into his arms. His shirt was cut, jagged tears across the fabric where the rope lay and he could still feel a layer underneath the tightening sharpness. He gave a groan of anguish as Murasaki brought a hand to the ropes turning his arm to carnage.
Murasaki paused and Detahs eyes widened, "That was a hurt sound I swear," Detah said to try and recover from his blunder, "Do the ones on my chest first, I can handle losing an arm."
"Alright," Blue said as she ran over the knots on his back, a lot lighter this time to prevent the blades from triggering even more.
Uzomi hesitated before speaking, "There aren't any under your pants is there?"
"No- fuck no, and let's all be thankful for that, pick a god and thank 'em," Detah said, briefly going on a small tangent to avoid the agony coursing through him from clouding his mind.
Speaking of 'clouding' he felt sorta foggy, that's what blood loss feels like. He stays statue still as his teammates unravel him, he hears the sound of his chest constraints hitting the floor. He breaths again, but externally it's a rather unpleasant grating sensation, he gives another groan of pain. Someone goes to take off his shirt and he freezes, tenses a little bit more than he already is.
"I can take off my own shirt, thank you very much," Detah managed, but his voice was quieter, a hint of a slur on it as he tried to take off his shirt.
The ropes in his shoulder blades tore him wide open, patches of skin tearing with fully exposed razors. He still struggled to do it by himself up until Uzomi forced her help, gently pulling the shirt off of him. It was heavily saturated in red, it dripped in some spots and there was no sign that it was ever white left over. It was concerning to say the least, she tossed it aside before crouching down in front of Detah again and sliding her calloused fingers across the rope.
He yowled when her fingers dipped into an open wound, it stung and burned. Everyone recoiled at the cry of agony, then briefly paused to take in the sight. Detah, bleeding out and demoralized to the point of no return with drugs that no longer have effect. As tempting as it is too just let him die (mostly to Murasaki) they also know it would be counterproductive. They returned to undoing knots and avoiding torn skin and wounds that deepened with every breath he took.
"I'm taking care of your arms," Murasaki said as reached to the knots near Detahs shoulders, they came undone easily. The rope slid off with the slightest outward tug all the way down his shoulder, bright red wounds. Murasaki felt ill at the sight, especially as the blood started to ooze from them. He reached for Detahs jacket and wrapped it around his arm and thankfully it stopped the flow.
Uzomi undid a knot on his torso, resting at his sternum and went to untie the one at his shoulder. The bloody ropes were stripped from his form with shocking easy, Uzomi made sure to tie the soaked fabric of his shirt around his arm. She held it to keep pressure consistent, squeezing every now and then to keep him grounded in reality.
"I think I'm dying," Detah said.
"I think you're living," Uzomi answered with. It was a false hope if anything, he had lost so much blood, enough to cause extreme panic if he passed out.
Detah gave a hum, "That'd be nice."
"He's fucking delirious," Murasaki said, mirroring Uzomis actions as Blue tried to undo the knots.
Uzomi rolled her eyes, "At least he's breathing!"
"Slipknot!" Blues exclamation tore through the argument as she tugged the simple knot undone, ropes fell down easily, "Hand me his jacket, now."
Murasaki glanced to Uzomi who glared at him, he gave a sigh before shedding his cloak and handing it to Blue. She wrapped it around Detahs torso tightly, using the sleeves to keep it secured. Blood soaked into Murasakis jacket fast, but it slowed the flow at that.
"I liked that jacket," Murasaki said quietly.
"I'm going to sleep," Detah got out.
"No! No you're not," Uzomi said, sharpness on her voice shot adrenaline into Detah.
"Alright, fine," Detah said before leaning back, "I'll try."
"Just wake up again if you do," Murasaki said, "I don't think anyone could handle you dying so soon."
Detah gave a sleepy grin, "Sounds like someone has a crush."
That caused a brief moment of hesitance, "Changed my mind, I want him dead."
"Don't joke about that Murasaki, we're in a killing game," Blue said with a sigh.
"Fine," Murasaki answered with bitterly, "But keep his delirious mouth shut."
"I think it's funny if it pisses you off this much," Uzomi said with a bit of a smirk on her face.
"I hate you, I've lost my jacket and soon my sanity will follow," Murasaki said dejectedly, he still didn't let go of Detahs arm, he still wanted to keep the blood in.
No one wanted him to die just yet, and especially not by a messed up bondage session.
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sansxfuckyou · 11 months
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
Dnf, snf, and Uzomi x Lare
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so two of ya'll sent in snf, but I'm doing the bingo for dnf first:
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the results here are as expected all things considered, ya'll know how I feel about the blue/green pairing being put above the red/blue pairing, now, Uzomi/Lare bingo:
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lesbians ever, can't wait for Kenikari chapter one so I can be even more insane about them, now, onto what everyone (read: two people) wanted, the SNF sheet:
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the results here are exactly as expected, everyone on this blog knows I am a slut for red/blue color combo pairings, SNF is not the exception
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