#bluewic asks
I have a very important question that my friend and I have toiled over and must get outside opinions on. I am begging you to reblog this so that we get the opinions of as many people as possible.
If Janus is a snake and has snitties then...
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Poll referring to the end notes of A Snake Named Raven (No Cows).
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I'm wheezing. they're all fucking giants. even Remy is still above average
Virgil must be so used to being the Tall One that having a partner taller than him is an Experience
finally this string bean sub gets to be lovingly shoved around by someone bigger and I bet he is living for it
Virgil is living for it. One of the first things he thought when he unchained Janus was: "Oh shit he's tall." He never thought he'd get a boyfriend let alone one that's nine whole inches taller than him. He's ecstatic.
Fae heights have a very wide range of height. Janus and the twins are nowhere near the tallest a fae can get but are still considered pretty tall by fae standards. Definitly taller than average.
Remy is tiny compared to the royal fae and shorter than most other fae he encounters (mainly gentry). He gets whiplash when he goes to Earth. His human friends are baffled that he still considers himself short but he just can't wrap his head around the idea that he's actually tall for a human. And Remy's growth was stunted like Virgil's so the kicker is that he should be even taller.
Remy loved how tall Roman was when they were dating and went nuts when he finally found a human fuck-buddy taller than him.
Both of the human-driders are subs that want to be pushed around by someone bigger and they deserve it. As a treat.
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since janus sheds does remy molt? how do they each deal with their cycles?
Remy's spider legs do molt, though I haven't done any research on molting so I can't really go into detail about that. However, I have done research on shedding for snakes! It's been a while, so I had to dig out my notes for this.
Don't hold me to any of this, it's just preliminary ideas that may change by the time they make it into the story.
Janus sheds four to six times a year with roughly two to three months between each shed. The process lasts seven to ten days. It makes him anxious, cranky, and dials his survival instincts up to an eleven. He also goes blind in his snake eye and becomes a picky eater.
The time frame (if I don't change it) means that he had his shed at least once while a prisoner which was a horrible experience. His sheds are usually already miserable, imagine having to do it while chained up and surrounded by monster hunters. Worse, what if they used his shed as part of his torture? He's lucky fae have enhanced healing on top of healing magic or else permanent damage could have been done.
He usually stays in his room with the humidity cranked up high and only trusts his family to get near him. Long baths help with the itchiness.
I'm thinking of adding one of his sheds to the story as a sic fic sort of thing but, again, don't hold me to that.
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how powerful is virgil in comparison to the fae princes and his own blood family? he was the most powerful witch in the MHA when he worked there but is he really powerful compared to the others?
Okay, so the magic tiers are as follows:
All of those tiers except phenomenal are divided into High, Mid, and Lower. Phenomenal isn't divided because it's a blanket term for anyone higher than Elite which is insanely rare. Only a handful of witches in the universe are phenomenal.
With me so far?
Your average witch is somewhere between Novice and Great.
Most of Virgil's family are somewhere between Great and Master.
The seelie princes are all either Sublime or Elite. They are all expected to move up at least one tier by the time they reach full power.
King Thomas and King Objectivity are both Phenomenal with King Thomas being the absurdly more powerful of the two. Thomas cannot be contained on a chart.
The Dragon Witch was High Elite. You know who else is High Elite? Janus. Sound proofing rooms and masking the scent of sex with just a thought sounds funny but those aren't parlor tricks. He could've reattached Virgil's arm if he'd needed to but it would've hurt like a bitch and would've done nothing for the extensive psychological damage so we're all glad that didn't happen. There are many reasons Janus is so widely feared.
Mid Elite you have Dragon Flame and Patton is Lower Elite. Patton and Janus will almost certainly end up Phenomenal.
Logan is High Sublime, Remus is Mid Sublime and surprisingly Roman is Lower Sublime. You'd think the twins would be ranked higher but they've both been very busy their whole lives and don't have a lot of downtime to really hone their skills. In truth, they'll likely end up Phenomenal too, it'll just take them longer to get there.
Dragon Song is Lower Master.
Virgil is Lower Elite. So pretty fucking powerful. He inherited more from his great-grandmother than he's comfortable with. And of course, a lot of that is a matter of luck that has nothing to do with her as her powers were diluted when passed down. He's an early bloomer - really early - but he still has room to grow and will probably bump up to Mid or High Elite. Maybe even Phenomenal, which would be a surprise.
Virgil was one of the most powerful witches in the MHA, not the most powerful. His grandmother Dragon Flame held that title. And there were a few other witches more powerful than him. But if he'd stayed? Future him might've been the most powerful.
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what are their favourite animals?
Tell you what, I'll do you one better: favourite animals and favourite beasts.
Janus is a simple man. He loves snakes. Particularly large constrictors, but really he loves any snakes. His favourite beast is, predictably, the basilisk. Fun fact: in this story basilisks can't kill other snakes with their stares, so Janus can actually look them in the eye so long as he's only using his naga eye.
Virgil is also stereotypical. His favourite animal is the spider. Any spider. He loves all of them. Wouldn't squish them if he found them in his home.
You'd think that his favourite beast would be a type of spider but it's actually the phoenix because it represents rebirth and the death of an old life.
Thomas's favourite animals are dogs. He loves the hunting grims. They're very good puppies.
Thomas's favourite beast is- okay it really depends on whether I classified dragons as beasts or monsters. I know I did classify them as something but I can't find where I did. If they're beasts then that's Thomas's favourite and if not then his favourite is the hunting grims.
Roman's favourite animals are lions. Listen, Lion King had an impact on him and it ties in with Remy's favourite animal. His favourite beasts are griffins. Strong, magestic creatures and they can fly!
Remy's favourite animal is a house cat. Just domesticated cats. He vibes with them. His favourite beast is the nightmare.
Remus's favourite animal is the octopus, though he likes all cephalopods. His favourite beasts are krakens.
Logan's favourite animals are corvids. Very intelligent birds. His favourite beast is the griffin. He and Roman share a fondness for them.
Patton's favourite animals are frogs. All frogs, but especially blue ones! His favourite beasts are whowies.
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so how did Nico die, in story? we know it was sometime between Roman and Janus's births, but not much else besides that.
I'm so glad you asked!
So the concept for Nico's death circumstances came from a lovely reader who gave me permission to use their idea and wishes to remain anonymous.
I almost didn't use this idea because I think it might upset quite a few readers, but I love it so much I said "Fuck it, it's my story!" So here it is!
Thomas married for love, which in this case was a huge mistake. Nico was a summer gentry and a musician. He was charming, kind, and dripping with sex appeal. That may have blinded Thomas from really seeing his... less than ideal traits.
Nico was a good husband, but a terrible king. He changed after the marriage. Or maybe he'd always been that way and everything else had been a trick. He was classist, xenophobic, and let the power of being king go to his head.
Thomas couldn't divorce him. Married couples know each other's names and Nico was absolutely the vindictive type. The only way out was death, but Thomas still loved Nico and didn't want to kill his husband.
Time passed. Nico kept ruining foreign relations and relations with their own people. The kings had kids to repopulate the royal family. The kids slowly started growing up.
Thomas noticed his kids were treating the staff poorly and didn't know what to do about it. His husband kept countering his teachings to make them good royalty and overall good people with his hate and biases. Their sons were becoming spoiled brats and Thomas had just about enough of it. Nico's prejudices were affecting the entire kingdom and poisoning his children.
The final straw was when Roman befriended a human-drider. Thomas walked in on his son crying while Nico berated him for associating with such a 'disgusting creature'. Thomas stepped in and told Roman he could be friends with whomever he liked and that there was nothing wrong with his friend. Later he and Nico got into a fight privately. Thomas couldn't believe some of the things Nico said. This wasn't the man he married.
Nico went behind Thomas's back to try to keep Roman away from Remy. When Roman came to Thomas crying and saying his papa was threatening to have his friend killed Thomas made up his mind.
Thomas went to some of his old rebel friends he knew hated his husband and told them what they needed to know to assassinate the king consort. They knew Thomas would kill them for their treachery to keep up appearances and they accepted that as a small price to pay for their kingdom.
Nico was assassinated. Thomas put on a grand performance tracking down and killing the assassins. No one ever suspected Thomas. He never told anyone and he never will. Especially not the kids.
This also contains hints as to what Thomas's backstory is.
Feel free to scream at me (kindly) in my asks!
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If the list isn't too long I'd like to know more about the unseelie Princes! They only showed up like once and have only been briefly mentioned 😭 I crave unseelie content
The long awaited answer :D
Okay, you didn't specify if you wanted technical information about the unseelie princes or personal information so I'm giving you both. Let's dive in!
There are currently one hundred seventeen royals in the unseelie royal family. Of those twenty-eight are princes/princesses. (Note: there are non-binary royalty. In fae there are separate titles for them but in many human languages there aren't so they just pick one of the available titles to go by when speaking human languages because they got tired of fighting with humans about it. They absolutely use this as an example of why humans are inferior to them.) Both the children and grandchildren of the king are considered princes or princesses. King Objectivity has eleven children and seventeen grandchildren. That makes a total of twenty-eight princes and princesses.
This isn't actually a lot of children when you consider how long the king and his children have been alive. There used to be more, but unseelie politics are even more cutthroat than seelie politics and it isn't uncommon for royals to kill each other in order to rise in the ranks. Actually, seelie used to do that too but not nearly as frequently as the unseelie do it.
The princes, princesses, and non-binary royalty in order of claim to the throne:
Crown Prince Valiance (he/him, winter)
Princess Inquisitive (she/her, autumn)
Prince Despair (he/him, winter)
Princess Apathy (she/her, winter)
Prince Horror (he/him, winter)
Prince Pride (he/him, autumn)
Prince Judgment (he/him, autumn)
Prince Criticism (he/him, autumn)
Princess Indifference (she/he non-binary, winter)
Princess Ambition (she/her, autumn)
Princess Serene (she/her, winter)
Princess Ingenuity (she/her, winter)
Prince Patience (he/she/they genderfluid, winter)
Princess Intelligence (she/her, autumn)
Prince Humility (he/him, autumn)
Princess Responsibility (she/her, winter)
Princess Control (she/her, winter)
Prince Manipulation (he/him, autumn)
Princess Tranquil (they/them, winter)
Prince Cold Heart (he/him, winter)
Prince Stability (he/him, winter)
Princess Wisdom (they/them, winter)
Prince Observant (he/him, autumn)
Prince Realism (he/she/they genderfluid, winter)
Prince Modesty (he/him, autumn)
Prince Cruelty (he/him, autumn)
Princess Grief (she/her, autumn)
Prince Disgust (he/him, autumn)
And here is the family tree I made when planning out the unseelie royal family. Bonus points if you can make sense of it. Don't mind the change in color partway through, my marker ran out of ink.
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The royals are encouraged to produce heirs so that the unseelie royal family can keep up with the seelie royal family power-wise which is quite a feat considering their competing with King Rainbow and his offspring. King Objectivity has become more strict about royals killing each other to try and preserve as much power as they can. The real challenge is finding consorts.
Unseelie - especially winters - have a harder time falling in love than seelie, but most of the royals aren't looking for love. They're looking for someone suited for ruling who they can tolerate long-term and trust to conceive and raise children with. The trust is the hard part in a place like the unseelie faerie hill. Luckily, they have a long time to find someone. And the ruling part doesn't always apply, often times they don't marry their mates but simply offer them a better life in exchange for making and helping to raise the children. Marriage is, after all, a big deal for fae. Forever is a long time when you're immortal.
The princes who made a brief appearance in Fear Transcends Language were Prince Pride and Prince Ambition. Less than ideal royals for Janus and Virgil to run into. The seelie have a very strained and rather spotty peace agreement with the unseelie which, for the most part, the unseelie honor. If Janus and Virgil had been captured by King Objectivity or someone who sticks to his teachings like, say, Grand Prince Valiance, the seelie royal family would have been in a bad position, but Janus would have been significantly less screwed.
Prince Pride and Prince Ambition would have done things their own way instead of handing Janus and Virgil over to their father which would have ended very, very badly for everyone involved. Pride and Ambition are particularly unflattering examples of unseelie.
When it comes to personal information about the princes there's only one prince I've thought about much and that's Grand Prince Valiance. Oh boy, do I have a lot to say about Grand Prince Valiance. More under the cut because this is getting long.
Grand Prince Valiance is old. So old he remembers what things were like before King Thomas unexpectedly came into power and how in doing so he drastically changed the seelie kingdom and the relations between the two kingdoms. In his opinion, things are better this way.
Valiance was not grand prince at the time. He had four older siblings who killed each other for the title of grand prince. Valiance killed his final older sibling as well, though he didn't lower himself to assassination. He went about it honorably, challenging his brother for his title the traditional way: a battle to the death. Valiance stated his brother to be unsuited for the title of grand prince believing his philosophies and ways of doing things to be outdated with no place in this new world. He knew his brother had become a liability who was damaging the kingdom's foreign relations. He removed the problem.
Valiance, like his father, believes that both seelie and unseelie must exist in order to maintain balance. Now, there are still disputes about territories and other incidents where blood is spilled, but there always has been and always will be. The good terms the two kingdoms are on is a new development, one that the king and grand prince wish to maintain.
Valiance ruled as grand prince for centuries before King Thomas announced the creation of his first two children. When he did, King Objectivity summoned all of the princes and princesses for a dinner meeting.
At the meeting the king informed his children and grandchildren that any of King Thomas's children would likely end up even more powerful than their unseelie counterparts, possibly from a young age. Yes, this included even Valiance whom he had told beforehand. These twins would someday be more powerful despite being significantly younger than him. This news was met with great upset.
King Objectivity told the princes and princesses that they had until the end of dinner to have their emotional reactions and discuss this with each other. After dinner, he never wanted to hear a single complaint about any of this again. This was unusually generous of the unseelie king who normally would not tolerate any 'childish' emotional outbursts from his descendants. The king was experiencing a rare spark of empathy, for he, too, did not handle it well when King Thomas - who is far younger than him and previously much lower ranking - became more powerful than him.
Valiance wasn't happy that these kids could overpower him someday, but he pushed those feelings aside and eventually came to terms with them. Besides, they all knew they had plenty of time before the seelie princes grew up. Then, Roman and Remus started getting older and Roman met Remy. After that, all of the seelie princes started aging much faster and suddenly they were out of time.
Even so, Valiance couldn't be too upset. He respected Roman for claiming a human-drider. Being willing to love an unseelie monster hybrid really said a lot about the kid and it said even more about King Thomas who allowed it to happen.
Roman grew up and now Valiance is almost sort-of kind-of friends with him. Almost, because how could a seelie and unseelie prince be friends? What would Valliance's family say? No, not friends. They're on cordial terms. That's all.
Still, when they have parleys it's clear Roman likes Valiance more than other unseelie royalty (excluding the king, because one never makes known that they have anything less than the utmost respect for the king) just by looking at the impromptu meeting areas he creates for them wherever the incidents occur.
For other unseelie royalty, the table is long to put distance between them. Roman's chair is grander than the other's which is just the slightest bit uncomfortable (more noticeable the longer you sit in it). He brings out his twentieth to fiftieth nicest whiskey (nice enough for royalty while still not being the nicest he could provide). Their pens and papers are standard. 
For Grand Prince Valiance everything is of nicer quality. The table is shorter to make for easy conversation. The chairs are equally grand and comfortable to sit in and match each of their color schemes. Roman brings out his fourth to fifteenth finest whisky (his three finest are reserved for friends, family, and very special occassions) the quality of which depends on the situation and how he feels about Valiance in the moment. He provides pens with the tip he knows Valiance likes and more ornate paper. 
Valiance and Fanciful Creativity (Roman) use each other's monikers with no titles when addressing each other directly. They don't try to trap each other with words or the laws of hospitality. They don't play bullshit faerie games where they mess with each other's heads.
(It's a big difference from how Roman treaters Valiance's great niece, Monger, whom he simply can not stand.)
They're not completely forthcoming, though. They still adhere to the laws of hospitality even if they know the other won't try to trap them. They're still, in some ways, enemies at the end of the day and therefore keep a certain amount of distance between them both literally and figuratively.
Roman may never admit that he secretly reserves his fourth and fifth finest whiskeys for people he wants to be friends with.
(note: whiskey is a human drink that Roman is fond of. Remy introduced him to it)
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hey there,
i was wondering how you see characters apperences in the story. we know like their eye colours, and like remus has his black hair and sharp teeth, virgil has black and purple hair but is there anything else you can tell us? im loving the story so far, youre honestly a fantastic writer man, be proud of yourself and what you have created
Hi! Okay, so one thing to know about me is that I am NOT a visual thinker. Like, I have a lot of trouble just imagining images in my head. But! I have facts about my character's appearances that I know for sure. Some of them are I have to look through my notes and search my memory for, but they're there.
Luckily I do have Virgil's and Remy's descriptions already completely fleshed out because I was talking to an artist who wanted to draw them.
Virgil has a lot of lean muscle mostly obscured by his clothes. Very angular face, sharp jawline and sharp cheekbones. Pale white like a human who doesn't get enough sun. Virgil's scars aren't usually visible. They're mostly on his torso front and back but there are some on his limbs too. He also has self-harm scars on both arms. His hair is black.
Virgil likes to wear pants that are tight around his legs and purple shirts under his black and grey checkered hoodie. In the faerie hill and the forest he doesn't wear shoes.
Remy is more a classic twink. Skinny, thin limbs, twig legs, some muscle but not a lot. Like, you can't really see it. Face more rounded than Virgil's. Pale ivory white that could not pass as human skin. Remy has a verticle scar on the right side of his chin and two scars on the left side of his neck that run parallel to each other and go from the point when his neck meets his shoulder around and down to his collarbone. He often wears pink-tinted lipgloss. He has fangs. Not super long or anything, but there. His hair is black with tiny silver dots like stars in the night sky.
Remy likes wearing white silk-like shirts with v-necks under his leather jacket. The jacket has zippers. Don't ask me where the zippers are, I just know that they're there. He favors black skinny jeans though sometimes he wears white or grey ones. He also does not wear shoes in faerieland.
Fae anatomy can be very different. The royal's anatomy is more humanoid than most. They're among the most likely to be able to blend in with humans.
A few differences all fae have in common:
pointed ears
very sharp canines. Not fangs, just sharp. Remus is an exception in that all of his teeth are sharp.
long limbs
unnaturally long fingers
exceptionally beautiful. Who's to say whether that's magic or they're actually that beautiful.
They don't wear shoes unless they're on Earth for some reason. The exception is Janus when it's cold out.
I would also like to note that they are all strong but don't normally build muscle unless they are ridiculously strong (such as knights and other warriors). Otherwise, they have the muscles of an average person. Also note that the royal family doesn't have scars. They've had access to exceptionally powerful healing magic their entire lives. Also, the royals are all tan, with the twins being tanner than the rest and Janus being the tannest.
Janus has light brown hair. His faerie eye is yellow and his naga eye is gold. He has six arms and scales covering the left half of his body. His left hand and foot have black claws that look like longer and sharper nails. He has a long neck, fangs, and six arms. The fangs are noticeably longer than regular fae's sharp canines. Forked tongue and he can unhinge his jaw.
Janus wears his canon outfit in public. In the privacy of the royal quarters, he wears soft yellow sweaters and comfortable, loose clothing.
Roman has chestnut brown hair and red eyes. He is fucking strong and has the muscle to prove it. Nails are always breaking during training but he tries to keep them well-manicured. He's very particular about his hair which is styled the same as in the show.
Roman wears his prince outfit most of the time. Casually he wears a lot of crop tops and comfortable but revealing shirts.
Thomas looks like Thomas. Casually he wears roughly the same things but more fae. I haven't thought at all about what he wears formally.
Remus looks like Roman except all of his teeth are sharp, his cheeks are slightly sunken in, his hair is black with a white strip and styled the other way, he has a mustache, and his eyes are neon green. They're fraternal twins that just happen to look very similar. That includes muscle, Remus is a warrior too.
Remus wears his usual outfit formally. Casually he wears crop tops, booty shorts, anything fishnet, and just the weirdest clothes he can find that are still comfortable. Well, his definition of comfortable.
Logan has black hair and blue eyes. He wears formal fae clothing, though I'm not sure what that would look like. He wears his color and black a lot. No tie. I haven't thought much about him.
Patton has curly, blonde, shoulder-length hair and light-blue eyes. I also haven't thought much about him. He wears his normal outfit but his shirt and pants are made of different materials and his shirt isn't a polo, it's a more fae design.
That's all I can think of right now! If anyone has more specific questions about the characters' looks feel free to ask!
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Hey guys, I had to take a break from answering questions for a bit. I would have given you a heads-up but it just kind of happened. I'm looking at the asks in my inbox now!
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What gives Remy a higher standing in Seelie court, that he's Roman's claimed or that he's Thomas' godson? Or are they of equal value? (I mean, I'm guessing that the claim came first but if it was only one or the other, which would make him more 'important'?)
The claim gives him higher standing. Without it, he'd just be a guy who happens to be the king's godson. Don't get me wrong, being Thomas's godson would definitely have an impact on his life, but he wouldn't be living in the royal quarters and probably wouldn't know the royal family's names. He'd still be royal adjacent but he'd primarily have the status he got from his adoptive parents.
Btw I don't think I've ever mentioned his adoptive parents. I want to in the story but there's just never a convenient place to bring them up. It's Joan, Talyn, and Marco (the name of Joan's beanie).
Joan and Talyn are married and both work as Thomas's royal advisors. Marco is Joan's queer-platonic partner who works as one of the royal servants. Marco lives separately from the others in the royal servants' quarters but was just as involved in raising Remy so they get the title of parent. Marco had the advantage of being able to go into the royal quarters to get Remy or check on him when he was spending time with Roman without having to ask the king for permission and could talk to Remy about things the royal family kept secret that Remy couldn't share with his other parents.
Thomas asked Joan and Talyn to raise Remy after Roman claimed him and Thomas found out he was an orphan. He needed someone he could trust to raise his son's claimed and it had to be someone who would genuinely care about Remy despite him being part drider. They were a good match, even if Remy did grow up to be a bit bitchy and entitled (though that may have been inevitable).
Joan and Talyn asked Thomas to be Remy's godfather and it all worked out.
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So when Thomas had the twins did he pass down his base magic or stolen magic? Why are the twins stronger than most/all their unseelie counterparts? If yes, is magic diluted as it's passed down and can magic just spring up in a previously non-magic bloodline?
So there's fae magic and witch magic. We're talking about witch magic. With any type of magic, there's the magic itself and there's the power of the magic and with witch magic, both of those things can be inherited, but aren't always.
Thomas hasn't just stolen the magic itself from people, but also their power if that makes sense. The magic passed down to his kids is inherited from various ancestors as it can skip generations. The power works the same, however, Thomas manipulated it so that all of his kids would be witches and all of them would inherit his power directly.
Now, the power inherited is just from Thomas but with every magic he stole his own magic became more powerful so at this point even if you take away his stolen magic his own power is still massive. It has been diluted when passed down to his sons. They'll never be as powerful as he is but they are still growing into their magic and will be pretty damn powerful. As far as fae are concerned according to numbers the seelie princes are still very young and it's normal for them not to have reached full power yet.
Magic can absolutely spring up in a non-magic bloodline. The most well-known occurrence is when there's a seventh child of a seventh child. It can also be completely random, though witches in general are uncommon.
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Now I wonder what would happen if King Thomas were to steal the magic of Unseelie royalty? Can he even do that? What would that mean diplomatically? What would happen to the Prince/ss whose magic was stolen?
Oh, he absolutely could do that. Whether or not it would start a war would depend on the circumstances. If he was justified in doing so according to universal fae law King Objectivity would actually be mad at the unseelie royal instead of King Thomas. There wouldn't be much they could do about it, universal fae law is akin to the laws of nature or physics. Even the faerie kings can do nothing about it.
The unseelie royal in question would inevitably be killed by other unseelie royalty, as is the way of the unseelie royal family. They would be too weak to defend themself.
I meant to mention this when answering that first question about unseelie royalty and forgot: There have been unseelie royals who weren't born witches. They were weeded out quickly.
As for what would happen to King Thomas, not much. He'd gain a new magic and a new color (well, new shade of an existing color) would be added to his eyes. That's it.
Witch magic is its own separate thing from fae magic. Thomas can only steal witch magic. The faerie he steals from keeps their fae magic.
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if virgil is technically a nineties kid does this mean he knows how to skateboard?
Absolutely not.
Listen, Virgil is an elite warrior who has perfect balance and knows his center of gravity well. You'd think he'd be able to figure it out. He probably could if he really tried, but isn't it funnier that he can't? i just- my gut reaction is to say 'no' and I'm going with it. I can make the reason either funny or angsty, but either way he just can't do it.
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do any of them play instruments?
The royals and Remy do play a variety of instruments. They've been alive a long time and therefore have had time to learn Mostly they play fae instruments, but there are a few human instruments thrown in there.
I haven't put a lot of thought into which instruments they play except that Logan definitely plays the drums.
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